Notwendiges Modul für die Benutzung der Vorlage {{Marker}}

local uc = {}

uc.msg = {
	 [0] = 'No error detected',
	 [1] = 'Host with non-ASCII characters',
	 [2] = 'Host is IP address',
	 [3] = 'URL is empty',
	 [4] = 'URL has more then 2048 characters',
	 [5] = 'URL contains control marks or spaces',
	 [6] = 'Missing or wrong protocol',
	 [7] = 'Host starts with slash / character',
	 [8] = 'Host contains invalid character combinations',
	 [9] = 'More than one commercial ats @ in host detected',
	[10] = 'Commercial at @ detected but user or host are missing',
	[11] = 'More than one colon : in user detected',
	[12] = 'Colon : detected but user or password are missing',
	[13] = 'User has more than 64 characters',
	[14] = 'Host ist empty',
	[15] = 'More than one colon : in host detected',
	[16] = 'Colon : detected but host or port are missing',
	[17] = 'Port out of range of 0 ... 65535',
	[18] = 'Host has more than 253 characters',
	[19] = 'Host with missing dot as domain separator',
	[20] = 'Host has dot but no top-level domain',
	[21] = 'Unknown top-level domain',
	[22] = 'Invalid host structure',

function uc.ip4( address )
	local value
	local parts = { address:match("(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)") }
	if #parts == 4 then
		for _,value in pairs( parts ) do
			if tonumber( value ) < 0 or tonumber( value ) > 255
				then return 0 end
		return 1 -- ok
		return 0

function uc.isUrl( url )
	-- return codes 0 through 2 reserved
	if ( url == nil ) or ( type( url ) ~= 'string' ) then return 3 end

	local s = mw.text.trim( url )
	if s == '' then return 3 end
	if #s > 2048 then return 4 end
		-- limitation because of search engines or IE
	if s:find( '%s' ) or s:find( '%c' ) or s:match( '^%.' ) then return 5 end

	-- protocol
	local count
	s,count = s:gsub( '^http://', '' )
	if count == 0 then
		s,count = s:gsub( '^https://', '' )
--		if count == 0 then
--			s,count = s:gsub( '^//', '' )
--		end
	if count == 0 then return 6 end -- missing or wrong protocol

	local user = ''
	local password = ''
	local host = ''
	local port = ''
	local path = ''
	local topLevel = ''
	local at

	-- split path from host
	at = s:find( '/' )
	if at ~= nil then
		path = s:sub( at + 1, #s )
		s = s:sub( 1, at - 1 )
		if not s then return 7 end

	-- future: add path check
	-- split at '/', last part: t == mw.uri.encode( t ) ?

	if s:find( '%.%.' ) or s:find( '%.@' ) or s:find( '@[%.%-]' )
		or s:find( '%-%.' ) or s:find( '%.%-' ) or s:find( '%./' ) or s:find( '/%.' )
		then return 8 end

	-- user and password
	_,count = s:gsub( '@', '@' )
	if count > 1 then return 9 end
	if count == 1 then
		at = s:find( '@' )
		user = s:sub( 1, at - 1 )
		host = s:sub( at + 1, #s )
		if not user or not s then return 10 end

		_,count = user:gsub( ':', ':' )
		if count > 1 then return 11 end
		if count == 1 then
			at = user:find( ':' )
			password = user:sub( at + 1, #user )
			user = user:sub( 1, at - 1 )
			if not user or not password then return 12 end
			if #user > 64 then return 13 end
		host = s
	if host == '' then return 14 end

	-- host and port
	_,count = host:gsub( ':', ':' )
	if count > 1 then return 15 end
	if count == 1 then
		at = host:find( ':' )
		port = host:sub( at + 1, #host )
		host = host:sub( 1, at - 1 )
		if not host or not port then return 16 end
		if ( port:match( '^[1-9]%d*$' ) == nil ) or
			( tonumber( port ) > 65535 ) then return 17 end

	-- handle host part
	if #host > 253 then return 18 end

	-- getting top-level domain
	at = host:match( '^.*()%.' ) -- find last dot
	if at == nil then return 19 end
	topLevel = host:sub( at + 1, #host )
	if not topLevel then return 20 end

	-- future: check of top-level domain

	if uc.ip4( host ) == 1 then return 2 end -- is ip4 address
	if not mw.ustring.match( host, '^[%w%.%-]+%.%a%a+$' ) then return 22 end
	if not host:match( '^[%w%.%-]+%.%a%a+$' ) then
		return 1 -- matches domain only in UTF 8 mode

	return 0

function uc.checkUrl( frame )
	local args = frame.args
	args.url   = args.url or ''  = or ''

	local result = uc.isUrl( args.url )
	if == 'msg' then
		if uc.msg[result] == nil then
			return 'Unknown error'
			return uc.msg[result]
		return result

return uc