Titel: Fontes artis musicae
Untertitel: Journal of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML); Internationale Vereinigung der Musikbibliotheken, Musikarchive und Musikdokumentationszentren
Herausgeber: International Association of Music Libraries
Verlag: Bärenreiter-Verlag
Ort: Kassel
Zeitraum: 1954–Gegenwart
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Fachgebiete: Musik
Sigle: FAM
Multilinguale Zeitschrift (vornehmlich deutsch, englisch, französisch) der Musikbibliothekare. Erschien anfangs halbjährlich, ab 1964 in drei, seit 1976 in vier Nummern pro Jahr, oft in Doppel- oder Mehrfachnummern
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Eintrag in der ZDB: 2046-1
Eintrag in der GND: [1]
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01. Jg. 1954

  • Fontes. S. 1
  • IVe Congres International Des Bibliotheques Et Des Phonotheques Musicales. 2E Assemblee Generale De L’association. S. 2–4
  • Programme. S. 5–6
  • Richard S. Hill: The Growing of IAML. S. 7–11
  • Alexander Hyatt King: The British Museum Exhibition of Musik, October 1953. S. 11–12
  • Hans Zehntner: Felix Weingartner und Hans Huber: Zwei Ausstellungen in Basel. S. 13–14
  • Cari Johansson: Publishers’ addresses as a guide to the dating of French printed music of the second half of the eighteenth century. S. 14–19
  • Friedrich Blume: Internationales Quellenlexikon der Musik. S. 19–22
  • Nanie Bridgman: A propos d’un Catalogue Central d’ Incipits Musicaux. S. 22–23
  • Les Commissions de Travail.
    • John Howard Davies: The Contribution of the Radio Commission. S. 23
    • Alfons Ott: Der Beitrag einer Internationalen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für öffentliche Musikbüchereien zur Zeitschrift Fontes Artis Musicae. S. 23–25
    • F. W. Pauli: Die Beteiligung der Internationalen Phonotheken-Kommission an den „Fontes“. S. 25–26
  • Communiques du Secretariat de l’Association. S. 26–27
  • Informations Diverses. S. 27–30
  • LES Membres de l’Association (voir Bulletin d’information vol. I, no. 2, mars 1953, et vol. II, no. 1, octobre 1953): Nouveaux Membres. S. 30–31
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 3. S. 32–47
  • Editions et Rééditions de Musique Ancienne (avant 1800). S. 48–51
  • Editions et Rééditions de Musique Moderne (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 52
  • Le Congres De Bruxelles: 11 — 18 Septembre 1955. S. 53–55
  • La Commission Internationale Des Bibliotheques Musicales Publiqes.
    • Alfons Ott: La tâche d’une Commission internationale des bibliothèques musicales publiques. S. 56–61
    • Hans Ruppe: Das volkstümliche Musikbüchereiwesen in Österreich. S. 61–63
    • Noé Richter: Les Bibliothèques musicales en France — La Bibliothèque musicale de Mulhouse. S. 63–65
    • John Howard Davies: Public music library service in Great Britain. S. 65–67
  • R. I. S. M. — I. I. M. S..
    • Robert Stevenson: Sixteenth and seventeenth century rescources in Mexico (Part I). S. 68–78
    • François Lesure: R. I. S. M. Indentifications: Les anonymes des Recueils imprimés français du XVIe s. S. 78–84
    • Nanie Bridgman: Enquête provisoire sur les fonds musicaux des bibliothèques provinciales de France. S. 84–87
    • Claudio Sartori, Friedrich Blume: Communiques Du Secretariat Et Informations Diverses. S. 87–93
  • Les Membres De L’association (Voir Bulletin D’information Vol. I, No. 2, Vol. Ii, No. 1 Et Fontes, 1954/I): Nouveaux Membres. S. 94–96
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 4 (Octobre 1954). S. 97–109
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Ancienne (avant 1800). S. 110–113
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Moderne (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 113–114

02. Jg. 1955

  • Le Congres De Bruxelles: 11—18 Septembre 1955 (Communique). S. 1–3
  • La Commission Internationale Des Bibliotheques Musicales Publiques.
    • Herbert Schermall: Die Musikbüchereien in Deutschland. S. 3–7
    • J. R. Le Cosquino De Bussy: La vie et l’organisation des bibliothèques musicales publiques en Hollande. S. 7–9
  • R. I. S. M. — I. I. M. S..
    • Robert Stevenson: Sixteenth and seventeenth century resources in Mexico (Part II). S. 9–15
    • Claudio Sartori: Finalmente Svelati i Misteri delle Biblioteche Italiane. S. 15–37
    • François Lesure: R. I. S. M. Identifications: Les anonymes des Recueils imprimés du XVIe s (II). S. 37–39
    • Nanie Bridgman, Nanie Bridgmann: Musique profane italienne des 16 e et 17 e siècles dans les Bibliothèques françaises. S. 40–59
  • Les Groupes Nationaux de l’ A. I. B. M..
    • Frits Noske: L’Organisation actuelle des Bibliothèques Musicales en Hollande. S. 60–62
    • Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini: Glorioso Passato e Problemi Presenti della Biblioteca musicale „G. B. Martini“ di Bologna. S. 62–68
  • Les Membres de l’Association (voir Bulletin d’information, vol. I, no. 2, vol II, no. 1 et Fontes, 1954/1, 1954/2): Nouveaux Membres. S. 69–70
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 5 (mars 1955). S. 71–86
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Ancienne (avant 1800). S. 87–93
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Moderne (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 93–95
  • Musicological Index (Communiqué du Secrétariat, juin 1955). S. 97–103
  • Les Bibliothèques Musicales Scientifiques.
    • Leopold Nowak: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek: Der Wiederaufbau der Musiksammlung. S. 103–108
    • Wilhelm Virneisel: Die Musikabteilung der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek. S. 108–112
    • Oldřich Pulkert: The Musical Department of the National Museum in Prague. S. 112–117
  • Les GROUPES NATIONAUX de l’ A. I. B. M..
    • C. L. Cudworth: Music libraries and the research worker. S. 117–122
    • Cecil Hopkinson: The Fundamentals of Music Bibliography. S. 122–131
    • Walter H. Stock: The United Kingdom Branch. S. 131–133
  • R.I.S.M. — I.I.M.S..
    • Claudio Sartori: Il fondo di musiche a stampa della Biblioteca del Seminario di Lucca. S. 134–147
    • Riccardo Allorto: Biblioteche musicali in Italia: La Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Parma e un fondo di edizioni dei sec. XVI e XVII non compiese nel catalogo a stampa. S. 147–151
    • Paule Chaillon: Les Fonds Musicaux de quelques Bibliothèques de Province. S. 151–163
  • InformationS DIVERSES. S. 163–170
  • Les Membres de l’Association (voir Bulletin d’information, vol. I, n o 2, vol. II, n o 1 et Fontes, 1954/1, 1954/2, 1955/1): Nouveaux Membres. S. 171–173
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 6 (juillet 1955). S. 174–185
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Ancienne (avant 1800). S. 186
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Moderne (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 187

03. Jg. 1956

  • A. Hyatt King: To Unesco on its Tenth Anniversary. S. 5
  • Charles Van Den Borren, Edward Carter, Jack Bornoff, Egon Kraus, Alexander Hyatt King: The Brussels Conference. S. 6–14
  • Compte-Rendu des Travaux De L’assemble Generale.
    • Frits Noske: Compte-Rendu des Travaux de la 2 e Assemblée Générale de l’A.I.B.M. / Summary Report on the 2 nd General Assembly of the I. A. M. L.. S. 14–17
    • Vladimir Fedorov: Rapport du Secrétaire général, années 1951—1955. S. 17–20
    • Alfons Ott: Einführungsvortrag für die Generalversammlung der A. I. B. M.. S. 20–21
    • F. W. Pauli: Bericht über die Tätigkeit der Kommission. S. 21–23
    • Frits Noske: Compte-Rendu Sommaire des Travaux du Congrès. S. 23–26
    • John Howard Davies: The Radio Commission at Brussels / La Commission internationale des bibliothèques musicales de la Radiodiffusion à Bruxelles. S. 26–27
    • F. W. Pauli: Bericht über die Tagung der Commission Internationale des Phonothèques in Brüssel / Report on the meeting of the International Record-Libraries Committee at Brussels. S. 27–29
    • Alfons Ott: Die Commission Internationale des Bibliothèques Musicales Publiques auf dem Kongreß 1955 in Brüssel / La Commission Internationale des Bibliothèques Musicales Publiques au Congrès de Bruxelles. S. 30–31
    • Kaj Schmidt-Phiseldeck: La Commission du Code à Bruxelles / The Music Cataloguing Committee at Brussels. S. 31–32
  • Rapports Preliminaires.
    • J. R. Le Cosquino De Bussy: Le Rôle Et La Place De La Lecture Publique Dans L’éducation Musicale Contemporaine. S. 35–36
    • Vincent H. Duckles: The Rôle Of The Public Library In Modern Musical Education. S. 37–38
    • André Schaeffner: Les Tâches Scientifiques Et Pédagogiques Des Phonothèques Musicales. S. 39–40
    • Philipp L. Miller: Educational And Scientific Aspects Of The Record Library. S. 41–43
    • Friedrich Blume: Problèmes Musicologiques D’un Répertoire Des Sources Musicales. S. 44–48
    • François Lesure: Quelques Conséquences Bibliographiques Et Techniques D’un Répertoire International Des Sources Musicales. S. 49–50
    • Suzanne Clercx-Lejeune: Le Bibliothécaire Musical. Sa Formation Professionnelle. S. 51–56
    • Mercedés De Moura Reis Pequeño: La Formation Professionnelle Du Bibliothécaire Musical. S. 57–61
    • John Howard Davies: The Contribution Of Radio Music Libraries To National And International Musical Life. S. 62–67
    • Franz Grasberger: À Propos Des Échanges De Musique. S. 68–69
    • Gabriel Rouget: Le Disque Et La Bande Comme Matière D’échanges. S. 70–71
  • Communications Ecrites.
    • Ermelinda Acerenza: Formación Profesional De Un Bibliotecario De Música. S. 74–76
    • Bianca Becherini: Catalogues Généraux Et Catalogues Spécialisés Dans Les Bibliothèques Musicales. S. 76–81
    • Jaime Moll Roqueta: Les Bibliothèques Musicales Publiques. Les Aspects Nationaux Du Problème. S. 81–84
    • Jaime Moll Roqueta: La Formation Professionnelle D’un Bibliothécaire Musical. S. 84–85
    • Gustav C. Chamrath: Die Rechte Der Schallplatte Und Des Tonbandes. S. 86–95
    • Valentine Britten, Francis F. Clough, Geoffrey Cuming: Problems Of An International Gramophone Record Catalogue. S. 95–108
    • Folke Lindberg: A Survey Of The Musical Resources Of Scandinavia, With Particular Reference To Their Use In Broadcast Performances. S. 109–112
    • Enrich Straram: Problèmes Relatifs À L’établissement D’un Inventaire International Des Oeuvres Dont Les Matériels D’exécution N’existent Qu’à De Très Rares Exemplaires. S. 112–115
    • Pierre Meylan: Étude Comparative Sur Les Bibliothèques Musicales Publiques Dans Différents Pays. S. 116–122
    • Alfons Ott: Wirkungsmöglichkeiten In Öffentlichen Musikbibliotheken. S. 122–132
    • Nils Schiørring: Public Music Libraries. International Co-Operation. S. 132–136
  • Communications Presentees Au Congres Même.
    • J. R. Le Cosquino De Bussy: Le Rôle et la Place de la Lecture Publique dans l’Education Musicale Contemporaine – Quelques nouveaux aspects de la question. S. 138–139
    • Vincent H. Duckles: The Role of the Public Library in Modern Musical Education: an American Appraisal. S. 140–143
    • François Lesure: Le R. I. S. M. Deux ans d’expérience. S. 144–146
    • Catharine K. Miller: Phonograph Records in U. S. Public Libraries. S. 146–147
    • Helmut Reinhold: Aufbau und Verwendungsmöglichkeiten einer Discothek wertvoller Gesangsaufnahmen im Sendebetrieb. S. 148–153
    • F. W. Pauli: Die deutschen Rundfunkbibliotheken – ihre Organisation, ihre internationalen Arbeitsmöglichkeiten. S. 153–155
    • Suzanne Clercx-Lejeune: Le Bibliothécaire Musical. S. 155–159
  • Résolutions et Voeux / Resolutions and Aims / Beschlüsse und Empfehlungen. S. 160–164
  • A. Hyatt King: The London Committee Meetings. S. 165
  • Dix Ans De L’activite De L’unesco Dans Les Domaines De La Musique Et Des Bibliotheques. S. 165–170
  • La Commission Internationale Des Phonotheques.
    • Patrick Saul: The British Institute of Recorded Sound. S. 170–173
    • Roger Décollogne: Vers la création d’une phonothèque centrale de prêt. S. 174–176
  • Les Bibliotheques Musicales Scientifiques.
    • Oldřich Pulkert: The National Music Institute and its necessity as a prez-requisite for musicological research. S. 176–182
    • Hans-Martin Pleßke: Musikbibliographie und Deutsche Bücherei. S. 182–183
    • Roman Haubenstock-Ramati: The Central Library of Music in Tel Aviv, Israel. S. 184–185
  • Les GROUPES NATIONAUX de l’A. I. B. M..
    • Alfons Ott: Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Musikbüchereien (Deutsche Gruppe der Commission Internationale des Bibliothèques Musicales Publiques) Berlin, 22.—28. Mai 1956. S. 185–189
  • R. I. S. M. — I. I. M. S..
    • Claudio Sartori: I Misteri delle Biblioteche Italiane: Seconda Serie. S. 190–202
    • Arnold Van Der Hallen: Le fonds musical de l’église Saint-Léonard à Zoutleeuw (Belgique). S. 203–208
    • François Lesure: R. I. S. M.: Recueils français du XVIIIe siècle. Datations. S. 209–219
    • James B. Coover: A Bibliography of East European Music Periodicals (I). S. 219–226
  • Les Membres de l’Association (voir Bulletin d’information vol. I, no. 2, vol. II, no. 1 et Fontes, 1954/1, 1954/2, 1955/1, 1955/2): Nouveaux Membres. S. 227–228
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 7 (Juin 1956). S. 229–259
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Ancienne (avant 1800). S. 259–267
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Moderne (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 267–272

04. Jg. 1957

  • Frits Noske: Annual Meetings Of The Executive Committee And The Executive Board Of The Association / Reunions Annuelles Du Comite Executif Et Du Bureau De L’association (London, September 25—28, 1956). S. 1–2
  • Les Bibliotheques Musicales Scientifiques University And Research Music Libraries.
    • George E. Maby: On University Music Libraries in the United Kingdom. S. 3–6
    • Maria Svobodová: Le Département de la Musique de la Bibliothèque Universitaire de Prague. S. 7–8
  • Les Bibliotheques Musicales Publiques Public Music Libraries.
    • Hans Ruppe, Paule Salvan: Rôle des Bibliothèques publiques françaises dans la diffusion de la culture musicale. S. 8–14
    • Hans Ruppe: The Austrian public music libraries. S. 14–15
    • Jaime Moll Roqueta: Informe de las Bibliotecas Musicales Publicas españolas durante el curso 1955—1956. S. 16–17
    • Roger Décollogne, Yves Lecompte: Comment nous utilisons l’électro-mecanographie. S. 17–24
    • J. H. Davies, F. Lindberg: Les Bibliotheques Musicales De La Radiodiffusion Radio Music Libraries. S. 24–25
  • K. Schmidt-Phiseldeck: Le Code International De Catalogage / The International Cataloging Code. S. 26
  • Etudes Techniques / Technical Studies.
    • Jan Larue: Abbreviated description for watermarks. S. 26–28
  • R. I. S. M. — I. I. M. S..
    • Fr. Lesure, Claudio Sartori, Costanzo Antegnati: L’Archivio del Duomo di Piacenza e il Liber XIIII di Costanzo Antegnati. S. 28–37
    • Hans Peter Schanzlin: Musik-Sammeldrucke des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts in schweizerischen Bibliotheken. S. 38–42
  • Les Membres de l’Association (voir Bulletin d’information vol. I, no 2, vol. II, no 1 et Fontes, 1954/1—2, 1955/1—2, 1956/2): Nouveaux Membres. S. 43–44
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 8 (décembre 1956). S. 45–67
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Ancienne (avant 1800). S. 67–75
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Moderne (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 75–76
  • Die Kasseler Tagung Der Ivmb / La Reunion De L’aibm À Cassel / The Kassel Conference Of The Iaml (31. Ix. — 4. X. 1957). S. 77–79
  • Fifth Conference Of The Iaml.
    • Lionel R. Mc Colvin: Music in Public Libraries — why? and what? Why should public libraries provide music?. S. 80–83
    • Cesare Valabrega: Una storia della musica italiana in dischi microsolco. S. 83–85
    • John Howard Davies: Radio music Libraries: I. Historical development and basic policies. S. 85–88
    • Kurt Gudewill: Identifizierungen von anonymen und mehrfach zugewiesenen Kompositionen in deutschen Liederdrucken aus der 1. Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts. S. 89–97
    • James B. Coover: A Bibliography of East European Music Periodicals (II). S. 97–102
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 9 (juillet 1957). S. 103–128

05. Jg. 1958

  • Frits Noske: Reunions Anuelles Du Comite Executiv Et Du Bureau De L’association / Annual Meetings Of The Executive Committe And Board Of The Association: Kassel, 30. Ix.—4. X. 1957. S. 1–2
  • Fritz Pauli, G. R.: Commission Internationale Des Phonotheques: Die Kasseler Tagung, 3.—4. X. 1957. S. 2–5
  • Radio Commission Kassel Meeting 1957.
    • Anthony Van Hoboken, F. Lindberg: Probleme der musikbibliographischen Terminologie. S. 5–15
    • Kay Schmidt-Phiseldeck: Internationale Kommission für Katalogisierung von Musikalien. S. 15–20
    • Lionel R. Mc Colvin: The Central Music Library, Westminster. S. 20–23
    • Claudio Sartori: Il fondo musicale dell’ archivio della cattedrale di Vercelli. S. 24–31
    • Raymond Meylan: La collection Antonio Venturi, Montecatini-Terme (Pistoia), Italie. S. 31–44
    • James B. Coover: A Bibliography of East European Music Periodicals (III). S. 44–45
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 10 (décembre 1957). S. 46–72
  • Otto Erich Deutsch: Thematische Kataloge. S. 73–79
  • Albi Rosenthal: The „Music Antiquarian“. S. 80–90
  • Wolfgang Steinecke: Das Kranichsteiner Musikinstitut Darmstadt. S. 90–93
  • James B. Coover: A Bibliography of East European Music Periodicals (IV). S. 93–99
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 11 (juillet 1958). S. 100–117

06. Jg. 1959

  • Frits Noske, Dr. Pauli, Roger Décollogne, Folke Lindberg: Annual Meetings Of The Executive And Other Committees Of The Association / Reunions Anuelles Du Comite Executif Et Des Commissions De Travail De L’association. S. 1–4
  • Alfons Ott, Hans Ruppe: First International Conference Of The Commission Of Public Music Libraries (Salzburg, September 8—11, 1958). S. 5–7
  • Rudolph Tschierpe: Auxiliary Catalogues in the Music-Library. S. 7–9
  • Irene Millen: Facts and problems about public libraries in USA. S. 10–11
  • Jose Antonio Perez-Rioja: La difusion musical desde la biblioteca (Una experiencia provincial). S. 11–18
  • Jan Larue: A union thematic catalogue of 18th century symphonies. S. 18–20
  • Hans Peter Schanzlin: Musik-Sammeldrucke des 18. Jahrhunderts in schweizerischen Bibliotheken (I). S. 20–26
  • James B. Coover: A Bibliography of East European Music Periodicals (V). S. 27–28
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 12 (janvier 1959). S. 29–40
  • The Cambridge Congress.
    • A. Hyatt King: The Cambridge Congress. S. 41
  • Public Lectures. S. 42
  • Special Papers. S. 42–43
    • Frits Noske: General Secretary’s Report For The Period 1955—1959. S. 44–45
    • Erik Maschat: Commission Internationale Des Phonotheques International Committee Of Record Libraries Internationale Kommission Der Tonträgerarchive. S. 45–48
    • Y. Fédoroff: Commission De Catalogage De La Musique. S. 48
    • Cecil Hopkinson: Towards A Definition Of Certain Terms In Musical Bibliography (Discussion Panel). S. 48–49
    • A. Hyatt King: The Music Librarian and his Tasks, National and International. S. 49–55
    • Genevieve Thibault: Les Collections Privées de Livres et d’Instruments de Musique d’Autrefois et d’Aujourd’hui. S. 55–67
    • Gilbert Rouget: Recensement International Provisoire des Phonothèques et Discothèques. S. 68–80
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 13 (juillet 1959). S. 81–95

07. Jg. 1960

  • L. N. Pavlova-Sil’vanskaja, A. A. Račkova, Mme Forest: Le Département de la Musique de la Bibliothèque Publique de Léningrad. S. 1–7
  • Maria Prokopowicz: Les Bibliothèques de musique en Pologne. S. 7–11
  • Zdenek Vyborny: Der Planfilm — Das Buch der Zukunft: Probleme — Aussichten — Organisation. S. 11–14
  • James B. Coover: A Bibliography of East European Music Periodicals (VI): VIII. POLAND. S. 16–21
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 14 (janvier 1960). S. 22–40
  • Harald Heckmann, Y. Fédoroff, H. Ruppe, J. H. Davies, Albert Van Der Linden: JAHRESTAGUNG der IVMB in AMSTERDAM — RÉUNION ANNUELLE de L’AIBM à AMSTERDAM — ANNUAL MEETING of the IAML in AMSTERDAM. S. 41–46
  • Zofia Lissa: Chopin im Lichte des Briefwechsels von Verlegern seiner Zeit gesehen. S. 46–57
  • Claudio Sartori: Le origini di una casa editrice veneziana. S. 57–61
  • Donald W. Krummel: Late 18 th Century French Music Publishers’ Catalogs in the Library of Congress. S. 61–64
  • Jan Larue: Union Thematic Catalogues for 18 th Century Chamber Music and Concertos. S. 64–66
  • Mariangela Donà: Musiche a stampa nella Biblioteca Braidense di Milano. S. 66–69
  • James B. Coover: A Bibliography of East European Music Periodicals (VII). S. 69–70
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by C. B. Oldman: The Compleat Music Librarian. Die Musikbibliotheken. (Sonderdruck Ans Handbuch Der Bibliothekswissenschaft, Zweite Auflage, Zweiter Band.) By Alfons Ott. S. 71–72
    • Review by Alfons Ott: Ein wichtiges Buch zum öffentlichen Musikbüchereiwesen. Music Librarianship. A Practical Guide By Eric Thomas Bryant. S. 72–73
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 15 (juillet 1960). S. 74–88

08. Jg. 1961

  • Richard S. Hill in memoriam. S. 1–2
  • A. H. K.: A Tribute to Vladimir Fédorov. S. 3
  • Gustave Reese: The first Volume of RISM. S. 4–7
  • Hans-Martin Plesske: Zur Systematik der Musikbibliographien der Deutschen Bücherei. S. 7–20
  • Paule Salvan: Les bibliothèques publiques et la musique en France. S. 20–24
  • Roger Décollogne: Un bel exemple de cohésion: le Groupe Français des Phonothèques. S. 24–26
  • Hans Peter Schanzlin: Musik-Sammeldrucke des 18. Jahrhunderts in schweiz̀erischen Bibliotheken (II). S. 26–29
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by V. Fédorov: La Bibliothèque musicale américaine et le bibliothécaire musical américain en 1960. Music Libraries, Librarianship. In: Library Trends, Vol. 8, No 4 By Vincent Duckles. S. 30–31
    • Review by Nanie Bridgman: Un Nouveau Catalogue Important de Manuscrits. Catalogo Dei Manoscritti Musicali Della Biblioteca Nazionale Di Firenze By Bianca Becherini. S. 31–32
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 16 (janvier 1961). S. 33–53
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Ancienne (avant 1800). S. 54–60
  • Harald Heckmann, E. Maschat, J. H. Davies, Alfons Ott, Albert Van Der Linden, K. Schmidt-Phiseldeck: Jahrestagung der IVMB in Lausanne — Réunion Annuelle de l’AIBM à Lausanne — Annual meeting of the IAML at Lausanne. S. 61–68
  • Pierre Meylan: Allocution prononcée à la séance inaugurale de la session de 1961 de l’AIBM, à Lausanne, le mardi 27 juin 1961. S. 68–73
  • Julien-François Zbinden: Musique et Radio. S. 73–75
  • James B. Coover: A Bibliography of East European Music Periodicals (VIII): X. U. S. S. R.. S. 75–90
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 17 (août 1961). S. 91–104
  • Editions et Reéditions de Musique Ancienne (avant 1800). S. 105–107
  • Editions et Reéditions de Musique Moderne (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 107–108

09. Jg. 1962

  • Folke Lindberg: IAML—AIBM—IVMB will hold its 6th International Congress and its 4th General Assembly in Stockholm and Uppsala, Sweden, 13—18 August this summer. S. 1–2
  • RISM: The Washington Meeting.
    • Friedrich Blume: [Opening Address]. S. 3–5
    • Vladimir Fédorov: The International Joint Commission of the RISM. S. 5–7
    • François Lesure: The Central Secretariat of RISM, Paris. S. 7–9
    • Harald Heckmann: The RISM Central Office, Kassel. S. 9–12
    • Wolfgang Rehm: Report on the Financial Situation of the RISM since the year 1953. S. 13–15
    • Nathan Broder: The American representation in the International Inventory of Musical Sources. S. 15–16
    • Donald Mintz: International Inventory of Musical Sources • American Secretariat. S. 16–19
    • Robert Stevenson: Latin American Archives. S. 19–21
    • Helmut Kallmann: RISM Report about Canada. S. 21–22
    • Helmut Federhofer: The RISM in Austria. S. 22–23
    • René-Bernard Lenaerts: RISM work in Belgium (A brief summary). S. 23–24
    • François Lesure: The RISM in France. S. 24
    • Hans Halm: The task of RISM in Western Germany. S. 24–25
    • Alexander Hyatt King: The International Inventory of Musical Sources in the United Kingdom. S. 26
    • Eduard Reeser: Report on RISM in Holland. S. 26
    • Claudio Sartori: The RISM Work in Italy. S. 27
    • Miguel Querol Gavalda: The RISM in Spain. S. 27–28
    • Rita Benton: An Introduction to American Music Libraries. S. 28–33
  • Au Dr. Ernst Mohr, pour ses soixante ans. S. 34
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by F. Lesure: Une tablature de luth franco-italienne. S. 35
    • Review by Paul Brainard: Documents, Pictures, and Mozart. S. 35–39
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 18 (janvier 1962). S. 40–52
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Ancienne (avant 1800). S. 53–55
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Moderne (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 56
  • Un hommage de l’ A. I. B. M. au professeur Friedrich Blume. S. 57
  • Le congrès de Stockholm. S. 57–58
  • Dr. W. M. Luther in memoriam. S. 58
  • Alfons Ott: Hans Ruppe. S. 59
  • Harald Heckmann, V. Fédorov, J. H. Davies, K. Schmidt-Phiseldeck, Valentine Britten, Alfons Ott, Frits Noske, André Jurres: Der schwedische Kongreß 1962 — The Swedish Congress 1962 Le congrès suedois de 1962. S. 59–71
  • Jan Larue, Mary Rasmussen: Numerical Incipits for Thematic Catalogues. S. 72–75
  • J. Chailley, I. Adler, Y. Fedoroff, S. Wallon: Le Catalogage des Documents Ethnomusicologiques Sonores (Disques et Bandes) de l’Institut de Musicologie de Paris. S. 76–78
  • James B. Coover: A Bibliography of East European Music Periodicals: XI. YUGOSLAVIA. S. 78–80
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Ludwig Finscher: Mozarts Briefe und Aufzeichnungen. S. 81–82
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 19 (âout 1962). S. 83–98
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Ancienne (avant 1800). S. 99–102
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Moderne (XIX et XXe ss.). S. 102–104

10. Jg. 1963

  • Harold Spivacke: Louise Hanson-Dyer in Memoriam. S. 1
  • Harald Heckmann, John H. Davies, André Jurres, Alfons Ott, K. Schmidt-Phiseldeck, Harold Spivacke: Jahrestagung der IVMB in Mailand — Annual Meeting of IAML in Milan — Réunion de l’AIBM à Milan. S. 2–11
  • Fédération Internationale des Phonothèques (F. I. P.). S. 11–15
  • Maria Prokopowicz: Le catalogage des documents sonores (d’après les documents de la conférence annuelle de l’AIBM de 1961). S. 16–19
  • Isabelle Cazeaux: The International Code for Cataloguing Music. S. 20–29
  • Josef Lansky, Wolfgang Suppan: Der neue Melodien-Katalog des Deutschen Volksliedarchivs. S. 30–34
  • Eric Mandell: A Collector’s Random Notes on the Bibliography of Jewish Music (avec une notice préliminaire d’ Israël Adler). S. 34–42
  • Albert Palm: J. J. de Momigny als Verleger. S. 42–59
  • James B. Coover: A Bibliography of East European Music Periodicals. S. 60–71
  • François Lesure: Otto Erich Deutsch a 80 ans. S. 72
  • Kurt Dorfmüller: A notre ami Hans Halm. S. 73
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 20 (avril 1963). S. 74–95
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Ancienne (avant 1800). S. 95–99
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Moderne (XIX et XXe ss.). S. 99–100

11. Jg. 1964

  • Organization of the Congress. S. 5
  • Programme and Table of Contents. S. 6–7
  • Folke Lindberg: The Stockholm-Uppsala Congress 1962. S. 8
  • Carl-Allan Moberg: Opening Speech. S. 9
  • Tönnes Kleberg: Greetings of welcome at the opening session. S. 9–10
  • Vladimir Fédorov: Les voeux du Conseil international de la musique. S. 10–11
  • Public Lectures.
  • First public lecture.
    • Rita Benton: Early Musical scholarship in the United States. S. 12–21
  • Second public lecture.
    • Åke Davidsson: Cultural Background to Collections of old Music in Swedish Libraries. S. 21–28
  • Third public lecture.
    • Claudio Sartori: Le RISM et l’Italie: A l’aventure dans les bibliothèques italiennes. S. 28–33
  • First Symposium: Library Building.
    • Kurt Dorfmüller: Die bauliche Einrichtung der Musiksammlung der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, München. S. 34–35
    • Wolfgang M. Freitag: On Planing a Music Library. S. 35–49
    • Karl-Heinz Köhler: Bauliche und strukturelle Verhältnisse der Musikabteilung der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek, Berlin. S. 49–51
  • Second Symposium: The Training of the Music Librarian.
    • John H. Davies: A: Paper by Vladimir Fédorov (Paris). S. 51–53
    • John H. Davies: B: Paper by C.-G. Stellan Mörner (Stockholm). S. 53–54
    • John H. Davies: C: Paper by Miss Joan Pemberton (London). S. 54–55
    • John H. Davies: D: Paper by Helge Petersen (Copenhagen). S. 55–57
    • John H. Davies: E: Paper by Harold Spivacke (Washington). S. 57–60
  • Third Symposium: International Aspects.
    • Hans Zehnter: A: Paper by André Jurres (Amsterdam). S. 60–62
    • Hans Zehnter: B: Paper by Mrs. Maria Prokopowicz (Warsaw). S. 62
  • Fourth Symposium: The Music Librarian and his Public.
    • Alfons Ott: Possibilities of Musical Education in Public Libraries. S. 63–66
    • Kurt Dorfmüller: Der wissenschaftliche Musikbibliothekar und sein Publikum (Zusammenfassung). S. 66–67
    • Alfons Annegarn: The Scientific Music Librarian and his Public. S. 67
  • D: Paper by Leonhard Duck (Manchester). S. 68–69
  • E: Paper By Brooks Shepard, Jr., (New Haven, Connecticut). S. 70
  • Friedrich Blume: Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM). S. 71–74
  • Edward R. Lerner: Music Prints in the Cathedral Library of Brescia. S. 75–78
  • Rita Benton: The Instrumental Music of Jean-Frédéric Edelmann: A Thematic Catalogue and List of Early Editions. S. 79–88
  • Wolfgang Plath, Wolfgang Rehm: Verzeichnis der verschollenen Mozart-Autographe der ehemaligen Preußischen Staatsbibliothek Berlin (BB). S. 88–91
  • Konrad Ameln: Das deutsche Kirchenlied: Ein hymnologisches Standardwerk. S. 92–93
  • The Record Archive of the New York Public Library. S. 94
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Ludwig Finscher: Mozarts Briefe und Aufzeichnungen. S. 95
    • Review by Ludwig Finscher: Die 6. Auflage des Köchel-Verzeichnisses. S. 95–98
    • Review by F. Lesure: Melanges O. E. Deutsch. S. 98
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 21 (mai 1964). S. 99–122
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Ancienne (avant 1800). S. 123–131
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Moderne (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 132
  • Harald Heckmann, Erling Winkel, Elfriede Kamprad, E. Maschat, Rita Benton, John H. Davies, K. Schmidt-Phiseldeck, François Lesure, André Jurrès: Jahrestagung der IVMB in Aarhus — Annual Meeting of IAML at Aarhaus — Réunion annuelle de l’AIBM à Aarhus. S. 133–141
  • Barry S. Brook, Murray Gould, Jan Larue, Ingmar Bengtsson, Nanie Bridgman, Rita Benton, Paule Chaillon-Guiomar: Notating Music with Ordinary Typewriter Characters (A Plaine and Easie Code System for Musicke). S. 142–159
  • Lawrence F. Bernstein: Data Processing and the Thematic Index. S. 159–165
  • Jacques Chailley: Un Procédé de Codification Alphabétique des Timbres de Chansons. S. 166–167
  • Harald Heckmann: An die Mitglieder der IVMB. S. 167–169
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 22 (octobre 1964). S. 170–194
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Ancienne (avant 1800). S. 194–202
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Moderne (XIX et XXe ss.). S. 203–204

12. Jg. 1965

  • Le Congrès de Dijon. S. 1–2
  • A. Hyatt King: Hans Halm in memoriam. S. 2–3
  • François Lesure: Enquête sur quelques récentes bibliothèques musicales. S. 4–7
  • Alfons Ott: Bericht über die Arbeitstagung der Deutschen Gruppe der AIBM: Freiburg i. Br. vom 21. bis 24. Oktober 1964. S. 7–8
  • Wolfgang Suppan: Die Musiksammlung des Freiherrn von Lannoy. S. 9–22
  • Wolfgang Matthäus: Die Elemente des Titelblattes im 18. Jahrhundert. S. 23–26
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Mariangela Donà: La stampa della musica negli incunabuli liturgici. S. 27
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 23 (avril 1965). S. 28–46
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Ancienne (avant 1800). S. 47–50
  • Editions Et Reeditions De Musique Moderne (XIX et XXe ss.). S. 51–52
  • Vladimir Fédorov: Le Congrès de Dijon. S. 55
  • Partie administrative du Congrès. S. 56
  • Programme du Congrès. S. 57–60
  • Discours officiels.
  • Ouverture Officielle du Congrès. S. 62
    • André Ameller: Allocution Prononcée À L’occasion De L’ouverture Du Congrès. S. 62–63
    • Alexander Hyatt King: Address at the opening session of the Congress. S. 63–65
    • François Lesure: Adresse. S. 65–68
    • Pierre Quarré: Les Musées de Dijon. S. 68–69
    • Pierre Gras: La Bibliothèque municipale de Dijon. S. 69
    • André Ameller: Le Conservatoire national de musique de Dijon. S. 70
    • Folke Lindberg: Speech improvised at the IAML-luncheon in Laumes and reimprovised several months later in Lidingö, Sweden. S. 71
    • Alexander Hyatt King: Short Address. S. 71–72
  • Commissions internationales de travail.
    • Friedrich Blume, Harald Heckmann: Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM). S. 74–75
    • Andrè Jurrès: Music Information Centers (MIC): Summary of the report on the Dijon meeting. S. 75–76
    • Harold Spivacke: International Committee of Music Phonorecord Collections: Dijon—July 2, 1965. S. 76–78
    • Rita Benton: International Commission of Research Libraries. S. 78–79
    • Karl Ludwig Nicol: Arbeitssitzung der Commission internationale des Bibliothèques musicales publiques: Dijon, 2. 7. 1965. S. 79–80
    • J. H. Davies: IAML Radio Commission. S. 80–82
    • K. Schmidt-Phiseldeck: Commission Internationale du Code de Catalogage. S. 82
    • François Lesure: Commission Internationale des Cotages d’Éditeurs: Dijon, 2 Juillet 1965. S. 82
    • Roger Décollogne, Francine Bloch: Réflexions sur le Congrès du Président de la F. I. P.. S. 83–84
    • Horst Leuchtmann: Das Polyglotte Musikfachwörterbuch der AIBM. S. 84–86
  • Assemblée générale.
    • André Jurrès: Allocution du nouveau Président. S. 88
    • Harald Heckman: Generalversammlung / Assemblée générale / General Assembly. S. 88–89
    • Harald Heckmann: Bericht des Generalsekretärs / Rapport du Sécretaire général / Report of the Secretary general. S. 90–95
    • Wolfgang Rehm: Bericht des Schatzmeisters. S. 95–96
    • Harald Heckmann: Sitzungen der Vorstände der AIBM / Réunions des organes directeurs de l’AIBM / Meetings of the Board and the Council of AIBM. S. 97–98
  • Les Tables rondes.
  • PREMIÈRE TABLE RONDE: Les Centres de Documentation Musicale et leurs Techniques Particulières.
    • Enrich Straram: Introduction du Président. S. 100
    • André Jurrès: Les Centres de documentation musicale et leurs techniques particulières: Rapport principal. S. 100–104
    • Bernard Huys: Réponse au rapport préliminaire de M. A. Jurrès. S. 104–106
    • John Howard Davies: The Radio Librarian and Music Documentation Techniques: Secondary Report. S. 106–107
    • Karl Ludwig Nicol: Bericht zur ersten „Table ronde“. S. 107–108
    • Brooks Shepard: Secondary Report. S. 108–109
    • Anna Van Steenbergen: Compte-Rendu des Discussions. S. 109–111
  • DEUXIÈME TABLE RONDE: Utilization of data Processing techniques in Musical Documentation.
    • Harald Heckmann: Geleitwort des Vorsitzenden. S. 111
    • Barry S. Brook: Utilzation of data processing techniques in Music Documentation: The principal Report. S. 112–122
    • Nanna Schiødt: Data Processing applied to Byzantine Chant: Secondary Report. S. 122–123
    • Walter Reckziegel: Musikbibliographie und Datenspeicher: Nebenbericht. S. 123–128
    • Raymond Meylan, Kurt Dorfmüller: Utilisation des calculatrices électroniques pour la comparaison interne du répertoire des basses danses du quinzième siècle. S. 128–135
  • Troisième Table Ronde: The Music Librarian, the Bibliographer, the Documentalist.
    • Frits Noske: Introduction by the Chairman. S. 135
    • Alexander Hyatt King: The Music Librarian, the Bibliographer, the Documentalist: The principal Report. S. 135–137
    • Mariangela Donà: Le Bibliothécaire, le Documentaliste, le Bibliographe Musical: Quelques points de contact entre leurs activités respectives: Rapport secondaire. S. 137–138
    • Vincent Duckles: Music Librarian — Bibliographer — Documentalist: Secondary Report. S. 138–141
    • Herta Schetelich: Nebenbericht. S. 141–142
    • Simone Wallon: The Music Librarian, the Bibliographer, the Documentalist: Rapport secondaire. S. 142–143
    • Hans Zehntner: Bibliothekar, Bibliograph und Dokumentalist: Nebenbericht. S. 143–145
    • Charles Cudworth: Un „Répertoire de documents musicaux“: Secondary Report. S. 145–146
    • Manfred Willfort: Bericht über das Dritte Rundgespräch. S. 146
  • QUATRIÈME TABLE RONDE: Audio-Visual Means of Musical Documentation.
    • Harold Spivacke: Introduction by the President. S. 147
    • Folke Lindberg: Quelques aspects de la documentation musicale audio-visuelle: Rapport principal. S. 147–150
    • Elisabeth Lebeau: Le problème des publications originales de musique non imprimées, à propos de la recherche de la musique de film: Rapport secondaire. S. 150–152
    • Patrick Saul: A Documentation Policy for a National Sound Archive: Secondary Report. S. 152–155
    • Barry S. Brook: The Simplified „Plaine and Easie Code System“ for Notating Music : A Proposal for International Adoption. S. 156–160
  • Séance de la Société française de Musicologie: „Le Tempo dans l’exécution musicale du XVIIe et du XVIIIe siècles“ „Le Tempo dans la musique de tradition orale“.
    • Comtesse H. De Chambure: Avant propos du Président de séance. S. 162
    • G. Thibault: Le „Te Deum“ de Lalande. Minutage de l’époque. S. 162–165
    • Denise Launay: Les Rapports de Tempo entre Mesures Binaires et Mesures Ternaires dans la Musique Française (1600 — 1650). S. 166–194
    • Charles Cudworth: The Meaning of „Vivace“ in Eighteenth Century England. S. 194–195
    • Barry S. Brook: Le Tempo dans l’exécution de la musique instrumentale à la fin du XVIIIe siècle : Les Contributions de C. Mason et William Crotch. S. 196–201
    • André Verchaly: Le Tempo dans la „musique mesurée à l’antique“. S. 202–204
    • Claudie Marcel-Dubois: Le Tempo dans les Musiques de tradition Orale. S. 204–206
  • SÉANCE DU GROUPE FRANÇAIS DU C.I.M.C.I.M.: Beaune, 6 juillet 1965.
    • Claudie Marcel-Dubois: Instruments de Musique Ethniques et Musées spécialisés d’Ethnologie: Résumé. S. 207–208
    • G. Thibault: Recherches Effectuées au Musée Instrumental du Conservatoire de Paris (1962—1965). S. 209–212
  • Concert-Conférence de Musique expérimentale.
    • Jean-Étienne Marie: Musique Expérimentale: Conférence-Concert du 5 juillet. S. 214–222
  • La Vie du Congrès.
    • Miriam Miller: Life at the Congress. S. 223–224
    • Jean-Claude Garreta: Estampes à Sujets Musicaux Relevées dans les Recueils de la Bibliothèque Municipale de Dijon: Exposition présentée dans les salles Vaillant et Boullemier de la Bibliothèque: Catalogue. S. 225–227
  • Liste des Participants au Congrès. S. 228–230

13. Jg. 1966

  • Harald Heckmann, Wolfgang Rehm: Zum Geleit. S. 4
  • Ihr Friedrich Blume: Lieber Freund Vladimir Fédorov!. S. 5–8
  • Karl Vötterle: Fontes Artis Musicae. S. 8
  • Israël Adler: Une source hébraïque de 1602 relative à la musica reservata?. S. 9–15
  • Higinio Anglés: Relations épistolaires entre César Cui et Philippe Pedrell. S. 15–21
  • Rita Benton: Ignace Pleyel, Disputant. S. 21–24
  • Nanie Bridgman: La typographie musicale italienne (1475—1630) dans les collections de la Bibliothèque nationale de Paris. S. 24–27
  • Charles Cudworth: Richard, Viscount Fitzwilliam, and the French Baroque Music in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. S. 27–31
  • John Howard Davies: Entente-Cordiale G. Jean-Aubry and a Generation of Anglo French Musical Journalism in The Chesterian. S. 31–33
  • Kurt Dorfmüller: Gustav-Mahler-Dokumente in München. S. 33–39
  • Karl Gustav Fellerer: Zur Kontrapunkt-Literatur im 16. Jahrhundert. S. 39–43
  • Paule Guiomar: J. J. Imbault. S. 43–46
  • Cari Johansson: Carl Fredric Fredenheim and his Collection of Eighteenth-Century Music. S. 46–49
  • André Jurrès: Les compositeurs néerlandais et l’Orchestre du Concertgebouw. S. 49–53
  • A. Hyatt King: C. G. Röder’s Music-Printing Business in 1885. S. 53–59
  • Jan Larue: Classification of Watermarks for Musicological Purposes. S. 59–63
  • Denise Launay: À propos de deux manuscrits musicaux aux armes de Louis XIII. S. 63–67
  • Elisabeth Lebeau: Les catalogues de vente de tableaux et d’objets d’art, source de documentation musicale. S. 67–72
  • François Lesure, G. Thibault: La méthode de mandoline de Michel Corrette (1772). S. 72–76
  • Folke Lindberg: Broadcasting Libraries and Archives as Music Research Centres. S. 76–79
  • Zofia Lissa: Max Regers Metamorphosen der „ Berceuse“ op. 83 von Frédéric Chopin. S. 79–84
  • Oscar Mischiati: Un’inedita testimonianza su Bartolomeo Ramis de Pareia. S. 84–86
  • Frits Noske: Early Sources of the Dutch National Anthem (1574—1626). S. 87–94
  • Leopold Nowak: Ein Bach-Fund. S. 95–98
  • Alfons Ott: Couperin als Quelle für Richard Strauss. S. 99–103
  • Miguel Querol: Lista de los catálogos musicales publicados en España. S. 103–105
  • Friedrich W. Riedel: Die Libretto-Sammlung im Benediktinerstift Göttweig. S. 105–111
  • Claudio Sartori: Un catalogo di Giuseppe Sala del 1715. S. 112–116
  • Kay Schmidt-Phiseldeck: Notes sur les buts du catalogage des livres et de la musique. S. 117–121
  • Wolfgang Schmieder: Werkstatt-Erfahrungen beim Katalogisieren von Musikhandschriften: Ein Brief. S. 121–125
  • Simone Wallon: L’alliance franco-russe dans la chanson française de 1890 à 1901. S. 126–136
  • Liesbeth Weinhold: Musiktitel und Datierung. S. 136–140
  • Hans Zehntner: Musikerbriefe in der Universitätsbibliothek Basel. S. 140–149
  • Bernard Bardet: Oeuvres de Vladimir Fédorov. S. 150–152
  • Maria Prokopowicz: La Réunion de l’AIBM à Varsovie du 4 au 8 Septembre 1666. S. 153–154
  • Virginia Cunningham: Minnie Elmer in Memoriam. S. 154
  • Otfried Büthe: Einige methodische Fragen zu Vorbereitung und Aufbau einer musikhistorischen Ausstellung. S. 155–158
  • Howard Brofsky: Students of Padre Martini: A Preliminary List. S. 159–160
  • Hans-Martin Plesske: Musikergedenkstätten in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. S. 161–166
  • Henry Watson Music Library: Music Manuscripts Available in Microform. S. 167–171
  • Wolfgang Suppan: Communiqués / Mitteilungen / Notes And Information. S. 172–175
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 24 (avril 1966). S. 176–217
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique ANCIENNE (avant 1800). S. 217–228
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique MODERNE (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 228–230

14. Jg. 1967

  • Luiz Heitor Corrêa De Azevedo: La Musique et les musiciens à l’UNESCO: Un bilan à l’occasion du 20e anniversaire de l’organisation. S. 1–8
  • Maria Prokopowicz: La Réunion de l’AIBM à Varsovie du 4 au 8 Septembre 1966 (Participation et contribution des représentants polonais). S. 9–11
  • Hieronim Feicht: Neue Quellen zur Geschichte der alten polnischen Musik. S. 11–16
  • Maria Prokopowicz: La musique imprimée de 1800 à 1831 comme source de la culture musicale polonaise de l’époque. S. 16–22
  • F. Lesure: Cotages d’éditeurs antérieurs à c. 1850: Liste préliminaire. S. 22–37
  • Wolfgang Matthäus: Quellen und Fehlerquellen zur Datierung von Musikdrucken aus der Zeit nach 1750. S. 37–42
  • Kurt Dorfmüller, Alfons Ott, Wolfgang Schmieder: Wolfgang Schmieder — Bibliographie: Erstellt zu seinem 65. Geburtstag am 29. Mai 1966. S. 43–53
  • Harald Heckmann, Virginia Cunningham, Kurt Dorfmüller, Rita Benton, Vlasta Pouzarová, Jaroslava Klapková, Elisabeth Strandbygaard, Herta Schetelich, K. Musiol, D. W. Krummel, Alfons Ott, Barry S. Brook, Gerhard Schuhmacher, André Jurres: Jahrestagung der IVMB in Warschau—IAML Annual Conference in Warsaw—Réunion annuelle de l’AIBM à Varsovie. S. 53–67
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 25 (décembre 1966). S. 68–92
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique ANCIENNE (avant 1800). S. 92–97
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique MODERNE (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 97–99
  • Axel Helmer: The Swedish Archives of Music History: A Report. S. 101–103
  • Elena Andreevna Novikova, Minnie Elmer: Actual Problems of Contemporary Music Cataloging. S. 103–117
  • Communiqués / Mitteilungen / Notes And Information.
    • Claes M. Cnattingius: Phonograph Commission. S. 118
    • Gloria Rose Donington: Another Approach to Thorough-Bass. S. 118–119
    • Karl Ferdinand Müller: Gesangbucharchiv der Ev.-luth. Landeskirche Hannovers in der Kirchenmusikschule Hannover. S. 119
    • Philippe Mercier: Pourra-t-on ressusciter Gresnick?. S. 119–120
    • Silvano De Francesco: Annotazioni su alcune musiche, finora non segnalate, di Giorgio Federico Ghedini. S. 120–121
  • Verzeichnis der seit Erscheinen der ersten Bach-Gesamtausgabe verschollenen Originalhandschriften Bachscher Werke. S. 121–123
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Alfons Ott: Das Musiklexikon der Steiermark. Steirisches Musiklexikon. Im Auftrag Des Steirischen Tonkünstlerbundes Unter Benützung Der „Sammlung Wamlek“ Bearbeitet Und Herausgegeben. Akademische Druck- U. Verlagsanstalt, Graz 1962—1966 (Beiträge Zur Steirischen Musikforschung, Band 1) By Wolfgang Suppan. S. 124–125
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 26 (mai 1967). S. 126–152
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique ANCIENNE (avant 1800). S. 152–159
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique MODERNE (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 160–162

15. Jg. 1968

  • André Jurres: Karl Vötterle sixty-five years young. S. 1
  • Barry S. Brook, Nanna Schiødt: RILM: Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale / International Repertory of Music Literature / Internationales Repertorium der Musikliteratur. S. 2–9
  • Wolfgang Rehm: Die Neue Mozart-Ausgabe: Ziele und Aufgaben. S. 9–13
  • Cecil Hopkinson: Two important Berlioz discoveries (offered to Vladimir Fédorov in honour of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday). S. 14–16
  • Eugenia C. Saville: Liturgical music of Giovanni Clari: An Annotated Index. S. 17–31
  • Denis Vaughan: Berne Convention. Printing, Publication and Distribution of Musical Works. S. 32–33
  • Harald Heckmann, André Jurres, Rita Benton, Alfons Ott, J. H. Davies, Kurt Dorfmüller, Harold Spivacke: Jahrestagung der IVMB in Salzburg — IAML annual conference in Salzburg — Réunion annuelle de l’AIBM à Salzbourg. S. 34–47
  • Alfons Ott: Deutsche Sektion (BRD) der Association Internationale des Bibliothèques Musicales (AIBM) Arbeits- und Fortbildungstagung, München 1967. S. 47–48
  • Communiqués / Mitteilungen / Notes And Information.
    • Ritva Piispanen: Music Libraries in Finland 1967. S. 49
    • Hellmuth Christian Wolff: Répertoire Iconographique de l’Opéra (RICO). S. 50–51
    • R. Meylan: Enquête sur Arthur Parchet. S. 51–52
    • Review by Emanuel Winternitz: Music is for people. Musik Und Gesellschaft Im Bild — Zeugnisse Der Malerei Aus Sechs Jahrhunderten By Francois Lesure; Pierre Francastel. S. 52–54
    • Review by Philipp Naegele: Haydns gesammelte Briefe und Aufzeichnungen. Gesammelte Briefe Und Aufzeichnungen By Joseph Haydn; H. C. Robbins Landon; Dénes Bartha. S. 54–56
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 27 (septembre 1967). S. 57–70
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique ANCIENNE (avant 1800). S. 70–73
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique MODERNE (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 73–74
  • Hans Lenneberg: Problems in the International Exchange of Microfilm. S. 75–78
  • Harald Heckmann, François Lesure, Rita Benton: Bemerkungen — Remarques — Remarks zu Lennebergs „Problems in the international Exchange of Microfilm“. S. 79–82
  • Iván Pethes, Ing. Karel Kozelek, Eric Winkel, Helmut Rösner, Hans-Martin Pleßke, Miguel Querol Gavaldá, Simone Wallon, E. T. Bryant, Mariangela Donà, Karol Musioł, Hans Zehntner, Alfhild Forslin, Virginia Cunningham, Barbara R. Greener: The Classification of Music and Literature on Music. S. 83–102
  • Liesbeth Weinhold: Der Anteil der Bundesrepublik Deutschland am Internationalen Quellenlexion der Musik: Referat auf der Tagung der Deutschen Gruppe der AIBM in München am 30. 8. 1967. S. 102–107
  • K. Ph. Bernet Kempers: Die Sigel RISM 1553 und 1553. S. 108–110
  • Communiqués / Mitteilungen / Notes And Information.
    • E. L.: Les Manuscrits de Nicolas Obouhov au Département de la Musique de la Bibliothèque nationale. S. 111–114
    • Iván Pethes: Musikbibliotheken in Ungarn. S. 114–119
    • C. Johansson: Réunion du Groupe Scandinave de l’AIBM. S. 119
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by V. F.: Franz Liszt en Hongrie. S. 120–121
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 28 (mai 1968). S. 122–140
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique ANCIENNE (avant 1800). S. 140–148
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique MODERNE (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 148–151

16. Jg. 1969

  • André Jurrès: LE HUITIÈME CONGRÈS DE L’Association À NEW YORK ET À WASHINGTON (8 — 15 SEPTEMBRE 1968) COMPTES-RENDUS DES TRAVAUX : Un simple mot d’adieu. S. 1–2
  • Harald Heckmann: Bericht über die 6. Generalversammlung der IVMB / Report of the sixth General Assembly of IAML / Compte-Rendu de la 6e Assemblée Générale de l’AIBM. S. 3–5
  • Harald Heckmann: Bericht des Generalsekretärs — Report of the Secretary general / Rapport du Sécretaire général. S. 6–8
  • Harald Heckmann: Bericht des Schatzmeisters: Übersicht über die Einnahmen und Ausgaben in den Jahren 1965, 1966 und 1967. S. 9–12
  • Rita Benton, Thor E. Wood, Dietrich Lotichius, John H. Davies, Kurt Dorfmüller, François Lesure, Keith C. Macmillan: Commissions Internationales de Travail: Research Libraries Commission. S. 12–19
  • Patrick Saul: Fédération Internationale des Phonothèques (F.I.P.) (International Federation of Sound Archives). S. 19
  • Karlheinz Schlager, Helmut Kallmann, Nanna Schiødt, Liesbeth Weinhold, François Lesure, Israel Adler, Alfons Annegarn, Cari Johansson, Harold Spivacke: Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM): Protokoll über die RISM-Sitzungen. S. 20–24
  • Barry S. Brook, Nanna Schiødt: Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM): Report No. 3: September 1968. S. 24–27
  • Exhibition of Musical Resources from American Archives. S. 27–28
  • Cecil Hopkinson: Berlioz Discoveries (An open letter). S. 28–29
  • Marie Louise Martinez-Göllner: Die Augsburger Bibliothek Herwart und ihre Lautentabulaturen: Ein Musikbestand der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek aus dem 16. Jahrhundert. S. 29–48
  • Axel Helmer, Wolfram Uhlmann: Retrieval of Historical Data: Towards a Computerized Concert Index at The Swedish Archives of Music History. S. 48–56
  • Leeman L. Perkins: Notes bibliographiques au sujet de l’ancien fond musical de l’Église de Saint Louis des Français à Rome: D’après l’étude inédite d’Alberto Cametti concernant la chapelle musicale de cette église). S. 57–71
  • Communiqués / Mitteilungen / Notes And Information.
  • Verschollene Kantaten von Sebastian Knüpfer und Johann Gottlieb Görner. S. 72
  • Commissions For Processing The Stored Musical Data. S. 72
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Hans Zehntner: Musik Und Verlag. Karl Vötterle Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 12. April 1968 By Richard Baum; Wolfgang Rehm. S. 73–74
    • Review by Dragotin Cvetko: Ein neues Werk über das Musikbarock. Der Musikbegriff Im Deutschen Barock By Rolf Dammann. S. 74–76
    • Review by Ewald Jammers: Die Lieder des Fürsten Wizlaw von Rügen. The Songs Of The Minnesinger, Prince Wizlaw Of Rügen (Univers. Of North Carolina Studies In The Germanic Languages, Literatures Nr 59.) By Thomas Wesley; Barbara Garvey Seagrave. S. 77–78
  • Liste Internationale Selective No. 29 (décembre 1968). S. 79–97
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique ANCIENNE (avant 1800). S. 97–102
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique MODERNE (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 102–105
  • Thor E. Wood: American Music Libraries and Information Agencies: Preface to this Issue. S. 108–109
  • Carroll D. Wade: The Music Division in the Library of Congress. S. 109–112
  • Frank C. Campbell: The Music Division of The New York Public Library. S. 112–119
  • Donald W. Krummel: The Newberry Library, Chicago. S. 119–124
  • Rita Benton: The Music Library of the University of Iowa. S. 124–129
  • Violet E. Lowens: The Public Library Music Division: A Glimpse of Past, Present, and Future. S. 129–133
  • Kurtz Myers: The Public Library and the Musical Community. S. 133–135
  • Geraldine Ostrove: Conservatory Libraries in the United States. S. 136–143
  • Ruth Watanabe: The Sibley Music Library of the Eastman School of Music. S. 143–144
  • James Browning: The American Music Center. S. 144–146
  • Philip L. Miller: Association for Recorded Sound Collections. S. 146–147
  • Charles Hamm, Herbert Kellman: The Musicological Archive for Renaissance Manuscript Studies. S. 148–149
  • Susan Thiemann Sommer: Toscanini Memorial Archives. S. 149–150

