Die Abstammung des Menschen und die geschlechtliche Zuchtwahl
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Abstammung des Menschen von Charles Darwin
Bearbeiten- Die Abstammung des Menschen und die geschlechtliche Zuchtwahl, Band 1, (3. Auflage), übersetzt von J. Victor Carus (1875)
- Die Abstammung des Menschen und die geschlechtliche Zuchtwahl, Band 2, (3. Auflage), übersetzt von J. Victor Carus (1875)
Über Darwins Abstammung des Menschen
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Proceedings of Zoological Society siehe Biodiversity Heritage Library in Biodiversity Heritage Library
Name, Vorname | Lebensdaten | Herkunftsland | Werke |
Adams, Andrew Leith | 1827-1882 | Schottland | Field and Forest Rambles, (1873); Werke |
Adams, Arthur | 1820-1878 | England | Zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Samarang (1850); Travels of a naturalist in Japan and Manchuria (1870) |
Cary Agassiz, Elisabeth | 1822-1907 | USA | Werke |
Agassiz, Louis | 1807-1873 | Schweiz/USA | Werke |
Allen, Joel Asaph | 1838-1921 | USA | Mammals and Birds of Florida |
Anderson, John | 1833-1900 | Schottland | Description of some new Asiatic mammals and Chelonia; Proceed. Zoolog. Soc. 1872. |
Argyll, Herzog von = siehe Campbell, George Douglas | |||
Audubon, John James | 1785-1851 | USA | Werke |
Azara, Felix | 1746-1821 | Spanien | Werke |
Bachman, John | 1790-1874 | USA | The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America |
Barrago, Francesco | Italien | „Man, made in the image of God, was also made in the image of the ape“ (1869) | |
Barrington, Daines | 1727-1800 | England | Werke |
Barrow, John | 1764-1848 | England | Werke |
Bartels, Ernst Daniel August | 1774-1838 | Deutschland | Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft (1821-22) |
Bates, Henry Walter | 1825-1892 | England | The Naturalist on the Amazons. (1863) |
Bechstein, Johann Matthäus | 1757-1822 | Deutschland | Naturgeschichte der Stubenvögel (1795/1840) |
Beddoe, John | 1826-1911 | England | The Races of Britain |
Bell, Charles | 1774-1842 | Schottland | The hand; its mechanism and vital endowments, as evincing design; Werke |
Bell, Thomas | 1792-1880 | England | Werke |
Belt, Thomas | 1832-1878 | England | The Naturalist in Nicaragua (1874) |
George Bennet | 1804-1893 | England/Australien | Wanderings in New South Wales, Batavia, Pedir Coast, Singapore and China: being the journal of a naturalist in those countries, during 1832, 1833 and 1834 |
Bertillon, Louis-Adolphe | 1821-1883 | Frankreich | Valeur de l'hypotèse du transformisme (1871); Werke |
Bettoni, Eugenio | 1845-1898 | Italien | in: Atti della Società Italiana |
Bianconi, Giovanni Giuseppe | 1809-1878 | Italien | La Theorie Darwinienne et la creation dite independante (1874); Werke |
Bischoff, Theodor von | 1807-1882 | Deutschland | Die Großhirnwindungen des Menschen (1868) |
Blake, Charles Carter | England | on a jaw from La Naulette (1867) | |
Blasius, Johann Heinrich | 1809-1870 | Deutschland | Naturgeschichte der Säugethiere Deutschlands (1857) |
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich | 1752-1840 | Deutschland | Treatises on Anthropology (1865); Werke |
Blyth, Edward | 1810-1873 | England | The Magazine of Natural History (1835-1837) |
Boardman, George Augustus | 1818-1901 | USA | Catalogue of the birds found in the vicinity of Calais, Maine, and about the islands at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy (1862) |
Boitard, Pierre | 1789-1859 | Frankreich | Paris avant les hommes (1861); Les pigeons de volière et de colombier (1824) |
