Zeitschriften (Parapsychologie)/fremdsprachige
- The Aberree : the Non-serious Organ of "The Infinites," a Universe of Being as Unlimited as the Name Implies / Recusant Voice of "The Infinities" for Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Pluto, and Zydokumzrushkehen ; Don't take it so damn seriously / ed. by Agnes Johnson Hart, Phoenix, AZ, then Enid, OK 1954-1965 (10 issues a year; at the dark of the moon, 6 to 12 moons a year)
- no ZDB
- 1954-1965 complete IAPSOP = International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals
- Almanach astrologique, scientifique, astronomique ↗ZDB, Paris : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 10.1857 - 50.1897 nachgewiesen
- Erscheinungsweise nach IAPSOP 1847-1905
- 1847-1856
- 1857-1859 IAPSOP = International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals, Gallica BNF Paris
- 1860-1870
- 1871 Gallica BNF Paris
- 1872-1873
- 1874-1883 IAPSOP = International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals, Gallica BNF Paris
- 1884 Gallica BNF Paris
- 1885-1899 IAPSOP = International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals, Gallica BNF Paris
- 1900
- 1901-1905 IAPSOP = International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals, Gallica BNF Paris
- Annales des sciences psychiques : recueil d'observations et d'expériences ↗ZDB / Société Universelle d'Etudes Psychiques, Paris : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1.1891 - 29.1919 Forts. →
- 1.1891-14.1904 Directeur: M le Dr. X. Dariex, 15.1905 + Prof. Charles Richet
- 15.1905 subtitle: publication mensuelle consacrée aux recherches expérimentales et critiques sur les phénoménes de telépathie, lucidité, prémonition, mediumnité etc.
- 18.1908- subtitle: publication bi-mensuelle illustrée consacrée aux recherches expérimentales et critiques sur les phénoménes de telépathie, lucidité, prémonition, mediumnité etc.
- 1.1891 Google (Stanford) (1+2), Princeton = Google, Harvard = Google
- 2.1892 Princeton = Google, Harvard = Google
- 3.1893 Google (Stanford) (3+4), Princeton = Google, Harvard = Google
- 4.1894 Princeton = Google, Harvard = Google
- 5.1895 Google (Stanford) (5+6), Princeton = Google, Harvard = Google
- 6.1896 Princeton = Google, Harvard = Google
- 7.1897 Google (Stanford) (7+8), Princeton = Google, Harvard = Google
- 8.1898 Princeton = Google = Internet Archive
- 9.1899 Google = Internet Archive (Stanford) (9+10), Princeton = Google = Internet Archive
- 10.1900 Google = Internet Archive (Stanford) (9+10), Princeton = Google = Internet Archive
- 11.1901 Google = Internet Archive (Stanford) (11+12), Princeton = Google = Internet Archive
- 12.1902 Google = Internet Archive (Stanford) (11+12), Princeton = Google = Internet Archive
- 13.1903 Google = Internet Archive (Stanford) (13+14), Princeton = Google = Internet Archive
- 14.1904 Google = Internet Archive (Stanford) (13+14), Princeton = Google = Internet Archive
- 15.1905 Princeton = Google = Internet Archive
- 16.1906 Google = Internet Archive (Lyon Public Library)
- 17.1907 Google = Internet Archive (Stanford), Google = Internet Archive (Lyon Public Library)
- 18.1908 Princeton = Google = Internet Archive, Google = Internet Archive (Stanford), Google = Internet Archive (Lyon Public Library)
- 19.1909 Google = Internet Archive (Stanford) (19+20), Princeton = Google = Internet Archive, Google = Internet Archive (Lyon Public Library)
- 20.1910 Google = Internet Archive (Stanford) (19+20), Princeton = Google = Internet Archive
- 21.1911 Google = Internet Archive (Stanford) (21+22), Princeton = Google = Internet Archive
- 22.1912 Princeton = Google = Internet Archive, Google = Internet Archive (Lyon Public Library)
- 23.1913 Google = Internet Archive (Lyon Public Library) (23+24), Princeton = Google = Internet Archive, Google = Internet Archive (Stanford)
- 24.1914 Gallica BNF Paris, Princeton = Google = Internet Archive (24+25), Google = Internet Archive (Stanford) (24+25)
- 25.1915 Gallica BNF Paris, Princeton = Google = Internet Archive (24+25), Google = Internet Archive (Stanford) (24+25)
- 25.1915, no. 1/3 Google = Internet Archive (Lyon Public Library)
- 25.1915, no. 4/5 Google (Lyon Public Library)
- 26.1916 Gallica BNF Paris, Google = Internet Archive (Stanford)
- 26.1916-29.1919 Gallica BNF Paris, Princeton = Google = Internet Archive
- Bible Review : Upholding Advanced Esoteric Thought ↗ZDB, , Applegate, CA. Publisher: Esoteric Fraternity 1=15.1902/03 - 18=32.1922/23 ← Vorg. Forts. →
- Monthly, then bimonthly
- in the subtitle vols 15-32 of the Esoteric Series
- Editor: Hiram Erastus Butler (1841-1916) until his death.
