James Watt
James Watt
Gemälde von John Partridge, 1806
* 19. Januar 1736 in Greenock
† 25. August 1819 in Heathfield Hall
schottischer Ingenieur
das Watt (W), die internationale Maßeinheit für die Leistung, ist nach James Watt benannt
Artikel in der Wikipedia
Bilder und Medien bei Commons
Zitate bei Wikiquote
Datenobjekt bei Wikidata
GND-Nummer 118629484
WP-Personensuche, SeeAlso, Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
DNB: Datensatz, Werke


  • mit Thomas Beddoes: Betrachtungen über den medicinischen Gebrauch künstlicher Luftarten und die Methode, sie in großen Quantitäten zu bereiten. Nach der zweiten Ausgabe übersetzt von Caspar Zollikofer von Altenklingen. Curtsche Buchhandlung, Halle 1796, VD18 11095733, ULB Halle
    [Original:] Considerations on the Medicinal Use, and on the Production of Factitious Airs. 2nd edition. Bristol 1795 Internet Archive
  • Description of a Pneumatic Apparatus, With Directions for Procuring The Factitious Airs. 2nd edition. Birmingham 1795 Internet Archive

Veröffentlichungen in Periodika

  • Annales de chimie
    • Propriétés du la garance de Zélande De la meilleure espèce. Gallica
  • Chemische Annalen
    • Gedanken über die Bestandtheile des Wassers und der dephlogistisirten Luft.
    • Eigenschaften der besten Art des Seeländischen Krapps.
  • Philosophical Transactions


  • Letter to Dr. Brewster from Mr. Watt. In: John Robison: A System of Mechanical Philosophy, II. Edinburgh 1822, S. III–X Google
  • Correspondence of the Late James Watt on his Discovery of the Theory of the Composition of Water. With a letter from his son. Edited by James Patrick Muirhead. London 1846 Internet Archive, e-rara.ch


  • A.D. 1781 … No. 1306. Specification of James Watt. Steam Engines. London 1855 Google
  • A.D. 1782 … No. 1321. Specification of James Watt. Steam Engines. London 1855 Google




  • François Arago: Historical Eloge of James Watt. Translated from the french with notes by James Patrick Muirhead. London / Edinburgh 1839 e-rara.ch
  • Leben James Watt’s. Nebst Auszügen aus dessen Briefwechsel (= Biographien berühmter Erfinder und Entdecker der Neuzeit Band 2). Franckh, Stuttgart 1860 Google, Google, Google
  • Samuel Smiles: Lives of the Engineers. The Steam-Engine. Boulton and Watt. New and revised edition. London 1874 Wisconsin
  • Samuel Smiles: Lives of the Engineers Boulton and Watt. Popular edition. London 1904 California

Wattsche Erfindungen

  • Dionysius Lardner: The Steam Engine Explained and Illustrated; With an Account of its Invention and Progressive Improvement, and its Application to Navigation and Railways; Including also A Memoir of Watt. 7th edition. London 1840 e-rara.ch
  • John Scott Russell: A Threatise on the Steam-Engine. From the 7th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Edinburgh 1841 e-rara.ch
  • Thomas Wicksteed: An Experimental Inquiry Concerning the Relative Power of, and Useful Effect Produced by, the Cornish and Boulton and Watt Pumping Engines, and Cylindrical and Waggon-Head Boilers. London 1841 e-rara.ch
  • Thomas Wicksteed: Explanation of the Plates of the Cornish and Boulton and Watt Engines Erected at the East London Water Works, Old Ford. London 1842 e-rara.ch
  • James Patrick Muirhead: The Origin and Progress of the Mechanical Inventions of James Watt : Illustrated by his correspondence with his friends and the specifications of his patents. 3 volumes. London 1854 HathiTrust