Bonaparte, Charles Lucien | 1803-1857 | Italien | |
Bond Frederick | 1811-1889 | England | „The Entomologist“ |
Boner, Charles | 1815-1870 | England | Chamois Hunting in the Mountains of Bavaria (1853) |
Bory de Saint-Vincent, Jean Baptiste | 1780-1846 | Frankreich | Werke |
Bradley, Samuel Messenger | 1841-1880 | England | Manual of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology (1869) |
Brakenridge, David J. | Schottland | Theory of Diathesis, in: Medical Times (1869) | |
Brehm, Alfred | 1829-1884 | Deutschland | Werke |
Brent, Bernard Peirce | 1822-1867 | England | |
Broca, Pierre Paul | 1824-1880 | Frankreich | La Constitution des Vertèbres caudales (1872); Les Sélections, Revue d'Anthropologie, (1873) |
Brown, Robert | 1842-1895 | Schottland | On the Seals of Greenland |
Brünnich, Morten Thrane | 1737-1827 | Dänemark | Werke |
Buchholz, Reinhold | 1837-1876 | Deutschland | Reisen in West-Afrika |
Büchner, Ludwig | 1824-1899 | Deutschland | Die Darwinsche Theorie von der Verwandlung der Arten und die erste Entstehung der Organismenwelt. (1868); Werke |
Buckland, Francis Trevelyan bzw. Frank | 1826-1880 | England | Land and Water; Curiosities of Natural History (1857-72) |
Buller, Walter | 1838-1906 | Neuseeland | A History of the Birds of New Zealand (1872-1873) |
Busk, George | 1807-1886 | England | On the Caves of Gibraltar (1869) |
Buxton, Charles | 1823-1871 | England | Acclimatization of Parrots (in: Annals and Magazine of Natural History for 1868) |
Campbell, George Douglas | 1823-1900 | GB | Werke; Primeval Man: An Examination of some Recent Speculations (1869); The Reign of Law (1867) |
Canestrini, Giovanni | 1835-1900 | Italien | Origine dell’uomo. (1866) |
Canfield, Colbert Austin | 1829-1872/3 | USA | Beitrag in „Proceed Zool. Soc.“ (1866) |
Carbonnier, Pierre | 1829-1883 | Frankreich | Guide pratique du pisciculteur (1864) |
Caton, John Dean | 1812-1895 | USA | The Antelope and Deer of America (1877) |
Champneys, Francis Henry | 1848-1930 | England | The Muscles and Nerves of a Chimpanzee (1871) |
Chapuis, Félicien | 1824-1879 | Belgien | Le Pigeon Voyageur Belge (1865); Werke |
Claparède, René-Edouard | 1832-1871 | Schweiz | Werke |
Clark, John Willis | 1833-1910 | England | On the Skeleton of a Narwhal (in Proceed. Zoolog. Society 1871) |
Cranz, David | 1723-1777 | Deutschland | Historie von Grönland (1767) |
Crotch, George Robert | 1841-1874 | England | Checklist of the Coleoptera of America |
Crotch, William Duppa | 1832-1903 | England | „The Norwegian Lemming and its Migrations,” in Popular Science Monthly (1877) |
Cuvier, Georges | 1769-1832 | Frankreich | Werke |
Dally, Eugène | 1833-1887 | Frankreich | L’ordre des primates et le transformisme (1868) |
Davis, Joseph Barnard | 1801-1881 | Schottland | On Synostotic Crania among Aboriginal Races of Man; The Osteology of the Tasmanians |
De Lorenzi, Giovanni | 1829-1874 | Italien | Tre nuovi casi d’anomalia dell’ osso malare, Torino, (1872) |
Denison, William | 1804-1871 | England | Varieties of Vice-Regal Life, Vol. I. (1870) |
Desmarest, Anselm Gaëtan | 1784-1838 | Frankreich | Histoire naturelle des tangaras, de manakins et des todiers (1805-1807); Mammalogie ou description des espèces des Mammifères (1820) |
Dixon, Edmund Saul (Pseudonym Eugene Sebastian Delamer | 1809-1893 | England | Ornamental poultry (1848) |
Dujardin, Félix | 1801-1860 | Frankreich | Werke |
Durand, Joseph-Pierre | 1826-1900 | Frankreich | De l'Influence des Milieus (1868) |
