Notwendiges Modul für die Benutzung der Vorlage {{Marker}}

return {

	-- see also: Modul:VCard/Types

	-- Standard
	["default"]		= "sight",

	-- go: journey and mobility

	['Q719456']     = 'go',         -- station
	['Q334166']     = 'go',         -- mode of transport
	['Q740752']     = 'go',         -- transport company

	['Q44782']      = 'port',
	['Q1248784']    = 'airport',    -- Flughafen
	['Q62447']      = 'airport',    -- Flugplatz
	['Q55488']      = 'train',      -- Bahnhof
	['Q55678']      = 'train',      -- Haltepunkt
	['Q25653']      = 'ferry',      -- Fähre
	['Q44377']      = 'tunnel',     -- Tunnel

	-- see, sights

	["Q839954"]     = "archaeological site",	-- archäologische Stätte, allgemein
	['Q12280']      = 'bridge',     -- Brücke
	['Q41176']      = 'building',   -- Gebäude
	['Q811979']     = 'building',   -- Bauwerk
	['Q1497364']    = 'building',   -- Gebäudekomplex
	['Q23413']      = 'castle',     -- Burg
	['Q35509']      = 'cave',
	['Q39614']      = 'cemetery',   -- Friedhof
	['Q751876']     = 'château',    -- Schloss
	['Q16970']      = "church",     -- Kirche
	['Q4421']       = 'forest',
	['Q47692']      = 'garden',     -- Garten
	['Q1107656']    = 'garden',
	['Q53060']      = 'gate',       -- Tor
	['Q39715']      = 'lighthouse', -- Leuchtturm
	['Q32815']      = "mosque",     -- Moschee
	['Q33506']      = 'museum',     -- Museum
	['Q759421']     = 'nature reserve',
	['Q16560']      = 'palace',     -- Palast
	['Q22698']      = 'park',       -- Park
	['Q728904']     = 'park',       -- Naturpark
	['Q159719']     = 'power',      -- Kraftwerk
	['Q34442']      = 'road',       -- Straße
	['Q83620']      = 'road',       -- Verkehrsweg
	['Q570116']     = 'see',        -- Sehenswürdigkeit
	['Q174782']     = 'square',     -- Platz
	['Q543654']     = 'town hall',
	["Q44539"]      = "temple",		-- Tempel, allgemein
	["Q427287"]     = "temple",		-- Wat in Thailand, Kambodscha, Myanmar und Laos
	["Q842402"]     = "temple",		-- Hindutempel
	["Q13466456"]   = "temple",		-- Millionenjahrhaus
	["Q927825"]     = "temple",		-- Totentempel
	['Q12518']      = 'tower',
	['Q43483']      = 'well',
	['Q43501']      = 'zoo',

	-- do, culture

	['Q153562']     = 'opera house',
	['Q24354']      = 'theater',
	['Q1060829']    = 'concert hall',

	-- do, recreation

	-- do, sports and fitness

	-- buy, shopping

	['Q11315']      = 'mall',
	['Q37654']      = 'market',

	-- eat: Küche

	['Q27038993']   = 'eat',        -- food establishment
	['Q27077054']   = 'eat',        -- catering company

	['Q11707']      = 'restaurant',

	-- drink: Ausgehen

	['Q5307737']    = 'drink',      -- drinking establishment

	['Q187456']     = 'bar',
	['Q30022']      = 'cafe',

	-- sleep: Unterkunft

	['Q5056668']    = 'sleep',      -- lodging

	['Q654772']     = 'hostel',
	["Q27686"]      = "hotel",
	-- other, health
	['Q16917']      = 'hospital',

	-- other, teaching & learning

	['Q7075']       = 'library',

	-- other, administration and uncategorized

	['Q182060']     = 'office',
	['Q43229']      = 'organisation',
	['Q18411786']   = 'tourist information',

	-- settlements

	['Q515']        = 'city',
	['Q532']        = 'village',
	['Q486972']     = 'settlement',

	-- view
