Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexicon Aller Wissenschafften und Künste

Watson, (David)


Watson, (Johann)

Band: 53 (1747), Spalte: 822. (Scan)

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* {{Zedler Online|53|Watson, (Jacob)|822|}}
{{Wikisource|Zedler:Watson, (Jacob)|Watson, (Jacob)|Artikel in [[Johann Heinrich Zedler|Zedlers’]] [[Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexicon Aller Wissenschafften und Künste|Universal-Lexicon]] (1747)}}

Watson, (Jacob) ein Engelländer, hat geschrieben: History of the art of Printing, containing an account of its invention and Progres in Europe with the names of the famous Printers, the places of their birth and the worcks printed by hem, and a preface by the Publisher to the Printers in Scotland, Edimburg 1713. in 8. Wolfii Monumenta typograph. T. I. p. 68.