James Clerk Maxwell
Bearbeitenin deutscher Übersetzung
Bearbeiten- Theorie der Wärme. Nach der vierten Auflage des Originals in’s Deutsche übertragen von Dr. F. Auerbach. Breslau: Maruschke & Berendt, 1877 MDZ München, MDZ München
- Theorie der Wärme. Autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe. Übersetzt nach der vierten Auflage des Originals von Dr. F. Neesen. Braunschweig: Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, 1878 ThULB Jena
- Substanz und Bewegung. Ins Deutsche übersetzt von Dr. Ernst v. Fleischl. Braunschweig: Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, 1879 SB Berlin; (2. Abdruck) 1881 DMGLIB, University of Chicago
- Die Elektrizität in elementarer Behandlung. Herausgegeben von William Garnett. Ins Deutsche übertragen von Dr. L. Graetz. Braunschweig: Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, 1883 [fehlt Hilf mit!]
- Lehrbuch der Electricität und des Magnetismus. Autorisirte deutsche Uebersetzung von Dr. B. Weinstein. 2 Bände. Berlin: Julius Springer, 1883 ULB Innsbruck
- 1. Band ThULB Jena, Harvard-USA* = Internet Archive
- 2. Band ThULB Jena, Harvard-USA* = Internet Archive
- Ueber Faraday’s Kraftlinien (= Ostwalds Klassiker, 69). Herausgegeben von L. Boltzmann. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann, 1895
- Ueber physikalische Kraftlinien (= Ostwalds Klassiker, 102). Herausgegeben von Ludwig Boltzmann. 1898
- → On Physical Lines of Force (Scientific Papers I)
Bearbeiten- On the Stability of the Motion of Saturn’s Rings. Cambridge: Macmillan and Co., 1859 Internet Archive, Internet Archive
- Theory of Heat. 1871
- New York: Appleton and Co., 1872 Internet Archive,
- 2nd edition. London: Longmans, Greenn and Co., 1872 Google
- 4th editon. London 1876
- 5th edition. London 1877 Google
- 10th edition. With corrections and additions by Lord Rayleigh. London 1891 Internet Archive; 1899 Internet Archive; 1902 Internet Archive, Internet Archive; 1904 Internet Archive
- A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1873
- 1. Band Internet Archive, Internet Archive, Internet Archive, Internet Archive
- 2. Band Internet Archive, Internet Archive, Internet Archive
- 2nd edition. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1881
- 1. Band Internet Archive, Internet Archive, Internet Archive
- 2. Band Internet Archive, Internet Archive, Internet Archive
- 3rd edition. Oxford 1892
- 1. Band Internet Archive
- 2. Band Internet Archive
- 3rd edition [altered]. New York: Dover Publications, 1954
- 1. Band Internet Archive
- 2. Band Internet Archive
- Matter and Motion. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1876 New York
- Reprinted from Van Nostrand’s Magazine, New York 1878 Google
- London 1894 Internet Archive
- Reprinted with notes and appendices by Joseph Larmor. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1920 Internet Archive, Internet Archive, Internet Archive
- An Elementary Treatise on Electricity. Edited by William Garnett. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1881 Internet Archive, Internet Archive, Internet Archive
- 2nd edition. Oxford 1888 Internet Archive, Internet Archive
- The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell. Edited by W. D. Niven. Cambridge: University Press, 1890
- 1. Band MPIWG, Biodiversity Heritage Library = Internet Archive, Internet Archive; (Reprint) New York 1965 Internet Archive
- 2. Band MPIWG, Biodiversity Heritage Library = Internet Archive
Veröffentlichungen in Periodika
BearbeitenThe Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal
- On a particular case of the descent of a heavy body in a resisting medium. In: Bd. 9 (1854), S. 145 GDZ Göttingen
Journal of the Chemical Society
- On the Dynamical Evidence of the Molecular Constitution of Bodies. In: Bd. 28 (1876), S. 493
Journal of the Society of Telegraph Engineers
- Lightning Conductors. In: Bd. 4 (1875), S. 429 Illinois
- On Loschmidt’s Experiments on Diffusion in relation to the Kinetic Theory of Gases. In: Bd. 8 (1873), S. 298 MDZ München
- Theory of Electrical Induction. In: Bd. 14 (1876), S. 27 MDZ München
- On Stresses in Rarefied Gases arising from Inequalities of Temperature. In: Bd. 18 (1875), S. 54 MDZ München
- The Rede Lecture (The Telephone). In: Bd. 18 (1875), S. 159 MDZ München
Notices of the Proceedings at the Meetings of the Members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain
- On Colour Vision. In: Bd. 6 (1872), S. 260 Michigan
- On Action at a Distance. In: Bd. 7 (1875), S. 44 Michigan
Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science
- Account of Experiments on the Perception of Colour. In: Ser. 4, Bd. 14 (1857), S. 40 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Illustrations of the Dynamical Theory of Gases.