17. Jg. 1970

  • Hans Zehntner: LE CONGRÈS DE SAINT-GALL. S. 1
  • Imogen Fellinger: Die Zentralstelle für Musikbibliographie des 19. Jahrhunderts. S. 2–6
  • Imogen Fellinger: Verzeichnis der Musikzeitschriften des 19. Jahrhunderts: Nachträge, Folge 1. S. 7–8
  • Rita Benton: A la recherche de Pleyel perdu, or Perils, Problems, and Procedures of Pleyel Research. S. 9–15
  • Hans-Rudolf Dürrenmatt, Murray Gould, Jan Larue: Die Notierung thematischer Incipits auf „Mark-Sense-Cards“: Thematisch-bibliographische Katalogisierung im Zeitraum von 1600—1800 mit Hilfe elektronischer Datenverarbeitung. S. 15–23
  • Rudolf Elvers: Breitkopf & Härtels Verlagsarchiv. S. 24–28
  • Jutta Theurich: Die Arbeiten am RISM in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. S. 28–32
  • Harald Heckmann, Rita Benton, Alfons Ott, John H. Davies, Kurt Dorfmüller, Donald W. Krummel, Claes M. Cnattingius, André Jurres: Jahrestagung der IVMB in Amsterdam / IAML Annual Conference in Amsterdam / Réunion annuelle de l’AIBM à Amsterdam. S. 32–40
  • Harald Heckmann: Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM). S. 40–41
  • Barry S. Brook, Nanna Schiødt: Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM): Report No. 4: Amsterdam, August 1969. S. 41–44
  • International Association of Sound Archives (IASA). S. 44–47
  • Communiqués / Mitteilungen / Notes And Information.
    • Alfons Ott: Musikbibliothekarische Arbeit und Arbeitsplanung. S. 48–51
    • Bernard Bardet: Les programmes au Département de la Musique à la Bibliothèque nationale. S. 51–53
  • Music Library Personnel to Study at North Texas State University. S. 53
    • Howard Brown: Rism-Recueils Imprimés Du Xvi E Et Xvii E Ss. Dépouillements. S. 54
  • Les Oeuvres Complètes de Paul Hindemith. S. 54
    • Robert Freeman: Thematic Catalogue Of Cadenzas For Mozart Concertos. S. 54
    • William J. Maynard: Other Mozart and Weber Cadenzas. S. 54
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
  • Un Guide musical non-conformiste. S. 55
    • Review by François Lesure: Une Entreprise Modèle Et Systématique. S. 55
    • Review by Dragotin Cvetko: Une nouvelle Encyclopédie de la Musique. S. 55–56
    • Review by Ivo Supičić: Entre l’Esthétique et l’Histoire. S. 56–58
  • LISTE INTERNATIONALE SÉLECTIVE No. 30 (décembre 1969). S. 59–93
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique ANCIENNE (avant 1800). S. 93–102
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique MODERNE (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 102–107
  • Note du rédacteur. S. 109
  • James Coover: American Music Librarianship: The Formative Years and the First Generation. S. 109–119
  • Martin Staehelin: Zum Schicksal des alten Musikalien-Fonds von San Luigi dei Francesi in Rom. S. 120–127
  • Sharon E. Girard: Bibliography of Musical Articles in the National Hemeroteca, Mexico City: A Preliminary Study. S. 127–128
  • François Lesure: Un Guide Américain pour L’Europe. S. 129
  • Communiqués / Mitteilungen / Notes And Information.
    • Lutz Lesle: Tagung der Deutschen Gruppe BRD der AIBM in Westberlin. S. 130–131
    • John H. Davies: Helmut Kallmann, First National Music Librarian of Canada. S. 131–132
    • Dan Fog: Sven Lunn, Kaj Schmidt-Phiseldeck, Erling Winkel in Memoriam. S. 132–133
    • Barry S. Brook: Thematic Catalogues in Music. An Annotated Bibliography. S. 133
  • LISTE INTERNATIONALE SÉLECTIVE No. 31 (août 1970). S. 137–165
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique ANCIENNE (avant 1800). S. 165–173
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique MODERNE (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 174–178

18. Jg. 1971

  • Vladimir Fédorov zum 70. Geburtstag am 18. August 1971. S. 1
  • King of the Music Room: On his Sixtieth Birthday, 18 July 1971. S. 2–3
  • Thor E. Wood, H. N.: Music Librarianship in the United States. S. 3–5
  • June R. Morroni: The Music Library Association. S. 5–18
  • Walter Gerboth: The Publics of the Music Library. S. 19–21
  • Donald L. Leavitt: Some Practices and Problems in American Record Libraries. S. 22–27
  • William J. Weichlein: Training for Music Librarianship. S. 28–30
  • Ruth Watanabe: Workshops and Institutes for Music Librarians in the United States. S. 30–35
  • Vincent Duckles: Music Bibliography in the United States (1960—1970). S. 35–40
  • Donald W. Krummel: Guide for dating early music: A Synopsis. S. 40–59
  • Imogen Fellinger: Verzeichnis der Musikzeitschriften des 19. Jahrhunderts. S. 59–62
  • Harald Heckmann, Rita Benton, Alfons Ott, Iván Pethes, Karol Musioł, John H. Davies, Kurt Dorfmüller, Claes M. Cnattingius, André Jurres: Jahrestagung der IVMB in Leipzig / IAML annual Conference in Leipzig / Réunion annuelle de l’AIBM à Leipzig. S. 62–72
  • Harald Heckmann: Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM). S. 73
  • Barry S. Brook, Nanna Schiødt: Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM). S. 73–77
  • International Association of Sound Archives (IASA). S. 77–79
  • Communiqués / Mitteilungen / Notes And Information.
    • Iván Pethes: Musiksektion des Vereins der ungarischen Bibliothekare. S. 80
    • Anna Veress: Die Musiksammlung der Universitätsbibliothek in Debrecen (Ungarn). S. 80–81
  • Der XI. Kongreß der IGMw. S. 81
  • The New York Public Library Acquires Early English Music Manuscripts, The Giuditta Pasta Collection. S. 81–82
  • Neue Bibliographien der Werke von Beethoven, Brahms und Chopin. S. 82
  • Correspondance de F.-J. Fétis. S. 82
  • LISTE INTERNATIONALE SÉLECTIVE No. 31 (septembre 1970). S. 83–90
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique ANCIENNE (avant 1800). S. 90–91
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique MODERNE (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 91–92
  • Le Biblioteche Italiane. S. 93–157
  • LISTE INTERNATIONALE SÉLECTIVE N O 32 (janvier 1967—décembre 1970). S. 158–162
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique ANCIENNE (avant 1800). S. 162–166
  • Éditions et Rééditions de Musique MODERNE (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 166

19. Jg. 1972

  • Rudolf Elvers, Cecil Hopkinson: A Survey of the Music Catalogues of Whistling and Hofmeister. S. 1–7
  • Cecil Hill: William Stansby and Music-Printing. S. 7–13
  • Carol June Bradley: The Dickinson Classification for Music. S. 13–22
  • Marie Svobodová: Music Journals in Bohemia and Moravia: 1796—1970 (Prague 1971). S. 22–41
  • Imogen Fellinger: Verzeichnis der Musikzeitschriften des 19. Jahrhunderts: Nachträge, Folge 3. S. 41–44
  • Pour Ernst Mohr. S. 45
  • Ouvrages Reçus / Eingegangene Schriften / Books And Music Received. S. 45–52
  • Liste Internationale Sélective No. 33 (Décembre 1971). S. 53–84
  • Éditions Et Rééditions De Musique Ancienne (Avant 1800). S. 84–91
  • Éditions Et Rééditions De Musique Moderne (XIXe et XXe ss.). S. 91–96
  • A. Hyatt King, Folke Lindberg: JOHN HOWARD DAVIES. S. 97–98
  • Partie Administrative. S. 100
  • Programme du Congrès. S. 100–101
  • Hans Steinbeck: Avant-propos. S. 102
  • SÉANCE D’OUVERTURE. S. 103–112
  • Harald Heckmann, Wolfgang Rehm: ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE. S. 155–162
  • Commissions DE TRAVAIL. S. 163–207
  • SOMMER-AUSSTELLUNG 1971 IN DER STIFTSBIBLIOTHEK ST. GALLEN: „GESANGSKUNST — BUCHKUNST“ ST. GALLER MANUSKRIPTE AUS DEM 8. BIS 18. JAHRHUNDERT (Kongreß der Internationalen Vereinigung der Musikbibliotheken, 22.—28. August, in St. Gallen). S. 208–211

20. Jg. 1973

  • Harald Heckmann, André Jurres, Folke Lindberg, Kurt Dorfmüller, Thor E. Wood, Karol Musiol, Claes M. Cnattingius, Rita Benton, D. W. Krummel, Barry S. Brook, R. L. Schuursma: Jahrestagung der IVMB in Bologna / IAML annual Conference in Bologna / Réunion annuelle de l’AIBM à Bologne. S. 1–25
  • Ouvrages Reçus / Eingegangene Schriften / Books And Music Received. S. 26–38
  • Liste Internationale Sélective No. 34 (Décembre 1972). S. 39–72
  • Éditions Et Rééditions De Musique Ancienne (Avant 1800). S. 72–79
  • Éditions Et Rééditions De Musique Moderne (Xixe Et Xxe Ss.). S. 79–84
  • 10th Congress of the International Association of Music Libraries: Jerusalem, 18—24 August, 1974. S. 85–86
  • Robert Stevenson: The Toledo Manuscript Polyphonic Choirbooks and some other lost or little known Flemish Sources. S. 87–107
  • Imogen Fellinger: Verzeichnis der Musikzeitschriften des 19. Jahrhunderts. S. 108–111
  • Chappell White: Toward a more accurate Chronology of Viotti’s Violin Concertos. S. 111–124

21. Jg. 1974

  • Harald Heckmann, André Jurres, Kurt Dorfmüller, Charlotte Van Der Pot, Rita Benton, Anders Lönn, Mariangela Donà, Imogen Fellinger, Jürgen Kindermann, Frederick Rimmer, Eva Brit Fanger, D. W. Krummel, Folke Lindberg, Karlheinz Schlager, Barry S. Brook, Nanna Schiødt, Claes M. Cnattingius: Jahrestagung der IVMB in London / IAML annual Conference in London / Réunion annuelle de l’AIBM à Londres. S. 1–27, 83–84
  • Folke Lindberg: Gramophone Record Catalogues based on EDP Routines: A short survey. S. 28–32
  • Marie Svobodová, Juraj Potúček: Music Journals in Slovakia 1871–1970. S. 32–36
  • Imogen Fellinger: Verzeichnis der Musikzeitschriften des 19. Jahrhunderts. S. 36–38
  • Communiqués / Mitteilungen / Notes And Information.
  • Index of New Musical Notation. S. 39
  • Popular Music. S. 39
  • Liste Internationale Sélective No. 35 (Décembre 1973). S. 40–68
  • Éditions Et Rééditions De Musique Ancienne (Avant 1800). S. 68–76
  • Éditions Et Rééditions De Musique Moderne (Xixe Et Xxe Ss). S. 76–83
  • Catharina Van Hees, Charlotte Van Der Pot: Introduction. S. 87–90
  • [Map of music and record libraries]. S. 91
  • Do Reeser: Sixty Years of Public Music Libraries in the Netherlands. S. 92–96
  • Charlotte Van Der Pot: The Study Centre for Music and Record Libraries. S. 96–100
  • Dule Aelberts-Van De Ven, Catharina Van Hees: Training Music / Gramophone Record Librarians. S. 100–103
  • Paul Van Reijen: The Toonkunst Library. S. 103–106
  • Arie Verveen, Magda Klerk: The Gemeentemuseum at the Hague. S. 106–109
  • Fred Matter: The Volksliedarchief at Amsterdam. S. 109–111
  • Huib Deetman: Public Record Libraries in the Netherlands. S. 111–115
  • Axel Meijer: Conservatory Libraries in the Netherlands. S. 115–119
  • Rogier Starreveld: The Donemus Foundation. S. 119–122
  • Cees Rusche: The Sound Recording Library at the Dutch Broadcasting Foundation (NOS). S. 122–124
  • Kees Silvis: County Record Libraries. S. 124–128
  • Rolf Schuursma: The Historical Sound Archive of the Foundation for Film and Science, Utrecht. S. 128–130
  • Annie Willemsen: The Music Libray for the Blind at the Amsterdam Public Library. S. 130–133
  • Clemens Von Gleich: The Society of Dutch Music History. S. 134–136
  • Statistical Survey. S. 136
  • Bibliography of Professional Literature Published in Commission or under the Auspices of the Study Centre for Music and Record Libraries. S. 137–138
  • Qualifications of a Music Librarian. S. 139–143
  • Communiques / Mitteilungen / Notes And Information.
  • The 12th Congress of the International Musicological Society (Berkeley, August 1977). S. 144

22. Jg. 1975

  • Israel Adler, Bathja Bayer: Tenth International Congress Of Music Libraries Jerusalem: August 18Th To 24Th 1974. S. 1
  • Israel Adler, Bathja Bayer: Administrative Information. S. 2–6
  • Opening Session: Monday 19. 8. 1974, 15,00 H., Maison De France Programme. S. 7–15
  • Harald Heckmann: General Assembly: Monday 19. 8. 1974, 16 H. 30, Maison De France. S. 16–31
  • Public Sessions. S. 32–47
  • Kurt Dorfmüller, D. W. Krummel, André Jurres, Don L. Roberts, Charlotte Van Der Pot, Claes M. Cnattingius, Dietrich Lotichius, Anders Lönn, Barry S. Brook, Rolf L. Schuursma: Working Commissions. S. 48–61
  • Avigdor Herzog: Concerts And Exhibitions. S. 62–79
  • List Of Participants. S. 80–81
  • קׇנ וׁן לְסַפְרׇן (קהלת י„ב פס’ י„ב) / Canon Bibliothecarii (Ecclesiastes, Xii, 12). S. 82
  • Kurt Dorfmüller, François Lesure, Norbert Böker-Heil: Neue Pläne Für RISM. S. 83–90
  • Vladimir Fédorov: Mes chers Amis. S. 91
  • Rita Benton: A Statement from the new Editor. S. 91–93
  • François Lesure: Geneviève Thibault, comtesse de Chambure. S. 94
  • Harald Heckmann: In memoriam Karl Vötterle. S. 95
  • Vladimir Fédorov: La mort de Friedrich Blume (5 janvier 1893 — 22 novembre 1975). S. 95–96
    • Karol Musiol: Die Aufgaben der Bibliothek in der Musikhochschule. S. 98–100
    • Werner Gallusser: Music School Libraries in Australia and New Zealand. S. 100–101
    • Kamiel Cooremans, Guy Tops: Music Libraries in Belgium. S. 101–103
    • Maria-Felicitas Kletzin: Bericht über die Musikhochschulbibliotheken in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. S. 104–107
    • Maria-Felicitas Kletzin: Die Eigengesetzlichkeit der Musikhochschulbibliotheken gegenüber den öffentlichen Musikbüchereien. S. 107–111
    • Ladislav Černecký: Libraries and Archives of Music Schools in Czechoslovakia. S. 112–113
    • Ina Albert: Die Bibliotheken der Musikhochschulen der DDR. S. 114–115
    • Miguel Querol: España. S. 116–118
    • François Lesure: Les Bibliothèques des Conservatoires en France. S. 119–121
    • Edward Thompson: Music School Libraries in Britain. S. 121–123
    • Claude Abravanel: Les Bibliothèques dans les Établissements pédagogiques de Musique en Israël. S. 123–124
    • Koralja Kos: Musikhochschulbibliotheken in Jugoslawien. S. 125–127
    • Magda Gráf-Forrai: Die Geschichte und heutige Stellung der Bibliotheken musikpädagogischer Institutionen in Ungarn. S. 128–131
    • Harald Bogner: Österreichische Musikhochschul- und Konservatoriumsbibliotheken. S. 132–133
    • Karol Musiol: Die Bibliotheken der Staatlichen Hochschulen für Musik in Polen. S. 133–135
    • Theo Hirsbrunner: Die Bibliotheken der Schweizer Konservatorien und Musikhochschulen. S. 136–137
    • Cari Johansson: The Libraries of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music, Conservatories and Music Schools in Sweden. S. 137–140
    • Tamara Lysenko: Libraries of the Conservatories in the USSR. S. 140–144
    • Ruth Watanabe: Libraries in the Schools of Musical Performance and Pedagogy in the United States. S. 144–154
  • Comptes- Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Rita Benton: Les Catalogues de la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique. S. 155
    • Review by Bernard Marrey, Morris Martin: Discographies. S. 155–157
    • Review by Dietrich Berke: Mozart-Briefausgabe abgeschlossen. S. 157–158
    • Review by Dietrich Berke: Über Musiker-Gesamtausgaben. S. 158
    • Review by S. Wallon: Comment dater la Musique ancienne?. S. 158–159
    • Review by Jean-Michel Nectoux: À l’Écoute de Claude Debussy. S. 159–160

23. Jg. 1976

  • H. H.: Lieber V. F.. S. 1
  • Helmut Rösing: Zur Planung und zum gegenwärtigen Stand des RISM Handschriftenprojekts. S. 2–6
  • Cecil Hill: Ferdinand Ries: a preliminary list of correspondence. S. 7–39
  • Rb: Fontes Editoriales. S. 40
  • Nouvelles/Nachrichten/News. S. 41
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Sven H. Hansell: Svensk solosång 1850—1890. Vol. I: En genrehistorisk studie. Vol. II: Sångförteckning by Axel Helmer. S. 42–43
    • Review by Rita Benton: Histoire du Concert spirituel 1725—1790 by Constant Pierre. S. 43–46
  • Annual Meeting: International Association of Music Libraries. S. 47
  • Réunion Annuelle: Association Internationale des Bibliothèques Musicales. S. 47
  • Ella Arntsen: Jahrestagung: Internationale Vereinigung der Musikbibliotheken. S. 48
  • Charlotte Van Der Pot, Sabine Lichtenstein: Two Expositions Organized by the Music Library in Amsterdam. S. 49–52
  • Rita Benton: The Nature of Music and some Implications for the University Music Library. S. 53–60
  • George Mullally: Some Remarks on the Library of Congress Classification Schedule for Music. S. 60–61
  • Imogen Fellinger: Verzeichnis der Musikzeitschriften des 19. Jahrhunderts. S. 62–66
  • Barry S. Brook: The International Music Council, 1975. S. 67–69
  • IAML Annual Conference in Montreal Réunion annuelle de l’AIBM à Montréal Jahrestagung der IVMB in Montreal.
    • Anders Lönn: [Introduction]. S. 69–70
    • Bengt Kyhlberg: Broadcasting Libraries Commission. S. 71
    • D. W. Krummel: Commission For Bibliographical Research. S. 71–72
    • Don L. Roberts: Commission On Education And Training. S. 72
    • Ruth Watanabe: Commission On Libraries In Conservatories And Schools Of Music. S. 73
    • Kurt Dofmüller: Katalog-Kommission. S. 73–75
    • André Jurres: Music Information Centres. S. 75
    • Elizabeth M. Hart: Public Libraries Commission. S. 76
    • Derek Lewis: Record Libraries Commission. S. 77–80
    • Rita Benton: Research Libraries Commission. S. 80–81
    • Helmut Rösing, Kurt Dorfmüller: RISM. S. 81–82
  • RILM. S. 82–85
    • Barry S. Brook: RIDIM. S. 85–89
  • rb: Fontes Editoriales. S. 91
  • Nouvelles/Nachrichten/News. S. 92–94
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 95–97
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by James Moldovan Beilman: Notaţia şi Ehurile Muzicii Bizantine by Grigore Panţiru. S. 98
    • Review by Pierre Pidoux: Das Deutsche Kirchenlied (DKL). Band I, Teil 1: Verzeichnis der Drucke by Konrad Ameln; Markus Jenny; Walther Lipphardt. S. 98–99
    • Review by François Lesure: Sixteenth-century Choirbooks in the Archivio Capitolare at Casale Monferrato (Renaissance Manuscript Studies, 2) by David Crawford. S. 99–100
  • A. Hyatt King: Music in the British Library. S. 101–102
  • Nancy B. Reich: Liszt’s Variations on the March from Rossini’s Siège de Corinthe. S. 102–106
  • Belgian Issue.
    • B. H.: Introduction. S. 107
    • Bernard Huys: La Section de la Musique de la Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier à Bruxelles. S. 108–113
    • Diana Von Volborth-Danys: CeBeDeM — Belgian Centre for Music Documentation. S. 113–115
    • Edouard A. Niffle: La Bibliothèque musicale de la Radio-Télévision Belge. S. 116–117
    • Adrienne Doignies: Le Centre de Documentation musicale de l’Union Européenne de Radiodiffusion. S. 118
    • Paul Culot: Quelques moments de l’histoire musicale évoqués par les collections du Musée de Mariemont. S. 119–123
    • Maurice Barthélemy: Le Fonds Terry de la Bibliothèque du Conservatoire Royal de Musique de Liège. S. 124–126
    • Bernard Huys: Le Fonds de Sainte-Gudule de la Bibliothèque du Conservatoire Royal de Musique de Bruxelles. S. 127
    • Ludo Simons: The Department of Music in the „Archives and Museum of Flemish Cultural Life“ (Antwerpen). S. 127–129
    • Frans M. J. Dupont: Le Fonds Peter Benoit (Antwerpen). S. 130–131
    • Henri Vanhulst: La Société Belge de Musicologie. S. 131–132
    • Irène Bogaert: Vereniging voor Muziekgeschiedenis Antwerpen. S. 132–134
    • José Quitin, B. H.: La Société liégeoise de musicologie. S. 134–137
    • Cebedem: Some Belgian Music Publishers (including some that have ceased to publish in the last few years). S. 138–142
  • Rb: Fontes Editoriales. S. 143
  • Nouvelles / Nachrichten / News. S. 144–146
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 146–148
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Kerala J. Snyder: Thematisch-Systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Dietrich Buxtehude: Buxtehude-Werke-Verzeichnis (BuxWV) by Georg Karstädt. S. 148–149
    • Review by D. Martin Jenni: Songwriters’ Rhyming Dictionary by Jane Shaw Whitfield; Frances Stillman. S. 149–150
  • Dena J. Epstein: Documenting the History of Black Folk Music in the United States: A Librarian’s Odyssey. S. 151–157
  • Nanna Schiødt: MUSICAT. A Method of Cataloguing Music Manuscripts by Computer, as applied in the Danish RISM Manuscript Project. S. 158–167
  • Friedrich Lippmann: Die Musikgeschichtliche Abteilung des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom. S. 167–171
  • James R. Parrott: Bibliotheca Harmonicorum: A Bibliography where Science and Music Meet. S. 171–176
  • Richard D. Claypool: Archival Collections of the Moravian Music Foundation and some notes on the Philharmonic Society of Bethlehem. S. 177–190
  • Rb: Fontes Editoriales. S. 191
  • Communiqués/Mitteilungen/Communications. S. 192–193
  • Nouvelles / Nachrichten / News. S. 193–195
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 196–197
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by H. Edmund Poole: English Music Printing 1553—1700 by Donald W. Krummel. S. 198–199
    • Review by Sven Hansell: Opernlexikon: Teil I: Titelkatalog by Franz Stieger. S. 199–201
    • Review by François Lesure: Musikhandschriften aus der Sammlung Paul Sacher. Festschrift zu Paul Sachers siebzigstem Geburtstag. S. 201
    • Review by Neil Ratliff: Songs from Hollywood Musical Comedies, 1927 to the Present: A Dictionary by Allen L. Woll. S. 202
    • Review by Gordon S. Rowley: Information on Music: A Handbook of Reference Sources in European Languages. Vol. I: Basic and Universal Sources by Guy A. Marco. S. 202–205
  • Liste sélective: Canada. S. 206–208

24. Jg. 1977

  • Kurt Dorfmüller: Alfons Ott: 21. Februar 1914 — 12. November 1976. S. 1–2
  • Dorothy Freed: Music Lending in New Zealand, with some Remarks on the Australian Situation. S. 2–6
  • Miranda Lee Pao: Training of the Music Librarian: A Double Degree Program. S. 7–12
  • IAML Annual Conference in Bergen Réunion annuelle de l’AIBM à Bergen Jahrestagung der IVBM in Bergen.
    • Anders Lönn: [Introduction]. S. 13–16
    • Ella Arntsen, The Arrangement Committee: The Conference Week in Bergen 1976, as the Hosts saw it. S. 17–18
    • D. W. Krummel: Commission For Bibliographical Research. S. 18
    • Bengt Kyhlberg: Broadcasting Libraries Commission. S. 18–19
    • Dietrich Lotichius: Broadcasting Libraries Commission: Subcommission Radio Sound Archives. S. 19–21
    • Karol Musioł: Commission On Libraries In Academies, Conservatories And Music Colleges. S. 21–22
    • Don L. Roberts: Commission On Education And Training. S. 22
    • Huib Deetman: The Tasks Of A Music Librarian: A Report To The Commission On Education And Training. S. 23–25
  • Katalog-Kommission. S. 25
    • Kurt Dofmüller: Katalog-Kommission: Subkommission Klassifikation. S. 26
    • Keith Macmillan: Music Information Centres. S. 26–27
    • Eric Cooper: Public Libraries Commission. S. 27–28
    • Charlotte Van Der Pot: Results An Enquiry By The Public Libraries Commission. S. 28–29
    • Claes M. Cnattingius: Record Libraries Commission. S. 29–30
    • Eric Cooper: Record Libraries And Public Libraries Commissions: Joint Session On Record Lending Libraries. S. 30
    • Rudolf Elvers, Kurt Dorfmüller: Commission Of Research Libraries. S. 31
    • Harald Heckmann: RISM. S. 31–34
    • José López-Calo: The Rism A/II Project in Spain. S. 34–35
    • Barry S. Brook: RILM. S. 35–38
    • Barry S. Brook: RIdIM. S. 38–41
    • David Lance: International Association of Sound Archives (IASA). S. 42
  • Rb: Fontes Editoriales. S. 43
  • Nouvelles/Nachrichten/News. S. 44–45
  • W. Dale Ward, I. G. Miller: Communiqués/Mitteilungen/Communications. S. 46–48
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 48–49
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Marie-Noëlle Colette: H. 159 Montpellier. Tonary of St Bénigne of Dijon by Finn Egeland Hansen. S. 50
    • Review by Barry S. Brook: Edition et commerce de la musique gravée à Paris dans la première moitié du XVIII e siècle: Boivin et Le Clerc (Archives de l’édition musicale française I) by Anik Devriès. S. 50–52
    • Review by Jos. Smits Van Waesberghe: Hebrew Writings concerning Music in Manuscripts and Printed Books from Geonic Times up to 1800 by Israel Adler. S. 53
    • Review by Alan Tyson: Franz Schuberts Werke in Abschriften: Liederalben und Sammlungen. Franz Schubert, Neue Ausgabe Sämtlicher Werke, Serie VIII, Supplement 8. Quellen II by Walther Dürr. S. 53–54
    • Review by Gilbert Rouget: Hornbostel Opera Omnia, Volume I by Klaus P. Wachsmann; Dieter Cristensen; Hans-Peter Reinecke; Richard G. Campbell; Nerthus Christensen; Hans-Jürgen Jordan. S. 54–55
    • Review by Liesbeth Weinhold: Die Notendrucker und Musikverleger in Frankfurt am Main von 1630 bis um 1720. Eine bibliographisch-drucktechnische Untersuchung. Bd. 1.2. (Catalogus musicus VII) by Hartmut Schaefer. S. 56–57
  • James Siddons: A Librarian’s Guide to Musical Japan. S. 59–68
  • Finn Kirstein, Claus Smith-Nielsen: Musicat. A Technical Description of the Danish Music Cataloguing Project. S. 69–71
  • H. B. M. Van Werkhoven: The Automation Plans of the Music Library of the Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (Dutch Broadcasting Foundation). S. 72–74
  • Miriam Miller: Computer Cataloguing and the Broadcasting Library. S. 74–75
  • James G. Roy, Jr.: The BMI/Haverlin Archives Go Abroad. S. 76–79
  • Charlotte Van Der Pot: Public Music and Record Lending Libraries in the Netherlands: Increases for the Period 1971 to 1976. S. 79–80
  • Linda I. Solow: An Index to Publishers, Engravers, and Lithographers and a Bibliography of the Literature cited in the IAML Guide for Dating Early Published Music. S. 81–95
  • Nouvelles /Nachrichten/News. S. 95–96
  • Communiqués/Mitteilungen/Communications. S. 97
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 98–99
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by J. M. Nectoux: Team Piano Repertoire. Manual of Music for Multiple Players at one or more Pianos by Frederic – Ming Chang; Albert Faurot. S. 100
    • Review by A. Hyatt King: Mozart-Bibliographie (bis 1970). Zusammengestellt von Rudolph Angermüller und Otto Schneider. S. 100–102
    • Review by François Lesure: Handbuch der Musikalischen Litteratur by Carl Friedrich Whistling; Friedrich Hofmeister; Neil Ratliff. S. 102
    • Review by Simha Arom: A. Z. Idelsohn Archives at the Jewish National and University Library, Catalogue (Yuval Monograph Series IV.) by Israel Adler; Judith Cohen. S. 103
    • Review by Gilbert Rouget: Rumanian Folk Music. Vol. IV: Carols and Christmas Songs (Colinde). Vol. V: Maramures County by Béla Bartók; Benjamin Suchoff; E. C. Teodorescu; B. Suchoff; Sabin Dragoĭ; Tiberiu Alexandru. S. 103–105
  • Liste sélective: France. S. 106–107
  • International Association of Music Libraries (IAML)/ Association Internationale des Bibliothèques Musicales (AIBM)/ Internationale Vereinigung der Musikbibliotheken (IVMB). S. 108–111
  • Virginia L. Hancock: Sources of Brahms’s Manuscript Copies of Early Music in the Archiv der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien. S. 113–121
  • Ingmar Bengtsson: The Oddest of Thematic Catalogues. S. 121–125
  • Claudio Sartori: Nascita, letargo e risveglio della Biblioteca Greggiati. S. 126–138
  • Anthony Hodges: Music Conservatory Libraries in the United Kingdom: Recent Developments. S. 138–141
  • Dan Fog: Random Thoughts on Music Dating and Terminology. S. 141–144
  • David Crawford: Two Choirbooks of Renaissance Polyphony at the Monasterio de nuestra Señora of Guadalupe. S. 145–174
  • D. W. Krummel: Supplement to the Guide for Dating Early Published Music. S. 175–184
  • Ernst Hilmar: Fritz Racek. S. 185
  • Rb: Fontes Editoriales. S. 186
  • Maria Prokopowicz: Communiqués/Mitteilungen/Communications. S. 187–188
  • Lise Widding, Christal Jørgensen, J.-M. Nectoux, Anders Lönn: Nouvelles / Nachrichten / News. S. 188–190
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 191–192
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by F. Lesure: RISM, Serie A/I, Einzeldrucke vor 1800. Band 6: Montalbano-Pleyel (RISM, A/I/6) by Redaktion Karlheinz Schlager. S. 193
    • Review by F. Lesure: Kompositionen von Friedr. Kuhlau. Thematisch-bibliographischer Katalog by DAN FOG. S. 193–194
    • Review by Sven Hansell: Sohlmans Musiklexikon by Hanse Astrand. S. 194–196
  • Jean-Michel Nectoux: Maurice Ravel et sa Bibliothèque Musicale. S. 199–206
  • Siegrun H. Folter: Library Restrictions on the Use of Microfilm Copies. S. 207–243
  • Magda Graf-Forrai: Formen der Musikbibliothekarsausbildung in Ungarn. S. 244–246
  • Asbjørn Jørgensen: The Education of Music Librarians in Norway. S. 246–248
  • Margaret G. Cobb: Centre de Documentation Claude Debussy. S. 249–252
  • Lise Widding, Marion Korda: The New Music Law in Denmark. S. 253–254
  • Rachel W. Wade: Beethoven’s Eroica Sketchbook. S. 254–289
  • Renate Wagner, Munir Bashir, Judith A. Coon: Nouvelles/Nachrichten/News. S. 290–291
  • Communiqués/Mitteilungen/Communications. S. 291
  • Publications à Caractere Bibliographique. S. 292–293
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Mariangela Donà: Italienische Opernarien des frühen Settecento (1720—1730). Erster Teil: Studien. Zweiter Teil: Notenbeispiele und Verzeichnisse. (Analecta Musicologica, Band 16/I—II) by Reinhard Strohm. S. 294–295
    • Review by Catherine Massip: Thematischer Katalog der Musikhandschriften der Fürstlich Oettingen-Wallerstein’schen Bibliothek Schloß Harburg. (Kataloge Bayerischer Musiksammlungen) by Gertraut Haberkamp; Volker von Volckamer. S. 295–296
    • Review by Delbert Disselhorst: The History of the Organ in the United States by Orpha Ochse. S. 296–298
    • Review by William W. Austin: Catalogue de l’oeuvre de Claude Debussy (Publications du Centre de Documentation Claude Debussy, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, III) by François Lesure. S. 298–299
    • Review by Mireille Helffer: Tibetan Buddhist Chant by Walter Kaufmann. S. 299
    • Review by Richard Crawford: A Bibliography of Songsters Printed in America Before 1821 by Irving Lowens. S. 299–303
  • Liste sélective: FRANCE. S. 304–306

25. Jg. 1978

  • Barry S. Brook: Fontes at Twenty-five — IAML at Thirty / Fontes a 25 ans — l’AIBM a 30 ans 25 Jahre / Fontes — 30 Jahre IVMB. S. 1–7
  • Eleventh International Congress Of Music Libraries Mainz. S. 9
  • The 1977 Mainz Congress Der Mainzer Kongress 1977 Le Congrès De Mainz 1977. S. 10
  • Hermann Waßner, Christoph Stollenwerk, Harald Heckmann, Dietrich Schüller: Zur Eröffnung Des Aibm-Kongresses In Mainz Am 11. September 1977. S. 10–15
  • Friedrich W. Riedel: Mainz — Musikstadt im Spiegel internationaler Verbindungen. S. 15–17
  • Festliche Eröffnung Des 11. Kongresses Der Internationalen Vereinigung Der Musikbibliotheken In Verbindung Mit Der Internationalen Vereinigung Der Schallarchive Im Stadttheater Mainz Am 11. September 1977 Um 18 Uhr. S. 18
  • Carl Dahlhaus: Public Session: Zur Ideengeschichte Musikalischer Editionsprinzipien. S. 19–27
  • Barry S. Brook, Israel Adler, Karl-Heinz Köhler, Brian Redfern, Hans Steinbeck, Anders Lönn, Dimiter Christoff, Wolfgang Rehm: Official Meetings: International Association Of Music Libraries. S. 28–42
  • Association Internationale Des Bibliothèques Musicales. S. 43–45
  • International Association Of Music Libraries. S. 46–48
  • Internationale Vereinigung Der Musikbibliotheken. S. 49–51
  • Commission Reports And Papers Given At Their Meetings.
    • Karol Musioł: Commission Of Libraries In Academies, Conservatories And Music Colleges. S. 52
    • Cari Johansson: The New Numericode Thematic Catalogue In The Library Of The Royal Swedish Academy Of Music In Stockholm. S. 52–55
    • Alla Fiodorovna Tcherkassova: The Contribution Of The Library Of The Moscow State Conservatory To The Training And Educational Process. S. 56–60
    • D. W. Krummel, Maria Calderisi: Commission For Bibliographical Research: 12 And 13 September, 1977. S. 61
    • Bengt Kyhlberg: Broadcasting Libraries Commission. S. 61–62
    • Don L. Roberts: Commission On Education And Training. S. 62
    • Maria Prokopowicz: The Music Librarian — His Tasks And Qualifications (Based On Practical Experiences In Polish Libraries). S. 62–64
    • Michael Ochs: Qualifications For Music Librarianship In The United States Of America. S. 64–69
    • Eva-Brit Fanger: Qualifications Needed To Become A Music Librarian In Denmark. S. 70–71
    • Britta Carlsson: Qualifications For Music Librarians In Sweden. S. 72–73
    • Lutz Lesle: The Education Of Music Librarians In The Bundesrepublik Deutschland. S. 73–76
    • Huber Van Werkhoven: Some Observations Concerning Qualifications For Broadcasting Music Librarians. S. 77–78
    • Kurt Dorfmüller: Katalog-Kommission. S. 78–79
    • Kurt Dorfmüller: Subkommission Für Klassifikation. S. 79
    • Garrett Bowles: Working Group On Computer Cataloging. S. 80
    • Anna Van Steenbergen: Music Information Centres (Mic). S. 80
    • Eric Cooper: Public Libraries Commission. S. 81–82
    • Charlotte Van Der Pot: Music Libraries And Music Publishers, A Report. S. 82–85
    • Gerald D. Gibson: Record Libraries Commission. S. 85
    • Dietrich Lotichius: Record Libraries Commission, Subcommission Radio Sound Archives. S. 85–86
    • Ulf Scharlau: Athanasius Kircher (1601—1680), or Some Aspects of Acoustical Developments in the 17th Century. S. 86–89
    • Irmgard Von Broich-Oppert, Wilfried Zahn: From the Talking Machine to the Kunstkopf: One Hundred Years of Sound Recording. S. 90–98
    • Kurt Dorfmüller: RISM. S. 98–100
  • Barry S. Brook, Nanna Schiødt: RILM. S. 100–101
  • Barry S. Brook, Maria Calderisi: RIdIM. S. 101–103
  • David Lance: International Association of Sound Archives 9th Annual Conference, Mainz: Report of Proceedings. S. 104
  • Heinz Lanzke: ISBD (Music) — First Meeting of the IFLA/IAML Working Group in Mainz, 19—21 September 1977. S. 105
  • Rb: Fontes Editoriales. S. 106
  • Alexander Hyatt King, Rudolf Elvers, Bernard Huys, François Lesure, Günter Birkner: Communiqués/Mitteilungen/Communications. S. 107–109
  • Nouvelles/Nachrichten/News. S. 110–111
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by François Lesure: International Directory of Musical Instrument Collections by Jean Jenkins. S. 111–112
    • Review by Irving Lowens: The Literature of American Music in Books and Folk Music Collections by David Horn. S. 112–113
    • Review by Jean-Michel Nectoux: Classical Vocal Music in Print by Thomas R. Nardone. S. 113–114
    • Review by Willard Rhodes: Music and Dance Research of Southwestern United States Indians; Past Trends, Present Activities, and Suggestions for Future Research. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography 36.) by Charlotte J. Frisbie. S. 114
    • Review by Mireille Helffer: The Rāgas of South India; a Catalogue of Scalar Material by Walter Kaufmann. S. 114–116
    • Review by Marie-Noëlle Colette: Die Melodien des einstimmigen Credo der römisch-katholischen lateinischen Kirche. Eine Untersuchung der Melodien in den handschriftlichen Überlieferungen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der polnischen Handschriften by Tadeusz Miazga. S. 116–117
  • Liste sélective: Canada. S. 117–118
  • Donald M. McCorkle†. S. 118
  • Thomas J. Mathiesen: Towards a Corpus of Ancient Greek Music Theory A New Catalogue Raisonné Planned for RISM. S. 119–134
  • Wolfgang Rehm: Notenschrift und Aufführung: Die Rolle der Musikverlage. S. 135–141
  • Hanne Bruhns, Bent Christiansen: Music Library Education in Denmark. S. 142–145
  • Karl-Heinz Köhler: Zum Ausbildungsstand von Musikbibliothekaren in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. S. 145–146
  • Hermann Wassner: Neuordnung der Zusatzausbildung für den Dienst an Öffentlichen Musikbibliotheken in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. S. 147–149
  • Catharina C. Van Hees: Music Library Education in the Netherlands. S. 149–152
  • Hans Spatzenegger: Entwendete Musikalien aus dem Besitz des Domchors in Salzburg. S. 152–156
  • Robert Stevenson: Sixteenth- through Eighteenth-Century Resources in Mexico: Part III. S. 156–187
  • International Basic List of Literature on Music. S. 188–191
  • Nouvelles / Nachrichten / News. S. 191–192
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 193–194
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Rita Benton: Bernhard Schott, Hofmusikstecher in Mainz. Die Frühgeschichte seines Musikverlages bis 1797. Mit einem Verzeichnis der Verlagswerke 1779—1797. (Beiträge zur mittelrheinischen Musikgeschichte Nr. 16.) by Hans-Christian Müller. S. 194–195
    • Review by François Lesure: Archives nationales. Archives du Théâtre national de l’Opéra (AJ 13 1 à 1466). Inventaire par Brigitte Labat-Poussin... . S. 195–196
    • Review by Rita H. Mead: Music in American Society 1776—1976: From Puritan Hymn to Synthesizer by George McCue. S. 196–197
    • Review by François Lesure: The Theme of Music in Flemish Paintings of the Seventeenth Century. (Musik und Musiker im Bild. Ikonologische Studien hrsg. von Walter Salmen, Band I.) by Richard D. Leppert. S. 197
    • Review by Rita Benton: Cinq catalogues d’éditeurs de musique à Paris (1824—1834): Dufaut et Dubois, Petit, Frère, Delahante-Erard, Pleyel. (Archives de l’édition musicale française 2.) by François Lesure. S. 197–199
    • Review by Lowell Cross: Soundtrack: The Music of the Movies by Mark Evans. S. 199
    • Roger Crudge, Malcolm Jones, Miriam Miller: Editors’ Note. S. 201
    • A. Hyatt King: The History of Music Libraries in the United Kingdom. S. 201–204
    • O. W. Neighbour, Roger Duce, M. I. Williams: National Collections. S. 205–208
    • Margaret Laurie: Research Collections. S. 209–212
    • Susan M. Clegg: Music Libraries in Teaching Institutions. S. 212–216
    • Brian Redfern: The Education of Music Librarians in the United Kingdom. S. 217–219
    • Sheila Cotton: Education and Research in Music Librarianship. S. 219–223
    • Malcolm Jones: Developments in Services and Techniques. S. 224–226
    • Catherine F. Pinion: The Impact of Non-Book Materials — with Particular Reference to Music Libraries. S. 227–230
    • Miriam Miller: The Provision of Performance Materials. S. 230–233
    • Roger Crudge: Public Libraries. S. 234–238
    • Gordon Dodd: The Viola da Gamba Society’s Index of Music for Viols. S. 239–242
  • Jiří Sehnal: Der Musikalienkatalog eines Olmützer Buchhändlers aus dem Jahr 1757. S. 243–249
  • Ethel Bloesch: Music Autographs and First Editions on Postage Stamps. S. 250–263
  • Rb: Fontes editoriales. S. 264
  • Communiqués/Mitteilungen/Communications. S. 265–266
  • Renata Wagner: Nouvelles/Nachrichten/News. S. 266–268
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 269
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Sven Hansell: Le sonate per violino di Giuseppe Tartini: Catalogo tematico by Paul Brainard. S. 270–273
    • Review by François Lesure: Seventeenth-Century Instrumental Dance Music in Uppsala University Library Instr. mus. hs. 409. (Monumenta musicae svecicae, 8) by Jaroslav J. S. Mŕaček. S. 273
    • Review by Geneva H. Southall: Sinful Tunes and Spirituals: Black Folk Music to the Civil War by Dena J. Epstein. S. 273–275
    • Review by Himie Voxman: Charles T. Griffes: An Annotated Bibliography-Discography. (Bibliographies in American Music No. 3) by Donna K. Anderson. S. 275–276
    • Review by Sven Hansell: Aarsberetning 1976/77: Særnummer af Meddelelser fra Rigsbibliotekaren. S. 276
    • Review by A. Hyatt King: Mozart. Die Dokumente seines Lebens. Addenda und Corrigenda zusammengestellt von Joseph Heinz Eibl. (Neue Mozart Ausgabe X/31. Bd. 1). S. 276–277
    • Review by Betty Bang Mather: Italian Baroque Sonatas for the Recorder and the Flute. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, No. 37) by Richard A. McGowan. S. 277–278
    • Review by Everett Helm: An Ives Celebration. Papers and Panels of the Charles Ives Centennial Festival-Conference by H. Wiley Hitchcock; Vivian Perlis. S. 278–279
  • Liste sélective: POLOGNE. S. 280–284
  • Kurt Dorfmüller: RISM’s wechselnde Gesichter / The Changing Face of RISM / Les visages changeants de RISM. S. 285–291
  • [Musterseite]. S. 292
  • Checklist RISM A/II. S. 293
  • Fürstlich Hohenlohe-Langenburg’sche Schlossbibliothek. Katalog Der Musikhandschriften (Aufbewahrt In: Neuenstein, Württ., Hohenlohe-Zentralarchiv). S. 295–411
  • Communiqués/Mitteilungen/Communications. S. 412
  • Nouvelles / Nachrichten / News. S. 412–413
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 413–415
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Doris Evans Mcginty: Afro-American Singers; An Index and Preliminary Discography of Opera, Choral Music and Song by Patricia Turner. S. 416–417
    • Review by Leola Nelson Bergmann: Det Trondhjemske Musikalske Selskab av 1786 (Ringve Museums Skrifter, I.) by Håkon Sivertsen. S. 417
    • Review by Rita Benton: Music Periodical Literature: An Annotated Bibliography of Indexes and Bibliographies by Joan M. Megget. S. 417–418
    • Review by Jean-Michel Nectoux: Bibliography of Discographies. Vol. 1. Classical Music, 1925—1975 by Michael H. Gray; Gerald D. Gibson. S. 418–419

26. Jg. 1979

  • [Illustration].
  • François Lesure: Écrits imprimés sur la musique Addenda et corrigenda. S. 1–4
  • Alexander Weinmann: Musikalische Quellenforschung, beginnend mit der Zeit Joseph Haydns. S. 4–16
  • J. Bunker Clark: American Musical Tributes of 1824—25 to Lafayette: a Report and Inventory. S. 17–35
  • Maria Prokopowicz: Traditions and Achievements of Music Libraries and Library Science in the Polish People’s Republic. S. 36–43
  • Linda I. Solow: Education for Music Librarianship in the United States. S. 44–47
  • René Kopff: Aperçu général sur les Sources musicales dans les Archives de la Ville de Strasbourg. S. 47–54
  • Barry S. Brook, Maria Calderisi: Report of the International Music Council Meetings, Bratislava and Prague, 2—9 October 1977. S. 55–56
  • Rita Benton: Cari Johansson†. S. 56
  • Maria Calderisi: Communiqués/Mitteilungen/Communications. S. 57
  • Nouvelles/Nachrichten/News. S. 58
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 59–61
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Catherine Massip: El Archivo musical de la Catedral de Bogota. (Publicaciones del Instituto Caro y Cuervo, XXXVII) by José Ignacio Perdomo Escobar. S. 61
    • Review by François Lesure: Ferdinand Ries. A Thematic Catalogue. (University of New England. Monographs, I) by Cecil Hill. S. 62
    • Review by Gordon S. Rowley: Information on Music: A Handbook of Reference Sources in European Languages. Vol. II: The Americas by Guy A. Marco; Ann M. Garfield; Sharon Paugh Ferris. S. 62–63
    • Review by Sven Hansell: Meddelelser fra Rigsbibliotekaren. S. 63–64
    • Review by Liesbeth Weinhold: Der Musikverlag Lotter in Augsburg. (ca. (1719—1845). (Musikbibliographische Arbeiten. Herausgegeben von Rudolf Elvers. Bd. 3) by Hans Rheinfurth. S. 64–66
    • Review by Nick Chadwick: A Catalogue of the Compositions of Frederick Delius. Sources and References by Robert Threlfall. S. 66–67
    • Review by Don Harrán: Bibliografia della musica italiana vocale profana pubblicata dal 1500 al 1700 by Emil Vogel; Alfred Einstein; François Lesure; Claudio Sartori. S. 67–69
    • Review by Bruce Archibald: Dokumentation zur Oper „Wozzeck“ von Alban Berg. Die Jahre des Durchbruchs, 1925—1932 by Konrad Vogelsang. S. 69–70
  • Liste Sélective: Belgique. S. 71–72
  • Liste Sélective: France. S. 72–74
  • International Association of Music Libraries (IAML) / Association Internationale des Bibliothèques Musicales (AIBM) / Internationale Vereinigung der Musikbibliotheken (IVMB). S. 75–79
  • IAML Annual Conference 1978 in Lisbon Réunion annuelle de l’AIBM 1978 à Lisbonne Jahrestagung der IVMB 1978 in Lissabon.
    • Anders Lönn: [Introduction]. S. 81–85
    • Karl-Heinz Köhler: Return of Treasures to the Deutsche Staatsbibliothek. S. 86–87
    • Karol Musiol: Commission Of Libraries In Academies, Conservatories And Music Colleges. S. 88
    • János Kárpáti: The Role Of Audiovisual Materials In Music School Libraries. S. 88–91
    • Maria Calderisi: Commission For Bibliographical Research. S. 91
    • Miriam Miller: Broadcasting Libraries Commission. S. 91–92
    • Don L. Roberts: Commission On Education And Training. S. 92
    • Jane Harington: The Qualifications For Conservatory Librarians. S. 93–95
    • Susan T. Sommer: Qualifications Of A Music Research Librarian. S. 95–97
    • Kurt Dorfmüller: Katalog-Kommission. S. 97
    • Garrett H. Bowles: Catalog Commission Working Groups. S. 97
    • Anna Van Steenbergen: Music Information Centres. S. 98
    • Thor E. Wood: Public Libraries Commission. S. 98–99
    • Rudolf Elvers: Commission Of Research Libraries. S. 99
    • Harald Heckmann: Computer Aids in Music Libraries and Archives. S. 100–101
    • Garrett H. Bowles: A Computer-Produced Thematic Catalog: The „Pièces de Violes“ of Marin Marais. S. 102–107
    • Helmut Rösing: RISM-Handschriftenkatalogisierung und elektronische Datenverarbeitung (EDV). S. 107–109
    • Anders Askenfelt: Automatic Notation of Played Music: the Visa Project. S. 109–120
    • Kurt Dorfmüller: RISM. S. 120–121
    • Ian Fenlon, Iain Fenlon: Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Secular Song ca. 1520—1600: A RISM Project. S. 121–123
    • Barry S. Brook, Nanna Schiødt: RILM. S. 124–125
    • Barry S. Brook, Maria Calderisi: RIdIM. S. 125–127
    • Cecil Hill: Music in Australia. S. 127–130
  • D.G. Lance: Annual Conference of the International Association of Sound Archives Lisbon, 23—28 July 1978. S. 130–131
  • Rita Benton: Second Symposium of Editors of Documentation, Library and Archives Journals Berlin, 4—7 September 1978. S. 131–132
  • Maria Calderisi: 44th IFLA Council: Štrbské Pleso, Czechoslovakia, 27 August — 2 September 1978. S. 132–133
  • Rb: Fontes Editorialis. S. 134
  • A. Hyatt King, Karl-Heinz Köhler: Communiqués/Mitteilungen/Communications. S. 135–136
  • Nouvelles / Nachrichten / News. S. 136–137
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 138–139
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Alan Tyson: Ignace Pleyel: A Thematic Catalogue of his Compositions (Thematic Catalogues no. 2) by Rita Benton. S. 139–141
    • Review by Paul R. Kelly: Information Theory and Music by Joop Stam. S. 141–142
    • Review by Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger: Rȩkopisy utworów Chopina. Katalog / Manuscripts of Chopin’s Works. Catalogue by Krystyna Kobylańska. S. 142–144
    • Review by Rita Benton: Journal général d’annonces des œuvres de musique, gravures, lithographies publié en France et à l’étranger. Avec un index des noms cités (Archives de l’édition musicale française, tome III). S. 144–145
    • Review by François Lesure: Einzeldrucke vor 1800. Redaktion Karlheinz Schlager. Band 7: Plowden-Schreyer (RISM, A/I/7.). S. 145
    • Review by Simone Wallon: Terminorum musicae index septem linguis redactus = Polyglottes Wörterbuch der musikalischen Terminologie, deutsch, englisch, französisch, italienisch, spanisch, ungarisch, russisch = Polyglot dictionary of musical terms... = Dictionnaire polyglotte de la terminologie musicale [...]. S. 145–146
    • Hans Steinbeck, Anna Van Steenbergen: Directory of Music Information Centres (Professional Branch of IAML). S. 147–159
  • Wolfgang Rehm: Vladimir Fédorov 1901—1979. S. 161–162
  • Milton Steinhardt: A Musical Fragment from Prague: Národní Muzeum XIV C 149. S. 163–172
  • Georg Feder: Joseph Haydns Skizzen und Entwürfe Übersicht der Manuskripte, Werkregister, Literatur- und Ausgabenverzeichnis. S. 172–188
  • Maurice Esses: New Information Concerning Some Music Research Libraries in Spain. S. 189–191
  • Charles Suttoni: Franz Liszt’s Published Correspondence: an Annotated Bibliography. S. 191–234
  • Rita Benton, Nancy B. Reich, Karl-Heinz Köhler: Communiqués/Mitteilungen/Communications. S. 235–238
  • Nouvelles / Nachrichten / News. S. 239–240
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 241–242
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Rita Benton: Bretter die die Welt bedeuten. Entwürfe zum Theaterdekor und zum Bühnenkostüm in fünf Jahrhunderten, von Ekhart Berckenhagen und Gretel Wagner (78. Veröffentlichung der Kunstbibliothek Berlin). S. 243
    • Review by Don L. Hixon: Music through Sources and Documents by Ruth Halle Rowen. S. 243–244
    • Review by Frits Noske: Index to Opera, Operetta and Musical Comedy Synopses in Collections and Periodicals by Jeanette Marie Drone. S. 244
    • Review by D. W. Krummel: Der Musikverlag Artaria & Comp. Geschichte und Probleme der Druckproduktion (Publikationen des Instituts für Österreichische Musikdokumentation, Nr. 6) by Rosemary Hilmar. S. 244–245
    • Review by H. Wiley Hitchcock: A Chronology of Music in the Florentine Theater 1590—1750 (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, No. 38) by Robert Lamar Weaver; Norma Wright Weaver. S. 245–246
    • Review by Marie-Noëlle Colette: Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi [Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar der Universität Zürich] T. I, T. II by Max Lütolf; G. M. Dreves; Cl. Blume; H. M. Bannister; D. Baumann; E. Meier; M. Römer; A. Wernli. S. 246–247
    • Review by François Lesure: Lute, Vihuela, Guitar to 1800: a Bibliography (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, No. 40) by David B. Lyons. S. 247
    • Review by Alan Tyson: Ludwig van Beethoven 1770—1827. Ausstellung der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München, September bis November 1977. Katalog. S. 247
  • Liste sélective: Belgique. S. 248
  • Liste sélective: France. S. 249–250
  • IAML — IASA Cambridge 1980: Preliminary Announcement. S. 251
  • Angelika Bierbaum, Jürgen Howitz, Helmut Rösing: Liste der Abkürzungen zur Serie A/II des RISM — List of Abbreviations for RISM Series A/II —Liste des abréviations pour la série A/II du RISM. S. 251–257
  • Thomas Stoner: Mendelssohn’s Lieder not Included in the Werke. S. 258–266
  • Alexander Jansen: The Archives of the Netherlands Broadcasting Foundation (NOS). S. 266–267
  • Jeannine S. Ingram: Repertory and Resources of the Salem Collegium Musicum, 1780—1790. S. 267–281
  • Christa Landon, Alexander Weinmann: Beethovens Sonate op. 111: Eigenhändiges Korrekturexemplar der Wiener Ausgabe von Cappi & Diabelli Eine neu aufgefundene Quelle. S. 281–294
  • Ignace Bossuyt: Newly-Discovered Part Books of Early Madrigal Collections of Philippus de Monte (1521—1603). S. 295–297
  • William C. Rorick: The Horatio Parker Archives in the Yale University Music Library. S. 298–304
  • Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger, Jean Gribenski, Ruth Froriep: Communiqués/Mitteilungen/Communications. S. 305–306
  • Nouvelles / Nachrichten / News. S. 306–308
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 309–310
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Simone Wallon: Wörterbuch Musik = Dictionary of Terms in Music. Englisch-Deutsch / Deutsch-Englisch = English-German / German-English. 2. Auflage = 2nd edition by Horst Leuchtmann. S. 310–311
    • Review by Sven Hansell: Dania Sonans IV: Musik fra Christian IIIs tid; Udvalgte satser fra det danske hofkapels stemmebøger (1541). [part 1] by Henrik Glahn. S. 311–312
    • Review by Jean-Michel Nectoux: Discographies of Commercial Recordings of the Cleveland Orchestra (1924—1977) and the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra (1917—1977) by Frederick P. Fellers; Betty Meyers. S. 312–313
    • Review by Rita Benton: Annales de la musique, ou Almanach musical pour l’an 1819 [and] Annales de la musique, ou Almanach musical de Paris, des départemens et de l’étranger pour l’an 1820 (Archives de l’édition musicale française V.) by César Gardeton; Bibliographie musicale de la France et de l’étranger, ou Répertoire général systématique de tous les traités et œuvres de musique vocale et instrumentale... 1822 (Archives de l’édition musicale française VI.) by César Gardeton. S. 313