Dureau de la Malle, Adolphe | 1777-1857 | Frankreich | |
Ecker, Alexander | 1816-1887 | Deutschland | Icones physiologicae (1851-1859) |
Elphinstone, Mountstuart | 1779-1859 | Schottland | History of India (1841) |
Eschricht, Daniel Friedrich | 1798-1863 | Dänemark | Die Nordischen Wallthiere (1849); Ueber die Richtung der Haare am menschlichen Körper (1837) |
Farre, Arthur | 1822-1911 | England | Werke |
Ferguson, George | England | Ferguson's illustrated series of rare and prize poultry description (1854) | |
Forbes, David | 1777?-1849 | Isle of Man | Aymara Indians of Bolivia and Peru (in: The Journal of the Ethnological Society of London, 1870) |
Forel, Auguste | 1848-1931 | Schweiz | Beiträge im Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles |
Fox, (William) Darwin | 1805-1880 | Isle of Wight | |
Galton, Francis | 1811-1887 | England | Werke, Herditary Genius (1869) |
Gegenbaur, Carl | 1826-1903 | Deutschland | Werke |
Gervais, Paul | 1816-1879 | Frankreich | Werke; Histoire naturelle des Mammifères (1853) |
Giraud-Teulon, Alexis | 1839-1916 | Schweiz | Revue des Cours scientifiques (1870) |
Godron, Dominique Alexandre | 1807-1880 | Frankreich | De l'espèce. (1859) |
Gould, Benjamin Apthorp | 1824-1896 | USA | Investigations in Military and Anthropological Statistics of American Soldiers, (1869); Sanitary Memoire of the War of the Rebellion, (1869) |
Gould, John | 1804-1881 | England | Werke; The Birds of Europe; Introduction to the Trochilidae. (1861) |
Graba, Carl Julian von | 1799-1874 | Dänemark | Tagebuch einer Reise nach Färö (1830) |
Gray, John Edward | 1800-1875 | England | |
Green, Ashdown Henry | 1840-1927 | England/Kanada | On the natural history and hunting of the beaver |
Gruber, Wenzel | 1814-1890 | Böhmen | Bulletin de l'Acad. Imp. de St. Pétersbg. (1867) |
Günther, Albert | 1830-1914 | Deutschland/England | Werke |
Häckel, Ernst | 1834-1919 | Deutschland | Werke; Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte; Generelle Morphologie |
Harcourt, Edward Vernon | 1825-1891 | England | in „Ibis“ (1863) |
Hartshorne, Henry | 1823-1897 | USA | Influence of locality upon the colours of birds and animals. (in American Naturalist 1873) |
Haughton, Samuel | 1821-1879 | Irland | |
Helmholtz, Hermann von | 1821-1894 | Deutschland | Werke |
Hepburn, James | 1811-1869 | England | |
Heron, Robert (Sir) | 1765-1854 | England | |
Hewitt, Edward | England | (wohnhaft 1854-1868 in Eden Cottage, Sparkbrook, Birmingham) | |
Hoffberg, Carl Fredrik | 1729-1790 | Schweden | Beitrag in „Amoenitates academicae“ (1788) |
Hoffmann, Hermann | 1819-1891 | Deutschland | |
Horne, Charles | Proceed. Zoolog. Soc. 1869 (Fellow of Zoological Society, London) | ||
Houzeau, Jean Charles | 1820-1888 | Belgien | Études sur les Facultés Mentales etc. (1872) |
Humphreys, Henry Noel | 1810-1879 | England | Werke |
Hunter, William Wilson | 1840-1900 | Schottland | The Annals of Rural Bengal (1868) |
Hussey, Arthur | 1794-1862 | England | Beiträge in "The Zoologist" 1847 |
Huxley, Thomas Henry | 1825-1895 | England | Evidence as to Man’s Place in Nature(1863) |
Jäger, Georg Friedrich von | 1785-1866 | Deutschland | Osteologische Bemerkungen (1857); Über das Längenwachsthum der Knochen |
Jäger, Gustav | 1832-1917 | Deutschland | Die Darwinsche Theorie und ihre Stellung zu Moral und Religion“ (1869) |
Jarrold, Thomas | 1770-1853 | Anthropologia (1808) | |
Jenner, William (Sir) | 1815-1898 | England | |
Jenyns, Leonard | 1800-1893 | England | Werke; Observations in natural history (1846) |