- Part I. On the Motion and Collisions of Perfectly Elastic Spheres. In: Bd. 19 (1860), S. 19 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Part II. On the Process of Diffusion of two or more kinds of moving particles among one another. In: Bd. 20 (1860), S. 21 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Part III. On the Collision of Perfectly Elastic Bodies of any Form. In: Bd. 20 (1860), S. 33 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On Physical Lines of Force.
- Part I. The Theory of Molecular Vortices applied to Magnetic Phenomena. In: Bd. 21 (1861), S. 161 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Part II. The Theory of Molecular Vortices applied to Electric Currents. In: Bd. 21 (1861), S. 338 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Part III. The Theory of Molecular Vortices applied to Statical Electricity. In: Bd. 23 (1862), S. 12 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On Reciprocal Figures and Diagrams of Forces. In: Bd. 27 (1864), S. 250 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Calculation of the Equilibrium and Stiffness of Frames. In: Bd. 27 (1864), S. 294 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- (mit Fleeming Jenkin) On the Elementary Relations between Electrical Measurements. In: Bd. 29 (1865), S. 436 Biodiversity Heritage Library; S. 507 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Dynamical Theory of Gases. In: Bd. 35 (1868), S. 129 Biodiversity Heritage Library; S. 185 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On Mr. Grove’s “Experiment in Magneto-electric Induction”. In: Bd. 35 (1868), S. 360 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On Hills and Dales. In: Bd. 40 (1870), S. 421 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- A Discourse on Molecules. In: Bd. 46 (1873), S. 453 Biodiversity Heritage Library
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
- On the Theory of Compound Colours, and the Relations of the Colours of the Spectrum. In: Bd. 150 (1860), S. 57 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field. In: Bd. 155 (1865), S. 459 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Viscosity or Internal Friction of Air and other Gases. In: Bd. 156 (1866), S. 249 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Dynamical Theory of Gases. In: Bd. 157 (1867), S. 49 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Influence of the Motions of the Heavenly Bodies on the Index of Refraction of Light. In: Bd. 158 (1868), S. 532 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On a Method of making a Direct Comparison of Electrostatic with Electromagnetic Force; with a Note on the Electromagnetic Theory of Light. In: Bd. 158 (1868), S. 643 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On Stresses in Rarified Gases arising from Inequalities of Temperature. In: Bd. 170-1 (1880), S. 231 Biodiversity Heritage Library; Appendix S. 249 Biodiversity Heritage Library
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
- On Faraday’s Lines of Force. In: Bd. 1 (1866), S. 160, 163 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Elementary Theory of Optical Instruments. In: Bd. 1 (1866), S. 173 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Solution of Electrical Problems by the Transformation of Conjugate Functions. In: Bd. 2 (1876), S. 242 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Proof of the Equations of Motion of a connected system. In: Bd. 2 (1876), S. 292 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On a Problem in the Calculus of Variations in which the solution is discontinuous. In: Bd. 2 (1876), S. 294 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Relation of Geometrical Optics to other parts of Mathematics and Physics. In: Bd. 2 (1876), S. 338 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Centre of Motion of the Eye. In: Bd. 2 (1876), S. 365 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On Bow’s method of drawing diagramms in graphical statics, with illustrations from Peaucellier’s linkage. In: Bd. 2 (1876), S. 407 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances. In: Bd. 2 (1876), S. 427 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On a Paradox in the Theory of Attraction. In: Bd. 3 (1880), S. 34 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On Approximate Multiple Integration between Limits by Summation. In: Bd. 3 (1880), S. 39 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the unpublished electical papers of the Hon. Henry Cavendish. In: Bd. 3 (1880), S. 86 Biodiversity Heritage Library