27. Jg. 1980

  • Rita Benton †.
  • IAML Annual Conference 1—7 July 1979 in Salzburg / Réunion annuelle de l’AIBM 1—7 Juillet 1979 à Salzburg/Jahrestagung der IVMB 1.—7. Juli 1979 in Salzburg.
    • Anders Lönn: [Introduction]. S. 1–5
    • Harald Heckmann: Schallaufzeichnungen als musikgeschichtliche Quellen. S. 5–12
    • Anthony T Hodges: Commission Of Libraries In Academies, Conservatories And Music Colleges. S. 12
    • Maria Calderisi: Commission For Bibliographical Research. S. 12–13
    • Imogen Fellinger, Anthony Hodges, Charlotte van der Pot: Union Catalogues Of Music Periodicals. S. 13–17
    • Bengt Kyhlberg: Broadcasting Libraries Commission. S. 17–18
    • Don L. Roberts: Commission On Education And Training. S. 18
    • Kurt Dorfmüller, Brian Redfern: Katalog-Kommission. S. 18–19
    • Lenore Coral: Open Session On Isbd (Nbm), Salzburg 4 July 1979. S. 20
    • Anna Van Steenbergen: Music Information Centres. S. 20
    • Eric Cooper: Public Libraries Commission. S. 21–22
    • Rudolf Elvers: Research Libraries Commission. S. 22
    • Kurt Dorfmüller: RISM. S. 22–23
    • Elvidio Surian: The Italian RISM Group: A Report on its Activity (1975—1979) and a Plan to Meet Future Tasks. S. 23–25
    • Kathleen Toomey: RILM THESAURUS SUB-COMMISSION. S. 25–26
    • Barry S. Brook, Monika Holl, Carol Oja: RIdIM. S. 26–27
    • Derek Lewis: IAML/IASA Joint Committee on Music and Sound Archives. S. 27–29
    • Hans Lenneberg: Handwriting Identification and Common Sense. S. 30–32
  • Marius Flothuis: An Unexpected Source of Musical Information: the Correspondence of Belle Van Zuylen (1740—1805). S. 33–36
  • Sandra P. Rosenblum: Clementi’s Pianoforte Tutor on the Continent. S. 37–48
  • rb: Fontes Editoriales. S. 48
  • Noriko Murai, Hans Lenneberg, Anna Van Steenbergen, H. Robert Cohen, Evelyn van Kaam, Charles Suttoni: Communiqués/Mitteilungen/Communications. S. 49–50
  • Nouvelles/Nachrichten/News. S. 51–53
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 53–54
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Andrew Porter: A Bibliography of the Works of Guiseppe Verdi, 1813—1901. Vol. II, Operatic Works by Cecil Hopkinson. S. 55–56
    • Review by Himie Voxman: First Performances in America to 1900 (Works with Orchestra). (Bibliographies in American Music No. 4) by H. Earle Johnson. S. 56–57
    • Review by Rita Benton: Printed Music in the British Museum; an Account of the Collections, the Catalogues, and their Formation, up to 1920 by Alec Hyatt King. S. 57–58
    • Review by François Lesure: Chinese Music. An Annotated Bibliography. Second edition, revised and enlarged by Frederic Lieberman. S. 58–59
  • International Association of Music Libraries (IAML) / Association Internationale des Bibliothèques Musicales (AIBM) / Internationale Vereinigung der Musikbibliotheken (IVMB). S. 59–63


  • Barry S. Brook, André Jurres, Dale M. Bentz: Rita Benton — In Memoriam. S. 65–66
  • Eva-Britt Fanger: The Danish National Bibliography of Music: Problems Connected with its Establishment. S. 67–70
  • Bryan R. Simms: The Historical Editions of Alexandre-Étienne Choron. S. 71–77
  • Daphne J. Kennard: Music Services for Handicapped People. S. 77–84
  • Ivano Cavallini: Il Fondo musicale dell’Archivio della Chiesa Cattedrale di Adria: Elenco. S. 84–92
  • Natalia Rodriguez: An Introduction to the Glinka Museum in Moscow. S. 92–95
  • Roger Hellyer: The Harmoniemusik of the Moravian Communities in America. S. 95–108
  • Robert Polansky: A Newly-Discovered Copy of the First Edition of Berlioz’ „Huit scènes de Faust“. S. 108–111
  • Barry S. Brook, Catherine Massip: RILM Report No. 14—Salzburg, 1979. S. 111–112
  • W. Dijk, Evelyn van Kaam: Communiqués / Mitteilungen / Communications. S. 113
  • Nouvelles / Nachrichten / News. S. 113–116
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 116–118
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Bernard Lortat-Jacob: Yugoslav Folk Music, Vol. I à IV. Vol. I: Serbo-Croatian Folk Songs and Instrumental Pieces from the Milman Parry Collection, Vol. II: Tabulation of Material, Vol. III: Source Melodies (Part one), Vol. IV: Source Melodies (Part two) by Béla Bartók; Benjamin Suchoff; Albert B. Lord. S. 118–119
    • Review by Rudolph Angermüller: Musikgeschichte Österreichs. Im Auftrag der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft. Band I: Von den Anfängen bis zum Barock. Band II: Vom Barock bis zur Gegenwart by Rudolf Flotzinger; Gernot Gruber. S. 119–120
    • Review by Jean-Michel Nectoux: Porträt-Katalog des Theatermuseums München (früher Clara-Ziegler-Stiftung). Die graphischen Einzelblätter (Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte, 11—12) by Günter Schöne. S. 120–121
    • Review by Rita Benton: A Guide to International Congress Reports in Musicology 1900—1975 [Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, v. 118] by John Tyrrell; Rosemary Wise. S. 121
    • Review by François Lesure: Stravinsky. The Composer and His Works. 2d edition by Eric Walter White. S. 121–122
    • Review by Nanna Schiødt: Music Translation Dictionary. An English, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish Vocabulary of Musical Terms by Carolyn Doub Grigg. S. 122
  • Liste Sélective: Belgique. S. 123


  • Anik Devriès: Un éditeur de musique „à la tête ardente“ Maurice Schlesinger. S. 125–136
  • Ralph P. Locke, Jurgen Thym: New Schumann Materials in Upstate New York: A First Report on the Dickinson Collection, with Catalogues of its Manuscript Holdings. S. 137–161
  • William Liddell Smith: An Inventory of pre-1600 Manuscripts, Pertaining to Music, in the Bundesstaatliche Studienbibliothek (Linz, Austria). S. 162–171
  • Erich Schwandt: Some 17th-Century French Unica in Canada: Notes for RISM. S. 172–174
  • Rudolph Angermüller: Die Bibliotheca Mozartiana der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg. Zur Geschichte einer Sammlung. S. 174–177
  • Klaus Stoessel: Computereinsatz in der Musikkatalogisierung im Deutschen Rundfunkarchiv. S. 178–183
  • Malcolm Turner: Conservation in Music Libraries. S. 183–201
  • Brian Redfern: Public Lending Right: A New Law in the United Kingdom. S. 202–204
  • Thor Wood: A Brief History of the Public Libraries Commission: a Survey of 25 Years. S. 204–207
  • International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML): Report on the supply and use of microfilms / Association Internationale des Bibliothèques, Archives et Centres de Documentation Musicaux (AIBM): Rapport sur la fourniture et l’emploi des microfilms / Internationale Vereinigung der Musikbibliotheken, Musikarchive und Musikdokumentationszentren (IVMB): Bericht über die Bereitstellung und den Gebrauch von Mikrofilmen. S. 207–211
  • Barry S. Brook: The International Music Council of UNESCO in Australia September 22 to October 7, 1979 Impressions, Reactions, Repercussions. S. 212–214
  • Kurt Dorfmüller: Iván Pethes †. S. 214
  • Richard Andrewes, Janet M. Smith, Birthe Heien, Ruth Henderson, Ruth Froriep: Communiqués / Mitteilungen / Communications. S. 215–218
  • Nouvelles / Nachrichten / News. S. 218–220
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 221–222
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Wolfgang Krueger: RISM Series C: Directory of Music Research Libraries Vol. IV: Australia, Israel, Japan, New Zealand by Rita Benton. S. 223–224
    • Review by Alexander L. Ringer: The Arnold Schoenberg-Hans Nachod Collection. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, Number 41) by John A. Kimmen; A Bibliographic catalog with discography and a comprehensive bibliography of Arnold Schoenberg (Bibliography Series, 1) by Tetsuo Satoh. S. 224–225
    • Review by Pierluigi Petrobelli: Padre Martini’s Collection of Letters in the Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale in Bologna — An Annotated Index (Annotated Reference Tools in Music, no. 2) by Anne Schnoebelen. S. 225–227
    • Review by Antonio R. Damasio: Opera on the Coffee Table. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Recorded Opera by Peter Gammond; Lyric Opera of Chicago by Claudia Cassidy; Celebration: The Metropolitan Opera by Francis Robinson. S. 227–228
    • Review by Pierre Jaquier: Musée du Louvre. Département des Antiquités égyptiennes. Catalogue des instruments de musique égyptiens by Christiane Ziegler. S. 228–229
    • Review by Yvette Fédoroff: Manuale di catalogazione musicale. S. 230
    • Review by François Lesure: Thèses de doctorat en langue française relatives à la musique: bibliographie commentée. French language dissertations in music: an annotated bibliography. (RILM Retrospectives, 2) by Jean Gribenski. S. 230–231
    • Review by Pierre Hardouin: A new history of the Organ, from the Greeks to the present day by Peter Williams. S. 231–232
    • Review by Pierre Hardouin: Organistbogen. En beskrivelse af organiste og Kantorstillinger under tjenestemandslovens lønrammeysystem, samt en beskrivelse af de respektive kirkeorgler eften Den danske Orgelregistrant. Redigeret af Henrik Fibiger Nørfelt. S. 232–233
    • Review by Rudolph Angermüller: Anton Bruckner und die Wiener Hofmusikkapelle (Anton Bruckner. Dokumente und Studien. Band 1) by Theophil Antonicek; Franz Grasberger. S. 233
    • Review by Sven Hansell: Ornamentation in Baroque and Post-Baroque Music by Frederick Neumann. S. 233–236
    • Review by Christian Meyer: Die Messen Heinrich Isaacs (Publikationen der Schweizerischen Musikforschenden Gesellschaft, Serie II Vol. 28 I-III ) by Martin Staehelin. S. 236–237
    • Review by Ann M. Woodward: Music for Viola (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, 42) by Michael D. Williams. S. 237–238
    • Review by D.M. Jenni: American and English Popular Entertainment: a Guide to Information Sources by Don B. Wilmeth. S. 238–239
  • Liste sélective: France. S. 239–241
  • Liste sélective: Pologne. S. 242–246

28. Jg. 1981

  • André Jurres: Preface/Préface/Vorwort. S. 3
  • Barry S. Brook: Opening Of The Congress: New Directions In Music Documentation: Phantasy And Reality. S. 4–12
  • Anders Lönn, Wolfgang Rehm: Official Meetings. S. 13–26
  • International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML): Constitution (adopted by the General Assembly in August, 1980) / Association Internationale des Bibliothèques, Archives et Centres de Documentation Musicaux (AIBM): Statuts (adoptés par l’Assemblée générale en août 1980) / Internationale Vereinigung der Musikbibliotheken, Musikarchive und Musikdokumentationszentren (IVMB): Statuten (angenommen auf der Generalversammlung, August 1980). S. 27–36
  • International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML): Provisional Rules of Procedure (adopted by the Council on 8 August, 1980). S. 37–38
  • Commission Reports And Papers.
    • Bengt Kyhlberg: Broadcasting Libraries Commission. S. 39
    • Bengt Kyhlberg: Copyright From A Broadcasting Music Librarian’s Point Of View. S. 39–42
    • Anthony Hodges: Report Of The Commission Of Libraries In Music Teaching Institutions. S. 42
    • Anna Van Steenbergen: Music Information Centres. S. 42–43
    • Eric Cooper, Liz Hart: Public Libraries Commission. S. 43
    • Liz Hart: Session 1. S. 44
    • Britta Carlsson: Children and Music — A Report from Sweden. S. 44–45
    • Bent Christiansen: Music for Children — Some Considerations from a Danish Point of View. S. 46–47
    • Ruth Hellen: Session 2. S. 47–48
    • Bent Christiansen: Danish Public Music Libraries in the Economic Crisis. S. 48–50
    • Peter Sawbridge: Session on „The International Economic Crisis and Public Music Libraries“. S. 50–52
  • Statement from the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres. S. 53
    • Richard Buxton: Session 3. S. 53–54
    • Lenore Coral: Cataloguing Commission. S. 54–55
    • Kurt Dorfmüller: Subkommission Für Klassifikation. S. 55
    • Patrick Mills: Working Group On Computer Cataloguing. S. 55
    • Eckehard Baer: Zum Aufbau Des Einheitssachtitels Für Musikalien Und Tonträger — Am Beispiel Des Deutschen Musikarchivs, Berlin. S. 56–58
    • Don L. Roberts: Commission On Education And Training. S. 58
    • Mary Frances A. Hoban: Continuing Education: Preparing For The Twenty First Century With Sla’s Continuing Education Program. S. 58–63
    • Garrett Bowles: Working Group On Isbd (Nbm). S. 63
  • Isbd (Nbm) – Sound Recordings Amendments And Additions. S. 63–67
    • Richard Andrewes: Research Libraries Professional Branch. S. 67
    • Richard Andrewes: Programmes Collections And Their Organisation A Symposium. S. 67
    • Joachim Jaenecke: Aufbewahrung Und Erschliessung Einer Programm-Sammlung. S. 68–73
    • Simone Wallon: La Collection De Programmes Du Departement De La Musique De La Bibliotheque Nationale De Paris. S. 73–75
    • Ruth Watanabe: Concert Programs In The Sibley Music Library, Rochester, New York. S. 75–78
    • Susan Sommer: The Treatment Of Programs At The New York Public Library. S. 78–81
    • Thomas F. Heck: The Relevance Of The „Arts & Humanities“ Data Base To Musicological Research. S. 81–87
    • Catherine Massip: Les Filigranes: Utilisation, Lecture Et Reproduction. S. 87–93
    • Maria Calderisi: Commission For Bibliographical Research. S. 93
    • Ralph W. Holibaugh, D. W. Krummel: Documentation of Music Publishing in the U.S.A. in the 19th Century. S. 94–97
    • Imogen Fellinger: Report of the „Working Group on Music Periodicals“. S. 97–99
    • Joachim Jaenecke: Bericht der Arbeitsgruppe „Terminologie“. S. 99–104
    • H. Robert Cohen, Marcello Conati, Elvidio Surian: Centres Internationaux de Recherche sur la Presse Musicale (CIRPM) / Répertoire International de la Presse Musicale du Dix-Neuvième Siècle (RIPMxix). S. 105–106
  • RISM. S. 106–107
  • Barry S. Brook, Nanna Schiødt: RILM. S. 107–108
  • Anders Lönn, Larry Laskowski: RILM THESAURUS SUBCOMMISSION. S. 108
  • Monika Holl, Barry S. Brook: RIdIM. S. 108–110
  • Andrew E. Green: SESSION ON RIdIM CATALOGUING. S. 110–111
  • Derek Lewis: IASA COPYRIGHT COMMITTEE. S. 112–113
  • Wolfgang Schmieder zum Achtzigsten Geburtstag. S. 115
  • Kurt Dorfmüller: Form- und Gattungsnamen im Sachkatalog der Musica practica Zum Entwurf eines Thesaurus. S. 115–129
  • Richtlinien für die RISM-Mitarbeiter der Serie A/II (dargestellt in Anlehnung an die Checklist, veröffentlicht in „Fontes“ 1978) / Guidelines for RISM Co-workers on Series A/II (with reference to the checklist printed in „Fontes“ 1978) / Directives pour les collaborateurs du RISM à la série A/II (établies d’après la checklist parue dans „Fontes“ 1978). S. 130–143
  • Leslie W. Dunlap, Marius Flothuis, Hans Steinbeck: Information. S. 144–147
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 148–149
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Pierre Hardouin: Survey of Organ Literature and Editions by Marilou Kratzenstein. S. 149–150
    • Review by Geraldine Ostrove: 18th-Century American Secular Music Manuscripts: An Inventory (MLA Index and Bibliography Series, No. 20.) by James J. Fuld; Mary Wallace Davidson. S. 150
    • Review by Michael H. Gray: Gabriel Fauré, 1900—1977 (Phonographies, 1.) by Jean-Michel Nectoux. S. 150–151
  • Ulrich Drüner: Das Viola-Konzert vor 1840. S. 153–176
  • Don Harrán: Hubert Naich, Musicien, Académicien Notice bio-bibliographique. S. 177–194
  • Erich Schwandt: The Motet in New France: Some 17 th and 18 th Century Manuscripts in Quebec. S. 194–219
  • Stephen A. Willier: The Present Location of Libraries Listed in Robert Eitner’s Biographisch-bibliographisches Quellen-Lexikon. S. 220–239
  • In memoriam Tim Eckersley. S. 240
  • In memoriam Paule Letailleur. S. 240
  • Evelyn van Kaam, John May: Information. S. 241–244
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 245–247
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Dee Baily: Women in American Music; a bibliography of music and literature by Adrienne Fried Block; Carol Neuls-Bates. S. 248–249
    • Review by Marie Noëlle Colette: Dies ire, dies illa. Studien zur Frühgeschichte einer Sequenz (Utrechtse Bijdragen tot de Muziekwetenschap) by Kees Vellekoop. S. 249–251
    • Review by Don Harrán: The Madrigal at Ferrara, 1579—1597 (1, Text; II, Musical Examples) (Princeton Studies in Music, 7.) by Anthony Newcomb. S. 251–252
    • Review by Lewis Lockwood: Beiträge zur Beethoven-Bibliographie. Studien und Materialien zum Werkverzeichnis von Kinsky-Halm by Kurt Dorfmüller. S. 252–253
    • Review by Catherine Massip: Inventaire du Fonds musical Ferenc Farkas: catalogue des oeuvres par Jean-Louis Matthey et András Farkas; avec la collaboration de Ferenc Farkas (Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire / Département de la Musique — Inventaire isolé) by Jean-Louis Matthey; András Farkas. S. 253
    • Review by Catherine Massip: Franz Schneider (1737—1812). A Thematic Catalogue of His Works (Thematic catalogue series; n o 5) by Robert N. Freeman. S. 253–254
    • Review by Gilbert Rouget: African Music and Oral Data. A Catalog of Field Recordings, 1902—1975 by Ruth M. Stone; Frank J. Gillis. S. 254–255
    • Review by Malou Haine: Verzeichnis der europäischen Musikinstrumente im Germanischen Nationalmuseum Nürnberg, Band I — Hörner und Trompeten — Membranophone — Idiophone by John Henry van der Meer. S. 255–256
  • Liste Sélective: France. S. 256–258
  • Gertraut Haberkamp, Helmut Rösing: Text- und Musikincipit-Register zu den Anhängen 1 und 2 in RISM A/I Band 9. S. 259–306
  • Mark Germer: Dlabač’s Dictionary and its Place in the Literature. S. 307–312
  • Klaus Kindler: Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke Giuseppe Jannacconis (1740—1816) in der Santini-Sammlung in Münster (Westfalen). S. 313–319
  • Lionel Sawkins: An Encore to the Lexicographer’s Dilemma, or de Lalande et du Bon Sens. S. 319–323
  • Imogen Fellinger: List of Union Catalogues of (Music) Periodicals. S. 323–327
  • Information. S. 328–330
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Georgie Durosoir: Italian manuscript sources of 17th century keyboard music. (Studies in musicology, n o 18) by Alexander Silbiger. S. 330
    • Review by Thomas F. Heck: Franz Berwald: Die Dokumente seines Lebens. (Franz Berwald Sämtliche Werke, Supplement) by Erling Lomnäs; Ingmar Bengtsson; Nils Castegren. S. 330–331
    • Review by Thomas F. Heck: Bilddokumente zur Lebensgeschichte Johann Sebastian Bachs. (Bach-Dokumente, IV) by Werner Neumann. S. 331–332

29. Jg. 1982

  • André Jurres: Préface / Preface / Vorwort. S. 1
  • IAML Annual Conference 6—11 September 1981 in Budapest / Réunion annuelle de l’AIBM 6—11 Septembre 1981 à Budapest / Jahrestagung der IVMB 6.—11. September 1981 in Budapest.
    • Anders Lönn, James Pruett, Hermann Wassner: [Introduction]. S. 2–6
    • János Kárpáti: Béla Bartók and International Co-operation in the Music Publishing and Recording Field. S. 6–10
    • Miriam Miller: Broadcasting Libraries Professional Branch. S. 10
    • Eric Cooper: Public Libraries Professional Branch. S. 11
    • Maria Nyéki: La Musique et le Centre Pompidou. S. 11–12
    • Judit Skaliczki: Public Music Libraries in Hungary: Their Past and Present. S. 13–15
    • Ágnes Szalai: Selection and Acquisition in Public Music Libraries With a View on Training. S. 15–18
    • Ildikó Varga: The Disk on the Desk. S. 19
    • Magda Gráf-Forrai: Music for Mentally Retarded Children. S. 20–21
    • Hermann Wassner: Schallplatten und Musikkassetten in Öffentlichen Musikbibliotheken: Anmerkungen zu einem aktuellen Thema. S. 21–27
    • Wolfgang Reich: Über Benutzungsbedingungen bei musikalischem Quellenmaterial. S. 28–29
    • Hermine Nicolussi-Prohászka: Die Entwicklung der Hochschulbibliothek der Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Wien aus historischer und rechtlicher Sicht. S. 30–34
    • Jan Olof Rudén: Advantages and Disadvantages of small self-made computerized Cataloguing System for Music and Sound Recordings: Experiences after five Years of Use. S. 34–35
    • Gertraut Haberkamp, Maria Calderisi-Bryce: COMMISSION FOR BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH. S. 35–36
    • Imogen Fellinger: WORKING GROUP ON MUSIC PERIODICALS. S. 36–38
    • Heinz Lanzke: Leihmateriale im bibliographischen System des Deutschen Musikarchivs. S. 38–40
    • Ilona Mona: On Music Publishing in Hungary. S. 40–43
    • Kari Michelsen: Music Trade in Norway to 1929. S. 43–44
    • Nanna Schiødt: An Inventory of a Collection of Source Material for Danish Music History, 1100—1929. S. 45
    • Lenore Coral: Cataloguing Commission. S. 45
    • Kurt Dorfmüller: Cataloguing Commission: Subkommission Für Klassifikation. S. 46
    • Patrick Mills: Cataloguing Commission: Working Group On Computer Cataloguing. S. 46
    • Lenore Coral: Cataloguing Commission: Working Group On Isbd(Nbm). S. 46–47
    • Richard Andrewes: Cataloguing Commission: Working Group On Isbd(Pm) & (A). S. 47
    • Galina Koltypina: Standardization of the Bibliographic Description of Printed Music in the USSR. S. 47–48
    • Heinz Lanzke: Die Musiksonderregeln zu den Regeln für die alphabetische Katalogisierung. S. 49–51
    • Hans-Martin Plesske: Einige Bemerkungen zum EDV-Projekt Bibliographieherstellung der Deutschen Bücherei. S. 51–54
    • Nanna Schiødt: The Relationship of the IAML Cataloguing Code to the Newly Completed ISBD (PM and NBM) and AACR 2: A Preliminary Study of the Need and the Feasibility of Revising the IAML Cataloguing Code in the Light of these Developments. S. 54–56
    • Wojciech Tomaszewski: Polish Work on the Standard Bibliographic Description for Printed Music. S. 56–58
    • László Somfai: The Budapest Bartók Archives. S. 59–65
    • Huib Deetman, Don L. Roberts: Statement on Qualifications for Music Librarians. S. 66–67
    • Kurt Dorfmüller: RISM. S. 67–68
    • Barry S. Brook, Nanna Schiødt: RILM. S. 68–69
    • Barry S. Brook, Terry Ford: RIdIM. S. 69–71
    • Evelyn van Kaam: IAML Library: A New Section of Fontes. S. 72–74
    • Helen P. Harrison: ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF IASA: Budapest, 6—11 September 1981. S. 74–75
    • Alice Moyle: Bartók’s Legacy and the Documentation and Dissemination of Australian Folk and Aboriginal Music. S. 76–79
    • Lenore Coral: OPEN MEETING ON IFLA. S. 79
    • Tony Reed: Universal Availability of Publications and Music. S. 79–82
    • Harald Heckmann: André Jurres — 70 Jahre alt. S. 82
  • Geraint J. Philp: An International Bibliography for Printed Music: A Feasibility Study. S. 83–84
  • Prue Neidorf: Information. S. 85–86
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 87–89
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Donald W. Krummel: Music Publishing in the Canadas, 1800—1867 / L’Edition musicale au Canada, 1800—1867 by Maria Calderisi. S. 90
    • Review by Claudio Sartori: The Letters of Claudio Monteverdi by Denis Stevens. S. 90–91
    • Review by Irving Lowens: The Shaker Spiritual by Daniel W. Patterson. S. 91–92
    • Review by George A. Proctor: Encyclopedia of Music in Canada by Helmut Kallmann; Gilles Potvin; Kenneth Winters. S. 92
  • Bertil H. van Boer Jr., Leif Jonsson: The Silverstolpe Music Collection in Rö, Uppland, Sweden: A Preliminary Catalogue. S. 93–103
  • Dinko Fabris: Prime Aggiunte Italiane al Volume RISM B/VII — Intavolature mss. per Liuto e Chitarra. S. 103–121
  • Richard Jones: Special Collections in Music — An Alternate Approach. S. 122–124
  • William C. Rorick: Galaxy Music Corporation: the first fifty Years. S. 125–128
  • James Bradford Young: An Account of Printed Musick ca. 1724. S. 129–136
  • A Goldmine for Musicologists, Music Librarians, Performers and Musical Amateurs / Eine Fundgrube für Musikwissenschaftler, Musikbibliothekare, ausübende Musiker und Musikliebhaber / Une source inépuisable pour les musicologues, interprètes, bibliothécaires et amateurs de musique. S. 136–138
  • James J. Fuld, James R. Anthony: Information. S. 139–141
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger: Frédéric Chopin. Thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis by Krystyna Kobylańska. S. 142–145
    • Review by Michael Talbot: Pietro Antonio Locatelli. Der Virtuose und seine Welt. Band I, Band II by Albert Dunning. S. 145–147
    • Review by Vincent Duckles: Music Collections in American Libraries: a Chronology, (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, 46) by Carol June Bradley. S. 147–148
    • Review by Catherine Massip: Carlo d’Ordonez 1734—1786. A Thematic Catalog (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, 39) by A. Peter Brown. S. 148–149
    • Review by Catherine Massip: Music in the Paris Academy of Sciences 1666—1793. A Source Archive in Photocopy At Stanford University. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, 43) by Albert Cohen; Leta E. Miller. S. 149
    • Review by François Lesure: A Dictionary of early music from the troubadours to Monteverdi by Jerome Roche; Elizabeth Roche. S. 149
  • Liste sélective: France. S. 150–151
  • Preface / Préface / Vorwort. S. 153
  • Commission on Répertoire International de la Presse Musicale du XIXe Siècle.
    • H. Robert Cohen, Elvidio Surian, Marcello Conati: CIRPM — PARMA. S. 154–155
    • H. Robert Cohen: CIRPM — VANCOUVER. S. 155–156
    • Hans Burndorfer: THE CIRPM ARCHIVE (VANCOUVER). S. 156–157
    • H. Robert Cohen, Elvidio Surian: CURRENT RIPMxix — CIRPM Projects: International Developments, Commissions and Commission Membership. S. 157–158
    • Christoph-Hellmut Mahling: Bemerkungen zur „Illustrirten Zeitung“ als Quelle zur Musikgeschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts. S. 158–160
    • Joel H. Kaplan: Musical Iconography in „The Illustrated London News“: An Introduction. S. 161–169
    • Ilona Mona: Über Franz Liszts Ungarische Nobilität: Dichtung und Wahrheit Musikhistorische Beziehungen der bibliographischen Arbeit. S. 169–182
  • Jørgen Bennetzen, Kirsten Maegaard: Reggae. S. 182–186
  • Henning Smidth, James Murdoch, Eric Cooper, Prue Neidorf, Diane van der Heyden: Information. S. 187–192
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 193–195
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Marie-Noël Colette: The Grammar of gregorian tonality. An investigation based on the repertory in Codex H 159, Montpellier by F.E. Hansen. S. 196
    • Review by Sven Hansell: Autographus Musicus, facsimile editions by Sigvard Samuelsson; Sinfonia in E la fa, MS (vol. 1, 1973); Sinfonia i Ciss [moll], MS (vol. 11, 1978); Miserere [in c minor], MS (vol. 11, 1978); Miserere [in E-flat major], MS (vol. 12, 1978) by Joseph Martin Kraus; Motetto: Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore, MS (vol. 2, 1973); [trio] Sonata ex G, MS (vol. 3, 1973) by Dietrich Buxtehude; Sonata i C-dur [and] Sonata nr 9 i d [moll], MSS (vols. 4 & 5, 1976); [orchestral] Bilägers Musiquen uppförd 1744 på Drottningholm, MS (vol. 8, 1977); [12] Sonate a flauto traverso, violone e cembalo, MS parts (vol. 9, 1978) by Johan Helmich Roman; Sonata 1 [and] 5 [in B-flat major and D major from] Sei sonate per il cembalo, op. 2, (vol. 6, 1976) by Johan Joachim Agrell; 8 [organ] Preludier, MS (vol. 7, 1977) by Ferdinand Zellbell; 24 Oder af våra bästa poeters arbeten, print of Stockholm 1754 (vol. 13, 1978); Sei sonate per il cembalo, MS (vol. 14, 1979) by Henrich Philip Johnsen. S. 197–198
    • Review by Thomas F. Heck: Resources of American Music History: A Directory of Source Materials from Colonial Times to World War II. (Music in American Life) by D.W. Krummel; Jean Geil; Doris J. Dyen; Deane L. Root. S. 198–199
    • Review by Christian Meyer: „Musica getutscht“. Deutsche Fachprosa des Spätmittelalters im Bereich der Musik. (Münchener Texte und Untersuchungen zur Deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters. Herausgegeben von der Kommission für Deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Band 69) by Rudolf Denk. S. 199

30. Jg. 1983

  • Preface / Préface / Vorwort. S. 1
  • IAML Annual Conference 4—9 July 1982 in Brussels / Réunion annuelle de l’AIBM 4—9 Juillet 1982 à Bruxelles / Jahrestagung der IVMB 4.—9. Juli 1982 in Brüssel.
    • Anders Lönn: [Introduction]. S. 2–5
    • Anders Lönn: IAML/AIBM/IVMB Directory. S. 5–7
    • G.C.M. van Dijck: BROADCASTING LIBRARIES. S. 8
    • Diane Ward: Broadcasting Libraries: Arrangements, Rights and Duties. S. 8–10
    • Christine Pratt: Music Hire. S. 10–15
    • Liz Hart: PUBLIC LIBRARIES. S. 15–16
    • Julius Hůlek: Information on Principles of the Organization and Development of Music Sections in Public Libraries in the Czech Socialist Republic. S. 17–18
    • Evelyn van Kaam, Rob van den Beld: Audio Visual Media and the Training of the Public Librarian. S. 18–28
    • Richard Andrewes: RESEARCH LIBRARIES. S. 28
    • Bernard Huys: François-Joseph Fétis. S. 29–30
    • Richard Andrewes: Edward Francis Rimbault, 1816—1876. S. 30–34
    • William Y. Elias: MUSIC Information CENTRES. S. 34
    • Maria Calderisi Bryce, Joachim Jaenecke: BIBLIOGRAPHY COMMISSION. S. 34–35
    • Geraldine E. Ostrove: The Boston Composers Project. S. 36–39
    • Geraint Philp: An International Music Bibliography: A Feasibility Study: A Report. S. 40–44
    • Don Hixon, Don Hennessee, Imogen Fellinger, Günter Brosche, Simone Wallon, Veronika Vavrinecz, Magda Gráf-Forrai: International Bio-Bibliography of Musicians Project. S. 44–52
    • Lenore Coral, Kurt Dorfmüller, Patrick Mills, Heinz Lanzke, Richard Andrewes, Joan Colquhoun: CATALOGUING COMMISSION. S. 52–55
    • Don L. Roberts, Prue Neidorf: COMMISSION ON SERVICE AND TRAINING. S. 56
    • D.W. Krummel: Kinkeldey Revisited: American Music Library Education in 1937 and 1982. S. 56–60
    • Brian Redfern: Music Libraries and Research in the United Kingdom. S. 60–61
    • Kurt Dorfmüller: RISM. S. 61–62
    • Barry S. Brook, Nanna Schiødt: RILM. S. 62–63
    • Barry S. Brook: RIdIM. S. 64–65
    • H. Robert Cohen: RIPMxix. S. 65
    • H. Robert Cohen: On the Structure of the Repertory: RIPMxix Series A and Series B. S. 66–68
    • Marcello Conati, Elvidio Surian: Le Centre International de Recherche sur la Presse Musicale (CIRPM) à Parme. S. 68–70
    • Zoltan Roman: Periodica Musica. S. 70–72
    • Helen P. Harrison: Annual Conference of IASA Brussels 4—9 July 1982. S. 73–74
    • Maria Prokopowicz: In memoriam Karol Musioł. S. 75
  • Robert Tucker: Information. S. 76–77
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by François Lesure: Piano music in collections. An index by Rita M. Fuszek. S. 78
    • Review by François Lesure: Musical instrument collections. Catalogues and cognate literature. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, 47) by James Coover. S. 78
    • Review by Alexander Hyatt King: Einzeldrucke vor 1800. Karlheinz Schlager. Band 8[-9] (RISM, A/I/8—9) by Otto E. Albrecht. S. 78–80
  • Preface/Préface/Vorwort. S. 81
  • Hermann Waßner: Untersuchungen zur musikbibliothekarischen Arbeit: Ein Überblick über neuere Veröffentlichungen, gegenwärtige Aktivitäten und vorzuschlagende Arbeitsziele (Beiträge aus der Bundesrepublik und aus West-Berlin). S. 82–98
  • George S. Bozarth: Brahms’s Lieder Inventory of 1859—60 and other Documents of his Life and Work. S. 98–117
  • Daphne Kennard: Music for One-Handed Pianists. S. 117–131
  • Jens Jørgen Gjedsted: Electric Jazz. S. 132–136
  • Huib Deetman: Indonesian Libraries: the Need for Development. S. 137–138
  • Henning Bro Rasmussen: Some Facts about the International Music Council IMC. S. 138–141
  • Kurt von Fischer, Angelika Bierbaum, Helmut Rösing, Joachim Schlichte: Répertoire International des Sources Musicales / Internationales Quellenlexikon der Musik / International Inventory of Musical Sources. S. 142–158
  • Mozart 1784. S. 159
  • M.A. Kotrbová: Information. S. 160–163
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 164–167
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Thomas F. Heck: Quellenforschung in der Musikwissenschaft (Wolfenbütteler Forschungen, Bd. 15) by Wolfgang Rehm; Martin Ruhnke; Georg Feder. S. 168
    • Review by H. Wiley Hitchcock: Louis Moreau Gottschalk 1829—1869: A Bibliographical Study and Catalog of Works. (College Music Society Bibliographies in American Music, no. 7) by John G. Doyle. S. 168–170
    • Review by A. Hyatt King: Mozart, Bibliographie 1976—1980 mit Nachträgen zur Mozart-Bibliographie bis 1975 by Rudolph Angermüller; Otto Schneider. S. 170
    • Review by Pierre Jaquier: Alte Meistergeigen. Beschreibungen. Expertisen. Band VIII: Französische Schule und Deutsche Meister by Verband Schweizerischer Geigenbaumeister. S. 170–171
    • Review by François Lesure: The piano in concert. Volume I[—II] by George Kehler. S. 171
  • Preface / Préface / Vorwort. S. 173
  • Robert Ford: Osborn MS 515, A Guardbook of Restoration Instrumental Music. S. 174–184
  • Catherine Massip: La collection musicale Toulouse-Philidor à la Bibliothèque nationale. S. 184–207
  • Thomas Quigley: Johannes Brahms and Bibliographic Control — Review and Assessment. S. 207–214
  • IAML Library. S. 215
  • Alison Hall, Noriko Murai, Neil Ratliff, Walter Lebermann: Information. S. 216–221
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 221–223
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by François Lesure: Heinrich Schütz. A Guide to research (Garland composer resource Manuals, 1) by Allen B. Skei. S. 223
    • Review by Jean Duron: Les oeuvres de/The works of Marc-Antoine Charpentier by H.W. Hitchcock. S. 223–224
    • Review by François Lesure: Encyclopédie de la musique au Canada by Helmut Kallmann; Gilles Potvin; Kenneth Winters. S. 224–225
    • Review by Claudio Sartori: Katalog der vor 1800 gedruckten Opernlibretti in der Musikbibliothek der Stadt Leipzig Teil 1[-2] by Bearbeitet von Cornelia Krumbiegel; Peter Krause. S. 225
    • Review by Malou Haine: Twenty-five hundred historical woodwind instruments. An inventory of the major collections by Pillip T. Young. S. 225–227

31. Jg. 1984

  • Preface / Préface / Vorwort. S. 3
  • Anders Lönn, Wolfgang Rehm: BUSINESS MATTERS. S. 4–11
  • Professional Branches.
    • Miriam Miller: Broadcasting Libraries. S. 12
    • Anthony Hodges: Libraries In Music Teaching Institutions. S. 12
    • William Y. Elias: Music Information Centres. S. 12–14
    • Rogier Starreveld: How Do Mics Promote Performances Of Contemporary Music?. S. 14–17
    • Roger Crudge, Thor E. Wood, Mary Ashe: Public Libraries Branch. S. 17–18
    • Richard Andrewes: Research Libraries Branch: Jazz In Research Libraries: Introduction. S. 18–19
    • Derek Langridge: A Survey. S. 19–23
    • Laurence Gushee: The Researcher’s View. S. 23–25
    • Paul S. Machlin: Wallering in Muddy Waters: Searching the Archives for Jazz. S. 25–29
    • Richard Andrewes: Appendix I. S. 29–30
    • Subject Commissions And Project Groups: Appendix II: Notes on the contributors. S. 30
    • Maria Calderisi Bryce: REPORT OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHY COMMISSION. S. 31–32
    • John Morehen: Thematic Cataloging by Computer. S. 32–38
    • Bryan N. S. Gooch: Catalogues and Computers or Bibliography and the Beast. S. 38–41
    • Walter A. Frankel: The Music-In-Print Series. S. 41–44
    • William Y. Elias: Project Group on Editing and Publishing Contemporary Music (EdPuM). S. 44–45
    • Geraldine Ostrove: Preliminary Report on the Availability of Rental Music in Libraries. S. 45–48
    • Imogen Fellinger: Project Group on Music Periodicals. S. 48–50
    • Charles Lindahl: Past Efforts regarding Union Catalogues of Periodicals in the United States of America. S. 50–51
    • Wilma Reid Cipolla: Present Activities regarding Union Catalogues of Periodicals in the United States of America. S. 51–54
    • Gillian B. Anderson: Unpublished Periodical Indexes at the Library of Congress and elsewhere in the United States of America. S. 54–60
    • Lenore Coral: CATALOGUING COMMISSION. S. 61
    • Kurt Dorfmüller: Project Group on Classification. S. 61
    • Lenore Coral: Project Group on Computer Cataloguing. S. 62
    • Lenore Coral: Project Group on ISBD(NBM). S. 62
    • Heinz Lanzke: Project Group on ISBD(PM). S. 62–63
    • Richard Andrewes: Project Group on ISBD(PM) & (A) — Final Report and Recommendations. S. 63–64
    • Joan Colquhoun: Project Group on UNIMARC. S. 64–65
    • Prue Neidorf, Don L. Roberts: COMMISSION ON SERVICE AND TRAINING. S. 65
    • Marsha Berman: New Eyes: The Intern in the Music Library. S. 65–68
    • Prue Neidorf: In-Service Training for Music Librarians in Australia: the National Library of Australia’s Experiences. S. 68–69
    • Hermann Waßner: Das musikbibliothekarische Praktikum als Hauptteil der Zusatzausbildung für künftige Musikbibliothekare in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. S. 70–78
    • Richard Crawford: American Music and its Two Written Traditions. S. 79–84
    • Kurt Dorfmüller, Barry S. Brook, Sylvia L’Ecuyer Lacroix: JOINT Commissions. S. 85–88
  • Helen P. Harrison, Anders Lönn, Lenore Coral: OTHER ORGANISATIONS. S. 88–92
  • In memoriam Irving Lowens. S. 93
  • Information. S. 94
  • Preface / Préface / Vorwort. S. 95
  • H. Robert Cohen, Sylvia L’Ecuyer Lacroix: Indexation de l’iconographie musicale dans la presse illustrée du dix-neuvième siècle: Présentation d’une Méthode. S. 96–107
  • Jon Albris, Anders Laurson: Zydeco & Cajun. S. 108–112
  • Klaus Kindler: Zur Problematik der Masi-Handschriften in der Santini-Sammlung in Münster (Westf.). S. 112–118
  • William C. Rorick: Theodore Presser Company: A Bicentennial Retrospect. S. 118–125
  • Information. S. 126–129
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 130–132
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Thomas F. Heck: American music recordings: a discography of 20th-century U.S. composers by Carol J. Oja. S. 132–133
    • Review by Christian Meyer: Cambridge Music Manuscripts 900—1700 by Iain Fenlon. S. 133–134
    • Review by Catherine Massip: A melodic Index to Haydn’s instrumental music. A thematic Locator for Anthony Van Hoboken’s Thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis, vols. I et III. (Thematic Catalogues no 8.) by Stephen C. Bryant; Gary W. Chapman; Jan La Rue. S. 134
    • Review by Geraldine Ostrove: RISM. Series C, Directory of Music Research Libraries. Volume I, Canada and the United States. 2d revised edition. S. 134–135
    • Review by Malou Haine, Anne Meurant: Catalogo degli strumenti musicali dell’Accademia Filarmonica di Verona by John Henry van der Meer; Rainer Weber. S. 135–137
    • Review by Thomas F. Heck: I Libretti Vivaldiani: recensione e collazione dei testimoni a stampa. (Studi di musica veneta: quaderni vivaldiani, 3) by Anna Laura Bellina; Bruno Brizi; Maria Grazia Pensa. S. 137
    • Review by Catherine Massip: Mikrofilmek címjegyzéke. Zenei gyűjtemény. 1. köt. Zeneműkéziratok I. Vegyes eredetű rezidenciális zeneműkéziratok 1 by Zoltan Nagy; Index of microfilms. Music collection. 1. Music manuscripts. I. Music manuscripts of a mixed origin from various residences by Zoltan Nagy; István Kecskeméti. S. 137–138
  • Abstracts to the Articles. S. 138–139
  • Preface / Préface / Vorwort. S. 141
  • Bernhard R. Appel: Acht unbekannte Briefe von Ferruccio und Gerda Busoni an Rudolf Nováček (1860—1929). S. 142–153
  • Hélène Charnassé, Harry B. Lincoln, Warren E. Hultberg, Helmut Rösing, Joachim Schlichte, Philip J. Drummond: Les bases de données en musicologie. S. 153–176
  • Bendt Viinholt Nielsen: Danish Music from the 1950s till Today. S. 176–182
  • Andrew Green: Répertoire Internationale d’Iconographie Musicale. S. 183–184
  • John H. Roberts: In Memoriam Otto E. Albrecht. S. 184
  • David Lindsey Clark: Information. S. 185–188
  • Lenore Coral: Correction Robert Ford Article. S. 188
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 189–190
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Peter Bloom: La musique à Paris en 1830—1831 by Marie-Noëlle Colette; Joël-Marie Fauquet; Adélaïde de Place; Anne Randier; Nicole Wild; François Lesure. S. 191–192
    • Review by Thomas F. Heck: Musical Morphology: a Discourse and a Dictionary by Siegmund Levarie; Ernst Levy. S. 192–193
  • Preface / Préface / Vorwort. S. 195
  • Wolfgang Rehm: Harald Heckmann zum 60. Geburtstag am 6. Dezember 1984. S. 196–197
  • Jaroslav Bužga: Zelenkas Musikinventar aus der katholischen Schloßkapelle in Dresden. S. 198–206
  • Malena Kuss: Current State of Bibliographic Research in Latin American Music. S. 206–228
  • Don L. Roberts: The Ethnic Music of the United States. S. 228–233
  • Mariella Busnelli: Notizie inedite su Giovanni Maria Marchi (1689—1740). S. 233–239
  • László Somfai, Bärenreiter Verlag: Information. S. 240–241
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Harald Heckmann: Sound Archives. A Guide to their Establishment and Development by David Lance. S. 241
    • Review by François Lesure: Les gravures musicales dans l’Illustration. I843—I899 by H. Robert Cohen; Sylvia L’Ecuyer Lacroix; Jacques Léveillé. S. 242
    • Review by Christian Meyer: Spielpraxis und Instrumentarium um 1500. Dargestellt an Sebastian Virdung’s „Musica getutscht“ (Basel 1511). (Forschungen zur Älteren Musikgeschichte, 4) by Gerhard Stradner. S. 242–243

32. Jg. 1985

  • Préface / Vorwort / Preface. S. 1
  • Neil Ratliff, Kirsten Maegaard, Huib Deetman, Wolfgang Rehm: BUSINESS MATTERS. S. 2–17
  • Professional Branches.
  • Standards. S. 18–19
    • William Y. Elias: Music Information Centres. S. 19–20
    • Elizabeth M. Hart: PUBLIC LIBRARIES BRANCH REPORT. S. 20–21
    • Wim Dijk: Availability of Sound Recordings in Public Collections. S. 21–24
    • Bent Christiansen, Elizabeth Hart: Some Aspects of Contemporary Music — in Society and in the Library. S. 24–27
    • Roger Crudge: Music Library Statistics in Britain. S. 27–28
  • Subject Commissions AND PROJECT GROUPS.
    • Maria Calderisi Bryce, Joachim Jaenecke: BIBLIOGRAPHY COMMISSION REPORT. S. 29–30
    • Agostina Zecca Laterza, Maria Calderisi Bryce: Milanese Music Publishers in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century. S. 30–31
    • Bianca Maria Antolini, Annalisa Bini: Music Publishing in Rome during the 19th Century. S. 31–32
    • Dan Fog: Music in the 19th Century — A Bibliographic Project Realized. S. 33–35
    • Imogen Fellinger: Project Group on Music Periodicals: Report. S. 35–37
    • Mariangela Donà: The Present State of Music Periodicals in Italy. S. 37–39
    • Agostina Zecca Laterza: Cataloghi collettivi per i periodici musicali in Italia. S. 39
    • Dick van den Hul: Present-Day Music Periodicals in the Netherlands. S. 40–41
    • Lenore Coral: Cataloguing Commission Report. S. 41–42
    • Kurt Dorfmüller: Project Group on Classification: Report. S. 42
    • Harry Price: Subject Access to Jazz and Popular Music Materials on Library of Congress Catalog Records. S. 42–54
    • Heinz Lanzke: Project Group on ISBD(PM): Report. S. 55
    • Joan Colquhoun: Project Group on UNIMARC: Report. S. 55–56
    • Catherine Garland: Training of LC Catalogers for Music Online. S. 57–59
    • Don L. Roberts: Education for Music Librarians in the United States and Canada. S. 59–62
    • Helmut Rösner: Zur Statistik der Musikbibliotheken in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. S. 62–68
    • Susan M. Clegg: User Surveys and Statistics — the Opportunities for Music Libraries. S. 69–75
    • Tony Reed: Project Group on Universal Availability of Publications (Printed Music): Report. S. 76
    • H. Robert Cohen, Barry S. Brook, Nanna Schiødt, Kurt Dorfmüller: JOINT Commissions. S. 77–81
  • Lenore Coral, Don L. Roberts, Helen P. Harrison: OTHER ORGANISATIONS. S. 82–86
  • John Henry van der Meer: Information. S. 87–88
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Allen P. Britton: Fuging Tunes in the Eighteenth Century. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, Number Forty-Nine) by Nicholas Temperley; Charles G. Manns. S. 88–89
    • Review by Bernard Lortat-Jacob: Big sounds from small people. The music industry in small countries. (Sociology of Music No. 2) by Roger Wallis; Krister Malm. S. 89
    • Review by Gillian B. Anderson: Women Composers. A Discography. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, Number Fifty) by Jane Frazier. S. 89–90
  • André Jurres: Préface / Vorwort / Preface. S. 91
  • Peter Ross, Andreas Traub: Die Kirchenmusik von Johann Christian Bach im Kloster Einsiedeln. S. 92–102
  • Robert Elliott, Harry M. White: A Collection of Oratorio Libretti, 1700—1800, in the Thomas Fisher Rarebook Library, University of Toronto. S. 102–114
  • Anna Maria Trivisonno: The „Basevi“ Collection in the Library of Cherubini Conservatory, Florence (Italy). S. 114–117
  • Helmut Rösing, Joachim Schlichte: Nachtrag zu / Addition to / Complément à Die Serie A/II des Internationalen Quellenlexikons der Musik in Fontes Artis Musicae, Vol. 31/3, 1984, S. 167ff.. S. 117–118
  • Barry S. Brook, David Bain: Music in the Life of Man: Theoretical and Practical Foundations for a World History. S. 118–132
  • Dorothy Freed: Information. S. 133–136
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 137–139
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Marita P. McClymonds: The Book of World-Famous Libretti: The Musical Theater from 1598 to Today by James J. Fuld; Patrick J. Smith. S. 140–141
    • Review by Thomas F. Heck: Oscar Sonneck and American Music by William Lichtenwanger. S. 141–142
  • Addendum: User Surveys and Statistics — the Opportunities for Music Libraries. S. 142
  • International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) Provisional Rules of Procedure (adopted by the Council on 8 August, 1980 and incorporating amendments approved by Council in 1981 and 1984). S. 143–145
  • Préface/Vorwort/Preface. S. 147
  • J. Bradford Young: The Great Abuse of Musick, 1711. S. 148–152
  • Barry S. Brook, David Bain: World Music, World History, and the Music in the Life of Man Project. S. 153–156
  • William Y. Elias: Project Group On Editing And Publishing Contemporary Music (Edpum). S. 156
  • Jaap Gerritse: Jazz and Light Music in Music Teaching Institutions. S. 157–160
  • Inge Pechotsch-Feichtinger: Verzeichnis Österreichischer Musikzeitschriften 1945—1980. S. 160–171
  • William C. Rorick: Johnny Marks and St. Nicholas Music, Inc.. S. 171–174
  • Information. S. 175–178
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 178–179
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by François Lesure: Indici, cataloghi e avvisi degli editori e librai musicali italiani dal 1591 al 1798. (Studi e testi per la storia della musica, 2) by Oscar Mischiati. S. 180
    • Review by Thomas F. Heck: Guitar Bibliography: an international listing of theoretical literature on classical guitar from the beginning to the present = Gitarre-Bibliographie by Werner Schwarz; Monika Haringer; Siegfried Behrend. S. 180–181
    • Review by François Lesure: Analyses of nineteenth-century music. Second edition: 1940—1980 — Analyses of twentieth-century music. Supplement. Second edition. (MLA Index and Bibliography Series, Nr. 13 et 14) by Arthur Wenk. S. 181–182
    • Anders Lönn: Dankwort des Präsidenten an Dr. Wolfgang Rehm. S. 183–184
  • Préface / Vorwort / Preface. S. 185
  • Laurent Guillo: Les Motets de Layolle et les Psaumes de Piéton: Deux nouvelles éditions lyonnaises du seizième siècle. S. 186–191
  • Bengt Johnsson: Manuel Blasco de Nebra, ein unbekannter Klaviermeister. S. 191–208
  • Roberto Verti: L’Indice de’ teatrali spettacoli, Milan,Venise, Rome 1764—1823: Une source pour l’histoire de l’opéra italien. S. 209–211
  • In Memoriam Vincent H. Duckles. S. 212
  • Ing. Karel Kozelek: Information. S. 213–217
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 217–218
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Kurt Dorfmüller: Organ Literature: A Comprehensive Survey. 2nd edition. Vol. 1: Historical Survey. Vol. 2: Biographical Catalog by Corliss Richard Arnold. S. 218–220
    • Review by Jean-Michel Nectoux: Phonographies. II: Francis Poulenc, 1928—1982 by Francine Bloch. S. 220–221
    • Review by Gillian B. Anderson: Women Composers and Hymnists. A Concise Biographical Dictionary by Gene Claghorn. S. 221–222
    • Review by Jean-Michel Nectoux: Four Centuries of Organ Music, from the Robertsbridge Codex through the Baroque Era, an Annotated Discography. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, no 51) by Marilou Kratzenstein; Jerald Hamilton. S. 222
    • Review by Jean-Michel Nectoux: A Discography of Treble voice recordings. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, no 52) by James Laster. S. 222–223
    • Review by Jean-Michel Nectoux: Discography of Solo Song. Supplement 1975—1982 by Dorothy Stahl. S. 223