Jerdon, Thomas Caverhill | 1811-1872 | England | Werke |
Jevons, William Stanley | 1835-1882 | England | A deduction from Darwin’s Theory.(Nature, 1869) |
Kingsley, Charles | 1819-1875 | England | |
Knox, Robert | 1791-1862 | Schottland | Great Artists and Anatomists |
Lafreynaye, Frédéric de | 1783-1861 | Frankreich | |
Lamont, James | 1828-1913 | Schottland | Yachting in the Arctic seas; Seasons with the sea-horses (1861) |
Lartet, Edouard Armand | 1801-1871 | Frankreich | Werke |
Latham, Robert Gordon | 1812-1888 | England | Man and his migrations. (1851) |
Lawrence, William | 1783-1867 | England | Lectures on Physiology (1822) |
Layard, Edgar Leopold | 1824-1900 | England | |
Laycock, Thomas | 1812-1876 | England | On a general law of vital periodicity. British Associat. (1842); Journal of Mental Science, (July 1863) |
Lindsay, William Lauder | 1829-1880 | Journal of Mental Science (July, 1871); The Moral Sense in the Lower Animals (1880); Edinburgh Veterinary Review, (July, 1858). | |
Leuckart, Rudolf | 1822-1898 | Deutschland | Werke |
Lichtenstein, Anton August Heinrich | 1753-1816 | Deutschland | Catalogus Rerum Naturalium Rarissimarum (1793) |
Lord Lilford = siehe Thomas Lyttleton Powys | |||
Livingstone, David | 1813-1873 | Schottland | Werke; Expedition to the Zambesi (1865) |
Lloyd, Llewelyn | 1792-1876 | England | Scandinavian Adventures (1854);The Game-birds and Wildfowl of Sweden and Norway (1867) |
Loudon, John Claudius | 1783-1843 | Schottland | Magazine of Natural History (ab 1828); andere Werke |
Lowne, Benjamin Thompson | 1839- | Anatomy and Physiology of the Musca vomitoria. (1870); The Philosophy of Evolution (1873) | |
Lubbock, John | 1834-1913 | England | Werke; Prehistoric times (1865) |
Lucas, Prosper | 1805-1885 | Frankreich | Traité de l'Hérédité naturelle. (1850) |
Lyell, Charles | 1797-1875 | England | The geological evidences of the antiquity of man (London 1863) |
MacAlister, Alexander | 1844-1919 | Irland | Text-book of Human Anatomy (1889); Introduction to Animal Morphology (1876); Morphology of Vertebrate Animals (1878) |
Macculloch, John | 1773-1835 | Schottland | |
MacGillivray, William | 1796-1852 | Schottland | Werke |
Malherbe, Alfred | 1804-1865 | Frankreich | Monographie des Picidees (1861) |
Malthus, Thomas Robert | 1766-1834 | England | Essay on the Principle of Population (1798) |
Marshall, William Adolf Ludwig | 1845-1907 | Deutschland | Über die knöchernen Schädelhöcker der Vögel |
Martins, Charles | 1806-1889 | Frankreich | De l'Unité organique dans les Animaux et les Végétaux (1862) |
Maudsley | 1835-1918 | England | The Physiology and Pathology of Mind (1867); Body and Mind (1870); weitere Werke |
Mayers, William Frederick | 1831-1878 | England | Chinese Notes and Queries (1868) |
Maynard Charles Johnson | 1845-1929 | USA | |
McLennan, John Ferguson | 1827-1881 | Schottland | Primitive Marriage (1865) |
McClelland, John | 1805-1875 | Schottland | Indian Cyprinidae (1839) |
Meckel, Johann Friedrich d.J. | 1781-1833 | Deutschland | Werke |
Meigs, James Aitken | 1829-1879 | USA | Catalogue of human crania; Proceed. Acad. Natur. Sc. Philadelphia. (May 1866) |
Meyer, Ludwig | 1827-1900 | Deutschland | Über das Darwinsche Spitzohr (1871) |
Mitford, William | 1744-1827 | England | Historian of ancient Greece |
Mivart, St. George | 1804-1892 | England | Werke |
Morselli, Enrico | 1852-1929 | Italien | Sopra una rara anomalia dell’ osso malare. (1872) |
Müller Fritz | 1822-1897 | Deutschland/Brasilien | Für Darwin (1864) |
