Titel: Numerische Mathematik
Verlag: Springer
Ort: Berlin, Heidelberg
Zeitraum: 1959–Gegenwart
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Fachgebiete: Mathematik
Sigle: Numer. Math.
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Eintrag in der ZDB: 3460-5
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01.Bd, 1946


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • E. Stiefel: Über diskrete und lineare Tchebycheff-Approximationen, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. S. Householder; F. L. Bauer: On certain methods for expanding the characteristic polynomial, S. 29 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Weisfeld: Orthogonal polynomials in several variables, S. 38 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. J. Perlis; K. Samelson: Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL, S. 41 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Collatz; J. Schröder: Einschließen der Lösungen von Randwertaufgaben, S. 61 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Dück: Eine Fehlerabschätzung zum Einzelschrittverfahren bei linearen Gleichungssystemen, S. 73 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Kreyszig; J. Todd: The radius of univalence of the error function, S. 78 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Comét: Über die Anwendung von Binärmodellen in der Theorie der Charaktere der symmetrischen Gruppen, S. 90 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Walther; H. Schappert: Numerische Behandlung des Gelenkvierecks, S. 110 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Cohn: Numerical study of the representation of a totally positive quadratic integer as the sum of quadratic integral squares, S. 121 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Bertram: Verschärfung einer Fehlerabschätzung zum Ritz-Galerkinschen Verfahren von KRYLOFF für Randwertaufgaben, S. 135 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Wynn: On the Propagation of Error in Certain Non-linear Algorithms, S. 142 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson: The evaluation of the zeros of ill-conditioned polynomials. Part I, S. 150 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson: The evaluation of the zeros of ill-conditioned polynomials. Part II, S. 167 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Bertram: Eine Fehlerabschätzung für gewisse selbstadjungierte, gewöhnliche Randwertaufgaben, S. 181 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. O. Kreiss: Über die Differenzapproximation hoher Genauigkeit bei Anfangswertproblemen für partielle Differentialgleichungen, S. 186 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Wynn: A Sufficient Condition for the Instability of the q Â? d Algorithm, S. 203 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. L. Bauer; H. J. Stetter: Zur numerischen Fourier-Transformation, S. 208 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. C. Sikkema: Über den Grad der Approximation mit Bernstein-Polynomen, S. 221 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. V. Parter: On „Two-Line“ Iterative Methods for the Laplace and Biharmonic Difference Equations, S. 240 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. W. Cheney; A. A. Goldstein: Newton’s Method for Convex Programming and Tchebycheff Approximation, S. 253 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. W. Dijkstra: A Note on Two Problems in Connexion with Graphs, S. 269 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Wynn: Converging Factors for Continued Fractions. Part I, S. 272 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Wynn: Converging Factors for Continued Fractions. Part II, S. 308 GDZ Göttingen

02.Bd, 1947


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • E. Stiefel: Note on Jordan elimination, linear programming and Tschebyscheff approximation, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Wetterling: Zum Einschließungssatz von KRYLOFF-BOGOLIUBOV für allgemeine Eigenwertaufgaben bei gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen, S. 18 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Kato: Estimation of Iterated Matrices, with application to the von Neumann condition, S. 22 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. E. Hull; W. A. Luxemburg: Numerical methods and existence theorems for ordinary differential equations, S. 30 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. S. Householder; F. L. Bauer: Moments and characteristic roots, S. 42 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. S. Householder; F. L. Bauer: On certain iterative methods for solving linear systems, S. 55 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. J. Lehmann: Eine Fehlerabschätzung zum Ritzschen Verfahren für inhomogene Randwertaufgaben, S. 60 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. L. Causey; P. Henrici: Convergence of approximate eigenvectors in Jacobi methods, S. 67 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Börsch-Supan: Bemerkungen zur Fehlerabschätzung beim Ritz-GalerkinVerfahren nach KRYLOW, S. 79 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Halton: On the efficiency of certain quasi-random sequences of points in evaluating multi-dimensional integrals, S. 84 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. jr. Douglas: A Numerical Method for the Solution of a Parabolic System, S. 91 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Veidinger: On the Numerical Determination of the Best Approximations in the Chebyshev Sense, S. 99 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Rutishauser; F. L. Bauer; A. J. Perlis; K. Samelson; J. W. Backus; J. Green; C. Katz; J. Mccarthy; P. Naur; B. Vauquois; J. H. Wegstein; A. Van Wijngaarden; M. Woodger: Report on the algorithmic language ALGOL 60, S. 106 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. L. Bauer; C. T. Fike: Norms and exclusion theorems, S. 137 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Maehly; Ch. Witzgall: Tschebyscheff-Approximationen in kleinen Intervallen. I. Approximation durch Polynome, S. 142 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Wynn: Über einen Interpolations-Algorithmus und gewisse andere Formeln, die in der Theorie der Interpolation durch rationale Funktionen bestehen, S. 151 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Brakhage: Über die numerische Behandlung von Integralgleichungen nach der Quadraturformelmethode, S. 183 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. W. Clenshaw; A. R. Curtis: A method for numerical integration on an automatic computer, S. 197 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. G. Esséen: Über die asymptotisch beste Approximation stetiger Funktionen mit Hilfe von Bernstein-Polynomen, S. 206 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. E. Salzer: Optimal Points for Numerical Differentiation, S. 214 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Magnus; L. Kotin: The Zeros of the Hankel Function as a Function of its Order, S. 228 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. F. Albrecht: Approximation to the solution of partial differential-equations by the solutions of ordinary differential-equations, S. 245 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Rutishauser: Bemerkungen zur numerischen Integration gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen n-ter Ordnung, S. 263 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Neubüser: Untersuchungen des Untergruppenverbandes endlicher Gruppen auf einer programmgesteuerten elektronischen Dualmaschine, S. 280 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Maehly; Ch. Witzgall: Tschebyscheff-Approximationen in kleinen Intervallen. II. Stetigkeitssätze für gebrochen rationale Approximationen, S. 293 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. S. Householder; F. L. Bauer: Some inequalities involving the euclidean condition of a matrix, S. 308 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. W. Dijkstra: Recursive Programming, S. 312 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson: Error Analysis of Floating-point Computation, S. 319 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. L. Haas: Bestimmung der Eigenwerte des allgemeinen Eigenwertproblems, S. 341 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. H. Schopf: On the Kantorovich Inequality, S. 344 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Cohn: A numerical study of WEBER’S real class number calculation. Part I, S. 347 GDZ Göttingen

03.Bd, 1948


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • N. J. Lehmann: Das inhomogene natürliche Randwertproblem und Fehlerabschätzungen für Näherungslösungen, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. W. Schäfke: Ein Verfahren zur Berechnung des charakteristischen Exponenten der Mathieuschen Differentialgleichung. I, S. 30 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Schröder: Fehlerabschätzung mit Rechenanlagen bei gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen erster Ordnung , S. 39 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Schönhage: Fehlerfortpflanzung bei Interpolation, S. 62 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. W. Cheney; H. L. Loeb: Two new algorithms for rational approximation, S. 72 GDZ Göttingen
  • Y. L. Luke: The radius of univalence of the function expz2 ..zo.. exp( Â? t2)dt, S. 76 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Karst: Faktorenzerlegung Mersennescher Zahlen mittels programmgesteuerter Rechengeräte, S. 79 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Kjellberg: On the successive over-relaxation method for cyclic operators, S. 87 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. jr. Douglas: Alternating direction iteration for mildly nonlinear elliptic difference equations, S. 92 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Collatz: Monotonie und Extremalprinzipien beim Newtonschen Verfahren, S. 99 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. C. Sikkema: Der Wert einiger Konstanten in der Theorie der Approximation mit Bernstein-Polynomen, S. 107 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. L. Bauer: A further generalization of the Kantorovic inequality, S. 117 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. E. Salzer: Some extensions of Bairstow’s method, S. 120 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Schröder: Verbesserung einer Fehlerabschätzung für gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen erster Ordnung, S. 125 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Albrecht; W. Urich: Ein Differenzenverfahren zur näherungsweisen Lösung des Anfangswertproblems für Systeme halblinearer partieller Differentialgleichungen l. Ordnung, S. 131 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Varga; G. H. Golub: Chebyshev semi-iterative methods, successive overrelaxation iterative methods, and second order Richardson iterative methods. Part I, S. 147 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Varga; G. H. Golub: Chebyshev semi-iterative methods, successive overrelaxation iterative methods, and second order Richardson iterative methods. Part II, S. 157 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. C. Hsu: Note on the numerical integration of periodic functions and of partially periodic functions, S. 169 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Brakhage: Zur Fehlerabschätzung für die numerische Eigenwertbestimmung bei Integralgleichungen, S. 174 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Descloux: Dégénérescence dans les approximations de Tschebyscheff linéaires et discrètes, S. 180 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Albrecht: Fehlerabschätzungen bei Relaxationsverfahren zur numerischen Auflösung linearer Gleichungssysteme, S. 188 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Blum: A stagewise parameter estimation procedure for correlated data, S. 202 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Bergman; J. G. Herriot: Application of the method of the kernel function for solving boundary-value problems, S. 209 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Läuchli: Jordan-Elimination und Ausgleichung nach kleinsten Quadraten, S. 226 GDZ Göttingen
  • IFIP-Kongreß 1962
  • A. S. Householder; F. L. Bauer: Absolute norms and characteristic roots, S. 241 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Fisser: Some tests applied to pseudo-random numbers generated by v. Hoerner’s rule, S. 247 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Felsch: Programmierung der Restklassenabzählung einer Gruppe nach Untergruppen, S. 250 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. L. Bauer; J. Stoer; C. Witzgall: Absolute and monotonie norms, S. 257 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Liniger: On a Method by D. H. Lehmer for the Generation of Pseudo Random Numbers, S. 265 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Neubüser: Bestimmung der Untergruppenverbände endlicher p-Gruppen auf einer programmgesteuerten elektronischen Dualmaschine, S. 271 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. C. Chakravarti: Truncation error in interpolation and numerical differentiation, S. 279 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Stoer: Über zwei Algorithmen zur Interpolation mit rationalen Funktionen, S. 285 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. V. Parter: Multi-line“ iterative methods for elliptic difference equations and fundamental frequencies, S. 305 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Zurmühl: Zur Arbeit Herbert E. Salzer, „Some extensions of Bairstow’s method“, S. 320 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. J. Stetter: On the convergence of characteristic finite-difference methods of high accuracy for quasi-linear hyperbolic equations, S. 321 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Albrecht: Monotone Iterationsfolgen und ihre Verwendung zur Lösung linearer Gleichungssysteme, S. 345 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. L. jr. Wilson: On Discrete Dirichlet and Plateau Problems, S. 359 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Schönhage: Zur Konvergenz des Jacobi-Verfahrens, S. 374 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Gautschi: Numerical integration of ordinary differential equations based on trigonometric polynomials, S. 381 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Lees: Alternating Direction and Semi-Explicit Difference Methods for Parabolic Partial Differential Equations, S. 398 GDZ Göttingen

04.Bd, 1949


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • F. W. Schäfke; R. Ebert; H. Groh: Ein Verfahren zur Berechnung des charakteristischen Exponenten der Mathieuschen Differentialgleichung. II, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Schneider; W. G. Strang: Comparison theorems for supremum norms, S. 15 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Treuenfels: Schranken für Lösungen von Randwertaufgaben, S. 21 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Henrici: Bounds for iterates, inverses, spectral variation and fields of values of non-normal matrices, S. 24 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. jr. Douglas: Alternating Direction Methods for Three Space Variables, S. 41 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. W. Schäfke; H. Groh: Zur Berechnung der Eigenwerte der Mathieuschen Differentialgleichung, S. 64 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. D. Richtmyer; M. Devaney; N. Metropolis: Continued fraction expansions of algebraic numbers, S. 68 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Frank: On continued fraction expansions for binomial quadratic surds, S. 85 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. jr. Douglas; B. F. jr. Jones: Numerical Methods for Integro-Differential Equations of Parabolic and Hyperbolic Types, S. 96 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. L. Bauer: On the Field of Values Subordinate to a Norm, S. 103 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. J. Stone: Best possible ratios of certain matrix norms, S. 114 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Gautschi: On inverses of Vandermonde and confluent Vandermonde matrices, S. 117 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. W. Cheney; H. L. ?Oeb: On Rational Chebyshev Approximation, S. 124 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Harary: A graph theoretic approach to matrix inversion by partitioning, S. 128 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Morimoto: Stability in the wave equation coupled with heat flow, S. 136 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. A. Goldstein: Cauchy’s method of minimization, S. 146 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Lindenberg: Über eine Darstellung von Gruppenelementen in digitalen Rechenautomaten, S. 151 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Stoer; C. Witzgall: Transformations by Diagonal Matrices in a Normed Space, S. 158 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Pearcy: On convergence of alternating direction procedures, S. 172 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. C. Buck: Stochastic ascent, S. 177 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Greenstadt: Some Numerical Experiments in Triangularizing Matrices, S. 187 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Albrecht: Fehlerschranken und Konvergenzbeschleunigung bei einer monotonen oder alternierenden Iterationsfolge, S. 196 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. S. Chow; H. W. Milnes: Solution of Laplace’s Equation by Boundary Contraction Over Regions of Irregular Shape, S. 209 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. F. Benders: Partitioning procedures for solving mixed-variables programming problems, S. 238 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Albrecht; W. Urich: Numerical Treatment of the Initial Value Problem for Systems of Quasilinear Partial Differential Equations of First Order, S. 253 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. C. C. Nitsche: Über die Abhängigkeit der Tschebyscheffschen Approximierenden einer differenzierbaren Funktion vom Intervall, S. 262 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. V. Parter: Stability, Convergence, and Pseudo-Stability of Finite-Difference Equations for an Over-Determined Problem, S. 277 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. V. Parter: An Observation on the Numerical Solution of Difference Equations and a Theorem of Szegö, S. 293 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson: Note on the Quadaratic Convergence of the Cyclic Convergence Process, S. 296 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. jr. Douglas: A correction to my paper „Alternating Direction Iteration for Mildly Nonlinear Elliptic Difference Equations“, S. 301 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Frank: On Continued Fraction Expansions for Binomial Quadratic Surds. II, S. 303 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. W. Schäfke; H. Groh: Zur Berechnung der Eigenwerte der Sphäroiddifferentialgleichung, S. 310 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Bramble; B. E. Hubbard: On the Formulation of finite Difference analogues of the Dirichlet Problem for Poisson’s Equation, S. 313 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. C. Hsu: On the Numerical Integration of Non-periodic Functions of Several Variables, S. 330 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. L. Brenner; C. Brenner: The Popularity of Small Integers as Primitive Roots, S. 336 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ch. Davis: The Norm of the Schur Product Operation, S. 343 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. J. Rivlin: Polynomials of Best Uniform Approximation to Certain Rational Functions, S. 345 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Marcus: An Inequality Connecting the P-Condition Number and the Determinant, S. 350 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. E. Salzer: Equall-Weighted Formulas for Numerical Differentiation, S. 381 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Nagler: On a Property of Simplex Tableaux in the Transportation Problem, S. 398 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Woodger; C. W. Clenshaw; G. F. Miller: Handbook Series Special Functions. Algorithms for Special Functions I, S. 403 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. L. Bauer; H. Rutishauser; A. J. Perlis; K. Samelson; J. Green; C. Katz; J. Mccarthy; P. Naur; B. Vauquois; J. H. Wegstein; A. Van Wijngaarden; M. Woodger; J. W Backus: Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 60, S. 420 GDZ Göttingen

05.Bd, 1950


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • G. Neubauer: Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Mertensschen Funktion, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Meinardus: Über eine Verallgemeinerung einer Ungleichung von L.V. KANTOROWITSCH, S. 14 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. O. Kreiss: Über implizite Differenzmethoden für partielle Differentialgleichungen, S. 24 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Rutishauser: Ausdehnung des Rombergschen Prinzips, S. 48 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Sauer: Differenzenverfahren für hyperbolische Anfangswertprobleme bei mehr als zwei unabhängigen Veränderlichen mit Hilfe von Nebencharakteristiken, S. 55 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Aumann: Über den Vergleichsfaktor bei linearen Approximationsproblemen, S. 68 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. L. Bauer: Optimally scaled matrices, S. 73 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Struble: Orthogonal Polynomials: Variable-signed Weight Functions, S. 88 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Rutishauser: Stabile Sonderfälle des Quotienten-Differenzen-Algorithmus, S. 95 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Frank: On Continued Fraction Expansions for Binomial Quadratic Surds. III, S. 113 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. G. Aronson: On the Stability of Certain Finite Difference Approximations to Parabolic Systems of Differential Equations, S. 118 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. P. Imhof: On the Method for Numerical Integration of CLENSHAW and CURTIS, S. 138 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. Gastinel: Sur-Décomposition de Normes Générales et Procédés Itératifs, S. 142 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. St. Lynn: Some infra-max bounds for the spectral radii of splittings of H -matrices, S. 152 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Jr. Douglas; C. M. Pearcy: On Convergence of Alternating Direction Procedures in the Presence of Singular Operators, S. 175 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Descloux: Bounds for the Spectral Norm of Functions of Matrices, S. 185 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Ginsburg: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. The Conjugate Gradient Method, S. 191 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. I. Seidman: On the Stability of Certain Difference Schemes, S. 201 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. M. Ortega: An Error Analysis of Householder’s Method for the Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem, S. 211 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Hämmerlin: Über ableitungsfreie Schranken für Quadraturfehler, S. 226 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. S. Householder; J. A. Carpenter: The Singular Values of Involutory and of Idempotent Matrices, S. 234 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Weinstein: On the Sturm-Liouville Theory and the Eigenvalues of Intermediate Problems, S. 238 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. J. Lehmann: Optimale Eigenwerteinschließungen, S. 246 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. R. Schwarz; H. Rutishauser: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. The LR transformation method for symmetric matrices, S. 273 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. G. Aronson: A correction to the paper „On the Stability of Certain Finite Difference Approximations to Parabolic Systems of Differential Equations“. Numer.Math. 5, 118 Â?137 (1963), S. 290 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. J. Hofsommer; R. P. Van De Riet: On the Numerical Calculation of Elliptic Integrals of the first and second kind and the Elliptic Functions of Jacobi, S. 291 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Schönhage: Optimale Punkte für Differentiation und Integration, S. 303 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Wynn: Note on a Converging Factor for a Certain Continued Fraction, S. 332 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Törnig: Über Differenzenverfahren in Rechteckgittern zur numerischen Lösung quasilinearer hyperbolischer Differentialgleichungen, S. 353 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Stoer: Duality in Nonlinear Programming and the Minimax Theorem, S. 371 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Börsch-Supan: A posteriori error bounds for the zeros of polynomials, S. 380 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. J. Stetter: Maximum bounds for the solutions of initial value problems for partial difference equations, S. 399 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Gautschi: On inverses of Vandermonde and confluent Vandermonde matrices. II, S. 425 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. A. Goldstein: On the Stability of Rational Approximation, S. 431 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. C. Kranzer: An Error Formula for Numerical Differentiation, S. 439 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Ansorge: Die Adams-Verfahren als Charakteristikenverfahren höherer Ordnung zur Lösung von hyperbolischen Systemen halblinearer Differentialgleichungen, S. 443 GDZ Göttingen

06.Bd, 1951


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • R. Zurmühl: Zur angenäherten ganzrationalen Tschebyscheff-Approximation mit Hilfe trigonometrischer Interpolation, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Bulirsch: Bemerkungen zur Romberg-Integration, S. 6 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Eve: The Evaluation of Polynomials, S. 17 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Wynn: General Purpose Vector Epsilon Algorithm ALGOL Procedures, S. 22 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Strang: Accurate Partial Difference Methods. II. Non-Linear Problems, S. 37 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. A. Goldstein; B. R. Kripke: Mathematical Programming by Minimizing Differentiable Functions, S. 47 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Bennett: Integral Equation Methods for Transport Problems. Some Numerical Results, S. 49 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Stoer: Über einen Dualitätssatz der nichtlinearen Programmierung, S. 55 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Tsuda; T. Kiyono: Application of the Monte Carlo Method to Systems of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations, S. 59 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. E. Salzer: Divided Differences for Functions of Two Variables for Irregularly Spaced Arguments, S. 68 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. W. Schmidt: Ausgangsvektoren für monotone Iterationen bei linearen Gleichungssystemen, S. 78 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Patry; J. Keller: Zur Berechnung des Fehlerintegrals, S. 89 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. W. Marshall; I. Olkin: Inclusion Theorems for Eigenvalues from Probability Inequalities, S. 98 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. R. Kripke: Best Approximation with Respect to Nearby Norms, S. 103 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Varga; L. A. Hageman: Block Iterative Methods for Cyclically Reduced Matrix Equations, S. 106 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. R. Heap; M. S. Lynn: The Index of Primitivity of a Non-Negative Matrix, S. 120 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. J. Tee: An Application of p-Cyclic Matrices, for Solving Periodic Parabolic Problems, S. 142 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Törnig: Berichtigung ,,Über Differenzenverfahren in Rechteckgittern zur numerischen Lösung quasilinearer hyperbolischer Differentialgleichungen“ Num. Math. 5, 353 Â? 370 (1963), S. 160 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Bittner: Über ein mehrstufiges Iterationsverfahren zur Lösung von linearen Gleichungen, S. 161 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. E. Gunn: The Numerical Solution of V Â? a Vu=f by a Semi-Explicit Alternating-Direction Iterative Technique, S. 181 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. E. Lynch; J. R. Rice; D. H. Thomas: Direct Solution of Partial Difference Equations by Tensor Product Methods, S. 185 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Suschowk: Difference Analogues of Green’s Identities for Grids in Rn, S. 200 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Briones: On the Alternants Appearing in Chebyshev’s Best Approximation Problem, S. 211 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Ansorge: Zur Struktur gewisser Konvergenzkriterien bei der numerischen Lösung von Anfangswertaufgaben, S. 224 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Boehm: Functions Whose Best Rational Chebyshev Approximations Are Polynomials, S. 235 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. E. Gunn: On the Two-Stage Iterative Method of Douglas for Mildly Nonlinear Elliptic Difference Equations, S. 243 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. B. Rosen: Primal Partition Programming for Block Diagonal Matrice, S. 250 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. C. Handscomb: Remarks on a Monte Carlo Integration Method, S. 261 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. G. Broyden: Some Generalisations of the Theory of Successive Over-Relaxation, S. 269 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. R. Mitchell; G. Fairweather: Improved Forms of the Alternating Direction Methods of Douglas, Peaceman, and Rachford for Solving Parabolic and Elliptic Equations, S. 285 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. L. Lawson: Characteristic Properties of the Segmented Rational Minmax Approximation Problem , S. 293 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Stoer: On the Characterization of Least Upper Bound Norms in Matrix Space, S. 302 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. S. Wilf: Exactness Conditions in Numerical Quadrature, S. 315 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Filippi: Angenäherte Tschebyscheff-Approximation einer Stammfunktion eine Modifikation des Verfahrens von Clenshaw und Curtis, S. 320 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. G. Azpeitia; D. J. Dickinson: A Decision Rule in the Simplex Method that Avoids Cycling , S. 329 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Schneider: Bemerkung zur numerischen Differentiation, S. 332 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. L. Buchanan: A Condition for Uniform Jordanization of a Family of Triangular Matrices, S. 335 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. R. Heap; M. S. Lynn: A Graph-theoretic Algorithm for the Solution of a Linear Diophantine Problem of Frobenius, S. 346 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Schneider; N. Nirschl: The Bauer Fields of Values of a Matrix, S. 355 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Varga: On Smallest Isolated Gerschgorin Disks for Eigenvalues, S. 366 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Lancaster: On Eigenvalues of Matrices Dependent on a Parameter, S. 377 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Lancaster: Algorithms for Lambda-Matrices, S. 388 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. J. Weinitschke: Über eine Klasse von Iterationsverfahren, S. 395 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Oettli; W. Prager: Compatibility of Approximate Solution of Linear Equations with Given Error Bounds for Coefficients and Right-Hand Sides, S. 405 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Schönhage: Zur quadratischen Konvergenz des Jacobi-Verfahrens, S. 410 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Stoer; R. Bulirsch: Fehlerabschätzungen und Extrapolation mit rationalen Funktionen bei Verfahren vom Richardson-Typus, S. 413 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. jr. Douglas; J. E. Gunn: A General Formulation of Alternating Direction Methods. Part I. Parabolic and Hyperbolic Problems, S. 428 GDZ Göttingen
  • Report on SUBSET ALGOL 60 (IFIP)
  • Report on Input-Output Procedures for ALGOL 60

07.Bd, 1952


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • W. Lindenberg; L. Gerhards: Ein Verfahren zur Berechnung des vollständigen Untergruppenverbandes endlicher Gruppen auf Dualmaschinen, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Schneider: Positive Operators and an Inertia Theorem, S. 11 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. J. Stetter: Asymptotic Expansions for the Error of Discretization Algorithms for Non-linear Functional Equations, S. 18 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Braess: Monotone Iterationsfolgen bei Gleichungssystemen mit fehlerhaften Koeffizienten und Iterationsbeschleunigung, S. 32 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Bergman; J. G. Herriot: Numerical Solution of Boundary-Value Problems by the Method of Integral Operators, S. 42 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. S. Maybee: Some Structural Theorems for Partial Difference Operators, S. 66 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Hedstrom: The Near-Stability of the Lax-Wendroff Method, S. 73 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Bulirsch: Handbook Series Special Functions. Numerical Calculation of Elliptic Integrals and Elliptic Functions, S. 78 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Miller: Numerical Analogs to the Schwarz Alternating Procedure, S. 91 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. Metropolis: Algorithms in Unnormalized Arithmetic. I. Recurrence Relations, S. 104 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. V. Parter: Mildly Nonlinear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations and their Numerical Solution. I , S. 113 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. V. Parter; D. Greenspan: Mildly Nonlinear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations and their Numerical Solution. II, S. 129 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Marsal: Eine Verallgemeinerung der Summenformel von EULER und ihre Anwendung auf ausgewählte Probleme der numerischen Integration, S. 147 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. R. Osborne: A Note on the Numerical Solution of a Periodic Parabolic Problem, S. 155 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. L. Roark; G. M. Wing: A Method for Computing the Eigenvalues of Certain Integral Equations, S. 159 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Todd: On Smallest Isolated Gerschgorin Disks for Eigenvalues, S. 171 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Brosowski: Über die Eindeutigkeit der rationalen Tschebyscheff-Approximationen, S. 176 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Parlett: Convergence of the QR Algorithm, S. 187 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. F. Miller: Handbook Series Special Functions. Algorithms for Special Functions. II, S. 194 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. M. Garsia: Some Bounds on Best Uniform Linear Approximation, S. 197 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Golub: Numerical Methods for Solving Linear Least Squares Problems, S. 206 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. M. Bennett: Triangular Factors of Modified Matrices, S. 217 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. P. Künzi; H. Tzschach: The Duoplex-Algorithm, S. 222 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. R. Heap; M. S. Lynn: On a Linear Diophantine Problem of Frobenius: an Improved Algorithm, S. 226 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Hämmerlin: Über ableitungsfreie Schranken für Quadraturfehler. II. Ergänzungen und Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung , S. 232 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. A. Cochran: The Zeros of Hankel Functions as Functions of Their Order, S. 238 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Focke: Über die Multiplikativität von Matrizennormen, S. 251 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. Gastinel: Propriétés de certains ensembles normes de matrices, S. 255 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. P. Timlake: An Extension of the …2 Procedure, S. 261 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. H. Golub; P. Businger: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. Linear Least Squares Solutions by Householder Transformations, S. 269 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Reimer: Eine Fehlerabschätzung für lineare Differenzenverfahren, S. 277 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Greenspan; W. Hafner; M. Ribaric: On Varying Stepsize in Numerical Integration of First Order Differential Equations, S. 286 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. L. Hayden: Continued Fraction Approximation to Functions, S. 292 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Nemeth: Chebyshev Expansions for Fresnel Integrals, S. 310 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. Klee: A Class of Linear Programming Problems Requiring a Large Number of Iterations, S. 313 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Ralston: Rational Chebyshev Approximation by Remes’ Algorithms, S. 322 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. L. Bauer: An Elementary Proof of the Hopf Inequality for Positive Operators, S. 331 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. L. Bauer: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. Elimination with Weighted Row Combinations for Solving Linear Equations and Least Squares Problems, S. 338 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Bulirsch: Handbook Series Special Functions. Numerical Calculation of Elliptic Integrals and Elliptic Functions. II. , S. 353 GDZ Göttingen
  • Berichtigung
  • J. H. Wilkinson; R. S. Martin: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. Symmetrie Decomposition of Positive Definite Band Matrices, S. 355 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson; R. S. Martin; G. Peters: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. Symmetrie Decomposition of a Positive Definite Matrix, S. 362 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. E. Barnhill: Complex Quadratures with Remainders of Minimum Norm, S. 384 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. A. Goldstein: On Newton’s Method, S. 391 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. L. Roark; L. F. Shampine: On a Paper of Roark and Wing, S. 394 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Brosowski: Über Extremalsignaturen linearer Polynome in n Veränderlichen, S. 396 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. J. Smith: Quadrature Methods based on the Euler-Maclaurin Formula and on the Clenshaw-Curtis Method of Integration, S. 406 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. B. Keller: On the Accuracy of Finite Difference Approximations to the Eigenvalues of Differential and Integral Operators, S. 412 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. M. Shah; P. Suryanarayana: Approximation of Continuous Functions by Power Series with Polynomial Coefficients, S. 420 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. R. Rice: On the Conditioning of Polynomial and Rational Forms, S. 426 GDZ Göttingen

08.Bd, 1953


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • J. Stoer; R. BULiRsch: Numerical Treatment of Ordinary Differential Equations by Extrapolation Methods, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Legras: Résolution numérique des grands systèmes différentiels linéaires , S. 14 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Dejon: Stronger than Uniform Convergence of Multistep Difference Methods, S. 29 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. J. Lehmann: Zur Verwendung optimaler Eigenwerteingrenzungen bei der Lösung symmetrischer Matrizenaufgaben, S. 42 GDZ Göttingen
  • Bui-Trong-LiEu; P. Huard: La méthode des centres dans un espace topologique, S. 56 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. W. Schäfke; D. Schmidt: Ein Verfahren zur Berechnung des charakteristischen Exponenten der Mathieuschen Differentialgleichung. III, S. 68 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. J. Mueller: Householder’s Method for Complex Matrices and Eigensystems of Hermitian Matrices, S. 72 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Stoer; R. Bulirsch: Asymptotic Upper and Lower Bounds for Results of Extrapolation Methods, S. 93 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. W. Schmidt: Asymptotische Einschließung bei konvergenzbeschleunigenden Verfahren, S. 105 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. R. Heap: Random Matrices and Graphs, S. 114 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Döring: Inverse Interpolation bei den speziellen Funktionen der mathematischen Physik, S. 123 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. R. Mitchell; A. R. Gourlay: Alternating Direction Methods for Hyperbolic Systems, S. 137 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Stenger: Bounds on the Error of Gauss-Type Quadratures, S. 150 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. N. Spijker: Convergence and Stability of Step-by-step Methods for the Numerical Solution of Initial-value Problems, S. 161 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Ansorge: Zur Frage der Verallgemeinerung des Äquivalenzsatzes von LAX, S. 178 GDZ Göttingen
  • O. B. Widlund: Stability of Parabolic Difference Schemes in the Maximum Norm, S. 186 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Martin; G. Peters; J. H. Wlkinson: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. Iterative Refinement of the Solution of a Positive Definite System of Equations, S. 203 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson; R. S. Martin; G. Peters; H. J. Bowdler: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. Solution of Real and Complex Systems of Linear Equations, S. 217 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. J. Stetter: Numerical Approximation of Fourier-Transforms, S. 235 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. D. Lambert; B. Shaw: A Generalisation of Multistep Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations, S. 250 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Wynn: Upon Systems of Recursions which Obtain Among the Quotients of the Padé Table, S. 264 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. G. Guderley; P. J. Nikolai: Reduction of Two-Point Boundary Value Problems in a Vector Space to Initial Value Problems by Projection, S. 270 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. O. Kerner: Ein Gesamtschrittverfahren zur Berechnung der Nullstellen von Polynomen, S. 290 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. Barrodale; A. Young: Algorithms for Best L1 and L… Linear Approximations on a Discrete Set, S. 295 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. G. Broyden; F. Ford: An Algorithm for the Solution of Certain Kinds of Linear Equations, S. 307 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Yamamoto: A Computational Method for the Dominant Root of a Non-Negative Irreducible Matrix, S. 324 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Hämmerlin: Zur Abschätzung von Quadraturfehlern für analytische Funktionen, S. 334 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Meinguet: Methods for Estimating the Remainder in Linear Rules of Approximation. Application to the Romberg Algorithm, S. 345 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. R. Mitchell; A. R. Gourlay: A Stable Implicit Difference Method for Hyperbolic Systems in Two Space Variables, S. 367 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. Pereyra: On Improving an Approximate Solution of a Functional Equation by Deferred Corrections, S. 376 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Gorenflo; Y. Kovetz: Solution of an Abel-Type Integral Equation in the Presence of Noise by Quadratic Programming , S. 392 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. S. Rudert; H. G. Lill: Über Partitionen und ein lineares diophantisches Problem, S. 407 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Ponstein: Splitting Certain Eigenvalue Eigenvector Problems, S. 412 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. W. Clendenin: A Method for Numerical Calculation of Fourier Integrals, S. 422 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. A. Porsching: Diagonal Similarity Transformations which Isolate Gerschgorin Disks, S. 437 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. W. Ninham: Generalised Functions and Divergent Integrals, S. 444 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. N. Lyness; C. B. Moler: Van Der Monde Systems and Numerical Differentiation, S. 458 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. S. Householder; W. B. Gragg: On a Theorem of Koenig, S. 465 GDZ Göttingen

09.Bd, 1954


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • H. Rutishauser: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. The Jacobi Method for Real Symmetric Matrices, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. P. M. van Kempen: On the Convergence of the Classical Jacobi Method for Real Symmetric Matrices with Non-Distinct Eigenvalues, S. 11 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. P. M. van Kempen: On the Quadratic Convergence of the Special Cyclic Jacobi Method, S. 19 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. B. Rall: Convergence of the Newton Process to Multiple Solutions, S. 23 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. H. Stroud: Some Approximate Integration Formulas of Degree 3 for an n-Dimensional Simplex, S. 38 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. S. Householder: Separation Theorems for Normalizable Matrices, S. 46 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. L. Buchanan; B. N. Parlett: The Uniform Convergence of Matrix Powers, S. 51 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Lancaster: Error Analysis for the Newton-Raphson Method, S. 55 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Nickel: Über die Notwendigkeit einer Fehlerschranken-Arithmetik für Rechenautomaten, S. 69 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Nickel: Die numerische Berechnung der Wurzeln eines Polynoms, S. 80 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. W. Daniel: Correcting Approximations to Multiple Roots of Polynomials, S. 99 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Rutishauser: Bestimmung der Eigenwerte orthogonaler Matrizen, S. 104 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Fiedler: Matrix Inequalities, S. 109 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Henrici; P. Pfluger: Truncation Error Estimates for Stieltjes Fractions, S. 120 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson; G. H. Golub: Note on the Iterative Refinement of Least Squares Solution, S. 139 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Schröder: Operator-Ungleichungen und ihre numerische Anwendung bei Randwertaufgaben, S. 149 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Fiedler; V. Pták: Some Generalizations of Positive Definiteness and Monotonicity, S. 163 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. L. Bauer: Inclusion Sets for Roots of Polynomials, S. 173 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Stoer; W. J. Cody: Handbook Series Methods of Approximation. Rational Chebyshev Approximation Using Interpolation, S. 177 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Robert: Recherche d’une M-matrice parmi les minorantes d’un opérateur linéaire, S. 189 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Stenger: Error Bounds for the Evaluation of Integrals by Repeated Gauss-Type Formulae, S. 200 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Penkov; Bl. Sendov: Hausdorffsche Metrik und Approximationen, S. 214 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. Klee: A Comparison of Primal and Dual Methods of Linear Programming, S. 227 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Bramble: A Second Order Finite Difference Analog of the First Biharmonic Boundary Value Problem, S. 236 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. T. Symm: An Integral Equation Method in Conformai Mapping, S. 250 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. W. Bradbury; R. Fletcher: New Iterative Methods for Solution of the Eigenproblem, S. 259 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Dejon: Addendum to “ Stronger than Uniform Convergence of Multistep Difference Methods“, S. 268 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Stoer; R. Bulirsch: Handbook Series Numerical Integration. Numerical Quadrature by Extrapolation, S. 271 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson; R. S. Martin: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. Solution of Symmetric and Unsymmetric Band Equations and the Calculation of Eigenvectors of Band Matrices, S. 279 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Hofmann: Asymptotic Expansions of the Discretization Error of Boundary Value Problems of the Laplace Equation in Rectangular Domains, S. 302 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Oliver: Relative Error Propagation in the Recursive Solution of Linear Recurrence Relations, S. 323 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Urabe: Numerical Solution of Multi-Point Boundary Value Problems in Chebyshev Series. Theory of the Method, S. 341 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Shaw: Some Multistep Formulae for Special High Order Ordinary Differential Equations, S. 367 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Sauer: ALWIN WALTHER, em. ord. Professor an der Technischen Hochschule Darmstadt. *6. 5. 1898 in Dresden-Reick, 4. 1. 1967, S. 379 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Bulirsch: Handbook Series Special Functions. Numerical Calculation of the Sine, Cosine and Fresnel Integrals, S. 380 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Barth; J. H. Wilkinson; R. S. Martin: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. Calculation of the Eigenvalues of a Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrix by the Method of Bisection, S. 386 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. G. Ciarlet; R. S. Varga; M. H. Schultz: Numerical Methods of High-Order Accuracy for Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems. I. One Dimensional Problem, S. 394 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Merzrath: Direct Solution of Partial Difference Equations, S. 431 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. M. Redheffer: Bemerkungen über Differentialungleichungen bei abzählbaren Ausnahmemengen, S. 437 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. R. Hodgkins: On the Relation between Dynamic Relaxation and Semi-Iterative Matrix Methods, S. 446 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Gaier; J Todd: On the Rate of Convergence of Optimal ADI Processes, S. 452 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. H. Stroud: Some Fifth Degree Integration Formulas for Symmetric Regions. II , S. 460 GDZ Göttingen

