Schwere, Elektricität und Magnetismus:394

Bernhard Riemann: Schwere, Elektricität und Magnetismus
Seite 22
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the expression being regarded, for the present at least, as a single operator when applied to a vector. (It will be remembered that no meaning has been attributed to before a vector.) It should be noticed that, if

that is, the operator applied to a vector affects separately its scalar components.

71. From the above definition with those of Nos. 52 and 54 we may easily obtain

The effect of the operator is therefore independent of the directions of the axes used in its definition.

72. The expression where is any infinitesimal scalar, evidently represents the excess of the value of the scalar function at the point considered above the average of its values at six points at the following vector distances: . Since the directions of ,, and are immaterial, (provided that they are at right angles to each other), the excess of the value of at the central point above its average value in a spherical surface of radius constructed about that point as the center will be represented by the same expression, .

Precisely the same is true of a vector function, if it is understood that the additions and subtractions implied in the terms average and excess are geometrical additions and subtractions.

Maxwell has called the concentration of , whether is scalar or vector. We may call (or ), which is proportioned to the excess of the average value of the function in an infinitesimal spherical surface above the value at the center, the dispersion of (or ).

Transformation of Definite Integrals.

73. From the equations of No. 65, with the principles of integration of Nos. 57, 59, and 60, we may deduce various transformations of definite integrals, which are entirely analogous to those known in the scalar calculus under the name of integration by parts. The following formulae (like those of Nos. 57, 59, and 60) are written for the case of continuous values of the quantities (scalar and vector) to which the signs , and are applied. It is left to the student to complete the formulae for cases of discontinuity in these values. The manner in which this is to be done may in each case be inferred