Müller, Johannes Peter | 1801-1858 | Deutschland | Handbuch der Physiologie (1833-1840) |
Murie, James | 1832-1925 | Schottland | |
Murray, Andrew | 1812-1878 | Schottland | Werke; The Journal Of Travel And Natural History (1868) |
Musters, George Chaworth | 1841-1879 | England | At home with the Patagonians (1871) |
Newton, Alfred | 1829-1907 | England | |
Ogle, John William | 1824-1905 | England | Medico-chirurgical Transactions, London, Vol. LIII, (1870) |
Owen, Richard | 1804-1892 | England | Werke |
Paget, James | 1814-1899 | England | Lectures on Surgical Pathology. (1853) |
Peel, Jonathan | 1806-1885 | England | Briefe an Darwin bezüglich Lonk-Schafen |
Pennant, Thomas | 1726-1798 | Wales | Werke |
Playfair, Robert Lambert | 1828-1899 | England | The Fishes of Zanzibar |
Pollen, François | 1842-1886 | Niederlande | Werke |
Pouchet, Georges | 1827-1900 | England | Werke |
Powys, Thomas Lyttleton | 1833-1896 | England | Notes on the Birds of Northamptonshire and Neighbourhood; Coloured Figures of the Birds of the British Islands |
Preyer, William Thierry | 1841-1897 | England | Kampf ums Dasein (1869); weitere Werke |
Prichard, James Cowles | 1786-1848 | England | Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. (1847) |
Quain, Richard | 1800-1887 | England | Werke; The Anatomy of the Arteries of the Human Body (1844) |
Quatrefages, Jean Louis Armand | 1810-1892 | Frankreich | Quatrefages, Jean Louis Armand#Schriften (Auswahl)|Werke |
Ramsey, Andrew Crombie | 1814-1891 | Schottland | The IBIS 1867 p. 456 |
Reeks, Henry | 1838-1882 | England | |
Rengger, Johann Rudolf | 1795-1832 | Schweiz | Werke; Naturgeschichte der Säugethiere von Paraguay, (Basel, 1830) |
Richard, (Félix) Adolphe | 1822-1872 | Frankreich | Essai sur l'anatomie philosophique et l'interpretation de quelques anomalies musculaires du membre thoracique dans l'espèce humaine (1852) |
Richardson, John | 1787-1865 | Schottland | Werke |
Riedel, Wilhelm | Deutschland | Die Taubenzucht (1824) | |
Rohlfs, Gerhard | 1831-1896 | Deutschland | Land und Volk in Afrika, Berichte aus den Jahren 1865-1870 |
Rolle, Friedrich | 1827-1887 | Deutschland | Darwin's Lehre von der Entstehung der Arten im Pflanzen- und Thierreich in ihrer Anwendung auf die Schöpfungsgeschichte (1863); der Mensch im Lichte der Darwinschen Theorie. (Frankfurt 1865). |
Roujou, Anatole | 1841-1904 | Frankreich | Du type primitif des mammifères (1870) |
Rudolphi, Karl Asmund | 1771-1832 | Deutschland | Werke |
Rütimeyer, Ludwig | 1825-1895 | Schweiz | Die Grenzen der Thierwelt, eine Betrachtung zu Darwin's Lehre. (1868). |
Saint Hilaire, Geoffroy | 1772-1844 | Frankreich | Histoire naturelle des mammifères |
St. John, Charles William George | 1809-1856 | England | A Tour in Sutherlandshire (1849) |
Salvin, Osbert | 1835-1898 | England | |
Saville-Kent, William | 1845-1908 | England | Werke |
Saviotti, Giovanni | -1872 | Italien | Tre nuovi casi d'anomalia dell' osso malare (1872) |
Schaafhausen, Hermann | 1816-1893 | Deutschland | Werke; Über die Urform des menschlichen Schädels. (Bonn 1869) |
Schomburgk, Robert Hermann | 1804-1865 | Deutschland | Werke |
Sclater, Philip Lutley | 1829-1913 | England | |
Scrope, William | 1772-1852 | Days and Nights of Salmon-fishing in the Tweed (1843) | |
Sedgwick William | England | On sexual limitation in hereditary disease | |
Sharpe, Richard Bowdler | 1847-1909 | England | Werke; Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum (1874-1898) |
Smith, Andrew | 1797-1872 | Schottland | Illustrations of the zoology of South Africa |