33. Jg. 1986

  • Préface / Vorwort / Preface. S. 1
  • Neil Ratliff, Ad Blokland, Roger Crudge: BUSINESS MATTERS. S. 2–15
  • Professional Branches.
    • Anne Nenquin: Broadcasting Libraries Branch Report. S. 16
    • Ellen Roeser: Public Libraries: Die Arbeit Der Musikbibliotheken Im Rahmen Der Staatlichen Allgemeinbibliotheken. S. 17–20
    • Judit Skaliczki: The Public Music Library System In Hungary. S. 20–21
  • Subject Commissions And Project Groups.
    • Joachim Jaenecke: Bibliographische Kommission, Bericht. S. 22–23
    • Hans-Martin Pleßke: Inhalt und Abgrenzung der „Deutschen Musikbibliographie“. S. 23–25
    • Heinz Lanzke: Nationalbibliographien: Inhalt und Abgrenzung Bericht über das Deutsche Musikarchiv. S. 25–27
    • Patrick Mills: The British Catalogue of Music: Inclusion Policy. S. 28–29
    • Wolfgang Ritschel: Bibliographische Wege zum Musikschaffen und Musikdenken in der DDR. S. 29–34
    • Joachim Jaenecke: Zum Thema „Nationalbibliographien: Inhalt und Abgrenzung“ In Nationalbibliographien vorkommende ausländische Verlage. S. 34–37
    • Imogen Fellinger: Project Group on Music Periodicals: Report. S. 37–38
    • Peter Krause: Zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Musikzeitschriften in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. S. 39–44
    • Kornel Michałowski: Musikbibliographie der Zeitschriften in Polen. S. 45–51
    • Lenore Coral: Cataloguing Commission Report. S. 51–52
    • Mary Wallace Davidson: Towards a National Program for the Retrospective Conversion of Music Records. S. 52–59
    • Renata Wagner, Kurt Dorfmüller: Die Notendrucke der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München Zur Revision und Veröffentlichung des Kataloges. S. 59–64
    • János Kárpáti: Project Group on Classification: Report. S. 64–65
    • Ann Schuursma: Comments on „A New Classification for RILM Abstracts“. S. 65–67
    • Malena Kuss: Proposal for Latin America. S. 68
    • Dorothy Curzon: Comments on the Japanese Proposal. S. 69–70
    • Gen’ichi Tsuge: The Classification of World Cultures in RILM. S. 70–71
    • János Kárpáti: Comments on the Japanese Proposal. S. 72–73
    • Barry S. Brook: RILM Classification — Suggested Revisions. S. 73–74
    • Heinz Lanzke: Project Group on ISBD(PM): Report. S. 75
    • Joan Colquhoun: Project Group on UNIMARC: Report. S. 75–76
    • Thomas Heck: Project Group on Universal Availability of Publications: Music on Demand: Facsimile Technology at the Service of Interlibrary Loan and Beyond. S. 77–79
    • Tony Reed: The Pre-Paid Lending Form: An Evaluation of the British Experience. S. 80–85
    • Olga Buth: Interlibrary Loan, the Stepchild of the Library: A Report on the Interlending of Music in the U.S.A.. S. 86–87
    • Wolfgang Krueger, Barry S. Brook, Nanna Schiødt, Kurt Dorfmüller: JOINT Commissions. S. 88–93
  • Helen P Harrison, Lenore Coral, Dietrich Schüller, Monicah Kabeberi, Washington A. Omondi: RELATED ORGANISATIONS. S. 94–117
  • Kurt Dorfmüller: Orbituary: Liesbeth Weinhold †. S. 117–118
  • Norbert Böker-Heil: Information. S. 119–120
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 121–122
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Thomas Quigley: Brahms-Bibliographie by Siegfried Kross. S. 123–124
    • Review by François Lesure: Giovanni Battista Viotti (1755—1824). A Thematic Catalogue of his works. (Thematic Catalogues, No. 12) by Chappell White. S. 124–125
    • Review by D. W. Krummel: Musikdokumentation, gestern, heute und morgen: Harald Heckmann zum 60. Geburtstag am 6. Dezember 1984 by Wolfgang Rehm. S. 125
  • Préface / Vorwort / Preface. S. 127
  • Anders Lönn: Music Libraries, Librarianship and Documentation in Sweden — an Overview. S. 128–134
  • Åke Davidsson: The Collections of Early Music in Swedish Libraries. S. 135–145
  • Bibbi Andersson: Music and the Public Library in Sweden. S. 146–148
  • Lennart Reimers: Music Publishing and Distribution in Sweden. S. 148–151
  • Henrik Karlsson: The Swedish Phonogram Market. S. 151–160
  • Anders Lönn: Statens musiksamlingar (SMS) / The Swedish National Collections of Music. S. 161
  • Anders Lönn: Musikaliska akademiens bibliotek (MAB) / The Library of the Swedish Academy of Music. S. 162–171
  • Veslemöy Heintz: Svenskt musikhistoriskt arkiv (SMA) / The Swedish Music History Archive. S. 171–174
  • Birgitta Dahl: The Archives Housed at Musikmuseet. S. 174–177
  • Sven Allerstrand: Arkivet för ljud och bild (ALB) / The National Archive of Recorded Sound and Moving Images. S. 177–180
  • Margareta Jersild, Märta Ramsten: Svenskt visarkiv / The Swedish Centre for Folk Song and Folk Music Research. S. 180–184
  • Jan Olof Rudén: Svensk musik / Swedish Music Information Center. S. 184–186
  • Lisbeth Holm, Ruth Hansell: Musikbiblioteket, Sveriges riksradio / The Music Library of the Swedish Radio Company. S. 186–188
  • Eva Helenius-Öberg: RIdIM in Sweden. S. 189–190
  • Ingebjørg Barth Magnus: Musical Motifs in the Medieval Church Paintings of Uppland — a Swedish RIdIM Project. S. 190–193
  • Åke Davidsson, Veslemöy Heintz: Swedish Music Periodicals of the 19th Century. S. 194–210
  • Anders Lönn, Veslemöy Heintz: Reference Sources on Swedish Music: a Supplement to Marco Volume III. S. 211–213
  • Information. S. 214–215
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 216–217
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by François Lesure: Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians. Seventh edition revised by Nicolas Slonimsky. S. 218
    • Review by Henri Vanhulst: Fontes hymnodiae neerlandicae impressi 1539—1700 — De melodieën van het Nederlandstalig geestelijk lied 1539—1700: Een bibliografie van de gedrukte bronnen (Bibliotheca bibliographica neerlandica, vol. XVIII) by C. A. Höweler; F. H. Matter. S. 218–219
    • Review by Miriam Miller: Music Publishing, copyright and piracy in Victorian England; a twenty-five year chronicle, 1881—1906, from the pages of Musical Opinion and Music Trades Review and other English music journals of the period by James Coover. S. 219–220
  • Préface / Vorwort / Preface. S. 225
  • Jane Schatkin Hettrick: A Thematic Catalogue of Sacred Works by Antonio Salieri: An Uncatalogued Holograph of the Composer in the Archive of the Vienna Hofkapelle. S. 226–235
  • Olgica Momčilović: Musikbibliotheken in Jugoslawien. S. 236–240
  • Agostina Zecca Laterza: Le edizioni Ricordi in Pazdirek Handbuch. S. 240–244
  • Dorothee Hanemann: Bach Database-Symposion in Kassel. S. 244–246
  • Supplement to Fontes 33/1 (Berlin/DDR Conference).
    • Isolde Unger: Zu Fragen der Aus- und Weiterbildung der Musikbibliothekare in der DDR. S. 248–250
    • Maria Prokopowicz: Music Librarianship in Academic Curriculum and Courses for Librarians Organized in Poland. S. 251–253
    • Galina A. Timoshchenkova: Provision of Printed Music to the Users by the Library Service of the USSR. S. 253–256
  • Information. S. 257–258
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 259–261
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Ann Basart: Concert and Opera Singers: A Bibliography of Biographical Materials. (Music Reference Collection, Number 5) by Robert H. Cowden. S. 261–262
  • IAML — IASA Conference 1987, 21—26 June Sweelinck Conservatorium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. S. 262–263
  • Préface / Vorwort / Preface. S. 265
  • James Siddons: Supplement for the Japan Section of the Directory of Music Research Libraries (RISM Series C, Vol. IV). S. 266–273
  • Ken Nein: The Class of‚86 An Insider’s Report of the Graduating Class of Librarians in Public Music Libraries in West Germany. S. 274–275
  • Marco Giuliani: Bibliografie dimenticate ed esemplari ritrovati. S. 275–280
  • Joost van Gemert: The co-operative „Muziek Catalogus Nederland“. S. 280–284
  • Jaap Gerritse: A profile of the Music Library of Rotterdam. S. 284–287
  • Donald Thompson: The Music Collection of the Puerto Rico General Archive. S. 288–292
  • Samuel F. Pogue: Information. S. 293–295
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 295–297
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by François Lesure: Die Erstdrucke der Werke von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart by Gertraut Haberkamp. S. 297
    • Review by Gertraut Haberkamp: Der Briefwechsel mit dem Verlag Schott by Ludwig van Beethoven; S. Brandenburg; M. Staehelin; G. Brosche; L. Lockwood; M. Solomon; A. Tyson; M. Gutiérrez-Denhoff; D. Beck; G. Herre. S. 298–300
    • Review by François Lesure: Dictionnaire des facteurs d’instruments de musique en Wallonie et à Bruxelles du 9e siècle à nos jours by Malou Haine; Nicolas Meeùs. S. 300

34. Jg. 1987

  • Préface / Vorwort / Preface. S. 1–2
  • Maria Calderisi Bryce: From the President. S. 2–3
  • Nanna Schiødt, Neil Ratliff: STOCKHOLM 1986: BUSINESS MATTERS. S. 4–15
  • Professional Branches.
    • William Y. Elias: MUSIC Information CENTRES. S. 16–18
    • William Y. Elias: Margaret Jory – In Memoriam. S. 18
    • Kirsten Maegaard: PUBLIC LIBRARIES BRANCH. S. 19
  • Commissions.
    • Joachim Jaenecke: BIBLIOGRAPHISCHE KOMMISSION. S. 20
    • Imogen Fellinger: Project Group on Music Periodicals. S. 21–22
    • William Y. Elias: Project Group on Editing and Publishing Contemporary Music (EdPum). S. 22
    • Lenore Coral: CATALOGUING COMMISSION. S. 22–23
    • Lenore Coral: Project Group Classification. S. 23
    • Alison Hall: Project Group on Authority Structure for Uniform Titles. S. 24
  • Project Group ISBD(PM). S. 24
  • Project Group ISBD(NBM). S. 24
    • Joan Colquhoun: Project Group on UNIMARC. S. 24–25
    • Thomas F. Heck: Project Group on the Universal Availability of Publications. S. 25–26
    • Susan M. Clegg: Project Group on Statistics. S. 26
    • Nanna Schiødt, Ad Blokland: IAML Archive Committee. S. 27
    • Wolfgang Krueger, Barry S. Brook, Nanna Schiødt, H. Robert Cohen, Marcello Conati, Kurt Dorfmüller: JOINT Commissions. S. 28–35
  • Helen P Harrison, Lenore Coral: RELATED ORGANISATIONS. S. 36–41
  • Sylvia Goldstein: The Availability of Performance Materials: the Music Publisher’s Viewpoint. S. 42–44
  • Mary Kay Duggan: Teaching Online Reference for Music Librarians. S. 44–53
  • Wolfgang Krueger: Online-bibliographieren in der zukünftigen musikbibliothekarischen Ausbildung in Deutschland. S. 53–61
  • Garrett H. Bowles: The Future of Music Databases. S. 61–66
  • Information. S. 67–68
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Thomas F. Heck: Opera composers and their works: A-D. (The Mellen opera reference index; v. 1.) by Charles H. Parsons. S. 69
    • Review by Christian Meyer: Das Tenorlied. Mehrstimmige Lieder in deutschen Quellen 1450–1580. Harald Heckmann und Ilse Kindermann. Band 3: Register (Catalogus Musicus, XI.) by Norbert Böker-Heil; Harald Heckmann; Ilse Kindermann. S. 69–71
    • Review by Martin Staehelin: The Beethoven Sketchbooks. History, Reconstruction, Inventory by Douglas Johnson; Alan Tyson; Robert Winter. S. 71–72
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 73–75
  • Harald Heckmann: André Jurres — 75 Jahre alt. S. 77–78
  • Editorial. S. 79–80
  • Maria Calderisi Bryce: De la Présidente. S. 80–81
  • Maria Calderisi Bryce: Von der Präsidentin. S. 81–82
  • Maria Calderisi Bryce: From the President. S. 82
  • Geraint J Philp: The Internationalisation of Music Bibliography. S. 83–86
  • Joachim Jaenecke: Zum Problem der Leihmaterialien in Nationalbibliographien und Nationalbibliotheken. S. 87–89
  • Henning Smidth: Music in the Danish National Bibliography. S. 90–93
  • Øyvind Norheim: The Norwegian National Bibliography of Printed Music and its Relationship to the Legal Deposit Act. S. 94–96
  • Stig Berg: The Swedish National Bibliography: Printed Music. S. 96–98
  • Veslemöy Heintz: The Bibliography of Swedish Music History. S. 98–100
  • Lennart Reimers: Music Publishing in Sweden. S. 100–108
  • Inger Enquist: Musical Source Material: Documentation and Archival Work at the Swedish Music History Archive. S. 108–112
  • Göran Grahn: Stiftelsen Musikkulturens främjande. S. 112–114
  • Anders Edling: The Music Collections of the Uppsala University Library. S. 114–117
  • Lise McKinnon: The Grieg Archives in the Bergen Public Library. S. 117–120
  • Øyvind Norheim: Norwegian Music Periodicals in Past and Present. S. 121–124
  • Eva-Brit Fanger: Catalogues of Music Periodicals in Denmark From Traditional Card Files to Electronic Data Processing. S. 124–126
  • Maija Suhonen: Music Periodicals in Finland. S. 127–132
  • Catherine Garland: PREMARC: Retrospective conversion at the Library of Congress. S. 132–138
  • Krystyna Bielska: ISBD for Sound Recordings in Poland. S. 138–142
  • Dorothy Freed: Availability of Choral and Orchestral Scores in New Zealand. S. 142–145
  • Rønnaug Ryssdal: Music and the Public Library in Norway. S. 145–149
  • Bente Honoré Kjeldsen: Public Music Libraries in Denmark. S. 150–153
  • Veslemöy Heintz: Report from the meetings of the Project Group on Archives held during the IAML Conference in Stockholm. S. 154
  • National Branches: United Kingdom Thirty-fourth Annual Report 1986. S. 155–157
  • Information. S. 158
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Hazelle Miloradovitch: Viola d’amore Bibliographie by Heinz Berck. S. 159
    • Review by Ruth Watanabe: A Guide to Research in Music Education by Roger P. Phelps. S. 159–162
    • Review by Catherine Massip: Handschriftliche thematische Kataloge aus dem Benediktinerstift Melk. (Tabulae musicae austriacae; 10.) by Alexander Weinmann. S. 162
    • Review by Catherine Massip: Die Musikhandschriften des Dominikanerinnen-Klosters Lienz im Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum. Thematischer Katalog. (Beiträge zur Musikforschung in Tirol; 1.) by Hildegard Herrmann-Schneider. S. 162
    • Review by François Lesure: Catalogue de la musique imprimée avant 1801 conservée dans les bibliothèques de Lyon, Grenoble et la région by Laurent Guillo. S. 162–163
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 163–165
  • Brian Redfern: Editorial. S. 167–168
  • Maria Calderisi Bryce: De la Présidente. S. 168
  • Maria Calderisi Bryce: Von der Präsidentin. S. 169
  • Maria Calderisi Bryce: From the President. S. 169–170
  • Maria Calderisi Bryce: The Canadian Issue: An Introduction. S. 170–172
  • Marjorie Hale: Canadian Association of Music Libraries/Association canadienne des Bibliothèques musicales. S. 172–173
  • Helmut Kallmann: The Music Collection of the National Library of Canada. S. 174–184
  • Isabel Rose: Music in Public Libraries in Canada. S. 184–187
  • Nicole Boisclair: Les Centres de documentation des Conservatoires de musique du Québec. S. 187–193
  • Carole Saulnier: Fonds et collections de musique traditionnelle conservés aux Archives de folklore de l’Université Laval. S. 194–197
  • Bryan N. S. Gooch: A Shakespeare Music Catalogue: Approaching the Final Stage. S. 197–202
  • Elaine Keillor, Mark Hand: 1986: The International Year of Canadian Music. S. 203–207
  • Conrad Sabourin: Les Services de Musique de Radio-Canada. S. 208–210
  • Gordon Richardson: The Music and Record Libraries of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. S. 211–216
  • Karen Keiser, Mark Hand: The Canadian Music Centre: A History. S. 216–223
  • Mireille Gagné: Le Centre de la Musique canadienne au Québec Une brève description. S. 223–226
  • Lucien Poirier: La Presse québécoise comme source de documentation de la vie musicale au Québec dans le dernier tiers du XVIIIe siècle. S. 226–235
  • Alison Hall: Music Libraries in Canadian Universities. S. 235
  • Kirsten Walsh: A Brief History of the University of British Columbia Music Library. S. 236
  • Rita Vine: The University of Calgary Music Library. S. 237–238
  • Kathleen McMorrow: The Edward Johnson Music Library. S. 239–240
  • Jane A. Pearce Baldwin, William G. Guthrie, Sr., Louise Smith: Special Collections at The Music Library of The University of Western Ontario. S. 240–242
  • Claude Beaudry: La Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université Laval. S. 243–247
  • Peter Higham: Musical Canadiana at Mount Allison University. S. 247–250
  • Kathleen McMorrow: Music Periodicals in Canada. S. 250–254
  • Joan Colquhoun: Bibliographic Control of Canadian Music Materials. S. 255–259
  • Branch News New Zealand Branch. S. 260–262
  • Information. S. 263–264
  • Publications à Caractère Bibliographique. S. 265

35. Jg. 1988

  • Editorial. S. 1
  • Maria Calderisi Bryce: From the President. S. 2
  • Anders Lönn: The IAML Constitution revisited — a progress report. S. 3–6
  • Lise McKinnon: Amsterdam Conference: Impressions of the Amsterdam Conference. S. 7–9
  • Neil Ratliff, Don L. Roberts, Larry N. Yarbrough: Business Matters. S. 9–29
  • Catherine Massip: Comité des Publications. S. 29–30
  • Professional Branches.
    • Finn Kaisner: Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries. S. 30
    • Rogier Starreveld: International Association of Music Information Centres (IAMIC). S. 31
    • Robert M. Jones: Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions. S. 32
    • Kirsten Maegaard: Public Libraries. S. 32–33
  • Commissions.
    • Joachim Jaenecke: Bibliographische Kommission. S. 33–35
    • Imogen Fellinger: Project Group on Music Periodicals. S. 35–36
    • Frits Zwart: Project Group on Archives. S. 36–37
    • Lenore Coral: Cataloguing Commission. S. 37
    • Ann Schuursma: Project Group on Classification and Indexing. S. 38
    • Alison Hall: Project Group on Authority Structure for Uniform Titles. S. 38
    • Heinz Lanzke: Project Group on ISBD (PM). S. 38
  • Commission on Service and Training. S. 39
  • Project Group on Universal Availability of Publications. S. 39
    • Marsha Berman: Project Group on Statistics. S. 39
    • Barry S. Brook, Nanna Schiødt, Harald Heckmann: Joint Commissions. S. 40–44
  • Helen P. Harrison: Related Organisations: IASA Annual conference. S. 45–48
  • Joachim Schlichte: Internationales Quellenlexikon der Musik Zentralredaktion Frankfurt/Main Arbeitsbericht 1987. S. 48–51
  • Tony Reed: Universal Availability of Publications and Music. S. 52–61
  • Marianne Horn: Computer-based music information in Danish libraries. S. 62–64
  • Maria Nyéki: Le Développement des Collections des Vidéos Musicaux et des Disques dans les Bibliothèques. S. 65–70
  • National Branches: Canadian Association of Music Libraries/Association canadienne des Bibliothèques musicales. S. 70
  • Information. S. 71–72
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Marie-Noël Colette: Music in early Christian literature by James Mc Kinnon. S. 73
  • Publications à Caractère bibliographique. S. 74–75


  • Editorial. S. 77
  • Maria Calderisi: From the President. S. 78
  • Kazuyuki Tōyama: The Japanese Issue: An Introduction. S. 79–80
  • Kōzō Hirao: The Descriptive Cataloguing of Music in Japan. S. 80–83
  • Ichirō Nishimura, Hisao Kondō: On the Publication of Musical Scores and Phonograph Records in Japan: A Statistical Analysis. S. 83–88
  • Takashi Ogawa, Setsuko Mori: The History of Musical Publications in Japan: Books on Western Music. S. 89–95
  • Gen’ichi Tsuge: Discography and Filmography. S. 96–97
  • Joaquim M. Benítez: Collected Editions and Music Series Published in Japan: A Comprehensive Listing. S. 97–115
  • Shu-Ji Lin: Music Periodicals in Japan — A Comprehensive List. S. 116–128
  • Yoshio Miyama: Recherche d’iconographie musicale au Japon. S. 128–129
  • Kazuo Fukushima: Source Materials of Music in Japan. S. 129–134
  • Carlo Marinelli, Egisto Macchi: Information. S. 135–138
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Jean-Bernard Condat: The Workshop of Bartók and Kodály by Ernö Lendvai. S. 139–140
    • Joachim Jaenecke: Musikbibliographische Neuerscheinungen Nach Sachgruppen geordnet. S. 141–142
  • IAML/AIBM/IVMB Directory 1987—1989. S. 143–145


  • Editorial. S. 147–148
  • Dan Fog: Hofmeister XIX: Zur chronologischen Musikbibliographie des 19. Jahrhunderts. S. 149–154
  • Hans-Otto Korth: Die Edition der deutschen Kirchenlieder: Grundlagen der Darstellung. S. 155–158
  • Bernard Huys: Les imprimeurs de musique à Bruxelles au XIXe siècle. S. 158–167
  • Maija Suhonen: Bibliographies and Music in Finland. S. 167–171
  • Dick van den Hul: Early music periodicals in the Netherlands. S. 171–174
  • Isabel Freire de Andrade: Portuguese Music Periodicals. S. 174–179
  • Bernard Huys: Belgian music periodicals; their national and international interest. S. 179–184
  • David Buckle: Network-based interlibrary loan in the international environment: a report on the activities of OCLC Europe. S. 184–189
  • Marilyn Bliss: Indexing policy at RILM — present perspectives and future prospects. S. 189–194
  • Susan T. Sommer: Teaching collection development in context. S. 195–197
  • Achim Rohde, Gabriele Huckwitz: Ten Years of the Phonoklub, Berlin (GDR). S. 197–198
  • Inger Hagen, Christl L. Jørgensen: The Music Library of Lyngby, Denmark. S. 199–201
  • National Branches: United Kingdom Thirty-fifth Annual Report 1987. S. 201–204
  • Information. S. 205–207
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Thomas F. Heck: Periodica musicalia (1789 bis 1830). Im Auftrag des Staatlichen Instituts für Musikforschung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Studien zur Musikgeschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Band 55) by Imogen Fellinger. S. 207–208
    • Review by Ann P. Basart: Großes Sängerlexikon by Karl Josef Kutsch; Leo Riemans. S. 208
    • Review by Ann P. Basart: The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music: A Listener’s Companion. 2d rev. ed. by Eric Gilder. S. 208–209
    • Review by Ann P. Basart: Catalog of Pre-1900 Vocal Manuscripts in the Music Library, University of California at Berkeley. (University of California Publications: Catalogs and Bibliographies, v.4) by John A. Emerson. S. 209
  • Musikbibliographische Neuerscheinungen. S. 209–211


  • Anders Lönn: Folke Lindberg (1911—1988). S. 213
  • Editorial. S. 214
  • Maria Calderisi: From the Pesident. S. 215
  • Nazlin Bhimani: A History of Selected Manuscripts in the Royal Academy of Music Library. S. 216–224
  • Anders Lönn: Thematic Catalogue Numbers in Music Uniform Titles: an International Comparison. S. 224–243
  • Marie-Noëlle Chailley: Une proposition de Classification décimale pour les besoins des Bibliothèques Musicales de type Multimedia. S. 243–256
  • Rudolf Walter: Das Musikalienverzeichnis der Breslauer Kathedrale aus dem Jahr 1761. S. 256–275
  • Karl Kroeger: An Unknown Collection of Eighteenth-Century Instrumental Music. S. 275–281
  • Roger Flury: Branch News Annual Report of the President, IAML (NZ Branch) for 1987/8. S. 281–282
  • Information. S. 283–285
  • Comptes-Rendus / Besprechungen / Reviews.
    • Review by Keith E. Mixter: Die Musikhandschriften aus dem Dom zu Unserer Lieben Frau in München: Thematischer Katalog. (Katalog Bayerischer Musiksammlungen, 8) by Helmut Hell; Monika Holl; Robert Machtold. S. 285–286
    • Review by Robert L. Taylor: Gustav Mahler: a critical bibliography by Simon Michael Namenwirth. S. 286–287
    • Review by Ann P. Basart: Anthologies of Music: An Annotated Index. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, 55) by Sterling E. Murray. S. 287–288
    • Review by Ann P. Basart: The Art Song: A Research and Information Guide. (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 673; Music Research and Information Guides, 6) by Douglass Seaton. S. 288–289
    • Review by Ann P. Basart: The Music Educator’s Journal: Cumulative Index, 1914—1987, Including the Music Supervisors’ Bulletin and the Music Supervisors’ Journal by Arne Jon Arneson. S. 289
    • Review by Ann P. Basart: Dictionary of Music Production and Engineering Terminology by Wayne Wadhams; Robin Coxe-Yeldham. S. 289–290
    • Review by Ann P. Basart: Secular Choral Music in Print. 2d ed. (Music in Print Series, v. 2) by F. Mark Daugherty; Susan H. Simon. S. 290
    • Review by Stephen C. Willis: Sunset on the St. Lawrence: a history of the Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited, 1904—1984 by Wayne Gilpin. S. 291
    • Review by Robert Skelton: Guidelist of unpublished Canadian string orchestra music suitable for student performers by Patricia Martin Shand. S. 291–292

36. Jg. 1989

  • Editorial. S. 1
  • William Pidduck, Elvidio Surian, Deta S. Davis: Letters to the Editor. S. 1–2
  • Neil Ratliff: A Memorial to Thor E. Wood. S. 3–5
  • Maria Calderisi: From the President. S. 6
  • Veslemöy Heintz: Tokyo Conference: Business Matters: Council meetings, 4 and 8 September 1988, in Tokyo, Japan. S. 7–10
  • Don L. Roberts: 1987 Treasurer’s Report. S. 11
  • Don L. Roberts, Eric Hartman: Bilanz/Accounting 1987. S. 12–13
  • Budget 1986—1988. S. 14
  • Professional Branches.
    • Helen Faulkner: Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries. S. 15
    • Heikki Poroila: Public Libraries. S. 15–16
  • Commissions.
    • Joachim Jaenecke: Bibliographische Kommission. S. 16–17
    • Imogen Fellinger: Project Group on Music Periodicals. S. 17–18
    • Mary Kay Duggan, Neil Ratliff: Project Group on Hofmeister XIX. S. 18
    • Lenore Coral: Cataloguing Commission. S. 19
    • Louise Spear: Project Group on Classification and Indexing. S. 19–20
    • Alison Hall: Project Group for Authority Structure in Uniform Titles. S. 20
    • Heinz Lanzke: Project Group on ISBD (PM). S. 20
    • Barry S. Brook, Harald Heckmann, H. Robert Cohen: Joint Commissions. S. 21–24
  • Joachim Schlichte: Internationales Quellenlexikon der Musik Zentralredaktion Frankfurt/Main Arbeitsbericht 1988. S. 25–31
  • Thomas F. Heck, Reiko Yoshimura: Japanese Musical Term Retrieval in „RILM“ on-line: A Status Report and Comparison to „The Music Index“ and „Zeitschriftendienst Musik“. S. 31–37
  • Hiroko Kishimoto: Music Periodicals in Japan — A Comprehensive List: Additional Corrections and Alphabetical Title Index. S. 38–43
  • Setsuko Mori: A Historical Survey of Music Periodicals in Japan: 1881—1920. S. 44–50
  • Tomoko Sumikawa: Music and Bibliographies in Japan. S. 50–55
  • Lenore Coral: The ISBD (NBM) Revision: An Historical Review. S. 55–57
  • Information. S. 58–60
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Suzanne A. Fisher: Symphony Orchestras of the World: Selected Profiles by Robert R. Craven. S. 61–62
    • Review by Keith E. Mixter: Music: a Guide to the Reference Literature. (Reference Sources in the Humanities Series) by William S. Brockman. S. 62–63
    • Review by Ann P. Basart: The Literature of American Music in Books and Folk Music Collections: a Fully Annotated Bibliography. Supplement I by David Horn; Richard Jackson. S. 63–64
    • Review by Jeanette M. Drone, Mark A. Crook: Directory of computer assisted research in musicology 1987 by Walter B. Hewlett; Eleanor Selfridge-Field. S. 64
    • Review by Ann P. Basart: Computer Music Association Source Book: Activities and Resources in Computer Music by Craig R. Harris; Stephen T. Pope; Computer Applications in Music: A Bibliography. (The Computer Music and Digital Audio Series, 4) by Deta S. Davis. S. 65–66
    • Review by Marie-Noël Colette: Alleluia-Melodien II, ab 1100. (Monumenta monodica medii aevi, Bd. VIII) by Karlheinz Schlager. S. 66–67
    • Geraldine Ostrove, Robert J. Palian: Recent Publications in Music. S. 68–75
  • Editorial. S. 77
  • Maria Calderisi: From the President. S. 78
  • Joachim Jaenecke: 25 Jahre Bibliographische Kommission. S. 79–84
  • Mary Kay Duggan: CD-ROM, Music Libraries, Present and Future. S. 84–89
  • Wolfgang Krueger: Optical mass storage development and its effects on the training of music librarians. S. 89–95
  • Hitoshi Matsushita: The Role of the Music Library Association of Japan in the Education of Music Librarians. S. 95–102
  • Richard A. McGowan: The Venetian Printer Giuseppe Sala: New Information Based Upon Archival Documents. S. 102–108
  • Willem Elders: Le problème de l’authenticité chez Josquin et les éditions de Petrucci: Une investigation préliminaire. S. 108–115
  • Laurent Guillo: Notes sur la Librairie musicale à Lyon et à Genève au XVIIe Siècle. S. 116–135
  • Anna Maria Trivisonno: Observations on the Cataloguing of the Basevi Collection. S. 135–136
  • Further Reports from the 1988 Conferences in Tokyo, Stockholm & Vienna.
  • Professional Branches.
    • Heikki Poroila: Public Libraries: Public Music Libraries in Japan — Facts and Figures. S. 136–139
    • Dominique Assaf: Bibliothèques de Recherche. S. 139–140
    • Rogier Starreveld: International Association of Music Information Centres (IAMIC). S. 140–141
  • Commissions.
    • David A. Day: Bibliography Commission. S. 141–143
    • Marsha Berman: Commission on Service and Training. S. 143
    • Sue Clegg: Project Group on Statistics. S. 143
    • Thomas Heck: Project Group on Universal Availability of Publications (UAP). S. 143
  • Joint Commissions.
    • Barry S. Brook: RIdIM: Report no. 18. S. 144–145
  • Related Organisations.
    • Jean-Claude Hayoz: IASA Annual Conference Vienna 1988. S. 146–147
    • Wolfgang Krueger: National Branches. S. 148–151
  • Information. S. 152–153
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Ann P. Basart: The Schirmer Guide to Schools of Music and Conservatories Throughout the World by Nancy Uscher. S. 154
    • Review by Georgia Peeples: Women and Music in Cross-Cultural Perspective. (Contributions in Women’s Studies, Number 79) by Ellen Koskoff. S. 154–155
    • Review by Burdette L. Green: A classic turn of phrase: music and the psychology of convention. (Studies in the criticism and theory of music) by Robert O. Gjerdingen. S. 155–156
    • Review by H. Stephen Wright: Unheard melodies: narrative film music by Claudia Gorbman. S. 156–157
    • Review by Susan L. Porter: Early American choral music: an annotated guide. (Fallen Leaf reference books in music, no. 10) by David P. DeVenney. S. 157
    • Review by Nancy L. England: Elinor Remick Warren. (Composers of North America, No. 5) by Virginia Bortin. S. 158
    • Review by Ann P. Basart: Percussion: An Annotated Bibliography, with Special Emphasis on Contemporary Notation and Performance by Dieter Bajzek. S. 158–159
    • Geraldine Ostrove: Recent Publications in Music. S. 159–160
  • IAML/AIBM/IVMB Directory 1987—1989 (Revised). S. 161–163
  • Dein Wolfgang Rehm: Harald Heckmann zum 65. Geburtstag am 6. Dezember 1989. S. 165
  • Editorial. S. 166
  • Leslie R. Morris: Letter to the Editor. S. 166–167
  • Chris Clark: Special Editorial to Jazz Number. S. 168–177
  • Vincent Pelote: The Institute of Jazz Studies. S. 177–181
  • Chris Clark, John Edward Hasse: Ellington at The Smithsonian and Jazz Masterworks Editions. S. 181–183
  • Graham Langley: The British Institute of Jazz Studies. S. 183–185
  • Chris Clark: Jazz Oral History at The British Library National Sound Archive. S. 185–194
  • Digby Fairweather: The founding of the National Jazz Foundation Archive. S. 194–197
  • François Morey: Le Jazz dans les collections de la Discothèque des Halles. S. 197–201
  • Ross Laird: Sources & Resources for Research into Australian Jazz. S. 201–204
  • Erik Raben: Jazz Records 1942–80 — a jazz discography. S. 204–207
  • Bruce Bastin: Harlequin: reissuing historical jazz from outside America. S. 208–211
  • Michael Cuscuna, Charlie Lourie: Mosaic Records. S. 211–215
  • Chris Parker: Quartet Jazz: a view of the jazz book publishing market. S. 215–219
  • Pino Candini: Musica Jazz: the Italian jazz magazine which is also a record. S. 219–220
  • Charles Alexander: Instructing the Improviser. S. 220–223
  • Elisabeth Kolleritsch: Ein neuer Zweig der Musikwissenschaft, des praktischen Musikstudiums und der Musikpädagogik: Das Institut für Jazzforschung und die Abteilung für Jazz an der Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Graz. S. 223–227
  • Addresses of Contributing Organisations and other Archives Mentioned. S. 227–228
  • Mireille Geering, Heikki Poroila, Mary V. O’Mara, Ad Blokland, Dorothy Freed: National Branches. S. 229–235
  • Information. S. 236–238
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Daniel Zager: Music reference and research materials: an annotated bibliography by Vincent H. Duckles; Michael A. Keller. S. 239–240
    • Review by Thomas F. Heck: tributes from friends. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, 58.) by Richard S. Hill; Carol June Bradley; James B. Coover; Musiques — signes — images. Liber amicorum François Lesure by Joël-Marie Fauquet. S. 240–242
    • Review by Ann P. Basart: Music and dance periodicals: an international directory & guidebook by Doris Robinson. S. 242–243
    • Review by Gregory Proctor: Music Analysis in Theory and Practice by Jonathan Dunsby; Arnold Whittall. S. 243–244
    • Review by Timothy Carobine: Stephen Collins Foster: a guide to research. (Garland composer resource manuals, 10). (Garland reference library of the humanities, 782) by Calvin Elliker. S. 244–246
    • Review by Jay Weitz: David Diamond: a bio-bibliography by Victoria J. Kimberling. S. 246–247
    • Review by Markus Müller-Benedict: Musikliteratur im Überblick: eine Anleitung zum Nachschlagen by Kurt Oehl; Kristina Pfarr. S. 247–248
  • Maria Calderisi: From the President. S. 249
  • Editorial. S. 249–250
  • Richard Luce: From the RT Hon Richard Luce MP, Minister of State, Privy Council Office and Minister for the Arts. S. 251
  • Percy M. Young: Music in English Cathedral Libraries. S. 252–261
  • Angela Escott: Music College Libraries in the United Kingdom. S. 261–267
  • Malcolm Lewis: Music Services in Public Libraries in the United Kingdom. S. 267–277
  • John Wagstaff: UK academic music libraries: a need for change?. S. 277–280
  • Helen Faulkner: The Music Library of the BBC: its maturity and future. S. 280–285
  • David Horn: The Institute of Popular Music at the University of Liverpool. S. 286–290
  • Hugh Cobbe: Ordeal by Fire — Music libraries and public policy in the United Kingdom since 1979. S. 291–294
  • Alan Pope: An International Standard Music Number: A Proposal. S. 295–297
  • Malcolm Turner: Waving or drowning? — the growth of the music catalogues in the British Library. S. 297–304
  • Rudolf Walter: Das Musikalien-Inventar der Breslauer Kathedrale aus den Jahren 1824/25. S. 304–328
  • Information. S. 329–330
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Peter Ward Jones: Répertoire international de la presse musicale. A retrospective index series. S. 331–332
    • Review by Jon Solomon: Ancient Greek Music Theory: A Catalogue Raisonné of Manuscripts. (Repertoire international des sources musicales, sér. B, XI) by Thomas J. Mathiesen. S. 332–333
    • Review by Lenore Coral: Antiquarian catalogues of musical interest by James Coover; Private libraries of musicians and musicologists: a bibliography of catalogs. (Auction catalogues of music, 7) by Siegrun H. Folter. S. 333–334
    • Review by Keith E. Mixter: Late Renaissance music at the Habsburg Court: polyphonic settings of the Mass ordinary at the Court of Rudolf II (1576—1612). (Musicology series, 4) by Carmelo Peter Comberiati. S. 334–335
    • Review by Jay Weitz: A Descriptive bibliography of art music by Israeli composers. (Detroit studies in music bibliography, no. 62) by Alice Tischler. S. 335–337
    • Review by Karl Kroeger: The music of Henry Cowell: a descriptive catalog. (I. S. A. M. monographs, 23) by William Lichtenwanger. S. 337–338
    • Review by François Morey: Ellingtonia: the Recorded Music of Duke Ellington and His Sidemen. Third edition. (Studies in jazz, 7) by W. E. Timner. S. 338–340
    • Review by H. Stephen Wright: Film, television and stage music on phonograph records: a discography by Steve Harris. S. 340–341

37. Jg. 1990

  • Editorial. S. 1
  • Catherine Massip: From the President. S. 2
  • Veslemöy Heintz: Oxford Conference: Business Matters: Council meetings, 27 August and 1 September 1989 in Oxford, England. S. 3–7
  • Veslemöy Heintz: The General Assembly, 31 August 1989. S. 7–11
  • Don L. Roberts: 1988 Treasurer’s Report. S. 11–12
  • Don L. Roberts, Catherine Helm: Bilanz/Accounting 1988. S. 13–14
  • Budget 1986—1988. S. 15
  • Don L. Roberts: Budget 1989—1991. S. 16
  • Professional Branches.
    • Agostina Zecca Laterza: Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions. S. 17
    • Dominique Hausfater: Research Libraries. S. 17–18
    • Ken Nein: Public Libraries. S. 18
  • Commissions.
    • David A. Day: Archives Commission (Formerly Project Group on Archives). S. 18–20
    • Joachim Jaenecke: Bibliographische Kommission. S. 20–21
    • Imogen Fellinger: Project Group on Music Periodicals. S. 21–22
    • Lenore Coral: Cataloguing Commission. S. 23
    • Ann Schuursma: Project Group on Classification and Indexing. S. 23–24
    • Alison Hall: Project Group on Authority Structure for Uniform Titles. S. 24
    • Marsha Berman: Service and Training. S. 24
    • Thomas Heck: Project Group on UAP-Music. S. 24
    • Melva Peterson: Project Group on Statistics. S. 25
    • Barry S. Brook, Terence Ford, Helmut Rösing, H. Robert Cohen: Joint Commissions. S. 25–32
  • Maria Calderisi, Lenore Coral: Related Organisations: IFLA-55th International Congress — 18—25 August 1989. S. 33–34
  • Joachim Schlichte: Der automatische Vergleich von 83.243 Musikincipits aus der RISM-Datenbank: Ergebnisse — Nutzen — Perspektiven. S. 35–46
  • Ann Schuursma: Summary Report of Activities IAML Project Group on Classification & Indexing. S. 46–48
  • Malcolm Turner, Hugh Cobbe: Jam tomorrow: the present and future state of the British Library’s automated music catalogues. S. 48–56
  • Kirsten Voss-Eliasson, Mary V. O’Mara, Roger Flury, Malcolm Jones: National Branches. S. 57–63
  • Information. S. 64
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Lilian P. Pruett: Die Musikhandschriften Herzog Wilhelms in Bayern, der Grafen zu Toerring-Jettenbach und der Fürsten Fugger von Babenhausen. (Kataloge bayerischer Musiksammlungen, 13) by Gertraut Haberkamp; Barbara Zaber; Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek Regensburg: Thematischer Katalog der Musikhandschriften — 1: Sammlung Proske. (Kataloge bayerischer Musiksammlungen, 14/1) by Gertraut Haberkamp. S. 65–66
    • Review by Paul Taylor: Max Reger: a bio-bibliography. (Bio-bibliographies in music, 7) by William E. Grim. S. 66–67
    • Review by Philip Russom: La estética musical de Ravel. (Colección ópera omnia, 11) by Mariano Pérez Gutiérrez. S. 67–68
    • Review by Eleanor Selfridge-Field: Cori spezzati. Vol. 1: The development of sacred polychoral music to the time of Schütz. Vol. 2: An anthology of sacred polychoral music by Anthony F. Carver. S. 69–70
    • Review by Helen Brown: The time of music: new meanings, new temporalities, new listening strategies by Jonathan D. Kramer. S. 70–71
    • Review by Linda Pohly: Periodical literature on American music, 1620—1920: a classified bibliography with annotations. (Bibliographies in American Music, 12) by Thomas E. Warner. S. 72–73
    • Review by Suzanne A. Fisher: American art song and American poetry, Volume III: The century advances by Ruth C. Friedberg. S. 73–74
    • Review by Paul Robinson: A bio-bibliography by Gunther Schuller; Norbert Carnovale. S. 74
    • Geraldine Ostrove, Robert J. Palian: Recent Publications in Music. S. 75–85
  • Editorial. S. 87–88
  • Catherine Massip: From the President. S. 88
  • Constitution.
  • International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML). S. 89–93
  • Association Internationale des Bibliothèques, Archives et Centres de Documentation Musicaux (AIBM). S. 94–98
  • Internationale Vereinigung der Musikbibliotheken, Musikarchive und Musikdomumentationszentren (IVMB). S. 99–104
  • Rules of Procedure.
  • International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML). S. 105–109
  • Association Internationale des Bibliothèques, Archives et Centres de Documentation Musicaux (AIBM). S. 110–114
  • Internationale Vereinigung der Musikbibliotheken, Musikarchive und Musikdokumentationszentren (IVMB). S. 115–119
    • Barry S. Brook: Joint Commissions. S. 120–121
  • Bryan N. S. Gooch: A Shakespearean Music Catalogue: The Path and the Progress. S. 121–124
  • Lucas van Dijck: Music Bibliography in the Netherlands. S. 125–128
  • Karl Kroeger: Research Centers in American Music: A Little-Used Informational Resource. S. 129–138
  • Alison Hall, Gail J. Sonnemann: Establishing an Instructional Program for Music Users of Online Catalogs: Concepts, Options and Priorities. S. 138–149
  • Marilyn Bliss: From Neoclassicism to Nepal: the Making of RILM’s Third Cumulative Index. S. 149–164
  • Marie-France Plassard: Interlending within the EC — Problems and Perspectives. S. 164–171
  • Roger Flury: Music in Public Libraries in New Zealand and the Sound and Music Centre. S. 172–176
  • Irati Antonio: The „Bibliografia da Música Brasileira“ Project. S. 177–179
  • Ercilia Morena Chá, Ercilia Moreno Chá: Research Centers and Sound Archives of Traditional Music in Latin America. S. 179–191
  • Ad Blokland, Heikki Poroila, Hans-Martin Pleßke, Debra Begg, Malcolm Jones: National Branches. S. 192–196
  • Information. S. 197–198
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Lenore Coral: Dictionnaire des éditeurs de musique français. Volume II: De 1820 à 1914 (Archives de l’édition musicale française, IV/2) by Anik Devriès; François Lesure. S. 199–200
    • Review by Kerala J. Snyder: Dietrich Buxtehude (1637—1707): Bibliographie zu seinem Leben und Werk/Bibliography of his life and work. 2d ed. by Hermann Wettstein. S. 200–201
    • Review by Hans Lenneberg: Antonio Gardano, Venetian music printer 1538—1569. A descriptive bibliography and historical study. Volume I, 1538—1549 by Mary S. Lewis. S. 201–202
    • Review by Thomas F. Heck: Le fonti musicali in Italia: studi e ricerche. Anno I; Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria di Torino, I: Raccolta Mauro Foà — Raccolta Renzo Giordano (Cataloghi di fondi musicali italiani, 7) by Isabella Fragalà Data; Annarita Colturato; Alberto Basso. S. 202–204
    • Review by H. Stephen Wright: Music for silent films, 1894—1929: a guide by Gillian B. Anderson. S. 204–205
    • Review by Donald Hixon: Music at auction: Puttick and Simpson (of London), 1794—1971. (Detroit studies in music bibliography, 60) by James Coover. S. 205–207
    • Review by Karl Kroeger: Benny Goodman: listen to his legacy. (Studies in Jazz, 6) by D. Russell Connor. S. 207–208
  • Editorial. S. 209
  • Alec Hyatt King, Richard Turbet: Letters to the Editor. S. 209–210
  • François Lesure: Préface au Numéro spécial français. S. 210–211
  • Michel Sineux: LES BIBLIOTHÈQUES PUBLIQUES: La Musique dans les bibliothèques de lecture publique de la Ville de Paris. S. 212–218
  • Maria Nyeki: Les Documents musicaux au Centre Georges Pompidou. S. 218–220
  • Anne Volkoff: Les Documents Sonores à la BPI. S. 220–222
  • Raymond Quere: Musique en Salle d’Actualité. S. 222–223
  • Marie-France Ego: Salle d’Actualité Jeunesse. S. 223
  • Joël-Marie Fauquet: Les Bibliothèques de l’IRCAM et du CID. S. 223–224
  • Miriam Chimènes, Myriam Chimènes: Le Centre de Documentation Claude Debussy. S. 224–225
  • Laurence Languin: Colombes: De la Discothèque de Prêt au Département Musique de la Bibliothèque municipale. S. 226–228
  • Philippe Russell: Bibliothèque publique et vie musicale l’exemple de Mulhouse. S. 229–231
  • Dominique Hausfater: LES BIBLIOTHÈQUES DE RECHERCHE: Les Archives musicales en France. S. 231–235
  • Josette Millet-Alviset: Patrimoine Musical de Vichy. S. 236–238
  • Marie-Gabrielle Soret: La Bibliothèque musicale Gustav Mahler. S. 239–242
  • Monique Garrigues: Le Musée Kwok On. S. 242–244
  • Gilles Vachia: LES BIBLIOTHÈQUES DE CONSERVATOIRES ET ÉTABLISSEMENTS D’ENSEIGNEMENT: Les Bibliothèques des Conservatoires et Écoles de Musique: les résultats d’une enquête. S. 245–248
  • Nathalie Cousin, Mme Tristant, F. Ramonet, L. Lockner, C. Robillard, G. Dussaussois, M. Rosaz, M. Popin, N. Cousin, M. Ancelin, M. Gallais, Mme Bassédas, M. Tissot, D. Simon, D. Agniel, D. Prévôt, M. B. Ravenel, A. Trancard, J.-L. Béaud, C. Roux, J. Mas, M Boucher, Mme Dupont, M. Thérenty: La Musique dans les Bibliothèques d’Université: bilan d’une enquête. S. 248–261
  • Elisabeth Giuliani: La Médiathèque du Conservatoire national supérieur de musique de Paris. S. 262–266
  • Marie-France Calas: LES ARCHIVES SONORES EN FRANCE: La Phonothèque nationale. S. 266–272
  • Information. S. 273–275
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Michael A. Keller: The Italian madrigal and related repertories: indexes to printed collections, 1500—1600 by Harry B. Lincoln. S. 276–277
    • Review by Richard Andrewes: A catalogue of 18th-century symphonies. Volume I, thematic identifier by Jan La Rue. S. 277–278
    • Review by Barry J. Zaslow, Barry J. Zazslow: Subject guide to classical instrumental music by Jennifer Goodenberger. S. 278–280
    • Review by Lorna Young: Choral music reviews index II, 1986—1988. (Garland reference library of the humanities, 962) by Avery T. Sharp. S. 280–281
    • Review by Claire Brook: Writing about music: A guide to publishing opportunities for authors and reviewers. (Fallen Leaf Reference Books in Music) by Ann P. Basart. S. 281–282
    • Review by Stephen K. Long: From Sibelius to Sallinen: Finnish nationalism and the music of Finland. (Contributions to the study of music and dance, 16) by Lisa de Gorog. S. 282–283
  • Editorial. S. 285
  • Important Notice. S. 285–286
  • Anders Lönn: ISMN — a standard in the making. S. 286–287
  • Lewis Reece Baratz: A Belgian Fonds and Secondary Source Materials. S. 288–290
  • Anne Swartz: Chopin Holdings in the M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin State Public Library, Leningrad. S. 291–295
  • Martin Thacker: Single Composer Collections: Libraries, Archives or Documentation Centres?. S. 296–298
  • Richard Turbet: A Byrd Miscellany. S. 299–302
  • Martin Elste: Auf dem Weg zu einem Répertoire International des Sources Sonores Musicales?. S. 302–307
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Margaret Downie Banks: Stringed instruments of ancient Greece by Martha Maas; Jane McIntosh Snyder. S. 308–309
    • Review by Jeannie Pool: The musical woman an international perspective. Volume II 1984—1985 by Judith Lang Zaimont; Catherine Overhauser; Jane Gottlieb. S. 309–310
    • Review by Jeannie Pool: Women composers, conductors, and musicians of the twentieth century, Vol. III: Selected Biographies by Jane Weiner Le Page. S. 310–311
    • Review by H. Stephen Wright: A history of orchestral conducting in theory and practice by Elliott W. Galkin. S. 311–312
    • Review by Jane Edmister Penner: Between modes and keys: German theory 1592—1802. (Harmonologia series, 3) by Joel Lester. S. 313
    • Review by Garrett H. Bowles: Music and the personal computer; an annotated bibliography. (Music Reference Collection, 22) by William J. Waters. S. 314–315
    • Review by Alison Hall: Gänzl’s book of the musical theatre by Kurt Gänzl; Andrew Lamb. S. 315–316
    • Review by Alison Hall: Bloomsbury dictionary of opera and operetta by James Anderson. S. 316–317

38. Jg. 1991

  • Editorial. S. 1–2
  • Anthony Hodges: Letter to the Editor. S. 2
  • Eric Cooper: E. T. Bryant. S. 3–4
  • Boulogne Conference: Business Matters: Council meetings, 8 and 13 July 1990 in Boulogne, France. S. 5–9
  • Don L. Roberts: 1989 Treasurer’s Report. S. 10
  • Don L. Roberts, Catherine Helm: Bilanz/Accounting 1990. S. 11–12
  • Budget 1989—1991. S. 13
  • Lenore Coral: Publications Committee. S. 14
  • Professional Branches.
    • Anne Nenquin: Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries Branch: Report. S. 15
    • Agostina Zecca Laterza: Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions. S. 15–16
    • Maria Nyéki: Les Bibliothèques publiques. S. 16–17
  • Commissions.
    • David Day: Archives Commission. S. 17–18
    • Joachim Jaenecke: Bibliographische Kommission. S. 19–20
    • Imogen Fellinger: Working Group on Music Periodicals. S. 20–21
    • Lenore Coral: Cataloguing Commission. S. 21
    • Mireille Geering: Arbeitsgruppe Uniform titles for anonymous music other than liturgical. S. 22
    • Marsha Berman: Commission on Service and Training. S. 22–23
    • Susan Clegg: Working Group on Statistics. S. 23
    • Thomas F. Heck: Working Group on the Universal Availability of Publications (UAP-Music). S. 23
    • Barry S. Brook, Nanna Schiødt, H. Robert Cohen, Marcello Conati: Joint Commissions. S. 24–31
  • Chris Clark: POMPI: Popular Music Periodicals Index. S. 32–37
  • Anne Randier-Glenisson: Maurice Schlesinger, éditeur de musique et fondateur de la „Gazette musicale de Paris“, 1834—1846. S. 37–48
  • Mary Kay Duggan: Multimedia Databases for Public Service in Music Libraries. S. 49–55
  • Mireille Geering, Timothy Carobine, Annalisa Bini: Issues in the Training of Music Cataloguers. S. 56–70
  • Joachim Jaenecke, Roger Flury: National Branches. S. 71–73
  • Information. S. 74–75
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Richard D. Burbank: Music cataloging: the bibliographic control of printed and recorded music in libraries by Richard P. Smiraglia. S. 76–77
    • Review by Horst Leuchtmann: Thematic catalogue of the works of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach by E. Eugene Helm. S. 78–79
    • Review by Margarita Mazo: Biographical Dictionary of Russian/Soviet Composers by Allan Ho; Dmitry Feofanov. S. 79–81
    • Review by Thomas Leibnitz: Concert life in Haydn’s Vienna: Aspects of a developing musical and social institution. (Sociology of Music, 7) by Mary Sue Morrow. S. 82
    • Review by François Lesure, James R. Briscoe: Claude Debussy: a guide to research. (Garland Composer Resource Manuals, 27) by James R. Briscoe. S. 83–84
    • Review by Edward R. Reilly, Susan M. Filler: Gustav and Alma Mahler: a guide to research. (Garland Composer Resource Manuals, 28) by Susan M. Filler. S. 84–86
    • Review by Jan Kemp, Ian Kemp: Michael Tippett: a bio-bibliography. (Music reference collection, 21) by Gordon Theil. S. 86
  • Editorial. S. 89–90
  • Blanka Červinková: Brief presentation of today’s state of the Czechoslovakian music libraries: Introduction to the problem. S. 90–91
  • Pam Thompson: IAML International Conference, Boulogne, July 1990: a personal view. S. 91–93
  • Dominique Hausfater: Bibliothèques de Recherche: Compte-rendu du Congrès de Boulogne-Billancourt. S. 93
  • Dominique Hausfater: L’Inventaire du Patrimoine musical écrit en France. S. 94–96
  • Eva Dobrzyński: Les Échanges internationaux: Département de la musique, Bibliothèque nationale, Paris. S. 97–101
  • Colette Chabaud: Le Prêt inter-bibliothèque pour la musique. S. 101–104
  • Dorothea Baumann: Performance Practice and architectural acoustics: bibliographic sources in related disciplines. S. 104–110
  • Susana Friedmann: The Special Situation Regarding Music Periodicals in Colombia. S. 110–117
  • Klaus Henning Oelmann: Griegiana in Bergen (Norwegen). S. 117–122
  • Christian Meyer: Un inventaire des livres et des instruments de musique de la chapelle des Comtes de Montbéliard (1555). S. 122–129
  • Jennifer M. Pickering: Printing, Publishing and the Migration of Sources: The Case of Carl Stamitz. S. 130–138
  • Ellen Roeser, Hans-Martin Pleßke: National Branches: Deutsche Demokratische Republik Beschluß. S. 138
  • Gerald Seaman: Information. S. 139–141
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Thomas Leibnitz: Nachschlagewerke im Fachgebiet Musik. (Lehrbriefe Musik: Begleitmaterialien zur musikbibliothekarischen Ausbildung der Fachhochschule für Bibliothekswesen, Stuttgart, Bd. 3, Teil 6) by Markus Müller-Benedict; Wo finde ich Informationen über Musik, Noten, Tonträger, Musikliteratur. Bd. 1. Musikdokumente und Musiksammlungen — Musiklexika — Musikgeschichte — Musikleben. (Orientierungshilfen, 22) by Heinz Lanzke. S. 142–143
    • Review by Jay Weitz: Hebrew notated manuscript sources up to circa 1840: a descriptive and thematic catalogue with a checklist of printed sources. (Répertoire international des sources musicales, B IX, 1) by Israel Adler; Lea Shalem. S. 144–145
    • Review by John Druesedow: Modern music librarianship: essays in honor of Ruth Watanabe. (Festschrift series, 8) by Alfred Mann; American music librarianship: a biographical and historical survey by Carol June Bradley. S. 146–147
    • Review by Cynthia J. Cyprus, Cynthia J. Cyrus: Performance practice, medieval to contemporary: a bibliographic guide. (Music research and information guides, 9) by Roland Jackson. S. 147–148
    • Review by Karl Kroeger: Early American music: a research and information guide. (Music Research and Information Guides, 13) by James R. Heintze. S. 148–149
    • Review by Kendall L. Krilly, Kendall L. Crilly: William Mason (1829—1908): an annotated bibliography and catalog of works. (Bibliographies in American music, 13) by Kenneth Graber; Horatio Parker, 1863—1919: his life, music and ideas. (Composers of North America, 6) by William K. Kearns. S. 149–151
    • Review by Carl Rahkonen: Historische Musikinstrumente der Staatlichen Reka-Sammlung am Bezirksmuseum Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder): Katalog. 1. Aufl. by Herbert Heyde; [Musica]: Les instruments de musique dans les collections belges/Musical instruments in Belgian collections/Muziek-instrumenten in Belgische verzamelingen by Malou Haine. S. 151–152
  • AIBM/IVMB/IAML Directory 1991. S. 153–155
  • Editorial. S. 157
  • Martin Thacker: Letter to the Editor. S. 157
  • Ken Nein: Looking forward. S. 158–159
  • Júlia Gócza: Hungary’s Pethes Heritage in Music Librarianship. S. 161–163
  • Judit Skaliczki: Coming of age in the land of Bartók and Kodály The development of music departments in large public libraries in Hungary, 1978—1988. S. 163–171
  • Bettina Schnitzler: The German „Wende': Before, during and after the „turn of events“ in the former German Democratic Republic. A personal report from a music librarian’s point of view. S. 171–176
  • Marianne Horn, Kirsten Voss: SuperMax and Knogo: On the doorstep to a fully automated integrated library system in the music department at Herlev Public Library, Denmark. S. 176–181
  • Heikki Poroila: No Fees, Please!. S. 181–184
  • Turid Martinsen: „Gi kassettene til meg!” Politicians stop CD and music loans free-of-charge. S. 184–188
  • Liz Hart: You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone: The UK Branch’s response to reductions in music library services. S. 188–191
  • Ken Nein: The Public Libraries Address Network — a P. L. A. N. for a IAML Handbook. S. 191–237
  • A few last notes.... S. 238–239
  • Information. S. 240–241
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Edward A. Riedinger: Bibliografia da música brasileira, 1977—1984 by Irati Antonio; Heloísa Helena Bauab; Rita de Cássia Rodrigues. S. 242–243
    • Review by Rob van der Bliek: The traditional music of Britain and Ireland: a research and information guide. (Music research and information guides, 11) by James Porter. S. 243–244
    • Review by Jay Weitz: Orbis musicae: Studies in musicology; Jewish musicians at the court of the Mantuan Dukes (1542—1628). (Documentation & studies, 1) by Eduard Birnbaum; Judith Cohen; The Ashkenazi tradition of biblical chant between 1500 and 1900: Documentation and musical analysis. English ed (Documentation & studies, 2) by Hanoch Avenary; The Epistle on music of the Ikhwān al-Sāfā (Bagdad [sic], 10th century). (Documentation & studies, 3) by Amnon Shiloah; Encounters of East and West in music: Selected writings by Hanoch Avenary; Migrations and mutations of the music in East and West: Selected writings by Edith Gerson-Kiwi; Il Secondo libro de madrigali a cinque voci di Salamon Rossi Hebreo. (Vocal works by Salamon Rossi, ed. by Hanoch Avenary, 2) by Salamon Rossi. S. 244–245
    • Review by Cindy Bylander: Polish music; a research and information guide. (Music research and information guides, 12) by William Smialek. S. 246–247
    • Review by Horst Leuchtmann: A nineteenth-century musical chronicle: events, 1800—1899. (Music reference collection, 21) by Charles J. Hall. S. 247–248
    • Review by William McClellan: Contemplating music: source readings in the aesthetics of music. Volume II: Import. (Aesthetics in music, no. 5) by Ruth Katz; Carl Dahlhaus. S. 248–249
    • Review by Jim Farrington: Classical music discographies, 1976—1988: a bibliography. (Discographies, 34) by Michael Gray. S. 250
    • Geraldine Ostrove, Robert J. Palian: Recent Publications in Music: Prepared for the IAML conference in Boulogne-Billancourt July 8—13, 1990. S. 251–273
  • Editorial. S. 275
  • Julius Hůlek: Introduction to Czechoslovakian Special Number. S. 276–278
  • Blanka Červinková: The Bedřich Smetana Library The Prague City Library music department in the year of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of public libraries in Prague. S. 278–282
  • Jana Jiraková: The Programme and Archive Collections of Czechoslovak Radio in Prague. S. 282–287
  • Emese Duka-Zólyomiová: Music Librarianship in Slovakia. S. 287–292
  • Emanuel Muntág: The Archive of Music Manuscripts of Matica Slovenská. S. 293–295
  • Silvia Gonščáková: The Libraries of the Music Schools in Slovakia. S. 296–301
  • Petra Heerenová: Music Librarianship in Southern Moravia. S. 301–303
  • Milan Vokroj: Hits or Fugues? Two trends in musical education in the audio libraries of Czechoslovak public libraries. S. 303–305
  • Nina Všetečková: The Music Information Centre of the Czech Music Fund (Czech MIC). S. 305–308
  • Viera Polakovičová: The Music Information Centre of the Slovak Music Fund (Slovak MIC): The History of the Slovak Music Fund and its Financial Resources. S. 308–311
  • Anthony M. Cummings: Gian Maria Giudeo, Sonatore del Liuto, and the Medici. S. 312–318
  • Maurizio Tarrini: Une nouvelle source pour l’histoire de l’orgue et de la musique sacrée en Italie au XIXème siècle: Les Archives et la Bibliothèque de Pier Costantino Remondini à Gênes. S. 319–323
  • Kirsten Voss-Eliasson, János Kárpáti, Mariangela Donà, Harie Jannssen, Liesbeth Hodemaek, Ad Blokland, Gerald Seaman, Inger Johanne Christiansen, Mireille Geering, Barbara Padjasek: National Branches. S. 324–333
  • Information. S. 334–335
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Dorothy Freed: British union catalogue of orchestral sets. 2d ed. by Tony Reed. S. 336–337
    • Review by Thomas F. Heck: La vita musicale europea del 1800: archivio musicale genovese by Leopoldo Gamberini. S. 337–338
    • Review by Cynthia J. Cyrus: Music theory and its sources: Antiquity and the Middle Ages. (Notre Dame conferences in medieval studies, 1) by André Barbera. S. 339–340
    • Review by Burdette L. Green: Music theory from Zarlino to Schenker: a bibliography and guide. (Harmonologia series, 4) by David Damschroder; David Russell Williams. S. 340–341
    • Review by Marc Crozet: The Orphée data-base of guitar records by Jacques Chaîné; Matanya Ophee. S. 341–342
    • Review by Rob van der Bliek: Selected musical terms of non-western cultures: a notebook-glossary. (Detroit studies in music bibliography, 65) by Walter Kaufmann. S. 342–343