10.Bd, 1955


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • N. Metropolis; M. L. Stein; P. R. Stein: Stable States of a Non-Linear Transformation, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Eisen: The Equivalence of Stability and Convergence for Finite Difference Schemes with Singular Coefficients, S. 20 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Gries: Characterizations of Certain Classes of Norms, S. 30 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. W. Schmidt; H. Dressel: Fehlerabschätzungen bei Polynomgleichungen mit dem Fixpunktsatz von BROUWER, S. 42 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Brosowski; Loeb; H. L. : Zur Eindeutigkeit der rationalen Tschebyscheff-Approximationen an stetig differenzierbare Funktionen, S. 51 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. R. Mitchell; G. Fairweather; A. R. Gourlay: Some High Accuracy Difference Schemes with a Splitting Operator for Equations of Parabolic and Elliptic Type, S. 56 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. R. Mitchell; P. Keast: Finite Difference Solution of the Third Boundary Problem in Elliptic and Parabolic Equations, S. 67 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. R. Osborne: The Numerical Solution of a Periodic Parabolic Problem Subject to a Nonlinear Boundary Condition, S. 76 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Walter: Bemerkungen zu Iterationsverfahren bei linearen Gleichungssystemen, S. 80 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. D. Pyle: A Generalized Inverse e-Algorithm for Constructing Intersection Projection Matrices, with Applications, S. 86 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. L. Mehndiratta: Symmetry and Self-duality in Nonlinear Programming, S. 103 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Tsuda; T. Kiyono; K. Ichida: Monte Carlo Path-Integral Calculations for Two-Point Boundary-Value Problems, S. 110 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. E. Atkinson: The Solution of Non-Unique Linear Integral Equations, S. 117 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. W. Daniel: Convergence of the Conjugate Gradient Method with Computationally Convenient Modifications, S. 125 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. F. Maitre: Norme composée et norme associée généralisée d’une matrice, S. 132 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Loizou: Bounds for the Inequality of Wielandt, S. 142 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. B. Dunham: Transformed Rational Chebyshev Approximation, S. 147 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. M. Redheffer; L. Elsner: Remarks on Band Matrices, S. 153 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Iii Stewart: A Generalization of a Theorem of Fan on Gershgorin Disks, S. 162 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Parlett: Correction to Convergence of the QR Algorithm, S. 163 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. W. Cryer: On the Calculation of the Largest Eigenvalue of an Integral Equation, S. 165 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ch. H. Reinsch: Smoothing by Spline Functions, S. 177 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. A. Goldstein; J. F. Price: An Effective Algorithm for Minimization, S. 184 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. J. Laurent: Théorèmes de caractérisation d’une meilleure approximation dans un espace norme et généralisation de l’algorithme de Rémès, S. 190 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Ansorge: Konvergenz von Mehrschrittverfahren zur Lösung halblinearer Anfangswertaufgaben, S. 209 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Bohl: Nichtlineare Aufgaben in halbgeordneten Räumen, S. 220 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. A. Smith: The Condition Numbers of the Matrix Eigenvalue Problem, S. 232 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Kadner: Die numerische Behandlung von Integralgleichungen nach der Kollokationsmethode, S. 241 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. J. Lehmann: Fehlerschranken für Näherungslösungen bei Differentialgleichungen, S. 261 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Stoer; H. Werner; W. Bommas: Handbook Series Methods of Approximation. Rational Chebyshev Approximation, S. 289 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. J. Cooper; E. Gal: Single Step Methods for Linear Differential Equations, S. 307 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. Pereyra: Iterated Deferred Corrections for Nonlinear Operator Equations, S. 316 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. T. Ryan: A Sieve Method for Classifying Composite Numbers, S. 324 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Stenger; J. McNamee: Construction of Fully Symmetric Numerical Integration Formulas, S. 327 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Varga; M. H. Schultz: L-Splines, S. 345 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Meinguet: Optimal Approximation and Error Bounds in Seminormed Spaces, S. 370 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. J. H. Miller: On Power-Bounded Operators and Operators Satisfying a Resolvent Condition, S. 389 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Eisen: On the Numerical Solution of ut=urr+ (2.. r)ur , S. 397 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Forster: Existenzaussagen und Fehlerabschätzungen bei gewissen nichtlinearen Randwertaufgaben mit gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen, S. 410 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. J. Stoss: Ein Verfahren zur Berechnung des charakteristischen Exponenten der Differentialgleichung y“ + (…+ 2…1 cos x + 2..2 cos 2x) y = 0 , S. 423 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. T. Symm: Numerical Mapping of Exterior Domains, S. 437 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. D. Dixon: High Speed Computation of Group Characters, S. 446 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. Metropolis; M. Menzel: Algorithms in Unnormalized Arithmetic. II. Unrestricted Polynomial Evaluation, S. 451 GDZ Göttingen

11.Bd, 1956


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • P. J. Eberlein; J. Boothroyd: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. Solution to the Eigenproblem by a Norm Reducing Jacobi Type Method, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. T. Mcallister: A Priori Bounds on Difference Quotients of Solutions to Some Linear Uniformly Elliptic Difference Equations, S. 13 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. B. Rall; P. M. Anselone: The Solution of Characteristic Value-Vector Problems by Newton’s Method, S. 38 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Heller: On the Uniform Positivity of a Certain Finite Difference Matrix, S. 46 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. W. Schmidt: Asymptotische Einschließung bei konvergenzbeschleunigenden Verfahren. II, S. 53 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. E. Forsythe: On the Asymptotic Directions of the s-Dimensional Optimum Gradient Method, S. 57 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. S. Lynn; W. P. Timlake: The Numerical Solution of Singular Integral Equations of Potential Theory, S. 77 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson; R. S. Martin: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. Reduction of the Symmetric Eigenproblem A x = … B x and Related Problems to Standard Form, S. 99 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. Pereyra: Iterated Deferred Corrections for Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems, S. 111 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. S. Householder: Moments and Characteristic Roots. II, S. 126 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Bittner: Abschätzungen bei Variationsmethoden mit Hilfe von Dualitätssätzen. I, S. 129 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. N. Müller: Zur Eindeutigkeit bei der linearen Approximation im allgemeinen sowie Tschebyscheffschen Fall, S. 144 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Werner: Numerical Solution of Systems of Quasilinear Hyperbolic Differential Equations by Means of the Method of Nebencharacteristics in Combination with Extrapolation Methods, S. 151 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Kempfert: On Sign Determinations in Real Algebraic Number Fields, S. 170 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Nickel; N. Apostolatos; U Kulisch; R. Krawczyk; B. Lortz; H. W. Wippermann: The Algorithmic Language Triplex-ALGOL 60, S. 175 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson; R. S. Martin; C. Reinsch: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. HOUSEHOLDER’S Tridiagonalization of a Symmetric Matrix, S. 181 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Yamamoto: On the Eigenvalues of Compact Operators in a Hubert Space, S. 211 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Krabs: Lineare Optimierung in halbgeordneten Vektorräumen, S. 220 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Birkhoff; R. S. Varga; M. H. Schultz: Piecewise Hermite Interpolation in One and Two Variables with Applications to Partial Differential Equations, S. 232 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. de Meersman: The Method of GARABEDIAN. Some Extensions, S. 257 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. L. Bauer; C. Reinsch: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. Rational QR Transformation with Newton Shift for Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrices, S. 264 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. H. Stroud: Some Seventh Degree Integration Formulas for the Surface of an n-Sphere, S. 273 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Neubüser; V. Felsch: Über ein Programm zur Berechnung der Automorphismengruppe einer endlichen Gruppe, S. 277 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson; R. S. Martin; C. Reinsch; H. Bowdler: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. The QR and QL Algorithms for Symmetrie Matrices, S. 293 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Kschwendt: Convergence Limits in the Monte Carlo Theory of Integral Equations, S. 307 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Pólya: Graeffe’s Method for Eigenvalues, S. 315 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Varga; H. I. Medley: On Smallest Isolated Gerschgorin Disks for Eigenvalues. II, S. 320 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. E. jr. Dennis: On Newton-Like Methods, S. 324 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. G. Ciarlet; R. S. Varga; M. H. Schultz: Numerical Methods of High-Order Accuracy for Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems. II. Nonlinear Boundary Conditions, S. 331 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Nitsche: Ein Kriterium für die Quasi-Optimalität des Ritzschen Verfahrens, S. 346 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Oliver: The Numerical Solution of Linear Recurrence Relations, S. 349 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Varga; H. I. Medley: On Smallest Isolated Gerschgorin Disks for Eigenvalues. III, S. 361 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. B. Gragg: Truncation Error Bounds for g-Fractions, S. 370 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Wendland: Die Behandlung von Randwertaufgaben im R3 mit Hilfe von Einfach- und Doppelschichtpotentialen, S. 380 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Bode: Matrizielle untere Schranken linearer Abbildungen und M-Matrizen, S. 405 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. L. Wood: On an Explicit Numerical Method for Solving the Biharmonic Equation, S. 413 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Jeggle: Zur Diskretisierung einer Klasse Fredholmscher Integralgleichungen mit singulärem Wert der Ordnung 1, S. 427 GDZ Göttingen
  • U. Kulisch: Über reguläre Zerlegungen von Matrizen und einige Anwendungen, S. 444 GDZ Göttingen

12.Bd, 1957


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • U. Eckhardt: Einige Eigenschaften Wilfscher Quadraturformeln, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ch. B. Dunham: Transformed Rational Chebyshev Approximation. II, S. 8 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. M. Watt: Consistency, Convergence and Stability of General Discretizations of the Initial Value Problem, S. 11 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. H. Moore: Approximations to Nonlinear Operator Equations and Newton’s Method, S. 23 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. P. Hadeler: Newton-Verfahren für inverse Eigenwertaufgaben, S. 35 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Pomentale: On Discrete Rational Least Squares Approximation, S. 40 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. G. Broyden: Some Aspects of Consistent Ordering, S. 47 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Stoer; B. Brosowski: Zur rationalen Tschebyscheff-Approximation differenzierbarer und analytischer Funktionen, S. 57 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. J. Laurent; P. M. Anselone: A General Method for the Construction of Interpolating or Smoothing Spline-Functions, S. 66 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. W. Marshall; I. Olkin: Scaling of Matrices to Achieve Specified Row and Column Sums, S. 83 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. L. Bauer: Fields of Values and Gershgorin Disks, S. 91 GDZ Göttingen
  • Chr. Zenger: On Convexity Properties of the Bauer Field of Values of a Matrix, S. 96 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. F. Maitre: Sur une classe de normes et l’analyse a posteriori d’un système linéaire, S. 106 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Ghizzetti: Procedure for Constructing Quadrature Formulae on Infinite Intervals, S. 111 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. G. Ciarlet; R. S. Varga; M. H. Schultz: Numerical Methods of High-Order Accuracy for Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems. III. Eigenvalue Problems, S. 120 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Witzgall; R. J. B. Wets: Towards an Algebraic Characterization of Convex Polyhedral Cones, S. 134 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. J. Stetter: Instability and Non-Monotonicity Phenomena in Discretizations to Boundary-Value Problems, S. 139 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Stoer: Lower Bounds of Matrices, S. 146 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Neckermann; P. O. Runck: Über Approximationseigenschaften differenzierter Lagrangescher Interpolationspolynome mit Jacobischen Abszissen, S. 159 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. L. Roark; L. F. Shampine: On the Eigenproblem for Displacement Integral Equations, S. 170 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. R. Mitchell; A. R. Gourlay: High Accuracy A.D.I. Methods for Parabolic Equations with Variable Coefficients, S. 180 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. M. Brown; J. E. Jr. Dennis: On Newton-like Iteration Functions: General Convergence Theorems and a Specific Algorithm, S. 186 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Atteia: Fonctions „spline“ définies sur un ensemble convexe, S. 192 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Forster: Bemerkungen zum Iterationsverfahren von Schulz zur Bestimmung der Inversen einer Matrix, S. 211 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Verner; M. J. M. Bernal: On Generalizations of the Theory of Consistent Orderings for Successive Over-Relaxation Methods, S. 215 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. O. Kreiss: On the Numerical Solution of the Spherically Symmetric Diffusion Equation, S. 223 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Manas; J. Nedoma: Finding All Vertices of a Convex Polyhedron, S. 226 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Stoer; W. J. Cody: Handbook Series Methods of Approximation. Correction to Rational Chebyshev Approximation Using Interpolation, S. 230 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. R. Schwarz: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. Tridiagonalization of a Symmetric Band Matrix, S. 231 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. J. Cody; W. Fraser; J. F. Hart: Handbook Series Methods of Approximation. Rational Chebyshev Approximation Using Linear Equations, S. 242 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. N. Lyness: The Calculation of Stieltjes’ Integral, S. 252 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. G. Ciarlet; R. S. Varga; M. H. Schultz: Numerical Methods of High-Order Accuracy for Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems. IV. Periodic Boundary Conditions, S. 266 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. R. Osborne: The Numerical Solution of a Periodic Parabolic Problem Subject to a Nonlinear Boundary Condition. II, S. 280 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. R. G. Heesterman: Special Simplex Algorithm for Multi-Sector Problems, S. 288 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Walter: Die Linienmethode bei nichtlinearen parabolischen Differentialgleichungen, S. 307 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Keast: The Third Boundary Value Problem for Elliptic Equations, S. 322 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Karamardian: Existence of Solutions of Certain Systems of Non-Linear Inequalities, S. 327 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. W. Cryer: Pivot Size in Gaussian Elimination, S. 335 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. A. Businger: Matrices Which Can be Optimally Scaled, S. 346 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson; R. S. Martin: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. Similarity Reduction of a General Matrix to Hessenberg Form, S. 349 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson; R. S. Martin: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. The Modified L R Algorithm for Complex Hessenberg Matrices, S. 369 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson; R. S. Martin: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. The Implicit QL Algorithm, S. 377 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. E. Barnhill: Asymptotic Properties of Minimum Norm and Optimal Quadratures, S. 384 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Zlámal: On the Finite Element Method, S. 394 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. F. Shampine: Error Bounds and Variational Methods for Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems, S. 410 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. Metropolis; M. Fraser: Algorithms in Unnormalized Arithmetic. III. Matrix Inversion, S. 416 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Loizou: On Matrices with a Checkerboard Sign Distribution, S. 429 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Noltemeier; M. Ost: Zum Auswahlproblem, S. 431 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. J. Goel: Construction of Basic Functions for Numerical Utilisation of Ritz’s Method, S. 435 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. W. Schäfke: Zum Zeilensummenkriterium, S. 448 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Sunouchi: Perturbation Theory of Difference Schemes, S. 454 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Oliver: An Extension of Olver’s Error Estimation Technique for Linear Recurrence Relations, S. 459 GDZ Göttingen

13.Bd, 1958


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • F. L. Bauer: Remarks on Optimally Scaled Matrices, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Rutishauser: Computational Aspects of F. L. Bauer’s Simultaneous Iteration Method, S. 4 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Verner: The Order of Some Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods, S. 14 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Werner: Einschließungssätze bei nichtlinearen gewöhnlichen Randwertauf-gaben und erzwungenen Schwingungen, S. 24 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Ade: Iterationsverfahren höherer Ordnung in Banach-Räumen, S. 39 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. G. Ciarlet; R. S. Varga; M. H. Schultz: Numerical Methods of High-Order Accuracy for Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems. V. Monotone Operator Theor, S. 51 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Natterer: Einschließungen für die großen Eigenwerte gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen zweiter und vierter Ordnung, S. 78 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Ehresmann: Zur Abschätzung des Bestapproximationsfehlers bei der Approximation differenzierbarer Funktionen durch Polynome, S. 94 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Bramble: On the Convergence of Difference Approximations to Weak Solutions of Dirichlet’s Problem, S. 101 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Braess; H. Werner: Über den Zusammenhang von Interpolation und diskreter T -Approximation mit rationalen Funktionen, S. 112 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Anderssen: The Numerical Solution of Parabolic Differential Equations Using Variational Methods, S. 129 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. P. Sreedharan: Solutions of Overdetermined Linear Equations which Minimize Error in an Abstract Norm, S. 146 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. E. Osborn: A Note on a Perturbation Theorem for the Matrix Eigenvalue Problem, S. 152 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Stiefel; D. G. Bettis: Stabilization of Cowell’s Method, S. 154 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. P. Squier: One-step Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations, S. 176 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Varga; F. M. Perrin; H. S. Price: On Higher-Order Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems, S. 180 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. R. Osborne; G. A. Watson: On Estimating Best Approximations of Functions Defined by Differential Equations, S. 199 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. Marek: On the Row Sum Criterion and the Convergence of Some Iterative Processes, S. 207 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Ansorge: Konvergenz von Differenzenverfahren für quasilineare Anfangswertaufgaben, S. 217 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Bohl: Über Fehlerabschätzungen bei nichtlinearen Operatorgleichungen, S. 226 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. W. Johnson: Uniform Approximation of Vector-Valued Functions, S. 238 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Elsner: Bemerkung zu einer Arbeit von MARSHALL und OLKIN, S. 245 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Lancaster; M. V. Pattabhiraman: Spectral Properties of a Polynomial Operator, S. 247 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Nitsche: Verfahren von Ritz und Spline-Interpolation bei Sturm-Liouville-Randwertproblemen, S. 260 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Bulirsch: An Extension of the Bartky-Transformation to Incomplete Elliptic Integrals of the Third Kind, S. 266 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. P. Hadeler: Einige Anwendungen mehrparametriger Eigenwertaufgaben, S. 285 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. N. Parlett; C. Reinsch: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. Balancing a Matrix for Calculation of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, S. 293 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Bulirsch: Handbook Series Special Functions. Numerical Calculation of Elliptic Integrals and Elliptic Functions. III, S. 305 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. W. Rainey: On Comparatively Stable Tridiagonalization Methods, S. 316 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Razelos: On the Accuracy of the Analog Solution of Heat Conduction Problems Involving Newtonian Cooling, S. 323 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Nitsche: Interpolation in Sobolevschen Funktionenräumen, S. 334 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Dirschmid: Bemerkungen zu einer Arbeit von G. Polya zur Bestimmung der Nullstellen ganzer Funktionen, S. 344 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Soukup: A Method for Finding the Roots of a Polynomial, S. 349 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. Strassen: Gaussian Elimination is not Optimal, S. 354 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Davis; J. J. Jacoby: Numerical Integration of Linear Integral Equations with Mild Discontinuity, S. 357 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Stewart: Accelerating the Orthogonal Iteration for the Eigenvectors of a Hermitian Matrix, S. 362 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. J. Taylor: A Generalisation of Systematic Relaxation Methods for Consistently Ordered Matrices, S. 377 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Hadjidimos: On Some High Accuracy Difference Schemes for Solving Elliptic Equations, S. 396 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. H. Bareiss: Numerical Solution of Linear Equations with Toeplitz and Vector Toeplitz Matrices, S. 404 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. K. NiChols; L. Fox: Generalized Consistent Ordering and the Optimum Successive Over-Relaxation Factor, S. 425 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Natterer: Numerische Behandlung singulärer Sturm-Liouville-Probleme, S. 434 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. T. Symm: Conformal Mapping of Doubly-Connected Domains, S. 448 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Stewart: Some Iterations for Factoring a Polynomial, S. 458 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. S. Householder; G. W. Stewart: Comments on „Some Iterations for Factoring a Polynomial“, S. 470 GDZ Göttingen

14.Bd, 1959


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • J. N. Lyness; C. B. Moler: Generalized Romberg Methods for Integrals of Derivatives, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. van der Sluis: Condition Numbers and Equilibration of Matrices, S. 14 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. H. Hoffmann: Zur Theorie der nichtlinearen Tschebyscheff-Approximation mit Nebenbedingungen, S. 24 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Zlamal: On Some Finite Element Procedures for Solving Second Order Boundary Value Problems, S. 42 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Varga; I. Marek: Nested Bounds for the Spectral Radius, S. 49 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. D. Taylor: Approximation by Functions Having Restricted Ranges: Equality Case, S. 71 GDZ Göttingen
  • Anmerkungen
  • A. van Wijngaarden; B. J. Mailloux; J. E. L. Peck; C. H. A. Koster: Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68, S. 79 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson; R. S. Martin; G. Peters: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. The Q R Algorithm for Real Hessenberg Matrices, S. 219 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. J. Eberlein: Solution to the Complex Eigenproblem by a Norm Reducing Jacobi Type Method, S. 232 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. van der Sluis: Stability of Solutions of Linear Algebraic Systems, S. 246 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. A. Jenkins; J. F. Traub: A Three-Stage Variable-Shift Iteration for Polynomial Zeros and Its Relation to Generalized Rayleigh Iteration, S. 252 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. E. jr. Bosarge; P. L. Falb: Infinite Dimensional Multipoint Methods and the Solution of Two Point Boundary Value Problems, S. 264 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Börsch-Supan: Residuenabschätzung für Polynom-Nullstellen mittels Lagrange-Interpolation, S. 287 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ch. Davis: On a Theorem of YAMAMOTO, S. 297 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Schönhage: Mehrdimensionale Romberg-Integration, S. 299 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. B. Barrar; H. L. Loeb: On the Convergence in Measure of Non-Linear Chebyshev Approximations, S. 305 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Lode: Zum neuen Norm-Entwurf DIN 1333 ,,Abbrechen und Runden von Dezimalzahlen“, S. 313 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Christiansen: Handbook Series Numerical Integration. Numerical Solution of Ordinary Simultaneous Differential Equations of the 1st Order Using a Method for Automatic Step Change, S. 317 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Pietrzykowski: The Potential Method for Conditional Maxima in the Locally Compact Metric Spaces, S. 325 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. B. Guenther; E. L. Roetman: Newton-Cotes Formulae in n-Dimensions, S. 330 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Natterer: Schranken für die Eigenwerte gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen durch Spline-Approximation, S. 346 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Jamet: On the Convergence of Finite-Difference Approximations to One-Dimensional Singular Boundary-Value Problems, S. 355 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. , Luke, Y. L. Fair: Padé Approximations to the Operator Exponential, S. 379 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. H. Hoffmann: Nichtlineare Tschebyscheff-Approximation mit Nebenbedingungen: Anwendungen, S. 383 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Zlamal: A Finite Element Procedure of the Second Order of Accuracy, S. 394 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. H. Golub; C. Reinsch: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. Singular Value Decomposition and Least Squares Solutions, S. 403 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. G. Bettis: Numerical Integration of Products of Fourier and Ordinary Polynomials, S. 421 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. G. Campbell: Stability Analysis of a Difference Scheme for the Navier-Stokes Equations, S. 435 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Gorenflo: Nichtnegativitäts- und substanzerhaltende Differenzenschemata für lineare Diffusionsgleichungen, S. 448 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Braess: Eine Möglichkeit zur Konvergenzbeschleunigung bei Iterationsverfahren für bestimmte nichtlineare Probleme, S. 468 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Petry: Existenz und Eindeutigkeit für Lösungen nichtlinearer Randwertprobleme, S. 476 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Svecova: On the Bauer’s Scaled Condition Number of Matrices Arising from Approximate Conformai Mapping, S. 495 GDZ Göttingen

15.Bd, 1960


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • J. M. Shah: Two-Dimensional Polynomial Splines, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. D. Grigorieff: Die Konvergenz des Rand- und Eigenwertproblems linearer gewöhnlicher Differenzengleichungen, S. 15 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Rund: The Reduction of Certain Boundary Value Problems to Variational Problems by Means of Transversality Conditions, S. 49 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Ruhe: Properties of a Matrix with a Very Ill-conditioned Eigenproblem, S. 57 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. J. Stoss: Monotonie-Eigenschaften bei Differentialungleichungen über nichtkompaktem Grundbereich, S. 61 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. van der Sluis: Condition, Equilibration and Pivoting in Linear Algebraic Systems, S. 74 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. G. Ciarlet; R. S. Varga; F. Natterer: Numerical Methods of High-Order Accuracy for Singular Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems, S. 87 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Schröder: Proving Inverse-Positivity of Linear Operators by Reduction, S. 100 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. W. Schäfke: Zum Anwendungsbereich einiger Iterationsverfahren, S. 109 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Wetterling: Definitheitsbedingungen für relative Extrema bei Optimierungs- und Approximationsaufgaben, S. 122 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. J. Laurent; Pham-Dinh-Tuan: Global Approximation of a Compact Set by Elements of a Convex Set in a Normed Space, S. 137 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Urabe: An Implicit One-Step Method of High-Order Accuracy for the Numerical Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations, S. 151 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Ehlich; W. Haussmann: Konvergenz mehrdimensionaler Interpolation, S. 165 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Döring: Das Tschebyscheff-Verfahren in Banach-Räumen, S. 175 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. D. Grigorieff: Über die Koerzitivität gewöhnlicher Differenzenoperatoren und die Konvergenz von Mehrschrittverfahren, S. 196 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. H. Schaefer: Eine Abschätzung der nichttrivialen Eigenwerte stochastischer Matrizen, S. 219 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. NiTsche: Zur Konvergenz von Näherungsverfahren bezüglich verschiedener Normen, S. 224 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Martensen: Zur Restglieddarstellung der Gregoryschen Quadraturformel ungerader Ordnung, S. 229 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Miklosko: Asymptotic Properties and the Convergence of Numerical Quadratures, S. 234 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. van der Sluis: Upperbounds for Roots of Polynomials, S. 250 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. W. Schmidt; K. Vetters: Ableitungsfreie Verfahren für nichtlineare Optimierungsprobleme, S. 263 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Zenísek: Interpolation Polynomials on the Triangle, S. 283 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. W. Stallmann: Numerical Solution of Integral Equations, S. 297 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Stewart: On Samelson’s Iteration for Factoring Polynomials, S. 306 GDZ Göttingen
  • Chr. T. H. Baker: The Error in Polynomial Interpolation, S. 315 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Rakotch; J. Steinberg: Error Estimate for the Numerical Solution of Fredholm’s Integral Equation, S. 320 GDZ Göttingen
  • Fink K. Von Finckenstein: Potenzbeschränktheit und Wertebereich einer Matrix, S. 329 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. N. Lyness; B. J. J. McHuGh: On the Remainder Term in the JV-Dimensional Euler Maclaurin Expansion, S. 333 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. N. de Oliveira: Note on an Inverse Characteristic Value Problem, S. 345 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Marsal: Eingabelung der Lösungen von Integralgleichungen, S. 348 GDZ Göttingen
  • O. L. Mangasarian: A Convergent Splitting of Matrices, S. 351 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. A. Luther; H. G. Sierra: On the Optimal Choice of Fourth-Order Runge-Kutta Formulas, S. 354 GDZ Göttingen
  • Th. R. Lucas: Generalization of L-Splines, S. 359 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Descloux: On the Numerical Integration of the Heat Equation, S. 371 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. B. Barrar; H. L. Loeb: On the Remez Algorithm for Non-linear Families, S. 382 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Lamprecht: Über die Abhängigkeit der Fehlerfunktion bei der rationalen Lp-Approximation von den Koeffizienten des Nennerpolynoms bei minimalem Zählerpolynom, S. 392 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Hertling: Approximation of Piecewise Continuous Functions by a Modification of Piecewise Hermite Interpolation, S. 404 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Zettl: Ein Verfahren zum Minimieren einer Funktion bei eingeschränktem Variationsbereich der Parameter, S. 415 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. W. Jerome: Linear Self-Ad joint Multipoint Boundary Value Problems and Related Approximation Schemes, S. 433 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Dubrulle: A Short Note on the Implicit QL Algorithm for Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrices, S. 450 GDZ Göttingen

16.Bd, 1961


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • J. L. Howland; J. A. Senez: A Constructive Method for the Solution of the Stability Problem, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Marsaglia: Regularities in Congruential Random Number Generators, S. 8 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Cenacchi; A. De Matteis: Pseudo-Random Numbers for Comparative Monte Carlo Calculations, S. 11 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Rowland; J. A. O’Donnell: Some Bounds for the Deviation and Interpolation Points in Chebyshev Approximation, S. 16 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. L. Johnston; B. T. Smith: Calculation of Best Isolated Gerschgorin Discs, S. 22 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Bittner: Some Representation Theorems for Functions and Sets and their Application to Nonlinear Programming, S. 32 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. W. Daniel: A Simple, Global, Complementary Variational Principle, S. 52 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Cranley; T. N. L. Patterson: A Regression Method for the Monte Carlo Evaluation of Multidimensional Integrals, S. 58 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Deutsch: Matricial Norms, S. 73 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson; R. S. Martin; C. Reinsch: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. The Q R Algorithm for Band Symmetrie Matrices, S. 85 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Jamet; P. Lascaux; P. A. Raviart: Une méthode de résolution numérique des équations de Navier-Stokes, S. 93 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. G. Ciarlet; R. S. Varga: Discrete Variational Green’s Function. II. One Dimensional Problem, S. 115 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Gaier: Saturation bei Spline-Approximation und Quadratur, S. 129 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Varga; A. S. Householder; J. H. Wilkinson: A Note on Gerschgorin’s Inclusion Theorem for Eigenvalues of Matrices, S. 141 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. P. Brent: Error Analysis of Algorithms for Matrix Multiplication and Triangular Decomposition using Winograd’s Identity, S. 145 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. L. Allgower: Criteria for Positive Definiteness of Some Band Matrices, S. 157 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Lebaud: L’Algorithme double Q-R avec „shift“, S. 163 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson; G. Peters: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. Eigenvectors of Real and Complex Matrices by L R and QR triangularizations, S. 181 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Rutishauser: Handbook Series Linear Algebra. Simultaneous Iteration Method for Symmetric Matrices, S. 205 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. N. Fritsch: On the Number of Nodes in Self-Contained Integration Formulas of Degree Two for Compact Planar Regions, S. 224 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. S. Chow; H. W. Milnes: Numerical Solution of Laplace Equation for an Annular Region, S. 231 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Bacopoulos: On Approximation by Sums of Chebyshev Norms, S. 243 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. H. Meyer: On a Free Interface Problem for Linear Ordinary Differential Equations and the One-Phase Stefan Problem, S. 248 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. R. Curtis: An Eighth Order Runge-Kutta Process with Eleven Function Evaluations per Step, S. 268 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. M. Ferreira; J. Sesma: Zeros of the Modified Hankel Function, S. 278 GDZ Göttingen
  • Robert Sauer
  • L. Bittner: Abschätzungen bei Variationsmethoden mit Hilfe von Dualitätssätzen. II, S. 285 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Carasso: Long-Range Numerical Solution of Mildly Non-Linear Parabolic Equations, S. 304 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. Babuska: Error-Bounds for Finite Element Method, S. 322 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. M. Brown; W. B. Gearhart: Deflation Techniques for the Calculation of Further Solutions of a Nonlinear System, S. 334 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. J. Good; R. A. Gaskins: The Centroid Method of Numerical Integration, S. 343 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. A. Businger: Monitoring the Numerical Stability of Gaussian Elimination, S. 360 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Bramble; S. R. Hilbert: Bounds for a Class of Linear Functionals with Applications to Hermite Interpolation, S. 362 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. M. Chawla: Estimating Errors of Numerical Approximation for Analytic Functions, S. 370 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. S. Householder: Generalizations of an Algorithm of Sebastiao e Silva, S. 375 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. S. Kambo: Error Bounds for the Lobatto and Radau Quadrature Formulas, S. 383 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Kress: Ein ableitungsfreies Restglied für die trigonometrische Interpolation periodischer analytischer Funktionen, S. 389 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. W. Clendenin: A Method for Numerical Quadrature Over an Infinite Interval Using Systematically Increasing Mesh Size, S. 397 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. M. Young: A Bound for thé Optimum Relaxation Factor for the Successive Overrelaxation Method, S. 408 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. H. Bartels: A Stabilization of the Simplex Method, S. 414 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. L Medley: A Note on a Paper of Johnston and Smith’s Concerning Best Isolated Gerschgorin Disks, S. 435 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Kiyono; M. Shimasaki: Boundary Contraction Solution of the Neumann and Mixed Boundary Value Problems of the Laplace Equation, S. 442 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. H. Reinsch: Smoothing by Spline Functions. II, S. 451 GDZ Göttingen

17.Bd, 1962


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • R. B. Leipnik: Rapidly Convergent Recursive Solution of Quadratic Operator Equations, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Oliver: The Efficiency of Extrapolation Methods for Numerical Integration, S. 17 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Alefeld: Anwendungen des Fixpunktsatzes für Pseudometrische Räume in der Intervallrechnung, S. 33 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Rowland: Inequalities for the Interpolation Points in Chebyshev Approximation by Polynomials, S. 40 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. THOMe;E: Convergence Near Plane Boundaries of Some Elliptic Difference Schemes, S. 45 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. L. Roark: On the Eigenproblem for Convolution Integral Equations, S. 54 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. N. jr. Willson: A Useful Generalization of the P0 Matrix Concept,, S. 62 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. Gastinel: Sur l’extension de normes sur des algèbres de matrices, S. 71 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. G. Ciarlet; C. Wagschal: Multipoint Taylor Formulas and Applications to the Finite Element Method, S. 84 GDZ Göttingen
  • U. Dieter; J. Ahrens: An Exact Determination of Serial Correlations of Pseudo-Random Numbers, S. 101 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. L. Miranker: Difference Schemes with Best Possible Truncation Error, S. 124 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. Kupka: Simulation reeller Arithmetik und reeller Funktionen in endlichen Mengen, S. 143 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Brezinski: Etudes sur les e- et g-algorithmes, S. 153 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Brauer: A Remark on the Paper of H. H. Schaefer. Abschätzung der nichttrivalen Eigenwerte stochastischer Matrizen, S. 163 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Knauer: Untere Schranken für die Eigenwerte selbstadjungierter positivdefiniter Operatoren, S. 166 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Reimer: Untersuchungen über das Wachstum von Potenzreihenabschnitten mit Anwendungen für das Hornerschema, S. 172 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. J. Dekker; J. F. Traue: An Analysis of the Shifted LR Algorithm, S. 179 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. H. C. Paardekooper: An Eigenvalue Algorithm for Skew-Symmetric Matrices, S. 189 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Tanabe: Projection Method for Solving a Singular System of Linear Equations and its Applications, S. 203 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Wuytack: A New Technique for Rational Extrapolation to the Limit, S. 215 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. Gastinel: Sur le calcul des produits de matrices, S. 222 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. R. Kuttler: A Finite-Difference Approximation for the Eigenvalue of the Clamped Plate, S. 230 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Anderssen: A Stability Analysis for the Extended Kantorovich Method Applied to the Torsion Problem, S. 239 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Bergman; J. G. Herriot: Computation of a Class of Subsonic Flow Patterns, S. 247 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. F. Shampine; J. W. Burgmeier; R. D. Russell: Integral Equations with Transform Kernels and the Eigenproblem KCx = …x, S. 253 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. E. jr. BosArge: Iterative Continuation and the Solution of Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems, S. 268 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. L. Schryer: Newton’s Method for Convex Nonlinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, S. 284 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Hadjidimos: The Numerical Solution of a Model Problem Biharmonic Equation by Using Extrapolated Altering Direction Implicit Methods, S. 301 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Chatelin-Laborde: Perturbation d’une matrice hermitienne ou normale, S. 318 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Robert: Approximations des espaces d’Orlicz et applications, S. 338 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Braess: Chebyshev Approximation by Spline Functions with Free Knots, S. 357 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. L. Hulme: Piecewise Polynomial Taylor Methods for Initial Value Problems, S. 367 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Noda: Note on the Computation of the Maximal Eigenvalue of a Non-Negative Irreducible Matrix, S. 382 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. P. Sreedharan: Least Squares Algorithms for Finding Solutions of Overdetermined Linear Equations Which Minimize Error in an Abstract Norm, S. 387 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Natterer: Schranken für die Norm der Greenschen Funktion gewöhnlicher Differentialoperatoren, S. 402 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. R. Joubert: Explicit Difference Approximations of the One-Dimensional Diffusion Equation, Using a Smoothing Technique, S. 409 GDZ Göttingen
  • Anmerkungen