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
- The Construction of Stereograms of Surfaces. In: Bd. 2 (1869), S. 57 Iowa
- On Reciprocal Diagrams in Space, and their relation to Airy’s Function of Stress. In: Bd. 2 (1869), S. 58 Iowa
- Remarks on the preceding Paper (G. O. Hanlon: The Vena Contracta). In: Bd. 3 (1871), S. 6 California
- On the Displacement in a Case of Fluid Motion. In: Bd. 3 (1871), S. 82 California
- Remarks on the Mathematical Classification of Physical Quantities. In: Bd. 3 (1871), S. 224 California
- On the Condition that, in the Transformation of any Figure by Curvilinear Coordinates in Three Dimensions, every Angle in the new Figure shall be equal to the corresponding Angle in the original Figure. In: Bd. 4 (1873), S. 117 California
- On the Theory of a System of Electrified Conductors, and other Physical Theories involving Homogeneous Quadratic Functions. In: Bd. 4 (1873), S. 334 California
- On the Focal Lines of a Refracted Pencil. In: Bd. 4 (1873), S. 337 California
- On the Application of Hamilton’s Characteristic Function to the Theory of an Optical Instrument symmetrical about its axis. In: Bd. 6 (1875), S. 117 Michigan
- On Hamilton’s Characteristic Function for a Narrow Beam of Light. In: Bd. 6 (1875), S. 182 Michigan
- On the Electrical Capacity of a long narrow Cylinder, and of a Disk of sensible Thickness. In: Bd. 9 (1878), S. 94 Harvard
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
- On the Description of Oval Curves, and those having a plurality of Foci [1846, mitgeteilt von J. D. Forbes]. In: Bd. 2 (1851), S. 89 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On Theories of the Constitution of Saturn’s Rings. In: Bd. 4 (1862), S. 99 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the best Arrangement for producing a Pure Spectrum on a Screen. In: Bd. 6 (1869), S. 238 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On Reciprocal Figures, Frames, and Diagrams of Forces. In: Bd. 7 (1872), S. 53 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On a Bow seen on the Surface of Ice. In: Bd. 7 (1872), S. 69 Biodiversity Heritage Library
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
- On the Viscosity or Internal Friction of Air and other Gases. In: Bd. 15 (1867), S. 14 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Dynamical Theory of Gases. In: Bd. 15 (1867), S. 167 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Theory of the Maintenance of Electric Currents by Mechanical Work without the use of Permanent Magnets. In: Bd. 15 (1867), S. 397 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On Governors. In: Bd. 16 (1868), S. 270 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Induction of Electric Currents in an Infinite Plane Sheet of uniform conductivity. In: Bd. 20 (1872), S. 160 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On Double Refraction in a Viscous Fluid in motion. In: Bd. 22 (1873–1874), S. 46 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On a Possible Mode of Detecting a Motion of the Solar System through the Luminiferous Ether [postum, mitgeteilt von G. G. Stokes]. In: Bd. 30 (1879–1880), S. 108 Biodiversity Heritage Library
Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
- On the General Laws of Optical Instruments. In: Bd. 2 (1858), S. 233 Google
- On the Equilibrium of a Spherical Envelope. In: Bd. 8 (1867), S. 325 Google
- On the Cyclide. In: Bd. 9 (1868), S. 111 Google
Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science
- On the Unequal Sensibility of the Foramen Centrale to Light of different Colours. In: Jg. 1856, S. 12 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On a Method of Drawing the Theoretical Forms of Faraday’s Lines of Force without Calculation. In: Jg. 1856, S. 12 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Theory of Compound Colours with reference to Mixtures of Blue and Yellow Light. In: Jg. 1856, S. 12 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On an Instrument to illustrate Poinsôt’s Theory of Rotation. In: Jg. 1856, S. 27 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Dynamical Theory of Gases. In: Jg. 1859, S. 9 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Mixture of the Colours of the Spectrum. In: Jg. 1859, S. 15 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On an Instrument for exhibiting