39. Jg. 1992

  • Marie Svobodová: Vladimir Fédorov. S. 1–2
  • Maria Nyéki: Editorial. S. 3–4
  • Veslemöy Heintz: Prague Conference: Business Matters: Council meetings, 11 and 16 August 1991 in Prague. S. 5–14
  • Don L. Roberts: 1990 Treasurer’s Report. S. 14
  • Don L. Roberts: Bilanz/Accounting 1990. S. 15–16
  • Budget 1989 —1991. S. 17
  • Anders Lönn: ISMN DISpatched. S. 18–22
  • Lenore Coral: Publications Committee. S. 22
  • Professional Branches.
    • Helen Faulkner: Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries. S. 23
    • Heikki Poroila: Public Libraries. S. 23–24
    • Dominique Hausfater: Bibliothèques de recherche. S. 24–28
  • Subject Commissions & Working Groups.
    • David A. Day: Archives Commission. S. 28–29
    • David A. Day: Working Group on the AMC Format. S. 29–30
    • John H. Roberts: Bibliography Commission. S. 30–31
    • Imogen Fellinger: Working Group on Music Periodicals. S. 31–33
    • Anders Lönn: Cataloguing Commission. S. 33–34
    • Mireille Geering: Arbeitsgruppe Uniform Titles for Anonymous Music Other Than Liturgical. S. 34–35
    • Wolfgang Krueger: Sachkommission für Dienstleistung und Ausbildung. S. 35–36
    • H. Robert Cohen, Marcello Conati: Joint Commission. S. 36–38
  • Vladimír Čížik: Slowakische Musikzeitschriften. S. 39–43
  • Jerzy Wilgocki: Polnische musikwissenschaftliche Zeitschriften aus der Perspektive von 80 Jahren (1911—1991). S. 43–50
  • Włodzimierz Pigła: Die Warschauer Musikzeitschriften (1850—1914). S. 50–56
  • Joachim Jaenecke: Die Staatsbibliotheken in Berlin und ihre Musikabteilungen. S. 56–61
  • Mireille Geering, Jaromír Paclt: Eine musikalische Theaterbibliothek „auf der Reise nach Prag“. S. 61–70
  • Information. S. 71
  • Comtes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Horst Leuchtmann: Johannes Brahms: an annotated bibliography of the literature through 1982 by Thomas Quigley; Margit L. McCorkle. S. 72–74
    • Review by Robert Kosovsky: Piano information guide: an aid to research. (Music research and information guides, 10) (Garland reference library of the humanities, 806) by Robert Palmieri. S. 74–75
    • Review by Ross Wood: A catalogue of French harpsichord music: 1699—1780 by Bruce Gustafson; David Fuller. S. 75–76
    • Review by Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi: Alessandro Stradella (1639—1682): a thematic catalogue of his compositions. (Thematic catalogue series, 16) by Carolyn Gianturco; Eleanor McCrickard. S. 76–77
    • Review by Greg Notess: Brass bibliography: sources on the history, literature, pedagogy, performance, and acoustics of brass instruments by Mark J. Fasman. S. 77–78
    • Review by Nancy L. Stokes: Frank Martin: a bio-bibliography. (Bio-bibliographies in music, 26) by Charles W. King. S. 78–79
  • Harald Heckmann: André Jurres zum achtzigsten Geburtstag. S. 81–82
  • Editorial. S. 82
  • Joachim Jaenecke: Musikbibliothekswesen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Einleitung. S. 83
  • Joachim Jaenecke: Musikbibliotheken in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Ein Überblick. S. 84–90
  • Hans-Martin Pleßke: Zur Geschichte der AIBM-Ländergruppe DDR (1959—1990). S. 90–95
  • Gertraud Voss-Krueger: Die Öffentlichen Musikbibliotheken in den alten Bundesländern. S. 95–106
  • Ellen Roeser: Die Öffentlichen Musikbibliotheken in den neuen Bundesländern: Eine Bestandsaufnahme. S. 107–112
  • Hartmut Schaefer: Die wissenschaftlichen Musikbibliotheken in den alten Bundesländern. S. 112–123
  • Wolfgang Ritschel: Die wissenschaftlichen Musikbibliotheken in den neuen Bundesländern. S. 123–129
  • Petra Wagenknecht: Musikhochschulbibliotheken in den alten Bundesländern. S. 129–134
  • Renate Wicke: Die Situation der Bibliotheken der Musikhochschulen in der ehemaligen DDR. S. 135–139
  • Heinz Lanzke: Das Deutsche Musikarchiv: Zentrale Musikdokumentation und Nationalbibliothek in Deutschland. S. 140–143
  • Marion Sommerfeld: Phonotheken in den neuen Bundesländern — gestern und heute. S. 143–146
  • Wolfgang Krueger: Die musikbibliothekarische Ausbildung im vereinigten Deutschland als Perspektive im europäischen Kontext. S. 146–153
  • Jutta Scholl: Sondersammelgebiet Noten in Nordrhein-Westfalen. S. 153–159
  • Erwin Hardeck: Musikalien-Leihverkehr in Deutschland: Von der Improvisation bis zum Nachweis der Notendrucke in Verbundkatalogen. S. 160–168
  • Imogen Fellinger: Die gegenwärtige Situation der Musikzeitschriften in Deutschland. S. 169–175
  • Helmut Rösner: Zur Statistik der Musikbibliotheken. S. 175–178
  • Helmut Hell: Sonderregeln für Musikdrucke und Musiktonträger zu den Regeln für den Schlagwortkatalog (RSWK). S. 179–185
  • Markus Müller-Benedict: Klassifikatorische Inhaltserschließung im Fachgebiet Musik. S. 185–188
  • Information. S. 189–190
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Daniel Zager: Bibliographie der Musikbuchreihen, 1886—1990. (Catalogus Musicus, 12) by Hermann Walther. S. 191–192
    • Review by Liane Curtis: The musical woman: an international perspective. Volume III, 1986—1990 by Judith Lang Zaimont; Jane Gottlieb; Joanne Polk; Michael J. Rogan; Women and music: a history by Karen Pendle. S. 192–194
    • Review by Harriette Hemmasi: The coming of age of American art music: New England’s classical romanticists. (Contributions to the Study of Music and Dance, 22) by Nicholas E. Tawa. S. 194–195
    • Review by Ralph Hartsock: American masses and requiems: a descriptive guide. (Fallen Leaf Reference Books in Music, no. 15) by David P. DeVenney; Randall Thompson: a bio-bibliography. (Bio-Bibliographies in Music, no. 38) by Caroline Cepin Benser; David Francis Urrows. S. 195–196
    • Review by Harriette Hemmasi: The Charles Ives tunebook. (Bibliographies in American Music, 14) by Clayton W. Henderson. S. 196–197
    • Review by Stephen Long: New music in Iceland by Goran Bergendal; Peter Lyne. S. 197–198
  • Simone Wallon: Yvette Fédoroff (1919—1992). S. 199–200
  • Editorial. S. 200–201
  • Music in New Zealand Libraries: Contributors. S. 202
  • Elizabeth F. Nichol: Preamble. S. 203
  • Dorothy Freed: Music library service in New Zealand: an essay in resource sharing. S. 204–209
  • Brian W. Pritchard: Documenting New Zealand’s musical past: a beginning. S. 209–211
  • Gerald R. Seaman: New Zealand Periodicals with Musical Content. S. 211–219
  • Gerald R. Seaman: Music Archives in the University of Auckland: The Archive of Russian and East European Music. S. 219–220
  • Richard Moyle: Music Archives in the University of Auckland: The Archive of Maori and Pacific Music. S. 220–224
  • Angela Annabell: New Zealand Folk Song: An Update with Reference to Resources in New Zealand Libraries. S. 225–226
  • Jill Palmer: A Dutch-Austrian Duo The Paul and Diny Schramm collection at the National Library of New Zealand. S. 226–229
  • Elizabeth F. Nichol: Auckland City Libraries: A Public Library music Service. S. 229–232
  • Professional Branches.
    • Michèle Lancelin: Conference Reports and Papers Prague Conference (1991) Reports: Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions. S. 233
    • Harald Heckmann: Joint Commission: RISM. S. 234
  • Conference Papers from various conferences.
    • Irati Antonio: Impression of Music: Periodical Press and Documentation in Brazil. S. 235–245
    • Maria Calderisi: Plenary Session on Reprint Publishing. S. 245–248
    • Barry S. Brook: On reprinting music and books about music: then and now. S. 248–254
    • Adolf Knoll: Universal Availability of Publications Problems in Czechoslovakia. S. 255–258
    • Vojtech Mojžiš: Editorial Polices and the Availability of the Publications of Editio Supraphon. S. 259–261
    • Joana Crespi: Le Département de la Musique de la Biblioteca de Catalunya (Barcelona, Espagne). S. 261–265
    • Bernard Huys: Vingt-cinq années de bibliographie musicale en Belgique (1966—1990). S. 265–268
    • E. Rassina: Sonderausgaben im Bestand der wissenschaftlichen Tanejev-Musikbibliothek des Moskauer Konservatoriums. S. 268–271
    • Thomas F. Heck: UAP/Music: A retrospective of the Working Group’s activities, 1983—1990. S. 271–274
  • Miscellaneous Papers.
    • Nikolaus Delius: Jacob Friedrich Kleinknecht und seine Brüder Versuch einer Werkliste. S. 274–325
    • Christine E. Jackson: M & N Hanhart: printers of Victorian music covers. S. 326–330
    • Christian Meyer: Un répertoire de luth allemand des années 1520: Kraków, Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Mus. ms. 40154. S. 331–343
    • Werner Unger: Thesaurus „Phonographie“. S. 344–347
    • Werner Unger: Phonographie: Stiefkind der Musikwissenschaft: Anmerkungen zum Thesaurus für eine seit langem vernachlässigte Materie. S. 347–352
    • Heikki Poroila, Joachim Jaenecke, Maria Prokopowicz, Włodzimierz Pigła, Dorothea Baumann, Julie Crawley: National Branches. S. 353–360
  • Information. S. 361–362
  • Comptes-Rendus/Besprechungen/Reviews.
    • Review by Jay Weitz: Musaurus: a music thesaurus. A new approach to organising music information by Ann Harrold; Graham Lea; On concepts and classifications of musical instruments (Chicago studies in ethnomusicology) by Margaret J. Kartomi. S. 363–364
    • Review by Keith E. Mixter: Music history during the Renaissance period, 1425–1520: a documented chronology (Music Reference Collection, 28) by Blanche M. Gangwere. S. 364–366
    • Review by Winfried Kirsch: Thematischer Katalog der Opernsammlung in der Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main (Signaturengruppe Mus Hs Opern) (Kataloge der Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main, 9) by Robert Didion; Joachim Schlichte; Operas in German: a dictionary by Margaret Ross Griffel; Nicht nur Mozarts Rivalinnen. Leben und Schaffen der 22 österreichischen Opern-Komponistinnen (Neff’s Kleine Bibliothek der Schönen Künste) by Clemens M. Gruber. S. 366–368
    • Review by Michael J. Budds: Victorian music publishers: an annotated list (Detroit studies in music bibliography, 64) by John A. Parkinson. S. 369–370
    • Review by Stephen Long: Rued Langgaards kompositioner: annoteret værkfortegnelse by Bendt Viinholt Nielsen; Noteworthy Danes: portraits of eleven Danish composers by Karl Aage Rasmussen. S. 370–371
    • Review by Philip Vandermeer: Ethnomusicology research: a select annotated bibliography (Garland library of music ethnology) by Ann Briegleb Schuursma. S. 371–372
    • Review by Cynthia Bylander: Polish folk music: Slavonic heritage — Polish tradition — contemporary trends (Cambridge Studies in Ethnomusicology, 9) by Anna Czekanowska. S. 373–374
    • Review by Darwin F. Scott: De musica mensurata (Music — scholarship and performance) by Anonymous of St. Emmeram; Jeremy Yudkin. S. 374–377
    • Review by John E. Druesedow: Music librarianship in America (Originally published in the „Harvard Library Bulletin“, N.s., vol. 2, no. 1, Spring 1991.) by Michael Ochs. S. 377–378
    • Review by Leslie Bennett: The Heritage encyclopedia of band music: composers and their music by William H. Rehrig; Paul E. Bierley. S. 378–379
    • Review by Calvin Elliker: Guitar and lute music in periodicals: an index. (Fallen Leaf reference books in music, 13) by Dorman H. Smith; Laurie Eagleson. S. 379–380
    • Review by Giuseppe Cattaneo, Guiseppe Cattaneo: Music for oboe 1650—1800: a bibliography. 2d ed. by Bruce Haynes. S. 381–382
    • Review by James R. Briscoe: Masters of the French art song: translations of the complete songs of Chausson, Debussy, Duparc, Fauré and Ravel by Timothy LeVan. S. 382–383
    • Review by Claudia Macdonald, Adel Heinrich: Organ and harpsichord music by women composers: an annotated catalog. (Music Reference Collection, 30) by Adel Heinrich. S. 383–384
    • Review by Carl Rahkonen: Otto Luening: a bio-bibliography by Ralph Hartsock. S. 385

40. Jg. 1993

  • Don L. Roberts: President’s Message. S. 1
  • Editorial. S. 2–3
  • Heikki Poroila: Guest Editorial: Welcome To Helsinki In August 1993!. S. 4
  • Music Libraries In Finland.
    • Heikki Poroila: General Orientation. S. 5–10
    • Esko Häkli: From Neumes To Network: Music In The Helsinki University Library. S. 11–16
    • Tuula Kotilainen, Orvokki Suomala: The Sibelius Academy. S. 17–20
    • Ilpo Tolvas, Inger Jakobsson-Wärn: The Sibelius Museum. S. 21–24
    • Kaisu Ollila: The Finnish National Discography Musa: Sound Recordings At The Jyväskylä University Library. S. 24–27
    • Kauko Karjalainen: The Music Library Of The Finnish Broadcasting Company. S. 28–30
    • Pekka Gronow: The Record Library Of The Finnish Broadcasting Company. S. 31–33
    • Risto Korhonen: The Finnish Music Information Centre. S. 33–35
    • Alarik Repo: Association Of Finnish Symphony Orchestras: National Central Library Of Orchestral Music. S. 36–37
    • Heikki Poroila, Pirkko Heikkinen: Two Finnish Public Music Libraries. S. 37–40
    • Fabian Dahlström: Working On The Thematic-Bibliographic Catalogue Of Jean Sibelius. S. 41–46
  • Erkki Salmenhaara: Writing A National Finnish Music History. S. 47–50
  • Mimi S. Daitz: ESTONIA: Its Musical Life and Libraries. S. 51–56
  • Reports.
    • Mireille Geering: Working Group on Uniform Titles for Music Manuscript Collections other than Liturgical (olim: Arbeitsgruppe Uniform titles for anonymous music other than liturgical). S. 57
    • Kirsten Voss-Eliasson: Denmark: Annual Report 1991. S. 58
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Linda Phyllis Austern: A Shakespeare Music Catalogue by Bryan N. S. Gooch; David Thatcher. S. 59–60
    • Review by Nym Cooke: Catalog of the Musical Works of William Billings. (Music Reference Collection, 32.) by Karl Kroeger. S. 60–62
    • Review by James P. Cassaro: Archival Information Processing for Sound Recordings: The Design of a Database for the Rodgers & Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound. (MLA Technical Reports, 21) by David H. Thomas. S. 63–64
    • Review by Amanda Maple: The Oxford Companion to Popular Music by Peter Gammond; The Penguin Encyclopedia of Popular Music by Donald Clarke. S. 64–65
    • Review by Anthony Lis: Where’s That Tune?: An Index to Songs in Fakebooks by William D. Goodfellow. S. 65–67
    • Review by Suzanne L. Moulton-Gertig: Harp Music in the Nineteenth Century by Hans Joachim Zingel; Mark Palkovic. S. 67–68
  • Information. S. 69–74
  • Veslemöy Heintz: The General Assembly: 3 September 1992. S. 81–85
  • Veslemöy Heintz: Council Meeting: 30 August And 4 September 1992 In Frankfurt. S. 85–94
  • Guidelines For The Election Of Officers Of Iaml Subject Commissions And Professional Branches Adopted By The Council On 4 September 1992 / Wahlordnung Für Die Funktionäre Der Fachgruppen Und Sachkommissionen Der Ivbm Angenommen Durch Das Direktorium Am 4. September 1992 / Règlement Pour L’élection Des Responsables Des Commissions Spécialisées Et Des Branches Professionnelles De L’aibm Adopté Par Le Conseil Le 4 Septembre 1992. S. 95–100
  • Don L. Roberts: 1991 Treasurer’s Report. S. 101–109
  • Jorge de Persia: ARCHIVO MANUEL DE FALLA. S. 115–119
  • Jon Bagüés: ERESBIL: Archives of Basque Composers. S. 119–127
  • Cecilie Butenschøn: THE GRIEG PROJECT. S. 128–139
  • Reports.
  • Professional Branches.
    • Helen Faulkner, Anne Nenquin: Broadcasting & Orchestra Libraries Branch. S. 140
    • Michèle Lancelin: Branche Professionelle des Bibliothèques dans les Institutions d’Enseignement Musical. S. 140–141
    • Veslemöy Heintz: Music Documentation Centres Branch. S. 141–142
    • Heikki Poroila: Public Libraries Branch. S. 142
    • Øyvind Norheim: Research Libraries Branch. S. 142–144
  • Subject Commissions.
    • David A. Day: Subject Commission on Archives. S. 145–146
    • David Sommerfield: Subject Commission on Audiovisual Materials. S. 146
    • John H. Roberts: Subject Commission on Bibliography. S. 147
    • James P. Cassaro: Subject Commission on Cataloguing. S. 147–149
    • Wolfgang Krueger: Sachkommission für Dienstleistung und Ausbildung. S. 149–150
  • OTHER Reports.
    • Imogen Fellinger: Working Group on Music Periodicals. S. 151
    • Mireille Geering: Working Group on Uniform Titles for Music Manuscript Collections other than Liturgical. S. 151–152
    • H. Robert Cohen: RIPM. S. 152–153
    • Adam O’Connor: RILM. S. 153–156
    • Barry S. Brook: RIDIM. S. 157–158
  • Documenta Musicologica. S. 158–160
    • Lenore Coral: Publications Committee. S. 160
    • János Kárpáti: Hungarian Music Libraries Today (An Essay On A Paradox). S. 161–163
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Martin Staehelin: Manuscrits de musique polyphonique, XVe et XVIe siècles: Italie. (RISM B IV/5) by Nanie Bridgman. S. 164–166
    • Review by Lenore Coral: Music in British Libraries: A Directory of Resources. 4th edition. by Barbara Penney. S. 166
    • Review by Irati Antonio: As cantoras do rádio: 50 anos de som e imagem da MPB. (Série Projeto Miécio Caffé). S. 167–168
    • Review by Paul R. Laird: The Choral Music of Latin America: A Guide to Compositions and Research. (Music Reference Collection, 36) by Suzanne Spicer Tiemstra. S. 168–169
  • Information. S. 170–173
  • Wolfgang Krueger: Education And Training Of Music Librarians: New European Aspects. S. 185–190
  • Mary Kay Duggan: Teaching Music Librarians Through Very Large Databases: Local Online Catalogues, Oclc, And Rlin. S. 191–197
  • Erwin Hardeck: Musikalien In Deutschen Regionalen Verbünden. S. 198–206
  • Christine Roth: La Musique Dans Sibil. S. 207–227
  • Jane Gottlieb: Sharing Information On Archival Collections: Marc Amc And Beyond In The U.S.. S. 228–238
  • Maria Burchard: Czech Composers In Silesian Manuscripts: The Wrocław Collection At The Warsaw University Library. S. 239–245
  • Sue Clegg: Guidelines And Recommendations For The Collection Of Music Library Statistics: Project Group On Statistics. S. 246–259
  • Reports.
    • Heikki Poroila: Finnish National Branch. S. 260
    • Mireille Geering: Swiss National Branch. S. 261
    • Emilia B. Rassina: Der Innovationsprozess in der Wissenschaftlichen Musikalischen S.I. Taneev-Bibliothek des Moskauer Staatlichen Konservatoriums. S. 261–263
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Stephen Roe: Music Manuscripts at Harvard: A Catalogue of Music Manuscripts from the 14th to the 20th Centuries in the Houghton Library and the Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library by Barbara Mahrenholz Wolff. S. 264–265
    • Review by Calvin Elliker: Libraries, History, Diplomacy, and the Performing Arts: Essays in Honor of Carleton Sprague Smith. (Festschrift Series, no. 9) by Israel J. Katz. S. 265–268
    • Review by Charlotte Leonard: Encyclopedia of Music in Canada. 2nd edition by Helmut Kallmann; Gilles Potvin. S. 268–269
    • Review by Alan Green: Computing in Musicology: A Directory of Research. Volume 7, 1991 by Walter B. Hewlett; Eleanor Selfridge-Field. S. 269–271
    • Review by Cynthia J. Cyrus: Companion to Medieval and Renaissance Music by Tess Knighton; David Fallows. S. 271–273
    • Review by Joyce E. Green: Pierre Baillot. The Art of the Violin by Louise Goldberg. S. 273–274
  • Information. S. 275–277
  • Irving Godt, Mimi S. Daitz: COMMUNICATIONS. S. 278
  • Editorial. S. 281–282
  • Anne Tatnall Gross: A Musicological Puzzle: Scrambled Editions Of The Phalèse „Livre Septième“ In Two London Libraries. S. 283–313
  • Margaret Seares: John Christopher Smith’s Harpsichord Music: A Clarification Of The Publications. S. 314–322
  • Eva-Brit Fanger: Überblick Über Die Historische Entwicklung Dänischer Musikzeitschriften. S. 323–331
  • Reports.
    • Julie Crawley: United Kingdom: 1992. S. 332–333
    • Kaye Hill: Australia: Sept. 1990 – Dec. 1992. S. 333–334
    • Ruth Henderson: United States of America: 1992. S. 334
    • Włodzimierz Pigła: Poland: 1992. S. 334–335
    • Zuzana Petrášková, Julius Hǔlek: Czech Republic: 1993. S. 335–336
    • Dominique Hausfater: Rapport D’Activité Du Groupe Français 1991—1992. S. 336–338
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Lilian P. Pruett: Die Musikhandschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, Band 1: Chorbücher und Handschriften in chorbuchartiger Notierung. Mit einem Anhang: Nachträge zu den Tabulaturen und Stimmbüchern Katalog bayerischer Musiksammlungen 5/2. (Kataloge bayerischer Musiksammlungen, 5/1) by Martin Bente; Marie Louise Göllner; Hellmut Hell; Bettina Wackernagel; Die Musikhandschriften der Bischöflichen Zentralbibliothek Regensburg, Band 2: Sammlung Proske. Manuskripte des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts aus den Signaturen A.R., C AN. (Kataloge bayerischer Musiksammlungen, 14/2) by Gertraut Haberkamp; Jochen Reutter; Die Musikhandschriften der Bischöflichen Zentralbibliothek Regensburg, Band 3: Sammlung Proske. Mappenbibliothek. (Kataloge bayerischer Musiksammlungen, 14/3) by Gertraut Haberkamp; Jochen Reutter; Die Musikhandschriften katholischer Pfarreien in Franken, Bistum Würzburg. (Kataloge bayerischer Musiksammlungen, 17) by Gertraut Haberkamp; Martin Seelkopf; Die Musikhandschriften der evangelisch lutherischen Pfarrkirche St. Mang in Kempten. (Kataloge bayerischer Musiksammlungen, 19) by Hildegard Herrmann-Schneider. S. 339–342
    • Review by Calvin Elliker: The Bandora: Its Music and Sources. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, 66) by Lyle Nordstrom. S. 342–343
    • Review by Rebecca K. Troxler: The Early Flute. (Early Music Series, 15) by John Solum; Anne Smith. S. 343–345
    • Review by Robin A. Leaver: German Sacred Polyphonic Vocal Music Between Schütz and Bach: Sources and Critical Editions. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, 67) by Diane Parr Walker; Paul Walker. S. 345–347
    • Review by Hans Lenneberg: Italian Music Incunabula: Printers and Type by Mary Kay Duggan. S. 347–348
  • Information. S. 349–351

41. Jg. 1994

  • Music Libraries in Canada.
    • Bryan N. S. Gooch: The Canadian Scene — Measure Of Progress. S. 1–2
    • Helmut Kallmann: The Making Of A One-Country Music Encyclopedia: An Essay After An Encyclopedia. S. 3–19
    • Elaine Keillor: Finding The Sounds Of Canada’s Musical Past. S. 20–31
    • Jeannine Barriault: Les Archives Musicales Au Canada. S. 32–39
    • Marlene Wehrle: Reference Sources On Canadian Music: A Supplement To Guy Marco „Information On Music“, Volume Ii. S. 40–52
    • Maria Calderisi: An Unsung Treasure At The National Library Of Canada: The Percy A. Scholes Collection. S. 53–65
    • Geraldine E. Ostrove: Recent Publications In Music. S. 66–127
  • Reports.
    • Kirsten Voss: Denmark: Annual Report 1992. S. 128
    • Gerald R. Seaman: New Zealand: Report September 1992—August 1993. S. 128–129
    • Murai: Japan: Annual Report 1993. S. 129
    • Imogen Fellinger: Working Group on Music Periodicals: Progress Report. S. 129–130
  • Reviews.
    • Review by James R. Briscoe: A Bio-Bibliography. (Bio-Bibliographies in Music, 28) by Francis Poulenc; George R. Keck; Henri Sauguet: A Bio-Bibliography. (Bio-Bibliographies in Music, 39) by David L. Austin. S. 131–133
    • Review by Ruthann Boles McTyre: The Chorus in Opera: A Guide to the Repertory by David P. DeVenney; Craig R. Johnson. S. 133–134
    • Review by Sally E. Norman: Mensuration and Proportion Signs: Origins and Evolution. (Oxford Monographs on Music) by Anna Maria Busse Berger. S. 134–136
    • Review by David Hunter: The Imaginary Museum of Musical Works: An Essay in the Philosophy of Music by Lydia Goehr. S. 136–138
  • Information. S. 139–140
  • IAML President’s Message. S. 151
  • COUNCIL MEETING: 8 and 13 August 1993 in Helsinki. S. 152–164
  • Don L. Roberts: 1992 Treasurer’s Report. S. 165–169
  • Iaml Directory. S. 170–174
  • Oskari Hellman: Iaml In Helsinki. S. 175–180
  • Katre Linnas: Survey Of Estonian Music Bibliography. S. 181–186
  • Valentina Iljowa: Der Heutige Stand Der Russischen Musikbibliographie. S. 187–195
  • Reports.
  • Professional Branches.
    • Helen Faulkner, Anne Nenquin: Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries Branch. S. 196–197
    • Michèle Lancelin: Branche Professionnelle des Bibliothèques dans les Institutions D’Enseignement Musical. S. 197–198
    • Veslemöy Heintz: Music Documentation Centres Branch. S. 198
    • Heikki Poroila: Public Libraries Branch. S. 198–199
    • Dominique Hausfater: Branche des Bibliotheques de Recherche. S. 199–200
  • Subject Commissions.
    • David A. Day: Subject Commission on Archives. S. 201
    • David Sommerfield: Commission on Audio-Visual Materials. S. 201–202
    • John H. Roberts: Bibliography Commission. S. 202–203
    • James P. Cassaro: Subject Commission on Cataloguing. S. 203–205
    • Wolfgang Krueger: Commission on Service and Training. S. 205–206
  • Working Groups AND OTHER Reports.
    • Imogen Fellinger: Working Group on Music Periodicals. S. 207
    • Mireille Geering: Working Group on Uniform Titles for Music Manuscript Collections other than Liturgical. S. 207–208
    • Chris Banks: Working Group on Hofmeister XIX. S. 208–209
    • H. Robert Cohen: RIPM. S. 210–211
    • Hartmut Schaefer: RISM. S. 211–212
    • Lenore Coral: Publications Committee. S. 213
  • National Branches.
    • Kaye Hill: Australian Branch: January to August 1993. S. 214
    • Joachim Jaenecke: Bundesrepublik Deutschland: 1992. S. 214–216
    • Joachim Jaenecke: Bundesrepublik Deutschland: 1993. S. 216–218
  • Outreach.
    • Červinková: What Our Libraries Need Most (besides money). S. 218–220
    • Judit Skaliczki: Audio-Visual Documents in Hungarian Libraries. S. 220–222
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Susan T. Sommer: The New Grove Dictionary of Opera by Stanley Sadie. S. 223–224
    • Review by Evan Baker: A Chronology of Music in the Florentine Theater 1751—1800: Operas, Prologues, Farces, Intermezzos, Concerts, and Plays with Incidental Music. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, 70) by Robert Lamar Weaver; Norma Wright Weaver. S. 225–227
    • Review by R. L. Barclay: The Conservation and Technology of Musical Instruments: A Bibliographic Supplement to Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts, Volume 28 by Cary Karp. S. 227–228
    • Review by Evan Feldman: American Orchestral Music: A Performance Catalog by Richard Koshgarian; A Conductor’s Repertory of Chamber Music: Compositions for Nine to Fifteen Solo Instruments. (Music Reference Collection, 39) by William Scott; The American Wind Symphony Commissioning Project: A Descriptive Catalog of Published Editions, 1957—1991. (Music Reference Collection, 34) by Jeffrey H. Renshaw. S. 228–230
    • Review by Kendall L. Crilly: The‚Music Information Explosion’ and its Implications for College Teachers and Students. (College Music Society Report, 9) by Thomas F. Heck. S. 231–233
  • Information. S. 234–236
  • Editorial. S. 243–244
  • James P. Cassaro: Music Cataloguing And The Future. S. 245–250
  • Liesbeth Hoedemaeker: Conservation In The Netherlands. S. 251–255
  • Susan T. Sommer: Knowing The Score: Preserving Collections Of Music. S. 256–260
  • Janet Gertz, Susan Blaine: Preservation Of Printed Music: The Columbia University Libraries Scores Condition Survey. S. 261–269
  • Jens Hendrik Koudal, Jens Henrik Koudal: The Music Discovered At Aalholm Manor: A Brief Introduction. S. 270–278
  • James L. Zychowicz: Music Manuscripts In The Bibliothèque Musicale Gustav Mahler, Paris. S. 279–295
  • Reports.
    • Jon Bagüés: Spain: 1993. S. 296
    • Heikki Poroila: Finland: 1993. S. 297–298
    • Ruth Henderson: United States: 1993. S. 298
    • Klaus Keil: Internationales Quellenlexikon der Musik (RISM): Stand der Arbeit Ende 1993. S. 298–300
    • Tinsley Silcox: Reading about: Preservation. S. 300–302
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Dena J. Epstein: Music and Dance in Puerto Rico from the Age of Columbus to Modern Times: An Annotated Bibliography. (Studies in Latin American Music, 1) by Donald Thompson; Annie F. Thompson. S. 303
    • Review by Judy Weidow: The Bach English-Title Index. (Fallen Leaf Reference Books in Music, 20) by Ray Reeder. S. 303–305
    • Review by Vivian Perlis: The Twentieth-Century Composer Speaks: An Index of Interviews. (Fallen Leaf Reference Books in Music, 28) by Mari Nishimura. S. 305–306
  • Information. S. 307–309
  • Susi Woodhouse, Pamela Thompson: Towards A Music Lip: A Library and Information Plan for Music Services in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. S. 313–339
  • Christine Heyter-Rauland: Neues Zur Cäcilia. Eine Zeitschrift Für Die Musikalische Welt. S. 340–357
  • Geraldine E. Ostrove: Recent Publications In Music. S. 358–386
  • Reports.
    • Zdravko Blažeković: RIdIM: Helsinki, 1993 (Report Number 22). S. 387–388
    • Erling Dujardin: Denmark: Annual Report 1993. S. 388–389
    • Anders Lönn: Proposed Amendment to the IAML Constitution. S. 389–390
  • Reviews.
    • Review by John Wagstaff: La Médiathèque musicale publique: évolution d’un concept et perspectives d’avenir by Dominique Hausfater; Guide d’acquisition de la musique imprimée, à l’usage des bibliothèques musicales by Michèle Lancelin; Anne Catrice; Anna Guerrieri. S. 391–392
    • Review by Thomas F. Heck: Sourcebook for Research in Music by Phillip D. Crabtree; Donald H. Foster. S. 392–394
    • Review by Scott Warfield: The Nineteenth-Century German Lied by Lorraine Gorrell. S. 394–396
    • Review by Martin Jenkins: The English Musical Renaissance 1860—1940: Construction and Deconstruction by Robert Stradling; Meirion Hughes. S. 396–398
  • Information. S. 399–402

42. Jg. 1995

  • Music Libraries in Denmark.
    • Ingeborg Rørbye: Public Music Libraries In Denmark. S. 1–3
    • Marianne Horn: A Musical Tour Through Copenhagen. S. 4–8
    • Niels Krabbe: Danish Musicology Of The 1980S And Early 1990S. S. 9–25
    • Pia Rasmussen: Women In Music: Seen From A Danish Perspective. S. 26–34
    • Charlotte Schrøder: [Illustration]. S. 35
    • Bendt Viinholt Nielsen: An Ecstatic Outsider: Rued Langgaard, 1893—1952. S. 36–50
    • Bodil Høgh: Listen To Denmark. S. 51–53
  • [Two Traveling Exhibitions: Carl Nielsen And Danish Music After Carl Nielsen]. S. 54
    • Jørgen I. Jensen: At The Boundary Between Music And Science: From Per Nørgård To Carl Nielsen. S. 55–61
    • Otto Laust Hansen: Children And Music: Voluntary Music Education In Denmark. S. 62–67
    • Peter Westh: The Importance And Position Of Conservatories In Musical Life. S. 68–71
    • Flemming Madsen: The Danish Music Information Center. S. 72–76
    • Povl Stenfelt Thomsen: The Danish Library Center And Music. S. 77–81
    • Kirsten Maegaard: Hans Christian Andersen’s Travel Album. S. 82–84
    • Anne Ørbæk Jensen: Two Great Danish Editions In Progress: Niels W. Gade And Carl Nielsen. S. 85–90
    • Kirsten Maegaard: The Danish Radio Record Collection: Diskoteket. S. 91–93
  • Reports.
    • Kaye Hill: Australian Branch: September 1993—June 1994. S. 94–95
    • Julius Hůlek: Czech Branch: 1993—94. S. 95–96
    • Julie Crawley: United Kingdom Branch (IAML UK): 1993. S. 96–98
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Mark DeVoto: Harvard Composers: Walter Piston and His Students, from Elliott Carter to Frederic Rzewski by Howard Pollack. S. 99–102
    • Review by Martin Jenkins: William Walton: A Source Book by Stewart R. Craggs. S. 102–103
  • Information. S. 104–105
  • Don L. Roberts: President’s Report. S. 111
  • Veslemöy Heintz: Council Meetings: 22 and 27 July 1994 in Ottawa. S. 112–127
  • Pamela Thompson: 1993 Treasurer’s Report. S. 128–134
  • Harald Heckmann: Das Repertoire International Des Sources Musicales (Rism) In Geschichte Und Gegenwart. S. 135–143
  • Hugh Cobbe: The Iaml Outreach Initiative. S. 144–150
  • Cécile Grand: A Iaml Portfolio. S. 151–163
  • Harmut Walravens: Ismn: The International Standard Music Number: A new standard to rationalize the music trade. S. 164–171
  • Reports.
  • Professional Branches.
    • Inger Enquist: Archives and Music Documentation Centres Branch. S. 172
    • Helen Faulkner, Anne Nenquin: Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries Branch. S. 172–173
    • Michèle Lancelin: Branche Professionnelle des Bibliothèques dans les Institutions d’Enseignement Musical. S. 173–174
    • Heikki Poroila: Public Libraries Branch. S. 174–176
    • Liesbeth Hoedemaeker: Research Libraries Branch. S. 176
  • Subject Commissions.
    • John H. Roberts: Commission on Bibliography. S. 177
    • David Sommerfield: Commission on Audiovisual Materials. S. 177–181
    • James P. Cassaro: Commission on Cataloguing. S. 181–182
    • Wolfgang Krueger: Kommission für Dienstleistung und Ausbildung. S. 182–183
  • OTHER Reports.
    • Imogen Fellinger: Working Group on Music Periodicals. S. 184
    • Mireille Geering: Working Group on Uniform Titles for Music Manuscript Collections other than Liturgical. S. 184–185
    • Elizabeth Davis: Working Group on the Revision of RISM Series C. S. 185
    • H. Robert Cohen: RIPM. S. 185–186
    • Lenore Coral: Publications Committee. S. 186
  • National Reports.
    • Roger Flury: New Zealand. S. 187
    • Kurt Deggeller: Swiss Branch: 1993. S. 187
    • Ruth Henderson: U.S. Branch: 1994. S. 187–188
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Heikki Poroila: Johann Michael Haydn (1737–1806): A Chronological Thematic Catalogue of His Works. (Thematic Catalogue Series, 17) by Charles H. Sherman; T. Donley Thomas; Giovanni Paisiello: A Thematic Catalogue of his Works. (Thematic Catalogue Series, 15) by Michael F. Robinson; John Ireland: A Catalogue, Discography, and Bibliography by Stewart R. Craggs. S. 189–190
    • Review by Karl Kroeger: Music Reference and Research Materials: An Annotated Bibliography. Fourth Edition, Revised by Vincent H. Duckles; Michael A. Keller. S. 191–192
    • Review by Marcoemilio Camera: Il Fondo Musicale dell’Arciconfraternitá di S. Girolamo della Caritá. (Cataloghi di Fondi Musicali Italiani, 15; Quaderni della Rassegna degli Archivi di Stato, 69) by Eleonora Simi Bonini. S. 192
    • Review by Diane Steinhaus Pettit: Georg Philipp Telemann: Autographe und Abschriften. (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Kataloge der Musikabteilung. Erste Reihe: Handschriften, 7) by Joachim Jaenecke. S. 193–194
    • Review by Evan Feldman: Compendium of Modern Instrumental Techniques by Gardner Read. S. 194–195
    • Review by Tinsley Silcox: American Choral Music Since 1920: An Annotated Guide. Fallen Leaf Reference Books in Music by David P. DeVenney. S. 195–196
  • Information. S. 197–201
  • Rudolf Schnitzler: Fux Or Badia? The Attribution Of Santa Geltrude And Ismaele. S. 205–245
  • Marie Cornaz: Le Fonds De Musique Ancienne De L’abbaye De Maredsous. S. 246–270
  • Leslie Troutman: MLA-L: A New Mode of Communication. S. 271–281
  • Reports.
    • Joachim Jaenecke: Germany: 1994. S. 282–284
    • Kirsten Voss, Erling Dujardin: Denmark: 1994. S. 284–285
    • Heikki Poroila: Finland: 1994. S. 286
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Marcoemilio Camera: Bibliografia delle opere dei musicisti bresciani pubblicate a stampa dal 1497 al 1740. (Biblioteca di Bibliografia Italiana, 126) by Oscar Mischiati; Mariella Sala; Ernesto Meli. S. 287–288
    • Review by David Lasocki: Antonio Vivaldi: A Guide to Research. (Garland Composer Resource Manuals, 12; Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 757) by Michael Talbot. S. 288–289
    • Review by Karl Kroeger: The Literature of Music Bibliography: An Account of the Writings on the History of Music Printing & Publishing (Fallen Leaf Reference Books in Music, 21) by D. W. Krummel. S. 289–290
  • Information. S. 291–294
  • Paul van Reijen: KÖCHEL 2000: Suggestions for a New Catalogue of Mozart’s Works. S. 299–310
  • Bonny H. Miller: Household Periodicals: An Unstudied Source of American Music. S. 311–319
  • Kari Laitinen: Suomen Musiikkilehti 1923—46: The Story Of A Finnish Periodical. S. 320–324
  • Geraldine E. Ostrove: Recent Publications In Music. S. 325–372
  • Reports.
    • Wodzimierz Pigła: Polish National Branch: 1994. S. 373–374
    • Yo Akioka: Japanese National Branch: 1994. S. 374
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi: The New Langwill Index: A Dictionary of Musical Wind-Instrument Makers and Inventors by William Waterhouse. S. 375–376
    • Review by Silvia Di Pietro Liti: Musical References in the Gazzetta di Napoli, 1681—1725. (Fallen Leaf Reference Books in Music, 17) by Thomas Griffin; Eleanor Selfridge-Field. S. 376–377
    • Review by Paul Bryan: Dejiny Hudobnej Kultúry na Slovensku. Vyd. 2. Klasicizmus by Darina Múdra. S. 377–379
    • Review by John E. Lindberg: Musikgeschichte in Daten by Gerhard Dietel. S. 379–381
    • Review by Sarah Dorsey: Cello Music Since 1960: A Bibliography of Solo, Chamber, & Orchestral Works for the Solo Cellist. (Fallen Leaf Reference Books in Music, 26) by Donald Homuth. S. 381–382
    • Review by Scott Warfield: Richard Strauss Werkverzeichnis. (Veröffentlichungen der Richard-Strauss-Gesellschaft München, 12) by Franz Trenner. S. 382–384
    • Review by Joy Haslam Calico: Anthologies of Music: An Annotated Index. 2nd edition. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, 68) by Sterling E. Murray; Music for Piano and Orchestra: An Annotated Guide. Enlarged edition by Maurice Hinson; The Schoenberg Discography. 2nd edition, (Fallen Leaf Press Reference Books in Music, 18) by R. Wayne Shoaf; Music Since 1900. 5th edition by Nicolas Slonimsky. S. 384–387

43. Jg. 1996

  • Susan T. Sommer: Editorial. S. 1–2
  • Agostina Zecca Laterza: Invitation. S. 3
  • Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi: Networks For Music Libraries In Italy. S. 4–11
  • Bianca Maria Antolini: Archival Sources For The History Of Music In Italy: Recent Research. S. 12–39
  • Federica Riva: Reference Works On Music In Italy: 1985—1995. S. 40–80
  • Elena Ferrari Barassi: Musical Iconography In Italy 1985—1995. S. 81–99
  • Carmela Bongiovanni: Librettos: Italian Projects And Catalogues: 1985—1995. S. 100–122
  • Marcello Ruggieri: An Italian Contemporary Music Documentation Center: Why A Utopia?. S. 123–135
  • Veslemöy Heintz: IAML President’s Message. S. 143
  • Veslemöy Heintz: The General Assembly: 23 June 1995 in Helsingør. S. 144–150
  • Veslemöy Heintz: Council Meetings: 19 and 23 June 1995 in Helsingør. S. 151–164
  • Pamela Thompson: 1994 Treasurer’s Report. S. 165–173
  • Lasse Beck, Erling Dujardin, Dorte Remar: Press Reports On The Iaml Congress In Helsingør. S. 174–176
  • Kazuo Fukushima, Steven G. Nelson: The Documentary Sources Of Japanese Music. S. 177–193
  • Vjera Katalinić: The Croatian 19Th-Century Musical Heritage: Sources, Research, Perspectives. S. 194–199
  • Reports.
  • Professional Branches.
    • Inger Enquist: Archives and Music Documentation Centers. S. 200–201
    • Anne Nenquin, Helen Faulkner: Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries. S. 201–202
    • Michele Lancelin: Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions. S. 202
    • Heikki Poroila: Public Libraries. S. 202–204
    • Liesbeth Hoedemaeker: Research Libraries. S. 204
  • Subject Commissions.
    • John H. Roberts: Bibliography Commission. S. 205
    • James P. Cassaro: Commission on Cataloguing. S. 205–207
    • Wolfgang Kreuger: Service and Training (Kommission für Dienstleistung und Ausbildung). S. 207
  • OTHER Reports.
    • Imogen Fellinger: Working Group on Music Periodicals. S. 208
    • Anders Cato: Working Group on the Core Bibliographic Record for Music and Sound Recordings. S. 208–209
  • National Reports.
    • Roger Taylor: United Kingdom 1994. S. 210
    • Heikki Poroila: Finland: 1995. S. 210–211
    • Ruth Henderson: United States: 1995. S. 211–212
    • Jon Bagüés: Spain. S. 212
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Imogen Fellinger: International Music Journals. (Historical Guides to the World’s Periodicals and Newspapers) by Linda M. Fidler; Richard S. James. S. 213–214
    • Review by Evan Baker: Catalog of Venetian Librettos at the University of California, Los Angeles. (University of California Publications. Catalogs and Bibliographies, 9) by Irene Alm. S. 214–216
    • Review by Maurizio Tarrini: Camillo Sivori: La Vita, i Concerti, le Musiche. (Graphos/Musica, 2) by Flavio Menardi Noguera. S. 216
    • Review by Tinsley Silcox: Foundations in Music Bibliography by Richard D. Green. S. 216–217
    • Naomi Sharp: Information. S. 218–220
  • Editorial. S. 229
  • Inger Enquist: Archives And Music Libraries: Introduction. S. 231–234
  • Michael Cook: Managing The Archives: A Basic Program. S. 235–241
  • Heather MacNeil: Subject Access To Archival „Fonds“: Balancing Provenance And Pertinence. S. 242–258
  • Nils Brübach: Bewertung Im Archiv. S. 259–270
  • Jan Dahlin: Archival Descriptive Standards: Some Remarks. S. 271–273
  • Stephané Jean, Jeannine Barriault, Stéphane Jean: La Description Des Archives De Musique: Un Exemple Canadien. S. 274–285
  • Anna Lena Holm: Library Management Of Composers’ Archives. S. 286–289
  • Yola de Lusenet: Keeping Our Memory Alive For The Next Century. S. 290–297
  • Reports.
    • Heather Platt: RILM in the 1990s. S. 298–302
    • Joana Crespi: Spain: 1995. S. 302–303
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Martin D. Jenkins: Encyclopedia of Percussion. (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 947) by John H. Beck. S. 304–305
    • Review by Thomas Brothers: Duke Ellington: Day by Day and Film by Film by Klaus Stratemann; John Coltrane: A Discography and Musical Biography. (Studies in Jazz, 20) by Yasuhiro Fujioka; Lewis Porter; Yoh-Ichi Hamada; Sarah Vaughan: A Discography. (Discographies, 47) by Denis Brown. S. 305–306
    • Review by Gertraut Haberkamp: Die Musikhandschriften des Speyerer Domchores. (Pfälzische Arbeiten zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen und zur Bibliographie, 18) by Edith Klenk. S. 307–308
  • Information. S. 309
  • Sherry L. Vellucci: Down The Yellow Brick Road: What Should We Teach About Internet Resources?. S. 315–324
  • Bryan N. S. Gooch: The Researcher’s Problem: Routes And Rewards. S. 325–328
  • Geraldine E. Ostrove: Recent Publications In Music. S. 329–377
  • International Association Of Music Libraries, Archives And Documentation Centres (Iaml) / Association Internationale Des Bibliothèques, Archives Et Centres De Documentation Musicaux (Aibm) / Internationale Vereinigung Der Musikbibliotheken, Musikarchive Und Musikdomumentationszentren (Ivmb). S. 378–412
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Judy Tsou: Women and Music: A Selective Annotated Bibliography on Women and Gender Issues in Music 1987—1992 by Margaret D. Ericson. S. 413–414
    • Review by Gary R. Boye: The Manuscript Sources of Seventeenth-Century Italian Lute Music by Victor Coelho. S. 414–415
    • Review by Robert L. Taylor: Briefwechsel mit Arnold Schoenberg, Anton Webern, Alban Berg und Franz Schreker. (Briefwechsel der Wiener Schule, 1) by Alexander Zemlinsky; Horst Weber. S. 415–416
    • Øyvind Norheim: Information. S. 417

44. Jg. 1997

  • Music Libraries in Switzerland.
  • Welcome To Geneva. S. 1–2
    • Kurt Deggeller: Coordination Of Music Documentation In Switzerland: Realities, Projects, Dreams For The Future. S. 3–6
    • Chris Walton: Modernism In Music: Documents In The Zentralbibliothek Zürich. S. 7–14
    • Jean-Louis Matthey: La Bibliothèque Cantonale Et Universitaire Vaudoise: La Mise En Valeur Des Fonds D’archives Musicales. S. 15–19
  • The Paul Sacher Foundation. S. 20–22
    • Dorothea Baumann: Music Documentation In Switzerland: The Future Of Shared Cataloguing, Rism A Ii. S. 23–31
    • Jacqueline Waeber: „Pygmalion“ Et J.-J. Rousseau: „Un Grand Poète, Qui Serait En Même Temps Un Peu Musicien“. S. 32–41
    • Eamonn O’Keeffe: The Score-Books Of Christ Church Cathedral Dublin: A Catalogue. S. 42–104
  • Reports.
    • Roger Taylor: United Kingdom Branch (IAML UK): 1996. S. 105–106
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Gertraut Haberkamp: Internationaler Biographischer Index der Musik, Komponisten, Dirigenten, Instrumentalisten und Sänger by Kurt Dorfmüller. S. 107–108
    • Review by Emily Laurance: Harp Music Bibliography: Compositions for Solo Harp and Harp Ensemble by Mark Palkovic; Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Harpists: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook (Bio-Critical Sourcebooks on Musical Performance) by Wenonah Milton Govea; Sally Maxwell. S. 109–110
  • Information. S. 111
  • Alison Hall: Council Meetings: 1 And 6 September 1996 In Perugia. S. 119–134
  • Iaml Directory. S. 135–140
  • Pamela Thompson: 1995 Treasurer’s Report. S. 141–147
  • Joachim Jaenecke: Iaml Outreach. S. 148–150
  • Tiziana Grande: Neapolitan Music Periodicals In The Second Half Of The 19Th Century. S. 151–168
  • Elisabeth Giuliani, Elizabeth Giuliani: Opera Et Histoire. S. 169–177
  • Reports.
  • Professional Branches.
    • Inger Enquist: Archives and Music Documentation Centres Branch. S. 178
    • Michèle Lancelin: Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions Branch. S. 178–180
    • Heikki Poroila: Public Libraries Branch. S. 180–181
    • Liesbeth Hoedemaeker: Research Libraries Branch. S. 181–182
  • Subject Commissions.
    • David Sommerfield: Audio-Visual Materials. S. 183–185
    • John H. Roberts: Bibliography Commission. S. 185
    • James P. Cassaro: Cataloguing. S. 185–186
    • Wolfgang Krueger: Service and Training. S. 186–187
  • Working Groups.
    • Anders Cato: Core Bibliographic Record for Music and Sound Recordings. S. 188
    • Imogen Fellinger: Music Periodicals. S. 188–189
    • Joachim Jaenecke: Documenta musicologica. S. 190
    • Barbara Mackenzie: RILM. S. 190–192
    • H. Robert Cohen: RIPM. S. 192–193
    • Hartmut Walravens: ISMN: New Developments. S. 193–196
  • National Branches.
    • Kaye Hill: Australia: July 1995—June 1996. S. 197–198
    • Yo Akioka: Japan: 1995. S. 198
    • Brian W. Pritchard: New Zealand: 1995—1996. S. 198–199
    • Włodzimierz Pigła: Poland: 1995—96. S. 199–200
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Martin Elste: Discographie der deutschen Sprachaufnahmen, Bd. 1 by Rainer E. Lotz; Michael E. Gunrem; Walter Roller; Discographie der deutschen Kleinkunst, Bd. 4 by Rainer E. Lotz; Andreas Masel; Discographie der deutschen Tanzmusik, Bd. 4 by Rainer E. Lotz; Discographie der deutschen Gesangsaufnahmen, Bd. 1 by Manfred Weihermüller. S. 201
    • Lenore Coral: Information. S. 202–205
  • Michitaka Takeuchi: Kabuki Music Of The 18Th And 19Th Centuries: Documentary Materials For Research. S. 213–233
  • E. Douglas Bomberger: Alfred Michaelis And The „Leipziger Musikzeitung“. S. 234–247
  • Taras Pavlovsky: Slavic Sacred Music: Issues In Cataloguing. S. 248–265
  • Charles Ditto: Handel’s Musical Clock Music. S. 266–280
  • Sisir Kumar Mukherjee: Sources For Indian Music: The Songs of Rabindranath Tagore. S. 281–289
  • Reports.
    • Bettina von Seyfried: Deutschland: Oktober 1995—September 1996. S. 290–291
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Martin Jenkins: International Directory of Music and Music Education Institutions 1996: Details of Higher Music and Music Education Qualifications at 3,182 Institutions in 146 Countries. 2nd edition to International Directory of Music Education 1993/4 by Graham A. R. Bartle. S. 292
    • Review by Chris Walton: Poetry into Song: Performance and Analysis of Lieder by Deborah Stein; Robert Spillman; Elly Ameling; Max Deen Larsen. S. 293–294
    • Review by Chris Walton: A Guide to the Solo Songs of Johannes Brahms by Lucien Stark. S. 294
    • Roger Crudge: Information. S. 295
  • Thomas F. Heck: The Illustration Of Music Periodicals, C. 1880—1914: A Question Of Halftones And „Whole“-Tones. S. 307–330
  • Jacinto Torres Mulas: Music Periodicals In Spain: Beginnings and Historical Development. S. 331–342
  • Geraldine E. Ostrove: Recent Publications In Music. S. 343–400
  • Reports.
    • Kirsten Voss: Denmark: 1996. S. 401