18.Bd, 1963


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • U. Kulisch: An Axiomatic Approach to Rounded Computations, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. R. Joubert: Explicit Difference Approximations of Du Fort-Frankel Type of the One-Dimensional Diffusion Equation, S. 18 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Stewart: On a Companion Operator for Analytic Functions, S. 26 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Galimberti; V. Pereyra: Solving Confluent Vandermonde Systems of Hermite Type, S. 44 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Hoshino; K. Ichida: Solution of Partial Differential Equations by a Modified Random Walk, S. 61 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. N. Spijker: On the Structure of Error Estimates for Finite-Difference Methods, S. 73 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Hertling: Numerical Treatment of Singular Integral Equations by Interpolation Methods, S. 101 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Schäfer: Ein Konstruktionsverfahren bei allgemeiner linearer Approximation, S. 113 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Spellucci: Double Precision Approximations to the Elementary Functions Using Jacobi-Fractions, S. 127 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. E. Salzer: Formulas for Best Extrapolation, S. 144 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Lewin: On Exponents of Primitive Matrices, S. 154 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. J. Cooper: Error Bounds for Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations, S. 162 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. A. Hall; R. E. Carlson: Ritz Approximations to Two-Dimensional Boundary Value Problems, S. 171 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Deutsch; Ch. Zenger: Inclusion Domains for the Eigenvalues of Stochastic Matrices, S. 182 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Pomentale: A Class of Iterative Methods for Holomorphic Functions, S. 193 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. Troch: Über die Stabilität der Ruhelage bei Differentialgleichungen mit quasihomogenen rechten Seiten, S. 204 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Auslender: Méthodes numériques pour la décomposition et la minimisation de fonctions non differentiates, S. 213 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. J. Dekker: A Floating-Point Technique for Extending the Available Precision, S. 224 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. M. Prenter: Piecewise L-Splines, S. 243 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. J. Cannon: Computing the Ideal Structure of Finite Semigroups, S. 254 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Einarsson: Numerical Treatment of Integro-Differential Equations with a Certain Maximum Propert, S. 267 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. M. Brown; J. E. jr. Dennis: Derivative Free Analogues of the Levenberg-Marquardt and Gauss Algorithms for Nonlinear Least Squares Approximation, S. 289 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. F. King: Tangent Methods for Nonlinear Equations, S. 298 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. Gargantini; P. Henrici: Circular Arithmetic and the Determination of Polynomial Zeros, S. 305 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Ph. Barker: Monotone Norms, S. 321 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Tsuda: Numerical Differentation of Functions of Very Many Variables, S. 327 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. L. Schryer: Solution of Monotone Nonlinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, S. 336 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. W. Johnson; R. D. Riess: Error Estimates for Clenshaw-Curtis Quadrature, S. 345 GDZ Göttingen
  • O. Hübner: Zweiparametrige Überrelaxation, S. 354 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Pietrzykowski: A Generalization of the Potential Method for Conditional Maxima on the Banach, Reflexive Spaces, S. 367 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Gautschi: Attenuation Factors in Practical Fourier Analysis, S. 373 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Rokne: Newton’s Method Under Mild Differentiability Conditions with Error Analysis, S. 401 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. P. Hadeler: Bemerkungen zum Gradientenverfahren, S. 413 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Werner: Eine Faktorisierung der bei der rationalen Interpolation auftretenden Matrizen, S. 423 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. A. Sack: A Fully Stable Rational Version of the QR Algorithm for Tridiagonal Matrices, S. 432 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Weiss; R. S. Anderssen: A Product Integration Method for a Class of Singular First Kind Voltera Equations, S. 442 GDZ Göttingen
  • Wm. L. Morris: Inclusion Theorems for a Section of a Matrix, S. 457 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. A. Sack; A. F. Donovan: An Algorithm for Gaussian Quadrature given Modified Moments, S. 465 GDZ Göttingen

19.Bd, 1964


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • R. D. Russell; L. F. Shampine: A Collocation Method for Boundary Value Problems, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Amann: Über die näherungsweise Lösung nichtlinearer Integralgleichungen, S. 29 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Askey: Positivity of the Cotes Numbers for some Jacobi Abscissas, S. 46 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. van der Sluis: The Remainder Term in Quadrature Formulae, S. 49 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Alefeld; J. Herzberger: Nullstelleneinschließung mit dem Newton-Verfahren ohne Invertierung von Intervallmatrizen, S. 56 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Lyche: Chebyshevian Multistep Methods for Ordinary Differential Equation, S. 65 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. L. Brenner; J. de Pillis: Partitioned Matrices and Seidel Convergence, S. 76 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Strang: Approximation in the Finite Element Method, S. 81 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. J. Blair: Error Bounds for the Solution of Nonlinear Two-point Boundary Value Problems by Galerkin’s Method, S. 99 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. P. Carroll: Simultaneous L1 Approximation of a Compact Set of Real-Valued Functions, S. 110 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Antes: Splinefunktionen bei der Lösung von Integralgleichungen, S. 116 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Fix; N. Nassif: On Finite Element Approximations to Time-Dependent Problems, S. 127 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Tissier: Interpolation a plusieurs variables sur la sphere, S. 136 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. von Golitschek: On the Convergence of Interpolating Periodic Spline Functions of High Degree, S. 146 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Varga; J. G. Pierce: Higher Order Convergence Results for the Rayleigh-Ritz Method Applied to Eigenvalue Problems: 2. Improved Error Bounds for Eigenfunctions, S. 155 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. B. Kellogg: On Complex Eigenvalues of M and P Matrices, S. 170 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson: Note on Matrices with a Very Ill-Conditioned Eigenproblem, S. 176 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Gaier: Ermittlung des konformen Moduls von Vierecken mit Differenzenmethoden, S. 179 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. S. Waterman; W. A. Beyer: Ergodic Computations with Continued Fractions and Jacobi’s Algorithm, S. 195 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Lancaster: A Note on Sub-Multiplicative Norms, S. 206 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Zenger: A Comparison of Some Bounds for the Nontrivial Eigenvalues of Stochastic Matrices, S. 209 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Steinberg: Numerical Solution of Volterra Integral Equation, S. 212 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. G. Guderley; C. L. Keller: A Basic Theorem in the Computation of Ellipsoidal Error Bounds, S. 218 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Engels: Über Konvergenzkriterien für numerische Differentiationsverfahren, S. 230 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. L. Johnston; D. D. Olesky: On the Computation of Inclusion Regions for Partitioned Matrices, S. 238 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Atkinson: The Numerical Solution of Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind with Singular Kernels, S. 248 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. P. Hadeler: Bemerkung zu einer Arbeit von W. Wetterling über positive Operatoren, S. 260 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. G. Pierce; J. W. Dailey: Error Bounds for the Galerkin Method Applied to Singular and Nonsingular Boundary Value Problems, S. 266 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. A. Field; W. B. Jones: A priori Estimates for Truncation Error of Continued Fractions K(1 bn), S. 283 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Robert; J. F. Maitre: Normes et algorithmes associés à une découpe de matrice. (Itération du principe de Gauss-Seidel), S. 303 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Melkes: Reduced Piecewise Bivariate Hermite Interpolations, S. 326 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. M. Robinson: Extension of Newton’s Method to Nonlinear Functions with Values in a Cone, S. 341 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Bereanu: On the Convergence of Cartesian Multidimensional Quadrature Formulae, S. 348 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Gekeler: Über mehrstufige Iterationsverfahren und die Lösung der Hammersteinschen Gleichung, S. 351 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. A. Kemper: Linear Multistep Methods for a Class of Functional Differential Equations, S. 361 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. F. Paget; D. Elliott: An Algorithm for the Numerical Evaluation of Certain Cauchy Principal Value Integrals, S. 373 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Zassenhaus; J. Neubüser; H. Brown: On Integral Groups. I. The Reducible Case, S. 386 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Pichat: Correction d’une somme en arithmétique a virgule flottante, S. 400 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Forster: Die diskrete Greensche Funktion und Fehlerabschätzungen zum Galerkin-Verfahren, S. 407 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. B. Hunter: Some Gauss-Type Formulae for the Evaluation of Cauchy Principal Values of Integrals, S. 419 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Miller: On the Stability of Finite Numerical Procedures, S. 425 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Meyer-Spasche: A Constructive Method of Solving the Liapounov Equation for Complex Matrices, S. 433 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Saint-Pierre: Sur la convergence numérique de différentes méthodes de décomposition pour une classe de problèmes elliptiques, S. 439 GDZ Göttingen

20.Bd, 1965


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • Ivo Babuska: A Finite Eement Scheme for Domains with Corners, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Zassenhaus; J. Neubüser; H. Brown: On Integral Groups. II. The Irreducible Case, S. 22 GDZ Göttingen
  • Gerhard Schmeißer: Optimale Quadraturformeln mit semidefiniten Kernen, S. 32 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. De Matteis; G. Cenacchi: Quasi-Random Sequences by Power Residues, S. 54 GDZ Göttingen
  • Claude Brezinski: Conditions d’application et de convergence de procédés d’extrapolation, S. 64 GDZ Göttingen
  • Veikko Seppäla: A Note on the Theory of Limit Processes for Solving Finite Equations, S. 80 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rainer Kreß: Zur numerischen Integration periodischer Funktionen nach der Rechteckregel, S. 87 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Varga; W. J. Kammerer: On Asymptotically Best Norms for Powers of Operators, S. 93 GDZ Göttingen
  • Lois Mansfield: On the Variational Characterization and Convergence of Bivariate Splines, S. 99 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Golomb; R. A. Tapia: The Metric Gradient in Normed Linear Spaces, S. 115 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rainer Kreß: On General Hermite Trigonometric Interpolation, S. 125 GDZ Göttingen
  • Martin Gutknecht: A posteriori Error Bounds for the Zeros of a Polynomial, S. 139 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. J. van der Houwen: Explicit Runge-Kutta Formulas with Increased Stability Boundaries, S. 149 GDZ Göttingen
  • Claude Carasso: Etude de l’algorithme de Rémès en l’absence de condition de Haar, S. 165 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ivo Babuska: The Finite Element Method with Lagrangian Multipliers, S. 179 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Chatelin: Approximation du spectre d’un operateur linearie; application aux operateurs differentiels elliptiqes non autoadjoints, S. 193 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. S. Householder: Postscript to „Generalisations of an Algorithm of Sebastiao e Silva“, S. 205 GDZ Göttingen
  • Alexandru I. Schiop: Stability of Ritz Procedure for Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problem, S. 208 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jim Douglas; Todd Dupont: Galerkin Methods for Parabolic Equations with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions, S. 213 GDZ Göttingen
  • Volker Strassen: Die Berechnungskomplexität von elementarsymmetrischen Funkit, S. 238 GDZ Göttingen
  • Richard S. Varga; Bernard W. Levinger: On Minimal Gerschgorin Sets for Families of Norms, S. 252 GDZ Göttingen
  • Thomas Lucas: A High Order Projection Method for Nonlinear Two Point Boundary Value Problems, S. 257 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Rakotch: Numerical Solution of Volterra Integral Equations, S. 271 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Ansorge: f-Konvergenz und f-Stetigkeit von Operatorenfolgen auf metrischen Räumen, S. 280 GDZ Göttingen
  • Colin W. Cryer: The Numerical Solution of Boundary Value Problems for Second Order Functional Differential Equations by Finite Differences, S. 288 GDZ Göttingen
  • René van Dooren: Numerical Computation of Forced Oscillations in Coupled Duffing Equations, S. 300 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Alefeld: Über konvergente Zerlegungen von Matrizen, S. 312 GDZ Göttingen
  • Franz Locher: Zur Struktur von Quadraturformeln, S. 317 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Winograd; Richard Brent; P. Wolfe: Optimal Iterative Processes for Root-Finding, S. 327 GDZ Göttingen
  • Paula P. Chan: Singular Splines, S. 342 GDZ Göttingen
  • Gideon Zwas: On Two Steps Lax-Wendroff Methods in Several Dimension, S. 350 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Sachs: Iterationsverfahren für monotone, nicht notwendige Lipschitz-beschränkte Operatoren im Hilbert-Raum, S. 356 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Meyer-Spasche: A Method of Solving the Stability Problem for Complex Matrices, S. 364 GDZ Göttingen
  • Karl v. Finckenstein; K.-U. v. Hagenow: Konvergenz eines Differenzverfahrens für quasilineare parabolische Anfangs-Randwertprobleme in Zylindersymmetrie, S. 372 GDZ Göttingen
  • Takao Tsuda: Numerical Iteration of Functions of Very Many Variables, S. 377 GDZ Göttingen
  • David R. Kincaid: A Class of Norms of Iterative Methods for Solving Systems of Linear Equations, S. 392 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Schönhage: Unitäre Transformationen großer Matrizen, S. 409 GDZ Göttingen
  • Luc Wuytack: An Algorithm for Rational Interpolation Similar to the qd-Algorithm, S. 418 GDZ Göttingen
  • Tohru Morita; Tsuyoshi Horiguchi: Convergence of the Arithmetic-Geometric Mean Procedure for the Complex Variables and the Calculation of the Complete Elliptic Integrals with Complex Modulus, S. 425 GDZ Göttingen

21.Bd, 1966


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • Alan Feldstein; Richard Goodman: Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Retarded Differential Equations with Discontinuous Derivatives, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • Torsten Ström: Monotonicity and Error Bounds in Schemes of Romberg Type for the Computation of f(n) (0) by Central Differences and Extrapolation, S. 14 GDZ Göttingen
  • Richard Weiss; Frank de Hoog: On the Solution of Volterra Integral Equations of the First Kind, S. 22 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Delchambre: De l’avantage des méthodes aux différences modifiées de Stiefel-Bettis pour la resolution d’équations différentielles du second ordre perturbées, S. 33 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. J. de Vries: On the Eigenproblem for Normal Matrices, S. 37 GDZ Göttingen
  • Claes Johnson: On the Convergence of a Mixed Finite-Element Method for Plate Bending Problems, S. 43 GDZ Göttingen
  • Philip M. Anselone; Joel Davis: Perturbations of Best Approximation Problems, S. 63 GDZ Göttingen
  • Erich Martensen: Darstellung und Entwicklung des Restgliedes der Gregoriyschen Quadraturformel mit Hilfe von Spline-Funktionen, S. 70 GDZ Göttingen
  • Wilhelm Niethammer: Ein numerisches Verfahren zur analytischen Fortsetzung, S. 81 GDZ Göttingen
  • Alston S. Hoseholder Award
  • H. I. Medley: A Note on G-Generating Families and Isolated Gerschgorin Disks, S. 93 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jagdish Chandra; Paul William Davis: On the Approximation of Periodic Solutions of Equations with Bounded Nonlinearities, S. 96 GDZ Göttingen
  • William J. Gordon: Transfinite Element Methods: Blending-Function Interpolation over Arbitary Curved Element Domains, S. 109 GDZ Göttingen
  • Tommy Elfving; Ake Björck: Algorithms for Confluent Vandermonde Systems, S. 130 GDZ Göttingen
  • Gregory M. Nielson: Bivariate Spline Functions and the Approximation of Linear Functionals, S. 138 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. P. Hadeler; D. Braess: Simultaneous Inclusion of the Zeros of a Polynomial, S. 161 GDZ Göttingen
  • Robert Schaback: Konstruktion und algebraische Eigenschaften von M-Spline-Interpolierenden, S. 166 GDZ Göttingen
  • Daniel Wulbert: A Note on Polynomial Splines with Free Knots, S. 181 GDZ Göttingen
  • Hinweise für die Autoren / Directions for Authors
  • D. B. Hunter: The Numerical Evaluation of Cauchy Principal Values of Integrals by Romberg-Integration, S. 185 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Reddien: Projection Methods and Singular Two Point Boundary Value Problems, S. 193 GDZ Göttingen
  • Hidetos Takahasi; Masatake Mori: Quadrature Formulas Obtained by Variable Tranformation, S. 206 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Scherer; H. Esser: Eine Bemerkung zur Konvergenz Hermitescher Interpolationsprozesse, S. 220 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. N. Parlett: Presentation geometrique des methodes de calcul des valeurs propres, S. 223 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Wick; H. Neunzert: Die Theorie der asymptotischen Verteilung und die numerische Lösung von Integrodifferentialgleichungen, S. 234 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Lesaint: Finite Element Methods for Symmetric Hyperbolic Equations, S. 244 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Pittnauer: Numerische Polynomapproxiamtion mit Knotenpolynomen, S. 256 GDZ Göttingen
  • Werner Sautter: Schwankungsbereiche linearer Optimierungsaufgaben, S. 264 GDZ Göttingen
  • Todd Dupont; Jim Jr. Douglas: Superconvergence for Galerkin Methods for the Two Point Boundary Problem Via Local Projections, S. 270 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. L. Allgower: Exact Inverses of Certain Band Matrices, S. 279 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Stewart: Conjugate Direction Methods for Solving Systems of Linear Equations, S. 285 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Mittermayer: Eine Iterationsmethode zur mehrdimensionalen gleichmäßigen Approximation bei gegebener Näherung, S. 298 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rolf Jeltsch: Integration of Iterated Integrals by Multistep Methods, S. 303 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ridgway Scott: Finite Element Convergence for Singular Data, S. 317 GDZ Göttingen
  • Bertil Gustafsson: A Numerical Method for Solving Singular Boundary Value Problems, S. 328 GDZ Göttingen
  • Alan E. Berger: L2 Error Estimates for Finite Elements with Interpolated Boundary Conditions, S. 345 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Kansy: Elementare Fehlerdarstellung für Abteilungen bei der Hermite-Interpolation, S. 350 GDZ Göttingen
  • Alan Feldstein; Richard Goodman: Round-off Error for Retarded Ordinary Differential Equations: A Priori Bounds and Estimates, S. 355 GDZ Göttingen
  • Masaaki Shimasaki; Takeshi Kiyono: Numerical Solution of Integral Equations in Chebyshev Series, S. 373 GDZ Göttingen
  • James W. Daniel: Newton’s Method for Nonlinear Inequalities, S. 381 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. N. Jr. Beavers; E. D. Denman: A Computational Method for Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a Matrix with Real Eigenvalues, S. 389 GDZ Göttingen
  • Helmut Braß: Eine Fehlerabschätzung zum Quadraturverfahren von Clesnshaw und Curtis, S. 397 GDZ Göttingen
  • Walter Gautschi: On the Condition of Algebraic Equations, S. 405 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ludwig Elsner: A Remark on Simultaneous Inclusions of the Zeros of a Polynomial by Gershgorin’s Theorem, S. 425 GDZ Göttingen

22.Bd, 1967


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • G. Rodrigue: A Gradient Method for the Matrix Eigenvalue Problem A x = … B x, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Atkinson: Iterative Variants of the Nyström Method for the Numerical Solution of Integral Equations, S. 17 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Stewart: Some Iterations for Factoring a Polynomial. II. A Generalization of the Secant Method, S. 33 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Schröder; U. Trottenberg: Reduktionsverfahren für Differenzengleichungen bei Randwertaufgaben I, S. 37 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Kreisselmeier; D. Suschowk: Ein Algorithmus zur zyklisch invarianten Zerlegung eines endlich-dimensionalen Vektorraums bezüglich einer linearen Selbstabbildung, S. 69 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. A. Micchelli; W. L. Miranker: Asymptotically Optimal Approximation in Fractional Sobolev Spaces and the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations, S. 75 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Mansfield: Higher Order Compatible Triangular Finite Elements, S. 89 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. jr. Douglas; T. Dupont: Galerkin Approximations for the Two Point Boundary Problem Using Continuous, Piecewise Polynomial Spaces, S. 99 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Menke: Bestimmung von Näherungen für die konforme Abbildung mit Hilfe von stationären Punktsystemen, S. 111 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. L. Loeb; R. B. Barrar: Analytic Extended Monosplines, S. 119 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Geistbeck; A. Sachs: Optimale Fehlerabschätzungen mit dualen Funktionalen bei semilineraen Randwertaufgaben gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen, S. 127 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Brosowski; K. H. Hoffmann: Eine Variationsungleichung und Anwendungen, S. 137 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Natterer; B. Werner: Eine Erweiterung des Maximumsprinzips für den Laplaceschen Operator, S. 149 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Anderssen; P. Bloomfield: Numerical Differentiation Procedures for Non-Exact Data, S. 157 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. M. Erisman; J. K. Reid: Monitoring the Stability of the Triangular Factorization of a Sparse Matrix, S. 183 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Knauff; R. Kreß: Optimale Approximation linearer Funktionale auf periodischen Funktionen, S. 187 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. M. Chawla; V. Kaul: Optimal Rules with Polynomial Precision for Hilbert Spaces Possessing Reproducing Kernel Functions, S. 207 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Braess: Rationale Interpolation, Normalität und Monosplines, S. 219 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. R. Richert: Zur Fehlerabschätzung für Eigenwertaufgaben vom Typ (…2I – …A-B)x = 0, S. 233 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Varga; W. J. Kammerer; G. W. Reddien: Quadratic Interpolatory Splines, S. 241 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Mäkelä; O. Nevanlinna; A. H. Sipilä: On the Concepts of Convergence, Consistency, and Stability in Connection with some Numerical Methods, S. 261 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. R. Richert: Zur Behandlung von Eigenwertaufgaben mit nichtlinear auftretendem Parameter, S. 275 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Deuflhard: A Modified Newton Method for the Solution of Ill-Conditioned Systems of Nonlinear Equations with Application to Multiple Shooting , S. 289 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. M. Chawla; T. R. Ramakrishnan: Numerical Evaluation of Integrals of Periodic Functions with Cauchy and Poisson Type Kernels, S. 317 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. S. Jennings; M. R. Osborne: Direct Error Analysis for Least Squares, S. 325 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Kail: Approximations to Stochastic Programs with Complete Fixed Recourse, S. 333 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. T. Kung: On Computing Reciprocals of Power Series, S. 341 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Tanabe: Characterization of Linear Stationary Iterative Processes for Solving a Singular System of Linear Equations, S. 349 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Rissanen: Solution of Linear Equations with Hankel and Toeplitz Matrices, S. 361 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. R. Abrahamsson; H. B. Keller; H. O. Kreiss: Difference Approximations for Singular Perturbations of Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations, S. 367 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. H. Astor; C. S. Duris: Discrete L-Splines, S. 393 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. P. Chan: A Monotone Operator Method for the Solution of Fredholm Integral Equations, S. 403 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Hettich: Kriterien zweiter Ordnung für lokal beste Approximationen, S. 409 GDZ Göttingen

23.Bd, 1968


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • J. Wimp: Toeplitz Arrays, Linear Sequence Transformations and Orthogonal Polynomials, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Pecka: On Equally Weighted Quadratures, S. 19 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Voigt: Line Method Approximations to the Cauchy Problem for Nonlinear Parabolic Differential Equations, S. 23 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. S. Mock: Solution of a Nonlinear Two Point Boundary Value Problem , S. 37 GDZ Göttingen
  • Y. M. Demoulin; Y. M. Chen: An Iteration Method for Studying the Bifurcation of Solutions of the Nonlinear Equations, L(…) u + ..R (…, u) = 0 , S. 47 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. La Porte; J. Vignes: Etude statistique des erreurs dans l’arithmétique des ordinateurs; application au contrôle des résultats d’algorithmes numériques, S. 63 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. La Porte; J. Vignes: Méthode numérique de détection de la singularité d’une matrice, S. 73 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Morel: Sur le problème inverse des valeurs propres, S. 83 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Herz: Zerfallende Tridiagonalmatrizen und aneinandergesetzte Sturmsche Ketten, S. 95 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. A. Nicolaides: On a Geometrical Aspect of SOR and the Theory of Consistent Ordering for Positive Definite Matrices, S. 99 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Werner; H. L. Loeb; R. B. Barrar: On the Existence of Optimal Integration Formulas for Analytic Functions, S. 105 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. D. Russell: Collocation for Systems of Boundary Value Problems, S. 119 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. R. Schwarz: The Method of Coordinate Overrelaxation for (A Â? … B) x = 0 , S. 135 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. T. King: New Error Bounds for the Penalty Method and Extrapolation, S. 153 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Gekeler: On the Convergence of the von Neumann Difference Approximation to Hyperbolic Initial Boundary Value Problems, S. 167 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. K. Zaremba; G. Kedem: A Table of Good Lattice Points in Three Dimensions, S. 175 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Schuller: On the Order of Convergence of Certain Quasi-Newton-Methods, S. 181 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. jr. Douglas; T. Dupont; L. Wahlbin: The Stability in Lq of the L2-Projection into Finite Element Function Spaces, S. 193 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Weiss; F. de Hoog: Implicit Runge- Kutta Methods for Second Kind Volterra Integral Equations, S. 199 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Chatelin; M. J. Lemordant: La méthode de Rayleigh-Ritz appliquée à des opérateurs différentiels elliptiques Â? orders de convergence des éléments propres, S. 215 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. A. Sânchez: An Iteration Scheme for Boundary Value-Alternative Problems, S. 223 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. S. Thomas: On the Approximate Solution of Operator Equations, S. 231 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. van der Sluis: Stability of the Solutions of Linear Least Squares Problems, S. 241 GDZ Göttingen
  • Y. Vitek: A Bound Connected with Primitive Matrices, S. 255 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. Pereyra; E. G. Sewell: Mesh Selection for Discrete Solution of Boundary Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations, S. 261 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Fairweather; J. P. Johnson: On the Extrapolation of Galerkin Methods for Parabolic Problems, S. 269 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Wahlbin: Error Estimates for a Galerkin Method for a Class of Model Equations for Long Waves, S. 289 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. I. Schiop: On the Stability of the Ritz Procedure for Nonlinear Problems, S. 305 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. F. Paget; D. Elliott: On the Convergence of a Quadrature Rule for Evaluating Certain Cauchy Principal Value Integrals, S. 311 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Reimer: Auswertungsverfahren für Polynome in mehreren Variablen, S. 321 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Gautschi: Norm Estimates for Inverses of Vandermonde Matrices, S. 337 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. C. Lafon: Base tensorielle des matrices de Hankel (ou de Toeplitz) Applications, S. 349 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Brezinski: Forme confluente de l’e-algorithme topologique, S. 363 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. McCormick: An Iterative Procedure for the Solution of Constrained Nonlinear Equations with Application to Optimization Problems, S. 371 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Natterer: Das Differenzenverfahren für singuläre Rand-Eigenwertaufgaben gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen, S. 387 GDZ Göttingen
  • O. H. Hald: On a Newton-Moser Type Method, S. 411 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Pittnauer: Eine Aussage über Alternanten, S. 427 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Schröder: Upper and Lower Bounds for Solutions of Generalized Two-Point Boundary Value Problems, S. 433 GDZ Göttingen

24.Bd, 1969


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • W. Gautschi: Optimally Conditioned Vandermonde Matrices, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Salkauskas: On Weight Functions for Chebyshev Quadrature, S. 13 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Greenberg: An Algorithm for Determining Redundant Inequalities and All Solutions to Convex Polyhedra, S. 19 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Anderssen; B. J. Omodei: Stability of the Rayleigh-Ritz Procedure for Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems, S. 27 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. La Porte; J. Vignes: Evaluation de l’incertitude sur la solution d’un système Linéaire, S. 39 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Deutsch: On Matrix Norms and Logarithmic Norms, S. 49 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. S. Mock: A Global a posteriori Error Estimate for Quasilinear Elliptic Problems, S. 53 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Deutsch; C. Zenger: On Bauer’s Generalized Gershgorin Discs, S. 63 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Yamamoto: On the Distribution of Errors in the Iterative Solution of a System of Linear Equations, S. 71 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. J. Henrich: On the Numerical Evaluation of a Sum Involving Binomial Coefficients, S. 81 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Stewart: The Convergence of the Method of Conjugate Gradients at Isolated Extreme Points of the Spectrum, S. 85 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. A. Nicolaides: On the Local Convergence of Certain Two Step Terative Procedures, S. 95 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Brezzi: Sur la méthode des éléments finis hybrides pour le problème biharmonique, S. 103 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Davies; B. Dawson: On the Global Convergence of Halley’s Iteration Formula, S. 133 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Hofmann: Monotoniesätze für hyperbolische Anfangswertaufgaben und Einschließung von Lösungen, S. 137 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. H. jr. Martin; J. H. Iii. Lightbourne: Projection Seminorms and the Field of Values of Linear Operators, S. 151 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Pinkus: Asymptotic Minimum Norm Quadrature Formulae, S. 163 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Schneider: Vereinfachte Rekursionen zur Richardson-Extrapolation in Spezialfällen, S. 177 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. E. Rose: Weak-element Approximations to Elliptic Differential Equations, S. 185 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. R. Kutt: The Numerical Evaluation of Principal Value Integrals by Finite-Part Integration, S. 205 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Kikuchi: On a Finite Element Schema Based on the Discrete Kirchhoff Assumption, S. 211 GDZ Göttingen
  • U. Hornung: Euler-Verfahren für neutrale Funktional-Differentialgleichungen, S. 233 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Pruess: High Order Approximations to Sturm-Liouville Eigenvalues, S. 241 GDZ Göttingen
  • U. Marcowitz: Fehlerabschätzung bei Anfangswertaufgaben für Systeme von gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen mit Anwendung auf das REENTRY-Problem, S. 249 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. G. L. Meyer: A Systematic Approach to the Synthesis of Algorithms, S. 277 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. J. Hanson; J. L. Phillips: An Adaptive Numerical Method for Solving Linear Fredholm Integral Equations of the First Kind, S. 291 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Günther: Zweidimensionale Quadraturformeln von Grad 7 mit 14 Punkten, S. 309 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Voss: Projektionsverfahren für Randwertaufgaben mit nichtlinearen Randbedingungen, S. 317 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Busch; R. Esser; W. Hackbusch; U. Herrmann: Extrapolation Applied to the Method of Characteristics for a first Order System of Two Partial Differential Equations. Part One : The Initial Value Problem, S. 331 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. D. Grigorieff: Diskrete Approximation von Eigenwertproblemen. I. Qualitative Konvergenz, S. 355 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Demmler; C. Reinsch: Oscillation Matrices with Spline Smoothing, S. 375 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Wahba: Smoothing Noisy Data with Spline Functions, S. 383 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Tsuda: Nonlinear Interpolation of Functions of Very Many Variables, S. 395 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. D. Grigorieff: Diskrete Approximation von Eigenwertproblemen. II. Konvergenzordnung, S. 415 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Wesseling: An Asymptotic Expansion for Product Integration Applied to Cauchy Principal Value Integrals, S. 435 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Schumacher: Iterative Optimierungsverfahren, die unter schwachen Voraussetzungen konvergieren, S. 443 GDZ Göttingen

25.Bd, 1970


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • E. B. Saff; R. S. Varga: On the Zeros and Poles of Padé Approximants to e-z , S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Forst: Zur Optimalität interpolatorischer Quadraturformeln periodischer Funktionen.-Optimal Formulas of Interpolatory Type for the Quadrature of Periodic Functions, S. 15 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Stenger: Computing the Topological Degree of a Mapping in Rn , S. 23 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. P. Norsett: C-Polynomials for Rational Approximation to the Exponential Function, S. 39 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Spence: On the Convergence of the Nyström Method for the Integral Equation Eigenvalue Problem, S. 57 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Natterer: Über die punktweise Konvergenz Finiter Elemente. – On the Pointwise Convergence of Finite Elements, S. 67 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. D. Grigorieff: Diskrete Approximation von Eigenwertproblemen. III. Asymptotische Entwicklungen. – Discrete Approximation of Eigenvalue-Problems. III. Asymptotic Expansions, S. 79 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Midy: An Improved Calculation of the General Elliptic Integral of the Second Kind in the Neighbourhood of x= 0, S. 99 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Linz: Convergence of a Discretization Method for Integrodifferential Equations, S. 103 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Hettich: Kriterien erster und zweiter Ordnung für lokal beste Approximationen bei Problemen mit Nebenbedingungen. – On First and Second Order Conditions for Locally Best Approximations for Constraint Problems, S. 109 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Stewart: Simultaneous Iteration for Computing Invariant Subspaces of Non-Hermitian Matrices, S. 123 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Stewart: The Economical Storage of Plane Rotations, S. 137 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Haegemanns; R. Piessens: Construction of Cubature Formulas of Degree Eleven for Symmetric Planar Regions „Using“ Orthogonal Polynomials, S. 139 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Knauff; R. Kreß: Optimale Approximation mit Nebenbedingungen an lineare Funktionale auf periodischen Funktionen. – Optimal Approximation with Side Conditions to Linear Functionals on Periodic Functions, S. 149 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. J. Plemmons: Regular Splittings and the Discrete Neumann Problem, S. 153 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. W. Thatcher: The Use of Infinite Grid Refinements at Singularities in the Solution of Laplace’s Equation, S. 163 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Veselic: A Convergent Jacobi Method for Solving the Eigenproblem of Arbitrary Real Matrices, S. 179 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. M. Möller: Kubaturformeln mit minimaler Knotenzahl. -Minimum-Point Cubature Formulas, S. 185 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Küpper: Einschließungsaussagen für gewöhnliche Differentialoperatoren. -Range-Domain Implications for Ordinary Differential Operators, S. 201 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. E. Barnhill; J. A. Gregory: Sard Kernel Theorems on Triangular Domains with Application to Finite Element Error Bounds, S. 215 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. H. Sloan: Error Analysis for a Class of Degenerate-Kernel Methods, S. 231 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Jetter: Optimale Quadraturformeln mit semidefiniten Peano-Kernen. – Optimal Integration Formulas with Semidefinite Peano-Kernels, S. 239 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. L. Loeb; R. B. Barrar: Multiple Zeros and Applications to Optimal Linear Functionals, S. 251 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. A. Nitsche: Der Einfluß von Randsingularitäten beim Ritzschen Verfahren. – Solution Effects of the Ritz Method, S. 263 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. Ptâk: The Rate of Convergence of Newtons’ Process, S. 279 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. F. Paget; D. Elliott: On the Convergence of a Quadrature Rule for Evaluating Certain Cauchy Principal Value Integrals: An Addendum, S. 287 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Varga; G. Alefeld: Zur Konvergenz des symmetrischen Relations Verfahrens. – On the Convergence of the Symmetric SOR Method, S. 291 GDZ Göttingen
  • U. Trottenberg: Lösung linearer gewöhnlicher Randwertaufgaben 4. Ordnung mit Hilfe von Aufspaltungen. – Solving Linear Ordinary Boundary Value Problems of the Fourth Order by Means of Splittings, S. 297 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Schönhage; E. B. Saff; R. S. Varga: Geometrie Convergence to e-z by Rational Functions with Real Poles, S. 307 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. A. LaBudde; D. Greenspan: Energy and Momentum Conserving Methods of Arbitrary Order for the Numerical Integration of Equations of Motion. I. Motion of a Single Particle, S. 323 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Loizou; P. J. Anderson: A Jacobi Type Method for Complex Symmetric Matrices, S. 347 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. S. Chung: Generalization and Acceleration of an Algorithm of Sebastiao e Silva and its Duals, S. 365 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. M. Chawla; V. Kaul: Optimal Rules with Polynomial Precision for Hubert Spaces Possessing Reproducing Kernel Functions. II. Error Bounds, S. 379 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Hairer; G. Wanner: A Theory for Nyström Methods, S. 383 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. E. Barnhill; J. A. Gregory: Interpolation Remainder Theory from Taylor Expansions on Triangles, S. 401 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Frank: The Method of Iterated Defect-Correction and its Application to Two-Point Boundary Value Problems. Part I, S. 409 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Suhadolc; M. Omladic; S. Pahor: On a New Type of Quadrature Formulas, S. 421 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Reddien; L. L. Schumaker: On a Collocation Method lor Singular Two Point Boundary Value Problems, S. 427 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Baumeister: Über die Extremaleigenschaft nichtlinearer interpolierender Splines. – On the Extremal Property of Nonlinear Interpolating Splines, S. 433 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Cromme: Eine Klasse von Verfahren zur Ermittlung bester nichtlinearer Tschebyscheff-Approximationen. -A Class of Numerical Procedures for Finding Best Nonlinear Chebyshev Approximations, S. 447 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Yamamoto: On the Distribution of Errors in the Iterative Solution of a System of Linear Equations. II., S. 461 GDZ Göttingen