Spencer, Herbert | 1820-1903 | England | Principles of Biology (1864–67) |
Steenstrup Japetus | 1813-1897 | Dänemark | Flora Danica |
Stoliczka, Ferdinand | 1838-1874 | Mähren | Ornithological observations in the Sutlej valley |
Struthers, John | 1823-1899 | Schottland | „Lancet“, Febr. 15., 1873 |
Swinhoe, Robert | 1836-1877 | Großbritannien | |
Tait, Lawson | 1845-1899 | Schottland | Law of Natural Selection, in: Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science. (Febr. 1869) |
Tegetmeier, William Bernhard | 1816-1912 | England | The Poultry Book (1866) |
Temminck, Coenraad Jacob | 1778-1858 | Niederlande | Werke |
Thompson, James Henry | ? | ? | Proceedings of Zoological Society, (1867) |
Thompson, William | 1823-1903 | England | English Flower Garden |
Thompson, William | 1805-1852 | Irland | Werke |
Thomson, Allen | 1809-1884 | Schottland | Co-Autor bei Quain's elements of anatomy (1867) |
Thomson, Charles Wyville | 1830-1882 | Schottland | The depths of the sea: an account of the general results of the dredging cruises of H.M.SS. 'Porcupine' and 'Lightning' during the summers of 1868, 1869, and 1870 |
Toynbee, Joseph | 1815-1866 | England | The Diseases of the Ear, (London, 1860) |
Trimen, Roland | 1840-1916 | England | South African Butterflies (1887–89) |
Tristram, Henry Baker | 1822-1906 | England | Werke; The Great Sahara. (1860) |
Turner, William | 1832-1916 | England | |
Vogt, Carl | 1817-1895 | Deutschland/Schweiz | Werke; Vorlesungen über den Menschen.; Mémoire sur les Microcéphales. (1867) |
Vulpian, Alfred | 1826-1887 | Frankreich | Werke; Leçons sur la physiologie générale (1866) |
Wagner, Rudolf | 1805-1864 | Deutschland | Werke |
Walker, Alexander | 1779-1852 | Schottland | Intermarriage (1838) |
Wallace Alfred Russel | 1823-1913 | England | Werke; Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection. (London, 1870); On the Origin of Human Races deduced from the theory of Natural Selection, (Anthropological Review, May, 1864) |
Warington, Robert | 1807-1867 | England | |
Waterton, Charles | 1782-1865 | England | Wanderings in South America, the North-West of the United States, and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820 and 1824: with original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds, &c. for Cabinets of Natural History (1825); Essays on natural history, chiefly ornithology: With an autobiography of the author, and a view of Walton Hall (1838) |
Webb, Francis Cornelius | 1826-1873 | England | Teeth in Man and the Anthropoid Apes |
Wedderburn, David | 1835-1882 | Schottland | |
Weir, Harrison | 1824-1906 | England | |
Weir, John Jenner | 1822-1894 | England | |
White, Gilbert | 1720-1793 | England | The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne (1789) |
Wolff, Julius | 1836-1902 | Deutschland | Werke |
Wood, John | 1825-1891 | England | Variations in Human Myology oberserved during the Winter Session of 1867-68 at King's College, London |
Wood, Thomas W. | England | The Student, April 1870, p. 125 | |
Wright, Charles Augustus | 1834-1907 | England | |
Wright, Chauncey | 1830-1875 | USA | Limits of Natural Selection; in: North American Review, (Oct. 1870) |
Wyman, Jeffries | 1814-1874 | USA | Limits of Natural Selection; in: North American Review, (Oct. 1870); Observations on Crania. Boston (1868) |
Yarrell, William | 1778-1856 | England | The History of British Fishes (1836); The History of British Birds (1843) |
Zouteveen, Hermanus Hartogh Heijs van | 1841-1891 | Niederlande |