the Motions of Saturn’s Rings. In: Jg. 1859, S. 62 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Experiments on the Value of v, the Ratio of the Electromagnetic to the Electrostatic Unit of Electricity. In: Jg. 1869, S. 434 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Address (Mathematics and Physics Section). In: Jg. 1870, S. 1 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On Hills and Dales. In: Jg. 1870, S. 17 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On Colour-vision at different points of the Retina. In: Jg. 1870, S. 40 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Final State of a System of Molecules in Motion subject to Forces of any kind. In: Jg. 1873, S. 29 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Relation of Geometrical Optics to other Branches of Mathematics and Physics. In: Jg. 1873, S. 39 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Application of Kirchhoff’s Rules for Electric Circuits to the Solution of a Geometrical Problem. In: Jg. 1874, S. 18 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- (mit J. D. Everett und A. Schuster) Report of the Committee … for testing experimentally Ohm’s Law. In: Jg. 1876, S. 36 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Protection of Buildings from Lightning. In: Jg. 1876, S. 43 Biodiversity Heritage Library
Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
- On the Transformation of Surfaces by Bending. In: Bd. 9 (1856), S. 445 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On Faraday’s Lines of Force. In: Bd. 10 (1864), S. 27 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On Boltzmann’s Theorem on the average distribution of energy in a system of material points. In: Bd. 12 (1879), S. 547 Biodiversity Heritage Library
Transactions of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts
- On the Theory of Colours in relation to Colour-Blindness. In: Bd. 4 (1856), S. 394 Michigan
- Description of a New Form of the Platometer, an Instrument for measuring the Areas of Plane Figures drawn on Paper. In: Bd. 4 (1856), S. 420 Michigan
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
- On the Theory of Rolling Curves. In: Bd. 16 (1849), S. 519 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Equilibrium of Elastic Solids. In: Bd. 20 (1853), S. 87 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Experiments on Colour, as perceived by the Eye, with remarks on Colour-Blindness. In: Bd. 21 (1857), S. 275 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On a Dynamical Top, for exhibiting the phenomena of the motion of a system of invariable form about a fixed point, with some suggestions as to the Earth’s motion. In: Bd. 21 (1857), S. 559 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On Reciprocal Figures, Frames, and Diagrams of Forces. In: Bd. 26 (1872), S. 1 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Addition to the above Paper (Francis Deas: On Spectra formed by the passage of Polarised Light through Double Refracting Crystals). In: Bd. 26 (1872), S. 185 Biodiversity Heritage Library
- On the Geometrical Mean Distance of Two Figures on a Plane. In: Bd. 26 (1872), S. 729 Biodiversity Heritage Library
In deutscher Übersetzung:
Bearbeiten- Henry Cavendish: The Electrical Researches of the Honourable Henry Cavendish, F.R.S. Edited from the original manuscripts in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Cambridge: University Press, 1879 Internet Archive, Internet Archive, Internet Archive; (Reprint) London: Frank Cass, 1967 Internet Archive
- Revised by Joseph Larmor (= The Scientific Papers of the Honourable Henry Cavendish, 1). Cambridge 1921 Internet Archive
Bearbeiten- L. Campbell / W. Garnett: The Life of James Clerk Maxwell : With a selection from his correspondence and occasional writings and a sketch of his contributions to science. London: Macmillan and Co., 1882 Internet Archive, Internet Archive
- New edition, abridged and revised. London 1884 Internet Archive
- Maxwell. In: Meyers Konversations-Lexikon. 4. Auflage. Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1885–1890, Band 11 (1888), Seite 374
- R. T. Glazebrook: James Clerk Maxwell and Modern Physics. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1896 Internet Archive, Internet Archive, Internet Archive
- J. C. Poggendorff: Biographisch-literarisches Handwörterbuch zur Geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften, Band 3. Leipzig 1898, S. 889–890 Internet Archive