26.Bd, 1971


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • R. A. LaBudde; D. Greenspan: Energy and Momentum Conserving Methods of Arbitrary Order for the Numerical Integration of Equations of Motion. II. Motion of a System of Particles, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Linden: Obere Schranken für Eigenwerte von Eigenwertaufgaben der Form (…2 I Â?…A Â? B) x = 0 . – Upper Bounds for Eigenvalues of Quadratic Eigenvalue Problem, S. 17 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. P. Eckmann: On the Computation of the Galois Group over the Quotient Field of C […], S. 27 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. Girault: A Combined Finite Element and Marker and Cell Method for Solving Navier-Stokes Equations, S. 39 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. van der Sluis; R. M. M. Mattheij: Error Estimates for Miller’s Algorithm, S. 61 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Johnson: On Finite Element Methods for Plasticity Problems, S. 79 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Haslinger; I. Hlavácek: A Mixed Finite Element Method Close to the Equilibrium Model, S. 85 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Schneider; B. D. Saunders: A Symmetric Numerical Range for Matrices, S. 99 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. A. Noor; J. R. Whiteman: Error Bounds for Finite Element Solutions of Mildly Nonlinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, S. 107 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. B. Jones: Truncation Error Analysis by Means of Approximant Systems and Inclusion Regions, S. 117 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. C. Cavendish; C. A. Hall; W. J. Gordon: Ritz-Galerkin Approximations in Blending Function Spaces, S. 155 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. R. Osborne; D. H. Anderson: Discrete, Linear Approximation Problems in Polyhedral Norms, S. 179 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. A. Micchelli; T. J. Rivlin; S. Winograd: The Optimal Recovery of Smooth Function, S. 191 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Pallaschke: Optimale Differentiations- und Integrationsformeln in C0 [a, b]. – Optimal Differentiation and Integration Formulas in C0 [a, b], S. 201 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. B. Saff; R. S. Varga; W. C. Ni: Geometric Convergence of Rational Approximations to e-z in Infinite Sectors, S. 211 GDZ Göttingen
  • Textabschnitt
  • H. Cerutti; S. V. Parter: Collocation Methods for Parabolic Partial Differential Equations in One Space Dimension, S. 227 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Miyoshi: A Mixed Finite Element Method for the Solution of the von Kármán Equations, S. 255 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. N. Spijker: On the Possibility of Two-Sided Error Bounds in the Numerical Solution of Initial Value Problems, S. 271 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Stummel: Weak Stability and Weak Discrete Convergence of Continuous Mappings, S. 301 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. Gargantini: Parallel Laguerre Iterations: The Complex Case, S. 317 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Mignotte: Note sur la méthode Bernoulli, S. 325 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Deuflhard; H. J. Pesch; P. Rentrop: A Modified Continuation Method for the Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems by Shooting Techniques, S. 327 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. B. Saff; R. S. Varga: On the Sharpness of Theorems Concerning Zero-Free Regions for Certain Sequences of Polynomials, S. 345 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Kacewicz: An Integral-Interpolation Iterative Method for the Solution of Scalar Equations, S. 355 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. S. Mock: Explicit Finite Element Schemes for First Order Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems, S. 367 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Taubert: Differenzverfahren für Schwingungen mit trockener und zäher Reibung und für Regelungssysteme. -A Finite Difference Method in Forced Vibrations with Combined Viscous and Coulomb Damping and in Feedback Control, S. 379 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. van Veldhuizen: A Refinement Process for Collocation Approximations, S. 397 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Alefeld: Zur Konvergenz des Peaceman-Rachford-Verfahrens. -On the Convergence of the Peaceman-Rachford Iterative Method, S. 409 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Sprekels: Existenz und erste Einschließung positiver Lösungen bei superlinearen Randwertaufgaben zweiter Ordnung. -Existence and First Bounds of Positive Solutions of Superlinear Second-Order Boundary Value Problems, S. 421 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Schröder; U. Trottenberg; H. Reutersberg: Reduktionsverfahren für Differenzengleichungen bei Randwertaufgaben II. -Solving Difference Equations for Boundary Value Problems by Reduction Methods II, S. 429 GDZ Göttingen

27.Bd, 1972


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • B. A. Chartres; R. S. Stepleman: Convergence of Linear Multistep Methods for Differential Equations with Discontinuities, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Hallet; J. P. Hennart; E. H. Mund: A Galerkin Method with Modified Piecewise Polynomials for Solving a Second-Order Boundary Value Problem, S. 11 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. E. Zadunaisky: On the Estimation of Errors Propagated in the Numerical Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations, S. 21 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. N. L. Patterson: On High Precision Methods for the Evaluation of Fourier Integrals with Finite and Infinite Limits, S. 41 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Wagenführer: Ein Verfahren höherer Konvergenzordnung zur Berechnung des charakteristischen Exponenten der Mathieuschen Differentialgleichung, S. 53 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Veselic: Some Convergent Jacobi-like Procedures for Diagonalising J-Symmetric Matrices, S. 67 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Claessens: A New Algorithm for Osculatory Rational Interpolation, S. 77 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Matthys: A -Stable Linear Multistep Methods for Volterra Integro-Differential Equations, S. 85 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. R. Bunch; L. Kaufman; B. N. Parlett: Decomposition of a Symmetric Matrix (Handbook Series Linear Algebra), S. 95 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Küpper: Pointwise Lower and Upper Bounds for Eigenfunctions of Ordinary Differential Operators, S. 111 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Hansen; M. Patrick: Estimating the Multiplicity of a Root, S. 121 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Robert: Autour du théorème de Stein-Rosenberg, S. 133 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. G. Verwer: On Generalized Linear Multistep Methods with Zero-Parasitic Roots and an Adaptive Principal Root, S. 143 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. E. White: On Optimal Extreme-Discrepancy Point Sets in the Square, S. 157 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. R. Cash: A Note on the Iterative Solution of Recurrence Relations, S. 165 GDZ Göttingen
  • U. von Welck: Ein stabiles Schichtenverfahren für allgemeine lineare Evolutionsgleichungen, S. 171 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. P. Blatt: Rationale Tschebyscheff-Approximation über unbeschränkten Intervallen, S. 179 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. P. Blatt: Zur Stetigkeit rationaler T-Approximationen über unbeschränkten Intervallen, S. 191 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Cordellier: Particular Rules for the Vector e-Algorithm, S. 203 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. M. Delves; M. Bain: On the Optimum Choice of Weight Functions in a Class of Variational Calculations, S. 209 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. M. Delves; M. Bain: The Convergence Rates of Expansions in Jacobi Polynomials, S. 219 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Lorenz: Zur Inversmonotonie diskreter Probleme, S. 227 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. K. Ifantis; C. B. Kouris: Lower Bounds for the Zeros of Analytic Functions, S. 239 GDZ Göttingen
  • O. H. Hald: Discrete Inverse Sturm-Liouville Problems. I. Uniqueness for Symmetric Potentials, S. 249 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Hansen; M. Patrick: A Family of Root Finding Methods, S. 257 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. C. P. Bus: Convergence of Newton-Like Methods for Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations, S. 271 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Hairer: Méthodes de Nyström pour l’équation différentielle y“ Â? f(xty , S. 283 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. H. Ling; H. W. McLaughlin; M. L. Smith: A Computational Procedure for the Approximation of Random Functions, S. 301 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Meinguet; J. Descloux: An Operator-Theoretical Approach to Error Estimation, S. 307 GDZ Göttingen
  • O. Widlund: On Best Error Bounds for Approximation by Piecewise Polynomial Functions, S. 327 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Witsch: Konvergenzaussagen für Projektionsverfahren bei linearen Operatoren. – Convergence of Projection Methods for Linear Operators, S. 339 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Schmeisser: A Representation for the Remainder of the Maclaurin Quadrature Formula, S. 355 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. G. Verwer: S-Stability Properties for Generalized Runge-Kutta Methods, S. 359 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. Conrad; Y. Wallach: A Faster SSOR Algorithm, S. 371 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Wozniakowski: Numerical Stability for Solving Nonlinear Equations, S. 373 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. R. Johnson: Locally Compatible Generalized Matrix Norms, S. 391 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Paulik: Zur Existenz optimaler Quadraturformeln mit freien Knoten bei Integration analytischer Funktionen, S. 395 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Frank: The Method of Iterated Defect-Correction and Its Application to Two-Point Boundary Value Problems. Part II, S. 407 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Pallaschke: Konvergenz optimaler Differentiationsformeln, S. 421 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. V. M. Zahar: A Mathematical Analysis of Miller’s Algorithm, S. 427 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. J. Pesch; P. Rentrop; H. J. Diekhoff; P. Lory; H. J. Oberle; R. Sedel: Comparing Routines for the Numerical Solution of Initial Value Problems of Ordinary Differential Equations in Multiple Shooting , S. 449 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Haverkamp: Sturm-Liouville-Problème mit schwach singulären Koeffizientenfunktionen. Teil I. Eigenwertproblem, S. 471 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. de Boor; A. Pinkus: Backward Error Analysis for Totally Positive Linear Systems, S. 485 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. F. Sherman: A Counterexample to Greenberg’s Algorithm for Solving Linear Inequalities, S. 491 GDZ Göttingen

28.Bd, 1973


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • O. Axelsson: Error Estimates for Galerkin Methods for Quasilinear Parabolic and Elliptic Differential Equations in Divergence Form, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Rappaz: Approximation of the Spectrum of a Non-Compact Operator Given by the Magnetohydrodynamic Stability of a Plasma, S. 15 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Starius: Constructing Orthogonal Curvilinear Meshes by Solving Initial Value Problems, S. 25 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Engels: Eine Familie interpolatorischer Quadraturformeln mit ableitungsfreien Fehlerschranken, S. 49 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Gautschi; G. Monegato: On Optimal Chebyshev-Type Quadratures, S. 59 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Esser: Stabilitätsungleichungen für Diskretisierungen von Randwertaufgaben gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen, S. 69 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Cromme: Numerische Methoden zur Behandlung einiger Problemklassen der nichtlinearen Tschebyscheff-Approximation mit Nebenbedingungen, S. 101 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. B. Saff; R. S. Varga: Erratum, S. 119 GDZ Göttingen
  • Alston S. Householder Award (1977) – Final Notice
  • W. Hackbusch: Extrapolation Applied to Certain Discretization Methods Solving the Initial Value Problem for Hyperbolic Differential Equations, S. 121 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. R. Osborne; D. H. Anderson: Discrete, Nonlinear Approximation Problems in Polyhedral Norms, S. 143 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. R. Osborne; D. H. Anderson: Discrete, Nonlinear Approximation Problems in Polyhedral Norms. A Levenberg-Like Algorithm, S. 157 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. F. Langford: Numerical Solution of Bifurcation Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations, S. 171 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Wózniakowski: Numerical Stability of the Chebyshev Method for the Solution of Large Linear Systems, S. 191 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. S. de Jong: Towards a Formal Definition of Numerical Stability, S. 211 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Dax; S. Kaniel: Pivoting Techniques for Symmetrie Gaussian Elimination, S. 221 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Starius: Composite Mesh Difference Methods for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, S. 243 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. J. Fix; M. E. Gurtin: On Patched Variational Principles with Application to Elliptic and Mixed Elliptic-Hyperbolic Problems, S. 259 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. Klee; P. van den Driessche: Linear Algorithms for Testing the Sign Stability of a Matrix and for Finding Z-Maximum Matchings in Acyclic Graphs, S. 273 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. P. Mavrides: Optimization under Nonnegativity Constraints, S. 287 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Atteia: Evaluation de l’erreur dans la méthode des éléments finis, S. 295 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. A. Manteuffel: The Tchebychev Iteration for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems, S. 307 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Natterer: Regularisierung schlecht gestellter Probleme durch Projektionsverfahren, S. 329 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Stoer: On the Relation between Quadratic Termination and Convergence Properties of Minimization Algorithms. Part I. Theory, S. 343 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Stoer; P. Baptist: On the Relation between Quadratic Termination and Convergence Properties of Minimization Algorithms. Part II. Applications, S. 367 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. M. Redheffer: Fehlerabschätzung bei nichtlinearen Differentialungleichungen mit Hilfe linearer Differentialungleichungen, S. 393 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. L. Gout: Estimation de l’erreur d’interpolation d’Hermite dans IR“, S. 407 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Brezzi; W. W. Hager; P. A. Raviart: Error Estimates for the Finite Element Solution of Variational Inequalities. Part I. Primal Theory, S. 431 GDZ Göttingen
  • O. Nevanlinna: On the Behaviour of Global Errors at Infinity in the Numerical Integration of Stable Initial Value Problems, S. 445 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Hackbusch: Extrapolation to the Limit for Numerical Solutions of Hyperbolic Equations, S. 455 GDZ Göttingen

29.Bd, 1974


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • M. van Veldhuizen: A Note on Partial Pivoting and Gaussian Elimination, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Scheurle: Ein selektives Projektions-Iterationsverfahren und Anwendungen auf Verzweigungsprobleme, S. 11 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Miller: Roundoff Analysis and Sparse Data, S. 37 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. J. Drexler: Eine Methode zur Berechnung sämtlicher Lösungen von Polynomgleichungssystemen, S. 45 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. von Sydow: Error Estimates for Gaussian Quadrature Formulae, S. 59 GDZ Göttingen
  • U. von Welck: Stabile Mehrschichtverfahren für parabolische Evolutionsgleichungen, S. 65 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. W. Owens: An Algorithm for Best Approximate Solutions of Ax = b with a Smooth Strictly Convex Norm, S. 83 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Glashoff; E. Sachs: On Theoretical and Numerical Aspects of the Bang-Bang-Principle, S. 93 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. K. Tsao: Newton Interpolation Is Efficient for Approximation of Linear Functionals, S. 115 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Braess: Über die Einzugsbereiche der Nullstellen von Polynomen beim Newton-Verfahren, S. 123 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Spence: Error Bounds and Estimates for Eigenvalues of Integral Equations, S. 133 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Hartung: A Stable Interior Penalty Method for Convex Extremal Problems, S. 149 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. G. Kolata: Approximation in Variationally Posed Eigenvalue Problems, S. 159 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Brezinski: Convergence Acceleration of Some Sequences by the e-Algorithm, S. 173 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Cromme: Strong Uniqueness. A Far-Reaching Criterion for the Convergence Analysis of Iterative Procedures, S. 179 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Kilberth: Iterative Berechnung mehrfacher Lösungen von Hammersteinschen Integralgleichungen, S. 195 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. J. Beyn: Zur Stabilität von Differenzenverfahren für Systeme linearer gewöhnlicher Randwertaufgaben, S. 209 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Claessens: A Useful Identity for the Rational Hermite Interpolation Table, S. 227 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Morita: Calculation of the Complete Elliptic Integrals with Complex Modulus, S. 233 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. L. Allgower; S. F. McCormick: Newton’s Method with Mesh Refinements for Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems, S. 237 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. A. Field: Error Bounds for Continued Fractions K (1/bn), S. 261 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Türkei: Extrapolation Methods for Dynamic Partial Differential Equations, S. 269 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. S. Henderson; A. Wassyng: A New Method for the Solution of A x = b, S. 287 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. A. Porsching: Error Estimates for MAC-Like Approximations to the Linear Navier-Stokes Equations, S. 291 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. S. L. Shieh: On the Convergence of the Conjugate Gradient Method for Singular Capacitance Matrix Equations from the Neumann Problem of the Poisson Equation, S. 307 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. H. Meyer: The Method of Lines for Poisson’s Equation with Nonlinear or Free Boundary Conditions, S. 329 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Stenger: Optimal Convergence of Minimum Norm Approximations in Hp, S. 345 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Spedicato; J. Greenstadt: On Some Classes of Variationally Derived Quasi-Newton Methods for Systems of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations, S. 363 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Albrecht: On the Order of Composite Multistep Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations, S. 381 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. W. Mastin; J. F. Thompson: Transformation of Three-Dimensional Regions onto Rectangular Regions by Elliptic Systems, S. 397 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Hairer: On the Order of Iterated Defect Correction. An Algebraic Proof, S. 409 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. J. Stetter: The Defect Correction Principle and Discretization Methods, S. 425 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Gautschi: On Inverses of Vandermonde and Confluent Vandermonde Matrices III, S. 445 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. D. Mittelmann: On the Approximate Solution of Nonlinear Variational Inequalities, S. 451 GDZ Göttingen
  • The Alston S. Householder Award

30.Bd, 1975


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • P. M. Prenter; J. W. Lee: An Analysis of the Numerical Solution of Fredholm Integral Equations of the First Kind, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Jeltsch; L. Kratz: On the Stability Properties of Brown’s Multistep Multiderivative Methods, S. 25 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Potempa: Modifizierte Restgliedabschätzungen für Quadraturformeln, S. 39 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. N. Lyness; P. Keast: On p-Generator Fully Symmetric Quadrature Rules, S. 51 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Menzel; H. Schwetlick: Zur Lösung parameterabhängiger nichtlinearer Gleichungen mit singulären Jacobi-Matrizen, S. 65 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Natterer: Numerical Inversion of the Radon Transform, S. 81 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Küpper: Einschließungsaussagen bei Differentialoperatoren zweiter Ordnung durch punktweise Ungleichungen, S. 93 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Johnson; B. Mercier: Some Equilibrium Finite Element Methods for Two- Dimensional Elasticity Problems, S. 103 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Brunner: Discretization of Volterra Integral Equations of the First Kind (II), S. 117 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Forst: Zur Interpolation und Integration differenzierbarer periodischer Funktionen, S. 137 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Brombeer: Über optimale Quadraturformeln mit freien Knoten zu Hilberträumen periodischer Funktionen, S. 149 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Sautter: Fehleranalyse für die Gauß-Elimination zur Berechnung der Lösung minimaler Länge, S. 165 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Witsch: Numerische Quadratur bei Projektionsverfahren, S. 185 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Wolf: Asymptotische Entwicklungen für Eigenwerte und Eigenvektoren bei der Approximation parameternichtlinearer Eigenwertaufgaben, S. 207 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Sablonnière: Bases de type Schauder de C [0,1] et formules de quadrature associées, S. 227 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. B. Saff; R. S. Varga: On the Zeros and Poles of Pade Approximants to ez III , S. 241 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. van Veldhuizen: Higher Order Methods for a Singularly Perturbed Problem, S. 267 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. M. Prenter; Graves. J. : Numerical Iterative Filters Applied to First Kind Fredholm Integral Equations, S. 281 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Wozniakowski: Round-Off Error Analysis of Iterations for Large Linear Systems, S. 301 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Zenger; H. Gietl: Improved Difference Schemes for the Dirichlet Problem of Poisson’s Equation in the Neighbourhood of Corners, S. 315 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Witsch: Projektive Newton-Verfahren bei elliptischen Randwertaufgaben, S. 333 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Braß: Monotonie bei den Quadraturverfahren von Gauß und Newton-Cotes, S. 349 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. J. Good; T. N. Tideman: Integration over a Simplex, Truncated Cubes, and Eulerian Numbers, S. 355 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Gekeler: A-priori Error Estimates of Galerkin Backward Differentiation Methods in Time-Inhomogeneous Parabolic Problem, S. 369 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. R. Cash: High Order Methods for the Numerical Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations, S. 385 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. J. Cooper; F. C. P. Whitworth: Liapunov Functions and Error Bounds for Approximate Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations, S. 411 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. H. Sloan; W. E. Smith: Product-Integration with the Clenshaw-Curtis and Related Points. Convergence Properties, S. 415 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Majda; S. Osher: A Systematic Approach for Correcting Nonlinear Instabilities. The Lax-Wendroff Scheme for Scalar Conservation Laws, S. 429 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Wegmann: Ein Iterationsverfahren zur konformen Abbildung, S. 453 GDZ Göttingen

31.Bd, 1976


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • F. Brezzi; W. W. Hager; P. A. Raviart: Error Estimates for the Finite Element Solution of Variational Inequalities. Part II. Mixed Methods, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Belogus; N. Liron: DCR2: An Improved Algorithm for l¶ Rational Approximation on Intervals, S. 17 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. R. Bunch; C. P. Nielsen; D. C. Sorensen: Rank-One Modification of the Symmetric Eigenproblem, S. 31 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. E. Bank: Efficient Algorithms for Solving Tensor Product Finite Element Equations, S. 49 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. R. Richter: Superconvergence of Piecewise Polynomial Galer kin Approximations for Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind, S. 63 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. C. Simpson: Numerical Integration over a Semi-Infinite Interval, Using the Lognormal Distribution, S. 71 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Schultz: Ein Abstiegsverfahren für Approximationsaufgaben in normierten Räumen, S. 77 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Mühlbach: The General Neville-Aitken-Algorithm and Some Applications, S. 97 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. R. Bunch; C. P. Nielsen: Updating the Singular Value Decomposition, S. 111 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Mannshardt: One-Step Methods of Any Order for Ordinary Differential Equations with Discontinuous Right-Hand Sides, S. 131 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. A. Wolfe: Extended Iterative Methods for the Solution of Operator Equations, S. 153 GDZ Göttingen
  • Z. Zlatev: Stability Properties of Variable Stepsize Variable Formula Methods, S. 175 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. A. Manteuffel: Adaptive Procedure for Estimating Parameters for the Nonsymmetric Tchebychev Iteration, S. 183 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Witsch: Projektive Newton-Verfahren und Anwendungen auf nichtlineare Randwertaufgaben, S. 209 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. K. Blum; P. B. Geltner: Numerical Solution of Eigentuple-Eigen vector Problems in Hilbert Spaces by a Gradient Method, S. 231 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. K. Blum; A. R. Curtis: A Convergent Gradient Method for Matrix Eigenvector-Eigentuple Problems, S. 247 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. J. Plemmons; M. Neumann: Convergent Nonnegative Matrices and Iterative Methods for Consistent Linear Systems, S. 265 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. J. Schmid: On Cubature Formulae with a Minimal Number of Knots, S. 281 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Davies; B. Dawson: An Automatic Search Procedure for Finding Real Zeros, S. 299 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. W. Schmidt: Einschließung inverser Elemente durch Fixpunktverfahren, S. 313 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Werner: Über die globale Konvergenz von Variable-Metrik-Verfahren mit nicht-exakter Schrittweitenbestimmung, S. 321 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Beauwens: Factorization Iterative Methods, M-Operators and H-Operators, S. 335 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Rentrop: A Taylor Series Method for the Numerical Solution of Two-Point Boundary Value Problems, S. 359 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Wahba; P. Craven: Smoothing Noisy Data with Spline Functions. Estimating the Correct Degree of Smoothing by the Method of Generalized Cross-Validation, S. 377 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. S. L. Shieh: Fast Poisson Solvers on General Two Dimensional Regions for the Dirichlet Problem, S. 405 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Stoer; K. Schittkowski: A Factorization Method for the Solution of Constrained Linear Least Squares Problems Allowing Subsequent Data Changes, S. 431 GDZ Göttingen

32.Bd, 1977


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • S. P. Norsett; A. Wolfbrandt: Order Conditions for Rosenbrock Type Methods, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Weber: Numerische Behandlung von Verzweigungsproblemen bei gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen, S. 17 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Wagenführer; H. Lang: Berechnung des charakteristischen Exponenten der endlichen Hillschen Differentialgleichung durch Numerische Integration, S. 31 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Seydel: Numerical Computation of Branch Points in Ordinary Differential Equations, S. 51 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Georg: On the Convergence of an Inverse Iteration Method for Nonlinear Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems, S. 69 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Crouzeix: Sur la A-stabilité des méthodes de Runge-Kutta, S. 75 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Hackbusch: On the Fast Solutions of Nonlinear Elliptic Equations, S. 83 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Schomberg: Monotonically Convergent Iterative Methods for Nonlinear Systems of Equations, S. 97 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. Conrad; Y. Wallach: Alternating Methods for Sets of Linear Equations, S. 105 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Kearfott: An Efficient Degree-Computation Method for a Generalized Method of Bisection, S. 109 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. R. Luecke: A Numerical Procedure for Computing the Moore-Penrose Inverse, S. 129 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Spence: Error Bounds and Estimates for Eigenvalues of Integral Equations. II, S. 139 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. N. Mülthei: Splineapproximationen von beliebigem Defekt zur numerischen Lösung gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen. Teil I, S. 147 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. van der Cruyssen: A Reformulation of Olver’s Algorithm for the Numerical Solution of Second-Order Linear Difference Equations, S. 159 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Jeltsch: A0-Stability and Stiff Stability of Brown’s Multistep Multiderivative Methods, S. 167 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Midy; Y. Yakovlev: An Extrapolation Method for the Quadrature of Functions with Singularities in the Vicinity of the Interval of Integration, S. 183 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Voigt: The Method of Lines for Nonlinear Parabolic Differential Equations with Mixed Derivatives, S. 197 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Kesavan: La méthode de Kikuchi appliquée aux équations de von Karman, S. 209 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Chatelin: Sur les bornes d’erreur a posteriori pour les éléments propres d’opérateurs linéaires, S. 233 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. L. Gout; D Apprato; R. Arcangeli: Sur les elements finis rationnels de Wachspress, S. 247 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Razzaghi: A Computational Solution for a Matrix Riccati Differential Equation, S. 271 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Schäfer: Fehlerabschätzung für Eigenwertnäherungen nach der Ersatzkernmethode bei Integralgleichungen, S. 281 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. E. A. El Tom: On Best Cubature Formulas and Spline Interpolation, S. 291 GDZ Göttingen
  • Z. Jackiewicz: Convergence of Multistep Methods for Volterra Functional Differential Equations, S. 307 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Werner: Über ein Verfahren in Ordnung l + …2 zur Nullstellenbestimmung , S. 333 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. N. Mülthei: Splineapproximationen von beliebigem Defekt zur numerischen Lösung gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen. Teil II, S. 343 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. P. Chung: An Algorithm for the Zeros of Transcendental Functions, S. 359 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Hairer: Unconditionally Stable Methods for Second Order Differential Equations, S. 373 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Sprekels; H. Voss: Pointwise Inclusions of Fixed Points by Finite Dimensional Iteration Schemes, S. 381 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Mühlbach: The General Recurrence Relation for Divided Differences and the General Newton-Interpolation-Algorithm With Applications to Trigonometric Interpolation, S. 393 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. K. Tsao: Error Analysis of Splitting Algorithms for Polynomials, S. 409 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Opfer: New Extremal Properties for Constructing Conformal Mappings, S. 423 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Natterer: On the Inversion of the Attenuated Radon Transform, S. 431 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. M. Wolfe: On the Convergence of an Algorithm for Discrete Lp Aprroximation, S. 439 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Chenin: Une représentation intégrale de l’erreur d’Interpolation, S. 461 GDZ Göttingen
  • Editors: Eduard L. Stiefel

33.Bd, 1978


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • B. C. Carlson: Computing Elliptic Integrals by Duplication, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. L. Schumaker; G. Hämmerlin: Error Bounds for the Approximation of Green’s Kernels by Splines, S. 17 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Rannacher: Nonconforming Finite Element Methods for Eigenvalue Problems in Linear Plate Theory, S. 23 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Louis: Acceleration of Convergence for Finite Element Solutions of the Poisson Equation, S. 43 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Rentrop; P. Kaps: Generalized Runge-Kutta Methods of Order Four with Stepsize Control for Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations, S. 55 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Chocholaty; L. Slahor: A Numerical Method to Boundary Value Problems for Second Order Delay Differential Equations, S. 69 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Hock: Asymptotic Expansions for Multistep Methods Applied to Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equations of the Second Kind, S. 77 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. W. Smith; D. L. Barrow: Efficient L2 Approximation by Splines, S. 101 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Deuflhard: A Stepsize Control for Continuation Methods and its Special Application to Multiple Shooting Techniques, S. 115 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Stynes: A Simplification of Stenger’s Topological Degree Formula, S. 147 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Veselic: On a Class of Jacobi-Like Procedures for Diagonalising Arbitrary Real Matrices, S. 157 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Veselic: On a New Class of Elementary Matrices, S. 173 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Greenbaum: Comparison of Splittings Used with the Conjugate Gradient Algorithm, S. 181 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Ishihara: On the Mixed Finite Element Approximation for the Buckling of Plates, S. 195 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Bercovier; O. Pironneau: Error Estimates for Finite Element Method Solution of the Stokes Problem in the Primitive Variables, S. 211 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Henrici: Barycentric Formulas for Interpolating Trigonometric Polynomials and their Conjugates, S. 225 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. Girault; P. A. Raviart: An Analysis of a Mixed Finite Element Method for the Navier-Stokes Equations, S. 235 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Pitkäranta: Boundary Subspaces for the Finite Element Method With Lagrange Multipliers, S. 273 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Werner; H. Voss; J. W. Mooney: The Dependence of Critical Parameter Bounds on the Monotonicity of a Newton Sequence, S. 291 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Meyer-Spasche: A Note on the Approximation of Mildly Nonlinear Dirichlet Problems by Finite Differences, S. 303 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Carlson; B. N. Datta: On the Effective Computation of the Inertia of a Non-Hermitian Matrix, S. 315 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Arndt: Lösung von gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen mit nichtlinearen Splines, S. 323 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Seydel: Numerical Computation of Branch Points in Nonlinear Equations, S. 339 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. R. Hopkins; D. E. Roberts: Kufarev’s Method for Determining the Schwarz-Christoffel Parameters, S. 353 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Amara; J. M. Thomas: Equilibrium Finite Elements for the Linear Elastic Problem, S. 367 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. B. Kioustelidis: A Derivative-Free Transformation Preserving the Order of Convergence of Iteration Methods in Case of Multiple Zeros, S. 385 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. J. Miel: Unified Error Analysis for Newton-Type Methods , S. 391 GDZ Göttingen
  • O. Pironneau; R. Glowinski: On a Mixed Finite Element Approximation of the Stokes Problem (I). Convergence of the Approximate Solutions, S. 397 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Veselic; H. J. Wenzel: A Quadratically Convergent Jacobi-Like Method for Real Matrices With Complex Eigenvalues, S. 425 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. W. Ellacott: On the Approximate Conformai Mapping of Multiply Connected Domains, S. 437 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. B. Kellogg; J. Pitkäranta; L. Babuska: Direct and Inverse Error Estimates for Finite Elements With Mesh Refinements, S. 447 GDZ Göttingen

34.Bd, 1979


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • D. M. Greig; M. A. Abd-el-Naby: Iterative Solutions of Nonlinear Initial Value Differential Equations in Chebyshev Series Using Lie Series, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Utreras Diaz: Sur le choix du paramètre d’ajustement dans le lissage par fonctions spline, S. 15 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Sprekels: Exact Bounds for the Solution Branches of Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems, S. 29 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Babuska; J. Osborn: Analysis of Finite Element Methods for Second Order Boundary Value Problems Using Mesh Dependent Norms, S. 41 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. A. Potra; V. Pták: Sharp Error Bounds for Newton’s Process, S. 63 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Mokhtar-Kharroubi: Sur la convergence théorique de la méthode du gradient réduit généralisé, S. 73 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. M. Greig; M. A. Abd-el-Naby: A Series Method for Solving Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems, S. 87 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Locher: Dividierte Differenzen und Monotonie von Quadraturformeln, S. 99 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Bohl: Chord Techniques and Newton’s Method for Discrete Bifurcation Problems, S. 111 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. L. Schumaker; G. Hämmerlin: Procedures for Kernel Approximation and Solution of Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind, S. 125 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. N. Mülthei: Splineapproximationen von beliebigen Defekt zur numerischen Lösung gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen. Teil III, S. 143 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. J. Thron; H. Waadeland: Accelerating Convergence of Limit Periodic Continued Fractions K(an 1), S. 155 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Yserentant: Die Mehrstellenformeln für den Laplaceoperator, S. 171 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Yamamoto: Error Bounds for Computed Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, S. 189 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Schulzendorff: Reguläre Zerlegungen und Berechnung des Spektralradius nichtnegativer Matrizen, S. 201 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Hackbusch; S. Dittrich: A Method of Characteristics Solving the Initial-Boundary Value Problem of a Hyperbolic Differential Equation of Second Order, S. 217 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. R. Cash: On the Integration of Stiff Systems of O.D.E.s Using Extended Backward Differentiation Formulae, S. 235 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Hansen: Global Optimization Using Interval Analysis – The Multi-Dimensional Case, S. 247 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Niethammer: Numerical Application of Euler’s Series Transformation and its Generalizations, S. 271 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Majda; M. Crandall: The Method of Fractional Steps for Conservation Laws, S. 285 GDZ Göttingen
  • Contesse B. L. : Une caractérisation complète des minima locaux en programmation quadratique, S. 315 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. P. Delahaye: Algorithmes pour suites non convergentes, S. 333 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Greenberg: An Algorithm for a Linear Diophantine Equation and a Problem of Frobenius, S. 349 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. jr. Nelson; H. D. jr. Victory: Convergence of Two-Dimensional Nyström Discrete-Ordinates in Solving the Linear Transport Equation, S. 353 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. R. Cash: A Note on the Numerical Solution of Linear Recurrence Relations, S. 371 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. H. Sloan; W. E. Smith: Product Integration with the Clenshaw-Curtis Points: Implementation and Error Estimates, S. 387 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. P. Milaszewicz: A Generalization of the Stein-Rosenberg Theorem to Banach Spaces, S. 403 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Jochum: The Numerical Solution of the Inverse Stefan Problem, S. 411 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Veselic; D. Meyer: On Some new Inclusion Theorems for the Eigenvalues of Partitioned Matrices, S. 431 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. R. Osborne; K. Jittorntrum: Strong Uniqueness and Second Order Convergence in Nonlinear Discrete Approximation, S. 439 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. P. Hadeler: Effective Computation of Periodic Orbits and Bifurcation Diagrams in Delay Equations, S. 457 GDZ Göttingen

