Diskussion:Grammatik des arabischen Vulgärdialectes von Aegypten

Letzter Kommentar: vor 2 Jahren von Marsupium in Abschnitt Notizen zur Rezeption

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Soweit ich es übersehen kann, ist das Werk das bis heute umfangreichste zur Grammatik des Ägyptisch-Arabischen. Hier Kommentare zu Spittas Grammatik, die ich finden konnte:

  • „For those who wish to study the language scientifically, Spitta-Bey’s Grammatik des arabischen Vulgardialectes von Aegypten (Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1880) is indispensable.“ (Mary Brodrick (ed.) (1900). "A handbook for travellers in Lower and Upper Egypt", S. 161)
  • „These two works form perhaps the most remarkable contribution to Oriental linguistics during the last quarter of the nineteenth century, and are, in every respect, models of philological research and statement. No one who has read the deeply-interesting preface to the “Grammatik” can doubt the warmth of the hope which he entertained […]. The striking and forcible paragraph which closes the preface has been frequently cited, but a translation of it here can hardly be out of place: […]“ (An Egyptian Alphabet for the Egyptian People, 2. Aufl., Internet Archive, S. 5–6)
  • „[…] I know of few grammars of any language which are more carefully and honestly written. […] Spitta's preface also provides an accurate model of how objectively linguistic research should be conducted.“ (Richard S. Harrell (1956). "Egyptian Arabic Studies". The Middle East Journal. 10 (3): S. 307–312, JSTOR, hier S. 308)

Es sollte möglich sein, diese Auszüge um einiges mehr zu ergänzen. --Marsupium (Diskussion) 14:39, 3. Jun. 2022 (CEST), 10:19, 29. Jun. 2022 (CEST)Beantworten

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