45. Jg. 1998

  • Music Libraries in Spain.
    • Joana Crespi: Introduction. S. 1–2
    • Jon Bagüés, Miquel Angel Plaza-Navas: Institutions Of Musical Documentation: A Selective Bibliography. S. 3–20
    • Beatriz de Miguel: Andalucía: The Centro De Documentación Musical. S. 21–30
    • Antoni Pizà, Joan Parets i Serra: Mallorca: Centers For Musical Historical Research. S. 31–38
    • José V. González Valle: Spanish Ecclesiastical Archives: Musical Documentation. S. 39–53
    • Carmen Sierra Bárcena: Musical Collections In Spanish Archives: Two Databases. S. 54–62
    • Nieves Iglesias Martinez: Musicologists And Archivists Confront The Nineteenth Century: Notes From The National Library Of Madrid. S. 63–80
    • Antonio Ezquerro: Cataloguing Musical Sources In Spain: A Rism Perspective. S. 81–89
  • Alison Hall: Council Meetings: 31 August And 5 September 1997 In Geneva. S. 95–111
  • Pamela Thompson: 1996 Treasurer’s Report. S. 112–118
  • Joachim Jaenecke, Zhou Haihong, Rolando Delgado Miranda, Željka Dolić: Iaml Outreach. S. 119–138
  • Anders Cato: The Core Bibliographic Record For Music And Sound Recordings. S. 139–151
  • Joachim Jaenecke: Die Planung Für Ein Verzeichnis Der Musiknachlässe In Deutschland. S. 152–156
  • Yasuko Todo: Community And Libraries In Music Teaching Institutions In Japan. S. 157–159
  • Reports.
  • Professional Branches.
    • Inger Enquist: Archives and Music Documentation Centres Branch. S. 160–161
    • Inger Enquist: Working Group on the Registration of Music Archives. S. 161–162
    • Kauko Karjalainen: Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries Branch. S. 162
    • Federica Riva: Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions. S. 163
    • Kirsten Voss: Public Libraries Branch. S. 163–164
    • Liesbeth Hoedemaeker: Research Libraries Branch. S. 164
  • Subject Commissions.
    • James P. Cassaro: Subject Commission on Cataloguing. S. 165
  • Working Groups.
    • Imogen Fellinger: Music Periodicals. S. 166–167
    • Anne LeLay: Copyright. S. 167
    • Joachim Jaenecke: Documenta Musicologica. S. 168
    • H. Robert Cohen: RIPM 1997. S. 168–169
    • Harmut Walravens: ISMN 1996/97. S. 169–171
    • Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie: RILM. S. 171–173
    • Keil: RISM-Publikationen 1997. S. 173–176
  • National Reports.
    • Caroline Symes: Australia July 1996—June 1997. S. 177
    • Heikki Poroila: Finland: 1996. S. 177–178
    • Bettina von Seyfried: Deutschland: 1997. S. 178–180
    • Agostina Zecca Laterza: Italy: 1996. S. 180
    • Hiroko Kishimoto: Japan: 1996. S. 180–181
    • Andrzej Spóz: Poland: 1996—97. S. 181–182
    • Emilia Rassina: Russia: 1996. S. 183
    • Kurt Deggeller: Switzerland: 1995/1996. S. 183
    • Roger Taylor: United Kingdom: 1996—1997. S. 184–185
    • Lenore Coral: United States: 1997. S. 185
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Lenore Coral: Early Lithographed Music: A Study Based on the H. Baron Collection by Michael Twyman. S. 186–187
    • Review by Hugh Cobbe: A Catalogue of Handel’s Musical Autographs by Donald Burrows; Martha J. Ronish. S. 187–189
    • Review by Heikki Poroila: Valentin Haussman: A Thematic-Documentary Catalogue; With a Documentary Biography by Klaus-Peter Koch. (Thematic Catalogues, No. 25) by Robert B. Lynn; The Music of Antonio Rosetti: A Thematic Catalog. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, no. 76) by Sterling E. Murray; Chronologisch-thematisches Verzeichnis sämtlicher Werke von Daniel François Esprit Auber (AWV). (Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt/Main, Musikwissenschaftlich Publikationen, Bd. 1) by Herbert Schneider. S. 189–191
    • Review by John Wagstaff: Conservation des documents sonores by Marie-France Calas; Jean-Marc Fontaine. S. 191–193
    • Review by John Wagstaff: Collection Assessment in Music Libraries. (MLA Technical Report, No. 22) by Jane Gottlieb; Knowing the Score: Preserving Collections of Music. (MLA Technical Report, No. 23) by Jane Gottlieb; Mark Roosa. S. 193–194
    • Review by John Wagstaff: General Bibliography for Music Research. 3d ed. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, No. 75) by Keith E. Mixter. S. 195–196
    • Review by Kim Armstrong: Lieder Line by Line and Word for Word. Revised edition by Lois Phillips. S. 196–197
    • Review by Heikki Poroila: The Sibelius Companion by Glenda Dawn Goss. S. 197–198
    • Review by Richard D. Burbank: William Grant Still: A Bio-Bibliography. (Bio-Bibliographies in Music, no. 61) by Judith Anne Still; Michael J. Dabrishus; Carolyn L. Quin. S. 198–199
  • Information. S. 200–202
  • Sherry L. Vellucci: Bibliographic Relationships And The Future Of Music Catalogues. S. 213–226
  • Chris Walton: Iphigenia Lost And Found: A Newly-Discovered Gluck Arrangement By Richard Wagner. S. 227–236
  • Kirsten Beißwenger: Erwerbsmethoden Von Musikalien Im Frühen 18. Jahrhunderts: Am Beispiel Johann Sebastian Bachs Und Johann Gottfried Walthers. S. 237–249
  • Consuelo Giglio: Music Periodicals In Palermo: The Nineteenth And Early Twentieth Centuries. S. 250–272
  • Mireille Geering: Schweizer Musikzeitschriften: Gestern und Heute. S. 273–281
  • Geraldine E. Ostrove: Recent Publications In Music. S. 282–351
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Gertraut Haberkamp: Hudobný klasicizmus na Slovensku v dobových dokumentoch-Musikalische Klassik in der Slowakei in Zeitdokumenten by Darina Múdra. S. 352–353

46. Jg. 1999

  • New Zealand.
    • Roger Flury: Introduction. S. 1–2
    • Robert Petre: Early Music Sources In New Zealand. S. 3–11
    • Jackie Waylen: Domestic Music-Making In Early New Zealand: Two Volumes Of Early Engraved Piano Music. S. 12–34
    • Jill Palmer: Twenty-Five Years On: The Archive Of New Zealand Music And The Alexander Turnbull Library. S. 35–41
    • Roger Flury: Music In The National Library. S. 42–50
    • Ross Somerville: Music In The „Dictionary Of New Zealand Biography“: A Survey. S. 51–63
    • Jill Palmer: Dorothy Freed: Pioneer Of Music Librarianship In New Zealand. S. 64–68
    • Roger Flury, Kerry Cox, Nick Tipping: New Zealand And South Pacific Music And Musicians: A Select Annotated Bibliography. S. 69–80
  • Iaml Congress San Sebastián/Donostia, Spain 1998.
    • Pamela Thompson: Iaml President’s Message. S. 81–82
    • Alison Hall: Iaml General Assembly: 25 June 1998 In San Sebastián, Spain. S. 83–90
    • Alison Hall: Council Meetings: 21 And 26 June In San Sebastián. S. 91–107
    • Pamela Thompson: 1997 Treasurer’s Report: General Assembly, June 1998. S. 108–117
  • Iaml Outreach 1997—98: Three Perspectives On Outreach.
    • Joachim Jaenecke: Outreach Aktivitäten Aus Der Sicht Eines Aibm-Vizepräsidenten. S. 118–120
    • Pamela Thompson: Outreach From The Perspective Of The Iaml Treasurer. S. 121–122
    • Roger Taylor: Outreach From A Participant’s Perspective. S. 122–134
    • Lenore Coral: Individual Reports. S. 134–144
  • Reports.
  • Professional Branches.
    • Inger Enquist: Archives and Music Documentation Centres. S. 145–146
    • Judy Tsou: Working Group on the Registration of Music Archives. S. 146
    • Kauko Karjalainen: Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries. S. 146–147
    • Federica Riva: Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions. S. 147–148
    • Carolyn Dow: Public Libraries. S. 148
    • Liesbeth Hoedemaeker: Research Libraries. S. 148–149
  • Subject Commissions.
    • Elizabeth Giuliani: Audio-Visual Materials. S. 150
    • James P. Cassaro: Cataloguing. S. 150–151
  • Subject Commissions.
    • Mary Kay Duggan: Service and Training. S. 151–152
    • Imogen Fellinger: Working Group on Music Periodicals. S. 152–153
    • Joachim Jaenecke: COPYRIGHT: Zum aktuellen Stand des Urheberrechts in Deutschland. S. 154–158
  • RISM. S. 159–160
    • H. Robert Cohen: RIPM. S. 160–161
    • Harmut Walravens: ISMN 1997/1998. S. 161–164
  • National Branches.
    • Wolfgang Krueger: Deutschland: Oktober 1997-September 1998. S. 165–166
    • Aurika Gergeležiu: Estonia: 1996—98. S. 166–168
    • Heikki Poroila: Finland: 1997. S. 168–169
    • Heikki Poroila: Finland: 1998. S. 169–170
    • Ruth Hellen: United Kingdom (IAML UK): 1997—1998. S. 170–171
    • Lenore Coral: U.S. Branch: 1998. S. 171–172
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Daniel Zager: Music Reference and Research Materials: An Annotated Bibliography. 5th ed. by Vincent Duckles; Ida Reed; Michael A. Keller; Linda Solow Blotner. S. 173–175
    • Review by Heikki Poroila: Thematic Catalogues in Music: An Annotated Bibliography. Second edition. (Annotated Reference Tools in Music No. 5) by Barry S. Brook; Richard Viano. S. 175–177
    • Review by Chris Walton: The Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music by Don Michael Randel. S. 177–178
    • Review by John Wagstaff: Early Keyboard Instruments in European Museums by Edward L. Kottick; George Lucktenberg; British Keyboard Music to c. 1660: Sources and Thematic Index by Virginia Brookes. S. 178–180
    • Review by Stephen Long: Twentieth-Century Danish Music: An Annotated Bibliography and Research Directory. (Music Reference Collection, No. 65) by Lansing D. McLoskey. S. 181–182
    • Review by Chris Walton: The Encyclopedia of the Piano. (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, vol. 1131) by Robert Palmieri. S. 183
    • Review by Laura Dankner: The Blues: From Robert Johnson to Robert Cray by Tony Russell. S. 184–186
    • Review by Isabelle Bélance-Zank: The Original Staging Manuals for Ten Parisian Operatic Premières 1824–1843. Dix Livrets de mise en scène lyrique datant des créations parisiennes 1824–1843. (Musical Life in 19th-Century France, 6.) by H. Robert Cohen. S. 186–188
    • Review by Kurt Dorfmüller: Der deutsche Musikalienleihhandel: Funktion, Bedeutung und Topographie einer Form gewerblicher Musikaliendistribution vom späten 18. bis zum frühen 20. Jahrhundert by Tobias Widmaier. S. 188–189
    • Review by Thomas F. Heck: Handbook to Bach’s Sacred Cantata Texts: An Interlinear Translation with Reference Guide to Biblical Quotations and Allusions by Melvin P. Unger; Biblical Quotation and Allusion in the Cantata Libretti of Johann Sebastian Bach. (Studies in Liturgical Musicology, 5) by Ulrich Meyer. S. 190–193
    • Review by Christina L. Bonner: Schubert’s Vienna by Raymond Erickson. S. 193–195
    • Review by Andrew Kearns: Concerto for Horn and Orchestra in E-flat major, K. 370b + 371: A Facsimile Reconstruction of the Autograph Sources by John Brooks Howard; Christoph Wolff; Robert D. Levin; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. S. 195–197
  • Sherry L. Vellucci: Metadata For Music: Issues And Directions. S. 205–217
  • Miquel Angel Plaza-Navas: Music Databases In Spain: A First Survey. S. 218–243
  • Marina Toffetti: The Tini Family: Sixteenth-Century Music Printers In Milan. S. 244–267
  • Susanne Staral: Rilm In Germany. S. 268–278
  • Georgina Binns: Music Libraries In Australian Tertiary Music Teaching Institutions. S. 279–285
  • Geraldine E. Ostrove: Recent Publications In Music. S. 286–342
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Kristin L. Shanton, Giulio M. Ongaro: Music Printing in Renaissance Venice: The Scotto Press (1539—1572) by Jane A. Bernstein. S. 343–344
    • Review by Calvin Elliker: Mauro Giuliani: Virtuoso Guitarist and Composer by Thomas F. Heck. S. 344–346
    • Review by Chris Walton: Cambridge Companion to the Piano. (Cambridge Companions to Music) by David Rowland. S. 346–348
    • Review by Stephen Zank: Anton Rubinstein: An Annotated Catalog of Piano Works and Biography. (Music Reference Collection, no. 72) by Larry Sitsky. S. 348–350
    • Review by Stephen Zank: George Whitefield Chadwick: A Bio-Bibliography. (Bio-Bibliographies in Music, no. 66) by Bill F. Faucett. S. 350–352
    • Review by Chris Walton: The Arnold Schoenberg Companion by Walter B. Bailey. S. 352–354
    • Review by James Kalbach: 20/20: 20 New Sounds of the 20th Century by William Duckworth. S. 354–356
    • Review by Kristina L. Shanton: Music Subject Headings: Compiled from Library of Congress Subject Headings. 2nd ed. (Soldier Creek Music Series, no. 4) by Harriette Hemmasi. S. 356–357
    • Review by Brad Short: Index to CD and Record Reviews, 1987—1997: Based on Material Originally Published in Notes, the Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association between 1987 and 1997 by Mark Palkovic; Paul Cauthen. S. 357–358
    • Review by Kristina L. Shanton: Musical Theater Synopses: An Index by Jeanette Marie Drone. S. 358–359
    • Review by Kurt Gänzl: Sing Us One of the Old Songs: A Guide to Popular Song, 1860—1920 by Michael Kilgarriff. S. 360–361

47. Jg. 2000

  • Music Libraries in the United Kingdom.
    • Pam Thompson: John May: A Tribute. S. 1
    • Alastair Cherry, Roger Duce, Murray Simpson, Iain Maciver: The National Library Of Scotland: Music Manuscripts And Special Collections Of Printed Music. S. 3–9
    • Morag Brooksbank: The Scottish Music Information Centre. S. 10–13
    • Katharine Hogg: Music Libraries Online: A Virtual Union Catalogue For Music. S. 14–21
    • Liz Hart, Ruth Hellen: Music For The Terrified: Basic Music Courses For Library Staff. S. 22–26
    • Hugh Cobbe: Music In The New British Library. S. 27–32
    • Ian Ledsham: Distance Learning: A Course For Music Librarianship In The Uk. S. 33–41
    • Richard Turbet: Orlando Gibbons: Music in Printed Editions 1625—1925. S. 42–47
  • Reports.
    • Susi Woodhouse: Bringing UK Public Libraries to the Network. S. 48–49
    • Malcolm Jones: Performance Sets. S. 49–50
    • Noëlle Mann: The Serge Prokofiev Archive. S. 50
    • Candace Bailey: NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY DREXEL MS 5611: English Keyboard Music of the Early Restoration. S. 51–67
  • Reviews.
    • Review by John Wagstaff: Opera & Song Books Published in England, 1703—1726 by David Hunter. S. 68–69
    • Review by Laura Dankner: Popular Musicians by Steve Hochman. S. 69–70
    • Review by John Dilworth: Violin Fraud: Deception, Forgery, Theft, and Lawsuits in England and America. 2nd ed. by Brian W. Harvey; Carla J. Shapreau. S. 70–72
    • Review by Robin Moore: Latin Jazz: The First of the Fusions, 1880s to Today by John Storm Roberts. S. 72–74
    • Review by Robin Moore: Music in Latin American Culture: Regional Traditions by John M. Schechter. S. 74–76
    • Review by Chris Walton: A Catalogue of Early Printed Editions of the Works of Frédéric Chopin in the University of Chicago Library by George W. Platzman. S. 76–77
    • Review by Chris Walton: Der Musikverlag Johann André in Offenbach am Main. Studien zur Verlagstätigkeit von Johann Anton André und Verzeichnis der Musikalien von 1800 bis 1840. Würzburger musikhistorische Beiträge; Vol. 21 by Britta Constapel. S. 77–78
  • John Wagstaff: Editorial. S. 83–84
  • Dominique Hausfater: Préface. S. 85–87
  • La Cité De La Musique.
    • France de Rasilly: La Médiathèque Hector-Berlioz du Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris. S. 88–92
    • Marianne Lyon: Le Centre de documentation de la musique contemporaine (Cdmc). S. 92–94
    • Christiane Louis: Le Centre d’informations musicales de la Cité de la musique. S. 94–97
    • Corinne Brun: La Médiathèque pédagogique de la Cité de la musique. S. 97–98
    • Patrice Verrier: Le Centre de documentation du Musée de la musique. S. 99–103
  • La Musique À La Bibliothèque Nationale De France.
    • Catherine Massip: Les Sources Écrites. S. 104–118
    • Elizabeth Giuliani: Les Sources Audiovisuelles. S. 119–130
  • Bibliothèques Publiques.
    • Dominique Hausfater: La Musique Dans Les Bibliothèques Publiques Françaises. S. 131–135
    • Nathalie Sicard: La Musique Dans Le Réseau Des Bibliothèques Municipales De La Ville De Paris. S. 135–139
    • Danielle Collard, Françoise Bérard: La Place Du Secteur Musique Dans Les Bibliothèques Municipales À Vocation Régionale (Bmvr). S. 140–149
    • Cécile Grand: L’inventaire Du Patrimoine Musical Régional Français (1989–2000) : Organisation Et Méthodes De Travail. S. 150–163
  • Maria Nyéki: Les Ressources Documentaires En France Sur Les Musiques D’europe De L’est. S. 164–176
  • François Madurell: L’édition Musicale Française À La Croisée Des Chemins. S. 177–190
  • Bruno Giner: Musique Contemporaine Française : Quelques Tendances. S. 191–204
  • Abstracts Of Articles. S. 205–208
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Renée Chérie Clark: Composers on Modern Musical Culture: an Anthology of Readings on Twentieth-Century Music by Bryan R. Simms. S. 209
    • Review by Geoff Thomason: Antonio Salieri and Viennese Opera by John A. Rice. S. 210–211
    • Review by John Wagstaff: Catalogue des fonds musicaux anciens conservés en Bretagne by Françoise Constant. S. 211
    • Review by Chris Walton: Viola Bibliographie: das Repertoire für die historische Bratsche von 1649 bis nach 1800: kommentiertes thematisches Verzeichnis by Michael Jappe; Dorothea Jappe. S. 212
    • David Farneth, Alison Hall, Judy Tsou, Kauko Karjalainen, Ann Kersting-Meuleman, Thomas Leibnitz, Susanne Staral, Anders Cato, Imogen Fellinger: Information, NEWS AND Reports. S. 213–220
  • MINUTES OF IAML COUNCIL, EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND: August 6 and 11 2000. S. 221–241
  • Alison Hall: Council Meetings: July 18 and 23 1999 in Wellington, New Zealand. S. 247–267
  • Martie Severt, Pamela Thompson: IAML Treasurer’s Report 1998. S. 268–275
  • Martie Severt: IAML Treasurer’s Report 1999. S. 276–283
  • Joachim Jaenecke: IAML Outreach: Outreach Reports 1999—2000. S. 284–291
  • Reports.
  • Professional Branches.
    • Inger Enquist: Archives and Music Documentation Centres Branch. S. 292
    • Kauko Karjalainen: Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries Branch. S. 292–293
    • Federica Riva: Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions Branch. S. 293–295
    • Ann Kersting-Meuleman: Research Libraries Branch. S. 295–296
  • Subject Commissions.
    • Antony Gordon: Audio-Visual Commission. S. 296
    • Susanne Staral: Bibliography Commission. S. 296–297
    • Sherry L. Vellucci: Cataloguing Commission. S. 297–298
    • Mary Kay Duggan: Commission on Service and Training. S. 298–299
  • Working Groups and Committees.
    • Judy Tsou: Working Group on Archives Registration. S. 299–300
    • Imogen Fellinger: Working Group on Music Periodicals. S. 300–301
    • Anne Le Lay: Copyright Committee. S. 301
    • H. Robert Cohen: RIPM. S. 301–303
  • National Reports.
    • Johan Eeckeloo: Belgium: August 2000. S. 304
    • Wolfgang Krueger: Germany: Oct. 1998—Sep. 1999. S. 304–306
    • Yasuko Todo: Japan. S. 307
    • Inger Christiansen: Norway: 2000. S. 307–308
    • Sherry L. Vellucci: United States: Report for 2000. S. 308–309
    • Frances Barulich: IL SEGRETO: The Viotti/Chinnery Correspondence in New York. S. 310–344
  • Hartmut Walravens: POPULAR CHINESE MUSIC A CENTURY AGO : Berthold Laufer’s Legacy. S. 345–352
  • Geraldine E. Ostrove: Recent Publications In Music. S. 353–422
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Stephen Banfield: A Catalogue of the Works of Sir Arnold Bax by Graham Parlett. S. 423–424
    • Review by Daniel F. Boomhower: The Temptation of Paul Hindemith: Mathis der Maler as a Spiritual Testimony by Siglind Bruhn. S. 424–426
    • Review by Jennifer Bollerman: Baker’s Student Encyclopedia of Music by Laura Kuhn. S. 426–428
    • Review by James Kalbach: Techniques of the Contemporary Composer by David Cope. S. 428–430
    • Review by Geoff Thomason: Haydn, Mozart & Beethoven: Studies in the Music of the Classical Period: Essays in Honour of Alan Tyson by Sieghard Brandenburg. S. 430–431
    • Review by Jane Ellsworth: The Oxford History of English Music: Volume II: From c. 1715 to the Present Day by John Caldwell. S. 432–433
    • Review by Stephen Zank: Intimate Music: A History of the Idea of Chamber Music by John Herschel Baron. S. 433–435

48. Jg. 2001

  • Nanna Schiødt: The Iaml „Hourglass“. S. 1
  • Maria Calderisi: To Our Readers. S. 3–4
  • Harald Heckmann: Ein Halbes Jahrhundert. S. 5–11
  • Harald Heckmann, Michaëla Rubi: Un Demi Siècle D’existence. S. 12–18
  • Harald Heckmann, Malcolm Turner: Half A Century. S. 19–24
  • François Lesure, Malcolm Turner, Wolfgang Krueger: Souvenirs, Souvenirs... / Memories, Memories... / Erinnerungen, Erinnerungen.... S. 25–30
  • Liste Des Membres Du Congrès Et Des Observateurs: Maison de l’UNESCO, Paris, 22–25 juillet 1951. S. 31–35
  • John Wagstaff: Editorial. S. 127–128
  • Stanley Boorman: Thoughts On The Popularity Of Printed Music In 16Th-Century Italy. S. 129–144
  • Laurent Guillo: L’edition Musicale En France Au Xive Siècle: État De La Recherche. S. 145–155
  • Jeremy Smith: Print Culture And The Elizabethan Composer. S. 156–172
  • Henri Vanhulst: Les Emprunts Aux Éditions Perdues De Le Roy Et Ballard: identifiables dans le répertoire pour instruments à cordes pincées publié à Louvain par Pierre Phalèse. S. 173–189
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Judy Tsou: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. 2nd ed. by Stanley Sadie; John Tyrrell. S. 190–194
    • Review by Bérengère Demerliac: The Music of Francis Poulenc (1899—1963): a Catalogue by Carl B. Schmidt. S. 194–195
    • Review by Raymond Dittrich: Musik in Bibliotheken: Materialien—Sammlungstypen—Musikbibliothekarische Praxis. (Elemente des Buch- und Bibliothekswesens; 15) by Kurt Dorfmüller; Markus Müller-Benedict. S. 195–198
    • Review by Joachim Jaenecke: Schiller-Vertonungen. (Deutsches Literaturarchiv: Verzeichnisse, Berichte, Informationen; 27/1, 27/2) (Bestandskataloge der Musikaliensammlung im Schiller-Nationalmuseum und Deutschen Literaturarchiv) by Georg Günther; Michael Davidis. S. 198–199
    • Review by Jennifer Bollerman: Schubert and his World: a Biographical Dictionary by Peter Clive. S. 199–201
    • Review by Heikki Poroila: Johann Waṅhal, Viennese Symphonist: his Life and Musical Environment. (Thematic catalogues; 23) by Paul Bryan. S. 201–202
    • Review by Martin Jenkins: Musical Americans: a Biographical Dictionary, 1918—1926. (Fallen Leaf reference books in music; 23) by Mary DuPree; Pro-Musica: Patronage, Performance, and a Periodical. (MLA index and bibliography series; 28) by Paula Elliot. S. 202–203
    • Wolfgang Krueger, Lisa Allcott, Maria Prokopowicz: Information, NEWS AND Reports. S. 204–210
  • Catherine Massip: In memoriam Simone Wallon (29 août 1918—12 mai 2001). S. 215
  • Rupert Ridgewell: Music Printing In Mozart’s Vienna: The Artaria Press. S. 217–236
  • Hugh Cobbe: Gifts, Purchases, The Lottery And The Treasury: Some Personal Reflections On 25 Years Of Music Acquisitions At The British Library. S. 237–245
  • Heikki Poroila: Children And The Music Library. S. 246–249
  • Lawrence Bennett: A Little-Known Collection Of Early-Eighteenth-Century: Vocal Music At Schloss Elisabethenburg, Meiningen. S. 250–302
  • Review Article.
    • Review by Pietro Zappala, Alex Wilson: Catalogue of Early Music Prints from the Collections of the Former Preußische Staatsbibliothek in Berlin, Kept at the Jagiellonian Library in Cracow = Katalog starodruków muzycznych ze zbiorów byłej Pruskiej Biblioteki Państwowej w Berlinie, przechowywanych w Bibliotece Jagiellońskiej w Krakowie by Aleksandra Patalas. S. 303–314
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Stephanus Muller: Suid-Afrikaanse Musiekwoordeboek/South African Music Dictionary. 2nd ed. by Reino Ottermann; Maria Smit. S. 315–316
    • Review by Licia Sirch: Dizionario degli editori musicali italiani, 1750—1930 by Bianca Maria Antolini. S. 316–318
  • Information, NEWS AND Reports: Music Library Association. S. 319
  • Daniel Zager: Introduction. S. 325–326
  • Linda B. Fairtile, Karen M. Burke: Music Collections In American Public Libraries. S. 327–341
  • Marjorie Hassen: The Early Development Of American Music Libraries Serving Academic Departments Of Music. S. 342–352
  • Deborah Campana: Music Libraries Supporting Comprehensive Schools Of Music. S. 353–361
  • Rachel Doggett: Music In The Collections Of The Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D. C.. S. 362–366
  • J. Rigbie Turner: Music Collections At The Pierpont Morgan Library. S. 367–371
  • Susan Summerfield, JoEllen Dickie: Music Collections At The Newberry Library. S. 372–375
  • Dell Hollingsworth, David Hunter: Music In The Collections Of The Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center. S. 376–380
  • Mary Russell Bucknum: Music Sound Archives In The United States. S. 381–390
  • Lenore Coral: New Facilities, New Potentials: Recent Developments In American Music Libraries. S. 391–397
  • Mary Wallace Davidson: Trends And Issues In Digital Technology. S. 398–410
  • Geraldine E. Ostrove: Recent Publications In Music. S. 411–456
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Kristina L. Shanton: Film Composers in America: a Filmography 1911–1970 by Clifford McCarty. S. 457

49. Jg. 2002

  • John Wagstaff: Editorial. S. 1
  • Thomas Ertelt: Imogen Fellinger (1928—2001): Nachruf. S. 3–4
  • Alison Hall: Iaml Council Meetings: 8 And 13 July 2001 In Périgueux, France. S. 5–21
  • Alison Hall: General Assembly: Iaml 19Th Congress: 12 July 2001 In Périgueux, France. S. 22–32
  • Martie Severt: IAML Treasurer’s Report 2000. S. 33–42
  • Reports.
  • Professional Branches.
    • Judy Tsou: Archives and Music Documentation Centres. S. 43
    • Ann Kersting-Meuleman: Research Libraries. S. 44
  • Working Groups AND Committees.
    • Ann Le Lay, Anne Le Lay: Copyright Committee. S. 44–47
    • David Day: Working Group for the International Registration of Music Archives. S. 47–48
  • National Reports.
    • Georgina Binns: Australia: Report 2000—01. S. 48–49
    • Johan Eeckeloo: Belgium, 2000—2001 (Report presented in Périgueux, July 2001). S. 49
    • Wolfgang Krueger: Bericht der IVMB/Deutschland e.V., Oktober 1999—September 2000. S. 50
    • Lisa Allcott: New Zealand: President’s Report, October 2001. S. 51–52
    • Inger Johanne Christiansen: Norway: Report for 2001. S. 52–53
    • Stanisław Hrabia: Poland, August 2000—July 2001. S. 53
    • Jane Gottlieb: United States Report for 2001. S. 53–54
    • Gerald Seaman: The „Russkaya Muzykal’naya Gazeta“ [Russian Music Gazette]. S. 55–66
  • Yannick Simon: Les Périodiques Musicaux Français Pendant La Seconde Guerre Mondiale. S. 67–78
  • Brian W. Pritchard: Music Periodicals In New Zealand: Viewing A Century Of Publication And Some Landmark Enterprises. S. 79–93
  • Zdravko Blažeković: An Inventory Of Croatian Music Periodicals. S. 94–124
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Matthias S. von Orelli: Rossini nelle raccolte Piancastelli di Forlì [Nach der gleichlautenden Ausstellung vom 5. Mai bis 3. Juni 2001 in Lugo] by Paolo Fabbri. S. 125–126
    • Review by Chris Walton: Kürschners Deutscher Musik-Kalender. 3. Ausgabe by Katrin Hofmann. S. 126–127
    • Review by Silvia Arena: Caroli de Liechtenstein-Castelcorno Episcopi Olomucensis operum artis musicae collectio Cremsirii reservata (vol. 1); (vol. 2). (Catalogus artis musicae in Bohemia et Moravia cultae, Artis musicae antiquioris catalogorum; 5) by Jiří Sehnal; Jitřenka Pešková. S. 128–129
    • Review by Miquel Àngel Plaza-Navas, Anne Le Lay: Íncipit de poesía española musicada, ca. 1465—ca. 1710 by Mariano Lambea. S. 129–130
  • Information, NEWS, Reports. S. 131
  • Harald Heckmann: André Jurres In Memoriam. S. 137–138
  • Judith L. Marley: Education For Music Librarianship Within The United States: Needs And Opinions Of Recent Graduate/Practitioners. S. 139–172
  • Bettina von Seyfried: Das Deutsche Musikarchiv Berlin Der Deutschen Bibliothek Als Musikalisches Informationszentrum. S. 173–181
  • Roger Flury: Pietro Mascagni: Time for a Reappraisal. S. 182–198
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Brad Short: The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz. 2nd ed. by Barry Kernfeld. S. 199–200
    • Review by Dominik Rahmer: Thematisches Verzeichnis der Werke von Grazyna Bacewicz mit einem biographischen Essay by Grazyna Briel. S. 200–201
    • Review by Chris Walton: Lexikon Programmusik by Klaus Schneider; Kompendium der musikalischen Sujets: ein Werkkatalog by Alexander Reischert. S. 201–203
    • Review by Heikki Poroila: Anton Cajetan Adlgasser (1729—1777): a Thematic Catalogue of His Works. (Thematic Catalogue, no 22) by Christine D. de Catanzaro; Werner Rainer; Joseph Martin Kraus (1756—1792): a Systematic-Thematic Catalogue of his Musical Works and Source Study. (Thematic Catalogue, no 26) by Bertil H. Van Boer. S. 203–205
    • Joachim Jaenecke, Lenore Coral, Alan Karass: Information, NEWS, Reports. S. 206–209
  • Geraldine E. Ostrove: Recent Publications In Music. S. 215–270
  • Chris Walton: Wagner’s Peculiar Oboist: Philipp Joseph Fries. S. 271–284
  • Chris Walton: The Zurich Music Publisher P. J. Fries: List Of Publications, 1851—Ca 1872. S. 285–295
  • Meredith Lawn: Musings Of A Music Archivist: Arranging and Describing the Music Manuscripts of Alfred and Mirrie Hill at the State Library of New South Wales. S. 296–303
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Gerald R. Seaman: Music Printing and Publishing in Australia: Papers from the History of the Book in Australia Seminar, Monash University, November 2000. Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin, vol. 25, nos 3 and 4 (2001, issued March 2002) by Georgina Binns. S. 304–305
    • Review by Jacques Tchamkerten: Ernest Bloch (1880–1959) : sa vie et sa pensée. Tome I : Les années de galères (1880–1916). Tome II : La consécration américaine (1916–1930) by Joseph Lewinski; Emmanuelle Dijon. S. 305–307
  • Information, NEWS, Reports. S. 308

50. Jg. 2003

  • Irmgard Lerch-Kalavrytinos: Plate Numbers Of Greek Music Publishers : A Selection Of Dated Lists. S. 1–21
  • Mathias Boström: The Phonogram Archive Of The Stockholm Ethnographic Museum (1909–1930): Another Chapter In The History Of Ethnographic Cylinder Recordings. S. 22–35
  • Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl: Text Und Musik Im Tenorlied: Eine Fiktive Textierungslehre Von 1517. S. 36–57
  • Yves Lenoir: Les Archives Béla Bartók De Belgique/Fonds Denijs Dille À La Bibliothèque Royale De Belgique. S. 58–61
  • Frits Zwart: A New Music Institute In The Netherlands. S. 62–68
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Joachim Jaenecke: Kataloge der Universitätsbibliothek Eichstätt. Verlagsarchive, Band 3: Das Bucharchiv Hans Schneider: Musikantiquariat und Verlag 1949—2002 by Helga König. S. 69–71
    • Review by Roger Flury: Pietro Mascagni and his Operas by Alan Mallach. S. 71–73
    • Review by Chris Walton: Heinrich Christoph Koch, Musikalisches Lexikon. Faksimile-Reprint der Ausgabe Frankfurt/Main 1802 by Nicole Schwindt. S. 73
  • Information, NEWS, Reports. S. 74–75
  • Papers from IAML’s Berkeley Meeting, August 2002.
    • Laurel Sercombe: Researching The Music Of The First People Of The Pacific Northwest: From The Academy To The Brain Room. S. 81–88
    • Yumiko Hasegawa: Features Of Early Printed Editions Of The Works Of Beethoven At The Kunitachi College Of Music Library. S. 89–105
    • Gordon Theil: The Challenge Of Supporting Current Music Research And Instruction. S. 106–113
    • Irina Medvedeva, Natalia Tartakovskaia: American Materials At The Glinka State Central Museum Of Musical Culture. S. 114–129
    • Norbert Gertsch, Kurt Dorfmüller: The Revision Of The Beethoven Catalogue Of Works. S. 130–139
    • Susanne Staral: A Unique Source For Musical Instruments: the Library and the Museum of Musical Instruments at the SIM, Berlin. S. 140–156
    • Alison Hall: IAML Council Meetings: 4 and 9 August 2002 in Berkeley, California, USA. S. 157–189
  • Martie Severt: IAML Treasurer’s Report 2001. S. 190–196
  • Geraldine E. Ostrove: Recent Publications In Music. S. 197–290
  • Reports.
  • Professional Branches.
    • Judy Tsou: Archives and Documentation Centres Branch. S. 291–292
    • Kauko Karjalainen: Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries Branch. S. 292–293
  • Subject Commissions.
    • Ann Kersting-Meuleman, Thomas Leibnitz, Susanne Staral: Bibliography Commission 2001. S. 293–294
    • Thomas Leibnitz, Susanne Staral: Bibliography Commission 2002. S. 295
    • David A. Day: Working Group for the International Registration of Music Archives: Report of Sessions at Berkeley in 2002. S. 295–297
  • Working Groups AND Committees.
    • Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie: RILM. S. 297–300
    • H. Robert Cohen: RIPM. S. 300
    • Klaus Keil: RISM: Report for 2002. S. 301–302
  • Reviews.
    • Review by David Fanning: Dmitri Shostakovich: a Catalogue, Bibliography, and Discography. 3rd ed. by Derek C. Hulme; Irina Shostakovich. S. 303–306
    • Review by Emanuele Senici: Giacomo Puccini: Catalogue of the Works by Dieter Schickling; Michael Kaye. S. 306–309
    • Review by Chris Walton: Richard Wagner, Cosima Wagner & Charles Nuitter: Correspondance by Peter Jost; Romain Feist; Philippe Reynal. S. 309–311
    • Review by Heikki Poroila: Jean Sibelius : thematisch-bibliographisches Verzeichnis seiner Werke by Fabian Dahlström. S. 311–313
  • Information AND NEWS: News from the Music Library Association. S. 314

51. Jg. 2004

  • Kenneth Kreitner: The Musical Warhorses Of Juan De Urrede. S. 1–18
  • Marilee J. Mouser: Petrucci And His Shadow: A Case Study Of Reception History. S. 19–52
  • Bruce R. Schueneman, María de Jesús Ayala-Schueneman: The Composers’ House: Le Magasin De Musique De Cherubini, Méhul, R. Kreutzer, Rode, Nicolo Isouard, Et Boïeldieu. S. 53–73
  • Peter J. D. Scott: Ottaviano Petrucci, Paragon Of Printing Perfection?: Observations On His 1506 Lamentationum Jeremie Prophete Liber Primus And Liber Secundus. S. 74–92
  • Susan Lewis Hammond: Pierre Phalèse As Music Editor: The Madrigal Anthology Musica Divina (1583). S. 93–110
  • Rebecca Wagner Oettinger: Berg V. Gerlach: Printing And Lasso’s Imperial Privilege Of 1582. S. 111–134
  • Obituaries.
    • Eric Cooper: Huib Deetman (1934—2003). S. 135–136
    • Paul Cauthen: Leslie Troutman. S. 136–138
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Michael Colby: Cataloger’s Judgement: Music Cataloging Questions and Answers from the Music OCLC Users Group Newsletter by Jay Weitz. S. 139
    • Review by Chris Walton: Im Dienst der Quellen zur Musik. Festschrift Gertraut Haberkamp zum 65. Geburtstag by Paul Mai. S. 139–140
    • Review by Philip V. Bohlman: Quellen zur Geschichte emigrierter Musiker/Sources relating to the History of Emigré Musicians, 1933—1950. Vol. 1: Kalifornien/California by Horst Weber; Manuela Schwartz. S. 140–143
    • Review by Philip Jane: John Mansfield Thomson : Notes towards a Biography by Margaret Clark; Jim Collinge; Martin Lodge. S. 143–144
    • Review by Fiorella Pomponi: Standardi e documenti musicali : i numeri, i modelli, i formati. (Bibliografia e biblioteconomia) by Nicola Tangari. S. 144–146
    • Review by Chris Walton: Musicalisches Lexicon oder Musicalische Bibliothec. Studienausgabe im Neusatz des Textes und der Noten by Johann Gottfried Walther; Friederike Ramm. S. 146–147
    • Review by Chris Walton: The Letters of Arturo Toscanini by Harvey Sachs. S. 147–149
  • Berit Holth: Editorial. S. 151–152
  • Jorid Nordal Baumann, Inger Johanne Christiansen: The National Music Collection/Norsk Musikksamling. S. 153–158
  • Trond Valberg: 100 Years Of Recorded Sound Under The Arctic Circle: Some Music Collections At The National Library Of Norway. S. 159–168
  • Marit Grimstad: The Digital Radio Archives (Dra) At The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation. S. 169–172
  • Unni Knutsen: Bibliographic Treatment Of Music Scores And Sound Recordings At The National Library Of Norway. S. 173–177
  • Ann Kunish: Why Does The Public Library Need A Music Department, And Why Should It Continue To Be Federally Funded?. S. 178–182
  • Gisela Attinger: Mittelalterliche Musikfragmente In Norwegen. S. 183–190
  • Cecilie Dahm: Agathe Backer Grøndahl (1847–1907). S. 191–198
  • Anne Jorunn Kydland Lysdahl: Eivind Groven’s Pure-Tuned Organ: Past And Future. S. 199–216
  • Håvard Skaadel: Sur L’utilité Des Archives Et Des Bibliothèques : Un Témoignage Personnel. S. 217–228
  • Hilde Holbæk-Hanssen: Twenty-Five Years Of The Music Information Centre Norway. S. 229–236
  • Ola Graff: The North Norway Folk Music Collection At The Tromsø Museum: The Foremost Archive Of Lapp (Sami) Music. S. 237–242
  • Hans-Hinrich Thedens: Norwegische Volksmusik Im Schallarchiv. S. 243–249
  • Siren Steen: The Grieg Archives At Bergen Public Library. S. 250–256
  • Øyvind Norheim: The New Thematic Catalogue Of Edvard Grieg’s Works, And Its Predecessors: Some Considerations. S. 257–261
  • Finn J. Kramer-Johansen: The Norwegian Jazz Archive: A Centre Of Authority. S. 262–266
  • Berit Holth: A Calendar Of Norwegian Music Festivals. S. 267–272
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Heikki Poroila: Günter Bialas: Werkverzeichnis by Gabriele E. Meyer; Joseph Strauß: kommentiertes Werkverzeichnis by Franz Mailer. S. 273
    • Review by Jan Dewilde: Der Streit ums „Deutsche“: Alfred Heuss und die Zeitschrift für Musik. Musikstadt Leipzig: Studien und Dokumente, Band 5 by Oliver Hilmes. S. 274–276
    • Review by Julian Rushton: Berlioz, la voix du romantisme by Catherine Massip; Cécile Reynaud. S. 276–278
  • Aurika Gergeležiu: The Publishing Scene For Music Research In Estonia. S. 279–283
  • Katre Riisalu: Music In Estonian Research Libraries. S. 284–289
  • Marina Mikhailets: The Publishing Situation In Latvia. S. 290–294
  • Ingrid Rüütel: Traditional Music In Estonia Today. S. 295–303
  • Anu Vissel: A Century Of Collecting And Preserving Estonian Traditional Music. S. 304–314
  • Anu Kõlar: Folk Hymns As A Source Of Cyrillus Kreek’s Compositions. S. 315–321
  • Mimi S. Daitz: Integral Vs. Derivative Use Of Balto-Finnic Traditional Song In The Choral Compositions Of Veljo Tormis. S. 322–331
  • Margus Pärtlas: Eduard Tubin: Current Research And Publishing Projects. S. 332–338
  • Aldis Pūtelis: Big Or Small? Archives Of Latvian Folklore As A Public Source Of Information. S. 339–343
  • Koldo Bravo: La Création De Musikene Et La Nouvelle Structure Des Bibliothèques Des Centres D’enseignement Musical De La Communauté Autonome Du Pays Basque. S. 344–350
  • Thomas Aigner: The Vienna City Library’s Johann Strauss Ii Collection. S. 351–357
  • Glenda Dawn Goss: A Critical Edition For Jean Sibelius. S. 358–366
  • Daina Gauja: Musiksammlungen In Lettland: Situation Und Probleme. S. 367–372
  • Joahim Jaenecke, Joachim Jaenecke: Das Archiv Der Sing-Akademie Zu Berlin. S. 373–378
  • Iaml Reports.
    • Alison Hall: Iaml Council Meetings: 6 And 11 July 2003 In Tallinn, Estonia. S. 379–404
  • Reports.
    • Alison Hall: Cataloguing Commission. S. 405
    • Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi: Unimarc. S. 405
    • Anne Le Lay: Libraries In Music Teaching Institutions. S. 405–406
    • Thomas Leibnitz: Research Libraries. S. 406–407
    • Thomas Leibnitz, Susanne Staral: Bibliography Commission. S. 407–408
  • National Reports.
    • Georgina Binns: Australia. S. 408–409
  • Austria. S. 409
  • Denmark. S. 410
    • Laurence Languin: France. S. 410–411
  • Italy. S. 411
    • Tsuneko Arakawa: Japan. S. 411–412
    • Anna Kucianová: Slovakia. S. 412–413
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Nicholas Marston: Robert Schumann: thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis. Series 8, vol. 6 of Robert Schumann: New Edition of the Complete Works by Margit L. McCorkle. S. 414–417
    • Review by Beate Redlich: Dirigentinnen im 20. Jahrhundert : Porträts von Marin Alsop bis Simone Young by Elke Mascha Blankenburg. S. 417–418
    • Review by Martin Elste: Lexikon der Violine. Baugeschichte — Spielpraxis — Komponisten und ihre Werke — Interpreten by Stefan Drees; Gidon Kremer. S. 419–420
    • Martie Severt: IAML Treasurer’s Report 2002. S. 421–430

52. Jg. 2005

  • Joan V. Staples: Highlights Of The Cello Collections At The University Of North Carolina At Greensboro. S. 1–22
  • András Székely: János Kárpáti: A Scholar-Librarian. S. 23–28
  • John D. Spilker: Toward An International Music Thesaurus. S. 29–44
  • Danutė Petrauskaitė: Juozas Žilevičius’ Lithuanian Musicology Archives: Past And Present. S. 45–59
  • John Hsu: The First Modern Edition Of The Instrumental Works Of Marin Marais (1656—1728). S. 60–64
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Mark McKnight: Speaking of Music: Music Conferences, 1835—1966. (RILM Retrospective Series, No. 4) by James R. Cowdery; Zdravko Blažeković; Barry S. Brook. S. 65–66
    • Review by Alan Shockley: Modernism and Music: an Anthology of Sources by Daniel Albright. S. 66–69
    • Review by Johan Eeckeloo: Het geheugen van de geluidsfabriek. De Vlaamse symfonische muziek in de voormalige muziekbibliotheek van de openbare omroep 1930—1960. (Symbolae Facultatis Litterarum Lovaniensis, series B, 33) by Mark Delaere; Pieter Mannaerts; Kristin Van Den Buys; Veronique Verspeurt. S. 69–70
  • Roger Flury: IAML COUNCIL MINUTES OSLO: August 8 and 13 2004. S. 71–83
  • Martie Severt: IAML Treasurer’s Report 2003. S. 84–92
  • Reports.
  • Professional Branches.
    • Jutta Lambrecht: Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries. S. 93–94
    • Thomas Leibnitz: Research Libraries. S. 94
  • Subject Commissions.
    • Thomas Leibnitz: Bibliography. S. 94–96
    • Wolfgang Krueger: Service and Training. S. 96
    • Allison Hall, Alison Hall: Cataloguing. S. 96–97
  • Working Groups.
    • Rupert Ridgewell: Indexing of Music Performances. S. 97–99
    • David Sommerfield: Music and ISBD. S. 99
    • Richard Chesser: Committees: Copyright. S. 99–102
  • National Reports.
    • Georgina Binns: Australia. S. 103
    • Thomas Leibnitz: Austria. S. 103–104
    • Johan Eeckeloo: Belgium. S. 104
    • Ole Bisbjerg: Denmark. S. 104–105
    • Ulla Ikaheimo: Finland. S. 105–106
    • Laurence Languin: France. S. 106
    • Susanne Hein: Germany. S. 106–107
    • Julianna Gócza: Hungary. S. 107–108
    • Tsuneko Arawaka: Japan. S. 108–109
    • Gert Floor: Netherlands. S. 110
    • Joan Clayton: New Zealand. S. 110–111
    • Siren Steen: Norway. S. 111–112
    • Jolanta Byczkowska-Sztaba: Poland. S. 112–113
    • Emilia Rassina: Russia. S. 113
    • Pio Pellizzari: Switzerland. S. 113–114
    • Kathy Adamson: United Kingdom And Ireland. S. 114
    • Jane Gottlieb: United States Of America. S. 114–115
    • Niels Krabbe: The Reception Of Gade, Hartmann And Nielsen: Three Danish Classics, And The Role Of The Scholarly Edition. S. 116–124
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Bruce Gustafson: Seventeenth-Century British Keyboard Sources. (Detroit studies in music bibliography, no. 83) by Candace Bailey. S. 125–126
    • Review by Stephen L. Clark: C.P.E. Bach: A Guide to Research. Routledge Music Bibliographies by Doris Bosworth Powers. S. 126–127
    • Review by Jan Dewilde: George Onslow: Gentleman Composer by Viviane Niaux. S. 127–129
    • Review by Chris Walton: Instrumentation. Geschichte und Wandel des Orchesterklanges. Bärenreiter Studienbücher Musik, Vol. 13 by Peter Jost. S. 129–130
    • Review by Gerald R. Seaman: Wahlverwandtschaften: zwei Jahrhunderte musikalischer Wechselwirkungen zwischen Dänemark und Deutschland, translated from Wahlverwandtschaften: Udstilling om musikalske forbindelser mellem Tyskland og Danmark 1760–1914, Göttinger Bibliotheksschriften, 28 by Niels Krabbe; Monika Wesemann. S. 130–132
  • Gerry Ostrove, Geraldine E. Ostrove: Lenore Coral A Iaml Remembrance. S. 133–134
  • Alla Semenyuk: Russian Editions Of Works By Michał Kleofas Ogiński In The Holdings Of The Russian State Library. S. 135–138
  • Philip Gossett: Critical Editions: Musicologists And Copyright. S. 139–144
  • Glenda Dawn Goss: Sibelius Letters In The Helsinki University Library. S. 145–156
  • Peter Low: French Words And Music A Century Ago: Composers’ Responses To A 1911 Survey. S. 157–175
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Joachim Jaeneke: Die Musik in den Zeitschriften des 18. Jahrhunderts : eine Bibliographie; mit Datenbank auf CD-ROM. (Catalogus musicus; 18) by Laurenz Lütteken; Gudula Schütz; Karsten Mackensen. S. 176–177
    • Review by Ruthann McTyre: Index to Poetry in Music: A Guide to the Poetry Set as Solo Songs by 125 Major Composers by Carol June Bradley. S. 177–178
    • Review by Chris Walton: Varèse: Astronomer in Sound by Malcolm MacDonald. S. 178–179
  • David Francis Urrows: AUS DER NEUEN WELT: OTTO DRESEL’S NEW YORK LIEDER. S. 204–216
  • Geraldine E. Ostrove: Recent Publications In Music. S. 217–310
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Elizabeth Bowers: A Topical Guide to Schenkerian Literature: an Annotated Bibliography with Indices. Harmonologia: Studies in Music Theory 11 by David Carson Berry. S. 311–313
    • Review by N. Lee Orr: Henry F. Gilbert: A Bio-Bibliography. Bio-bibliographies in music, no. 93 by Sherrill V. Martin. S. 313–314
    • Review by Joy Pile: Armenian Music: A Comprehensive Bibliography and Discography by Jonathan McCollum; Andy Nercessian. S. 314–315
    • Review by Barry Zaslow: The Pianist’s Dictionary by Maurice Hinson. S. 315–316