35.Bd, 1980


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • T. Elfving: Block-Iterative Methods for Consistent and Inconsistent Linear Equations, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. K. Aziz; M. Schneider; A. Werschulz: A Finite Element Method for the Tricomi Problem, S. 13 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. D. Russell; J. Christiansen: Deferred Corrections Using Uncentered End Formulas, S. 21 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Schneider: Produktintegration mit nicht-äquidistanten Stützstellen, S. 35 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. von Golitschek: An Algorithm for Scaling Matrices and Computing the Minimum Cycle Mean in a Digraph, S. 45 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Hairer: Unconditionally Stable Explicit Methods for Parabolic Equations, S. 57 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Varga; M. Neumann: On the Sharpness of Some Upper Bounds for the Spectral Radii of S.O.R. Iteration Matrices, S. 69 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Rentrop: An Algorithm for the Computation of the Exponential Spline, S. 81 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. O. Griewank: Starlike Domains of Convergence for Newton’s Method at Singularities, S. 95 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. H. Wilkinson; H. J. Symm: Realistic Error Bounds for a Simple Eigenvalue and its Associated Eigenvector, S. 113 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. A. , Dougalis, V. A. , Serbin, S. M. Baker: An Approximation Theorem for Second-Order Evolution Equations, S. 127 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. N. Le Roux: Méthodes multipas pour des équations paraboliques non linéaires, S. 143 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Mori: Analytic Representations Suitable for Numerical Computation of Some Special Functions, S. 163 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Brezinski: A General Extrapolation Algorithm, S. 175 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Opfer: Conformal Mappings onto Prescribed Regions via Optimization Techniques, S. 189 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Weisel: Numerische Ermittlung quasikonformer Abbildungen mit finiten Elementen, S. 201 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Sloboda: A Generalized Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Minimization, S. 223 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Lory: Enlarging the Domain of Convergence for Multiple Shooting by the Homotopy Method, S. 231 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Starius: On Composite Mesh Difference Methods for Hyperbolic Differential Equations, S. 241 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Crouzeix: Une méthode multipas implicite-explicite pour l’approximation des équations d’évolution paraboliques, S. 257 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. D. Mittelmann: On the Efficient Solution of Nonlinear Finite Element Equations I, S. 277 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Ritter: On the Rate of Superlinear Convergence of a Class of Variable Metric Methods, S. 293 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. C. Nedelec: Mixed Finite Elements in IR3 , S. 315 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Glasshoff; H. Kreth: Vorzeichenstabile Differenzenverfahren für parabolische Anfangsrandwertaufgaben, S. 343 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. J. Hartfiel: Concerning the Solution Set of Ax = b where P< A < Q and p < b < q, S. 355 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. M. Lambert: An Alternative Computational Method for the Approximation of Random Functions, S. 361 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. Deák: Three Digit Accurate Multiple Normal Probabilities, S. 369 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. LeTallec: A Mixed Finite Element Approximation of the Navier-Stokes Equations, S. 381 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Wagenführer: Die Determinantenmethode zur Berechnung des charakteristischen Exponenten der endlichen Hillschen Differentialgleichung, S. 405 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. M. M. Mattheij: Characterizations of Dominant and Dominated Solutions of Linear Recursions, S. 421 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. P. Delahaye; B. Germain-Bonne: Résultats négatifs en accélération de la convergence, S. 443 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Qun; L. Jiaquan: Extrapolation Method for Fredholm Integral Equations with Non-Smooth Kernels, S. 459 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Esser; K. Niederdrenk: Nichtäquidistante Diskretisierungen von Randwertaufgaben, S. 465 GDZ Göttingen

36.Bd, 1981


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • F. Brezzi; J. Rappaz; P. A. Raviart: Finite Dimensional Approximation of Nonlinear Problems. Part I. Branches of Nonsingular Solutions, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. A. Oliveira: Collocation and Residual Correction, S. 27 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Lesaint; M. Zlámal: Convergence of the Nonconforming Wilson Element for Arbitrary Quadrilateral Meshes, S. 33 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. G. Akritas: An Implementation of Vincent’s Theorem, S. 53 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Bini; G. Lotti: Stability of Fast Algorithms for Matrix Multiplication, S. 63 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. W. Alt: Numerical Solution of Steady-State Porous Flow Free Boundary Problems, S. 73 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Arndt: Ein verallgemeinerter Kettenbruch-Algorithmus zur rationalen Hermite-Interpolation, S. 99 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. L. Bauer; H. Götze: Nachruf Klaus Samelson, S. 109 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. R. Hopkins; P. R. Graves-Morris: Reliable Rational Interpolation, S. 111 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Duchon; R. Robert; P. Witomski: Problème de Dirichlet dans l’image Bilipschitzienne d’un demi-espace, S. 129 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Scherer: On Optimal Global Error Bounds Obtained by Scaled Local Error Estimates, S. 151 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. J. M. Cuppen: A Divide and Conquer Method for the Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigenproblem, S. 177 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Weber: Numerical Computation of the Fourier Transform Using Laguerre Functions and the Fast Fourier Transform, S. 197 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. König; D. Pallaschke: On Khachian’s Algorithm and Minimal Ellipsoids, S. 211 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Dobrowolski: A Mixed Finite Element Method for Solving the Nonstationary Stokes Equation, S. 225 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. A. Lipitakis; D. J. Evans: The Rate of Convergence of an Approximate Matrix Factorization Semi-Direct Method, S. 237 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. R. Cash: On the Design of High Order Exponentially Fitted Formulae for the Numerical Integration of Stiff Systems, S. 253 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Ishihara: A Finite Element Lumped Mass Scheme for Solving Eigenvalue Problems of Circular Arches, S. 267 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Gander: Least Squares with a Quadratic Constraint, S. 291 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Kautsky: Matrices Related to Interpolatory Quadratures, S. 309 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. N. Spijker; W. H. Hundsdorfer: A Note on B-Stability of Runge-Kutta Methods, S. 319 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. A. Potra; V. Pták: A Generalisation of Régula Falsi, S. 333 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. P. Norsett; H. Brunner: Superconvergence of Collocation Methods for Volterra and Abel Integral Equations of the Second Kind, S. 347 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Bräuninger: A Variable Metric Algorithm for Unconstrained Minimization Without Evaluation of Derivatives, S. 359 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. D. Mittelmann: On the Efficient Solution of Nonlinear Finite Element Equations. II. Bound-Constrained Problems, S. 375 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. H. W. Hoppe: A Penalty Method for the Approximate Solution of Stationary Maxwell Equations, S. 389 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. H. Gutknecht: Solving Theodorsen’s Integral Equation for Conformai Maps with the Fast Fourier Transform and Various Nonlinear Iterative Methods, S. 405 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Hairer: Order Conditions for Numerical Methods for Partitioned Ordinary Differential Equations, S. 431 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. F. Paget: The Numerical Evaluation of Hadamard Finite-part Integrals, S. 447 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Evequoz; Y. Jaccard: A Nonconforming Finite Element Method to Compute the Spectrum of an Operator Relative to the Stability of a Plasma in Toroidal Geometry, S. 455 GDZ Göttingen

37.Bd, 1982


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • F. Brezzi; J. Rappaz; P. A. Raviart: Finite Dimensional Approximation of Nonlinear Problems. Part II : Limit Points, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. A. Nicolaides; G. J. Fix; M. D. Gunzburger: On Mixed Finite Element Methods for First Order Elliptic Systems, S. 29 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. N. L. Patterson; K. Bogues; C. R. Morrow: An Implementation of the Method of Ermakov and Zolotukhin for Multidimensional Integration and Interpolation, S. 49 GDZ Göttingen
  • O. Nevanlinna; R. Jeltsch: Stability of Explicit Time Discretizations for Solving Initial Value Problems, S. 61 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. M. Larkin: Root Finding by Divided Differences, S. 93 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. Kikuchi: Convergence of a Penalty-Finite Element Approximation for an Obstacle Problem, S. 105 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Mansfield: Finite Element Methods for Nonlinear Shell Analysis, S. 121 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. M. Hough; N. Papamichael: The Use of Splines and Singular Functions in an Integral Equation Method for Conformai Mapping, S. 133 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. van der Cruyssen: A Continued Fraction Algorithm, S. 149 GDZ Göttingen
  • Z. Zlatev: Zero-Stability Properties of the Three-Ordinate Variable Step-size Variable Formula Methods, S. 157 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Böhmer: Discrete Newton Methods and Iterated Defect Corrections, S. 167 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Bozzini; L. Lenarduzzi: Approximation of Multivariable Functions with Respect to Random Points less than 2k, k Dimension of Space, S. 193 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. J. van der Houwen; H. J. J. te Riele: Backward Differentiation Type Formulas for Volterra Integral Equations of the Second Kind, S. 205 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Koßmann: Differenzenverfahren zur Berechnung periodischer Lösungen von hyperbolischen Differentialgleichungen, S. 219 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. J. Pesch; H. J. Oberle: Numerical Treatment of Delay Differential Equations by Hermite Interpolation, S. 235 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. Babuska: Dorr, M.R.: Error Estimates for the Combined h and p Versions of the Finite Element Method, S. 257 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. E. Bank; D. J. Rose: Global Approximate Newton Methods, S. 279 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. N. Trefethen: Rational Chebyshev Approximation on the Unit Disk, S. 297 GDZ Göttingen
  • Y. Maday; A. Quarteroni: Legendre and Chebyshev Spectral Approximations of Burger’s Equation, S. 321 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Neittaanmäki; J. Saranen: On Finite Element Approximation of the Gradient for Solution of Poisson Equation, S. 333 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Mühlbach: An Algorithmic Approach to Hermite-Birkhoff-Interpolation, S. 339 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. W. Biegler-König: A Newton Iteration Process for Inverse Eigenvalue Problems, S. 349 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. R. Cash: High Order P-Stable Formulae for the Numerical Integration of Periodic Initial Value Problems, S. 355 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Brass; G. Schmeisser: Error Estimates for Interpolatory Quadrature Formulae, S. 371 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Braess: The Contraction Number of a Multigrid Method for Solving the Poisson Equation, S. 387 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. N. Arnold: Discretization by Finite Elements of a Model Parameter Dependent Problem, S. 405 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Mansfield: On the Multigrid Solution of Finite Element Equations With Isoparametric Elements, S. 423 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. C. Paumier: Une méthode numérique pour le calcul des points de retournement. Application à un problème aux limites non-linéaire. I. Etude théorique et expérimentation de la méthode, S. 433 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. C. Paumier: Une méthode numérique pour le calcul des points de retournement. Application à un problème aux limites non-linéaire. II. Analyse numérique d’un problème aux limites non linéaire, S. 445 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Stynes: On the Construction of Sufficient Refinements for Computation of Topological Degree, S. 453 GDZ Göttingen

38.Bd, 1983


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • F. Brezzi; J. Rappaz; P. A. Raviart: Finite Dimensional Approximation of Nonlinear Problems. Part III : Simple Bifurcation Points, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Pissanetzky; F. G. Basombrio: On the Numerical Errors in One Step Algorithms for Time Dependent Problems, S. 31 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. M. Fage: The Indicatrix Method in Free Boundary Problems, S. 39 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. P. Milaszewicz: On Fixed Point Linear Equations, S. 53 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. I. Goldstein: The Finite Element Method with Non-Uniform Mesh Sizes Applied to the Exterior Helmholtz Problem, S. 61 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Schittkowski: The Nonlinear Programming Method of Wilson, Han, and Powell with an Augmented Lagrangian Type Line Search Function. Part 1 : Convergence Analysis, S. 83 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Schittkowski: The Nonlinear Programming Method of Wilson, Han, and Powell with an Augmented Lagrangian Type Line Search Function. Part 2 : An Efficient Implementation with Linear Least Squares Subproblems, S. 115 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Fischer: An Algorithm for Discrete Linear Lp Approximation, S. 129 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Reemtsen; C. J. Lozano: An Approximation Technique for the Numerical Solution of a Stefan Problem, S. 141 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Hock: An Extrapolation Method with Step Size Control for Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equations, S. 155 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Varga; D. Y. Cai: On the LU Factorization of M-Matrices, S. 179 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. P. Norsett; G. Wanner: Perturbed Collocation and Runge-Kutta Methods, S. 193 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Stachurski: Superlinear Convergence of Symmetric Huang’s Class of Methods, S. 209 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Kleinmichel: Quasi-Newton-Verfahren vom Rang-Eins-Typ zur Lösung unrestringierter Minimierungsprobleme. Teil 1. Verfahren und grundlegende Eigenschaften, S. 219 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Kleinmichel: Quasi-Newton-Verfahren vom Rang-Eins-Typ zur Lösung unrestringierter Minimierungsprobleme. Teil 2. «-Schritt-quadratische Konvergenz für Restart-Varianten, S. 229 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Dollinger: Ein linear konvergentes zyklisches jacobiähnliches Verfahren für beliebige reelle Matrizen, S. 245 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. M. Page: The Indicatrix Method. II, S. 255 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. H. Sloan: Analysis for General Quadrature Methods for Integral Equations of the Second Kind, S. 263 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Wanner; P. Kaps: A Study of Rosenbrock-Type Methods of High Order, S. 279 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Sidi: An Algorithm for a Special Case of a Generalization of the Richardson Extrapolation Process, S. 299 GDZ Göttingen
  • O. Pironneau: On the Transport-Diffusion Algorithm and Its Applications to the NavierStokes Equations, S. 309 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. W. Lewis: Inversion of Tridiagonal Matrices, S. 333 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Murota; M. Iri: Parameter Tuning and Repeated Application of the IMT-type Transformation in Numerical Quadrature, S. 347 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Le Tallec: Existence and Approximation Results for Nonlinear Mixed Problems : Application to Incompressible Finite Elasticity, S. 365 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Werner: Some Supplementary Results on the l +… 2 Order Method for the Solution of Nonlinear Equations, S. 383 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. Arnautu: Approximation of Optimal Distributed Control Problems Governed by Variational Inequalities, S. 393 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. J. Evans; J. Shanehchi; C. C. Rick: A Modified Bisection Algorithm for the Determination of the Eigenvalues of a Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrix, S. 417 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. J. Förster: Bemerkungen zur optimalen Tschebyscheff-Typ Quadratur, S. 421 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. A. Potra: An Error Analysis for the Secant Method, S. 427 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Bakker: A Note on C° Galerkin Methods for Two-Point Boundary Problems, S. 447 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Schwetlick; G. Pönisch: Ein lokal überlinear konvergentes Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Rückkehrpunkten implizit definierter Raumkurven, S. 455 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Gekeler: On the Stability of Backward Differentiation Methods, S. 467 GDZ Göttingen

39.Bd, 1984


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • M. Gasca; J. I. Maeztu: On Lagrange and Hermite Interpolation in Rk, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Bernardi: Approximation of Hopf Bifurcation, S. 15 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Han: The Numerical Solutions of Interface Problems by Infinite Element Method, S. 39 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Dryja: A Capacitance Matrix Method for Dirichlet Problem on Polygon Region, S. 51 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. von Golitschek: Optimal Cycles in Doubly Weighted Graphs and Approximation of Bivariate Functions by Univariate Ones, S. 65 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. J. Geurts: A Contribution to the Theory of Condition, S. 85 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. C. Nédélec: Éléments finis mixtes incompressibles pour l’équation de Stokes dans IR3 , S. 97 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Alefeld: On the Convergence of the Symmetric SOR Method for Matrices with Red-Black Ordering, S. 113 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Griewank; Ph. L. Toint: Partitioned Variable Metric Updates for Large Structured Optimization Problems, S. 119 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. van de Vel: The Haar Condition and Multiplicity of Zeros, S. 139 GDZ Göttingen
  • O. Nevanlinna; R. Jeltsch: Stability of Explicit Time Discretizations for Solving Initial Value Problems, S. 155 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. E. Shirey: Minimization of Extended Quadratic Functions, S. 157 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Alefeld: Zur Konvergenz eines Verfahrens von D.J. Evans zu iterativen Verbesserung einer Näherung für die inverse Matrix, S. 163 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. C. Lai; P. Y. Wu: Error Bounds of Newton Type Process on Banach Spaces, S. 175 GDZ Göttingen
  • O. Hübner: Über die Anzahl der Lösungen der diskreten Theodorsen-Gleichung, S. 195 GDZ Göttingen
  • Y. Maday; A. Quarteroni; C. Canuto: Analysis of the Combined Finite Element and Fourier Interpolation, S. 205 GDZ Göttingen
  • Z. Jackiewicz: Adams Methods for Neutral Functional Differential Equations, S. 221 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Greaves: An Algorithm for the Hausdorff Moment Problem, S. 231 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Shapiro: Optimally Scaled Matrices, Necessary and Sufficient Conditions, S. 239 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Hairer: Constructive Characterization of A-Stable Approximations to exp(z) and Its Connection with Algebraically Stable Runge-Kutta Methods, S. 247 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. N. Lyness; L. Gatteschi: On Quasi Degree Quadrature Rules, S. 259 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Zehnder; D. Braess: On the Numerical Treatment of a Small Divisor Problem, S. 269 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Schaback: Fehlerabschätzungen für Koeffizienten von Exponentialsummen und Polynomen, S. 293 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Israeli; M. Ungarish: Improvement of Numerical Solution of Boundary Layer Problems by Incorporation of Asymptotic Approximations, S. 309 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. N. El Tarazi: Some Convergence Results for Asynchronous Algorithms, S. 325 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. M. Chawla; C. P. Katti: Finite Difference Methods and Their Convergence for a Class of Singular Two Point Boundary Value Problems, S. 341 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Wong: Quadrature Formulas for Oscillatory Integral Transforms, S. 351 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. Hari: On the Global Convergence of the Eberlein Method for Real Matrices, S. 361 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Reinhart: On the Numerical Analysis of the Von Karman Equations : Mixed Finite Element Approximation and Continuation Techniques, S. 371 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Sikorski: Optimal Quadrature Algorithms in Hp Spaces, S. 405 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Opfer: Solving Complex Approximation Problems by Semiinfmite – Finite Optimization Techniques : A Study on Convergence, S. 411 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Kütz: Monotony in Interpolatory Quadratures, S. 421 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Griewank; P. L. Toint: Local Convergence Analysis for Partitioned Quasi-Newton Updates, S. 429 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. N. Mülthei: Maximale Konvergenzordnung bei der numerischen Lösung von Anfangswertproblemen mit Splines, S. 449 GDZ Göttingen

40.Bd, 1985


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • M. Bernadou; Y. Ducatel: Approximation of General Arch Problems by Straight Beam Elements, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Levin: Optimal Quadrature Formula of Markov’s and Locher’s Type with Weight Function, S. 31 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. A. M. Cuyt: The e-Algorithm and Multivariate Pade-Approximants, S. 39 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Rath: Fast Givens Rotations for Orthogonal Similarity Transformations, S. 47 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. J. Plemmons; M. Neumann; R. E. Funderlic: LU Decompositions of Generalized Diagonally Dominant Matrices, S. 57 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. P. Dikshit; P. Powar: Discrete Cubic Spline Interpolation, S. 71 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Döhler: Ein neues Gradientenverfahren zur simultanen Berechnung der kleinsten oder größten Eigenwerte des allgemeinen Eigenwertproblems (A New Gradient Method for the Simultaneous Calculation …), S. 79 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Seewald: Quotienten-Differenzen-Algorithmus: Beweis der Regeln von Rutishauser (Quotient-Difference Algorithm: Proof of Rutishauser’s Ru e), S. 93 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Körner; C. Richter: Zur effektiven Lösung von booleschen, quadratischen Optimierungsproblemen (On the Efficient Treatment of the Boolean Quadratic Programming Problem), S. 99 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Sikorski: Bisection is Optimal, S. 111 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Lubich: Runge-Kutta Theory for Volterra Integrodifferential Equations, S. 119 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. D. Dixon: Exact Solution of Linear Equations Using P-Adic Expansions, S. 137 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. M. Sloss; J. Remar; J. C. Jr. Bruch: Axissymmetric Free Surface Seepage, S. 143 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. N. Saworin: Über die Effektivität einiger nichtlinearer Verfahren bei der numerischen Behandlung steifer Differentialgleichungssysteme (On Efficiency of some Nonlinear Methods for Numerical Solution of Stiff Differential E, S. 169 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Fage: Approximation of Time-Dependent Free Boundaries, S. 179 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Yamamoto: Error Bounds for Computed Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. II, S. 201 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Höhn: Finite Elements for Parabolic Equations Backwards in Time, S. 207 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Strauß: Unicity of Best One-Sided L1-Approximations, S. 229 GDZ Göttingen
  • O. Nevanlinna; R. Jeltsch: Stability and Accuracy of Time Discretizations for Initial Value Problems, S. 245 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Stewart: Computing the CS Decomposition of a Partitioned Orthonormal Matrix, S. 297 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Brannigan: The Strict Chebyshev Solution of Overdetermined Systems of Linear Equations with Rank Deficient Matrix, S. 307 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. E. Müller: Discretization of Multiparameter Eigenvalue Problems, S. 319 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. R. Cash: On Improving the Absolute Stability of Local Extrapolation, S. 329 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. Babuska; M. Bieterman: The Finite Element Method for Parabolic Equations. I. A Posteriori Error Estimation, S. 339 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. Babuska; M. Bieterman: The Finite Element Method for Parabolic Equations. II. A Posteriori Error Estimation and Adaptive Approach, S. 373 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Kautsky; S. Elhay: Calculation of the Weights of Interpolarory Quadratures, S. 407 GDZ Göttingen

Register Bd. 01-40, 1986


GDZ Göttingen

41.Bd, 1986


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • A. Hilali: Reductibilite d’un systeme differentiel lineaire (Reductibility of a Linear Differential System), S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Vogelius: A Right-Inverse for the Divergence Operator in Spaces of Piecewise Polynomials. Application to the p-Version of the Finite Element Method, S. 19 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Vogelius: An Analysis of the p-Version of the Finite Element Method for Nearly Incompressible Materials. Uniformly Valid, Optimal Error Estimates, S. 39 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Brilla: Error Analysis for Laplace Transform – Finite Element Solution of Hyperbolic Equations, S. 55 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. M. Temme: The Numerical Computation of the Confluent Hypergeometric Function U(a,b,z), S. 63 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. P. B. Eggermont; Y. Censor; D. Gordon: Strong Underrelaxation in Kaczmarz’s Method for Inconsistent Systems, S. 83 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Seydel: Branch Switching in Bifurcation Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations, S. 93 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Nürnberger; M. Sommer: A Remez Type Algorithm for Spline Functions, S. 117 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Kautsky; G. H. Golub: Calculation of Gauss Quadratures with Multiple Free and Fixed Knots, S. 147 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. F. Shampine; L. S. Baca: Smoothing the Extrapolated Midpoint Rule, S. 165 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Niethammer; R. S. Varga: The Analysis of k-Step Iterative Methods for Linear Systems from Summability Theory, S. 177 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Nürnberger; M. Sommer: Alternation for Best Spline Approximations, S. 207 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Yserentant; K. Niederdrenk: Die gleichmäßige Stabilität singulär gestörter diskreter und kontinuierlicher Randwertprobleme (The Uniform Stability of Singularly Perturbed Discrete and Continuous Boundary Value Problems), S. 223 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Wagenführer: On Calculating the Eigenvalues of the Finite Hill’s Differential Equation, S. 255 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. A. M. Cuyt: Accelerating the Convergence of a Table with Multiple Entry, S. 281 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. M. Hough; N. Papamichael: An Integral Equation Method for the Numerical Conformal Mapping of Interior, Exterior and Doubly-Connected Domains, S. 287 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Ziv: A Stable Method for the Evaluation of a Polynomial and of a Rational Function of One Variable, S. 309 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Sun: The Perturbation Bounds for Eigenspaces of a Definite Matrix-Pair, S. 321 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. Thomée; L. B. Wahlbin: Maximum-Norm Stability and Error Estimates in Galerkin Methods for Parabolic Equations in One Space Variable, S. 345 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Deuflhard; G. Bader: A Semi-Implicit Mid-Point Rule for Stiff Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations, S. 373 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Deuflhard: Order and Stepsize Control in Extrapolation Methods, S. 399 GDZ Göttingen

42.Bd, 1987


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • G. Dahlquist; H. Mingyou; R. LeVeque: On the Uniform Power-Boundedness of a Family of Matrices and the applications to One-Leg and Linear Multistep Methods, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Bellen: Monotone Methods for Periodic solutions of Second Order Scalar Functional Differential Equations, S. 15 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. V. Limaye; R. P. Kulkarni: On the Steps of Convergence of Approximate Eigenvectors in the Rayleigh-Schrödinger Series, S. 31 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ludwig Wagatha: Approximation of Pseudodifferential Operators in Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Hyperbolic Equations, S. 51 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Hackbusch; H. D. Mittelmann: On Multi-Grid Methods for Variational Inequalities, S. 65 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Kreß; W. T. Spassov: On the Condition Number of Boundary Integral Operators for the Exterior Dirichlet Problem for the Helmholtz Equation, S. 77 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jozsef, Sloboda, Fridrich Abaffy: Imperfect Conjugate Gradient Algorithms for Extended Quadratic Functions, S. 97 GDZ Göttingen
  • Florencio Utreras: Natural Spline Functions, Their Associated Eigenvalue Problem, S. 107 GDZ Göttingen
  • Harry Yserentant: Die maximale Konsistenzordnung von Differenzenapproximationen nichtnegativer Art, S. 119 GDZ Göttingen
  • AnnouncementAdvertisement
  • A. C. Allison; N. J. Young: Numerical Algorithms for the Nevanlinna-Pick Problem, S. 125 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. W. Decker; C. T. Kelley: Sublinear Convergence of the Chord Method at Singular Points, S. 147 GDZ Göttingen
  • Lala B. Krishna: Some New Results on Unsymmetric Successive Overrelaxation Method, S. 155 GDZ Göttingen
  • Klaus-Hermann Meyn: Solution of the Undetermined Nonlinear Equations by Stationary Iteration Methods, S. 161 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. D. Gunzburger; J. S. Peterson: On Conforming Finite Element Methods for the Inhomogeneous Stationary Navier-Stokes Equations, S. 173 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. L. Schumaker; G. Nürnberger; …: Interpolation by Generalized Splines, S. 195 GDZ Göttingen
  • Lois Mansfield: Analysis of Finite Element Methods for the Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Shells, S. 213 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. N. Stokes: Efficient Stable Ways to Calculate Continued Fraction Coefficients From some Series, S. 237 GDZ Göttingen
  • Mu Dingyi: Asymptotic Behavior of the Polynomial Factor in the Interpolation Error, S. 247 GDZ Göttingen
  • Anmerkungen
  • Annie A. M. Cuyt: The QD-Algorithm and Multivariate Padé-Approximants, S. 259 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. N. Spijker: Contractivity in the Numerical Solution of Initial Value Problems, S. 271 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Puschmann; J. Cortés: The Coordinex Problem and Its Relation to the Conjecture of Wilkinson, S. 291 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. R. Cash: Split Linear Multistep Methods for the Numerical Integration of Stiff Differential Systems, S. 299 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. I. Hariharan; E. Stephan: A Boundary Element Method for a Two-Dimensional Interface Problem in Electromagnetics, S. 311 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. T. Chu: On a Numerical Treatment for the Curve-Tracing of the Homotopy Method, S. 323 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. R. Graves-Morris: Vector Valued Rational Interpolants I, S. 331 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. van Veldhuizen: On D-stability and B-stability, S. 349 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rolf Dieter Grigorieff: Stability of the Multistep-Methods on Variable Grids, S. 359 GDZ Göttingen
  • Bernhard Schmitt: Norm Bounds for Rational Matrix Functions, S. 379 GDZ Göttingen

43.Bd, 1988


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • D. R. Sweet: Fast Toeplitz Orthogonalization, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Della Dora; C. Di Crescenzo: Approximants de Padé-Hermite. 1ère partie: théorie, S. 23 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Della Dora; C. Di Crescenzo: Approximants de Padé-Hermite. 2ème partie: programmation, S. 41 GDZ Göttingen
  • Alexander Eydeland: A Method of Solving Nonlinear Variational Problems by Nonlinear Transformation of the Objective Functional. Part I, S. 59 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. J. Modi; M. R. B. Clarke: An Alternative Givens Ordering, S. 83 GDZ Göttingen
  • Peter Wilhelm Meyer: Das modifizierte Newton-Verfahren in verallgemeinerten Banach-Räumen, S. 91 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Kesavan: A Potential Method for the Biharmonic Equation, S. 105 GDZ Göttingen
  • Marino Zennaro: Maximum Principles for Linear Difference-Differential Opeartors in Periodic Function Spaces, S. 121 GDZ Göttingen
  • Wing Hung Wong: On Constrained Multivariate Splines and Their Approximations, S. 141 GDZ Göttingen
  • Herbert J. Bernstein: An Accelerated Bisection Method for the Calculation of Eigenvalues of a Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrix, S. 153 GDZ Göttingen
  • Giovanni Monegato: Convergence of Product Formulas for the Numerical Evaluation of Certain Two-Dimensional Cauchy Principal Value Integrals, S. 161 GDZ Göttingen
  • Koichi Niijima: A Uniformly Convergent Difference Scheme for a Semilinear Singular Perturbation Problem, S. 175 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. , Vidrascu, Marina Le Tallec: Une méthode numérique pour les problèmes d’équilibre de corps hyperélastiques compressibles en grandes déformations, S. 199 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Sikorski: Optimal Solution of Nonlinear Equations Satisfying a Lipschitz Condition, S. 225 GDZ Göttingen
  • M Gaviano; F. Testa: A General Convergence Theorem for the Reduced Gradient Method, S. 241 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Dickmeis; R. J. Nessel: A General Approach to Counterexamples in Numerical Analysis, S. 249 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Elschner: Galerkin Methods with Splines for Singular Integral Equations over (0, 1), S. 265 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jeannette van Iseghem: Padé-Type Approximants of Exp (-z) Whose Denominators Are (1+z/n)n, S. 283 GDZ Göttingen
  • Verdonk, Brigitte M. Annie A. M. Cuyt: General Order Newton-Padé Approximants for Multivariate Functions, S. 293 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rolf Rannacher: Finite Element Solution of Diffusion Problems with Irregular Data, S. 309 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. N. Kublanovskaja: AB-Algorithm and Its Modifications for the Spectral Problems of Linear Pencils of Matrices, S. 329 GDZ Göttingen
  • Herbert Arndt: Numerical Solution of Retarded Initial Value Problems: Local and Global Error and Stepsize Control, S. 343 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jo A. M. Bollen: Numerical Stability of Decent Methods for Solving Linear Equations, S. 361 GDZ Göttingen
  • Klaus Bartke: Die Struktur der normalen rationalen Funktionen, S. 379 GDZ Göttingen
  • Zdzislaw Jackiewicz: Asymptotic Stability Analysis of …-Methods for Functional Differential Equations, S. 389 GDZ Göttingen
  • Pavol Brunovsky; Pavol Meravy: Solving Systems of Polynomial Equations by Bounded and Real Homotopy, S. 397 GDZ Göttingen
  • Kazuo Ishihara: Monotone Explicit Iterations of the Finite Element Approximations for the Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem, S. 419 GDZ Göttingen
  • Bruno Gabutti: On Two Methods for Accelerating Convergence of Series, S. 439 GDZ Göttingen
  • Gunter H. Meyer: Free Boundary Problems with Nonlinear Source Terms, S. 463 GDZ Göttingen

44.Bd, 1989


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • J. H. Wilkinson: On Neighbouring Matrices with Quadratic Elementary Divisors, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • George Csordas; Richard S. Varga: Comparisons of Regular Splittings of Matrices, S. 23 GDZ Göttingen
  • Josef Stoer: The Convergence of Matrices Generated by Rank-2 Methods from the Restricted ß-Class of Broyden, S. 37 GDZ Göttingen
  • Walter Gautschi: Discrete Approximations to Spherically Symmetric Distributions, S. 53 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Stewart: On the Invariance of Perturbed Null Vectors Under Column Scaling, S. 61 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Zenger: Positivity in Complex Spaces and Its Application to Gershgorin Discs, S. 67 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. Babuska; M. Vogelius: Feedback and Adaptive Finite Element Solution of One-Dimensional Boundary Value Problems, S. 75 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. N. Parlett; W.-D. Wu: Eigenvector Matrices of Symmetric Tridiagonals, S. 103 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Schneider; M. v. Golitschek: Applications of Shortest Path Algorithms to Matrix Scalings, S. 111 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Elsner: A Note on Optimal Block-Scaling of Matrices, S. 127 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. , Wietschorke, H. Niethammer: On the Acceleration of Limit Periodic Continued Fractions, S. 129 GDZ Göttingen
  • Werner Sautter: Zur Kondition des linearen Ausgleichsproblems mit linearen Gleichungen als Nebenbedingungen, S. 139 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Dryja: A Finite Element – Capacitane Method for Elliptic Problems on Regions Partitioned into Subregions, S. 153 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Wasilkowski; H. Wozniakkowski: Can Adaption Help on the Average, S. 169 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. K. Aziz; M. Schneider; Houde Han: A Finite Element Method for a Boundary Value Problem of Mixed Type, S. 191 GDZ Göttingen
  • Y. Maday; A. Quarteroni; C. Canuto: Combined Finite Element and Spectral Approximation of the Navier-Stokes Equations, S. 201 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. A. Nicolaides; J. M. Boland: On the Stability of Bilinear-Constant Velocity-Pressure Finite Elements, S. 219 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. D. Lazarov; V. Makarov; W. Weinelt: On the Convergence of Difference Schemes for the Approximation of Solutions u…W… (m>0.5) of Elliptic Equations with Mixed Derivatives, S. 223 GDZ Göttingen
  • Johann Schröder: Numerical Error Bounds for Fourth Order Boundary Value Problems, Simultaneous Estimation of u(x) and u"(x), S. 233 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. G. Verwer: Contractivity of Locally One-Dimensional Splitting Methods, S. 247 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Akrivis: Fehlerabschätzungen für Gauß-Quadraturformeln, S. 261 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Palencia; J. M. Sanz-Serna: An Extension of the Lax-Richtmyer Theory, S. 279 GDZ Göttingen
  • Kazuo Ishihara: On Numerical Asymptotic Behavior of Finite Element Solutions for Parabolic Equations, S. 285 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. D. Bojanov; J.-E. Andersson: A Note on the Optimal Quadrature in Hp, S. 301 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. E. Brewster; R. Kannan: Nonlinear Successive Over-Relaxation, S. 309 GDZ Göttingen
  • William B. Gragg; William J. Harrod: The Numerically Stable Reconstruction of Jacobi Matrices from Spectral Data, S. 317 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Strauss: Monotonicity of Quadrature Formulae of Gauss Type and Comparison Theorems for Monosplines, S. 337 GDZ Göttingen
  • Zhong-ci Shi: A Convergence Condition for the Quadrilateral Wilson Element, S. 349 GDZ Göttingen
  • Mouhamed Nabih El Tarazi: Algorithmes mixtes asynchrones. Etude de convergence monotone, S. 363 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Vanninathan; G. D. Veerappa Gowda: Approximation of Tricomi Problem with Neumann Boundary Condition, S. 371 GDZ Göttingen
  • Richard Haverkamp: Eine Aussage zur L…-Stabilität und zur genauen Konvergenzordnung der H…-Projektionen, S. 393 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Reimer: Best Constants Occuring with the Modulus of Continuity in the Error Estimate for Spline Interpolants of Odd Degree on Equidistant Grids, S. 407 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Reimer: Error Estimates for Spline Interpolants on Equidistant Grids, S. 417 GDZ Göttingen
  • Eugene O’Riordan: Singularly Perturbed Finite Element Methods, S. 425 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rudolf Wegmann: Convergence Proofs and Error Estimates for an Iterative Method for Conformal Mapping, S. 435 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Petkovic; L. Stefanovic: On the Convergence Order of Accelerated Root Iterations, S. 463 GDZ Göttingen