- Succeeds: Occult and Biological Journal
- Succeeded by: Christian Esoteric
- Should be read in context with The Esoteric, Occult and Biological Journal, and The Christian Esoteric, which are all Society Esoteric/Esoteric Fraternity publications.
- 1=15.1902/03 IAPSOP = International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals = Internet Archive
- 2=16.1903/04 California = Google = Internet Archive
- 3=17.1904/05 California = Google = Internet Archive
- 4=18.1905/06 California = Google = Internet Archive
- 5=19.1906/07 California = Google = Internet Archive
- 6=20.1907/08 California = Google = Internet Archive
- 7=21.1908/09 California = Google = Internet Archive
- 8=22.1909/10 California = Google = Internet Archive
- 9=23.1910/11 California = Google = Internet Archive
- 10=24.1911/12 California = Google = Internet Archive
- 11=25.1912/13 California = Google = Internet Archive
- 12=26.1913/14 California = Google = Internet Archive
- 13=27.1914/15 California = Google = Internet Archive
- 14=28.1915/16 California = Google = Internet Archive
- 15=29.1916/18 California = Google = Internet Archive
- 16=30.1918/20 California = Google = Internet Archive
- 17=31.1920/22 California = Google = Internet Archive
- 18=32.1922/23 California = Google = Internet Archive
- Borderland : a quarterly review and index ↗ZDB / edited by William Thomas Stead, London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1.1894 - 4.1897[?]
- The Christian Esoteric ↗ZDB, Applegate, CA. Publisher: Esoteric Publishing Co. 1=33.1926 - 18=50.1943 ← Vorg.
- Editor: Hiram Erastus Butler.
- Succeeds: The Esoteric ← Vorg. -> Occult and Biological Journal ← Vorg. -> The Bible Review ← Vorg.
- 1/1, 1926 (also called 33/1)-1943.
- The journal continues the numbering and purposes of Butler's other publications: The Bible Review, Occult and Biological Journal, and The Esoteric. NYPL; LOC.
- Should be read in context with The Esoteric, Occult and Biological Journal, and The Bible Review, which are all Society Esoteric/Esoteric Fraternity publications.
- 11=43.1936, no. 10 (Oct) IAPSOP = International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals
- 12=44.1937, no. 11+12 (Nov+Dec) IAPSOP = International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals
- 13=45.1938, no. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 & 12 IAPSOP = International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals
- 14=46.1939, no. 2 IAPSOP = International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals
- 17=49.1942, no. 9 IAPSOP = International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals
- 18=50.1943, no. 1 IAPSOP = International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals
- L'Étoile d'orient : revue de hautes études psychiques ; Organe officiel du Centre Esoterique Oriental de France. 1.1908
- kein ZDB-Eintrag
- 1.1908 Harvard = Google, California = Google = Internet Archive, Google = Internet Archive (Lyon Public Library)
- The Esoteric : a Magazine of Advanced and Practical Esoteric Thought ↗ZDB, Boston, MA, and from 1891 Applegate, CA. : Esoteric Pub. Co. 1.1887/88 - 13.1899 Forts. →
- from 6.1892/93 subtitle Magazine of Practical Esoteric Thought
- Other titles: The Revised Esoteric
- Editors
- Hiram Erastus Butler (1841-1916), founder and contributing editor
- Charles H. Mackay, managing editor
- Melvin L. Severy
- B.B. Zerub.
