Charles Hatchett
Bearbeitendeutsche Übersetzungen
Bearbeiten- Karl Hatchett’s Versuche und Beobachtungen über die verschiedenen Karatirungen, die spezifische Schwere und über das komparative Abnutzen des Goldes. Aus dem Englischen von I. F. C. [= Johann Friedrich Christian] Wuttig. Crökersche Buchhandlung, Jena 1804 Google
- Eigenschaften und chemisches Verhalten des von Charles Hatchett, Esq., entdeckten neuen Metalls, Columbium. In: Annalen der Physik. Band 11, Rengersche Buchhandlung, Halle 1802, S. 120 Quellen → An analysis of a mineral substance from North America
- Physikalische und chemische Untersuchungen über den Magnetkies und Bemerkungen über verschiedene Arten von Schwefel-Eisen. In: Annalen der Physik. Band 25, Rengersche Buchhandlung, Halle 1807, S. 58 Quellen → An analysis of the magnetical pyrites
- Zerlegung des kärnthischen wasserbleysauren Bleyes, nebst Versuchen über die Wasserbleysäure. 1797 → An Analysis of the Carinthian Molybdate of Lead
- Versuche und Beobachtungen über den vitriolsauren Ammoniak. 1797 → Experiments and observations on the decomposition of the sulphate of ammoniac
- Zerlegung der erdigen Substanz aus Neu-Süd-Wallis, welche Sidney- oder Australerde genannt wird. 1798 → An analysis of the earthy substance from New South Wales
- Chemische Versuche mit Zoophyten, nebst einigen Beobachtungen über die Bestandtheile der Membranensubstanz. 1801 → Chemical experiments on zoophytes
- Zerlegung einer mineralischen Substanz von Nord-Amerika, welche ein bisher unbekanntes Metall enthält. 1802 → An analysis of a mineral substance from North America
in Magazin für den neuesten Zustand der Naturkunde
- Zerlegung des Australsandes. 1798 → An analysis of the earthy substance from New South Wales
- Ueber die Grundsätze, die man bei Verfertigung der Münzen in Absicht der Metallverbindungen und der möglichst geringen Abnutzung zu befolgen hat. 1804 → Experiments and observations on the various alloys, on the specific gravity, and on the comparative wear of gold
Bearbeiten- On the Spikenard of the Ancients. London [1836] Internet Archive, Google
- Chemical Experiments on Zoophytes; With Some Observations on the Component Parts of Membrane. London 1800 Google
- An Analysis of a Mineral Substance From North America, Containing a Metal Hitherto Unknown. London 1802 Google, Google, Google
- Experiments and Observations on the Various Alloys, on the Specific Gravity, and on the Comparative Wear of Gold. London 1803 Google
- Analytical Experiments and Observations on Lac. Sonderabdruck. London 1804 Google
- A Letter to the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks … In Which a Description is Given of a Process, by Which Corn Tainted With Must May be Completely Purified. London 1816 Google
in Philosophical Transactions
- An Analysis of the Carinthian Molybdate of Lead; with Experiments on the Molybdic Acid. To which are added some Experiments and Observations on the Decomposition of the Sulphate of Ammoniac. In: Band 86 (1796) Biodiversity Heritage Library
- An Analysis of the earthy Substance from New South Wales, called Sydneia or Terra Australis. In: Band 88 (1798) Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Account of a Substance found in a Clay-pit; and of the Effect of the Mere of Diss, upon various Substances immersed in it (Benjamin Wiseman); With an Analysis of the Water of the sait Mere (Charles Hatchett). In: Band 88 (1798)
- Experiments and Observations on Shell and Bone. In: Band 89 (1799)
- Chemical Experiments on Zoophytes; with some Observations on the component Parts of Membrane. In: Band 90 (1800) Biodiversity Heritage Library
- An Analysis of a mineral Substance from North America, containing a Metal hitherto unknown. In: Band 92 (1802) Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Experiments and Observations on the various Alloys, on the specific Gravity, and on the comparative Wear of Gold. In: Band 93 (1803) Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Analysis of a triple Sulphuret, of Lead, Antimony, and Copper, from Cornwall. In: Band 94 (1804)
- Analytical Experiments and Observations on Lac. In: Band 94 (1804)
- An Analysis of the magnetical Pyrites; with Remarks on some of the other Sulphurets of Iron. In: Band 94 (1804) Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Observations on the Change of some of the proximate Principles of Vegetables into Bitumen; with analytical Experiments on a peculiar Substance which is found with the Bovey Coal. In: Band 94 (1804)
- On an artificial Substance which possesses the principal characteristic Properties of Tannin. In: Band 95 (1805)
- Additional Experiments and Remarks on an artificial Substance, which possesses the principal characteristic Properties of Tannin. In: Band 95 (1805)
- A third Series of Experiments on an artificial Substance, which possesses the principal characteristic Properties of Tannin; with some Remarks on Coal. In: Band 96 (1806)
- A description of a process, by which corn tainted with Must may be completely purified. In: Band 107 (1817)
in Philosophical Magazine
- On the Utility of Prussiate of Copper as a Pigment. In: Band 14 (1802), S. 359–360 Biodiversity Heritage Library
Bearbeiten- Todesnachricht in: Leipziger Repertorium der deutschen und ausländischen Literatur, hg. von E. G. Gersdorf, 5. Jg. (1847), Bd. 3, S. 406 Google
- J. C. Poggendorff: Biographisch-literarisches Handwörterbuch zur Geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften, Band 1. Leipzig 1863, Sp. 1031 Internet Archive