45.Bd, 1990


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • Anmerkungen
  • D. N. Arnold; J. , Jr. Douglas; …: A Family of Higher Order Mixed Finite Element Methods for Plane Elasticity, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • Franco Tomarelli: Regularity Theorems and Optimal Errors Estimates for Linear Parabolic Cauchy Problems, S. 23 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. M. Hanson; J. E. Walsh: Asymptotic Theory of the Global Error and Some Techniques of Error Estimation, S. 51 GDZ Göttingen
  • Carlos Conca: Approximation de quelques problèmes de type Stokes par une méthode d’èlements finis mixtes, S. 75 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. Z. Kacewicz: How to Increase the Order to Get Minimal-Error Algorithms for Systems of ODE, S. 93 GDZ Göttingen
  • Michal Krizek; Pekka Neittaanmäki: Superconvergence Phenomenon in the Finite Element Method Arising from Averaging Gradients, S. 105 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jacques Rappaz: Approximation of a Nondifferentiable Nonlinear Problem Related to MHD Equilibria, S. 117 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Smarzewski; A. Bujalska-Horbowicz: Quartic X-Splines, S. 135 GDZ Göttingen
  • Claudine Chaffy: Une construction „homogène“ d’approximants de Padé à deux variables complexes, S. 149 GDZ Göttingen
  • Lois Mansfield: On Finite Element Subspaces over Quadrilateral and Hexahedral Meshes for Incompressible Viscous Flow Problems, S. 165 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. M. Sanz-Serna: Convergence of the Lambert-McLeod Trajectory Solver and of the Celf Method, S. 173 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Iserles: Solving Linear Ordinary Differential Equations by Exponentials of Iterated Commutators, S. 183 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. F. Shampine: Asymptotic Bounds on the Errors of One-Step Methods, S. 201 GDZ Göttingen
  • Andrzej Marciniak: Energy Conserving, Arbitrary Order Numerical Solutions of the N-Body Problem, S. 207 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Kannan; M. B. Ray: Monotone Iterative Methods for Nonlinear Equations Involving a Noninvertible Linear Part, S. 219 GDZ Göttingen
  • Stephan Ruscheweyh: On a Global Descent Method for Polynomials, S. 227 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. J. Ypma: Convergence of Newton-Like-Iterative Methods, S. 241 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Kirsch; R. Reemtsen: A Method for the Numerical Solution of the One-Dimensional Inverse Stefan Problem, S. 253 GDZ Göttingen
  • Kurt Jetter: Eine kurze Anmerkung zur Romberg-Integration, S. 275 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Strehmel; R. Weiner: Partitioned Adaptive Runge-Kutta Methods and Their Stability, S. 283 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. M. , Arcangeli, R. Sanchez: Estimations des erreurs de meilleure approximation polynomiale et d’interpolation de Lagrange dans les espaces de Sobolev d’ordre non entier, S. 301 GDZ Göttingen
  • Werner C. Rheinboldt; James P. Fink: Solution Manifolds and Submanifolds of Parametrized Equations and Their Discretization Errors, S. 323 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Hairer; C. Lubich: Asymptotic Expansions of the Global Error of Fixed-Stepsize Methods, S. 345 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Spedicato; J. Abaffy; C. Broyden: A Class of Direct Methods for Linear Systems, S. 361 GDZ Göttingen
  • Pham Dinh Tao: Algorithmes de calcul du maximum des formes quadratiques sur la boule unité de la norme du maximum, S. 377 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. J. M Cuppen: On Updating Triangular Products of Householder Reflections, S. 403 GDZ Göttingen
  • Krzysztof C. Kiwiel: A Quadratic Approximation Method for Minimizing a Class of Quasidifferentiable Functions, S. 411 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. P. B. Eggermont: Stability and Robustness of Collocation Methods for Abel-Type Integral Equations, S. 431 GDZ Göttingen
  • Nikolaos M. Missirlis: Convergence Theory of Extrapolated Iterative Methods for a Certain Class of Non-Symmetric Linear Systems, S. 447 GDZ Göttingen

46.Bd, 1991


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • Uri Ascher: On Some Difference Schemes for Singular Singularly-Perturbed Boundary Value Problems, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Arioli; F. Romani: Relations Between Condition Numbers and the Convergence of the Jacobi Method for Real Positive Definite Matrices, S. 31 GDZ Göttingen
  • T.-Y. Li; J. Mallet-Paret; J. A. Yorke: Regularity Results for Real Analytic Homotopies, S. 43 GDZ Göttingen
  • Harald Niederreiter: The Serial Test for Pseudo-Random Numbers Generated by the Linear Congruential Method, S. 51 GDZ Göttingen
  • Günter Mayer: On the Convergence of Powers of Interval Matrices (2), S. 69 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Brokate: Numerical Solution of a Hyperbolic Free Boundary Problem with a Method of Characteristics, S. 85 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Kesavan; A. s. Vasudevamurthy: On Some Boundary Element Methods for the Heat Equation, S. 101 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Dagnino; A. Palamara Orsi: On the Evaluation of Certain Two-Dimensional Singular Integrals with Cauchy Kernels, S. 121 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Görlich; D. Pontzen: Alpha Well-Posedness, Alpha Stability, and the Matrix Theorems of H.-O. Kreiss, S. 131 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jan Mandel: On Multilevel Iterative Methods for Integral Equations of the Second Kind and Related Problems, S. 147 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. L. , McAllister, D. F. Dodd: Algorithms for Computing Shape Preserving Spline Approximations to Data, S. 159 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Lesaint; M. Laydi: Sur les éléments finis rationnels de Serendip de degré quelconque, S. 175 GDZ Göttingen
  • Dirk Roose; Robert Piessens: Numerical Computation of Nonsimple Turning Points and Cusps, S. 189 GDZ Göttingen
  • Peter Volkmann; Götz Alefeld: Regular Splittings and Monotone Iteration Functions, S. 213 GDZ Göttingen
  • M Sahba: On the Solution of Nonlinear Inequalities in a Finite Number of Iterations, S. 229 GDZ Göttingen
  • Vitoriano Ruas: Quasisolenoidal Velocity-Pressure Finite Element Methods for the Three-Dimensional Stokes Problem, S. 237 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Arioli; A. Laratta: Error Analysis of an Algorithm for Solving an Undetermined Linear System, S. 255 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Fortin: A Three-Dimensional Quadratic Nonconforming Element, S. 269 GDZ Göttingen
  • Robert Schaback: Convergence Analysis of the General Gauss-Newton Algorithm, S. 281 GDZ Göttingen
  • Claude Brezinski: Composite Sequence Transformations, S. 311 GDZ Göttingen
  • James L. Howland; Rémi Vaillancourt: Attractive Cycles in the Iteration of Meromorphic Functions, S. 323 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Mühlbach: Two Composition Methods for Solving Certain Systems of Linear Equations, S. 339 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Schippers: Multigrid Methods for Boundary Integral Equations, S. 351 GDZ Göttingen
  • Friedrich Stummel: Forward Error Analysis of Gaussian Elimination. Part I: Error and Residual Estimates, S. 365 GDZ Göttingen
  • Friedrich Stummel: Forward Error Analysis of Gaussian Elimination. Part II: Stability Theorems, S. 397 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Crouzeix; J. F. Ciavaldini: A Finite Element Merthod Scheme for one Dimensional Elliptic Equations with High Super Convergence at the Nodes, S. 417 GDZ Göttingen
  • Peter Knabner: Control of Stefan Problems by Means of Linear-Quadratic Defect Minimization, S. 429 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. J. Modi; J. D. Pryce: Efficient Implementation of Jacobi’s Diagonalization Method on the DAP, S. 443 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Zietak: The Chebyshev Solution of the Linear Matrix Equation AX + YB = C, S. 455 GDZ Göttingen
  • Charles Van Loan: Computing the CS and the Generalized Singular Value Decompositions, S. 479 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Robert; P. Witomski: Sur une équation d’èvolution intégro-différentielle singulière linéaire, S. 493 GDZ Göttingen
  • Kazuo Ishihara: A Finite Element Lumped Mass Scheme for Solving Eigenvalue Problems of Circular Arches, S. 499 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Canuto; S. I. Hariharan; L. Lustman: Spectral Methods for Exterior Elliptic Problems, S. 505 GDZ Göttingen
  • Koichi Niijima: On a Difference Scheme of Exponential Type for a Nonlinear Singular Perturbation Problem, S. 521 GDZ Göttingen
  • Christopher Baltus; William B. Jones: Truncation Error Bounds for Limit-Periodic Continued Fractions K(an/1) With lim an = 0, S. 541 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. V. Pao: Monotone Iterative Methods for Finite Difference System of Reaction-Diffusion Equations, S. 571 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. N. Molchanov; E. F Galba: On Finite Element Methods for the Neumann Problem, S. 587 GDZ Göttingen
  • Alexander Eydeland: A Method of Solving Nonlinear Variational Problems by Nonlinear Transformation of the Objective Functional. Part II, S. 599 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. N. Lyness: The Euler Maclaurin Expansion for the Cauchy Principal Value Integral, S. 611 GDZ Göttingen
  • Petra Peisker: A Multilevel Algorithm for the Biharmonic Problem, S. 623 GDZ Göttingen

47.Bd, 1992


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • John Lund: Bessel Transforms and Rational Extrapolation, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • U. Lamp; K.-T. Schleicher; W. Wendland: The Fast Fourier Transform and the Numerical Solution of One-Dimensional Boundary Integral Equations, S. 15 GDZ Göttingen
  • Marc Bourdeau; Alain Pitre: Tables of Good Lattices in Four and Five Dimensions, S. 39 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ph. Cortey-Dumont: On Finite Element Approximation in the L…-Norm of Variational Inequalities, S. 45 GDZ Göttingen
  • Peter Albrecht: Numerical Treatment of O.D.Es.: The Theory of A-Methods, S. 59 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. G. Werschulz; M. A. Kowalski: Is Gauss Quadrature Optimal for Analytic Functions?, S. 89 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. F. Hutchinson; F. R. de de Hoog: Smoothing Noisy Data with Spline Functions, S. 99 GDZ Göttingen
  • Fabio A. Milner: A Primal Hybrid Finite Element Method for Quasilinear Second Order Elliptic Problems, S. 107 GDZ Göttingen
  • Joseph W. Jerome: An Adaptive Newton Algorithm Based on Numerical Inversion: Regularization as Postconditioner, S. 123 GDZ Göttingen
  • Mitsuhiro T. Nakao: Error Estimates of a Galerkin Method for Some Nonlinear Sobolev Equations in one Space Dimension, S. 139 GDZ Göttingen
  • Z. Jackiewicz; V. L. Bakke: Stability of Reducible Quadrature Methods for Volterra Integral Equations of the Second Kind, S. 159 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Roman: Calculs de complexité relatifs à une méthode de dissection emboîtée, S. 175 GDZ Göttingen
  • Egil Rye; Haakon Waadeland: Reflections on Value Regions, Limit Regions and Truncation Errors for Continued Fractions, S. 191 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Brezzi; J. , Jr. Douglas; L. D. Marini: Two Families of Mixed Finite Elements for Second Order Elliptic Problems, S. 217 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. Gohberg; I. Koltracht: Numerical Solution of Integral Equations, Fast Algorithms and Krein-Sobolev Equation, S. 237 GDZ Göttingen
  • Introduction
  • 1. Krein-Sobolev Differential Equation for Resolvents of Contimuous Kernels and Related Numerical Methods
  • 2. Fast Algorithms with Applications to Displacement-Like Kernels
  • 3. Krein-Sobolev Equation for Piecewise Continuous Kernels with Applications to Semiseparable Kernels
  • References
  • Alan L. Andrew; John W. Paine: Correction of Numerov’s Eigenvalue Estimates, S. 289 GDZ Göttingen
  • Marino Zennaro; Alfredo Bellen: Numerical Solution of Delay Differential Equations by Uniform Corrections to an Implicit Runge-Kutta Method, S. 301 GDZ Göttingen
  • Douglas N. Arnold; W. L. Wendland: The Convergence of Spline Collocation for Strongly Elliptic Equations on Curves, S. 317 GDZ Göttingen
  • Frank Natterer: Fourier Reconstruction in Tomography, S. 343 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Guenther; R. Hudspeth; W. McDougal: Remarks on Parameter Identification. I, S. 355 GDZ Göttingen
  • Germund Dahlquist: On Transformations of Graded Matrices, with Applications to Stiff ODE’s, S. 363 GDZ Göttingen
  • Sven-Ake Gustafson: Stable Convergence Acceleration Using Laplace Transforms, S. 387 GDZ Göttingen
  • Helmut Brass: Eine Fehlerabschätzung für positive Quadraturformeln, S. 395 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Schwetlick; Reinhard Menzel: Parametrization via Secant Length and Application to Path Following, S. 401 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. W. Schmidt; W. Hoyer; Ch. Haufe: Consistent Approximations in Newton-Type Decomposition Methods, S. 413 GDZ Göttingen
  • Michael Neumann; Valerie A. Miller: A Note on Comparison Theorems for Nonnegative Matrices, S. 427 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. I. Comodi: Approximation of a Bending Plate Problem With a Boundary Unilateral Constraint, S. 435 GDZ Göttingen
  • John C. Bruch; James M. Sloss: Alternating Iteration and Elliptic Variational Inequalities, S. 459 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. W. Berry; M. T. Heath; I. Kaneko; …: An Algorithm to Compute a Sparse Basis of the Null Space, S. 483 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Niethammer; R. Varga; M. Eiermann: A Study of Semiiterative Methods for Nonsymmetric Systems of Linear Equations, S. 505 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Akrivis; A. Burgstaller: Fehlerabschätzungen für nichtsymmetrische Gauß-Quadraturformeln, S. 535 GDZ Göttingen
  • Peter Rentrop: Partitioned Runge-Kutta Methods with Stiffness Detection and Stepsize Control, S. 545 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rolf Dieter Grigorieff: Einige Stabilitätsungleichungen für gewöhnliche Differenzengleichungen in nichtkompakter Form, S. 565 GDZ Göttingen
  • Lisa Jacobsen: Repeated Modifications of Limit k-Periodic continued Fractions, S. 577 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Kosler: Wm,2-Fehlerabschätzungen für Galerkin-Näherungen schwach elliptischer quasilinearer Randwertprobleme 2m-ter Ordnung, S. 597 GDZ Göttingen
  • Florencio I. Utreras: Smoothing Noisy Data Under Monotonicity Constraints Existence, Characterization and Convergence Rates, S. 611 GDZ Göttingen
  • Eduardo Casas: L2 Estimates for the Finite Element Method for the Dirichlet Problem with Singular Data, S. 627 GDZ Göttingen

48.Bd, 1993


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • Robert D. Skeel: Thirteen Ways to Estimate Global Error, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. M. Trojan: Optimal Transformations for Scalar Sequences, S. 21 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rolf Jeltsch; Olavi Nevanlinna: Accuracy and Stability of Multistage Multistep Formulas, S. 33 GDZ Göttingen
  • Urs Kirchgraber: Multi-Step Methods are Essentially One-Step Methods, S. 85 GDZ Göttingen
  • Tetsuro Yamamoto: Error Bounds for Newton’s Iterates Derived from the Kantorovich Theorem, S. 91 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Prößdorf; A. Rathsfeld: On Spline Galerkin Methods for Singular Integral Equations with Piecewise Continuous Coefficients, S. 99 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. M. Häußler: A Kantorovich-type Convergence Analysis for the Gauss-Newton-Method, S. 119 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. L. Bakke; Z. Jackiwiecz: Stability Analysis of Product …-Methods for Abel Integral Equations of the Second Kind, S. 127 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Raugel: Finite Dimensional Approximation of Bifurcation Problems in Presence of Symmetries, S. 137 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. N. Lyness; Bruno Gabutti: Some Generalizations of the Euler-Knopp Transformation, S. 199 GDZ Göttingen
  • Klaus-Günther Strack: Stability and Accuracy for Implicit Semidiscretizations of Hyperbolic Problems, S. 221 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Cosnard; J.-M. Muller; Y. Robert: Parallel QR Decomposition of a Rectangular Matrix, S. 239 GDZ Göttingen
  • Alfred K. Louis: Incomplete Data Problems in X-Ray Computerized Tomography. I. Singular Value Decomposition of the Limited Angle Transform, S. 251 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. P. B Eggermont: Improving the Accuracy of Collocation Solutions of Volterra Integral Equations of the First Kind by Local Interpolation, S. 263 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. C. Nedelec; P. Destuynder: Approximation numérique du cisaillement transverse dans les plaques minces en flexion, S. 281 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. F. B. M. Kraaijevanger: Absolute Monotonicity of Polynomials Occurring in the Numerical Solution of Initial Value Problems, S. 303 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Werner; H. Hilgers: Lösung von Differentialgleichungen mit Splinefunktionen. Eine Störungstheorie. Tei 1: Divergenzaussagen, S. 323 GDZ Göttingen
  • Youcef Saad: On the Condition Number of some Gram Matrices Arising from Least Squares Approximation in the Complex Plane, S. 337 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. S. Krishnakumar; Martin Morf: Eigenvalues of a Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrix: A Divide-and-Conquer Approach, S. 349 GDZ Göttingen
  • Walter Gautschi: On the Sensitivity of Orthogonal Polynomials to Perturbations in the Moments, S. 369 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Hairer: A- and B-Stability for Runge-Kutta Methods – Characterizations and Equivalence, S. 383 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Alefeld: Componentwise Inclusion and Exclusion Sets for Solutions of Quadratic Equations in Finite Dimensional Spaces, S. 391 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Brezzi; M. Cornalba; A. Di Carlo: How to Get around a Simple Quadratic Fold, S. 417 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Werner: Multivariate Padé Approximation, S. 429 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Späth: Orthogonal Least Squares Fitting with Linear Manifolds, S. 441 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rolf Stenberg: On the Construction of Optimal Mixed Finite Element Methods for the Linear Elasticity Problem, S. 447 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Strauß; G. Nürnberger; M. Sommer: An Algorithm for Segment Approximation, S. 463 GDZ Göttingen
  • Owe Axelsson; Gunhild Lindskog: On the Eigenvalue Distribution of a Class of Preconditioning Methods, S. 479 GDZ Göttingen
  • Owe Axelsson; Gunhild Lindskog: On the Rate of Convergence of the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method, S. 499 GDZ Göttingen
  • Stephan Ruscheweyh; Roland Freund: On a Class of Chebyshev Approximation Problems Which Arise in Connection with a Conjugate Gradient Type Method, S. 525 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. van der Sluis; H. A. van der Vorst: The Rate of Convergence of Conjugate Gradients, S. 543 GDZ Göttingen
  • Fadi El Dabaghi; Olivier Pironneau: Stream Vectors in Three Dimensional Aerodynamics, S. 561 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Reddien; A. Greiwank: The Approximation of Generalized Turning Points by Projection Methods with Superconvergence to the Critical Parameter, S. 591 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. T. Marti; M. Hegland: Numerical Computation of Least Constants for the Sobolev Inequality, S. 607 GDZ Göttingen
  • Wolfgang Volk: Globale Superkonvergenz bei der Lösung von linearen Randwertaufgaben, S. 617 GDZ Göttingen
  • David Culpin: Calculation of Cubic Smoothing Splines for Equally Spaced Data, S. 627 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. Papamichael; M. K. Warby: Stability and Convergence Properties of Bergmann Kernel Methods for Numerical Conformal Mapping, S. 639 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Anderssen; A. R. Davies: Improved Estimates of Statistical Regularization Parameters in Fourier Differentiation and Smoothing, S. 671 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Niethammer; M. H. Gutknecht: k-Step Iterative Methods for Solving Nonlinear Systems of Equations, S. 699 GDZ Göttingen

49.Bd, 1994


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • Chi Li Hu; Larry L. Schumaker: Complete Spline Smoothing, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Rannacher; H. Blum; Q. Lin: Asymptotic Error Expansion and Richardson Extrapolation for Linear Finite Elements, S. 11 GDZ Göttingen
  • Zbigniew Leyk: A C…-Collocation-like Method for Two-Point Boundary Value Problems, S. 39 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Reimer; D. Siepmann: An Elementary Algebraic Representation of Polynomial Spline Interpolants for Equidistant Lattices and its Condition, S. 55 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Jeltsch; Jennifer Dixon; S. McKee: Convergence Analysis of Discretization Methods for Nonlinear First Kind Volterra Integral Equations, S. 67 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. W. Bojanczyk; R. P. , de Hoog, F. de Brent: QR Factorization of Toeplitz Matrices, S. 81 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Großmann; M. Krätzschmar; …: Gleichmäßig einschließende Diskretisierungsverfahren für schwach nichtlineare Randwertaufgaben, S. 95 GDZ Göttingen
  • Walter Gautschi; G. V. Milovanovic: Spline Approximations to Spherically Symmetric Distributions, S. 111 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. N. Vrahatis; K. I. Iordanidis: A Rapid Generalized Method of Bisection for Solving Systems of Non-linear Equations, S. 123 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Hertling; R. Frank; H. Lehner: B-Convergence Properties of Defect Correction Methods. I, S. 139 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Hertling; R. Frank; H. Lehner: B-Convergence Properties of Defect Correction Methods. II, S. 163 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. , Jr. Douglas; Chaitan P. Gupta: Superconvergence for a Mixed Finite Element Method for Elastic Wave Propagation in a Plane Domain, S. 189 GDZ Göttingen
  • Tetsuro Yamamoto: A Method for Finding Sharp Error Bounds for Newton’s Method Under the Kantorovich Assumptions, S. 203 GDZ Göttingen
  • Bernard Beauzamy: Jensen’s Inequality for Polynomials with Concentration at Low Degrees, S. 221 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Walter; C. U. Huy; P. J. McKenna: Finite Difference Approximations to the Dirichlet Problem for Elliptic Systems, S. 227 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ronald H. W. Hoppe: Multi-Grid Methods for Hamiltonian-Jacobi-Bellmann Equations, S. 239 GDZ Göttingen
  • Reinhard Scholz: Numerical Solution of the Obstacle Problem by the Penalty Method. Part II. Time-Dependent Problem, S. 255 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ronald Cools; Ann Haegemans: Optimal Addition of Knots to Cubature Formulae for Planar Regions, S. 269 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Jan W. ter Maten; G. L. G. Sleijpen: A Convergence Analysis of Hopscotch Methods for Fourth Order Parabolic Equations, S. 275 GDZ Göttingen
  • Mohammed-Najib Benbourhim: Spline Approximant in Hilbertian Subspaces of …(…), S. 291 GDZ Göttingen
  • Marino Zennaro: P-Stability Properties of Runge-Kutta Methods for Delay Differential Equations, S. 305 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. M. , Spijker, M. N. Sanz-Serna: Regions of Stability, Equivalence Theorems and the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy Condition, S. 319 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jean Meinguet: On the Davis-Kahan-Weinberger Solution of the Norm-Preserving Dilation Problem, S. 331 GDZ Göttingen
  • John W. Barrett; Charles M. Elliott: Finite Element Approximation of the Dirichlet Problem Using the Boundary Penalty Method, S. 343 GDZ Göttingen
  • Alfredo N. Iusem; A. R. De Pierro: Convergence Results for an Accelerated Nonlinear Cimmino Algorithm, S. 367 GDZ Göttingen
  • Harry Yserentant: On the Multi-Level Splitting of Finite Element Squares, S. 379 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. F. B. M. Kraaijevanger; J. A. van de Griend: Absolute Monotonicity of Rational Functions Occurring in the Numerical Solution of Initial Value Problems, S. 413 GDZ Göttingen
  • Pinchas Bar-Yoseph; Moshe Israeli: An Asymptotic Finite Element Method for Improvement of Solutions of Boundary Layer Problems, S. 425 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. L. Gout; A. Guessab: Sur les formules de quadrature numérique à nombre minimal de noeuds d’intégration, S. 439 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Beauwens: Erratum. Factorization Iterative Methods, M-operators and H-Operators. (Num. Math. 31, 335–357 (1979)), S. 457 GDZ Göttingen
  • Anmerkungen
  • Yiannis G. Saridakis: On the Analysis of the Unsymmetric Successive Overrelaxation Method when Applied to p-Cyclic Matrices, S. 461 GDZ Göttingen
  • Zi-Chai Li: A Nonconforming Combined Method for Solving Laplace’s Boundary Value Problems with Singularities, S. 475 GDZ Göttingen
  • Stephen Joe; Ian H. Sloan: On Bateman’s Method for Second Kind Integral Equations, S. 499 GDZ Göttingen
  • Guo Ben Yu; A. R. Mitchell: Analysis of a Non-Linear Difference scheme in Reaction-Diffusion, S. 511 GDZ Göttingen
  • Takashi Suzuki; Hiroshi Fujita: A Remark on the L… Bounds of the Ritz Operator Associated with a Finite Element Approximation, S. 529 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Ortloff: Asymptotisches Verhalten und Konvergenzbeschleunigung von Iterationsfolgen, S. 545 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Guessab: Cubature Formulae which are Exact on Spaces P, Intermediate Between Pk and Qk, S. 561 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. Babuska; W. Gui: The h, p and h-p Versions of the Finite Element Method in 1 Dimension. Part I. The Error Analysis of the p-Version, S. 577 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. Babuska; W. Gui: The h, p and h-p Versions of the Finite Element Method in 1 Dimension. Part II. The Error Analysis of the h- and h-p Versions, S. 613 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. Babuska; W. Gui: The h, p and h-p Versions of the Finite Element Method in 1 Dimension. Part III. The Adaptive h-p Version, S. 659 GDZ Göttingen
  • King-wah Eric Chu: Generalization of the Bauer-Fike Theorem, S. 685 GDZ Göttingen

50.Bd, 1995


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • Eugene O’Riordan; Martin Stynes: A Finite Element Method for a Singularly Perturbed Boundary Value Problem, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • Günter Mayer: On a Theorem of Stein-Rosenberg Type in Interval Analysis, S. 17 GDZ Göttingen
  • Gustaf Söderlind: Bounds on Nonlinear Operators in Finite-dimensional Banach Spaces, S. 27 GDZ Göttingen
  • Robert Kosler: A priori-Schranken für diskrete Lösungen monotoner Operatorgleichungen und Anwendungen, S. 45 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. C. Nédélec: A New family of Mixed Finite Elements in IR3, S. 57 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. H. Hundsdorfer: Stability and B-Convergence of Linearly Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods, S. 83 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. N. Spijker: Monotonicity and Boundedness in Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods, S. 97 GDZ Göttingen
  • Peter Volkmann; Götz Alefeld: Zur Konvergenz des SSOR-Verfahrens für nichtlineare Gleichungssysteme, S. 111 GDZ Göttingen
  • Harry Yserentant: Erratum. On the Multi-Level Splitting of Finite Element Spaces.(Numer. Math. 49, 379–412 (1986)), S. 123 GDZ Göttingen
  • U. Banerjee; A. Lutoborski: Approximation of the Solution of a Fourth Order Boundary Value Problem with Nonsmooth Coefficient, S. 125 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Blanchard; P. Le Tallec: Numerical Analysis of the Equations of Small Strains Quasistatic Elastoviscoplasticity, S. 147 GDZ Göttingen
  • Manabu Sakai; M. C. de López de Silanes: A Simple Rational Spline and its Application to Monotonic Interpolation to Monotonic Data, S. 171 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Gekeler; R. Widman: On the Order Conditions of Runge-Kutta Methods with Higher Derivatives, S. 183 GDZ Göttingen
  • Alan L. Andrew; John W. Paine: Correction of Finite Element Estimates for Sturm-Liouville Eigenvalues, S. 205 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Canuto; G. Sacchi Landriani: Analysis of the Kleiser-Schumann Method, S. 217 GDZ Göttingen
  • Erich Novak: The Average A Posteriori Error of Numerical Methods, S. 245 GDZ Göttingen
  • William W. Hager: A Modified Fast Fourier Transform for Polynomial Evaluation and the Jenkins-Traub Algorithm, S. 253 GDZ Göttingen
  • Eberhard Schock: Semi-Iterative Methods for the Approximate Solution of Ill-Posed Problems, S. 263 GDZ Göttingen
  • Giovanni Monegato: On the Weights of Certain Quadratures for the Numerical Evaluation of Cauchy Principal Value Integrals and Their Derivatives, S. 273 GDZ Göttingen
  • Tim Sauer; T. Y. Li: Regularity Results for Solving Systems of Polynomials by Homotopy Method, S. 283 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ulrich Langer: Zur numerischen Lösung des ersten biharmonischen Randwertproblems, S. 291 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. F. Hutchinson; F. R. de Hoog: An Efficient Method for Calculating Smoothing Splines Using Orthogonal Transformations, S. 311 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Abaffy; M. Gaviano: Line Search by Curve Fitting in Minimization Algorithms, S. 321 GDZ Göttingen
  • Gunther Schmidt: Spline Collocation for Singular Integro-differential Equations over (0, 1), S. 337 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ludwig Kohaupt: Optimal L…-Error Estimates for Piecewise Linear Finite Elements in Irn for 1…n…3, S. 353 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. R. K. Iyengar; Pragya Jain: Spline Finite Difference Methods for Singular Two Point Boundary Value Problems, S. 363 GDZ Göttingen
  • John R. Gilbert; Robert E. Tarjan: The Analysis of a Nested Dissection Algorithm, S. 377 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. G. Verwer; J. M. Sanz-Serna: Convergence and Order Reduction of Runge-Kutta Schemes Applied to Evolutionary Problems in Partial Differential Equations, S. 405 GDZ Göttingen
  • Giampietro Allasia; Renata Besenghi: Numerical Calculation of Incomplete Gamma Functions by the Trapezoidal Rule, S. 419 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Hilali; A. Wazner: Former super-irrécductibles des systèmes différentiels linéaires, S. 429 GDZ Göttingen
  • Miloslav Feistauer; Alexander Zenisek: Finite Element Solution of Nonlinear Elliptic Problems, S. 451 GDZ Göttingen
  • Tibor Fiala; Anna Krebsz: On the Convergence and Divergence of Bairstow’s Method, S. 477 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. J. O Reilly: A Uniform Scheme for the Singularly Perturbed Riccati Equation, S. 483 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Gautschi; M. Frontini; …: Moment-Preserving Spline Approximation on Finite Intervals, S. 503 GDZ Göttingen
  • Eugene O’Riordan; Martin Stynes: L1 and L… Uniform Convergence of a Difference Scheme for a Semilinear Singular Perturbation Problem, S. 519 GDZ Göttingen
  • Luisa Donatella Marini: Estimates from above and from below for the Homogenized Coefficients, S. 533 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Dickmeis: Comparison Theorems for Compound Quadrature Formulas, S. 547 GDZ Göttingen
  • Alfredo Fetter: L…-Error Estimate for an Approximation of a Parabolic Variational Inequality, S. 557 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Braess; P. Peisker: A Conjugate Gradient Method and a Multigrid Algorithm for Morley’ s Finite Element Approximation of the Biharmonic Equation, S. 567 GDZ Göttingen
  • Lucia Gastaldi; Ricardo Nochetto: Optimal L…-Error Estimates for Nonconforming and Mixed Finite Element Methods of Lowest Order, S. 587 GDZ Göttingen
  • Nicholas J. Higham: Error Analysis of the Björck-Pereyra Algorithms for Solving Vandermonde Systems, S. 613 GDZ Göttingen
  • Helmut Jarausch; Wolfgang Mackens: Solving Large Nonlinear Systems of Equations by an Adaptive Condensation Process, S. 633 GDZ Göttingen
  • Miloslav Feistauer: On the Finite Element Approximation of a Cascade Flow Problem, S. 655 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rüdiger Verfürth: Mixed Finite Element Approximation of the Vector Potential, S. 685 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rüdiger Verfürth: Finite Element Approximation of Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Slip Boundary Condition, S. 697 GDZ Göttingen
  • Tomás Roubicek: Optimal Control of a Stefan Problem with State-Space Constraints, S. 723 GDZ Göttingen

51.Bd, 1996


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • F. L. Bauer; A. S. Householder: In Memoriam: J.H. Wilkinson (1919–1986), S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • Juergen Gerlach; Ronald Guenther: Remarks on Parameter Identification. II. Convergence of the Algorithm, S. 3 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jochen W. Schmidt: On Tridiagonal Linear Complementary Problems, S. 11 GDZ Göttingen
  • John W. Barrett; Charles M. Elliott: A Practical Finite Element Approximation of a Semi-Definite Neumann Problem on a Curved Domain, S. 23 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Freeden; J. Fleck: Numerical Integration by Means of Adapted Euler Summation Formulas, S. 37 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. H. J. Gmelig Meyling: Approximation by Cubic C1-Splines on Arbitrary Triangulations, S. 65 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Masmoudi: Numerical Solution for Exterior Problems, S. 87 GDZ Göttingen
  • Wolf-Jürgen Beyn: On Invariant Closed Curves for One-Step Methods, S. 103 GDZ Göttingen
  • Michael Neumann; Stuart Nelson: Generalizations of the Projection Method with Applications to SOR Theory for Hermitian Positive Semidefinite Linear Systems, S. 123 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. H. Chan: Iterative Methods for Overflow Queuing Models I, S. 143 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. M Ball; G. Knowles: A Numerical Method for Detecting Singular Minimizers, S. 181 GDZ Göttingen
  • Winfried Auzinger: Defect Correction for Nonlinear Elliptic Difference Equations, S. 199 GDZ Göttingen
  • O. Axelsson: A Generalized Conjugate Gradient, Least Square Method, S. 209 GDZ Göttingen
  • Josef Schneid: B-Convergence of Lobatto IIIC Formulas, S. 229 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Brezzi; J. , Jr. Douglas; R. Durán: Mixed Finite Elements for Second Order Elliptic Problems in Three Variables, S. 237 GDZ Göttingen
  • James Weldon Demmel: On Condition Numbers and the Distance to the Nearest Ill-posed Problem, S. 251 GDZ Göttingen
  • Katalin, Vicsek, Mária Balla: On the Reduction of Holt’s Problem to a Finite Interval, S. 291 GDZ Göttingen
  • U. Banerjee: Lower Norm Estimates for Approximate Solutions of Differential Equations with Non-Smooth Coefficients, S. 303 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. A. Raviart; S. Mas-Gallic: A Particle Method for First-order Symmetric Systems, S. 323 GDZ Göttingen
  • Volkmar Friedrich; Bernd Hofmann: A Predictor-Corrector Technique for Constrained Least-Squares Regularization, S. 353 GDZ Göttingen
  • Bruno Gabutti; Paolo Lepora: The Numerical Performance of Tricomi’s Formula for Inverting the Laplace Transform, S. 369 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. V. Pao: Numerical Solutions for some Coupled Systems of Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems, S. 381 GDZ Göttingen
  • Krzysztof C. Kiwiel: A Constraint Linearization Method for Nondifferentiable Convex Minimization, S. 395 GDZ Göttingen
  • Carmen Dietel: A Fast Iterative Method for Solving Stationary Heat Conduction Problems on Regions Partitioned into Rectangles, S. 415 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Spedicato; J. Abaffy; A. Galántai: The Local Convergence of ABS Methods for Nonlinear Algebraic Equations, S. 429 GDZ Göttingen
  • Charles A. Micchelli; Alan Edelman: Admissible Slopes for Monotone and Convex Interpolation, S. 441 GDZ Göttingen
  • Laurence Halpern; Jeffrey Rauch: Error Analysis for Absorbing Boundary Conditions, S. 459 GDZ Göttingen
  • Josef Hekrdla: Index Transforms for N-dimensional DFT’s, S. 469 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Y. Li; T. , Yorke, James A. Sauer: The Random Product Homotopy and Deficient Polynomial Systems, S. 481 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Deuflhard; E. Hairer; J. Zugck: One-step and Extrapolation Methods for Differential-Algebraic Systems, S. 501 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Hadjidimos: Optimum Stationary and Nonstationary Iterative Methods for the Solution of Singular Linear Systems, S. 517 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Späth; G. A. Watson: On Orthogonal Linear …1 Approximation, S. 531 GDZ Göttingen
  • Tetsuro Yamamoto: A Convergence Theorem for Newton-Like Methods in Banach Spaces, S. 545 GDZ Göttingen
  • Hans-Peter Helfrich: Error Estimates for Semidiscrete Galerkin Type Approximations for Semilinear Evolution Equations with Nonsmooth Initial Data, S. 559 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Fiedler: Das asymptotische Verhalten der Peanokerne einiger interpolatorischer Quadraturverfahren, S. 571 GDZ Göttingen
  • Paul Wild: Accelerating the Convergence of Power Series of Certain Entire Functions, S. 583 GDZ Göttingen
  • Zi-Cai Li: Erratum. A Nonconforming Combined Method for Solving Laplace’s Boundary Value Problems with Singularities, S. 597 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. H. Sloan; P. M. Anselone: Numerical Solutions of Integral Equations on the Half Line. I. The Compact Case, S. 599 GDZ Göttingen
  • Martin H. Gutknecht: Attenuation Factors in Multivariate Fourier Analysis, S. 615 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. A. Belbas; I. D. Mayergoyz: Applications of Fixed-Point Methods to Discrete Variational and Quasi-Variational Inequalities, S. 631 GDZ Göttingen
  • Y. Maday; Ch. Bernardi; B. Métivet: Spectral Approximation of the Periodic-Nonperiodic Navier-Stokes Equations, S. 655 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. P. , Thiry, S. Thiran: Strict Chebyshev Approximation for General Systems of Linear Equations, S. 701 GDZ Göttingen

