Seite:Hartwig Uebersetzung Maerchen Grimm.djvu/6

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No. 186 Grimm. German Popular Stories with introduction by J. Ruskin, Large Paper, half roxburghe; J. C. Hotten, n. d.

No. 187 Grimm. German Popular Stories, Proof Etchings comprising a complete set on india paper, illustrating vol. I, together with duplicates of 9 of the etchings in early states including the vignette title before letters, being the only plate, in this state, known – Also a set of proofs on india paper in early states of the 10 etchings illustrating vol. II. The plates attached to hinged sunk mounts and handsomely bound in green morocco super extra, g. e. by Riviere. 1823–26.

The early states were from the artist’s own collection and are unique. Mr. Ruskin, writing of these etchings, says – „They are unrivalled in masterfulness of touch since Rembrandt – in some qualities of delincation unrivalled even by him“.

No. 188 Grimm. Vieux Contes pour l’Amusement des Grands et des Petits Enfans, ornés de 12 gravures comiques, half bound. Paris, A. Boulland, 1830.

This is „the impudent little Volume“ referred to by Hotten in the preface to his re-issue of Grimm and contains the copies by Tardieu (issued as his own production) of G. C’s. illustrations to the first series.“

Daß ich in diesem Zusammenhange den Brief Walter Scotts an Sir Edgar Taylor, von dem bisher nur einige Sätze veröffentlicht waren[1], und die Briefe G. Beneckes an denselben mitveröffentliche, wird man hoffentlich nicht überflüssig finden.

Das Original des Briefes von Walter Scott war schon zum Teil unleserlich geworden, so daß selbst die Besitzerin nicht alle Worte mehr entziffern konnte. Ich muß deshalb für die Lesung an einigen wenigen Stellen um Nachsicht bitten. – –

M. M. Grimm.     


Not knowing the precise addreß of either of you I trust the accompanying packet to a friendly band hoping it may reach you in safety.

It contains a copy of a little work consisting of translations (made by my friend Mr. Jardine lately a student at Gottingen and myself) from your volumes of Kinder und Hausmärchen, and we beg your acceptance of it as a small tribute of gratitude for the information and amusement afforded us by your entertaining work as well as by your other valuable productions.

In compiling our little volume we had the amusement of some

  1. „Einige Zeilen“ von ihm hat Edgar Taylor in seinem 1839 in London erschienenen: Gammer Grethel from Grimm and others, translated by Taylor abdrucken lassen. In den 1893 erschienenen Familiar-letters von Walter Scott befindet sich der Brief nicht. Beides nach freundlichen Mitteilungen von Herrn Arthur S. Hunt.