- superseded by Occult and Biological Journal
- Should be read in context with Occult and Biological Journal, The Bible Review, and The Christian Esoteric, which are all Society Esoteric/Esoteric Fraternity publications
- Succeeded by : Occult and Biological Journal
- 1.1887/88 Michigan = Google, California = Google, Harvard = Google
- 2.1888/89 Michigan = Google, California = Google, Harvard = Google
- 3.1889/90 Michigan = Google, California = Google, Harvard = Google
- 4.1890/91 California = Google, Harvard = Google
- 5.1891/92 California = Google, Harvard = Google
- 6.1892/93 California = Google, Harvard = Google
- 7.1893/94 California = Google, Harvard = Google
- 8.1894/95 California = Google, Harvard = Google
- 9.1895/96 California = Google, Harvard = Google
- 10.1896/97 California = Google, Harvard = Google
- 11.1897/98 California = Google
- 12.1898/99 Harvard = Google (12+13), New York = Google (12+13)
- 13.1899 Harvard = Google (12+13), New York = Google (12+13)
- The journal of parapsychology : a scientific quarterly dealing with extrasensory perception, the psychokinetic effect, and related topics ↗ZDB / edited by the Rhine Research Center in Durham, Durham, NC : Parapsychology Press 1.1937 -
- The journal of the American Society for Psychical Research ↗ZDB, New York, NY : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1.1907-21.1927; 26.1932-
- 22.1928-25.1931 titled Psychic Research : the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research ← Vorg. Forts. →
- 1.1907-50.1956 IAPSOP = International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals
- Le Magnétiseur spiritualiste : journal rédigé par les membres de la Société des magnétiseurs spiritualistes de Paris / Société des magnétiseurs spiritualistes de Paris Voir les notices liées en tant qu'auteur, Paris : Germer-Baillère 1.1849 - 2.1851, n°20 (oct.)
- kein ZDB-Eintrag
- der Ausweis im Katalog der Bibliothéque National de France, dass es sich um 3 Bände / Jahre handeln sollte, wird durch den klaren Ausweis "deuxieme anné - 2. Jahrgang" in der Januarnummer des 2. Bandes widerlegt
- 1.1849 - 2.1851 Harvard = Google
- The Occult and Biological Journal : Devoted to Biology, Metaphysics and Esoteric Sciences / Devoted to Solar Biology, Metaphysics and and Esoteric Science ↗ZDB, Applegate, CA. Publisher: The Esoteric Publishing Co 1=13.1900/01 - 2=14.1901/02 ← Vorg. Forts. →
- no ZDB
- Editor: Hiram Erastus Butler.
- Succeeds: The Esoteric ← Vorg.
- Succeeded by: Bible Review Forts. →
- Called volume 13 of the Esoteric Series
- Should be read in context with The Esoteric, The Bible Review, and The Christian Esoteric, which are all Society Esoteric/Esoteric Fraternity publications.
- 1=13.1900/1901 (September 1900 - August 1901) California = Google = Internet Archive, IAPSOP = International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals
- 2=14.1901/1902 (September 1901 - August 1902) California = Google = Internet Archive, IAPSOP = International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals
- Psychic Research : the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research ↗ZDB, New York, NY : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 22.1928-25.1931 ← Vorg. Forts. →
- up until 21.1927 and again from 26.1932 The journal of the American Society for Psychical Research
- 22.1928-25.1931 IAPSOP = International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals
- Revue métapsychique : bulletin de l'Institut Métapsychique International ↗ZDB, Paris : P.U.F. 1920/21 - 1939,4/5; 21.1940,1; N.S. Nr. 1.1948 - 31/32.1954; Vol. 1.1955/57 - 2.1958/59 = Nr. 1-10; 3.1960 - 4.1961; 1962 - 1969/70; 1975 -volume 17, no 1-2-3-4 (1983) [?] ← Vorg.
- Vorg.: Annales des sciences psychiques ← Vorg.
- 1971/72 - 1974: Revue métapsychique, parapsychologie
- Supplement teils: Revue métapsychique, Numéro spécial
- Index 1920-1940 Iowa = Google = Internet Archive
- 1920/21-1922 Iowa = Google = Internet Archive
- 1923-1924 Iowa = Google = Internet Archive
- 1925-1926 Iowa = Google = Internet Archive
- 1927-1928 Iowa = Google = Internet Archive
- 1929-1930 Iowa = Google
- 1931-1932 Iowa = Google
- 1933-1934 Iowa = Google
- 1935-1936 Iowa = Google
- 1937-1938 Iowa = Google
- 1939-1940 Iowa = Google
- 1955-1959 Iowa = Google
- 1960-1963 Iowa = Google
- The spirit lamp : an aesthetic, literary and critical magazine ↗ZDB / edited by Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas (1870-1945), Oxford : J. Thornton 4.1893 nachgewiesen
- Verlauf : 1.1892 - 4.1893
- 1.1892 - 4.1893 N.Carolina = Internet Archive
- 1.1892 (May-Jun), 2.1892 (Oct-Dec), 3.1893 (Feb-Mar), 4.1893 (May-Jun)
- Le spiritualiste ↗ZDB, New Orleans, LA (Nouvelle-Orléans): [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] / [s.n.] 1.1857 Forts. →
- Le spiritualiste de la Nouvelle-Orléans ↗ZDB, New Orleans, LA (Nouvelle-Orleans): [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] / [s.n.] 2.1858 ← Vorg.
- 2.1858 über Nationallizenz entweder über UBs oder als Privatanmeldung unter nationallizenzen.de