52.Bd, 1997


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • Edward R. Vrscay; W. J. Gilbert: Extraneous Fixed Points, Basin Boundaries and Chaotic Dynamics for Schröder and König Rational Iteration Functions, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • Gerhard Opfer; Hans Joachim Oberle: The Derivation of Cubic Splines with Obstacles by Methods of Optimization and Optimal Control, S. 17 GDZ Göttingen
  • Vitoriano Ruas: A Quadratic Finite Element Method for solving Biharmonic Problems in IRn, S. 33 GDZ Göttingen
  • Michel Roche: Rosenbrock Methods for Differential Algebraic Equations, S. 45 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. P. B. Eggermont: On Monotone Abel-Volterra Integral Equations on the Half Line, S. 65 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. K. Hebeker: On the Numerical Treatment of Viscous Flows Against Bodies with Corners and Edges by Boundary Element and Multigrid Methods, S. 81 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. D. Reddy; T. B. Griffin: Variational Principles and Convergence of Finite Element Approximations of a Holonomic Elastic-Plastic Problem, S. 101 GDZ Göttingen
  • Alkiviadis G. Akritas: A New Method for Computing Polynomial Greatest Common Divisors and Polynomial Remainder Sequences, S. 119 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Lubich: Convolution Quadrature and Discretized Operational Calculus. I, S. 129 GDZ Göttingen
  • Miloslav Feistauer; Alexander Zenisek: Compactness Method in the Finite Element Theory of Nonlinear Elliptic Problems, S. 147 GDZ Göttingen
  • Claudio Verdi; Augusto Visintin: Error Estimates for a Semi-Explicit Numerical Scheme for Stefan-Type Problems, S. 165 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Bernadou; Y. Ducatel; P. Trouvé: Approximation of a Circular Cylindrical Shell by Clough-Johnson Flat Plate Finite Elements, S. 187 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Monegato; V. Colombo: Product Integration for the Linear Transport Equation in Slab Geometry, S. 219 GDZ Göttingen
  • Walter Gautschi; Gabriele Inglese: Lower Bounds for the Condition Number of Vandermonde Matrices, S. 241 GDZ Göttingen
  • Arnold Reusken: Convergence of the Multigrid Full Approximation Scheme for a Class of Elliptic Mildly Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems, S. 251 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. P. Charlier; M. Vanbegin; P. Van Dooren: On Efficient Implementations of Kogbetliantz’s Algorithm for Computing the Singular Value Decomposition, S. 279 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Jeltsch; P. Kiani; K. Raczek: Counterexample to a Stability Barrier, S. 301 GDZ Göttingen
  • Franz Peherstorfer: On Gauss Quadrature Formulas with Equal Weights, S. 317 GDZ Göttingen
  • Daniele Funaro: Domain Decomposition Methods for Pseudo Spectral Approximations. Part I. Second Order Equations in one Dimension, S. 329 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. A. Chandler; I. G. Graham: The Convergence of Nyström Methods for Wiener-Hopf Equations, S. 345 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. W. Smith; J. D. Ward; W. F. Moss: Nonlinear Eigenvalue Approximation, S. 365 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Hairer; C. Lubich: Extrapolation at Stiff Differential Equations, S. 377 GDZ Göttingen
  • Takuya Tsuchiya: Enlargement Procedure for Resolution of Singularities at Simple Singular Solutions of Nonlinear Equations, S. 401 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Lubich: Convolution Quadrature and Discretized Operational Calculus. II, S. 413 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. E. Bank; H. Yserentant; T. F. Dupont: The Hierarchical Basis Multigrid Method, S. 427 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Dagnino; A. Palamara Orsi: Product Integration of Piecewise Continuous Integrands Based on Cubic Spline Interpolation at Equally Spaced Nodes, S. 459 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Guessab: Numerical Curvature Formulae with Preassigned Knots, S. 467 GDZ Göttingen
  • Katalin Balla; Mária Vicsek: Erratum. On the Reduction of Holt’s Problem to a Finite Interval, S. 479 GDZ Göttingen
  • Richard S. Varga; Gene H. Golub: Obituary to Peter Henrici (13. September 1923 – 13. March 1987), S. 481 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. S. Varga; G. Csordas; T. S. Norfolk: A Lower Bound for the de Bruijn-Newman Constant … , S. 483 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. B. Saff; S. W. Ellacott: On Clenshaws’s Method and a Generalisation to Faber Series, S. 499 GDZ Göttingen
  • Andreas Froomer: Comparison of Brown’s and Newton’s Method in the Monotone Case, S. 511 GDZ Göttingen
  • Winfried Auzinger: A Quantitative Discrete H2-Regularity Estimate for the Shortley-Weller Scheme in Convex Domains, S. 523 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Rannacher; H. Blum: Extrapolation Techniques for Reducing the Pollution Effect of Reentrant Corners in the Finite Element Method, S. 539 GDZ Göttingen
  • Gerald Moore: Defect Correction from a Galerkin Viewpoint, S. 565 GDZ Göttingen
  • Tommy Elfving; Lars-Erik Andersson: An Algorithm for Computing Constrained Smoothing Spline Functions, S. 583 GDZ Göttingen
  • Claus Schneider: An Analysis of Ralston’s Quadrature, S. 597 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ludwig Kohaupt: Erratum. Optimal L …-Error Estimates for Piecewise Linear Finite Elements in …, S. 604 GDZ Göttingen
  • Z. Jackiewicz; A. Bellen; M. Zennaro: Stability Analysis of One-Step Methods for Neutral Delay-Differential Equations, S. 605 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Strehmel; R. Weiner; J. Bruder: Partitioned Adaptive Runge-Kutta Methods for the Solution of Nonstiff and Stiff Systems, S. 621 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Dahmen; T. N. T. Goodman: Compactly Supported Fundamental Functions for Spline Interpolation, S. 639 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Heinig; P. Jankowski; K. Rost: Fast Inversion Algorithms of Toeplitz-plus-Hankel Matrices, S. 665 GDZ Göttingen
  • Giovanni Sacchi Landriani: Spectral Tau Approximation of the Two-Dimensional Stokes Problem, S. 683 GDZ Göttingen
  • Seymour V. Parter: Estimates for Multigrid Methods Based on Red-Black Gauss-Seidel Smoothings, S. 701 GDZ Göttingen

53.Bd, 1998


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • A. K. Aziz; A. B. Stephens; Manil Suri: Numerical Methods for Reaction-Diffusion Problems with Non-Differentiable Kinetics, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • Douglas N. Arnold; Richard S. Falk: A New Mixed Formulation for Elasticity, S. 13 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. G. Szymczak; J. M. Solomon: Multiple Discrete Solutions of the Incompressible Steady-Stae Navier-Stokes Equations, S. 31 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Vasilopoulos: On the Determination of Higher Order Terms of Singular Elastic Stress Fields Near Corners, S. 51 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. A. Socolovsky: On the Numerical Approximation of Finite Speed Diffusion Problems, S. 97 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. K. Aziz; R. B. Kellogg; …: A Two Point Boundary Value Problem with a Rapidly Oscillating Solution, S. 107 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. P. Franca; T. J. R. Hughes; A. F. D. Loula: A New Family of Stabel Elements for Nearly Incompressible Elasticity Based on a Mixed Petrov-Galerkin Finite Element Formulation, S. 123 GDZ Göttingen
  • Xingren Ying; I. Norman Katz: A Reliable Argument Principle Algorithm to Find the Number of Zeros of an Analytic Function in a Bounded Domain, S. 143 GDZ Göttingen
  • Werner C. Rheinboldt: On the Computation of Multi-Dimensional Solution Manifolds of Parametrized Equations, S. 165 GDZ Göttingen
  • Slimane Adjerid; Joseph E. Flaherty: Second-Order Finite Element Approximations and a posteriori Error Estimation for Two-Dimensional Parabolic Systems, S. 183 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ben Qi Guo: The h-p Version of the Finite Element Method for Elliptic Equations of Order 2m, S. 199 GDZ Göttingen
  • Franco Brezzi; Jim, Jr. Douglas: Stabilized Mixed Methods for the Stokes Problem, S. 225 GDZ Göttingen
  • Juhani Pitkäranta: Analysis of Some Low-Order Finite Element Schemes for Mindlin-Reissner and Kirchhoff Plates, S. 237 GDZ Göttingen
  • Gang Lou; Shih-Ping Han: A Parallel Projection Method for Solving Generalized Linear Least-Squares Problems, S. 255 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Niethammer; M. Eiermann; I. Marek: On the Solution of Singular Linear Systems of Algebraic Equations by Semiiterative Methods, S. 265 GDZ Göttingen
  • Haakon Waadeland; Lisa Jacobsen: Convergence Acceleration of Limit Periodic Continued Fractions Under Asymptotic Side Conditions, S. 285 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Wendland; K. Ruotsalainen: On the Boundary Element Method for Some Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems, S. 299 GDZ Göttingen
  • Chérif Amrouche; Vivette Girault: Une méthode d’approximation mixte des équations des fluides non newtoniens de troisième grade, S. 315 GDZ Göttingen
  • Sanzheng Qiao: Hybrid Algorithm for Fast Toeplitz Orthogonalization, S. 351 GDZ Göttingen
  • M:C. de Lopez de Silanes; D. Apprato: Estimations de l’erreur d’approximation sur un domaine borné de Rn par Dm-splines d’interpolation et d’ajustement discrètes, S. 367 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. C. Dunn: A Projected Newton Method for Minimization Problems with Nonlinear Inequality Constraints, S. 377 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Reimer: Optimal Interval Refinement near Singularities, S. 411 GDZ Göttingen
  • Marino Zennaro: Natural Runge-Kutta and Projection Methods, S. 423 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Vermiglio: Natural Continuous Extensions of Runge-Kutta Methods for Volterra Integrodifferential Equations, S. 439 GDZ Göttingen
  • Endre Süli: Convergence and Nonlinear Stability of the Lagrange-Galerkin Method for the Navier-Stokes Equations, S. 459 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. J. Evans; C. Li: Extrapolated Gauss-Seidel I and SOR Methods for Least-Squares Problems, S. 485 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Saranen: The Convergence of Even Degree Spline Collocation Solution for Potential Problems in Smooth Domains of the Plane, S. 499 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rolf Stenberg: A Family of Mixed Finite Elements for the Elasticity Problem, S. 513 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. L. Wendland; De-hao Yu: Adaptive Boundary Element Methods for Strongly Elliptic Integral Equations, S. 539 GDZ Göttingen
  • Olavi Nevanlinna; Timo Eirola: What do Multistep Methods Approximate?, S. 559 GDZ Göttingen
  • Gene H. Golub; Michael L. Overton: The Convergence of Inexact Chebyshev and Richardson Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems, S. 571 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. De Matteis; S. Pagnutti: Parallelization of Random Number Generators and Long-Range Correlations, S. 595 GDZ Göttingen
  • Erich Novak: Stochastic Properties of Quadrature Formulas, S. 609 GDZ Göttingen
  • U. Kirchgraber: An ODE-Solver Based on the Method of Averaging, S. 621 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. W. Schmidt; W. Burmeister: On the R-Order of Coupled Sequences Arising in Single-Step Type Methods, S. 653 GDZ Göttingen
  • Arnold Reusken: Convergence of the Multilevel Full Approximation Scheme including the V-Cycle, S. 663 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. D. Reddy: Convergence of Mixed Finite Element Approximations for the Shallow Arch Problem, S. 687 GDZ Göttingen
  • J.-P. Hennart; J. Jaffre; J. E. Roberts: A Constructive Method for Deriving Finite Elements of Nodal Type, S. 701 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Monegato; V. Colombo: Erratum to Numer. Math. 52, 219–240 (1988). Product Integration for the Linear Transport Equation in Slab Geometry, S. 739 GDZ Göttingen

54.Bd, 1999


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • John Todd: The Many Limits of Mixed Means. II. The Carlson Sequences, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ake Björck: A Direct Method for Sparse Least Squares Problems with Lower and Upper Bounds, S. 19 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. S. Lubinsky: Power Series Equivalent to Rational Functions: A Shifting-Origin Kronecker Type Theorem, and Normality of Padé Tables, S. 33 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ian H. Sloan: A Quadrature-Based Approach to Improving the Collocation Method, S. 41 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. H. Chan: Iterative Methods for Overflow Queuing Models II, S. 57 GDZ Göttingen
  • Michael Hanke: On a Least-Squares Collocation Method for Linear Differential-Algebraic Equations, S. 79 GDZ Göttingen
  • Eberhard Schock: Pointwise Rational Approximation and Iterative Methods for Ill-Posed Problems, S. 91 GDZ Göttingen
  • Andreas Frommer: A Unified Approach to Methods for the Simultaneous Computation of All Zeros of Generalized Polynomials, S. 105 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ned Anderson: Minimum Relative Error Approximations for 1/t, S. 117 GDZ Göttingen
  • Klaus Menke: Point Systems with Extremal Properties and Conformal Mapping, S. 125 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Schmidt; H. Strese: The Convergence of a Direct BEM for the Plane Mixed Boundary Value Problem of the Laplacian, S. 145 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Bshouty; N. Hengartner; …: A Constructive Method for Starlike Harmonic Mappings, S. 167 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. S. Sapidis; P. D. Kaklis; T. A. Loukakis: A Method for Computing the Tension Parameters in Convexity-Preserving Spline-in-Tension Interpolation, S. 179 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Giunta; G. Laccetti; M. R. Rizzardi: More on the Weeks Method for the Numerical Inversion of the Laplace Transform, S. 193 GDZ Göttingen
  • Georg Still: Computable Bounds for Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of Elliptic Differential Operators, S. 201 GDZ Göttingen
  • Bernd Fischer; Lothar Reichel: A Stable Richardson Iteration Method for Complex Linear Systems, S. 225 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ricardo H. Nochetto: Sharp L…-Error Estimates for Semilinear Elliptic Problems with Free Boundaries, S. 243 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Calvo; T. Grande: On the Asymptotic Stability of …-Methods for Delay Differential Equations, S. 257 GDZ Göttingen
  • V. I. Oliker; L. D. Prussner: On the Numerical Solution of the Equation ….-(….) = f and Its Discretizations, I, S. 271 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Saranen; K. Ruotsalainen: On the Convergence of the Galerkin Method for Nonsmooth Solutions of Integral Equations, S. 295 GDZ Göttingen
  • Walter Zulehner: On the Solutions to Polynomial Systems Obtained by Homotopy Methods, S. 303 GDZ Göttingen
  • Charles A. Micchelli; Nira Dyn: Piecewise Polynomial Spaces and Geometric Continuity of Curves, S. 319 GDZ Göttingen
  • Martin Costabel; Ernst P. Stephan: Duality Estimates for the Numerical Solution of Integral Equations, S. 339 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. M. M. Mattheij; U. M. Ascher: General Framework, Stability and Error Analysis for Numerical Stiff Boundary Value Methods, S. 355 GDZ Göttingen
  • S.-S. Chow: Finite Element Error Estimates for Non-Linear Elliptic Equations of Monotone Type, S. 373 GDZ Göttingen
  • Bosko S. Jovanovic: On the Convergence of Finite-Difference Schemes for Parabolic Equations with Variable Coefficients, S. 395 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Ito; F. Kappel: Approximation of Infinite Delay and Volterra Type Equations, S. 405 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Criscuolo; G. Mastroianni: On the Uniform Convergence of Gaussian Quadrature Rules for Cauchy Principal Value Integrals, S. 445 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Hackbusch; Z. P. Nowak: On the Fast Matrix Multiplication in the Boundary Element Method by Panel Clustering, S. 463 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. S. Gilliam; J. R. Lund; C. F. Martin: A Discrete Sampling Inversion Scheme for the Heat Equation, S. 493 GDZ Göttingen
  • Michael Krätzschmar: A Decomposition-Dualization Approach for Solving Constraint Convex Minimization Problems with Applications to Discretized Obstacle Problems, S. 507 GDZ Göttingen
  • Manfred Dobrowolski: A Discrete Solenoidal Finite Difference Scheme for the Numerical Approximation of Incompressible Flows, S. 533 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Wittum: Mulit-Grid Methods for Stokes and Navier-Stokes Equations. Transforming Smoothers: Algorithms and Numerical Results, S. 543 GDZ Göttingen
  • Claude Brezinski: Contraction Properties of Sequence Transformations, S. 565 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. M. Elliott; D. A. French; F. A Milner: A Second Order Splitting Method for the Cahn-Hilliard Equation, S. 575 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. J. Dekker; W. Hoffmann: Rehabilitation of the Gauss-Jordan Algorithm, S. 591 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ricardo H. Nochetto: Pointwise Accuracy of a Finite Element Method for Nonlinear Variational Inequalities, S. 601 GDZ Göttingen
  • Wilhelm Heinrichs: Konvergenzaussagen für Kollokationsverfahren bei elliptischen Randwertaufgaben, S. 619 GDZ Göttingen
  • Peter Zitnan: An a posteriori Error Estimation of the Rayleigh-Ritz Eigenvalues, S. 639 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. C. Guillot; P. Joly: Approximation by Finite Differences of the Propagation of Acoustic Waves in Stratified Media, S. 655 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jean-Paul Berrut: Barycentric Formulae for Cardinal (SINC-) Interpolants, S. 703 GDZ Göttingen
  • Harry Yserentant: Preconditioning Indefinite Discretization Matrices, S. 719 GDZ Göttingen

55.Bd, 2000


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • Néstor E. Aguilera: Numerical Analysis of Cavitational Flow-Theory, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Fernandez-Cara; Mercedes M. Beltran: The Convergence of two Numerical Schemes for the Navier-Stokes Equations, S. 33 GDZ Göttingen
  • Lori Badea: A Generalization of the Schwarz Alternating Method to an Arbitrary Number of Subdomains, S. 61 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Bunse-Gerstner; R. Byers; …: A Quaternion QR Algorithm, S. 83 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. Babuska; Manil Suri: The Treatment of Nonhomogeneous Dirichlet Boundary Conditions by the p-Version of the Finite Element Method, S. 97 GDZ Göttingen
  • Christoph Börgers: The Neumann-Dirichlet Domain Decomposition Method with Inexact Solvers on the Subdomains, S. 123 GDZ Göttingen
  • Yosihiko Ogata: A Monte Carlo Method for High Dimensional Integration, S. 137 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. T. Kelley; E. W. Sachs: A Pointwise Quasi-Newton Method for Unconstrained Optimal Control Problems, S. 159 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Blanchard; P. Le Tallec: Numerical Analysis of Evolution Problems in Nonlinear Small Strains Elastoviscoplasticity, S. 177 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Lubich: Linearly Implicit Extrapolation Methods for Differential-Algebraic Systems, S. 197 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. W. J. Lenferink: Contractivity Preserving Explicit Linear Multistep Methods, S. 213 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Hackbusch; A. Reusken: Analysis of a Damped Nonlinear Multilevel Method, S. 225 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. S. Lubinsky: On Uniform Convergence of rational, Newton-Padé Interpolants of Type (n, n) with Free Poles as n…., S. 247 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Y. Li; N. H. Rhee: Homotopy Algorithm for Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems, S. 265 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. B. Jones; Christopher Baltus: Truncation Error Bounds for Modified Continued Fractions with Applications to Special Functions, S. 281 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Verfürth: A Posteriori Error Estimators for the Stokes Equations, S. 309 GDZ Göttingen
  • Q. Zheng: Über die Existenz von unendlich vielen periodischen Lösungen einer einfachen Temperaturregelung, S. 327 GDZ Göttingen
  • Alexander Zenisek: Finite Element Variational Crimes in Parabolic-Elliptic Problems. Part I. Nonlinear Schemes, S. 343 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jorge J. Moré; Gerardo Toraldo: Algorithms for Bound Constrained Quadratic Programming Problems, S. 377 GDZ Göttingen
  • Junping Wang: Asymptotic Expansions and L…-Error Estimates for Mixed Finite Element Methods for Second Order Elliptic Problems, S. 401 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Van Huffel; J. Vandewalle: Algebraic Connections Between the Least Squares and Total Least Squares Problems, S. 431 GDZ Göttingen
  • Reinhard Fößmeier: On Richardson Extrapolation for Finite Difference Methods on Regular Grids, S. 451 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Roman; P. Charrier: Algorithmique et calculs de complexité pour un solveur de type dissections emboîtées, S. 463 GDZ Göttingen
  • Guido Walz: A Contour Integral Representation of Linear Extrapolation Methods, S. 477 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Graf; E. Novak; A. Papageorgiou: Bisection is not Optimal on the Average, S. 481 GDZ Göttingen
  • Manabu Sakai; Riaz A. Usmani: A Class of Simple Exponential B-Splines and Their Application to Numerical Solution to Singular Perturbation Problems, S. 493 GDZ Göttingen
  • Alex Pothen: Sparse Null Basis Computations in Structural Optimization, S. 501 GDZ Göttingen
  • Eugene O’Riordan; Martin Stynes: Uniformly Convergent Difference Schemes for Singularly Perturbed Parabolic Diffusion-Convection Problems Without Turning Points, S. 521 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Rentrop; M. Roche; G. Steinebach: The Application of Rosenbrock-Wanner Type Methods with Stepsize Control in Differential-Algebraic Equations, S. 545 GDZ Göttingen
  • Luis M. Floria; Robert B. Griffiths: Numerical Procedure for Solving a Minimization Eigenvalue Problem, S. 565 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Quarteroni; L. D. Marini: A Relaxation Procedure for Domain Decomposition Methods Using Finite Elements, S. 575 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Degond; B. Niclot: Numerical Analysis of the Weighted Particle Method Applied to the Semiconductor Boltzmann Equation, S. 599 GDZ Göttingen
  • Joseph W. Jerome: Newton’s Method for Gradient Equations Based upon the Fixed Point Map: Convergence and Complexity Study, S. 619 GDZ Göttingen
  • Mary E. Morley: A Family of Mixed Finite Elements for Linear Elasticity, S. 633 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Arioli; I. S. Duff; P. P. M. de Rijk: On the Augmented System Approach to Sparse Least-Squares Problems, S. 667 GDZ Göttingen
  • Marcin Studniarski: An Algorithm for Calculating One Subgradient of a Convex Function of Two Variables, S. 685 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. H. Meyer; K.-H. Hoffmann: A Least Squares Method for Finding the Preisach Hysteresis Operator from Measurements, S. 695 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. J. Thron; H. Waadeland; L. Jacobsen: Some Observations on the Distribution of Values of Continued Fractions, S. 711 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ronald Cools; Ann Haegemans: On the Construction of Multi-Dimensional Embedded Cubature Formulae, S. 735 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jean-Paul Berrut: Erratum. Barycentric Formulae for Cardinal (SINC-) Interpolants, S. 747 GDZ Göttingen

56.Bd, 2001


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • Didier A. Girard: A Fast ' Monte-Carlo Cross-Validation’ Procedure for Large Least Squares Problems with Noisy Data, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • Wilhelm Heinrichs: Spectral Methods with Sparse Matrices, S. 25 GDZ Göttingen
  • Patrick Le Tallec; Michel Ravachol: Finite Element Approximation of Viscoelastic Progressively Incompressible Flows, S. 43 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. G. Gal: A Construction of Monotonically Convergent Sequences from Successive Approximations in Certain Banach Spaces, S. 67 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Vince Fernando: Linear Coonvergence of the Row Cyclic Jacobi and Kogbetliantz Methods, S. 73 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. V. Negron-Marrero; C. Carbonera: The Numerical Computation of Compressed States of Nonlinearly Elastic Anisotropic Plates, S. 93 GDZ Göttingen
  • Richard S. Varga; Xiezhang Li: A Note on the SSOR and USSOR Iterative Methods Applied to p-Cyclic Matrices, S. 109 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Rodrigue; K. LiShan; L. Yu-Hui: Convergence and Comparison Analysis of Some Numerical Schwarz Methods, S. 123 GDZ Göttingen
  • Michael Eiermann: On Semiiterative Methods Generated by Faber Polynomials, S. 139 GDZ Göttingen
  • O. Axelsson; P. S. Vassilevski: Algebraic Multi Level Preconditioning Methods. I, S. 157 GDZ Göttingen
  • Martin H. Gutknecht: Stationary and Almost Stationary Iterative (k, l)-Step Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Equations, S. 179 GDZ Göttingen
  • Lothar Reichel: The Ordering of Tridiagonal Matrices in the Cyclic Reduction Method for Poisson’s Equation, S. 215 GDZ Göttingen
  • Wolfgang Hackbusch: The Frequency Decomposition Multi-Grid Method. Part I: Application to Anisotropic Equations, S. 229 GDZ Göttingen
  • Wilhelm Niethammer: The SOR Method on Parallel Computers, S. 247 GDZ Göttingen
  • Günter Mayer; Andreas Frommer: Parallel Interval Multisplittings, S. 255 GDZ Göttingen
  • Andreas Frommer: Parallel Nonlinear Multisplitting Methods, S. 269 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ludwig Elsner: Comparisons of Weak Regular Splittings and Multisplitting Methods, S. 283 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rudolf Wegmann: Conformal Mapping by the Method of Alternating Projections, S. 291 GDZ Göttingen
  • Feng Gao: A Probabilistic Theory for Error Estimation in Automatic Integration, S. 309 GDZ Göttingen
  • Georgi R. Grozev: Comparison Theorems for L-Monosplines of Minimal Norm, S. 331 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Reimer: Cardinal Hermite-Spline-Interpolation on the Equidistant Lattice, S. 345 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. J. Nessel; B. Büttgenbach; …: Sharp Estimates in Terms of Moduli of Smoothness for Compound Cubature Rules, S. 359 GDZ Göttingen
  • Alfred K. Louis; Andreas Rieder: Incomplete Data problems in X-Ray Computerized Tomography. II. Truncated Projections and Region-of-Interest Tomography, S. 371 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jukka Saranen: Extrapolation Methods for Spline Collocation Solutions of Pseudodifferential Equations on Curves, S. 385 GDZ Göttingen
  • J.-P. Kauthen: Continuous Time Collocation Methods for Volterra-Fredholm Integral Equations, S. 409 GDZ Göttingen
  • Harald Berger: A Convergent Finite Elemet Formulation for Transonic Flow, S. 425 GDZ Göttingen
  • M:C. de Lopez de Silanes; R. Arcangéli: Estimations de l’erreur d’approximation par splines d’interpolation et d’ajustement d’ordre (m, s), S. 449 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Frank; W. Auzinger: Asymptotic Error Expansions for Stiff Equations: an Analysis for the Implicit Midpoint and Trapezoidal Rules in the Strongly Stiff Case, S. 469 GDZ Göttingen
  • Paul Levrie: Improving a Method for Computing Non-Dominant Solutions of Cetain Second-Order Recurrence Relations of Poincaré-Type, S. 501 GDZ Göttingen
  • Gabriele Steidl; Manfred Tasche: Index Transforms for Multidimensional DFT’s and Convolutions, S. 513 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Greenbaum; C. Li; H. Z. Chao: Comparison of Linear System Solvers Applied to Diffusion-Type Finite Element Equations, S. 529 GDZ Göttingen
  • Martin H. Gutknecht: Continued Fractions Associated With the Newton-Padé Table, S. 547 GDZ Göttingen
  • O. Knoth: A Globalization Scheme for the Generalized Gauss-Newton Method, S. 591 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Grothe; J. Hermann-Eichenauer: A Remark on Long-Range Correlations in Multiplicative Congruential Pseudo Random Number Generators, S. 609 GDZ Göttingen
  • Shangyou Zhang: An Optimal Order Multigrid Method for Biharmonic, C1 Finite Element Equations, S. 613 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Deif: A Relative Backward Perturbation Theorem for the Eigenvalue Problem, S. 625 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Veselic; V. Hari: A Note on a One-sided Jacobi Algorithm, S. 627 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Hadjidimos; D. J. Pierce; …: Optimality Relationships for p-Cyclic SOR, S. 635 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. E. Bank; B. D. Welfert; …: A Class of Iterative Methods for Solving Saddle Point Problems, S. 645 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Lorenz; P. E. Kloeden: A Note on Multistep Methods and Attracting Sets of Dynamical Systems, S. 667 GDZ Göttingen
  • Dragoslav Herceg: Uniform Fourth Order Difference Scheme for a Singular Perturbation Problem, S. 675 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. H. Hundsdorfer; J. Schneid: An Algebraic Characterization of B-convergent Runge-Kutta Methods, S. 695 GDZ Göttingen
  • Koichi Niijima: Pointwise Error Estimates for a Streamline Diffusion Finite Element Scheme, S. 707 GDZ Göttingen
  • Diem Ho: Tchebyshev Acceleration Technique for Large Scale Nonsymmetric Matrices, S. 721 GDZ Göttingen
  • Uday Banerjee; John E. Osborn: Estimation of the Effect of Numerical Integration in Finite Element Eigenvalue Approximation, S. 735 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Motta; G. Russo; H. Moock; J. Wick: Point Approximation of a Space-Homogeneous Transport Equation, S. 763 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Monegato; P. Lepora: On the Numerical Resolution of the Generalized Airfoil Equation with Possio Kernel, S. 775 GDZ Göttingen
  • McArthur; K. M. ; K. L. Bowers; …: The Sinc Method in Multiple Space Dimensions: Model Probelms, S. 789 GDZ Göttingen
  • Borislav Bojanov; Daren Huang: Comparison of Optimal Quadrature Formulas, S. 817 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rolf Stenberg: Some New Families of Finite Elements for the Stokes Equations, S. 827 GDZ Göttingen

57.Bd, 2002


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • Zbigniew Leyk: Galerkin Method and Optimal Error Algorithms in Hilbert Spaces, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • Gabriel Wittum: On the Convergence of Multi-Grid Methods with Transforming Smoothers. Theory with Applications to the Navier-Stokes Equations, S. 15 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. D. Grigorieff; M. Calvo; T. Grande: On the Zero Stability of the Variable Order Variable Stepsize BDF-Formulas, S. 39 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jürg T. Marti: Small Potential Corrections for the Discrete Eigenvalues of the Sturm-Liouville Problem, S. 51 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Plato; G. Vainikko: On the Regularization of Projection Methods for Solving Ill-Posed Problems, S. 63 GDZ Göttingen
  • Martin Smoch: Anmerkungen zu einem Mehrgitterverfahren für lineare Komplementaritätsprobleme, S. 80 GDZ Göttingen
  • Michael Neumann; Martin Hanke: Preconditionings and Splittings for Rectangular Systems, S. 85 GDZ Göttingen
  • Catterina Dagnino: Product Integration of Singular Integrands Based on Cubic Spline Interpolation at Equally Spaced Nodes, S. 97 GDZ Göttingen
  • Charles K. Chui; H. Diamond: A Characterization of Multivariate Quasi-interpolation Formulas and its Applications, S. 105 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Schmeisser; Qazi I. Rahman: Characterization of the Speed of Convergence of the Trapezoidal Rule, S. 123 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. G. Ramm; A. van der Sluis: Calculating Singular Integrals as an Ill-posed Problem, S. 139 GDZ Göttingen
  • Olavi Nevanlinna: Linear Acceleration of Picard-Lindelöf Iteration, S. 147 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. G. Verwer; W. H. Hundsdorfer; …: Convergence Properties of the Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev Method, S. 157 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Choudury: Fully Discrete Galerkin Approximations of Parabolic Boundary-Value Problems with Nonsmooth Boundary Data, S. 179 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Marion; R. Temam: Nonlinear Galerkin Methods: The Finite Elements Case, S. 205 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ziping Huang: A Multi-Grid Algorithm for Mixed Problems with Penalty, S. 227 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. F. B. M. Kraaijevanger; K. Dekker; …: On the Relation Between Algebraic Stability and B-Convergence for Runge-Kutta Methods, S. 249 GDZ Göttingen
  • Bernard Bialecki: A Sinc Quadrature Rule for Hadamard Finite-part Integrals, S. 263 GDZ Göttingen
  • Sotirios E. Notaris: The Error Norm of Gaussian Quadrature Formulae for Weight Functions of Bernstein-Szegö Type, S. 271 GDZ Göttingen
  • Roland Freund: On Conjugate Gradient Type Methods and Polynomial Preconditioners for a Class of Complex Non-Hermitian Matrices, S. 285 GDZ Göttingen
  • Lakshman S. Thakur: A Direct Algorithm for Optimal Quadratic Splines, S. 313 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jochen W. Schmidt; Isa Scholz: A Dual Algorithm for Convex-Concave Data Smoothing by Cubic C2-Splines, S. 333 GDZ Göttingen
  • John W. Barrett; R. M. Shanahan: Total Flux Estimates for a Finite Element Approximation of the Dirichlet Problem Using the Boundary Penalty Method, S. 351 GDZ Göttingen
  • Avram Sidi: On a Generalization of the Richardson Extrapolation Process, S. 365 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. von Petersdorff; E. P. Stephan: On the Convergence of Multi-Grid Methods for a Hypersingular Integral Equation of the First Kind, S. 379 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rainer Garus; Tassilo Küpper: Computation of the Smallest Positive Eigenvalue of a Quadratic ..-matrix, S. 393 GDZ Göttingen
  • Yiannis G. Saridakis: Domains of Divergence of the USSOR Method Applied on p-Cyclic Matrices, S. 405 GDZ Göttingen
  • Likang Li: Discretization of the Timoshenko Beam Probelm by the p and the h-p Versions of the Finite Element Method, S. 413 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Sikorski; G. M. Trojan: Asymptotic Near Optimality of the Bisection Method, S. 421 GDZ Göttingen
  • Christoph Börgers: Domain Embedding Methods for the Stokes Equations, S. 435 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Vuik: An L2-Error Estimate for an Approximation of the Solution of a Parabolic Variational Inequality, S. 453 GDZ Göttingen
  • Tibor Fiala: On the Monotonity of Incomplete Factorization, S. 473 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Trouvé: Sur la convergence des méthodes d’éléments finis nonconformes pour des problèmes linéaires de coques minces, S. 481 GDZ Göttingen
  • Anmerkungen
  • G. Birkhoff; Robert E. Lynch: Some Current Questions on Solving Linear Elliptic Problems, S. 527 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. G. Ciarlet: A New Class of Variational Problems Arising in the Modeling of Elastic Multi-Structures, S. 547 GDZ Göttingen
  • Joseph W. Jerome; Th. Kerkhoven: L… Stability of Finite Element Approximations to Elliptic Gradient Equations, S. 561 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Gautschi; A. Córdova; …: Vandermonde Matrices on the Circle: Spectral Properties and Conditioning, S. 577 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Niethammer; M. Eiermann; …: Optimal Successive Overrelaxation Iterative Methods fo P-Cyclic Matrices, S. 593 GDZ Göttingen
  • Gene H:, Gutknecht, M. H. Golub: Modified Moments for Indefinite Weight Functions, S. 607 GDZ Göttingen
  • Douglas James; Robert J. Plemmons: An Iterative Substructuring Algorithm for Equilibrium Equations, S. 625 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Jakimovski; M. R. Akhlaghi; …: Equiconvergence of Some Complex Interpolatory Polynomials, S. 635 GDZ Göttingen
  • Larry L. Schumaker; Peter Alfeld: On the Dimension of Bivariate Spline Spaces of Smoothness r and Degree d = 3r + 1, S. 651 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Berens; M. Finzel: A Continuous Selection of the Metric Projection in Matrix Spaces, Addendum, S. 663 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. G. Lorentz; R. A. Lorentz: Bivariate Hermite Interpolation and Applications to Algebaric Geometry, S. 669 GDZ Göttingen
  • Werner C. Rheinboldt; P. J. Rabier: On a Computational Method for the Second Fundamental Tensor and its Application to Bifurcation Problems, S. 681 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. B. Gragg; L. Reichel: A Divide and Conquer Method for Unitary and Orthogonal Eigenproblems, S. 695 GDZ Göttingen
  • Lothar Reichel: Fast Solution Methods for Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind, S. 719 GDZ Göttingen
  • John Todd: The Weierstrass Mean. I. The periods of …(z|e1, e2, e3), S. 737 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Braess; C. Blömer: A Multigrid Method for a Parameter Dependent Problem in Solid Mechanics, S. 747 GDZ Göttingen
  • Klaus-J. Förster; Knut Petras: On a Problem Proposed by H. Braß Concerning the Remainder Term in Quadrature for Convex Functions, S. 763 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ivar Lie: The Stability Function for Multistep Collocation Methods, S. 779 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. A. Light: The Chebyshev Solution of Certain Matrix Equations, S. 789 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Mas-Gallic; G. H. Cottet: A Particle Method to Solve the Navier-Stokes System, S. 805 GDZ Göttingen