53. Jg. 2006

  • Outreach.
    • Ruth Hellen: IAML Outreach. S. 1–2
    • Patricia Frechon: L’outreach Au Cnsmdp (Conservatoire National Supérieur De Musique Et Danse De Paris). S. 3–12
    • Julianna Gócza: The New Members Of The European Union: Outreach Initiatives In Hungary. S. 13–16
    • Marjorie Hassen: An Overview Of The Iaml-U.S. Donated Music Materials Program. S. 17–20
    • Christian Onyeji: Rescue Of Endangered Folk Music Heritage Of Nigeria: Library Of Folk Music Of Nigeria Project. S. 21–30
    • Chris Walton: Documenting Africa. S. 31–36
  • Reviews.
    • Review by D. W. Krummel: Ottaviano Petrucci: A Catalogue Raisonné by Stanley Boorman. S. 37–38
    • Review by Amélie Roper: Repertoire Catalogue: Piccolo, Alto Flute, Bass Flute, including ca 900 Works for Flute Choir or Flute Orchestra by Peter van Munster. S. 38
  • Roger Flury: IAML Council Meetings: 10 and 16 July 2005 at the National Library of Poland, Warsaw. S. 39–51
  • Martie Severt: IAML Treasurer’s Report 2005. S. 52–59
  • Reports.
  • Professional Branches.
    • Judy Tsou: Archives and Documentation Centres Branch. S. 60–61
    • Angela Escott: Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries Branch. S. 61–62
    • Hanneke Kuiper: Public Libraries Branch. S. 62–63
    • Thomas Leibnitz: Research Libraries Branch. S. 63–65
  • Subject Commissions.
    • Alison Hall: Cataloguing Commission. S. 65–66
    • Laurence Decobert: Commission de Catalogage : Sous-commission Unimarc. S. 66–67
    • Antony Gordon: Commission on Audio-Visual Materials. S. 67
    • Mary Wallace Davidson: Commission on Service and Training. S. 67–69
  • Working Groups.
    • Judy Tsou: Archives Branch: Working Group on Access to Music Archives (formerly Working Group on the Registration of Archives). S. 69
    • Hanneke Kuiper: Public Libraries Branch: Working Group on the IAML Toolbox. S. 69
  • Commissions.
    • Chris Banks: Bibliography Commission: Working Group on Hofmeister XIX. S. 69–70
    • Rupert Ridgewell: Bibliography Commission: Working Group on Access to Performance Ephemera (tentative name) (formerly Working Group on the Indexing of Music Performances). S. 70–71
    • David Sommerfield: Cataloguing Commission: Working Group on ISBD and Music. S. 71–72
  • Committees.
    • Richard Chesser: Copyright Committee. S. 72–73
    • Antony Gordon: Information Technology Committee. S. 73
    • Ruth Hellen: Outreach Committee. S. 73–75
    • Richard Chesser: Structure of Conferences Committee. S. 75–76
  • R-Projects.
    • Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie: RILM (Répertoire international de littérature musicale). S. 76–78
    • Antonio Baldassare, Antonio Baldassarre: RIdIM (Répertoire international d’iconographie musicale). S. 78–81
    • H. Robert Cohen: RIPM (Répertoire international de la presse musicale). S. 81–82
  • National Reports.
    • Georgina Binns: Australia. S. 83
    • Thomas Leibnitz: Austria. S. 83–84
    • Johann Eeckeloo: Belgium. S. 84
    • Lucinda Walls: Canada. S. 85–86
    • Igor Mladinić: Croatia. S. 86
    • Zuzana Petrášková: Czech Republic. S. 86–87
    • Ulla Ikäheimo: Finland. S. 87
    • Laurence Languin: France. S. 87–88
    • Susanne Hein: Deutschland. S. 88–89
    • Julianna Gócza: Hungary. S. 89–90
    • Agostina Zecca Laterza: Italy. S. 90
    • Tsuneko Arakawa: Japan. S. 90–91
    • Gert Floor: Netherlands. S. 91–92
    • Joan Clayton, Elizabeth Nichol: New Zealand. S. 92–93
    • Emilia Rassina: Russia. S. 93
    • Anna Kucianová: Slovakia. S. 94–95
    • Simona Moličnik Šivic: Slovenia. S. 95
    • José Carlos Gosálvez Lara: Spain. S. 96
    • Pia Schekhter: Sweden. S. 96–97
    • Kathryn Adamson: UK and Ireland. S. 97
    • Mary Wallace Davidson: United States. S. 97–98
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Beate Redlich: Lexikon „Musik über Musik“ : Variationen — Transkriptionen — Hommagen — Stilimitation — B-A-C-H. by Klaus Schneider. S. 103–105
    • Review by Joy Pile: Armenian Music: A Comprehensive Bibliography and Discography by Jonathan McCollum; Andy Nercessian. S. 105
    • Review by Barry Zaslow: The Pianist’s Dictionary by Maurice Hinson. S. 106–107
  • Pamela Thompson: Preface. S. 109
  • St. Petersburg.
    • Pamela Thompson: [Introduction]. S. 110
    • Irina F. Bezuglova: National Library Of Russia, St. Petersburg. S. 111–118
    • Natalya Grushkin: The Yusupov Music Collection Of The Russian National Library: A Short Historical Survey. S. 119–123
    • Irina F. Bezuglova: Some Materials Of Foreign Musicians In The Manuscript Department Of The Russian National Library. S. 124–129
    • Elena V. Nekrasova: The History, Collections And Activities Of The Music Research Library Of The St. Petersburg Rimsky-Korsakov State Conservatoire. S. 130–136
    • Olga N. Blyoskina: Rare Editions From The Fifteenth To Seventeenth Centuries In The Music Research Library Of The St. Petersburg Conservatoire. S. 137–142
    • Tamara Z. Skvirskaya, Vladimir A. Somov: Materials Of Foreign Musicians In The Manuscript Department Of The St. Petersburg Conservatoire: A Short Survey. S. 143–153
    • Galina Viktorovna Kopytova: The Music Collections Of The Russian Institute For The History Of The Arts. S. 154–158
    • Galina Viktorovna Kopytova: The Sheremetev Collection. S. 159–164
    • Galina Leonidovna Retrovskaya: The Music Library Of The St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic Society Named After D. D. Shostakovich. S. 165–169
    • Irina V. Taburetkina: The Central Music Library Of The St. Petersburg State Academic Mariinsky Theatre. S. 170–172
    • Irina Vladimirovna Grigor’eva: The Music Library Of The State Academic Vocal Academy Of St. Petersburg. S. 173–174
  • Moscow.
    • Pamela Thompson: [Preface]. S. 175
    • Galina Andreevna Timoshenkova: Music Collections In The Libraries, Institutes And Museums Of Moscow. S. 176–180
    • Emilia B. Rassina: The History Of The Music Research Library Named After S. I. Taneyev Of The Moscow Conservatoire. S. 181–186
    • Emilia B. Rassina: The Problem Of Musical „Rossica“. S. 187–193
    • Chris Banks: Russian Music Archives In The British Library: An Overview. S. 194–199
    • Natalya Serafimovna Vostokova: Letters Of Foreign Musicians In The Collections Of The State Central Museum Of Musical Culture Named After M. I. Glinka. S. 200–206
    • Ludmilia Zinov’evna Korabel’nikova, Ludmila Zinov’evna Korabel’nikov: The Study Of The Music Of Expatriate Russians. S. 207–213
    • Natalya Pavlovna Savkina: Some Materials Relating To Prokofiev’s Life Abroad. S. 214–219
    • Natalya Yur’evna Tartakovskayaa, Natalya Yur’evna Tartakovskaya: Some Autographs Of Tchaikovsky, Glazunov, And Shostakovich In British Archives. S. 220–225
    • Catherine Massip: Russian Archives In The Collections Of The Music Department Of The Bibliothèque Nationale De France. S. 226–232
    • Gerald R. Seaman: Soviet Musical Life In The 1920S As Seen In Contemporary Music Periodicals. S. 233–238
    • Joachim Jaenecke, Agostina Zecca-Laterza, Seija Lappalainen, Jolanta Byczkowska-Sztaba, Pamela Thompson, Tatjana D. Kuzovkina, Galina Vladimirovna Grigor’eva, Olga Mikhailovna Tompakova, Svetlana Sergeyevna Martynova, Viktor Pavlovich Varunts, Galina M. Malinina, N. S. Tselov, Bernard Borisovich Granovsky, Margarita Pavlovna Pryashnikova, Mikhail A. Saponov, Olga Vladimirovna Loseva, Denis G. Lomtev, Irina Alexeevna Kryazheva, T. M. Korobova, Polina E. Vaidman, Irina Vyacheslavovna Brezhneva, Valeriya Y. Shulgina, Elvira Anatol’evna Okuneva-Fatykhova: Notes On Papers Given At International Conferences In Moscow On „Russian Music Archives Abroad; Foreign Music Archives In Russia“. S. 239–260
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Wolfgang Krueger: Handschriften aus deutschen Sammlungen in der Russischen Nationalbibliothek Sankt Petersburg. Musikmanuskripte und Musikdrucke des 17.—20. Jahrhunderts by Viacheslav Kartsovnik; Nina Rjazanova. S. 261–262
  • Jacques Depaulis: Un Compositeur Français Sous-Estimé : Reynaldo Hahn. S. 263–308
  • Georg A. Predota: Muddying The Waters: Max Kalbeck And The Fifth Symphony By Johannes Brahms. S. 309–329
  • Sara J. Beutter: A New Resource For Research On Musical Learning In The Renaissance And Early Modern Periods: The „Miml Bibliography“. S. 330–336
  • André Guerra Cotta, Tom Moore: Modeling Descriptive Elements And Selecting Information Exchange Formats For Musical Manuscript Sources. S. 337–346
  • Ann Kersting-Meuleman: The Friedrich Nicolas Manskopf Portrait Collection Digitization And Catalogue Project At Frankfurt University Library. S. 347–352
  • Rex Lawson: What Should Librarians Do With Piano Rolls?: A Tentative Solution From The Iaml Conference In Göteborg, Sweden. S. 353–361
  • Geraldine E. Ostrove: Recent Publications In Music. S. 362–468
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Melissa Ursula Dawn Goldsmith: The Mahler Family Letters by Stephen McClatchie. S. 469–470
    • Review by Brenda M. Romero: Music in Latin America and the Caribbean, An Encyclopedic History. Volume I, Performing Beliefs: Indigenous Peoples of South America, Central America, and Mexico by Malena Kuss. S. 470–471
    • Review by Scott Atwell: Syntagma musicum III: Termini musici by Michael Praetorius; Jeffrey Kite-Powell. S. 471–473
  • Obituaries.
    • Mindaugas Urbaitis: Antanas Auškalnis, 1961–2006. S. 474–475
    • Malcolm Jones: Ian Ledsham, 1954–2005. S. 475–477

54. Jg. 2007

  • Dominique Hausfater, Rémy Campos: L’interprétation Musicale Dans Les Fonds Des Bibliothèques : Journée D’étude Du 7 Janvier 2006 Conservatoire De Musique De Genève / Haute École De Musique. S. 1–5
  • Catherine Massip: Les Sources Écrites De L’interprétation Au Département De La Musique De La Bibliothèque Nationale De France : Présentation Générale. S. 6–26
  • Jacques Tchamkerten: La Bibliothèque Du Conservatoire De Musique De Genève Et Les Fonds De Musiciens Interprètes : Histoire De La Bibliothèque Et Présentation De Quelques Fonds. S. 27–32
  • Nimrod Ben-Zeev: Réflexions Sur Le Catalogage Des Partitions Annotées. S. 33–37
  • Florence Gétreau: Les Archives De La Société De Musique D’autrefois, 1926–1975, Conservées Au Musée De La Musique À Paris. S. 38–54
  • Laurence Languin: Le Fonds Jean Martinon À La Médiathèque Nadia Boulanger Du Conservatoire National Supérieur Musique Et Danse De Lyon. S. 55–62
  • Kathy Adamson: La Foyle Menuhin Archive De La Royal Academy Of Music De Londres. S. 63–72
  • Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi: Archives De Musiciens Et Structure Des Notices Bibliographiques : Réflexions Préliminaires. S. 73–77
  • Rémy Campos: Histoire De L’interprétation Et Histoire Des Bibliothèques : Le Cas Des Matériels De La Société De Musique De Genève (1823–2006). S. 78–99
  • Cédric Segond: Une Génétique De L’interprétation Chez Nadia Boulanger : Enjeux Méthodologiques Et Bibliothéconomiques. S. 100–114
  • Susanne Staral: Musikwissenschaftliche Publikationen In Deutschland. S. 115–121
  • Olga Mojžíšová: Die Digitalisierung von Bedřich Smetana’s Musikhandschriften Und Korrespondenz. S. 122–126
  • Heikki Poroila: Waste Of Time Or Time Saver?: Catalogues Of Uniform Titles In Finnish Music Libraries. S. 127–136
  • Corresponding Editors’ News.
    • Heikki Poroila: Autumn in Helsinki — why not?. S. 137
    • Berit Holth: Norwegian National Music Collection 80th Anniversary. S. 138–140
    • Lisa Philpott: CAML Conference 2007. S. 140
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Nathan B. Putnam: Careers in Music Librarianship II: Traditions and Transitions. (Music Library Association Technical Reports, no. 29) by Paula Elliot; Linda Blair. S. 141–142
    • Review by John Schuster-Craig: MENC Handbook of Research Methodologies by Richard Colwell; MENC Handbook of Musical Cognition and Development by Richard Colwell. S. 142–144
    • Review by Ron Wiecki: A Handbook to Twentieth-Century Musical Sketches by Patricia Hall; Friedemann Sallis. S. 144–146
    • Review by Katrina Mitchell: The Thematic Catalogue of the Musical Works of Johann Pachelbel by Jean M. Perreault; Donna K. Fitch. S. 146–148
    • Review by John Wagstaff: A Thematic Catalogue of the Works of Michel-Richard de Lalande (1657—1726) by Lionel Sawkins; John Nightingale. S. 148–149
    • Review by Tammy Ravas: Irving Fine: An American Composer in His Time by Phillip Ramey. S. 149–150
    • Review by Bryan Proksch: The Reception of Bach’s Organ Works from Mendelssohn to Brahms by Russell Stinson. S. 150–151
  • Roger Flury: MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING: held Sunday 18 and Thursday 22 June 2006 at Artisten, Göteborg, Sweden. S. 151–165
  • Martie Severt: 2005 Treasurer’s Report TO COUNCIL JUNE 2006. S. 166–174
  • Reports.
  • Professional Branches.
    • John Shepard: Archive and Music Documentation Centres Branch. S. 175–176
    • Angela Escott: Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries Branch. S. 176–177
    • Pia Shekhter: Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions. S. 177–178
    • Hanneke Kuiper: Public Libraries Branch. S. 178–182
    • Almut Boehme: Research Libraries Branch. S. 182–185
  • Subject Commissions.
    • Berit Holth: Bibliography Commission. S. 185–189
    • Elizabeth Giuliani: La Commission Audiovisuelle. S. 189
    • Mary Wallace Davidson: Service and Training. S. 189–190
    • Antony Gordon: Cataloguing Commission. S. 190–191
    • Laurence Decobert: Sous-commission Unimarc. S. 191–194
  • Working Groups.
    • Judy Tsou, Inger Enquist: Access to Music Archives Working Group Report. S. 194
  • Commissions.
    • Rupert Ridgewell, Rupert Ridgwell: IAML Working Group on Access to Performance Ephemera. S. 194–196
    • David Sommerfield: Working Group on ISBD and Music. S. 196
  • Committees.
    • Antony Gordon: Information Technology Committee. S. 196–197
    • Angela Escott: Website Guidelines Subcommittee. S. 197
  • R-Projects.
    • Christoph Wolff: Répertoire International Des Sources Musicales (Rism). S. 198–199
    • Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie: Répertoire International De Littérature Musicale (Rilm). S. 199–202
    • H. Robert Cohen: Répertoire International De La Presse Musicale (Ripm). S. 202–204
  • Ismn.
    • Hartmut Walravens: The International Standard Music Number (Ismn): A History And Current Status Report. S. 204–207
  • National Reports.
    • Laurel Dingle: Australia. S. 208–209
    • Thomas Leibnitz: Austria. S. 209
    • Johan Eeckeloo: Belgium. S. 209–210
    • Lucinda Walls: Canada. S. 210–211
    • Igor Mladinić: Croatia. S. 211–212
    • Jana Navratilova: Czech Republic. S. 212
    • Ole Bisbjerg: Denmark. S. 212–214
    • Jaakko Tuohiniemi: Finland. S. 214
    • Laurence Languin: France. S. 214–215
    • Susanne Hein: Germany. S. 215–216
    • Julianna Gócza: Hungary. S. 216–217
    • Agostina Zecca Laterza: Italy. S. 217
    • Tsuneko Arakawa: Japan. S. 217–218
    • Eglė Elena Marcenienė: Lithuania. S. 218–220
    • Gert Floor: The Netherlands. S. 220–221
    • Roger Flury: New Zealand. S. 221
    • Siren Steen: Norway. S. 221–223
    • Jolanta Byczkowska-Sztaba: Poland. S. 223–224
    • Emilia Rassena, Emilia Rassina: Russia. S. 224
    • Anna Kucianová: Slovakia. S. 224–226
    • José Carlos Gosálvez Lara: Spain. S. 226–227
    • Veslemöy Heinz: Sweden. S. 227
    • Kathy Adamson: Uk And Ireland. S. 227–228
    • Mary Wallace Davidson: United States. S. 228
  • Corresponding Editors’ News.
    • Heikki Poroila: Finnish Broadcasting Company’s Database opened for public. S. 229
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Kenneth Kreitner: Mehrstimmige Messen in Quellen aus Spanien, Portugal und Lateinamerika, ca. 1490—1630: Drucke, Handschriften und verlorene Quellen. (RISM B XV) by Cristina Urchueguía. S. 230–231
    • Review by Barry Zaslow: A Chronological Order For The Keyboard Sonatas of Domenico Scarlatti (1685—1757). (Studies in the History and Interpretation of Music, Vol. 109) by Matthew Flannery. S. 231–232
    • Review by Felicitas Zink: Mozart: Briefe und Aufzeichnungen. Gesamtausgabe (8 Bände im Schuber. 4) by Wilhelm A. Bauer; Otto Erich Deutsch; Josef Heinz Eibl; Ulrich Konrad. S. 232–234
    • Review by Jutta Lambrecht: Mozart-Werkverzeichnis. Kompositionen, Fragmente, Skizzen, Bearbeitungen, Abschriften, Texte by Ulrich Konrad. S. 234–235
    • Review by Jan Dewilde: Dictionnaire Berlioz by Pierre Citron; Cécile Reynaud. S. 235–237
    • Review by Christopher Walton: Die Hochschule für Musik zu Berlin. Preussens Konservatorium zwischen romantischem Klassizismus und Neuer Musik, 1869—1932/33. (Pallas Athene, Vol. 8) by Dietmar Schenk. S. 237–238
    • Review by Peter Franklin: Gustav Mahler: Briefe und Musikautographen aus den Moldenhauer-Archiven in der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek. (Patrimonia; 157) by Günther Weiss; Sigrid von Moisy; Hartmut Schaefer. S. 238–240
    • Review by Cindy Richardson: Convergences in Music & Art: A Bibliographic Study. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, No. 86) by George C. Schuetze. S. 240–241
    • Review by Lewis Foreman: Ibbs and Tillett: The Rise and Fall of a Musical Empire by Christopher Fifield. S. 241–243
    • Review by Anna Pensaert: Bibliography and Discography on Music for Solo Wind Instruments and Orchestra = Bibliographie und Diskographie für Soloblasinstrumente und Orchester. Volume 1: Recorder, Flute = Blockflöte, Flöte. Volume 2: Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Saxophone = Oboe, Klarinette, Fagott, Saxophon. Volume 3: Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba = Horn, Trompete, Posaune, Tuba by Hermann Haug. S. 243–245
    • Review by Anna Pensaert: Clavis Archivorum ac Bibliothecarum Italicarum ad Musicam artem pertinentium (CABIMUS) = Guida alle Biblioteche e agli Archivi Musicali Italiani: con la relative Bibliografia Musicologica by Giancarlo Rostirolla; Luciano Lucani. S. 245–246
    • Review by Niels Krabbe: Jean Sibelius. Complete works. Series I/1 Volume 1—4. Kullervo op. 7 for Soloists, Men’s Chorus and Orchestra. Kullervo: piano-vocal arrangements, movements III and V by Glenda Dawn Goss. S. 246–250
  • Chris Walton: Music In South Africa: Foreword. S. 251–253
  • Kofi Agawu: To Cite Or Not To Cite?: Confronting The Legacy Of (European) Writing On African Music. S. 254–262
  • Lara Allen: Preserving A Nation’s Heritage: The Gallo Music Archive And South African Popular Music. S. 263–279
  • Mogomme Alpheus Masoga: Rescuing Archives Of Indigenous Knowledge For Contemporary Musical Arts: The Case Of Rangwato Magoro. S. 280–290
  • Elsabé Kloppers: Singing Hymns Under The Southern Cross: The „Liedboek Van Die Kerk“, A New Afrikaans Hymnal. S. 291–307
  • Carol Steyn: President Kruger’s Armenian Hymnal: A Late-Mediaeval Discovery In Pretoria. S. 308–319
  • Santie de Jongh: From St Petersburg To The Cape: Three Autobiographical Texts By Albert Coates. S. 320–330
  • Barry Ross: Maestro And Commander: The Michael Scott Collection At The University Of Stellenbosch. S. 331–358
  • Michael Blake: South African Composers On The World Stage: The Iscm In South Africa. S. 359–373
  • Review Article.
    • Review by Stephanus Muller: The World of South African Music: A Reader by Christine Lucia. S. 374–379
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Annemie Stimie: Emerging Solutions for Musical Arts Education in Africa by Anri Herbst. S. 379–380
    • Review by Mary Rorich: The Drumcafé’s Traditional Music of South Africa by Laurie Levine. S. 380–382
  • The R-Projects.
    • Maureen Buja: The R-Projects: Editoral Essay. S. 383–384
    • Maureen Buja: A Quarter-Century Of Success: An Interview With H. Robert Cohen, Founder And Director Of The Répertoire International De La Presse Musicale (Ripm). S. 385–390
    • H. Robert Cohen, Benjamin Knysak: Ripm: Online Archive Of Music Periodicals (1800—1950). S. 391–420
    • Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie: Rilm At 40: A View From The Bridge. S. 421–439
    • Antonio Baldassarre: Quo Vadis Music Iconography? The Répertoire Internatonal D’iconographie Musicale As A Case Study. S. 440–452
    • Ron Wiecki: Seguin Operatic Troupe Materials In The Tams-Witmark/Wisconsin Collection: A Preliminary Descriptive Catalog. S. 453–480
  • Andrew Ashbee, John Harley: Records Of The English Chapel Royal. S. 481–521
  • Fabian Kolb: Die Oper In Italien Und Deutschland Zwischen 1770 Und 1830: Die Neue Online-Datenbank Erschließt Das Opernrepertoire Der Zeit Um 1800 Und Stellt Rund 500 Digitalisierte Manuskripte Zur Verfügung. S. 522–527
  • Alla Semenyuk: The Digital Collection Of Russian Music Of The First Half Of The Nineteenth Century (From The Russian State Library Stocks). S. 528–530
  • Eglė Stalnionienė: Outreach In Lithuanian Music Libraries. S. 531–537
  • Ingela Sundström-Öberg: The Music Will Always Go On: The Swedish Contribution To The Work Of The Edward Said National Conservatory Of Music In Ramallah. S. 538–540
  • Mathias Auclair: Les Sources Sur Les Ballets Suédois Conservées À La Bibliothèque-Musée De L’opéra. S. 541–569
  • Owen Tam, Patrick Lo: Making The Library Opac Sing: How To Introduce Naxos Music Library Titles To Online Public Access Catalogues — The Lingnan University Library Experience. S. 570–595
  • Corresponding Editors’ News.
    • Heikki Poroila: News from the Second Nordic-Baltic Meeting Music—Politics—Libraries in Helsinki. S. 596
    • Johan Delauré: FRBR in Flanders. S. 596
    • Gabriella Biagi Ravenni: Work on a New Catalogue of the Works of Luigi Boccherini. S. 596–597
    • Ria Warmerdam: News from the Netherlands. S. 598–599
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Gerald Seaman: Douglas Lilburn: His Life and Music by Philip Norman. S. 600–601
    • Review by Gerald Seaman: A Soviet Credo: Shostakovich’s Fourth Symphony by Pauline Fairclough. S. 601–603
    • Review by Laurel Tarulli: Music Abbreviations: A Reverse Dictionary by Donald L. Hixon. S. 603–604
    • Review by John Schuster-Craig: Benjamin Britten: The Spiritual Dimension. (Oxford Studies in British Church Music) by Graham Elliott. S. 604–605
    • Review by Bryan Proksch: Brass Scholarship in Review: Proceedings of the Historic Brass Society Conference, Cité de la Musique, Paris 1999. (Bucina: The Historic Brass Society Series No. 6) by Stewart Carter. S. 605–607
    • Review by Ralph Hartsock: Performance Practice: A Dictionary Guide for Musicians by Roland Jackson. S. 607–608
    • Review by Joy Pile: Gaetano Brunetti (1744—1798): Catálogo Crítico, Temático y Cronológico. (Coleccíon de Monografías, no. 8.) by Germán Labrador López de Azcona. S. 608–609
    • Review by Brad Eden: Researching the Song: a Lexicon by Shirlee Emmons; Wilbur Watkin Lewis. S. 609–610
    • Review by Karen M. Burke: Sourcebook for Research in Music. Second Edition by Phillip D. Crabtree; Donald H. Foster; Allen Scott. S. 610–611
    • Review by Scott Warfield: Orchestral Music: A Handbook. Fourth Edition by David Daniels. S. 611–612
    • Geraldine E. Ostrove: Recent Publications In Music. S. 613–758

55. Jg. 2008

  • Roger Flury: MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING: held Sunday 1 July at 14.00 and Thursday 5 July 2007 at 16.00 at the Conservatorium of Music, Sydney, Australia. S. 1–14
  • Martie Severt: 2006 Treasurer’s Report TO COUNCIL AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY JULY 2007. S. 15–24
  • Reports.
  • Professional Branches.
    • Angela Escott: Broadcasting and Orchestra Branch. S. 25
    • Hanneke Kuiper: Public Libraries Branch. S. 25–32
    • Almut Boehme: Research Libraries Branch. S. 32–35
  • Subject Commissions.
    • David Day: Bibliography Commission. S. 35
    • Elizabeth Giuliani: Archives and Music Documentation Centres. S. 35
    • Mary Wallace Davidson: Subject Commission: Service and Training. S. 35–36
    • Antony Gordon: Cataloguing Commission. S. 36–37
    • Laurence Decobert: Sous-commission UNIMARC / Sub-Commission on UNIMARC. S. 38–40
  • Working Groups.
  • Branches.
    • Judy Tsou, Inger Enquist: Working Group on Access to Music Archives. S. 40
    • Nicholas Cook: Hofmeister XIX. S. 40–41
  • Commissions.
    • Rupert Ridgewell: Working Group on Access to Music Ephemera. S. 41
    • David Sommerfield: The Working Group on ISBD and Music. S. 41
  • Committees.
    • Antony Gordon: Information Technology Committee. S. 41
    • Ruth Hellen: Outreach Committee. S. 41–44
    • Angela Escott: Sub-committee on Guidelines for the IAML Website. S. 44
  • R-Projects.
    • Christoph Wolff, Klaus Keil: Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM). S. 44–50
    • Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie: Répertoire international de littérature musicale (RILM). S. 50–51
    • Antonio Bladassare, Antonio Baldassarre: Répertoire International d’Iconographie Musicale (RIdIM): Three years of new activities. S. 51–52
    • H. Robert Cohen: Répertoire international de la presse musicale (RIPM). S. 53–54
  • National Reports.
    • Laura Dingle: Australia. S. 54–55
    • Thomas Leibnitz: Austria. S. 55
    • Johan Eeckeloo: Belgium. S. 55–56
    • Lucinda Walls: Canada. S. 56–57
    • Jana Navrátilová: Czech Republic. S. 57–58
    • Ole Bisbjerg: Denmark. S. 58–59
    • Aurika Gergeležiu: Estonia: January 2006—July 2007. S. 60–61
    • Ulla Ikäheimo: Finland. S. 61
    • Laurence Languin: France. S. 61–62
    • Susanne Hein: Germany. S. 62–63
    • Julianna Gócza: Hungary. S. 63–64
    • Agostina Zecca Laterza: Italy. S. 64
    • Tsuneko ARAKAWA: Japan. S. 64–65
    • Gert Floor: The Netherlands. S. 65–66
    • Roger Flury, Elizabeth Nichol: New Zealand. S. 66–67
    • Siren Steen: Norway. S. 67–68
    • Stanisław Hrabia, Stansław Hrabia: Poland. S. 68–69
    • Alda Goes: Portugal. S. 69–70
    • Emilia Rassena, Emilia Rassina: Russia. S. 70
    • Anna Kucianová: Slovakia. S. 70–72
    • José Carlos Gosálvez Lara: Spain. S. 72–73
    • Christel Rosenborg: Sweden. S. 73
    • Liz Hart: United Kingdom and Ireland. S. 73–74
    • Mary Wallace Davidson: United States. S. 74–75
  • Corresponding Editors’ News.
    • Heikki Poroila: 50 th Anniversary of Music Departments in Finnish Public Libraries. S. 75
    • Heikki Poroila: Popular Song Celebrations. S. 75–76
    • Ilvi Rauna: Tubin Complete Works Launch. S. 76
    • Helen Faulkner: Ursula Vaughan Williams (1911—2007). S. 76–77
  • Reviews.
    • Review by J. Bradford Young: Music, Libraries and the Academy: Essays in Honor of Lenore Coral by James P. Cassaro. S. 78–79
    • Review by John Wagstaff: Bibliographic Control of Music, 1897—2000. (MLA Index and Bibliography Series; 32) by Richard P. Smiraglia; J. Bradford Young. S. 79–81
    • Review by Sophie Fuller: Women in Music: A Research and Information Guide. (Routledge Music Bibliographies) by Karin Pendle. S. 81–84
    • Review by Andrew R. Walkling: An Annotated Catalogue of the Music Manuscripts in the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C. (Annotated Reference Tools in Music, no. 6) by Richard Charteris. S. 84–88
    • Review by Kathryn Lowerre: J.S. Bach: A Life in Music by Peter Williams. S. 88–89
    • Review by Joachim Jaenecke: Nähe aus Distanz. Bach-Rezeption in der Schweiz by Urs Fischer; Hans-Joachim Hinrichsen; Laurenz Lütteken. S. 89–91
    • Review by John Wagstaff: The Conservatoire Américain: a History by Kendra Preston Leonard. S. 91–93
    • Review by Cindy Richardson: Jean Coulthard: A Life in Music by William Bruneau; David Gordon Duke. S. 93–94
    • Review by Joy Pile: Musikinstrumentenbau im interkulturellen Diskurs. (Berichte des interkulturellen Forschungsprojekts „Deutsche Musikkultur im östlichen Europa“; Bd. 1) by Erik Fischer; Annelie Kürsten; Sarah Brassack. S. 94–96
    • Review by Donald Babcock: The Trombone. (Yale Musical Instrument Series) by Trevor Herbert. S. 96–97
  • Australia.
    • Georgina Binns: National Issue: Australia. S. 98–100
    • Malcolm Gillies: From Pencil To Podcast: Maximizing Musical Resources. S. 101–110
    • Graeme Skinner: Some Makings Of An Australian Composer (1964—65): Historical Context And The National Library Of Australia’s Peter Sculthorpe Papers. S. 111–127
    • Robyn Holmes, Kaye McIntyre: Music Australia: From Development To Production Service. S. 128–141
    • Robyn Holmes: Contexts, Contents And Challenges: Publishing Music Research In Australia. S. 142–154
    • Grace Koch: Music And Land Rights: Archival Recordings As Documentation For Australian Aboriginal Land Claims. S. 155–164
    • Cate Richmond: Engaging With Remote Communities In The Northern Territory: The Libraries And Knowledge Centres Program. S. 165–169
    • Daniela Kaleva: The Gustav Holst And British Music Society Of Victoria Collections At The State Library Of Victoria. S. 170–179
    • Aline Scott-Maxwell: Royal Songs And Royal Singing: Music In The Norodom Sihanouk Archival Collection, Monash University Library. S. 180–190
    • Reis W. Flora: Twelve Ragamala Paintings In The National Gallery Of Victoria, Melbourne: A Concordance For Two Sets Of Names And Five Sets Of Numbers. S. 191–204
    • Jane Morlet Hardie: Spanish Liturgical Music Manuscripts At The University Of Sydney: A Preliminary Report. S. 205–222
    • Kathleen E. Nelson: Fragments Of Medieval Chant Manuscripts At The University Of Sydney. S. 223–231
  • Reviews of Australian Books.
    • Review by Kathleen Haefliger: Currency Companion to Music and Dance in Australia by John Whiteoak; Aline Scott-Maxwell. S. 232–234
    • Review by Anna Gifford: Intercultural Music: Creation and Interpretation by Sally Macarthur; Bruce Crossman; Ronald Morelos. S. 234–238
    • Review by Peter Campbell: The Soundscapes of Australia: Music, Place and Spirituality by Fiona Richards. S. 238–239
    • Review by Mal Stanley: Sounds from the Corner: Australian Contemporary Jazz on CD by Roger Dean. S. 239–240
    • Review by Georgina Binns: Australian Solo Piano Works of the Last Twenty-five Years. 4 th edition by Jeanell Carrigan. S. 240–241
  • Hugh Cobbe: Susan Thiemann Sommer: 1935—2008. S. 253–255
  • Outreach.
    • Ruth Hellen: Sydney Conference : Outreach Committee Session. S. 256
    • Julianna Gócza: Music Library Services In Hungary: Future Requirements For Support. S. 257–262
    • Christian Onyeji: Library Of Folk Music Of Nigeria Project: The Current State. S. 263–269
    • Ruth Hellen: Music Libraries In Armenia: October 2006. S. 270–273
    • Almut Boehme: An Initial Investigation Into The Early Dissemination Of Scottish Music In Australia. S. 274–296
  • Koo Ching Lan Jasmine, Peter Warning: Metadata Design For Digital Chinese Orchestral Scores With Instrumental Parts. S. 297–339
  • Richard Turbet: A Selective Bibliography Of Writings About Tudor Music 1992—2007: For John Harley On His Eightieth Birthday. S. 340–362
  • Jerry L. McBride: Copying By Libraries In The United States: Reviewing Section 108 Of The Us Copyright Laws. S. 363–376
  • Franc Križnar: On „Alamut“, An Opera In Three Acts, By Matjaž Jarc. S. 377–388
  • Corresponding Editors’ News.
    • Ilvi Rauna: Digital and Collected Editions Symposium. S. 389
    • Ria Warmerdam: Merger of Dutch Music Institutes Completed. S. 390–392
    • Heikki Poroila: From Finnish Film Archive to Finnish National Audiovisual Archive. S. 392
    • Lisa Philpott: CAML. S. 392
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Laurel Tarulli: How to Write about Music: The RILM Manual of Style. Second edition by James R. Cowdery. S. 393–394
    • Review by Brian Cockburn: Historical dictionary of sacred music by Joseph P. Swain. S. 394–395
    • Review by Bryan Proksch: C. P. E. Bach Studies by Annette Richards. S. 395–396
    • Review by John Wagstaff: Catalogue des éditions françaises de Mozart, 1764—1825. (Catalogues du Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles; 1) by Jean Gribenski. S. 397–398
    • Review by Mark E. Perry: Analytical Studies in World Music by Michael Tenzer. S. 398–399
    • Review by Anna Pensaert: William Byrd: A Guide to Research. 2 nd ed. (Routledge music bibliographies) by Richard Turbet. S. 399–401
    • Review by Andy Linehan: Rock Song Index: the 7500 most important songs of the Rock and Roll era, 1944—2000. 2 nd Edition by Bruce Pollock. S. 401–402
    • Review by Ralph Hartsock: Musical AKAs: Assumed Names and Sobriquets of Composers, Songwriters, Librettists, Lyricists, Hymnists, and Writers on Music by Jeanette Marie Drone. S. 402–404
    • Review by Laurel E. Fay: Dmitri Shostakovich [Catalogue of Works]. S. 404–405
    • Review by Kevin Bartig: Sergey Prokofiev, Diaries 1907—1914: Prodigious Youth by Anthony Phillips. S. 405–406
    • Review by Jan Dewilde: François-Joseph Fétis: correspondance by Robert Wangermée. S. 406–409
    • Review by Ron Wiecki: Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition: The First Twenty Years. (Music Library Association Index and Bibliography Series, no. 33) by Karen R. Little; Julia Graepel; R. Scott Adams. S. 410–411
    • Review by Brian C. Thompson: Nationalism and Ethnosymbolism: History, Culture and Ethnicity in the Formation of Nations by Athena S. Leoussi; Steven Grosby. S. 411–413
    • Review by William G. Rose: Guide to the Euphonium Repertoire: The Euphonium Sourcebook by Lloyd E. Bone; Eric Paull. S. 413–414
    • Review by Keith E. Clifton: Classic Chic: Music, Fashion, and Modernism. (California Studies in 20th-Century Music, 6) by Mary E. Davis. S. 414–416
  • Reviews from „Forum Musikbibliothek“.
    • Review by Jutta Lambrecht: Antonio Vivaldi. Thematischsystematisches Verzeichnis seiner Werke (RV) / Thematic-Systematic Catalogue of his Works. — Inhaltsverzeichnis, Vorwort und Hinweise zur Benutzung in deutsch und englisch by Peter Ryom. S. 416–417
    • Review by Peter Sühring: Mozarts Opern. Das Handbuch, (Das Mozart-Handbuch; 3) by Dieter Borchmeyer; Gernot Gruber. S. 417–419
    • Review by Peter Sühring: Das Reichsorchester. Die Berliner Philharmoniker und der Nationalsozialismus by Misha Aster; Mike Aster; Die Furtwänglers. Geschichte einer deutschen Familie by Eberhard Straub. S. 419–420
    • Review by Jürgen May: Beethoven und der Musikverlag Breitkopf & Härtel. Begleitbuch zu einer Ausstellung des Beethoven-Hauses Bonn (Veröffentlichungen des Beethoven-Hauses Bonn; Begleitpublikationen zu Ausstellungen; 18) by Nicole Kämpken; Michael Ladenburger. S. 421
    • Review by Claudia Niebel, Claudel Niebel: Variationen mit Orchester : 125 Jahre Berliner Philharmoniker. Biographien und Konzerte Stiftung Berliner Philharmoniker. S. 421–422
    • Review by Andreas Vollberg: Oper in Köln. Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart by Christoph Schwandt. S. 422–423
    • Review by Michael Stapper: Der deutsche Musikfilm. Archäologie eines Genres 1914—1945 by Michael Wedel. S. 423
    • Review by Martin Elste: Ausgespielt. Aufstieg und Fall der Klassikindustrie by Norman Lebrecht; Ingeborg Hagedorn; Katja Naumann. S. 424–427
  • Special Collections and Private Music Libraries.
    • Maureen Buja: Special Collections And Private Music Libraries Introduction. S. 433–434
    • Katharine Hogg: Handel And The Foundling Hospital: The Gerald Coke Handel Collection At The Foundling Museum. S. 435–447
    • Kathryn Bosi: The Morrill Music Library At The Biblioteca Berenson, Villa I Tatti, Florence: Its History And Holdings. S. 448–473
    • Pamela Thompson: The Edward Heron-Allen Collection In The Royal College Of Music Library. S. 474–483
    • Angela Escott: Orchestral Performance Practice Revealed In A Conservatoire’s Historic Collections. S. 484–494
    • Jim H Y Chang: Saving Local Music From Oblivion: The Hong Kong Music Collection At The Hong Kong Central Library. S. 495–511
    • Greta Olson, Rosa Isusi Fagoaga: The Music Archive And Library At The Real Colegio-Seminario De Corpus Christi (Valencia). S. 512–518
    • Richard Excell: Bowerbird To L’oiseau – Lyre: The Hanson – Dyer Collection At The Louise Hanson – Dyer Music Library, The University Of Melbourne. S. 519–532
    • Mary Black Junttonen: The G. Robert Vincent Voice Library. S. 533–542
    • Noëlle Mann: The Serge Prokofiev Archive In London – A Complex Story. S. 543–547
    • Fiona McKnight: The Serge Prokofiev Archive Today And Beyond. S. 548–553
  • Corresponding Editors’ News.
    • Berit Holth: Last, But Not Least! Opening of the New Norwegian Opera House. S. 554–559
    • Ilvi Rauna: Unique Estonian Sound Recordings from 1939 Found in Denmark. S. 560
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Ron Wiecki: Music in North America and the West Indies from the Discovery to 1850: A Historical Survey by Daniel Mendoza de Arce. S. 561–563
    • Review by Chris Walton: Johannes Brahms: Vom Ratgeber zum Kompositionslehrer. Schweizer Beiträge zur Musikforschung, Vol. 6 by Johannes Behr. S. 563–564
    • Review by Katrina Mitchell: Johann Georg von Werdenstein (1542–1608): A Major Collector of Early Music Prints. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, No. 87) by Richard Charteris. S. 564–566
    • Review by Malena Kuss: Diccionario bibliográfico de la müsica argentina y de la música en la Argentina by Leandro Donozo. S. 566–568
    • Review by Melissa Ursula Dawn Goldsmith: Directory of Conductors’ Archives in American Institutions by Henry Bloch. S. 568–569
    • Review by Allan Badley: The Chevalier de Saint-Georges: Virtuoso of the Sword and the Bow. (Lives in Music Series, No. 7) by Gabriel Banat. S. 569–571
    • Review by Allan Badley: George Augustus Polgreen Bridgetower, Violin Virtuoso and Composer of Color in late 18th Century Europe by Clifford D. Panton. S. 571–572
    • Review by Barry J. Zaslow: A Living Legacy: Historic Stringed Instruments at The Juilliard School by Lisa B. Robinson. S. 572–573
    • Review by Melissa Ursula Dawn Goldsmith: A Manual for the Performance Library. Music Library Association Basic Manual Series, no. 6 by Russ Girsberger. S. 573–574
  • Roger Flury: MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING: held Sunday 20 July in the Sala Martucci, Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella and Thursday 24 July in the Sala Dione, Expo Centro Congressi Terminali Napoli. S. 581–590
  • Kathy Adamson, Martie Severt: 2007 Treasurer’s Report TO COUNCIL JULY 2008. S. 591–596
  • IAML Reports.
  • Professional Branches.
    • John Shepard: Archives and Music Documentation Centres Branch. S. 597–599
    • Angela Escott: Reports of the Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries Branch. S. 599–600
    • Pia Shekhter: Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions. S. 600–601
    • Hanneke Kuiper: Public Libraries Branch. S. 601–606
    • Almut Boehme: Research Libraries Branch. S. 606–608
  • Subject Commissions.
    • Berit Holth, David Day: Bibliography Commission. S. 608–612
    • Elizabeth Giuliani: Commission on Audio-Visual Materials. S. 612–613
    • Mary Wallace Davidson: Commission on Service and Training. S. 613–614
    • Antony Gordon: Cataloguing Commission. S. 614–615
    • Tiziana Morsanuto, Isabelle Gauchet Doris: Sub-commissiosn on Unimarc. S. 615–617
  • Working Groups.
  • Branches.
    • Jon Bagüés, Inger Enquist: Working Group on Access to Music Archives. S. 618
    • Chris Banks: Working Group on Hofmeister XIX. S. 618–619
  • Commissions.
    • Rupert Ridgewell: Working Group on Access to Performance Ephemera. S. 619–620
    • Antony Gordon: Working Group on Exchange of Authority Data. S. 620
    • David Sommerfield: Cataloguing Commission: Working Group on ISBD and Music. S. 620
  • Committees.
    • Richard Chesser: Constitution Committee. S. 620
    • Federica Riva, Richard Chesser: Copyright Committee. S. 620–621
    • Antony Gordon: Information Technology Committee. S. 621–623
    • Jon Bagüés: Outreach Committee. S. 623–624
    • Jim Cassaro, James Cassaro: Programme Committee. S. 624–625
  • R-Projects.
    • Klaus Keil, Christoph Wolff: Répertoire International Des Sources Musicales (RISM): Jahresbericht 2007. S. 625–627
    • Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie: Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM). S. 627–630
    • Antonio Baldassarre, Antonio Bladassare: Repertoire International d’Iconographie Musicale (RidIM). S. 630–633
    • H. Robert Cohen: Répertoire international de la presse musicale (RIPM). S. 633–635
  • IAML-L and ISMN.
    • Bonna J. Boettcher: IAML-L. S. 635
    • Hartmut Walravens: International Standard Music Number (ISMN). S. 635–636
  • National Reports.
    • Laurel Dingle: Australia. S. 636–637
    • Thomas Leibnitz: Austria. S. 637
    • Johann Eeckeloo: Belgium. S. 637–638
    • Peter Higham: Canada. S. 638–639
    • Željka Radovinović: Croatia. S. 639–640
    • Zuzana Petrášková: Czech Republic. S. 640–641
    • Ole Bisbjerg: Denmark. S. 641–642
    • Aurika Gergeležiu: Estonia. S. 642–643
    • Ulla Ikäheimo: Finland. S. 643
    • Laurence Languin: France. S. 643–644
    • Susanne Hein: Deutschland. S. 644–645
    • Julianna Gócza: Hungary. S. 645–646
    • Agostina Zecca Laterza: Italy. S. 646–647
    • Yasuko TODO: Japan. S. 647–648
    • Gert Floor: The Netherlands. S. 648–651
    • Elizabeth Nichol: New Zealand. S. 651–652
    • Siren Steen: Norway. S. 652
    • Stanisław Hrabia, Stansław Hrabia: Poland. S. 653
    • Emilia Rassina, Emilia Rassena: Russia. S. 653–654
    • Anna Kucianová: Slovakia. S. 654–656
    • Jorge García: Spain. S. 656
    • Dorothea Baumann, Pia Shekhter: Switzerland. S. 656–657
    • Liz Hart: United Kingdom and Ireland. S. 657–658
    • Judy Tsou: United States. S. 658–659
  • Corresponding Editors’ News.
    • Berit Holth: A New Grieg Thematic and Bibliographic Work Catalogue. S. 659
    • Berit Holth: Report from 16th International ISMN Panel Meeting & the 2nd Annual General Meeting of the Internationale ISMN-Agentur e.V., June 16—18 2008, in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. S. 659–660
  • Obituary.
    • Sylwia Heinrich: Agnieszka Mietelska-Ciepierska (20 Oct. 1939—14 Jan. 2008). S. 661
  • Reviews.
    • Review by John Schuster-Craig: Analyses of Nineteenth- and Twentieth Century Music, 1940—2000. Music Library Association Index and Bibliography Series, No. 34 by D. J. Hoek; Arthur Wenk. S. 662–663
    • Review by N. Lee Orr: Church Music in America by John Ogasapian. S. 663–665
    • Review by Mac Nelson: A Cellist’s Companion: A Comprehensive Catalogue of Cello Literature by Henk Lambooij; Michael Feves. S. 665–666
    • Review by Ralph Hartsock: Encyclopedia of the Blues by Edward Komara. S. 666–668
    • Review by Keith E. Clifton: French Music since Berlioz by Richard Langham Smith; Caroline Potter. S. 668–669
    • Review by Robert Torre: Music in Eighteenth-Century Life: Cities, Courts, Churches by Mara E. Parker. S. 669–671
  • De musica disserenda. Year III No. 1 by Nataša Cigoj Krstulović. S. 671
  • De musica disserenda. Year III No. 2 by Jurij Snoj. S. 671
  • Muzikološki Zbornik (Musicological Annual) XLIII/1 by Matjaž Barbo; Gregor Pompe. S. 671–672
    • Review by Gerald Seaman: Muzikološki Zbornik (Musicological Annual) XLIII/2 by Leon Stefanija; Katarina Bogunović Hočevan; Matjaž Barbo. S. 672
    • Geraldine E. Ostrove: Recent Publications In Music. S. 673–762

56. Jg. 2009

  • Svetlana Martynova: Italians In A Russian Manner: One Step From Serious To Funny. S. 1–6
  • Pinuccia Carrer: A Pink Database: A Repertoire Of Feminine Names In The Noseda Collection Of The Conservatory Library In Milan. S. 7–9
  • Danutė Petrauskaitė: The Lithuanian Treasure From Chicago: The Dr. Kazys Pemkus Collection At Klaipėda University Library. S. 10–24
  • Juha Torvinen: Can Music (Libraries) Predict Our Future?. S. 25–28
  • Joachim Jaenecke: Dating Music Manuscripts And Prints: An Overview Of Past And Present Research. S. 29–35
  • Giovanni Insom: The Music Archives In The Abbey Of Montecassino And The Library Of S. Domenico In Ortona: Multifunctional Activity For A High-Quality Cataloguing. S. 36–50
  • Tatjana Mihalić: Music Collections In Croatia. S. 51–65
  • Per Dahl: The Rise And Fall Of Literacy In Classical Music: An Essay On Musical Notation. S. 66–76
  • Corresponding Editors’ News.
    • Heikki Poroila: 50 years of Finnish public music libraries. S. 77
    • Heikki Poroila: Pekka Gronow retires. S. 77
    • Ria Warmerdam: John Adams thinks the world of music librarians. S. 78
    • Ria Warmerdam: Performing arts in The Netherlands in shock: New subsidy policy distresses renowned musical ensembles. S. 78
    • Ria Warmerdam: Conservatorium van Amsterdam moves to new building. S. 78–79
    • Ria Warmerdam: IAML-IMS Amsterdam 2009. S. 79
    • Ria Warmerdam: Opening of the National Knowledge Centre of Organ Music, www.orgelmuziekweb.nl. S. 79–80
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Gerald Seaman: The Beauty of Belaieff by Richard Beattie Davis. S. 81–82
    • Review by Kirstin Dougan: Music Research: A Handbook by Laurie Sampsel. S. 82–84
    • Review by Chris Walton: Skizzen einer Persönlichkeit. Max Kalbeck zum 150. Geburtstag. Breslau 4. Jänner 1850 — Wien 4. Mai 1921. Symposion. Wien 21.—24. Mai 2000 by Uwe Harten. S. 84–85
    • Review by Bryan Proksch: W. A. Mozart by Hermann Abert; Cliff Eisen; Stewart Spencer. S. 85–86
    • Review by Chris Walton: Hugo Wolf Enzyklopädie by Ernst Hilmar. S. 86–87
    • Review by Anna Pensaert: Vlaamse dansen. Homerische symfonie. Stadspark. (Repertoire Explorer: The Flemish Music Collection. Editor Daniel Gazon) by Jan Blockx; Lodewijk Mortelmans; Arthur Meulemans. S. 87–88
    • Review by John Schuster-Craig: Bartók, Hungary, and the Renewal of Tradition: Case Studies in the Intersection of Modernity and Nationality. (California Studies in 20 th -Century Music, 5) by David E. Schneider. S. 88–90
    • Review by Delphine Mordey: Reynaldo Hahn by Jacques Depaulis. S. 90–92
    • Review by Johan Eeckeloo: Ah! Le métier de donneur de concerts : Adrien François Servais (1807—1866) als rondreizend cellovirtuoos by Peter François; Adrien François Servais, Halse cellist met wereldfaam: catalogus by Peter François; Mélanges d’histoire du Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles, vol. I by Paul Raspé. S. 92–93
    • Review by Graydon Beeks: G. F. Handel: A Guide to Research, Second Edition. (Routledge Music Bibliographies) by Mary Ann Parker. S. 93–94
    • Review by S. Timothy Maloney: Sousa at Illinois: The John Philip Sousa and Herbert L. Clarke Manuscript Collections at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: A Catalogue of the Collections. Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, No. 85 by Phyllis Danner. S. 94–96
    • Review by Stanley Boorman: Tielman Susato and the Music of his Time: Print Culture, Compositional Technique and Instrumental Music in the Renaissance. (Bucina: The Historic Brass Society Series, 5) by Keith Polk. S. 96
  • Reviews from „Forum Musikbibliothek“.
    • Review by Peter Sühring: Briefwechsel mit Leipziger Verlegern III: Friese, Hofmeister, Peters, Siegel. (Schumann Briefedition, Serie III Verlegerbriefwechsel; 3) by Robert Schumann; Clara Schumann; Petra Dießner; Irmgard Knechtges-Obrecht; Thomas Synofzik; Briefwechsel mit Verlagen in West- und Süddeutschland. (Schumann Briefedition, Serie III Verlegerbriefwechsel; 5) by Robert Schumann; Clara Schumann; Hrosvith Dahmen; Thomas Synofzik. S. 96–98
    • Review by Michael Stapper: PopMusicology. Perspektiven der Popmusikwissenschaft by Christian Bielefeld; Udo Dahmen; Rolf Grossmann. S. 98
    • Review by Andreas Vollberg: Operette unterm Hakenkreuz. Zwischen hoffähiger Kunst und „Entartung“. Beiträge einer Tagung der Staatsoperette Dresden by Wolfgang Schaller. S. 99
    • Review by Martin Elste: Das Wiener Klavier bis 1850. Bericht des Symposiums „Das Wiener Klavier bis 1850“, veranstaltet von der Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien vom 16. bis 18.10.2003 by Beatrix Darmstädter; Alfons Huber; Rudolf Hopfner. S. 99–100
    • Review by Georg Günther: Europäische Romantik in der Musik. Band 1: Oper und symphonischer Stil 1770—1820. Band 2: Von E. T. A. Hoffmann zu Richard Wagner by Carl Dahlhaus; Norbert Miller. S. 100–101
    • Review by Peter Sühring: I Mozart in Italia. Cronistoria dei viaggi, documenti, lettere dizionario dei luoghi e delle persone. (L’arte armonica, Serie IV, Iconografia e cataloghi; 3) by Alberto Basso. S. 101–102
    • Review by Ludwig Steinbach: Joseph Keilberth. Ein Dirigentenleben im XX. Jahrhundert by Thomas Keilberth; Hermann Dechant. S. 102–103
    • Review by Ludwig Steinbach: Carlos Kleiber. Eine Biografie by Alexander Werner. S. 103
    • Review by Marianne Noeske: Carmina Burana von Carl Orff: Entstehung — Wirkung — Text by Franz Willnauer; Carl Orff. Carmina Burana. (Bärenreiter Werkeinführungen) by Susanne Gläß. S. 104–105
    • Review by Peter Sühring: Musiktheoretische Quellen 1750—1800. Gedruckte Schriften von Joseph Riepel, Heinrich Christoph Koch, Johann Friedrich Daube und Johann Adolph Scheibe by Ulrich Kaiser; Stefan Eckert. S. 105–106
    • Review by Claudia Niebel: Johannes Brahms. Leben und Werk by Malte Korff. S. 106–107
  • Pamela Tancsik: Tracing Joseph Trauneck: The Wanderings Of A Persecuted Man. S. 115–137
  • Lucy Walker: The Benjamin Britten Thematic Catalogue: An Introduction To The Online Resource. S. 138–149
  • Stefanie Beghein: Une Collection Musicale D’origine Italienne (Première Moitié Du 18 Ième Siècle) Dans Les Archives Archiépiscopales De Malines. S. 150–161
  • M. Carmen García Mallo: The Reception Of Italian Repertoire In The Spanish Upper Classes Through The Private Music Collection Of Anselmo González Del Valle (1852—1911). S. 162–200
  • Antonio Ezquerro Esteban: Neue Herausforderungen Im Umfeld Des Rism-Projektes: Der Fall Spanien. S. 201–206
  • Fiona Still-Drewett: South African Music Libraries: Collegial, Institutional And Geographic Isolation, An Examination. S. 207–214
  • Corresponding Editors’ News.
    • Santie de Jongh: South African Music Archives Project (SAMAP). S. 215
    • Santie de Jongh: The International Library of African Music (ILAM). S. 215
    • Santie de Jongh: New Cultural Institute for University of Cape Town. S. 215–216
    • Heikki Poroila: Topical Music and Musical subjects — A New Service for Finnish Music Libraries. S. 216
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Lionel Pike: Letters of Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1895—1958 by Hugh Cobbe. S. 217
    • Review by Barry J. Zaslow: Alessandro and Domenico Scarlatti: Two Lives in One. (Lives in Music Series) by Robert Pagano; Frederick Hammond. S. 217–218
    • Review by Mark E. Perry: Critical Essays in Popular Musicology by Allan F. Moore. S. 219–220
    • Review by John Hajdu Heyer: Les Manuscrits autographes de Marc-Antoine Charpentier by Catherine Cessac. S. 220–223
    • Review by Jane Dahlenburg: Cristóbal de Morales: Sources, Influences, Reception. (Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music 6) by Owen Rees; Bernadette Nelson. S. 224–225
    • Review by Brian Cockburn: A Conductor’s Guide to Nineteenth-Century Choral-Orchestral Works by Jonathan D. Green. S. 225–226
    • Review by Keith E. Clifton: French Music, Culture, and National Identity, 1870—1939 by Barbara L. Kelly. S. 226–227
    • Review by Richard Turbet: Liturgy and contemplation in Byrd’s Gradualia by Kerry McCarthy. S. 228–231
    • Review by John Wagstaff: Regensburger Verlagsbuchhandlungen als Musikverlage (1850—1950). (Quellen und Abhandlungen zur Geschichte des Musikverlagswesens, Bd 3) by Thomas Emmerig. S. 231–232
  • Michael E. McClellan: Negotiating Musical Cultures In East And Southeast Asia. S. 239–240
  • Chuen-Fung Wong: The Value Of Missing Tunes: Scholarship On Uyghur Minority Music In Northwest China. S. 241–253
  • Hsin-chun Tasaw Lu: The Burmese Classical Music Tradition: An Introduction. S. 254–271
  • Lulu Chiu: From 1746 To 1786: The Continued Revision Of The Imperial Music Treatise „Yuzhi Lülü Zhengyi Houbian“. S. 272–281
  • Masakata Kanazawa, Yasuko Todo: Collections Of Western Music In Japan: An Introduction. S. 282–286
  • Hui-Shan Chen: Changing Tendency Of Western Music Tradition In Taiwan. S. 287–298
  • Bussakorn Binson-Sumrongthong: Rites And Beliefs Of Music In The Thailand’s Lanna Region. S. 299–313
  • Michael E. McClellan: Music, Education And „Français De Couleur“: Music Instruction In Colonial Hanoi. S. 314–325
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Gerald Seaman: Spectral World Music. Proceedings of the Istanbul Spectral Music Conference by Robert Reigle; Paul Whitehead. S. 326–327
  • Roger Flury: MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING: held on Sunday 5 July and Thursday 9 July 2009 at the Amsterdam Conservatoire, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. S. 333–340
  • Kathy Adamson: 2008 Treasurer’s Report TO COUNCIL JULY 2009. S. 341–346
  • Reports.
  • BOARD Committees.
    • Antony Gordon: Ad-Hoc Committee on Electronic Voting. S. 347
    • Jutta Lambrecht: Ad-hoc Committee on Electronic Fontes. S. 347
  • Professional Branches.
    • Marguerite Sablonnière: Archives and Music Documentation Centres Branch. S. 347–348
    • Angela Escott: Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries Branch. S. 349
    • Pia Shekhter: Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions. S. 349–350
    • Hanneke Kuiper: Public Libraries Branch. S. 350–355
    • Almut Boehme: Research Libraries Branch. S. 355–357
  • Subject Commissions.
    • David Day: Bibliography Commission. S. 357–361
    • Mary Wedgewood: Commission on Audio-Visual Materials. S. 361–363
    • Geoff Thomason: Commission on Service and Training. S. 363–364
    • Antony Gordon: Cataloguing Commission. S. 364–365
    • Tiziana Morsanuto, Laurence Decobert: Cataloguing Commission: Sub-Commission on UNIMARC. S. 365–366
  • Working Groups.
  • Branches.
    • Jon Bagüés, Inger Enquist: Archives Branch: Working Group on Access to Music Archives. S. 366–367
  • Commissions.
    • Rupert Ridgewell: Bibliography Commission: Working Group on Access to Performance Ephemera. S. 367
    • Chris Banks: Bibliography Commission: Working Group on Hofmeister. S. 367
    • Malcolm Jones: Cataloguing Commission: Working Group on the Exchange of Authority Data: A Brief Summary. S. 367–368
    • Antony Gordon: Cataloguing Commission: Working Group on a Music Ontology. S. 368
  • Committees.
    • Richard Chesser: Constitution Committee. S. 368
    • Helen Faulkner: Copyright Committee. S. 368
    • Antony Gordon: Information Technology Committee (including Working Group on a Music Ontology and Ad-Hoc Committee on Electronic Voting discussions). S. 368–369
    • Aurika Gergeležiu: Outreach Committee. S. 369
    • Jim Cassaro, James Cassaro: Programme Committee. S. 369–370
    • Jutta Lambrecht: Publications Committee. S. 370–371
  • R-Projects.
    • Klaus Keil: Répertoire International Des Sources Musicales (RISM). S. 371–373
    • Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie: Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM). S. 373–376
    • Antonio Baldassarre, Antonio Bladassare: Répertoire International d’Iconographie Musicale (RIdIM). S. 376–379
    • H. Robert Cohen: Répertoire international de la presse musicale (RIPM). S. 379–381
  • IAML-L and ISMN.
    • Bonna Boetcher: IAML-L. S. 381
    • Hartmut Walravens: International Standard Music Number (ISMN). S. 381–382
  • National Reports.
    • Jonathan Wood: Australia. S. 383
    • Thomas Leibnitz: Austria. S. 383–384
    • Johann Eeckeloo: Belgium. S. 384
    • Peter Higham: Canada. S. 384–385
    • Željka Radovinović: Croatia. S. 385
    • Jana Navratilova: Czech Republic. S. 385–387
    • Ole Bisbjerg: Denmark. S. 387
    • Aurika Gergeležiu: Estonia. S. 387–388
    • Jaakko Tuohiniemi: Finland. S. 388
    • Laurence Languin: France. S. 388–389
    • Susanne Heine: Germany. S. 389–390
    • Maureen Buja: Hong Kong. S. 390
    • Julianna Gócza: Hungary. S. 390–391
    • Federica Biancheri: Italy. S. 391–392
    • Masakata Kanazawa: Japan. S. 392–393
    • Eglė Elena Marčėnienė: Lithuania. S. 393–395
    • Willem Rodenhuis: The Netherlands. S. 395–396
    • Phillippa McKeown-Green: New Zealand. S. 396–397
    • Siren Steen: Norway. S. 397–398
    • Stanisław Hrabia, Stansław Hrabia: Poland. S. 398
    • Emilia Rassina, Emilia Rassena: Russia. S. 398–399
    • Anna Kucianová: Slovakia. S. 399–401
    • Jorge García: Spain. S. 401
    • Pia Shekhter: Sweden 2008. S. 401–402
    • Pia Shekhter: Sweden 2009. S. 402–403
    • Liz Hart: United Kingdom and Ireland. S. 403–404
    • Judy Tsou: UNITED STATES BRANCH. S. 404
  • Obituaries.
  • Anders Lönn (1943—2009): Veslemöy Heintz. S. 405–406
    • Susanne Hein: Größe, kluge Voraussicht und feinsinniger Humor: Zum Tode von Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Krueger (23.06.1942—16.04.2009). S. 406–407
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Kirstin Dougan: Music Library and Research Skills by Jane Gottlieb. S. 408–409
    • Review by Melissa Ursula Dawn Goldsmith: A Guide to Library Research in Music by Pauline Shaw Bayne. S. 409–412
    • Review by John Wagstaff: Editing Music in Early Modern Germany by Susan Lewis Hammond. S. 412–413
    • Review by Gwen Burgett Thrasher: Encyclopedia of Percussion. Second edition by John H. Beck. S. 413–414
    • Review by Gerald Seaman: History of Music in Russia from Antiquity to 1800. Volume I. From Antiquity to the Beginning of the Eighteenth Century; Volume II. The Eighteenth Century by Nikolai Findeizen; Miloš Velimirović; Claudia R. Jensen; Malcolm Hamrick Brown; Daniel C. Waugh. S. 414–416
    • Review by John Schuster-Craig: Leoncavallo: Life and Works by Konrad Dryden; Plácido Domingo; Piera Leoncavallo. S. 416–417
    • Review by Susi Woodhouse: Music and the Book Trade from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century. (Publishing Pathways Series) by Robin Myers; Michael Harris; Giles Mandelbrote. S. 418–419
    • Review by Benjamin Ayotte: „Vom Erkennen des Erkannten“: Musikalische Analyse und Editionsphilologie by Friedericke Weißmann; Thomas Ahrend; Heinz von Loesch. S. 419–421
    • Review by John Schuster-Craig: Berlioz and Debussy: Sources, Contexts and Legacies: Essays in Honour of François Lesure by Barbara L. Kelly; Kerry Murphy. S. 421–423
    • Review by Bryan Proksch: Communication in Eighteenth-Century Music by Danuta Mirka; Kofi Agawu. S. 423–424
    • Review by Benjamin Ayotte: Selected Correspondence of Charles Ives by Tom C. Owens. S. 424–428
    • Review by Brian Thompson: A History of Film Music by Mervyn Cooke. S. 428–429
    • Geraldine E. Ostrove, Maureen Buja: Recent Publications In Music. S. 430

