Diskussion:Charles Julius Kullmer

    Born Mar. 5, 1879, in Sedalia, Mo.     f. John M. Kullmer, Feb. 10, 1849, Lafayette, Ind.     m. Sallie Adelaide Fenner, Dec. 18, 1856, Bellevue, Iowa.
    Assistant Professor of German, 1904–05. Prepared in Great Falls, Mont. B. A., 1899, Harvard; M. A., same, 1900; Ph. D., 1901, Tubingen, Wurtenberg. Instructor in Harvard Col1. and Radcliffe Col1., 1901–04; Instructor in German, Illinois, 1904–05; Asst. Professor in Syracuse Univ., 1905–. Article, A Passage in Herman and Dorothea, Mod. Lang. Notes, XX, pp. 239-240; Member of Modern Lang. Asson., 1901, Univ. Club, Syracuse, 1905.
    Address, 413 Forman Ave., Syracuse, N. Y.“ – The alumni record of the University of Illinois at Urbana, 1906, p. 529
  • „Charles Julius Kullmer, head of the department of German, Syracuse (N. Y.) University, died, February 4, …“ – School & Society, vol. 55, 1942, p. 183

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