58.Bd, 2003


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • Charles A. Micchelli; Nira Dyn: Interpolation by sums of radial functions, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • Frédéric Bourquin: Analysis and comparison of several components mode synthesis methods on one-dimensional domains, S. 11 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jacques Baranger; Khalid Najib: Analyse numérique des écoulements quasi-Newtoniens dont la viscosité obéit à la loi puissance ou la loi de carreau, S. 35 GDZ Göttingen
  • Alexander Zenisek: The finite element method for nonlinear elliptic equations with discontinuous coefficients, S. 51 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jan Mandel: On block diagonal and Schur complement preconditioning, S. 79 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. K. Aziz; M. Schneider; R. Lemmert: A finite element method for the nonlinera Tricomi problem, S. 95 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Heinig; P. Jankowski: Parallel and superfast algorithms for Hankel systems of equations, S. 109 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Plato; B. Eicke; A. K. Louis: The instability of some gradient methods for ill-posed problems, S. 129 GDZ Göttingen
  • Pablo V. Négron Marrero: A numerical method for detecting singular minimizers of multidimensional problems in nonlinear elasticity, S. 135 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rainer Kress: A Nyström method for boundary integral equations in domains with corners, S. 145 GDZ Göttingen
  • Harry Yserentant: Two preconditioners based on the multi-level splitting of finite element spaces, S. 163 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. E. Bank; J. F. Bürgler; …: Some upwinding techniques for finite element approximations of convection-diffusion equations, S. 185 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Dörfler: The conditioning of the stiffness matrix for certain elements approximating the incompressibility condition in fluid dynamics, S. 203 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. M. Sanz-Serna; T. Ortega: Nonlinear stability and convergence of finite-differnce methods for the „good“ Boussinesq equation, S. 215 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Pitonyak; P. Shi; M. Shillor: On an iterative method for variational inequalities, S. 231 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Hairer; J. M. Sanz-Serna; A. Iserles: Equilibria of Runge-Kutta methods, S. 243 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Peyerimhoff; W. Kratz: A numerical algorithm for the Stokes problem based on an integral equation for the pressure via conformal mappings, S. 255 GDZ Göttingen
  • Franz Peherstorfer: Gauss-Tchebycheff quadrature formulas, S. 273 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ricardo Durán: Superconvergence for rectangular mixed finite elements, S. 287 GDZ Göttingen
  • David Stewart: A high accuracy method for solving ODEs with continuous right-hand side, S. 299 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ana C. Matos: Acceleration methods based on convergence tests, S. 329 GDZ Göttingen
  • Steve Batterson: Convergence of the shifted QR algorithm on 3 x 3 normal matrices, S. 341 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Govaerts: Bordered augmented linear systems in numerical continuation and bifurcation, S. 353 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. H. Schild: Gaussian collocation via defect correction, S. 369 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ivo Marek; Daniel B. Szyld: Comparison theorems for weak splittings of bounded operators, S. 387 GDZ Göttingen
  • Daniele Funaro; Wilhelm Heinrichs: Some results about the pseudospectral approximation of one-dimensional fourth-order problems, S. 399 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Hairer; A. Ostermann: Dense output for extrapolation methods, S. 419 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Sacchi Landriani; H. Vandeven: A multidomain spectral collocation method for the Stokes problem, S. 441 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Saranen; P. P. B. Eggermont: Lp estimates of boundary integral equations for some nonlinear boundary value problems, S. 465 GDZ Göttingen
  • Olavi Nevanlinna: Power bounded prolongations and Picard-Lindelöf iteration, S. 479 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jean Thomann: Resommation des series formelles. Solutions d’équations différentielles linéaires ordinaires du second ordre dans le champ complexe au voisinage de singularités irrégulières, S. 503 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. H. Sloan; G. A. Chandler: Spline qualocation methods for boundary integral equtions, S. 537 GDZ Göttingen
  • Charles K:, Diamond, Harvey Chui: A General framework for local interpolation, S. 569 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jesse L. Barlow: Error analysis of a pairwise summation algorithm to compute the sample variance, S. 583 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Riemenschneider; Karl Scherer: Cardinal hermite interpolation with box splines II, S. 591 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Dziuk: An algorithm for evolutionary surfaces, S. 603 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. R. Sweet: Fast block Toeplitz orthogonalization, S. 613 GDZ Göttingen
  • Lin Qun: Fourth order eigenvalue approximation by extrapolation on domains with reentrant corners, S. 631 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. G. Spain; N. J. Young; J. W. Helton: Tracking poles and representing Hankel operators directly from data, S. 641 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. J. J. te Riele: A new lower bound for the de Bruijn-Newman constant, S. 661 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. P. Morgan; A. J. Sommese; …: Computing singular solutions to nonlinear analytic systems, S. 669 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. J. Rose; P. J. Lanzkron; D. B. Szyld: Convergence of nested classical iterative methods for linear systems, S. 685 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Stewart; G. Zhang: Eigenvalues of graded matrices and the condition numbers of a multiple eigenvalue, S. 703 GDZ Göttingen
  • Zhiqiang Cai: On the finite volume element method, S. 713 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Saha; P. C. Das; N. N. Kishore: A shape-optimization technique for the capillary surface problem, S. 737 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Niezgódka; Jürgen Sprekels: Convergent numerical approximations of the thermomechanical phase transitions in shape memory alloys, S. 759 GDZ Göttingen
  • Gautam M. Shroff: A parallel algorithm for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a general complex matrix, S. 779 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Begumisa; Ian Robinson: Suboptimal Kronrod extension formulae for numerical quadrature, S. 807 GDZ Göttingen
  • Arnold Reusken: Steplength optimization and linear multigrid methods, S. 819 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Lubich: On the convergence of multistep methods for nonlinear stiff differential equations, S. 839 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Schneider: Stability of a spline collocation method for strongly elliptic multidimensional singular integral equations, S. 855 GDZ Göttingen
  • Andreas Rieder: The wavelet transform on Sobolev spaces and its approximation properties, S. 875 GDZ Göttingen

59.Bd, 2004


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • G. W. Stewart; G. Zhang: On a direct method for the solution of nearly uncoupled Markov chains, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • Lutz Tobiska; Gerd Lube: A modified streamline diffusion method for solving the stationary Navier-Stokes equation, S. 13 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. D. Akrivis; V. A. Dougalis; …: On fully discrete Galerkin methods of second-order temporal accuracy for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, S. 31 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Führer; B. J. Leimkuhler: Numerical solution of differential-algebraic equations for constrained mechanical motion, S. 55 GDZ Göttingen
  • Geneviève Amiez; P.-A. Gremaud: On a numerical approach to Stefan-like problems, S. 71 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Lancaster; L. Elsner; I. Koltracht: Convergence properties of ART and SOR algorithms, S. 91 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Durán; M. A. Muschietti; …: On the asymptotic exactness of error estimators for linear triangular finite elements, S. 107 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. F. B. M. Kraaijevanger; J. Schneid: On the unique solvability of the Runge-Kutta equations, S. 129 GDZ Göttingen
  • Pierpaolo Omari; Igor Moret: A quasi-Newton method for solving fixed point problems in Hilbert spaces, S. 159 GDZ Göttingen
  • Fernando Reitich: Singular solutions of a transmission problem in plane linear elasticity for wedge-shaped regions, S. 179 GDZ Göttingen
  • John W. Barrett; R. M. Shanahan: Finite element approximation of a model reaction – diffusion problem with a non-Lipschitz nonlinearity, S. 217 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Vanden Berghe; H. De Meyer: Accurate computation of higher Sturm-Liouville eigenvalues, S. 243 GDZ Göttingen
  • Min Chen; Roger Temam: Incremental unknowns for solving partial differential equations, S. 255 GDZ Göttingen
  • Miguel A. Hernández Verón: A note on Halley’s method, S. 273 GDZ Göttingen
  • Louis; A. K. ; P. Maaß: Smoothed projection methods for the moment problem, S. 277 GDZ Göttingen
  • Yves Nievergelt: Aitken’s and Steffensen’s accelerations in several variables, S. 295 GDZ Göttingen
  • Lucio Torelli: A sufficient condition for GPN-stability for delay differential equations, S. 311 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. F. D’Azevedo; R. B. Simpson: On optimal triangular meshes for minimizing the gradient error, S. 321 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Carstensen: Inclusion of the roots of a polynomial based on Gerschgorin’s theorem, S. 349 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. S. Gilliam; J. R. Lund; C. F. Martin: Inverse parabolic problems and discrete orthogonality, S. 361 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Radoslovescu Capatina; M. Cocu: Internal approximation of quasi-variational inequalities, S. 385 GDZ Göttingen
  • Y. Tourigny; E. Süli: The finite element method with nodes moving along the characteristics for convection-diffusion equations, S. 399 GDZ Göttingen
  • Bernard Bialecki: An alternating direction implicit method for orthogonal spline collocation linear systems, S. 413 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. D. Lazarov; R. E. Ewing; …: Local refinement techniques for elliptic problems on cell-centered grids. III. Algebraic multilevel BEPS preconditioners, S. 431 GDZ Göttingen
  • Markus Hegland: On the parallel solution of tridiagonal systems by wrap-around partitioning and incomplete LU factorization, S. 453 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Kunisch; G. Peichl: Estimation of a temporally and spatially varying diffusion coefficinet in a parabolic system by an augmented Lagrangian technique, S. 473 GDZ Göttingen
  • Petra Peisker: A multigrid method for Reissner-Mindlin plates, S. 511 GDZ Göttingen
  • Guido Walz: Asymptotic expansions and acceleration of convergence for higher order iteration processes, S. 529 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Elsner; Volker Mehrmann: Convergence of block iterative methods for linear systems arising in the numerical solution of Euler equations, S. 541 GDZ Göttingen
  • Gene H. Golub; Urs von Matt: Quadratically constrained least squares and quadratic problems, S. 561 GDZ Göttingen
  • Soren Jensen: On computing the pressure by the p version of the finite element method for Stokes problem, S. 581 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ji-guang Sun: Eigenvalues of Rayleigh quotient matrices, S. 603 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Verfürth: Finite element approximation of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with slip boundary condition II, S. 615 GDZ Göttingen
  • Leonhard Bittner: A numerical sampling problem and the Weyl pseudorandom numbers, S. 637 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Elbert: An approximation for the zeros of Bessel functions, S. 647 GDZ Göttingen
  • Joseph Hersch; William Sawyer: Numerical implementation of coherence for the example of the „Swiss Cross“, S. 659 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ulrich Mertins: Zur Konvergenz des Rayleigh-Ritz-Verfahrens bei Eigenwertaufgaben, S. 667 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Meyer-Spasche; Bengt Fornberg: Discretization errors at free boundaries of the Grad-Schlüter-Shafranov equation, S. 683 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Prössdorf: On the super-approximation property of Galerkin’s method with finite elements, S. 711 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Strehmel; R. Weiner; M. Büttner: Order results for Rosenbrock type methods on classes of stiff equations, S. 723 GDZ Göttingen
  • Michael Weba: Interpolation of random functions, S. 739 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Chipot: Numerical analysis of oscillations in nonconvex problems, S. 747 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ricardo Durán: The inf-sup condition and error estimates for the Arnold-Falk plate bending element, S. 769 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Grippo; F. Lampariello; S. Lucidi: A class of nonmonotone stabilization methods in unconstrained optimization, S. 779 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. N. Spijker; K. J. In’t Hout: Stability analysis of numerical methods for delay differential equations, S. 807 GDZ Göttingen
  • René Lamour: A well-posed shooting method for transferable DAE’s, S. 815 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Quarteroni; G. Sacchi Landriani; …: Coupling of viscous and inviscid Stokes equations via a domain decomposition method for finite elements, S. 831 GDZ Göttingen

60.Bd, 2005


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • A. Bunse-Gerstner; R. Byers; …: Numerical computation of an analytic singular value decomposition of a matrix valued function, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • Xiao-Chuan Cai: Additive Schwarz algorithms for parabolic convection-diffusion equations, S. 41 GDZ Göttingen
  • Houde Han: A boundary element method for Signorini problems in three dimensions, S. 63 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rolf Jeltsch; Peywand Kiani: Stability of a family of multi-time-level difference schemes for the advection equation, S. 77 GDZ Göttingen
  • Kurt Jetter; Joachim Stöckler: Algorithms for cardinal interpolation using box splines and radial basis functions, S. 97 GDZ Göttingen
  • Volker Mehrmann; Peter Kunke: Smooth factorizations of matrix valued functions and their derivatives, S. 115 GDZ Göttingen
  • Larry L. Schumaker; Cornelia Traas: Fitting scattered data on spherelike surfaces using tensor products of trigonometric and polynomial splines, S. 133 GDZ Göttingen
  • Anders Barrlund: Constrained least squares methods for linear timevarying DAE systems, S. 145 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rodolfo Bermejo: Analysis of an algorithm for the Galerkin-characteristic method, S. 163 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Criscuolo; G. Mastroianni; …: Uniform convergence of derivatives of extended Lagrange interpolation, S. 195 GDZ Göttingen
  • Barry F. Smith: A domain decomposition algorithm for elliptic problems in three dimensions, S. 219 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Verfürth: A posteriori error estimators for the Stokes equations II non-conforming discretizations, S. 235 GDZ Göttingen
  • Adam T. Zawilski: Numerical stability of the cyclic Richardson iteration, S. 251 GDZ Göttingen
  • John W. Barrett; Roma Chakrabarti: Finite element approximation of the volume-matching problem, S. 291 GDZ Göttingen
  • Roland W. Freund; N. M. Nachtigall: QMR: a quasi-minimal residual method for non-Hermitian linear systems, S. 315 GDZ Göttingen
  • Martin Hanke: Accelerated Landweber iterations for the solution of ill-posed equations, S. 341 GDZ Göttingen
  • Vjeran Hari: On sharp quadratic convergence bounds for the serial Jacobi methods, S. 375 GDZ Göttingen
  • Willi Jäger; Jozef Kacur: Solution of porous medium type systems by linear approximation schemes, S. 407 GDZ Göttingen
  • Mark Ainsworth; Alan Craig: A posteriori error estimators in the finite element method, S. 429 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. C. Butcher; R. P. K. Chan: On symmetrizers for Gauss methods, S. 465 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Dahmen; R. A. DeVore; …: On monotone extensions of boundary data, S. 477 GDZ Göttingen
  • Weimin Han: Finite element analysis of a holonomic elastic-plastic problem, S. 493 GDZ Göttingen
  • D. Hinrichsen; A. J. Pritchard: On spectral variations under bounded real matrix perturbations, S. 509 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Kerkhoven; Y. Saad: On acceleration methods for coupled nonlinear elliptic systems, S. 525 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. L. Lee; Roger C. E. Tan; W. S. Tang: L2-approximation by the translates of a function and related attenuation factors, S. 549 GDZ Göttingen

61.Bd, 2006


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • Giles Auchmuty: A posteriori error estimates for linear equations, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. E. Bank; M. Benbourenane: The hierarchical basis multigrid method for convection-diffusion equations, S. 7 GDZ Göttingen
  • Alfredo Bemúdez; Dolores G. Pedreira: Mathematical analysis of a finite element method without spurious solutions for computation of dielectric waveguides, S. 39 GDZ Göttingen
  • Glenn Schober; John H. Ewing: The area of the Mandelbrot set, S. 59 GDZ Göttingen
  • Josef Stoer; Bingsheng He: Solution of projection problems over polytopes, S. 73 GDZ Göttingen
  • Monga-Made Magolu: Modified block-approximate factorization strategies, S. 91 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. M. Mills; S. J. Smith: The Lebesgue constant for Lagrange interpolation on equidistant nodes, S. 111 GDZ Göttingen
  • Zhimin Zahng: Arch beam models: finite element analysis and superconvergence, S. 117 GDZ Göttingen
  • Uday Banerjee: A note on the effect of numerical quadrature in finite element eigenvalue approximation, S. 145 GDZ Göttingen
  • X.-Ch. Cai; W. D. Gropp; D. E. Keyes: Convergence rate estimate for a domain decomposition method, S. 153 GDZ Göttingen
  • Gabriel N. Gatica; George C. Hsiao: On the coupled BEM and FEM for a nonlinear exterior Dirichlet problem in R2, S. 171 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. A. Nicolaides; Xiaohua Hu: Covolume techniques for anisotropic media, S. 215 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ch. G. Makridakis: On mixed finite element methods for linear elastodynamics, S. 235 GDZ Göttingen
  • Sylvia Novo; Jesús Rojo: Some remarks on an ODE-solver of Kirchgraber, S. 261 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ji-guang Sun: On condition numbers of a nondefective multiple eigenvalue, S. 265 GDZ Göttingen
  • Lubich. C. : Erratum: On the convergence of multistep methods for nonlinear stiff differential equations, S. 277 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. M. Sanz-Serna; T. Eirola: Conservation of integrals and symplectic structure in the integration of differential equations by multistep methods, S. 281 GDZ Göttingen
  • Bosco Garcia-Archilla: A supraconvergent scheme for the Korteweg-de Vries equation, S. 291 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Thomas King: Multilevel algorithms for ill-posed problems, S. 311 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. Lube: Streamline diffusion finite element method for quasilinear elliptic problems, S. 335 GDZ Göttingen
  • E. Süli; K. W. Morton; T. Murdoch: Optimal error estimation for Petrov-Galerkin methods in two dimensions, S. 359 GDZ Göttingen
  • Tao Tang: Superconvergence of numerical solutions to weakly singular Volterra integro-differential equations, S. 373 GDZ Göttingen
  • Frank Uhlig: Are the coefficients of a polynomial well-conditioned functions of its roots?, S. 383 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ronald Cools; Pierre Verlinden: On cubature formulae of degree 4k + 1 attaining Möller’s lower bound for integrals with circular symmetry, S. 395 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. A. C. Weidemann: The eigenvalues of Hermite and rational spectral differentiation matrices, S. 409 GDZ Göttingen
  • Clemens W. Brand: An incomplete-factorization preconditioning using repeated red-black ordering, S. 433 GDZ Göttingen
  • Martin D. Buhmann; Ch. A. Micchelli: Spline prewavelets for non-uniform knots, S. 455 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. R. Graves-Morris: Extrapolation methods for vector sequences, S. 475 GDZ Göttingen
  • Lisa Lorentzen: Arithmetic operations with regular C-fractions, S. 489 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. J. Pesch; S. Miesbach: Symplectic phase flow approximation for the numerical integration of canonical systems, S. 501 GDZ Göttingen
  • Juhani Pitkäranta: The problem of membrane locking in finite element analysis of cylindrical shells, S. 523 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Prössdorf; I. H. Sloan: Quadrature method for singular integral equations on closed curves, S. 543 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Vermiglio: On the stability of Runge-Kutta methods for delay integral equations, S. 561 GDZ Göttingen

62.Bd, 2007


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • H. J. C. Barbosa; Thomas J. R. Hughes: Boundary Lagrange multipliers in finite element methods: error analysis in natural forms, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • Sven G. Bartels; Desmond J. Higham: The structured sensitivity of Vandermonde-like systems, S. 17 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. P. B. Eggermont: On the quadrature error in operational quadrature methods for convolutions, S. 35 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jie Shen: On error estimates of some higher order projection and penalty-projection methods for Navier-Stokes equations, S. 49 GDZ Göttingen
  • Agnès Tourin: A comparison theorem for a piecewise Lipschitz continuous Hamiltonian and application to Shape-from-Shading problems, S. 75 GDZ Göttingen
  • Marc Van Barel; Adhemar Bultheel: A new formal approach to the rational interpolation problem, S. 87 GDZ Göttingen
  • Musheng Wie: Algebraic relations between the total least squares and least squares problems with more than one solution, S. 123 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Fortin; Z. Mghazli: Analyse d’un élément mixte pour le problème de Stokes . I. Résultats générauax, S. 149 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Fortin; Z. Mghazli: Analyse d’un élément mixte pour le problème de Stokes . II. Construction et estimations d’erreur, S. 161 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Oswald: On a hierarchical basis multilevel method with nonconforming P1 elements, S. 189 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. Papamichael; N. S. Stylianopoulos: A domain decomposition method for approximating the conformal modules of long quadrilaterals, S. 213 GDZ Göttingen
  • Satish C. Reddy; Lloyd N. Trefethen: Stability of the method of lines, S. 235 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jens Lorenz; Eric F. de Van de Felde: Adaptive data distribution for concurrent continuation, S. 269 GDZ Göttingen
  • I. H. Sloan; G. A. Chandler: Erratum: Spline qualocation methods for boundary integral equations, S. 295 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ricardo Durán; Rodolfo Rodriguez: On the asymptotic exactness of Bank-Weiser’s estimator, S. 297 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. Elsner; M. Neumann; I. Koltracht: Convergence of sequential and asynchronous nonlinear paracontractions, S. 305 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Habbal; D. Chenais: Deterioration of a finite element method for arch structures when the thickness goes to zero, S. 321 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. L. Wendland; C. Schwab: On numerical cubatures of singular surface integrals in boundary element methods, S. 343 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. Sonar: Entropy production in second-order three-point schemes, S. 371 GDZ Göttingen
  • Sze-Ping Wong: Preconditioning conforming finite element methods for treating Dirichlet boundary conditions. I, S. 391 GDZ Göttingen
  • Sze-Ping Wong: Preconditioning conforming finite element methods for treating Dirichlet boundary conditions. II, S. 413 GDZ Göttingen
  • Manil Suri; Ivo Babuska: Locking effects in the finite element approximation of elasticity problems, S. 439 GDZ Göttingen
  • Amos J. Carpenter: Asymptotics for the zeros of the generalized Bessel polynomials, S. 465 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. A. Chandler: Midpoint collocation for Cauchy singular integral equations, S. 483 GDZ Göttingen
  • Martin Costabel; William McLean: Spline collocation for strongly elliptic equations on the torus, S. 511 GDZ Göttingen
  • Nicholas J. Higham: Estimating the matrix p-norm, S. 539 GDZ Göttingen
  • Geno Nikolov: On the monotonicity of sequences of quadrature formulae, S. 557 GDZ Göttingen

63.Bd, 2008


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • Georgios D. Akrivis: Finite difference discretization of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. Baranger; D. Sandri: Finite elemnt approximation of viscoelastic fluid flow: Existence of approximate solutions and error bounds, S. 13 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Brezinski; M. R. Zaglia; H. Sadok: A breakdown-free Lanczos type algorithm for solving linear systems, S. 29 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. M. Elliott; M. I. M. Copetti: Numerical analysis of the Cahn-Hilliard equation with a logarithmic free energy, S. 39 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Fischer; M. Defranceschi; …: Molecular Hartree-Fock equations for iteration-variation calculations in momentum space, S. 67 GDZ Göttingen
  • Klaus Hallatschek: Fouriertransformation auf dünnen Gittern mit hierarchischen Basen, S. 83 GDZ Göttingen
  • Marc Van Barel; Adhemar Bultheel: A parallel algorithm for discrete least squares rational approximation, S. 99 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jin-Chao Xu; Wei-Chang Shann: Galerkin-wavelet methods for two-point boundary value problems, S. 123 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. Glowinski; Y. Achdou; …: Tuning the mesh of a mixed method for the stream function. Vorticity formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations, S. 145 GDZ Göttingen
  • John C. Clements: A convexity-preserving C2 parametric rational cubic interpolation, S. 165 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Elbert; A. Laforgia; L. G. Rodona: Asymptotics for the nth-degree Laguerre polynomial evaluated at n, S. 173 GDZ Göttingen
  • Richard E. Ewing; JunPing Wang: Analysis of mixed finite element methods on locally refined grids, S. 183 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Jai; G. Bayada; M. Chambat: The L.P.D.E.M., a mixed finite difference method for elliptic problems, S. 195 GDZ Göttingen
  • Roy Mathias: Evaluating the Frechet derivative of the matrix exponential, S. 213 GDZ Göttingen
  • U. Mertins: Asymptotische Fehlerschranken für Rayleigh-Ritz-Approximationen selbstadjungierter Eigenwertaufgaben, S. 227 GDZ Göttingen
  • Peter Monk: A finite element method for approximating the time-harmonic Maxwell equations, S. 243 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ronald Cools; Jan Verschelde: Nonlinear reduction for solving deficient polynomial systems by continuation methods, S. 263 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Wright: Differencial equations for the analytic singular value decomposition of a matrix, S. 283 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ulrich Langer; Dieter Bahlmann: A fast solver for the first biharmonic boundary value problem, S. 297 GDZ Göttingen
  • Wolfgang Dahmen; Angela Kunoth: Multilevel preconditioning, S. 315 GDZ Göttingen
  • Andreas Frommer; Daniel B. Szyld: H-Splittings and two-stage iterative methods, S. 345 GDZ Göttingen
  • Irena Lasiecka: Convergence rates for the approximations of the solutions to algebraic Riccati Equations with unbounded coefficients: case of analytic semigroups, S. 357 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. P. Morgan; A. J. Sommese; …: A power series method for computing singular solutions to nonlinear analytic systems, S. 391 GDZ Göttingen
  • Reinhard Nabben: On a class of matrices which arise in the numerical solution of Euler equations, S. 411 GDZ Göttingen
  • Wolfgang Hackbusch: The frequency decomposition multi-grid method. II. Convergence analysis based on the additive Schwarz method, S. 433 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ch:, Schneider, R. Lubich: Time discretization of parabolic boundary integral equations, S. 455 GDZ Göttingen
  • R. D. Lazarov; A. I. Pehlivanov; …: Superconvergence analysis of approximate boundary-flux calculations, S. 483 GDZ Göttingen
  • Junping Wang; P. S. Vassilevski: Multilevel iterative methods for mixed finite element discretizations of elliptic problems, S. 503 GDZ Göttingen
  • Xuejun Zhang: Multilevel Schwarz methods, S. 521 GDZ Göttingen

64.Bd, 2009


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • J. C. Archer; E. Le Gruyer: Two shape preserving Lagrange …-interpolants, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • B. D. Reddy; K. Arunakirinathar: Mixed finite element methods for elastic rods of arbitrary geometry, S. 13 GDZ Göttingen
  • L. A. Baughman; N. J. Walkington: Co-volume methods for degenerate parabolic problems, S. 45 GDZ Göttingen
  • C. Carstensen; Martin Reinders: On a class of higher order methods for simultaneous rootfinding of generalized polynomials, S. 69 GDZ Göttingen
  • Q. Du; M. Gunzburger; J. Peterson: Finite element approximation of a periodic Ginzburg-Landau model for type-II superconductors, S. 85 GDZ Göttingen
  • Cetin Kaya Koc; Guanrong Chen: A fast algorithm for scalar Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation, S. 115 GDZ Göttingen
  • Andreas Lindae: On shooting methods for the discrete Helmholtz equation with constant coefficients, S. 127 GDZ Göttingen
  • Vjeran Hari; Zlatko Drmac: On quadratic convergence bounds for the J-symmetric Jacobi method, S. 147 GDZ Göttingen
  • Miloud Sadkane: A block Arnoldi-Chebyshev method for computing the leading eigenpairs of large sparse unsymmetric matrices, S. 181 GDZ Göttingen
  • Miloud Sadkane: Block-Arnoldi and Davidson methods for unsymmetric large eigenvalue problems, S. 195 GDZ Göttingen
  • Richard S. Varga; Gerhard Starke: A hybrid Arnoldi-Faber iterative method for nonsymmetric systems of linear equations, S. 213 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Veselic: A Jacobi eigenreduction algorithm for definite matrix pairs, S. 241 GDZ Göttingen
  • Min Chen; Roger Temam: Nonlinear Galerkin method in the finite difference case and wavelet-like incremental unknowns, S. 271 GDZ Göttingen
  • Roland W. Freund; Hongyuan Zha: A look-ahead algorithm for the solution of general Hankel systems, S. 295 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. L. Lions; E. Rouy; A. Tourin: Shape-from-Shading, viscosity solutions and edges, S. 323 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. N. Lyness; E. de Doncker: Quadrature error expansions. II. The full corner singularity, S. 355 GDZ Göttingen
  • Sotirios E. Notaris: Error bounds for Gauss-Kronrod quadrature formulae of analytic functions, S. 371 GDZ Göttingen
  • Sotirios E. Notaris: The error norm of Gauss-Lobatto quadrature formulae for weight functions of Bernstein-Szegö type, S. 381 GDZ Göttingen
  • Daniel Stoffer: General linear methods: connection to one step methods and invariant curves, S. 395 GDZ Göttingen
  • K. Strehmel; R. Weiner; M. Arnold: Half-explicit Runge-Kutta methods for semi-explicit differential-algebraic equations of index 1, S. 409 GDZ Göttingen
  • John W. Barrtt; W. B. Liu: Finite element error analysis of a quasi-Newtonian flow obeying the Carreau or power law, S. 433 GDZ Göttingen
  • Harry Yserentant; F. Bornemann: A basic norm equivalence for the theory of multilevel methods, S. 455 GDZ Göttingen
  • H. Esser; R. J. Nessel; B. Büttgenbach: On the comparison of error bounds for finite difference schemes, S. 477 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. J. McKenna; Y. S. Choi; M. Romano: A mountain pass method for the numerical solution of semilinear wave equations, S. 487 GDZ Göttingen
  • T. N. L. Patterson: Modified optimal quadrature extensions, S. 511 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Rentrop; C. Führer; B. Simeon: The Drazin inverse in multibody system dynamics, S. 521 GDZ Göttingen

65.Bd, 2010


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • S. Adjerid; J. E. Flaherty; Y. J. Wang: A posteriori error estimation with finite element methods of lines for one-dimensional parabolic systems, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • Mark Ainsworth; J. Tinsley Oden: A unified approach to a posteriori error estimation using element residual methods, S. 23 GDZ Göttingen
  • Jesse L. Barlow: Perturbation results for nearly uncoupled Markov chains with applications to iterative methods, S. 51 GDZ Göttingen
  • Borislav Bojanov: Interpolation by periodic splines with Birkhoff knots, S. 63 GDZ Göttingen
  • Stephen L. Campbell: Least squares completions for nonlinear differential algebraic equations, S. 77 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. , Jr. Douglas; P. J. , … Paes Leme: A parallel iterative procedure applicable to the approximate solution of second order partial differential equations by mixed finite element methods, S. 95 GDZ Göttingen
  • Colm Art O’Cinneide: Entrywise perturbation theory and error analysis for Markov chains, S. 109 GDZ Göttingen
  • Knut Petras: Asymptotics for the remainder of a class of positive quadratures for integrands with an interior singularity, S. 121 GDZ Göttingen
  • G. W. Stewart: On the perturbation of Markov chains with nearly transient states, S. 135 GDZ Göttingen
  • Francois Alouges; Arnaud Debussche: On the discretization of a partial differential equation in the neighborhood of a periodic orbit, S. 143 GDZ Göttingen
  • Christopher C. Paige; Musheng Wei: Analysis of the generalized total least squares problem AX … B when some columns of A are free of error, S. 177 GDZ Göttingen
  • Michel Pierre; Jean R. Roche: Numerical simulation of tridimensional electromagnetic shaping of liquid metals, S. 203 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. D. Ward; N. Sivakumar: On the least squares fit by radial functions to multidimensional scattered data, S. 219 GDZ Göttingen
  • Yongzhong Song: Some comparison theorems for nonnegative splittings of matrices, S. 245 GDZ Göttingen
  • Sze-Ping Wong: Preconditioning P1 nonconforming finite elements: condition numbers and singular value distributions, S. 253 GDZ Göttingen
  • Olivier Edder: Anylysis of a simplified model of drop combustion, S. 273 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. M. Ferrándiz; M. Teresa Pérez: A family of multistep methods to integrate orbits on spheres, S. 285 GDZ Göttingen
  • Yvan Notay: On the convergence rate of the conjugate gradients in presence of rounding errors, S. 301 GDZ Göttingen
  • Giuseppe Savaré: A (…)-stable approximations of abstract Cauchy problems, S. 319 GDZ Göttingen
  • W. Spann: On the boundary element method for the Signorini problem of the Laplacian, S. 337 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ji-guang Sun: Backward perturbation analysis of certian characteristic subspaces, S. 357 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ann Haegemans; Pierre Verlinden: An error expansion for cubature with an integrand with homogeneous boundary singularities, S. 383 GDZ Göttingen
  • Laurent Jay: Collocation methods for differential-algebraic equations of index 3, S. 407 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Joe; Y. Yan: A piecewise constant collocation method using cosine mesh grading for Symm’s equation, S. 423 GDZ Göttingen
  • Dieter Kuhn: About existence and uniqueness of the restricted total least squares estimation, S. 435 GDZ Göttingen
  • Tarek P. Mathew: Schwarz alternating and iterative refinemnt methods for mixed formulations of elliptic problems, part I: algorithms and numerical results, S. 445 GDZ Göttingen
  • Tarek P. Mathew: Schwarz alternating and iterative refinemnt methods for mixed formulations of elliptic problems, part II: convergence theory, S. 469 GDZ Göttingen
  • Richard S. Varga; Reinhard Nabben: An algorithm for determining if the inverse of a strictly diagonally dominant Stieltjes matrix is strictly ultrametric, S. 493 GDZ Göttingen
  • Mitsuhiro T. Nakao; N. Yamamoto: Numerical verifications of solutions for elliptic equations in nonconvex polygonal domains, S. 503 GDZ Göttingen
  • L.-Q. Zhang; G.-Q. Han: Optimal homotopy methods for solving nonlinear systems. Part 1. Nonsingular homotopy paths, S. 523 GDZ Göttingen

66.Bd, 2011


GDZ Göttingen = DigiZeitschriften

  • V. Caselles; F. Catté; T. Coll; …: A geometric model for activ contours in image processing, S. 1 GDZ Göttingen
  • F. Locher: A stability test for real polynomials, S. 33 GDZ Göttingen
  • Mark A. Lukas: Asymptotic optimality of generalized cross-validation for choosing the regularization parameter, S. 41 GDZ Göttingen
  • A. Rathsfeld: On quadrature methods for the double layer potential equation over the boundary of a polyhedron, S. 67 GDZ Göttingen
  • Vjeran Hari; Noah H. Rhee: On the global and cubic convergence of a quasi-cyclic Jacobi method, S. 97 GDZ Göttingen
  • J. M. de Villiers: A nodal spline interpolant for the Gregory rule of even order, S. 123 GDZ Göttingen
  • S. Champier; T. Gallouet; R. Herbin: Convergence of an upstream finite volume scheme for a nonlinear hyperbolic equation on a triangular mesh, S. 139 GDZ Göttingen
  • Thomas M. Fischer: A spectral Galerkin approximation of the Orr-Sommerfeld eigenvalue problem in a semi-finite domain, S. 159 GDZ Göttingen
  • Frédéric d’Hennezel: Domain decomposition method and elastic multi-structures: the stiffened plate problem, S. 181 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ian H. Sloan; Rainer Kress: On the numerical solution of a logarithmic integral equation of the first kind for the Helmholtz equation, S. 199 GDZ Göttingen
  • N. Levenberg; L. Reichel: A generalized ADI iterative method, S. 215 GDZ Göttingen
  • M. Z. Nashed; X. Chen: Convergence of Newton-like methods for singular operator equations using outer inverses, S. 235 GDZ Göttingen
  • O. Scherzer: Convergence rates of iterated Tikhonov regularized solutions of nonlinear Ill-posed problems, S. 259 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rémi Arcangeli; Bernard Ycart: Almost sure convergence of smoothing Dm-splines for noisy data, S. 281 GDZ Göttingen
  • Randolph E. Bank; Tony F. Chan: An analysis of the composite step biconjugate gradient method, S. 295 GDZ Göttingen
  • Klaus-Jürgen Förster: Exit criteria and monotonicity in compound quadrature of Gaussian type, S. 321 GDZ Göttingen
  • Ben-yu Guo; Jian Li: Fourier-Chebyshev pseudospectral method for two-dimensional vorticity equation, S. 329 GDZ Göttingen
  • Martin Stynes; Wen Guo: Finite element analyis of exponentially fitted Lumped schemes for time-dependent convection-diffusion problems, S. 347 GDZ Göttingen
  • Rob Stevenson: Robustness of multi-grid applied to anisotropic equations on convex domains with re-entrant corners, S. 373 GDZ Göttingen
  • Liqing Zhang: Two-sided approximation to periodic solutions of ordinary differential equations, S. 399 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Amodio; F. Mazzia: Boundary value methods for the solution of differential-algebraic equations, S. 411 GDZ Göttingen
  • U. Göhner; G. Warnecke: A shock indicator for adaptive transonic flow computations, S. 423 GDZ Göttingen
  • P. Oswald; M. Griebel: On additive scharz preconditioners for sparse grid discretizations, S. 449 GDZ Göttingen
  • Robert McLachlan: Symplectic integration of Hamiltonian wave equations, S. 465 GDZ Göttingen
  • Luca F. Pavarino: Additive Schwarz methods for the p-version finite element method, S. 493 GDZ Göttingen
  • Charles W. Wampler: An efficient start system for multi-homogeneous polynomial continuation, S. 517 GDZ Göttingen
  • Hermann Weber: A multigrid method for a Petrov-Galerkin discretization of the Stokes equations, S. 525 GDZ Göttingen