57. Jg. 2010

  • Karl Stapleton: Prague Concert Life 1850—1881: An Annotated Database. S. 1–22
  • Artur Simon: Southeast Asia : Musical Syncretism And Cultural Identity. S. 23–34
  • Solveig Serre: « Il Est Vraiment Inconcevable Qu’elles Soient Encore Si Riches » : Les Archives De L’académie Royale De Musique, Entre Bibliothèque-Musée De L’opéra De Paris Et Archives Nationales. S. 35–49
  • Rupert Ridgewell: The Concert Programmes Project: History, Progress And Future Directions. S. 50–64
  • Ella Kulik: Digital Musical Libraries: The Patterns Of Use Of Digital Musical Scores. S. 65–75
  • Claire Kidwell: Integrating Web 2.0 Into A Higher Education Library Service : A Case Study Of Trinity College Of Music’s Library Facebook Page. S. 76–85
  • Wendy H. W. Wong: The „Imperial And Royal-Court Schumann Robber“: The Unpublished Piano Cycles Of Ernst Von Dohnányi. S. 86–114
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Bradford Lee Eden: American Muse: The Life and Times of William Schuman by Joseph W. Polisi. S. 115
    • Review by Georg Günther: Edvard Grieg. Thematisch-Bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis by Dan Fog; Kirsti Grinde; Øyvind Norheim. S. 115–116
    • Review by Melissa Ursula Dawn Goldsmith: A Guide to Library Research in Music by Pauline Shaw Bayne. S. 116–118
    • Review by Thomas S. Hischak: No Legs, No Jokes, No Chance: A History of the American Musical Theatre by Sheldon Patinkin. S. 119–120
    • Review by Fiona McKnight: Sergey Prokofiev and His World by Simon Morrison. S. 120–121
    • Review by Hartmut Möller: History|Herstory. Alternative Musikgeschichten. (Musik – Kultur- Gender Band 5) by Annette Kreutziger-Herr; Katrin Losleben. S. 122–124
    • Review by Charles N. Page II: America’s Concertmasters by Anne Mischakoff Heiles. S. 124–125
    • Review by Diane M. Paige: Antal Doráti and the Joy of Making Music by Richard Chlupaty. S. 125–126
    • Review by Bryan Proksch: Bach’s Cycle, Mozart’s Arrow: An Essay on the Origins of Musical Modernity by Karol Berger. S. 126–128
    • Review by Robert Walser: Theory and Analysis of Classic Heavy Metal Harmony. (Publications of the Finnish Music Library Association, volume 136, Advanced musicology, volume 1) by Esa Lilja. S. 128
    • Review by Scott Warfield: Sibelius: The Orchestral Music: An Owner’s Manual. (Unlocking the Masters No. 12) by David Hurwitz. S. 128–130
    • Review by Ruthann McTyre: Vocal Chamber Music: a Performer’s Guide. 2 nd edition by Barbara Winchester; Kay Dunlap. S. 130–131
    • Review by Santie de Jongh: Focus: Music of South Africa. 2nd ed. (Focus on World Music Series) by Carol Ann Muller. S. 131–133
  • Pierluigi Petrobelli: Towards A Rism Series For Libretti. S. 135–139
  • Harald Heckmann: Das Répertoire International Des Sources Musicales (Rism) In Geschichte Und Gegenwart. S. 140–147
  • Aleksandra Patalas: Musica Claromontana – Music In Jasna Góra Monastery: Attributions, Forms, Style, Exchange Of Repertoire. S. 148–161
  • Joseph Hafner: Oclc Worldcat Selection @ Mcgill University. S. 162–166
  • Esther Burgos Bordonau: The First Spanish Music Codes For The Blind And Their Comparison With The American Ones. S. 167–185
  • Victoria Alemany Ferrer: The Establishment Of The Modern Piano Pedagogy In Spain: The Case Of Valencia. S. 186–197
  • Corresponding Editors’ News.
    • Lisa Philpott: Canada: IASPA and CSTM Joint Conference, July 2010. S. 198
    • Heikki Poroila: Finland: The Compositions of Erkki Melartin Now Available Online. S. 198
    • Jutta Lambrecht: Germany. S. 198–202
    • Mari Itoh: Japan: The Japanese Branch Celebrated Its 30th Anniversary in 2009. S. 202
    • Santie De Jongh: South Africa: IMS-SASRIM Conference in Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2010. S. 203
    • Ellen Kempers, Ria Warmerdam: The Netherlands. S. 203–205
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Ron Wiecki: Charles Ives Reconsidered by Gayle Sherwood Magee. S. 206–207
    • Review by Edward Wickham: „Recevez ce mien petit labeur“: Studies in Renaissance Music in Honour of Ignace Bossuyt by Mark Delaere; Pieter Bergé. S. 208–209
    • Review by Richard Andrewes: The Viola da Gamba Society Index of Manuscripts Containing Consort Music. Volume II by Andrew Ashbee; Robert Thompson; Jonathan Wainwright. S. 209–210
    • Review by Bradford Lee Eden: Aspects of Early Music and Performance by Audrey Ekdahl Davidson. S. 210–211
    • Review by Allan Badley: Josef Mysliveček, „Il Boemo“ The Man and His Music. Detroit Monographs in Musicology/ Studies in Music, No.54 by Daniel E. Freeman. S. 211–214
    • Review by Brian Thompson: Music Makes the Nation: Nationalist Composers and Nation Building in Nineteenth-Century Europe by Benjamin Curtis. S. 214–215
    • Review by Cindy Richardson: Women Writing Music in Late Eighteenth-Century England: Social Harmony in Literature and Performance. (Performance in the Long Eighteenth Century: Studies in Theatre, Music, Dance) by Leslie Ritchie. S. 215–216
    • Review by John Schuster-Craig: Form, Program, and Metaphor in the Music of Berlioz by Stephen Rodgers. S. 216–218
    • Review by Barry Zaslow: Choral Music in the Nineteenth Century by Nick Strimple. S. 218–219
    • Review by Bradford Lee Eden: A Performer’s Guide to Renaissance Music. 2 nd ed. by Jeffery Kite-Powell. S. 219
    • Review by Paul Schreiber: The Cambridge Companion to Electronic Music by Nick Collins; Julio d’Escriván. S. 220–222
    • Review by Ruthann B. McTyre: The Grove Book of Opera Singers by Laura Macy. S. 222–223
    • Review by Georg Günther: Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke (MWV). (Leipziger Ausgabe der Werke von Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy; XIII; 1A) by Ralf Wehner. S. 223–224
    • Review by Frances Barulich: Las Claves Madrileñas de Isaac Albéniz by Jacinto Torres Mulas; Ester Aguado Sánchez. S. 224–225
    • Review by Ian Davis: Game Sound: An Introduction to the History, Theory, and Practice of Video Game Music and Sound Design by Karen Collins. S. 226–227
  • Hanneke Kuiper: Are Public Music Libraries On The Road To Full Democracy?. S. 229–235
  • Mattias Lundberg: The First Hundred Years Of Music Librarianship At The Swedish Royal Academy Of Music: 1771—1871. S. 236–249
  • Gilles Pierret: L’avenir De La Musique Dans Les Bibliothèques Publiques Françaises Ou De La Difficulté À Trouver Un Modèle De Substitution À La Discothèque De Prêt. S. 250–258
  • Frances Metcalfe: Issues Of Access: The Future Of Music Audio Provision In Uk Public Libraries. S. 259–266
  • Laurel Tarulli: Exploring Public Library Music Collections Through Social Technologies. S. 267–274
  • Siren Steen: Special Collections In The Bergen Public Library. S. 275–279
  • Ria Warmerdam: Keeping The Music Alive. S. 280–284
  • Phillippa McKeown-Green, Marilyn Portman: Music At Your Fingertips: Music Resources Seminars For Secondary School Teachers And Public Libraries. S. 285–290
  • Ann Kunish: Boomwhackers: A Public Library Service For Music Teachers In The Public School System In Oslo, Norway. S. 291–295
  • Verena Funtenberger: Von Mozart-Rallye Bis Notenkoffer: Musikspezifische Angebote Der Stadtbibliothek Essen Für Schulen, Kinderchöre Und Jugendensembles. S. 296–302
  • Bülent Yılmaz: Public Libraries In Turkey. S. 303–308
  • Mari Itoh, Shigeyuki Kohzuma, Yasuko Nagai, Yasuko Nagaı: Public And Special Libraries In Japan. S. 309–315
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Anna Pensaert: Guide to Developing a Library Music Collection. (ALCTS Collection Management and Development Guides; 14) by R. Michael Fling. S. 316–317
    • Review by Brian Cockburn: The Disney Song Encyclopedia by Thomas S. Hischak; Mark A. Robinson. S. 317–319
    • Review by Barry Zaslow: After the Golden Age: Romantic Pianism and Modern Performance by Kenneth Hamilton. S. 319–320
    • Review by John Schuster-Craig: The Great American Symphony: Music, The Depression, and War by Nicholas Tawa. S. 320–321
    • Review by Ralph Hartsock: Music of the Postwar Era by Don Tyler. S. 321–322
    • Review by Suzana Ograjenšek: Händel und seine Zeitgenossen. Eine biographische Enzyklopädie. (Das Händel-Handbuch 1) by Hans Joachim Marx. S. 322–325
    • Review by Jessie Fillerup: The Art of French Piano Music: Debussy, Ravel, Fauré, Chabrier by Roy Howat. S. 326–328
    • Review by Jan Dewilde: André Cluytens. Itinéraire d’un chef d’orchestre by Erik Baeck. S. 328–330
    • Review by Keith E. Clifton: Camille Saint-Saëns on Music and Musicians by Roger Nichols. S. 330–331
    • Review by Allan Badley: Amico: The Life of Giovanni Battista Viotti by Warwick Lister. S. 331–333
  • Reprinted from „Forum Musikbibliothek“.
    • Review by Barbara Wolf: Antonio Vivaldi und seine Zeit. (Große Komponisten und ihre Zeit) by Siegbert Rampe. S. 333–334
    • Review by Peter Sühring: Robert Schumann und seine Zeit. 3. überarb. und erw. Aufl. (Große Komponisten und ihre Zeit) by Arnfried Edler; Robert Schumann. (C.H. Beck Wissen; 2474) by Arnfried Edler. S. 334–335
    • Review by Marianne Noeske: Musik und Bibel: 111 Figuren und Motive, Themen und Texte. (Bärenreiter Basiswissen). Band 1: Altes Testament. Band 2: Neues Testament by Thomas Schipperges. S. 335
    • Review by Andreas Vollberg: Leoš Janácek: Eine Biografie. (Serie Musik; 8412) by Christoph Schwandt. S. 336
  • Roger Flury: Minutes Of The Council Meeting: held on Sunday 27 June at 14.00 and Thursday 1 July at 16.00 at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RAPA), Moscow, Russia. S. 341–351
  • Kathryn Adamson: 2009 Treasurer’s Report. S. 352–357
  • Reports.
  • Board Committees.
    • Antony Gordon: Ad-Hoc Committee on Electronic Voting. S. 358
    • Jutta Lambrecht: Ad-hoc Committee on Electronic Fontes. S. 358
  • Professional Branches.
    • Marguerite Sablonnière: Archives and Music Documentation Centres Branch. S. 358–359
    • Sabina Benelli: Broadcasting and Orchestra Branch. S. 359–361
    • Pia Schekter, Pia Shekhter: Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions Branch. S. 361–362
    • Hanneke Kuiper: Public Libraries Branch. S. 362–364
    • Almut Boehme: Research Libraries Branch. S. 364–366
  • Subject Commissions.
    • David Day: Bibliography Commission. S. 367–371
    • Andrew Justice: Commission on Audio-Visual Materials. S. 371–372
    • Geoff Thomason: Commission on Service and Training. S. 372–374
    • Antony Gordon: Cataloguing Commission. S. 374
    • Tiziana Morsanuto: Cataloguing commission: Sub-commission on UNIMARC. S. 374–375
  • Working Groups.
  • Branches.
    • Inger Enquist, Jon Bagüés: Archives Branch: Working Group on Access to Music Archives. S. 375
  • Commissions.
    • Rupert Ridgewell: Bibliography Commission: Working Group on Access to Performance Ephemera. S. 375
    • Malcolm Jones: Cataloguing Commission: Working Group on the Exchange of Authority Data. S. 375
    • Antony Gordon: Cataloguing Commission: Working Group on a Music Ontology. S. 375
  • Committees.
    • Richard Chesser: Constitution Committee. S. 376
    • Helen Faulkner: Copyright Committee. S. 376
    • Antony Gordon: Information Technology Committee. S. 376
    • Jon Bagüés: Outreach Committee. S. 376
    • Stanisław Hrabia, Stansław Hrabia: Programme Committee. S. 376–377
    • Jutta Lambrecht: Publications Committee. S. 377–378
  • R-Projects.
    • Klaus Keil: Répertoire international des sources musicales (RISM). S. 378–382
    • Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie: Répertoire international de littérature musicale (RILM). S. 382–384
    • Antonio Bladassare, Antonio Baldassarre: Répertoire International d’Iconographie Musicale (RIdIM). S. 385–387
    • H. Robert Cohen: Répertoire international de la presse musicale (RIPM). S. 387–390
    • Bonna J. Boettcher: IAML Listserv (IAML-L). S. 390
    • Hartmut Walravens: International Standard Music Number (ISMN). S. 390–391
  • Corresponding Editors’ News.
    • Georgina Binns: Australian Challenges for Music Libraries and Archives of the Future. S. 391–392
    • Ilvi Rauna: The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre at 90: Some New Publications. S. 393
    • Heikki Poroila: Finland: A local music library universe?. S. 393–394
    • Jorge García: Spain: The Published Proceedings of an International Congress on Martin y Soler. S. 394–395
    • Pia Schechter, Pia Shekhter: Song to Veslemöy. S. 395–397
    • Richard Chesser: Pamela Thompson. S. 397–398
  • National Reports.
    • Robyn Holmes: Australia. S. 399–401
    • Thomas Aigner: Austria. S. 401
    • Johan Eeckeloo: Belgium. S. 401
    • Kirsten Walsh: Canada. S. 402
    • Željka Radovinovic: Croatia. S. 402
    • Jana Navrátilová: Czech Republic. S. 402–403
    • Ole Bisbjerg: Denmark. S. 404–405
    • Kaie Viigipuu-Kreintaal: Estonia. S. 405
    • Jaakko Tuohiniemi: Finland. S. 405–406
    • Laurence Languin: France. S. 406–407
    • Barbara Wiermann: Germany. S. 407–408
    • Julianna Gócza: Hungary. S. 408–410
    • Federica Riva: Italy. S. 410–411
    • Yasuko Todo: Japan. S. 411–412
    • Eglė Elena Marčėnienė: Lithuania. S. 412–416
    • Willem Rodenhuis: The Netherlands. S. 416–417
    • Phillippa McKeown-Green: New Zealand. S. 417–418
    • Siren Steen: Norway. S. 418–419
    • Stanisław Hrabia: Poland. S. 419
    • Emilia Rassena, Emilia Rassina: Russia. S. 419–420
    • Anna Kucianová: Slovakia. S. 420–421
    • Jorge García: Spain. S. 421–422
    • Birgitta Sparre: Sweden. S. 422
    • Dorothea Baumann: Switzerland. S. 422
    • Richard Chesser: United Kingdom and Ireland. S. 423
    • Judy Tsou: United States. S. 424
  • Obituary.
    • Fiona McKnight: Noëlle Mann (1946—2010). S. 424–425
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Hartmut Walravens: Die Wachszylinder des Berliner Phonogramm-Archivs. (Veröffentlichungen des Ethnologischen Museums Berlin NF 74; Abt. Musikethnologe, Medien-Technik und Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv; 12) by Susanne Ziegler. S. 426–427
    • Review by Susi Woodhouse: Letters From a Life: The Selected Letters of Benjamin Britten 1913—1976. Volume 4: 1952—1957 by Philip Reed; Mervyn Cooke; Donald Mitchell. S. 427–428
    • Review by Tim Eggington: Music, Experiment and Mathematics in England, 1653—1705 by Benjamin Wardhaugh. S. 429–431
    • Review by Kathryn Lowerre: Handel Studies: A Gedenkschrift for Howard Serwer by Richard G. King. S. 431–432
    • Review by Hartmut Walravens: Ethnomusikologie. Aspekte, Methoden und Ziele by Artur Simon. S. 432–433
    • Review by David Rayl: The Masses of Joseph Haydn: History, Style, Performance by Robert W. Demaree; Don V. Moses. S. 433–435
    • Review by Rupert Ridgewell: Die Zauberflöte K.620: Fascimile of the Autograph Score, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin — Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Mus. Ms autogr. W. A. Mozart 620). (Mozart Operas in Facsimile; VI) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Hans Joachim Kreutzer; Christoph Wolff. S. 435–437
    • Review by David Trippett: Hearing and Knowing Music: The Unpublished Essays of Edward T. Cone by Robert P. Morgan. S. 437–440
    • Review by John Wagstaff: Der Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag: sein Profil in Geschichte und Gegenwart by Anita Punkt. S. 441–442
  • Reprinted From „Forum Musikbibliothek“.
    • Review by Andreas Odenkirchen: Jean Sibelius. Symphonien und symphonische Dichtungen. Ein musikalischer Werkführer. (C.H. Beck Wissen; 2219) by Joachim Brügge. S. 443
    • Review by Manfred Sailer: Thematischer Katalog Karlmann Pachschmidt. (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften: Tabulae Musicae Austriacae. Kataloge österreichischer Musiküberlieferung; XVII) by Alexander Opatrny. S. 443–444
    • Review by Peter Sühring: Felicitas Kukuck als Komponistin von Solo- und Chorliedern. Exemplarische Untersuchungen zu zeitgeschichtlichem Umfeld und stilistischen Einflüssen. (Systematische Musikwissenschaft und Musikkulturen der Gegenwart; 1) by Cordula Sprenger. S. 444–445
    • Review by Martina Rebmann: Clara Schumann. Musik und Öffentlichkeit. (Europäische Komponistinnen; 3) by Janina Klassen. S. 445
    • Geraldine E. Ostrove, Maureen Buja: Recent Publications In Music. S. 446

58. Jg. 2011

  • Cliff Eisen: In Mozart’s Words: Perspectives On A New, Online Edition Of The Mozart Family Letters From Italy, 1770–1773. S. 1–7
  • Patrizia Rebulla: In Mozart’s Words: Working With A Correspondence Database. S. 8–15
  • Maria Majno: Prima La Musica, O Le Parole?: A Web Of Words To Surround Mozart’s Music. S. 16–23
  • Renata Suchowiejko: Henryk Wieniawski’s Concert Performances In Russia. S. 24–33
  • François Auzeil: Un Fonds De Livres Liturgiques Au Département De La Musique De La Bibliothèque Nationale De France. S. 34–48
  • Berit Holth, Jorid Nordal Baumann: Music Heritage In Manuscripts And Printed Music. S. 49–54
  • Michael Fingerhut: Ircam-Moscow. S. 55–71
  • Rémy Campos, Aurélien Poidevin: Les Archives Des Institutions Musicales Parisiennes (1918–1969). S. 72–84
  • Corresponding Editors’ News.
    • Evelyn Portek: Marshall-Hall Concert Programs Digitisation Project, 2010. S. 85
    • Heikki Poroila: Finnish Jazz and Pop Archive’s New Digitizing Service. S. 85–86
    • Jorge García García: International Conference on Music Printing and Publishing in Spain. S. 86
    • Jørgen Langdalen: Editing Historical Music in the 21st Century—Conference on Music Editing, Oslo, Norway, 10—11 December 2010. S. 86–87
  • Reviews.
    • Review by David F. García: Music in Latin America and the Caribbean: An Encyclopedic History. Volume 2: Performing the Caribbean Experience by Malena Kuss. S. 88–89
    • Review by Bradford Lee Eden: Music and Meaning: Studies in Music History and the Neighbouring Disciplines. (Historiae musicae cultores; 113) by Warren Kirkendale; Ursula Kirkendale. S. 90
    • Review by Melissa Ursula Dawn Goldsmith: The Sound of Broadway Music: A Book of Orchestrators and Orchestration by Steven Suskin. S. 90–92
    • Review by Renée McBride: Fanny Hensel: The Other Mendelssohn by R. Larry Todd. S. 92–94
    • Review by Joseph Hafner: The Metropolitan Opera on Record: A Discography of the Commercial Recordings. Second edition by Frederick P. Fellers. S. 94–96
    • Review by Bradford Lee Eden: Music and Monumentality: Commemoration and Wonderment in Nineteenth-Century Germany by Alexander Rehding. S. 96–97
    • Review by Raphael Jimenez: Estudios Sobre la Obra de Astor Piazzolla by Omar Garcia Brunelli. S. 97–99
    • Review by John Schuster-Craig: Kaija Saariaho. (Women Composers Series, 1) by Pirkko Moisala. S. 99–100
    • Review by Ken Prouty: Long Lost Blues: Popular Blues in America, 1850–1920 by Peter C. Muir. S. 101–103
    • Review by Janelle West: A Dictionary for the Modern Flutist by Susan J. Maclagan. S. 103–104
  • Stanley Boorman: Identifying And Studying Published Manuscripts. S. 109–126
  • Laura Buch, Paul Corneilson, Jason B. Grant, Mark W. Knoll: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. S. 127–136
  • Licia Sirch: Clori: The Archive Of The Italian Cantata. S. 137–147
  • John Shepard: Preserve: Teaching Archives To Dance Companies. S. 148–156
  • Fiona Still-Drewett: Ilam’s Archival Revitalisation: The Past Five Years At The International Library Of African Music. S. 157–164
  • John Wagstaff: Spreading The Message: Teaching Music Librarianship By Distance-Learning. S. 165–176
  • Corresponding Editors’ News.
    • Georgina Binns: Barry Tuckwell Collection. S. 177
    • Georgina Binns: Grainger Studies – New Journal Available in Print and Free Online. S. 177–178
    • Ilvi Rauna: German opera director Prof. Joachim Herz donates his library to the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. S. 178–179
    • Heikki Poroila: The Finnish Music Bazaar. S. 179
    • Judy Tsou: IAML-US merges with MLA. S. 179
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Jane Dahlenburg: Antonio Caldara: Life and Venetian-Roman Oratorios by Ursula Kirkendale; Warren Kirkendale. S. 180–181
    • Review by Willem Rodenhuis: Hindustani Music: Thirteenth to Twentieth Centuries by Joep Bor; Françoise‚Nalini’ Delvoye; Jane Harvey; Emmie te Nijenhuis. S. 181–183
    • Review by Bradford Lee Eden: Child Composers and Their Works: A Historical Survey by Barry Cooper. S. 183–184
    • Review by Georg Günther: The Archive of the Sing-Akademie zu Berlin. Catalogue / Das Archiv der Sing-Akademie zu Berlin. Katalog by Axel Fischer; Matthias Kornemann. S. 184–185
    • Review by Alon Schab: Music and Musicians on the London Stage, 1695—1705 by Kathryn Lowerre. S. 185–187
    • Review by Thomas S. Hischak: A Song in the Dark: The Birth of the Musical Film. 2 nd Edition by Richard Barrios; The New Broadway Song Companion: An Annotated Guide to Musical Theatre Literature by Voice Type and Song Style by David P. DeVenney. S. 187–188
    • Review by Gerald R. Seaman: Rosa Newmarch and Russian Music in Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century England. (Royal Musical Association Monographs; 18) by Philip Ross Bullock. S. 188–191
    • Review by Barry J. Zaslow: Variations on the Canon: Essays on Music From Bach to Boulez in Honor of Charles Rosen on His Eightieth Birthday by Robert Curry; David Gable; Robert L. Marshall. S. 191–192
    • Review by Jordi Reig: The Traditional Folk Music and Dances of Spain: A Bibliographical Guide to Research, Vol. 1 by Israel J. Katz. S. 192–194
    • Review by Heather Platt: Johannes Brahms und der Leipziger Musikverlag Breitkopf & Härtel. (Abhandlungen zur Musikgeschichte, Band 20.) by Peter Schmitz. S. 194–196
    • Review by Adriana Helbig: The New (Ethno)musicologies. (Europea: Ethnomusicologies and Modernities) by Henry Stobart. S. 196–197
    • Review by Tim Eggington: Thomas Tallis and his Music in Victorian England by Suzanne Cole. S. 197–200
    • Review by Bryan Proksch: Keys to the Drama: Nine Perspectives on Sonata Forms by Gordon Sly. S. 200–201
    • Review by Hannu Salmi: Richard Wagner, Sämtliche Briefe. Band 18: Briefe des Jahres 1866 by Andreas Mielke; Isabel Kraft. S. 201–203
    • Review by John Schuster-Craig: Wagner and Venice by John W. Barker. S. 203–204
  • Rupert Ridgewell: National Objectives—International Solutions: Music In National Libraries. S. 209–211
  • Robyn Holmes: Music At The National Library Of Australia. S. 212–226
  • Richard Green, Library, Archives Canada Music Staff: The Music Collection Of Library And Archives Canada In 2011. S. 227–235
  • Marie-Pierre Bodez, Pierre Pichon, Marguerite Sablonnière: Le Dépôt Légal De La Musique À La Bibliothèque Nationale De France: État Des Lieux Et Nouveaux Enjeux. S. 236–243
  • Martina Rebmann: Die Musikabteilung Der Staatsbibliothek Zu Berlin — Preußischer Kulturbesitz: Ein Kompetenz-Zentrum Für Musik In Nationalbibliothekarischem Zusammenhang. S. 244–252
  • Anne Ørbæk Jensen: Experiencing Materials And Knowledge: The Danish National Library’s Music Collection. S. 253–259
  • Balázs Mikusi: The Tumbling Flagship: The Music Collection Of The National Széchényi Library, Budapest. S. 260–265
  • Una Hunt: The National Archive Of Irish Composers: Creating A Digital Collection Of Music From The National Library Of Ireland. S. 266–273
  • Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi: Music In Italian National Libraries. S. 274–280
  • Paola Gibbin: Music In The National Central Library Of Florence: Legal Deposit And National Bibliography Of Music. S. 281–286
  • Federica Riva: The Network Of National Libraries And Central Institutes In Italy. S. 287–294
  • Martie Severt: National Music Collections In The Netherlands. S. 295–297
  • Roger Flury: New Zealand: Standing Proud On Shaky Ground. S. 298–301
  • Inger Johanne Christiansen: The National Music Collection (Norsk Musikksamling) Of The National Library Of Norway. S. 302–307
  • Almut Boehme: Music In The National Library Of Scotland. S. 308–316
  • José Carlos Gosálvez Lara: Music Collections And Audio-Visual Documents In The Spanish National Library (Madrid). S. 317–324
  • Richard Chesser: Music In The British Library: The Present And The Future. S. 325–332
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Laurel Tarulli: Liber Amicorum: Festschriften for Music Scholars and Nonmusicians, 1840—1966 by Zdravko Blažeković; James R. Cowdery. S. 333–334
    • Review by John Wagstaff: Josquin. (Epitome musical) by David Fallows. S. 334–336
    • Review by Jan Dewilde: Les éditions musicales publiées à Bruxelles au XVIIIe siècle (1706—1794): catalogue descriptif et illustré. (Etudes de musicologie; 2) by Marie Cornaz. S. 336–338
    • Review by John Schuster-Craig: Othmar Schoeck: Life and Works. Eastman Studies in Music by Chris Walton. S. 338–339
    • Review by Keith E. Clifton: Composer sous Vichy by Yannick Simon. S. 339–341
    • Review by Peter Sühring: Norbert Burgmüller. Thematisch-Bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis by Klaus Tischendorf; Tobias Koch. S. 341–343
    • Review by Clemens Gresser: Roger Sessions: A Biography by Andrea Olmstead. S. 343–345
    • Review by Thomas S. Hischak: South Pacific: Paradise Rewritten by Jim Lovensheimer; Broadway Musicals: The Biggest Hit & the Biggest Flop of the Season 1959—2009 by Peter Filichia. S. 345–347
    • Review by Cynthia Richardson: The Music of Peggy Glanville-Hicks by Victoria Rogers. S. 347–348
    • Review by Claire Taylor-Jay: Lexikon Musik und Gender by Annette Kreutziger-Herr; Melanie Unseld. S. 348–351
    • Review by Ron Wiecki: The Letters of Gertrude Stein and Virgil Thomson: Composition as Conversation by Susan Holbrook; Thomas Dilworth. S. 351–352
  • Pia Shekhter: Minutes For The Council Meeting: on Sunday 24 July at 14.00 and Thursday 28 July at 16.00. S. 357–366
  • Kathryn Adamson: Treasurer’s Report. S. 367–372
  • Reports.
  • Board Committees.
    • Antony Gordon: Ad-Hoc Committee on Electronic Voting. S. 373
    • Jutta Lambrecht: Ad-hoc Committee on Electronic Fontes. S. 373
  • Professional Branches.
    • Manual Ervitti, Manual Erviti: Archives and Music Documentation Centres Branch. S. 373–376
    • Sabina Benelli, Angela Escott: Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries Branch. S. 376–378
    • Pia Shekhter, Claire Kidwell: Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions Branch. S. 378–381
    • Hanneke Kuiper: Public Libraries Branch. S. 381–383
    • Almut Boehme: Research Libraries Branch. S. 383–384
  • Subject Commissions.
    • David Day: Bibliography Commission. S. 384–387
    • Mary Wedgewood: Commission on Audio-Visual Materials. S. 387–388
    • Geoff Thomason: Commission on Service and Training. S. 388–390
    • Joseph Hafner: Cataloguing Commission. S. 390–391
    • Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi: Cataloguing Commission: Sub-Commission on ISBD and Music. S. 391–392
    • Isabelle Gauchet Doris, Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi, Tiziana Morsanuto: Cataloguing Commission: Sub-Commission on UNIMARC. S. 392–395
  • Working Groups.
  • Branches.
    • Jon Bagüés: Archives Branch: Working Group on Access to Music Archives. S. 395–396
  • Commissions.
    • Rupert Ridgewell: Cataloguing Commission: Working Group on Access to Performance Ephemera. S. 396
    • Malcolm Jones: Cataloguing Commission: Working Group on Exchange of Authority Data. S. 396
    • Antony Gordon: Cataloguing Commission: Working Group on a Music Ontology. S. 396
  • Committees.
    • Richard Chesser: Constitution Committee. S. 396
    • Helen Faulkner: Copyright Committee. S. 397
    • Antony Gordon: Information Technology Committee. S. 397
    • Martie Severt: Outreach Committee. S. 397
    • Stansław Hrabia, Stanisław Hrabia: Programme Committee. S. 397–399
    • Jutta Lambrecht: Publications Committee. S. 399–401
  • R-Projects.
    • Klaus Keil: Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM). S. 401–403
    • Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie: RILM (Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale). S. 403–407
    • Antonio Baldassare, Antonio Baldassarre: RIdIM (Répertoire International d’Iconographie Musicale). S. 407–409
    • H. Robert Cohen: Répertoire International de la Presse Musicale (RIPM). S. 409–412
    • Bonna J. Boettcher, Bonna Boetcher: IAML-L. S. 412
    • Hartmut Walravens: ISMN (International Standard Music Number). S. 412–414
  • National Reports.
    • Robyn Holmes: Australia. S. 414–415
    • Thomas Aigner: Austria. S. 415
    • Johan Eeckeloo: Belgium. S. 415–416
    • Kirsten Walsh: Canada. S. 416–417
    • Jana Navraátilová: Czech Republic. S. 417
    • Kaie Viigipuu-Kreintaal: Estonia. S. 418
    • Jaakko Tuohiniemi: Finland. S. 418–419
    • Elizabeth Giuliani: France. S. 419
    • Barbara Wiermann: Germany (Deutschland). S. 420
    • Julianna Gócza: Hungary. S. 420–422
    • Federica Riva: Italy. S. 422–424
    • Masakata Kanazawa: Japan. S. 424–425
    • Jurate Janutenaitè: Lithuania. S. 425–426
    • Willem Rodenhuis: The Netherlands. S. 426–427
    • Phillippa McKeown-Green: New Zealand. S. 427–428
    • Christian Onyeji: Nigeria. S. 428–429
    • Siren Steen: Norway. S. 429
    • Stansław Hrabia, Stanisław Hrabia: Poland. S. 429–430
    • Emilia Rassena, Emilia Rassina: Russia. S. 430–431
    • Anna Kucianová: Slovak Republic (Slovakia). S. 431–432
    • Jorge García: Spain. S. 433
    • Birgitta Sparre: Sweden. S. 433–434
    • Dorothea Baumann: Switzerland. S. 434
    • Richard Chesser: UK and Ireland. S. 434–435
    • Judy Tsou: United States. S. 436–437
  • Corresponding Editors’ News.
    • Ann Kunish: Report from Oslo Public Library on the 22 July 2011 Oslo Bombing. S. 437–438
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Elisabeth Giselbrecht: Niveau Nische Nimbus. Die Anfänge des Musikdrucks nördlich der Alpen. (Wiener Forum für ältere Musikgeschichte, Band 3) by Birgit Lodes. S. 439–440
    • Review by Marcie Ray: The Era after the Baroque: Music and the Fine Arts 1750—1900 by Robert Tallant Laudon. S. 440–441
    • Review by John Schuster-Craig: The Blue Moment: Miles Davis’s „Kind of Blue“ and the Remaking of Modern Music by Richard Williams. S. 442–443
    • Review by Claudia Albert: Hanns Eisler Briefe 1907—1943. (Hanns Eisler Gesamtausgabe; Serie IX : Schriften; Band 4.1) by Jürgen Schebera; Maren Köster. S. 443–445
    • Review by William Berz: The Conductor’s Legacy by Paula A. Crider. S. 445–446
    • Review by Jan Dewilde: Gabriel Fauré: les voix du clair-obscur. 2 nd rev. ed. by Jean-Michel Nectoux. S. 447–448
    • Review by Mac Nelson: The Lost Cellos of Lev Aronson by Frances Brent. S. 448–449
    • Review by Joshua Barton: Work and Sing: A History of Occupational and Labor Union Songs in the United States by Ronald D. Cohen. S. 450–451
    • Review by Bryan Proksch: Coll’ astuzia, col giudizio: Essays in Honor of Neal Zaslaw by Cliff Eisen. S. 451–452
    • Review by Carol A. Hess: An Annotated Index to Selected Articles from The Musical Courier, 1880—1940 by Peter H. Adams. S. 452–454
    • Geraldine E. Ostrove, Maureen Buja: Recent Publications In Music. S. 455

59. Jg. 2012

  • Niels Krabbe: The Carl Nielsen Edition – Brought To Completion. S. 1–13
  • Hildegard Herrmann-Schneider: Music Manuscripts From The Seventeenth To The Twentieth Centuries In Stams, Bressanone, Salzburg, And From „Vipiteno“. S. 14–24
  • Karen E McAulay: Minstrels Of The Celtic Nations: Metaphors In Early Nineteenth-Century Celtic Song Collections. S. 25–38
  • Ilias Chrissochoidis: A Master Stands: Rare Brahms Photos In The Library Of Congress. S. 39–44
  • Carol Steyn: The Music Manuscripts Of The Grey Collection In Cape Town And Their European Connections. S. 45–56
  • Reports.
  • Corresponding Editors’ News.
    • Heikki Poroila: Finland: Sibelius Academy Library. In Helsinki Music Centre. Now!. S. 57
    • Ria Warmerdam: The Netherlands: Libraries at the Crossroads. S. 57–59
    • Ruthann B. McTyre: United States: News from IAML-US. S. 59
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Christian Thomas Leitmeir: The Critical Nexus: Tone-System, Mode, and Notation in Early Medieval Music. (ASM Studies in Music, 4) by Charles M. Atkinson. S. 60–61
    • Review by Miriam Wendling: Musik im Kloster St. Gallen. Katalog zur Jahresausstellung in der Stiftsbibliothek. S. 61–63
    • Review by James Vincent Maiello: Songs, Scribes, and Society: The History and Reception of the Loire Valley Chansonniers by Jane Alden. S. 63–65
    • Review by George Vlastos: The Opéra-Comique in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. (Speculum Musicae, XV) by Lorenzo Frassà. S. 65–67
    • Review by Karen E. McAulay: The Music Trade in Georgian England by Michael Kassler. S. 67–69
    • Review by Stefan Hanheide: Karl Amadeus Hartmann. Komponist zwischen den Fronten und zwischen den Zeiten. Bericht über das musikwissenschaftliche Symposium zum 100. Geburtstag in München, 5.-7. Oktober 2005. (Münchner Veröffentlichungen zur Musikgeschichte. Bd. 68) by Inga Mai Groote; Hartmut Schick. S. 69–72
    • Review by Keith E. Clifton: Composing the Citizen: Music as Public Utility in Third Republic France by Jann Pasler. S. 72–74
    • Review by George Kennaway: Estonian Sound Recordings 1939 by Kadri Steinbach; Urve Lippus. S. 74–76
    • Review by Loukia Drosopoulou: Praktisches Wörterbuch der Musik by Roberto Braccini. S. 76–77
    • Review by Chris Collins: Visiones del Quijote en la música del siglo XX by Begoña Lolo. S. 77–79
    • Review by Sophie Luise Tiezel: Eduard Hanslick zum Gedenken. Bericht des Symposiums zum Anlass seines 100. Todestages. (Wiener Veröffentlichungen zur Musikwissenschaft; 43) by Teophil Antonicek; Gernot Gruber; Christop Landerer. S. 79–81
    • Review by Peter Sühring: Music’s Intellectual History. (RILM Perspectives; 1) by Zdravko Blažekovič; Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie. S. 81–83
    • Review by Ann-Katrin Zimmermann: Geschichte des Fagotts by Sebastian Werr. S. 83–86
    • Review by Brian C. Thompson: Music, Nationalism, and the Making of the New Europe. (Focus on World Music Series) 2 nd edition by Philip V. Bohlman. S. 86–87
  • Pamela Thompson: The Bluffer’s Guide To Conservatoire Libraries. S. 97–105
  • Simon Polson: The Sydney Manuscript: Vaughan Williams’s (Unknown) Orchestral Setting Of „The Spanish Ladies“. S. 106–116
  • Kendra Preston Leonard: Towards A Works List For Louise Talma. S. 117–126
  • Priscilla Winling: Bringing The Local Music Scene To The Public Libraries Network Of Strasbourg: A Live Collection. S. 127–133
  • Jolanta Byczkowska-Sztaba: The Music Manuscripts And Music Prints Collection In The Archive Of The Cistercian Abbey In Mogiła. S. 134–148
  • Agostina Zecca Laterza: Manuscript Music Published In Naples: 1780–1820. S. 149–157
  • Joe C. Clark: User – Centered Events In A Performing Arts Library. S. 158–167
  • Amelie Roper: Bridging The Gap: Developing Professional Education For Music Library Staff In The United Kingdom And Ireland. S. 168–178
  • Wolfgang Sawodny (Nersingen): Addenda Und Corrigenda Zu Ulrich Drüners Arbeit Über „Das Viola – Konzert Vor 1840“. S. 179–184
  • Reports.
  • Corresponding Editors’ News.
    • Heikki Poroila: Finland: Intervalli – R.I.P.. S. 185
    • Martina Rebmann, Fernand Hörner, Andreas Friesenhagen, Angelika von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Jutta Lambrecht: Neuigkeiten aus Deutschland. S. 185–189
    • Mari Itoh: Japan. S. 189
    • Ria Warmerdam: The Netherlands. S. 189–191
  • Reviews.
    • Review by Renée McBride: Women in Music: A Research and Information Guide. 2 nd ed. by Karin Pendle; Melinda Boyd. S. 192–194
    • Review by Wolfgang Marx: Musikalische Analyse und kulturgeschichtliche Kontextualisierung. Für Reinhold Brinkmann by Tobias Bleek; Camilla Bork. S. 195–197
    • Review by Zofia Chechlińska: Chopin’s Polish Ballade Op. 38 as Narrative of National Martyrdom by Jonathan Bellman. S. 197–199
    • Review by Sophie Luise Tiezel: Eduard Hanslick zum Gedenken. Bericht des Symposiums zum Anlass seines 100. Todestages. (Wiener Veröffentlichungen zur Musikwissenschaft; 43) by Teophil Antonicek; Gernot Gruber; Christoph Landerer; Christop Landerer. S. 200–202
    • Review by Rainer J. Schwob: Mozart im Zentrum. Festschrift für Manfred Hermann Schmid zum 60. Geburtstag by Ann-Katrin Zimmermann; Klaus Aringer. S. 202–205
    • Review by Ken Prouty: Sounding Out Pop: Analytical Essays in Popular Music by Mark Spicer; John Covach. S. 205–208
    • Review by Björn Heile: Mauricio Kagel. Zwei-Mann-Orchester. Essays und Dokumente by Matthias Kassel; Mauricio Kagel. Zwei-Mann-Orchester. S. 208–210
    • Review by Robert G. Rawson: The Instrumental Music of Schmeltzer, Biber, Muffat and Their Contemporaries by Charles Brewer. S. 211–213
    • Review by Bryan Proksch: Music and the Wesleys by Nicholas Temperley; Stephen Banfield. S. 213–215
    • Review by Irmgard Knechtges-Obrecht: Die Ouvertüren Robert Schumanns. (Studien und Materialien zur Musikwissenschaft; 62) by Fabian Bergener. S. 215–217
    • Review by Philip Furia: Off-Broadway Musicals since 1919: From The Greenwich Village Follies to The Toxic Avenger by Thomas S. Hischak. S. 217–218
    • Review by John Schuster-Craig: Modern Music and After. 3 rd edition by Paul Griffiths. S. 218–219
    • Review by Jutta Raab Hansen: Dokumente zur Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Bd. 1. Bd. 2 by Helga de la Motte-Haber; Lydia Rilling; Julia H. Schröder; Hans Emons; Lutz Fahrenkrog-Petersen; Wolfram Knauer. S. 219–222
    • Review by Christian Berger: Der französische Liederzyklus von 1866 bis 1914. Entwicklungen und Strukturen. (Beitrage zum Archiv für Musikwissenschaft; 66) by Ulrich Linke. S. 222–225
    • Review by John McKean: Thematischer Katalog der Musikhandschriften (Signaturengruppe Mus. Hs.). (Die Handschriften der Badischen Landesbibliothek in Karlsruhe, Band XIV) by Armin Brinzing. S. 225–227
    • Review by Susi Woodhouse: Letters From a Life: The Selected Letters of Benjamin Britten 1913–1976. Volume 5: 1958–1965 by Philip Reed; Mervyn Cooke. S. 227–229
    • Review by Katy Romanou: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Musical Manuscript Collection of the National library of Greece. Byzantine Chant and other Music Repertory Recovered by Diane H. Touliatos-Miles. S. 229–232
    • Review by Michael Lorenz: Franz Schubert by Hans-Joachim Hinrichsen. S. 232–233
    • Review by Beat Föllmi: Charles Koechlin: compositeur et humaniste. (collection MusicologieS) by Philippe Cathé; Sylvie Douche; Michel Duchesneau. S. 233–235
    • Review by Bryan Proksch: Haydn and His Contemporaries by Sterling E. Murray. S. 235–236
  • James P. Cassaro: Music Cataloguing—Where Is It Headed?. S. 247–248
  • Jean Harden: Cataloguing In 2012: On The Cusp Of Rda. S. 249–256
  • Stephen Henry: Rda And Music Reference Services: What To Expect And What To Do Next. S. 257–269
  • Anders Cato: Music Cataloguing In Europe And Rda: Current Practises Challenged By New Rules. S. 270–285
  • Mark McKnight: Are We There Yet? Toward A Workable Controlled Vocabulary For Music. S. 286–292
  • Front Matter.
  • Management Reports.
    • Pia Shekhter: Minutes From The Council Meeting. S. 303–313
    • Kathryn Adamson: Treasurer’s Report. S. 314–319
  • Reports.
    • Ad-Hoc Committees.
    • Antony Gordon: Ad-hoc Committee on Electronic Voting. S. 320
    • Jutta Lambrecht: Ad-hoc Committee on Electronic Fontes. S. 320
    • Antony Gordon: IAML Strategy Committee. S. 320
    • Pia Shejhter and Pia Shekhter: Ad-hoc Committee on the Restructuring of IAML. S. 320
  • Professional Branches.
    • Marie-Gabrielle Soret: Archives et centres de documentation musicaux. S. 320–324
    • Sabina Benelli and Nienke de Boer: Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries Branch. S. 324–325
    • Johan Eeckeloo, Johann Eekeloo and Claire Kidwell: Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions. S. 325–327
    • Annika Simms and Hanneke Kuiper: Public Libraries Branch. S. 327–330
    • Kerstin Carpvik: Research Libraries Branch. S. 330–331
  • Subject Commissions.
    • Jaakko Tuohiniemi and Rupert Ridgewell: Bibliography Commission. S. 331–333
    • Andrew Justice: Audio-Visual Commission. S. 333
    • Geoff Thomason and Geoffrey Thomason: Commission on Service and Training. S. 333–335
    • Joseph Hafner: Cataloguing Commission. S. 335–336
    • Isabelle Gauchet Doris: Sub-commission on UNIMARC. S. 336–338
  • Working Groups.
    • Inger Enquist and Jon Bagüés: Working Group Access to Music Archives. S. 338–339
    • Paul Banks and Rupert Ridgewell: Working Group on Access to Performance Ephemera. S. 339
    • Andrew Justice: Working Group on the Creation of a Digital Collections Database. S. 339
    • Committees.
    • Richard Chesser: Constitution Committee. S. 340
    • Helen Faulkner: Copyright. S. 340
    • Antony Gordon: IT Committee. S. 340
    • Martie Severt and Martie Severts: Outreach Committee. S. 340
    • Stanisław Hrabia: Programme Committee. S. 340–342
    • Jutta Lambrecht: Publications Committee. S. 342–343
    • R-Projects.
    • Klaus Keil: Repertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM). S. 343–346
    • Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie: Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM). S. 346–348
    • Antonio Baldassarre, Antonio Baldassare and Debra Pring: Répertoire International d’Iconographie Musicale (RIdIM). S. 348–351
    • H. Robert Cohen and Bonna Boetticher: Répertoire international de la presse musicale (RIPM). S. 351–352
    • Carolin Unger and Hartmut Walravens: International Standard Music Number (ISMN). S. 352–353
    • National Reports.
    • Julia Mitford: Australia. S. 353–356
    • Thomas Aigner: Austria. S. 356
    • Johan Eeckeloo: Belgium. S. 356–357
    • Janneka Guise and Jan Guise: Canada. S. 357–358
    • Željka Radovinovič: Croatia. S. 358–359
    • Zoja Seyčková: Czech Republic. S. 359
    • Kaie Viigipuu-Kreintaal and Kaie Viigipuu-Kreintaa: Estonia. S. 359–360
    • Jaakko Tuohiniemi: Finland. S. 360–361
    • Elizabeth Giuliani: France. S. 361
    • Barbara Wiermann: Deutschland / Germany. S. 362
    • Julianna GÓCZA: Hungary. S. 362–364
    • Federica Riva: Italy. S. 364–367
    • Masakata KANAZAWA: Japan. S. 367–368
    • Egle Jovaisaite and Eglė Marčėnienė: Lithuania. S. 368–370
    • Willem Rodenhuis: The Netherlands. S. 370–371
    • Phillippa McKeown-Green: New Zealand. S. 371–372
    • Siren Steen: Norway. S. 372
    • Stanisław Hrabia: Poland. S. 373–374
    • Emiliya Rassina and Emilia Rassina: Russia. S. 374
    • Anna Kucianová: Slovakia. S. 374–376
    • Jorge García García and Jorge García: Spain. S. 376–377
    • Birgitta Sparre: Sweden. S. 377–378
    • Jörg Müller: Schweiz / Switzerland. S. 378–379
    • Richard Chesser: United Kingdom and Ireland. S. 379–381
    • Jerry McBride: United States. S. 381–385
    • Corresponding Editors.
    • Jorge García García: Spain. S. 386
    • Obituaries.
    • Maria Calderisi: Dr. Helmut Kallmann, 1922–2012. S. 387–388
    • Jolanta Byczkowska-Sztaba, Mariola Nałęcz and Stanisław Hrabia: Bożena Elżbieta Wojnowska, 28 October 1949–9 March 2012. S. 388–389
    • Richard Chesser: Malcolm Turner, 1939–2012. S. 389–390
    • Michael Ochs: Mary Wallace Davidson (1935–2012). S. 390–391
    • Reviews.
    • Review by Diane M. Paige: A Descriptive Bibliography of Art Music by Israeli Composers. Second edition. (Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, no. 88) by Alice Tischler. S. 392–393
    • Review by Alma Bejtullahu: Albanian Traditional Music: An Introduction by Spiro J. Sxhetuni; Spiro J. Shetuni. S. 393–394
    • Review by Stephen Chase: Behind Bars: The Definitive Guide to Music Notation by Elaine Gould. S. 395–396
    • Review by Benjamin Korstvedt: Bruckner Handbuch by Hans-Joachim Hinrichsen. S. 396–399
    • Review by Susan Wollenberg: C.P.E. Bach: The Complete Works: VII/1–3: Versuch über die wahre Art das Clavier zu spielen by Tobias Plebuch. S. 399–401
    • Review by Clive Simmonds: The Collected Writings of Franz Liszt, Vol. 1: F. Chopin by Janita R. Hall-Swadley. S. 401–403
    • Review by John Wagstaff: Collectionner la musique. Vol. 1: Histoires d’une passion by Denis Herlin; Catherine Massip; Jean Duron; Dinko Fabris. S. 403–406
    • Review by Antonia Lange: Das große Handbuch der Oper by Heinz Wagner. S. 406–408
    • Review by Jutta Raab Hansen: Die verschwundenen Musiker: Jüdische Flüchtlinge in Australien by Albrecht Dümling. S. 408–411
    • Review by Keith E. Clifton: French Opera: A Short History by Vincent Giroud. S. 411–414
    • Review by Irene Suchy: Hugo Wolf Werkverzeichnis. (Catalogus Musicus. 19) by Margret Jestremski. S. 414–416
    • Review by Aaron J. West: Jazz Books in the 1990s: An Annotated Bibliography by Janice Leslie Hochstat Greenberg. S. 416–417
    • Review by Claire Taylor-Jay: ‚Immer wieder werden mich thätige Geister verlocken‘: Alma Mahler-Werfels Briefe an Alban Berg und seine Frau by Martina Steiger. S. 417–420
    • Review by Tim Eggington: John Birchensha: Writings on Music by Christopher D.S. Field; Benjamin Wardhaugh. S. 420–422
    • Review by William Drabkin: Lexikon der musikalischen Form by Reinhard Amon; Gerold Gruber; Alfred Litschauer. S. 422–424
    • Review by Stefano Baldi: Luigi Russolo. La musica, la pittura, il pensiero. Nuove ricerche sugli scritti. (Documenti del MART, Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Rovereto, 13) by Giuliano Bellorini; Anna Gasparotto; Franco Tagliapietra. S. 424–426
    • Review by Kevin Dawe: Nettl’s Elephant: On the History of Ethnomusicology by Bruno Nettl. S. 427–429
    • Review by Eva Rieger: Richard Wagner, Sämtliche Briefe, Band 19. Briefe des Jahres 1867 by Margret Jestremski. S. 429–431
    • Review by John Schuster-Craig: Source: Music of the Avant Garde, 1966–1973 by Larry Austin; Douglas Kahn; Nilendra Gurusinghe; Source Records 1–6: Music of the Avant-Garde, 1968–1971. S. 431–433
    • Review by Nina Eichholz: Telemann und die Kirchenmusik. Bericht über die Internationale Wissenschaftliche Konferenz Magdeburg, 15. bis 17. März 2006, anlässlich der 18. Magdeburger Telemann-Festtage by Carsten Lange; Brit Reipsch. S. 433–436
    • Review by Bethany Lowe: The Correspondence of Jean Sibelius and Rosa Newmarch, 1906–1939 by Philip Ross Bullock. S. 436–438
    • Review by Joe C. Clark: The Early Years of Folk Music: Fifty Founders of the Tradition by David Dicaire. S. 438–439
    • Review by Margaret Jones: The Routledge Film Music Sourcebook by James Wierzbicki; Nathan Platte; Colin Roust. S. 439–441
    • Review by Paul Nash: There’s a Place For Us: The Musical Theatre Works of Leonard Bernstein by Helen Smith. S. 441–443
    • Review by Matthias Range: William Boyce: A Tercentenary Sourcebook and Compendium by Ian Bartlett; Robert J. Bruce. S. 443–445
    • Review by Sophie Fuller: The Song Cycle by Laura Tunbridge. S. 445–448
    • Geraldine E. Ostrove And Maureen Buja: Recent Publications In Music. S. 448
  • [Index]. S. 449–484
  • Back Matter.

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