Zeitschriften (Kunst)/fremdsprachige

  • Demorest’s Monthly Magazine
    • 1865 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mme. Demorest's Mirror of Fashions (half title Demorest's Monthly Magazine)
    • 1866-77 Demorest's Monthly Magazine and Mme. Demorest’s Mirror of Fashions
    • 1878-80 Demorest’s Monthly Magazine,
    • 1889-99 Demorest's Family Magazine,
    • 1865 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mme. Demorest's Mirror of Fashions
    • 1866 Google (1866,2 + 1869,2+3 + 1870,9)
    • 1867 Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mme. Demorest's Mirror of Fashions
    • 1868 Minnesota
    • 6.1869 Google (1866,2 + 1869,2+3 + 1870,9), Google, Minnesota Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mme. Demorest's Mirror of Fashions
    • 7.1870 Google (1866,2 + 1869,2+3 + 1870,9), Minnesota = Google
    • 8.1871 Google Demorest's Illustrated Monthly and Mme. Demorest's Mirror of Fashions
    • 1872 not published?
    • 9.1873
    • [10.]1874 Demorest's Monthly Magazine Minnesota = Google (10+11)
    • [11.]1875 Minnesota = Google (10+11)
    • 12.1876
    • 13.1877 Illinois registered to be requested from U Illinois as Rare Books items become available
    • 14.1878 Google (Texas), Google (Stanford) Demorest’s Monthly Magazine
    • 15.1879 Google (Stanford)
    • 16.1880 Google (Stanford) (16+18+22) Illinois registered to be requested from U Illinois as Rare Books items become available
    • 17.1881,Jan-Oct Illinois registered to be requested from U Illinois as Rare Books items become available
    • from 18 each vol is Nov - Oct next year
    • 18.1881/82 Google (Stanford) (16+18+22), Google
    • 19.1882/83 Google
    • 20.1883/84 Google
    • 21.1884/85 Chicago, Google
    • 22.1885/86 Google (nos 2-11), Google (Stanford) (16+18+22) Illinois registered to be requested from U Illinois as Rare Books items become available
    • 23.1886/87 Illinois registered to be requested from U Illinois as Rare Books items become available
    • 24.1887/88 Google
    • 25.1888/89 Google
    • 28.1889/90 Illinois registered to be requested from U Illinois as Rare Books items become available
    • 27.1890/91 Minnesota
    • 28.1891/92 Minnesota
    • 29.1892/93 Illinois registered to be requested from U Illinois as Rare Books items become available
    • 30.1893/94 Illinois registered to be requested from U Illinois as Rare Books items become available
    • 31.1894/95 Chicago = Google
    • 32.1896/97 Demorest's Family Magazine Harvard = Google (1896, no 8 = June - 1897:Apr = 1896/97, p. 426-722, 1897/98 p. 1-380) Illinois registered to be requested from U Illinois as Rare Books items become available
      • June 1896 = 32, no. 8 (no. );
    • 33.1896/97 Harvard = Google (1896:June-1897:Apr = 1896/97, p. 426-722, 1897/98 p. 1-380) Illinois registered to be requested from U Illinois as Rare Books items become available
      • Nov 1896 = 33, no. 1 (No. 401)=p. 1, Dec 1896 = 33, no. 2 (No. 402)=p. 65, Jan 1897 = 33, no. 3 (No. 403)=p. 125, Feb 1897 = 33, no. 4 (No. 404)=p. 185, March 1897 = 33, no. 5 (No. 405)=pp. 245, April 1897 = 33, no. 6 (No. 406)
    • 34.1897/98 Demorest's Family Magazine Google = Internet Archive (34.1897/98, 1 (Dec 1897) + 8 (Jul 1898) = 1-31+217-246 & 35.1898/99, 3 (Feb))
    • 35.1898/99 Demorest's Family Magazine Google = Internet Archive (34.1897/98, 1+8 & 35.1898/99, 3 (Feb 1899) = 63-92)
    • 36.1899 last issue Dec 1899
  • Godey's lady's book


  • The ladies' museum ↗ZDB, [3.Ser.] London : James Robins [1=29.]1829 - [2=30.]1829; [4.Ser.] [1=31.]1830 - [2=32.]1830; new improved ser. London : Simpkin and Marshall 1.1831 - 3.1832; damit Ersch. eingest.

  • /The new monthly assemblée, London : Bell [u.a.] 4.Ser. 2.1835 - 33.1850 nachgewiesen
    • nach Bodleian Library: [1834]-1870 | London : Printed by Joseph Rogerson
    • continues La Belle assemblée, or Bell's court and fashionable magazine
    • from July 1852-Dec. 1870 the volumes are identical with those of: Ladies' cabinet of fashion, music and romance and: Ladies' companion and monthly magazine, for the same dates;
    • from Jan. 1857-Dec. 1870 the volumes are identical with those of: The illustrated magazine, for the same dates.

  • Teatral'nyj, muzykal'nyj i chudožestvennyj žurnal Artist ↗ZDB, Moskva : Kušnerev 1.1889 - 32.1893 = [G. 1].1889 - 5.1893 Forts. →
    • Артист.
    • herausgegeben von Fedor Aleksandrovič Kumanin Фёдор Александрович Куманин
    • gedruckt bei I. N. Kušnerev
    • hatte zwei verschiedene Untertitel
    • 1889-1893 Teatral'nyj, muzykal'nyj i chudožestvennyj žurnal - Театральный, музыкальный и художественный журнал
    • 1894-1895 Žurnal izjaščnych iskusstv i literatury - Журнал изящных искусств и литературы
    • [Г.1] 1889/1890, Кн. 1(сент.)-4(1889), 5-6(1890), 7(апр.)(1890) с Указ. Russische Nationalbibliothek
    • Г.2 1890/1891, № 8-10, 11(Кн.4)(1890), 12-13(1891), 14(апр.)(1891) Russische Nationalbibliothek
    • Г.3 1891, № 15(сент.)-18 Russische Nationalbibliothek
      • содержит Оглавление первых четырнадцати книжек журнала "Артист"
    • Г.4 1892, № 19(Кн.1)-20(Кн.2), 22(Кн.9)-25(Кн.12), 21(Кн.3) Russische Nationalbibliothek
      • содержит Оглавление книжек 3-го сезона (№№15-21) журнала "Артист"
      • №19(Кн.1), №20(Кн.2), №21(Кн.3): Третья нумерация: Сезон 3 кн.5-7
    • Г.5 1893, № 26(Кн.1)-31, 32(Кн.12) Russische Nationalbibliothek


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